Intro to Government and Voting

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A group of people who are united by common bounds of race, language, custom, or religion.


A political community that occupies a specific territory and has an organized government.

Literacy Test

A test based on a person's ability to read or write.

What was Thomas Hobbes' view on the social contract?

"Life would be nasty, brutish, and short" without government. His view on the Social Contract theory stated that people surrendered their freedom to the state and in return, they received order and security.

19th Amendment

(Submitted to the states in 1919): Says that women are actual humans who can make important decisions by themselves. It prohibited State and Federal Governments from denying women the right to vote (poor nonwhite women still had trouble voting). Several states before this had already granted women the right to vote.

At what age can you vote?


Constitutional Government

A government that has a constitution that has the authority to put clearly recognized limits on the powers of those who are leaders of the country.

What did the 14th Amendment do?

All persons born or naturalized in the US, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the US and of the state wherein they reside. Without due process of law. That equal protection of the laws. This was adopted July 9th, 1868. Formerly Confederate States did not like the amendment, but they had to ratify it in order to have representation in congress. What it did: Guaranteed citizenship to all born or naturalized in America. Nullified the Supreme Court decision in 1857 of Dred Scott v. Sandford

How are an authoritarian government and a democratic government different?

Authoritarian governments control all aspects of people's lives. Democratic governments are by the rule of the people either by representation or directly.

Social Contract Theory

Believing states exist to protect and serve their people.

Force Theory

Bringing people under the authority of one person/group by use of force.

Where do you vote?

Depends, in major Presidential or Midterm Elections, you normally have a voting precinct. In other lower turnout elections school board, special elections, you may just all go to the local courthouse.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 (ID)

Designed to enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments and secured the right to vote for racial minorities, especially in the South. Signed into law by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson. Empowered the Federal Government to register voters where less than 50% of the African American adults were on the voting list. Registered voters in districts where it appears local officials were discriminating against African Americans. Prevents states from dividing districts to diminish the impact of minority voters. Appoints poll watchers to see that all votes were properly counted.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott was a slave who was trying to become a citizen. The case said that because he was a slave, he was property and could not become a citizen because being property makes you not a human. Descendants from African slaves could not be citizens. Which meant all African Americans could not vote.

How do states make it easier to vote?

Early voting/Absentee Voting (In Iowa vote in person or request a ballot on Oct 5- 2020 election). Voters had 40 days of early voting in Iowa compared to 29 for 2018. Other states: differences from NO early voting to 46 days of early voting. Minnesota, New Jersey, and Vermont are the best for early voting. Poll Hours: In Iowa, the day of the election have hours from 7AM to 9PM. Other states: 12 to 14 hours (7AM to 7PM...) Average vote time: Iowa: 7 min Florida: 45 min. Mail in Voting: most states greatly expanded this because of COVID. Washington (only vote by mail), Oregon, Utah, and Colorado are all mail voting. CO and OR have the option to vote in person on election day. It is easier to do mail in voting because you don't have to leave your house, it won't interfere with your job, and you won't have to find childcare. There is greater participation by their citizens if the state has mail-in voting. Same day registration: drivers license and address required at your polling location.


Few people or political party in charge

Federal System

Gov. that divides power between national and state governments. The advantage is how it shares power, disadvantage is each level of gov. making laws. (USA, Brazil).

Unitary System

Government gives all key power to the central gov. Less power is given to local governments. (Japan, France)


Government in which voters hold sovereign power, elected officials, chosen by the people exercise that power. This is a representative democracy where there is no monarch.


Government which prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises the maximum degree of control over public and private life possible. Most extreme form. (Hitler and Stalin old, North Korea new).


Governments that control all aspects of a citizen's economic, political, and social lives.

How did Locke's view affect the Founding Fathers? What does that imply?

His view affected the Founding Fathers because it influenced how they wrote the Constitution. "We the People..." Locke's view stated that people are free, but they believe in having a government that enforces law and order, serving the people.

Other Steps to Expand Voting (ID)

In 1887, Native Americans who left their tribes were granted citizenship under the Dawes Act, which makes them eligible to vote. In 1924, all Native Americans were given the right to vote. In 1913, the 17th Amendment allows the direct election of Senators, instead of being chosen by state legislators. In 1943, Chinese immigrants are granted citizenship and the right to vote. In 1961, residents of Washington D.C. are granted the right to vote via the 23rd Amendment. In 1964, poll taxes are outlawed via the 24th Amendment. In 1971, 18 year olds are allowed to vote, since they can be drafted into the military via the 26th Amendment. In 1986- Servicemen and women and citizens living in other countries are allowed to vote via Absentee Ballots.

