Intro to Theology Test 2 - Caes

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What was the motive of Cain's sin? How is this different from jealousy?

The smoke of his offering did not rise and was not accepted. He became envious- different then jealousy because it doesn't want other people to have good but it doesn't do anything to get it themselves

List the three theological virtues, the four cardinal virtues and which power of the soul each perfects:

Theological: 1. Faith- intellect 2. Hope- will 3. Charity- will Cardinal: 1. Prudence- intellect 2. Justice- will 3. Temperance- emotions 4. Fortitude- emotions

How are humans most properly "made in the image and likeness of God?"

They have intellect and will

From God's perspective, what was the primary purpose of the initial request to Pharaoh?

To let the israelites leave temporarily

What is the union of Adam and Eve an image of?


T/F Adam and Eve had sanctifying grace from the first moment of their creation.


T/F Animals do not have rational souls.


T/F God is the ultimate cause of all motion.


T/F Grace makes us children of God by adoption.


T/F Greater goods bring about greater happiness.


T/F Human nature is composed of both body and soul.


T/F It is impossible that the human soul could have evolved from simpler life-forms.


T/F Man's rationality is the foundation of his relationality.


T/F Only God can create.


T/F Original sin is a personal sin in Adam & Eve.


T/F Spirits do not take up space.


T/F The Church teaches that absolutely every human being has a guardian angel.


T/F The doctrine of creation includes God maintaining the universe in existence.


T/F The life of Abraham foreshadows the experience of Israel.


T/F The life of Moses is a model for all later prophets.


Define "virtue" and "vice:"

Virtue: good habit Vice: evil habit

Which promise was elevated to the level of a covenant in Gen 17? What form of covenant was it?

Name Great - Vassal

Define happiness:

- fulfilling highest aspects of nature (intellect and will) -act of contemplating goods known, loved, and possessed

What New Testament event is the sacrifice of Isaac a "type" for? How?

-God gives his "only beloved son" -Moriah mountain range of temple and crucifixion -Isaac carries wood as Jesus carries cross -"God will provide lamb" and Jesus is lamb -On third day Abraham receives Isaac back like Jesus raising from dead

Who was responsible for the Fall? Explain your answer.

Serpent- first fault Adam- 2nd fault: Adam was not deceived Eve- 3rd fault: Eve was deceived

Who were the Sethites? Who were the Cainites? What behaviors distinguished the two groups?

Sethites- descended from Seth; worship God; "Sons of God" took Cainite wives in polygamy Cainites- descended from Cain; grows in wickedness; emphasis on technology "daughters of men" tempted Sethites in immodesty

Who were the "sons of God?" Who were the "daughters of men?"

Sethites- sons Cainites- daughters

What does Jesus save us from? What does He save us for?

Sin; eternal life

What term applied to Eve in Genesis is also applied to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament?

"helper"=Paraclete/ Advocate

What kind of acts does the infusion of grace enable us to do?

meritorious acts

Genesis 2 presents the Garden of Eden as a _____, and Adam as a _____.

sanctuary; high priest

In Genesis 1, the sacred author presents Creation as a _____.


What fundamental desire motivates every choice of a rational creature?

to be happy

Who represents the beginning of a solution to the problem of Babel?


What does the wordplay between arum and arom tell us about the serpent's plan? Explain:

Arum- subtle Arom- naked Aimed at their nakedness

The flood is a type for what New Testament reality?


What saved the Israelites from the tenth plague?

Blood on the doorpost-eaten-etc.

Define "participation:"

to share in the perfections that another has by nature

Why did Ham "look upon the nakedness" of his father?

He slept with his mother as a political power play

In addition to pride, what other factor helps to explain why Adam sinned?

He was afraid because Devil is highest being made by God and he threatened them-die IF they don't eat

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Explain your answer.


What term means that in even in heaven there are different levels of holiness?

Degrees of Glory

What three things did God promise Abram in Genesis 12?

1. Great Nation 2. Name great 3. Worldwide blessing

List and define the three primary preternatural gifts:

1. Immortality 2. Integrity- proper ordering(intellect then will then emotions) 3. Infused knowledge- still given (God and his attributes, moral law/ man and relation to God, created universe material and spiritual

List the three most important powers of the soul that are considered in theology and their purposes:

1. Intellect- made to know truth 2. Will- made to love good 3. Emotions- response to senses

What are the two main types of personal sin? What is the difference between them?

1. Mortal: kills life of God in soul 2. Venial: harms relationship with God

List the three parts of a moral act:

1. Object 2. Intention 3. Circumstances

What three main problems caused by sin does the Christ's redemption overcome?

1. Offence against dignity & rights of God 2. Loss of sanctifying grace 3. Increased power of devil over humans

For what does God use covenants?

