Intro to Health Admin Quizes

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Which of these factors would be least likely to influence culture in a healthcare organization (HCO)?

A competitor's new building and equipment

Which of the following is an example of a change in the external environment that a nursing home must adapt to?

A new nursing home offering similar services opens five miles away.

Which of the following needs are identified by McClelland's acquired needs theory?

Affiliation and achievement

The open systems approach supports which of these statements?

An organization is affected by and must interact with its external environment.

Which of the following statements does not identify barriers to effective performance appraisals?

Appraisals might identify employees' future developmental goals to support their career plans.

According to situational theory, effective leadership depends on which of the following?

Characteristics of the leader and characteristics of the followers Characteristics of the situation and characteristics of the leader Characteristics of the followers and characteristics of the situation

Which of the following is not one of the five fundamental management functions identified by Gulick and Urwick?


There is no one best way to organize the structure of an organization, as discovered by management pioneer Joan Woodward and others. Which theory makes this point?

Contingency theory

Which of the following statements regarding organizational culture is not correct?

Culture changes quickly.

For effective communication, the sender should do all of the following except what?

Decode the communication

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics found in high reliability organizations?

Deference to authority

Which of the following types of communication has become more common with organic organizations?

Diagonal communication

Which organizational structure organizes departments and positions to focus on particular groups of customers and services?


The Six Sigma quality management program strives to eliminate defective products and services by using which of these methods?

Eliminating variation in systems and processes

Which of the following conditions would be best for goal-setting theory?

Employees have specific goals and get feedback on progress toward goals.

When designing a job, managers must do all of the following except what?

Establish external opportunities for the job

Appraising performance of staff involves two main activities. What are these?

Evaluating job performance of workers and discussing those evaluations with them

Which of the following communication channels would provide the most information "richness" for a manager communicating with an employee?

Face-to-face conversation

All healthcare organizations provide healthcare services to people.


As defined by the World Health Organization, health is the absence of disease or infirmity.


Healthcare is a relatively stable field that changes little from year to year.


Managers have their personal differences, yet they all manage the same way.


Managers should use the same leadership style with physicians that they use with other people.


Staff training and continuing education are nice ideas but usually not required for HCOs.


To learn strengths and weaknesses of job applicants, interviewers should ask applicants about their professional lives and their personal lives.


Which organizational structure organizes departments and positions according to the tasks workers perform and the abilities workers use?


What is the process in which group members quickly agree without considering diverse ideas and thoughtful analysis?


With which organizational structure do managers organize work into core processes that are performed by self-managed, multidisciplinary teams of workers?


Which of the following types of communication is essential for interprofessional patient care and project teams?

Horizontal communication

Mayo and the Hawthorne studies in the 1920s and 1930s led to which of the following approaches in management?

Human relations approach

Which of the following is correct about Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Intrinsic factors can effectively motivate workers.

Which of these statements about job analysis is not correct?

It now assumes that jobs are stable and constant.

_____________ is the process of getting things done through and with people.


Which organizational structure strives for both efficiency and customer satisfaction?


Which of the following statements about McClelland's acquired needs theory is not correct?

McClelland's needs are the same as Maslow's needs.

A force field analysis enables managers to do all of the following except what?

Measure the outcome of change

Which type of organization fits best with a stable, predictable environment?

Mechanistic organization

According to Tuckman's team development model, which of the following is likely to happen first with a new group?

Members try to learn the group purpose and figure out what is ok and not ok.

With which organizational structure do managers outsource functions and departments using contracts and electronic information systems?


Which of the following statements is not an assumption of Theory X for leadership?

People are motivated intrinsically.

According to Maslow, which of the human needs in his hierarchy should be satisfied before safety and security needs can be met?


Which of the following management functions should take place before all of the others?


Which of the following statements about power and politics in organizations is not correct?

Politics is the misuse of power that is harmful.

Current thinking offers new ideas about Maslow's original hierarchy of needs theory. These new ideas include all of the following except what?

Power is a sixth type of need.

Leaders and managers of HCOs should be concerned with four main types of ethics. These types include which of the following?

Professional ethics and managerial ethics

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding Kotter's eight-step approach to large-scale change?

Project management is separate from this eight-step approach and should not be used with it.

In which step of Lewin's three-step change process would a manager reward and reinforce the change and make it part of the daily routine?

Refreezing the situation

Which of the following is not one of the four skills needed for emotional intelligence?

Relationship awareness

A project manager must plan and manage which of the following for a project?

Schedule and timing of required tasks Project boundaries and expected results Risks involved in the project

Thomas and Kilmann's conflict resolution model is based on all of the following except what?

Seven conflict resolution styles

Which theory argues that people are motivated by the consequences (positive or negative) of their behavior?

Skinner's reinforcement theory

As part of an HCO's strategic planning, managers added more detail to their plans. They specified actions, steps, tasks, and schedules to achieve objectives and goals. Managers did this work during which stage of the strategic planning process?

Stage 4: Transition to Implementation

The type of planning that enables an organization to examine where it is now, decide where it wants to be in the future, and figure out how to get there is known as _________________.

Strategic Planning

The idea that guides an HCO's decisions, actions, and behaviors in a consistent way to gain competitive advantage is the HCO's __________.


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement advocates improving the patient's experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of healthcare. What does all this refer to?

The Triple Aim

Which of the following statements is correct regarding how physicians are organized in hospitals?

