Interview Questions: Ok vs. Not okay
What is your race?
Depends, beneficial for keeping track for EEOC and other agencies that come in to check if companies are following the equal employment act
Height and weight?
Depends, bona fide depending on job
When did you graduate from high school?
Depends, can be scrutinize if trying to find out age, does job need a high school diploma
Do you have any family members who work here now or have worked here in the past?
Depends, nepotism is an illegal
What clubs or organizations you belong to?
How is this related to a job?
Have you ever been arrested?
Are you a United States citizen?
Not OK
Do you have any disabilities?
Not OK, American disabilities act
Have you ever undergone a psychiatric evaluation
Not OK, mental illness cannot be on the grounds for discrimination
How many children do you have?
Not OK, no questions to marital statu, under title VII
What country are your parents from?
Not OK, you can ask if they are authorized to work in the US
How old are you?
Not OK/depends, you can ask are you over the age of 18
What is your native language?
Not OK/depends, you can ask what languages they are fluent in
What church did you go to?/What religion are you?
Not ok
When was the last time you use illegal drugs?
OK, but can't ask about prior drug addition
Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
OK, but cannot ask about drinking habits
What is your maiden name?
OK, but could be seen as an inappropriate question under title seven
Are you dating anyone right now?
OK, but you would never ask that
Do you own your own home?
OK, fair credit reporting act of 1970, reform act of 1996
Did you serve in the military/what type of discharge did you receive?
Ok, Better severance with federal government