1. Salvation history 2. Bring everyone into God's covenant family

List the nine choirs of angels:

1. Seraphim 2. Cherubim 3. Thrones 4. Dominions 5. Principalities 6. Powers 7. Virtues 8. Archangels 9. Angels

List the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

1. Wisdom 2. Understanding 3. Piety 4. Fear of the Lord 5. Knowledge 6. Counsel 7. Fortitude

Distinguish between the following three terms: natural, supernatural, preternatural:

1. nature- with intellect, will, and emotions 2. supernatural- sanctifying grace/ participation in God's own life 3. preternatural- gifts that exceed human nature but not all natures (immortality, integrity, infused knowledge)

Which parts of a moral act must be good for the act to be good?

1. object (what's done) 2. end (why it's done) 3. circumstance (who, when, where, how)

What are the two basic divisions of grace? What are the two categories of created grace?

1. uncreated-God 2. created- gifts of God for us -Transformative: changes you -Performative: helps you do things

Why did the descendants of Canaan settle in what was later called the Promised Land?

Cain was banished by God because he was child of incestuous union ?

What brought on the flood? How many people were saved by the Ark?

Cainites tempted Sethites and polygamy abounds; 8 people

How does the Hebrew word nahash indicate that the serpent is a problem?

Can also mean sea monster or anything that bites with venom

What literary structure found in Genesis 3 helps our interpretation of the passage?


What is the basis for distinguishing between "clean" and "unclean" animals?

Clean: Egyptians worshipped; Unclean: Egyptians sacrificed

Explain the difference between attrition and contrition:

Contrition: sorrow from love of God Attrition: sorrow out of fear of hell

What distinguishes covenants from contracts?

Covenants: make family bonds, invoke God's honor or aid, require sacrifice, deal with curses and blessings, feudalism, agreement/ obligations, and sign or reminder Contracts: ONLY feudalism, agreement/ obligations, and sign or reminder

What does the phrase "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" mean?

Covenental phrase establishing family bond; equlity too because she is his flesh

Define "sanctifying grace" and what 3 effects it has on human nature:

Created participation in the divine nature 1. heals 2. perfects 3. elevated

What was the symbolism behind the ten plagues?

Each directly targeted a different Egyptian god

T/F Attrition is not sufficient to receive the sacrament of confession.


T/F Due to Genesis 1, Catholics are forbidden from believing in the Big Bang theory.


T/F God created the universe to increase His happiness.


T/F God moving us makes us less free.


T/F God used the angels to help create the physical world.


T/F Only Eve experienced original solitude.


T/F Original sin on its own is enough to send us to hell.


T/F The Church teaches that Genesis 1 affirms the creation of the world in six 24 hour periods.


T/F The Church teaches that the universe was created in six 24-hour periods.


T/F The body is superior to the soul.


T/F The covenant with Noah is the first that God made with man.


T/F The existence of angels is something we know from science.


T/F The soul is unaffected by the body.


T/F The text of Genesis 3 says that Adam was not present to defend Eve from the serpent.


T/F There is no species called "angel" as there is a species called "human."


What two problems are introduced at the very beginning of the first creation story? Which "days" of creation answer each problem?

Formlessness and void; days 1-3, days 4-6

Which promise was elevated to the level of a covenant in Gen 15? What form of covenant was it?

Great Nation - Parity

What does Gaudium et Spes say is the secret to happiness?

Happiness is a sincere gift of self

Explain the connections between Adam's curses and Christ's sufferings:

Jesus bears the same curses: Cursed ground Toil Thorns and thistles Sweat Death

What is the fundamental difference between Lutheran and Catholic teaching on justification?

Lutheran: God looks on Christ and sees our sin and vents his wrath then looks on us and sees Christ, treats us as if we were holy Catholic: Mankind pays dept

What was the purpose of having Adam name the animals?

Man superior to other creation- ownership

What further covenants did each of these three foreshadow:

Moses 1, Moses 2 (Deuteronomic), Davidic

What does the name "Shem" mean?


Why was the scattering of the people from Babel a problem for God's plan of salvation?

No unity

What are the four main parts to the paschal mystery?

Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension

What are the three main possible solutions to the problem of sin? Why is the Paschal mystery most fitting?

Passion, Death, Resurrection- Correlates to problems of sin

Define "actual grace:" What kind of grace is it?

Performative-motion from God that moves you to do good acts

What is the classical term for Genesis 3:15? What does this term mean?


What is the principle according to which we rank the choirs of angels?

Proximity to God and proximity to humans

Define the following terms: Redemption, atonement, justification, sanctification, soteriology.

Redemption = "to buy back" or "pay debt for" Atonement = "to reconcile" Justification = "put in right relationship with God" Sanctification = "to be made holy" (interchangeable with justification) Soteriology: the doctrine of salvation

Which promise was elevated to the level of a covenant in Gen 22? What form of covenant was it?

Worldwide Blessing - Grant

What do covenants create?

a kinship bond

What Latin term means "out of nothing?"

ex nihilo

The soul is the _____ of the body.


The name "Adam" is similar to the Hebrew word "'adamah," which means _____.


Sanctifying grace makes heaven not only our goal but also our _____.


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