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4P's of labor


A nurse is monitoring the amount of lochia drainage in a client who is 2 hours postpartum and notes that the client has saturated a perineal pad in 1 hour. The nurse reports the amount of lochial flow as:

every 15 minutes

A patient is in the second stage of labor. During this stage, how frequently should the nurse in charge assess her uterine contractions?

taking in, taking hold, letting go

According to Rubin's theory of maternal role adaptation, the mother will go through 3 stages during the postpartum period. These stages are:

elevate leg and keep the patient on bedrest

An appropriate nursing intervention when caring for a postpartum mother with thrombophlebitis is:


Artificial rupture of amniotic sac to augment or induce labor

inspect placenta for completeness including the membranes

As soon as the placenta is delivered, the nurse must do which of the following actions?

during uterine contraction

At what stage of labor is the mother is advised to bear down?

at the beginning of each fetal movement

During a nonstress test (NST), the electronic tracing displays a relatively flat line for fetal movement, making it difficult to evaluate the fetal heart rate (FHR). To mark the strip, the nurse in charge should instruct the client to push the control button at which time?


During an internal examination, the nurse palpated the posterior fontanel to be at the left side of the mother at the upper quadrant. The interpretation is that the position of the fetus is:

6-8 weeks

In a woman who is not breastfeeding, menstruation usually occurs after how many weeks?

transverse incision

Incision made through lower portion of the uterus


It occurs 10 to 14 days before labor begins

1st stage of labor

Stage of Cervical Dilatation

2nd stage of labor

Stage of Expulsion


The 'letting down' phase of a contraction

determine of cord compression followed the rupture

The fetal heart rate is checked following rupture of the bag of waters in order to:

21-24 weeks

The lower limit of viability for infants in terms of age of gestation is:

forceps delivery

Use of forceps to aid delivery or relieve fetal head compression


What hormone causes slight loss of weight?

Ritgen technique

When delivering the baby's head the nurse supports the mother's perineum to prevent tear. This technique is called

laceration of soft tissues of the cervix and vagina

When the uterus is firm and contracted after delivery but there is vaginal bleeding, the nurse should suspect:

maternal cardiac condition

Which of the following conditions will lead to a small-for-gestational age fetus due to less blood supply to the fetus?

do noting because this is normal finding for age

While performing a physical assessment of a 12 month-old, the nurse notes that the infant's anterior fontanel is still slightly open. Which of the following is the nurse's most appropriate action?

station -1cm

above the ischial spine

local anesthesia

administered to block pain neuropathways that pass from the uterus to the spinal cord


at the level of the ischial spine

latent phase

cervical dilation 0 -3cm


drug of choice that increases uterine contractions and minimizes uterine bleeding


indicates the beginning of cervical dilatation

Local infiltration

injection of anesthesia into the perineal nerves

water birth

involves the patient sitting or reclining in a warm bath during labor

nuchal cord

loop of umbilical cord is encircling the neck


maternal surface evident

ischial spines

midpoint of the pelvis

120-180 bpm

normal FHR


part of the fetus that enters the pelvic inlet first and leads through the birth canal during labor at term


peak of contraction

active phase

phase of 1st stage of labor known as frightening time


relationship of the fetal body parts to each other


relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother

Presenting part

the part first felt by the examining finger during the vaginal examination

uterine contraction

the primary power involved in labor and delivery is

Fetal position

the relationship of the presenting part to the ischial spines


this cephalic presentation may result extreme edema and distortion of the face may occur

4th stage of labor

time from delivery of placenta to homeostasis


type of breech presentation where thighs of the fetus are tightly flexed on the abdomen

hemorrhage secondary to uterine atony

Upon assessment, the nurse got the following findings: 2 perineal pads highly saturated with blood within 2 hours postpartum, PR= 80 bpm, fundus soft and boundaries not well defined. The appropriate nursing diagnosis is:s

Station 0

When the fetal head is at the level of the ischial spine, it is said that the station of the head is


When the nurse palpates the suprapubic area of the mother and found that the presenting part is still movable, the right term for this observation that the fetus is


beginning of increment to end of decrement


beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next

station +1cm

below the ischial spine

Pudendal block

blockage of the pudendal nerve used to ease pain during delivery

active phase

cervical dilation 4-7cm


change in the shape of the fetal skull produced by the force of uterine contractions

Leopold's Maneuver

combined abdominal inspection and palpation

transitional phase

complete effacement and cervical dilation 8 -10cm


enlargement or widening of the cervical canal


falling BP and pulse greater than 180 are signs of?


fetal surface evident

station -4cm

head is floating


hormone which soften the cartilage between bones


how many vessels are present in the umbilicus?


most common presentation and allows suboccipitobregmatic diameter to present to the cervix

fetal head

most important part of the fetus

Fetal position

relationship of the presenting part to a specific quadrant and side of a woman's pelvis


settling of the presenting part of the fetus far enough into the pelvis


shortening and thinning of the cervical canal

placental stage

stage of labor from delivery of infant to delivery of placenta


stage of labor where crowning occurs


station +4cm at the perineum

rupture of membranes

sudden gush of clear fluid from the vagina


surgical incision of the perineum used to enlarge the vaginal outlet


the building up phase and longest phase during uterine contractions

"babies need to be held and cuddled; you wont spoil her this way

the mother of a 2-month-old is concerned that she may be spoiling her baby by picking her up when she cries. Which of the following would be the nurse's best response?


type of breech presentation; fetal hips are flexed but the legs are extended and resting on the chest


vertical midline incision is made in the skin and the body of the uterus

oxytocin and prostaglandins

what hormones stimulate contractions

1 to 4 hours after birth of placenta

when does the 4th stage of labor usually occurs?

5-30 minutes after the birth of the infant

when does the placenta expulsion usually occur?

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