Interactive Animation: Stream Processes: Oxbow Lakes and Floodplain Development
Where do deposition and erosion of material occur along a meander?
Deposition occurs on the inside of the meander, whereas erosion occurs on the outside
What is a meander scar?
a landscape feature formed after an oxbow lake dries up
What is an oxbow lake?
a meander that has been cut off from the original stream channel
What is the dominant fluvial process in a clear, sediment-poor stream moving down a steep slope?
What type of stream is associated with the formation of an oxbow lake?
meandering stream
Which processes result in the widening of the floodplain of a meandering stream? Which processes result in the widening of the floodplain of a meandering stream?
undercutting and lateral erosion
How are oxbow lakes formed?
Oxbow lakes form when one meander erodes into another, cutting off water to part of the stream channel.