The boundary between medical work and management work is unclear, so conflict arises. In recent years, medical and administrative structures having been merging and integrating. Physicians have a medical staff structure with clinical departments and hierarchy.

Which of the following sources affects the ethics of an organization?

The organization itself The organization's external environment The people in the organization

Lean production tries to design work processes to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and produce more value for customers. This is done using all of the following except what?

The saying "If it isn't broken, don't fix it"

An HCO manager emphasizes concern for employees and strives to develop long-term cooperative relationships with collective responsibility. This manager is leading with which of the following styles?

Theory Z

Which theory examines characteristics of leaders and the influence these characteristics have on leadership effectiveness?

Trait theory

A leader who uses a compelling vision, inspiration, charisma, and attention to individual employees to revitalize an organization with change for the greater good of all is using which kind of leadership?

Transformational leadership

A healthcare organization (HCO) must be concerned about stakeholders because stakeholders have an interest in what the HCO does.


Aging of the workforce, delayed retirements, and changing demographics have led to more workforce diversity based on age and generation.


Although departments in an HCO all work toward the same organizational mission, a leadership style that works well in one department might not work as well in another department.


An accurate job (or position) description is important for determining appropriate pay.


Department managers must plan for their own departments while also planning what their departments will do to help achieve the organization's higher-level goals.


Management should be thought of as a cycle rather than a straight-line process.


Some work in an HCO may be done by workers who are not employees of the HCO.


Which of the following is not an important part of the rational decision-making process?

Using democratic decision making

A worker is motivated to give more effort to her work because she thinks that will produce the performance needed to obtain a reward she really wants. This demonstrates which theory?

Vroom's expectancy theory

A Gantt chart helps a manager answer which of the following questions?

Which tasks will be done when?

A manager would correctly perform root cause analysis by repeatedly asking which of these questions?


Which of the following would be most effective for communicating extensive technical information and precise details of a new project to members of a large project team?

Written documents

A situation in which a person's self-interest interferes with that person's obligation to another person, organization, profession, or purpose is known as _______________.

a conflict of interest

The ethical principle that emphasizes doing good and promoting the welfare of others is ____________.


The American College of Healthcare Executives and several other healthcare professional associations developed a model of leadership early in the twenty-first century that has gained support. This model is based on ___________.


The set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and understandings that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members is known as __________.


Herzberg studied the relationship between hygiene factors (e.g., company policies, pay, supervision, working conditions) and __________.


Employee benefits, as part of total compensation, _________________________.

do not have to be the same for all employees

The development of administrative theory by Fayol was important for improving _______________.

entire organizations

Sometimes, decision makers use the ___________ approach to deliberately avoid blinders, biases, groupthink, flawed assumptions, and closed-mindedness


Fairness in an HCO's compensation for a job compared to compensation for other similar jobs outside the HCO is known as _______________.

external equity

A health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, or environmental disadvantage is a ____________.

health disparity

An ethics advisory committee in a healthcare organization should ________________.

help employees, physicians, and others regarding ethical dilemmas

The management staffing function can be broken into seven processes. One of these staffing processes is ______________.

hiring staff

In a healthcare organization (HCO) where all employees are valued, respected, and supported for their distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives, and they all have opportunities to participate fully and experience personal fulfillment, the HCO practices ___________.


Sometimes, decision makers worry that, if they try to figure out the whole solution and decide everything at once, by the time they do all that, the situation will have changed and they will have to figure it out again. So instead, they use the ____________ approach.


Sometimes, if time is short, problems are complex, precedents do not exist, and facts are scarce, experienced decision makers use the ___________ approach.


A job description often states __________________.

job qualifications and job duties

Behavior theory examines how ______________ affect(s) leadership effectiveness.

leadership behavior

Paying attention, avoiding the urge to speak, not interrupting, being open-minded about content, and showing interest are good ways to improve one's _____________.


Compared to the average of all jobs, the number of jobs in health services management is expected to grow _________ between 2016 and 2026.

more than the average

The set of forces that leads people to behave in particular ways is known as __________.


Decisions that are often difficult to define and diagnose and that tend to present alternatives with uncertain cause and effect are known as ________________.

nonprogrammed decisions

Reporting relationships, vertical hierarchy, spans of control, grouping of jobs into departments, and systems for coordination are elements of _________________.

organization structure

The Code of Ethics of the American College of Healthcare Executives provides standards of ethical behavior for healthcare managers in their professional relationships with their ____________________.

organization, colleagues, people served, and community

The health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of outcomes within the group, is known as ____________.

population health

The ability of one person or department in an organization to influence other people to bring about desired outcomes is ___________.


The _________________ enables managers to identify, arrange, and analyze the tasks, activities, and steps required in sequence to transform inputs into outputs and thereby accomplish a specific outcome.

process map (also called flowchart)

The group structural characteristic that strongly influences who is in the group, how often it meets, which resources it needs, and whether it is temporary or ongoing is the group ________.


Sometimes decision makers conduct a limited search for alternatives and choose an early solution that will achieve their minimum acceptable results. This is known as the ___________ approach.


Cultural competency in a healthcare organization can be improved by using _________________.

staffing methods and principles control methods and principles planning methods and principles

The three dimensions of performance developed by Donabedian are ________________.

structure, process, and outcome

Mintzberg studied roles that managers perform and found that managers ____________________.

used decisional, informational, and interpersonal roles

Frederick Taylor was a pioneer in scientific management who helped improve how ____________________.

workers performed jobs

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