What are some characteristics of an authoritarian government?

No freedom of speech, assembly, media (newspapers, TV, radio, internet) controlled by the government, oppression is widespread (especially minority groups), ruthless force used to maintain order.


Institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting people under its control. They have the power to punish those who do not follow laws.

What are the major purposes of a constitution?

It gives ideals that the people who are bound by the constitution believe in and share. Establishes the basic structure of the government and defines the government's powers and duties. Provides the supreme law for the country.

Divine Right Theory

Leaders who proclaimed their right to rule came from God. Can you oppose a leader chosen by God?

What do governments provide? Give an example for each one.

Leadership (president, mayor), order (police force, national guard), national security (marines, army), public services (schools, FDA), and economic assistance and security (international trade, SNAP- helping those who are less fortunate, free and reduced lunch).

What was John Locke's view on the social contract?

Locke's view was that people had natural rights and the social contract was made between people and a Gov. that promised to preserve those rights.

Confederate System

Loose union of independent and sovereign states. Less power to central gov, more to states/local. (US after war with Great Britain under the Articles of Confederation).


Making a choice among alternatives in an election.


Manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class. Gerrymandering to weaken your political opponent is legal.

Poll Tax

Money paid in order to vote.

Why are constitutions incomplete?

No written law can foresee the future. (FDR elected 4 times, new weapons, technology). May not reflect actual practice. (Some constitutions layout protection for people like speech, freedoms, basic rights).

Night of Terror

November 10, 1917. 33 women who were protesting outside the White House for the right to vote were clubbed, beaten, arrested, and tortured, and they spent 60 days in jail.


One person has great power; king, queen, emperor. This is the most ancient form of government. Most are limited by laws and referred to as a Constitutional Monarchy. (Great Britain, Sweden, Japan).

Grandfather Clause

Only voters whose grandfathers voted before 1867 were eligible to vote.


Orderly process for making group decisions.


Plan that provides rules for government.


Putting as many same minded (or looking) people into the same voting district as possible.

How can voting time affect turnout?

Some people might not be able to make it to vote if the times that they can vote interfere with their work. Some people might get off of work and not be able to vote because they have to go home to take care of their kids.

How do southern states deal with the 15th Amendment?

Southern states deal with this amendment by introducing Jim Crow Laws, Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, and Grandfather Clauses.


Splitting up the same minded (or looking) people into as many districts as possible to lessen their power.


State without government and laws.


System of government in which rule is by the people whether through representation or directly.

15th Amendment and How States Combat It (ID)

The 15th Amendment prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude (slavery)". This only applied to men. Women fought to try to be included in this amendment but were denied. Many Republicans (northerners) felt that with the amendment's passage, black Americans no longer needed federal protection; congressman and future president James Garfield stated that the amendment's passage "confers upon the African race the care of its own destiny. It places their fortunes in their own hands." Southern states deal with this amendment by introducing Jim Crow Laws, Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, and Grandfather Clauses.

Who was the 1st group that could vote in US History? What % of the population were they?

The first group that could vote were white males who owned land or paid taxed (6% of the population). 1790 Naturalization Act allows white immigrants to become citizens who can vote.


The right to vote.

Popular Sovereignty

The will of the people as a whole gives power and direction to the state. When the power lies in and with the people.

Why was the KKK founded?

They were founded in 1865 and began trying to suppress black voters in the South. It died out by the mid 1870s, then comes back during the 1920s, then 1950s-1960s. It came back because of the Civil Rights Movement where black people were trying to gain more rights. It came back in the 20s because of the Great Migration to the north where black citizens were leaving the south.

Women's Suffrage Parade of 1913 and Night of Terror (ID)

Took place a day before the election of Woodrow Wilson. The women were trying to push Woodrow Wilson to pass the Anthony Amendment that would allow them to vote. (5,000-8,000 women took place). The women were greatly outnumbered and were beaten and burned the men who outnumbered them. The police who were there were also greatly outnumbered. One hundred women were sent to the hospital. The only way that the women were able to proceed was by a cavalry group that helped restore order.

What states are mainly mail in voting?

Washington, Oregon, Utah and Colorado.

Voter Fraud

When a voter knowingly violates the one person one vote expectation in an effort to influence an election.

Is it easier to vote in Iowa than most other states? Give examples to back up your answer.

Yes, because they have longer hours to vote on the day of the election compared to other states, they do not normally have to wait very long to vote compared to other states. They also have the option to vote early or use mail in voting so they can work it around their schedule or not have to leave their home.

How do you register to vote in Iowa?

You have to register to vote by filling out a form and return it to your County Auditor or go online.


one person is in charge

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