inqr, 101, quiz 1
Any piece of information will always be useful and accurate, regardless of where you find it.
In the internet age, fewer people than ever are able to create and spread information for reading audiences.
What fifteenth century European invention revolutionized the way medieval authors created multiple and accurate copies of their work?
printing press
The greatest challenge of researching in the Information Age is managing our flow of knowledge to ensure we encounter reliable and useful information.
Our textbook, and this class, is concerned with understanding, finding, using, and evaluating:
What is the term that describes a person who is responsible and sensible in his or her approach to Information?
Information Literate
The term our textbook uses to describe the massive amount of information produced in the Information Age is:
Information Overload
Our readings mention that information is no longer difficult to transmit and thus has become less reliable. Think about social media - what's the best and preferred mindset to have when you encounter an article posted there?
Research the publication
Any piece of information has the potential to be useful and accurate, regardless of where you find it.
Different kinds of tasks require different kinds of information and different methods to find that information.