Introduction to Computer Science

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The special characters used start a JavaScript comment <!-- /* // \\


The assignment operator = == === +


The greater than or equal to operator > >= <= >||=


data type

A description of the set of values and the basic set of operations that can be applied to values of the type


A language designed to express algorithms

Merge Sort

A list is split into individual lists, these are then combined (2 lists at a time).


A small storage area in the CPU used to store intermediate values or special data

Bubble Sort

A sort in which the first two items to be sorted are examined and exchanged if necessary to place them in the specified order; the second item is then compared with the third (exchanging them if required), the third is compared with the fourth, and the process is repeated until all pairs have been examined and all items are in the proper sequence.

data type declaration

A statement, such as int a;, that introduces a variable (in this case, a) and sets it up so that it can only store values of a particular data type (in this case, int).

What is making something easier to understand by ignoring some of the details that may be unimportant?


What is a process to be followed to solve a problem or create something


Raster Graphics

An image formed by a pattern of dots called pixels. Also called a bitmap.



Used to classify algorithms based on running time or space requirements Machine learning Turning Test Big O Ho-Oh

Big O

A modern, open source text editor crafted from the ground up for web designers Notepad Emmet Notepad ++ Brackets


Data Type: Character

Character string. Fixed-length n char(32)

A good hardware and software certification CompTIA A+ CompTIA Net+ MS Digital Literacy MS Computer Tech

CompTIA A+

Describe Computer Science

Computer Science is sometimes defined as "the study of algorithms and their efficient implementation in a computer."

In regard to computer security, CIA stands for Confidentiality, Internet, Access CSS, Instagram, Accessibility Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Central Intelligence Artificiality

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

The order of a queue LIFO FIFO GIGO LMAO


What program is photoshop but free?


Vector Graphics

Graphics that use points, lines, curves, and shapes based on mathematical equations to represent images.

Which program converts video formats


Describe Information Technology

Information Technology covers the support, administration, and design of telecommunications and computer systems

Oracle technology for GUI programming Visual Studio Bean Builder JavaFX Scene


The order of a stack LIFO FIFO GIGO LMAO


Binary Search

Looking for an item in an already sorted list by eliminating large portions of the data on each comparison

The language made up of binary-coded instructions that is used directly by the computer Bytecocde High Level Language Java Machine Language

Machine Language


Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio, is both lossy and lossless compression

A website that allows students to personalize their career plan


Using additional computational resources simultaneously, usually for speedup Concurrency Atomicity Parallelism Multicast


The environment in which software is executed (may be the hardware or OS or web browser) IDE Client Platform Ecosystem


Programs that work off of your flash drive or a cloud drive without needing to be installed Cloudware Virtual Software PortableApps Ghost Apps


Unicode character set

Provides for over 65,000 characters with two bytes for each character. Each character maps to an integer value

A question-and-answer website


What program is a robot-programming game


Creating unique, accurate HTML page titles helps with Validation SEO Accessibility Passing


A language used for asking questions to databases JS CSS SQL C++


Data Type: String

Sequence of characters, a reference data type.

Which is a collection of objects which are called the members or elements


Describe Software Engineering

Software engineering is applying engineering principles and systematic methods to develop programs and operating data for computers

A program that gives you detailed information on every piece of hardware in your computer Speakeasy Recuva Speccy Parallels


Data Type: Boolean

Stores TRUE or FALSE values

A movie about Alan Turing

The Imitation Game

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The central processing unit, a combination of the arithmetic/logic unit and the control unit; the "brain" of a computer, which interprets and executes instructions

The primary building block of all microchips, acts either as a wire or a resistor


What is a table that shows all possible input values and the associated outputs

Truth Tables

What does the T stand for in CAPTCHA Technology Type Turing Test Tinder

Turing Test


Unambiguous instructions for solving a problem or subproblem in a finite amount of time using a finite amount of data

Where can you go on campus to use AR and VR equipment Library 119 VipeR Lab in Seidler VipeR Lab in Holmes Holmes 314

VipeR Lab in Holmes

Microsoft's IDE for GUI programming Virtual Studio Eclipse NetBeans Game Maker Studio

Virtual Studio

Audio formats


Selection sorting

We remove items from the first and put them into successive places in the seconds. Simple sorting method but requires spaces for two complete decks (arrays)

The toolbar for Firefox that is super helpful for web development Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox Chrome Web Developer Toolbar DevToolbar for Firebox Firefox Developer Toolbar for <span>Web</span>

Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox


a collection of cells, each with a unique physical address


a device that acts either as a wire or a resistor, depending on the voltage level of an input signal

Describe Abstraction

a mental model that removes or hides complex details

Big O

a notation that expresses computing time (complexity) as the term in a function that increases most rapidly relative to the size of a problem

Instructions for a problem in a finite amount of time using a finite amount of data algorithm program pseudocode flowchart


Program is an implementation of an ___?


Inside parentheses in a call argument parameter header class


inside parenthesis in a call argument parameter header load


A data structure with one name that can hold multiple values accessed with index numbers binary tree array queue a ray


Sorting algorithm that steps through the list comparing and swapping items as necessary bubble merge insertion quick


What causes a method/subprogram to run? header main call argument


What to type in the Windows "Ask me anything" box to bring up the Command Prompt cmp cmd command arp


Hard Drive

computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it

The + operator is used to subtract divide concatenate assign


What is the "statement 2" part of a for loop? for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3)


The description of a set of values and the basic set of operations that can be applied to them data set data type field big data

data type

Associating a name with a location in memory (creating a variable) declaration initialization assignment none of these


When the operand is the address of the data to be operated on, not the data itself direct immediate current straight


Being able to start up two different operating systems virtualization multi OS dual boot remote desktop

dual boot

Which program creates SVG Images


The command-line tool that displays the current configuration of the installed IP stack netstat ipconfig netstack ipfreely


A search that goes through each item binary straight linear bing


An approach to software development utilizing encapsulation, classes, and inheritance functional object-oriented event-oriented symbolic


A basic command line program to test network connectivity ping ipconfig ARP pong


Between natural language and computer language, to express algorithms SQL pseudocode machine code assembly


A small area of storage in the ALU of the CPU that holds special data and intermediate values register cache transistor operand


Data Type: Reals

represent a range from the smallest to the largest value with a given precision

A key feature of the von Neumann architecture

same storage for both data and instructions

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

the ascii character set originally used seven bits to represent each character allowing for 128 unique characters.

With immediate addressing, the operand is the data to be operated on the address of the data to be operated on

the data to be operated on

What does a formula in a spreadsheet start with? the function name the Sigma symbol the equal sign an exclamation point

the equal sign

What can you use at FGCU to access specialized software like Visio Help Desk vLabs Microsoft Imagine SneakerNet


Data Type: Integer

whole numbers

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