International Health Exam 2
about 1/3
About what share of deaths worldwide are from communicable disease
At the time they start to take up foods complementary to breastfeeding, since they are sometimes prepared in unhygienic ways and may cause diarrhea in the young child
At what stage do children often start to falter in growth and nutritional status
Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia
Besides HIV/AIDS, what are two of the most common sexually transmitted diseases which afflict women in low- and middle-income countries
E coli; salmonella
Give an example of two infections one might get from food borne bacteria
Diarrhea can kill young children quickly, especially poorly nourished children in poor countries
How dangerous is diarrhea to infants and young children in the developing world
Bacteria that spread disease are often passed through the oral-fecal route via dirty hands
How does hand washing contribute to a reduction in diarrhea
Infant mortality is almost perfectly correlated with family income; the more money the family has, the lower the infant mortality rate
How does infant mortality vary with family income
Mental disorders represent the leading cause of years of life lived with disability globally among ages 15-44. Mental disorders cause more DALYs than any category of NCD except cardiovascular disease. Mental disorders contribute to more than 35% of the loss of economic output among all classes of noncommunicable diseases.
If mental illness causes so few deaths, why is so important to global health concerns
Number of new cases of NCDs will rise because of aging, urbanization, globalization, and lifestyle changes. Many diseases are chronic so the number of people with disease will rise as well. Low- and middle-income countries will have to deal with NCDs and communicable diseases.
If present trends continue, how would you expect the burden of noncommunicable disease to change over the next decade globally
Because they cause an exceptional amount of illness, disfigurement, and disability
If so few people die of worms, why are they so important to global health concerns
South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
In what regions are communicable diseases a higher share of deaths than non-communicable disease
Children are often indoors with their mothers as they cook; they are often fed with hands that are not washed properly; they are exposed regularly in many countries to water that is not clean
In what ways are children especially susceptible to environmentally related health problems
Women do most of the cooking and are more subject to indoor air pollution than men are
In what ways are women disproportionately affected by indoor air pollution
widespread prevalence in the adult population, the fact it is chronic, and specific treatments can be expensive
In what ways is diabetes a costly disease to deal with
It discourages investment, causes money that could be used on the investments to be used for malaria, and causes people to have lower production
In what ways is malaria said to reduce the GNP in Africa
Eliminate two stroke engines; eliminate leaded gasoline; use natural gas to power vehicle
Name three of the more cost-effective measures that can be taken to reduce outdoor air pollution in large cities of low- and middle-income countries
Improve stoves and use propane or kerosene for fuel
Name two cost-effective measures to reduce indoor air pollution in low- and middle-income countries
From both to two years of age, since damage done during this "window of opportunity" is often irreversible
What age group should be the focus of efforts to ensure that children grow up properly nourished
Twice a year supplementation and fortification when possible
What are cost-effective approaches to addressing deficiency of vitamin A in children?
Lower respiratory conditions, HIV/AIDS, diarrheal diseases, TB, malaria, measles
What are five of the leading causes of death from communicable disease
Tax but beware of illicit alcohol consumption, limiting hours when alcohol can be bought or sold and checking sobriety of drivers, adding policies over time.
What are some measures that can be taken in cost-effective ways to reduce the consumption of alcohol
Iron deficiency anemia, pregnancy, vulnerability to STIs
What are some of the biological determinants that affect the health of a woman
Implementing tobacco and alcohol use reducing policies and practices, promote exercise programs and educate about healthy eating habits.
What are some of the cost-effective measures that can be taken to lower the risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Reduced immunity and blindness
What are some of the effects of deficiency in vitamin A
Increasing rates of obesity, population aging, and large-scale efforts to reduce obesity not being successful
What are some of the factors contributing to the rapid rise of Type II diabetes worldwide?
Standposts or dug wells
What are some of the lowest cost approaches to providing water in low-income countries
The direct costs of caring for women who suffer violence and the productivity they forego as a result of illness or disability linked to violence
What are some of the most important economic costs associated with violence against women in low- and middle-income countries
Pain, shock, infection, obstructed labor
What are some of the risks to the health of a girl that are associated with female genital cutting
Women generally have less income than men and less social power
What are some of the social determinants that affect the health of a woman
Work with producers to reduce sugars and salts in food, mass education programs combined with interventions involving direct communication, and public policies and community layouts that promote physical activity.
What are some of the steps that can be taken to reduce obesity
Failure to properly complete a course of TB therapy
What are the causes of the development of drug resistant TB
Neonatal disorders, pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles
What are the five most important causes of death of infants and children under 5 years of age in low- and middle-income countries
Vitamin A, iodine, iron, and zinc
What are the four micronutrients that are most often of concern to the well being of children in low- and middle-income countries
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months
What are the global recommendations on duration of breastfeeding
Undernutrition can lead to reduced immunity and infection; infection reduces appetite and further weakens nutritional stat
What are the key links between infection and undernutrition
Low birthweight is strongly correlated with high rates of infant and child mortality; malnutrition is the leading risk factor for health among children in low- and middle-income countries
What are the links between nutrition and the MDG for reducing child mortality
Early diagnosis and treatment, intermittent preventive therapy of pregnant women, insecticide treated bed nets, indoor residual spray
What are the main pillars for addressing malaria in low- and middle-income countries
Pit latrines or simple pour-flush toilet pans
What are the most important low-cost approaches to improving sanitation at the household level in low-income countries
Sex, ethnicity, hypertension, tobacco use, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol consumption.
What are the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, TB
What are the six diseases against which the basic immunizations are given in the global Expanded Program on Immunization
Delay in recognizing a complication of labor, delay in transporting the woman to a facility that can provide appropriate care, and delay in giving that
What are the three delays that contribute to maternal death in low- and middle- income countries
Infections, preterm birth, and asphyxia
What are the three leading causes of neonatal mortality
Hemorrhage, sepsis, and hypertensive disorders
What are the three most important individual causes of maternal death in low- and middle-income countries
Clean cutting of the umbilical cord, keep the baby warm, be able to diagnose and treat pneumonia
What are three important measures that can be taken to reduce infant mortality at low-cost in low- and middle-income countries
China and India
What are three of the countries in which sex-selective abortion is most prominent
India, Nigeria, China, (Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia)
What are three of the countries that have the largest number of child death
Income; knowledge of appropriate caring practices for children; access to safe water
What are three of the most important determinants of undernutrion
It could lead to the spread of the range of insect vectors, such as malarial mosquitoes; it could cause more drought, reducing food sources and causing malnutrition and illness
What are two ways in which global climate change might hurt the health of people in low- and middle-income countries
Infants and pregnant women
What groups of people are most vulnerable to malaria
they are difficult to diagnose and treat, they carry considerable stigma, and low-income countries often lack the skilled personnel and financial resources needed to address mental health issues.
What has contributed to the relative neglect of mental health as an important issue in global health
It extends the duration and severity of the illness
What impact does a lack of vitamin A have on a child ill with pneumonia
Iodize salt
What is generally the most cost-effective way of addressing iodine deficiency
The shift from eating unprocessed foods to more processed foods and the accompanying shift towards obesity
What is meant by "nutrition transition"
Delays in appropriate care for an obstructed labor
What is the basic cause of obstetric fistula
Directly observed short-course drug therapy
What is the cornerstone of successful treatment of TB in low- and middle-income countries
Waterborne" disease relates to the vector being carried by water; "water related insect vectors breed around water
What is the difference between "waterborne"" diseases and "water related insect vectors"
Low birthweight is the single best predictor of infant mortality
What is the importance of birthweight to the prospects for infant and child health
Communicable diseases are most common among the poor in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and these regions and only meet the MDGs on poverty, on schooling, and on diseases if they reduce communicable disease
What is the importance of communicable diseases to meeting the MDGs
What is the leading cause of death among people with HIV/AIDS
Ischemic Heart Disease
What is the leading cause of death in all regions, except Sub-Saharan Africa?
What is the leading risk factor for health in low and middle-income countries
A number of diseases are "waterborne," such as giardia; for others, water is needed by the vector, such as schistosomiasis; environmental conditions contribute to the spread of malaria and dengue
What is the link between environmental factors and the MDG to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other disease
A leading cause of child mortality is diarrhea, which is closely linked to environmental issues; childhood respiratory infections are also environmentally related and one of the leading causes of child death
What is the link between environmental health issues and the achievement of the MDG to reduce child mortality
Poor sanitation is a major cause of diarrheal disease
What is the link between improved sanitation and health
Malnourished children enroll later in school, attend less often, drop out more, and do less well in school than better nourished children
What is the link between nutrition and the MDG of universal primary education
Poor nutritional and health status of the mother is associated with higher rates of infant and child mortality
What is the link between women's health and the MDG of reducing child mortality
Oral rehydration therapy
What is the most cost-effective way of treating diarrhea in children in low and middle-income countries
Tobacco use
What is the most important risk factor for cancer worldwide
Taxing cigarettes at higher rates would be effective, legal restrictions on smoking, ban on cigarette advertising, and comprehensive control programs
What is the single best approach to reducing the consumption of tobacco
Sub-Saharan Africa
What region has the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS
sub-saharan africa
What region has the highest rates of infant and child death
Delay sexual debut, reduce the number of partners, correct and consistent condom usage
What should be the focal points of a prevention program for HIV in a country in which most transmission of the disease is through sex between men and women
Working in concert with civil society and using state-of-the-art communication strategies.
What were the keys to Poland's reducing the consumption of tobacco
Widespread access to obstetric care, including emergency care, and a sound health system that was free and accessible
What were the keys to Sri Lanka's reducing maternal mortality
Goiter and cretinism and a loss of IQ
What would be some of the effects of severe iodine deficiency
The Pacific
Where will we find the highest rates of cardiovascular disease
Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Which regions have the highest share of children who are undernourished
Because it is not always carried out safely and post-abortion care is limited
Why is abortion such an important health risk in some countries
Measles can kill children or leave them disabled, particularly malnourished children in low- and middle-income countries
Why is it so important to immunize against measles in low- and middle-income countries
Because tens of millions of people are alive who are at risk of developing active TB if they become immune compromised, through HIV, for exam
Why is latent TB important in an era of HIV/AID
Pregnant women are especially vulnerable to malaria; women are biologically more susceptible to HIV than men are
Why is the health of women important to the MDG of combating HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria
Because parents have son preference and pay less attention to the nutrition and health of girl children
Why might young girls die at higher rates than young boys
It causes costly medical visits and is expensive to get surgery for and makes it difficult for adults to find employment.
Why would cataracts in low- and middle-income countries be an important concern for disability
first month of life
first week of life
first year of life
About 40%
in the developing world, about what share of infants and children who die will die in the first month of life
Sub-Saharan Africa
in what region is malaria the most important as a cause of infant and child death
Childbirth is a risk to the health of mothers and children in the poorest countries; avoiding childbirth or better spacing births can reduce the risks of both maternal and child mortality
in what ways is family planning associated with saving lives
respiratory infections
what are the major health consequences of indoor air pollution
Cooking indoors with poor ventilation and using wood or dung as fuel
what is the main cause of indoor air pollution in low-income countries
what share of the global burden of disease is attributable to environmental causes in low- and middle-income countries