Introduction to Psychology Final Exam

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At the end of each month, Tonya is evaluated by several of her co-workers, her boss, and even herself. She is involved in a(n) _______ performance appraisal.


One of the earliest biological theories of abnormal behavior was offered by Hippocrates, who believed that the ___ fluids or humors of the body, when out of balance, caused abnormal behavior.


What is the average age of menopause?

46 to 48 years

When Milgram asked a panel of psychiatrists how many individuals would continue to 'deliver' electric shocks beyond the ;extremely dangerous' shock, the panel suggested that about ___ of the individuals would continue.


normal distribution

Another name for the bell-shaped curve in statistics is the

Input is to output as

Afferent neuron is to efferent neuron

Which group showed the greatest improvements in academic achievement between 1970 and 1990?

African-American youths.


Cultures that emphasize the importance of individual rights, goals, and accomplishments are considered to be


Cultures that emphasize the well-being of the family and the larger culture are considered to be

How does forgetting differ between short-term and long-term memory? Short-term memory loss appears to be better explained by _______ theory than long-term memory failure.


What is the route a message takes within a neutron?

Dendrite, cell body, axon

changes in behavior across the entire life span.

Developmental psychology is best described as a study of:

Which form of IQ is currently used by psychologists?

Deviation IQ

Some guidelines for chemotherapy patients have been developed through our understanding of how learned taste aversions are conditioned. Which of the following would help a chemotherapy patient avoid a learned taste aversion?

Fasting before a treatment and playing video games

On average, men can throw _____ and with more ______ than women.

Farther; accuracy

According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is not a behavior? Smiling at a baby, watching birds fly, sleeping during a lecture, feeling hungry

Feeling hungry

Alfred Binet's work originated in ______ but has been translated for use in ________.

France; the United States

The mastermind of scientific management was

Frederick Winslow Taylor


From childhood through adulthood, the ______ increases in size and becomes larger in men than women


From childhood through adulthood, the ______ increases in size and becomes larger in women than men

Broca's area is located in the ______ lobe.


It is the _____ theory that suggests that agression is a natural reaction to one's inability to attain desired goals.


In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of thought known as:


________ refers to the social and psychological aspects of being male or female.


In a discussion of intelligence, the concept of "g" refers to

General intelligence

An animal emits a response in the presence of a certain tone. If a slightly higher pitched tone elicits the same response, the stimulus _____ has taken place.


How does generalized anxiety disorder differ from panic anxiety disorder?

Generalized anxiety is relatively mild in comparison.

statistically significant

Generally speaking, the larger the sample size (greater number of participants), the more likely a correlation will be:

competent people than non-competent people.

Generally speaking, we tend to be more attracted to:

In terms of human memory, which statement about retrieval is true?

Generally, we remember more through the recognition method than trough the recall method.

Personality and happiness are

Genetically determined or linked.

Which school of psychology used the phi phenomenon to demonstrate its belief about human conscioousness?

Gestalt psychology

descriptive research

Going to the shopping mall and watching people's behavior is an example of


If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the ________ threshold. Select one: a. difference b. sensory c. absolute d. transduction

occur by random chance alone

If a research finding is said to be statistically significant, this means that the research finding is unlikely to:


If after examining the evidence you conclude that gender differences exist between ancestral men and women who faced different pressures during the Pleistocene era, you believe in the ______ theory of gender differences. Select one: a. sociocultural b. evolutionary c. Freudian d. nature-nurture


If the most frequently occurring age in your classroom belongs to 19-year-olds, then 19 is the ______ age of the class.


If the results of a study are found to have statistical significance, this means that the results Select one: a. would happen by chance more than 5% of the time. b. happen about 50% of the time, no matter what. c. would happen by chance less than 5% of the time. d. have important implications for society.

would happen by chance less than 5% of the time.

If the results of a study are found to have statistical significance, this means that the results:


If you are a ______ thinker, you are more easily able to break out of mental sets and think in very creative ways.


If you are a participant in a blind experiment, Select one: a. the task is a visual task. b. the experimenter does not know the experimental condition you are in. c. you do not know what experimental condition you are in. d. the task involves not using your visual system.

Do not use physical punishment

If you are going to use punishment, which of the following would be recommendations based on psychological research?


If you are in a low stress-level situation, and you experience increases in salivation, constriction of the lungs, contraction of the bladder, and an activation of the digestive tract, you know that your ______ nervous system is primarily responsible for these operations. Select one: a. somatic b. sympathetic c. parasympathetic d. efferent


If you believe in the ______ hypothesis, then terms such as insanity and mental illness should not be used to describe abnormal behavior.


If you believe that gender differences are a result of different opportunities, challenges, experiences, and restrictions, then you hold to the ______ theory of gender differences.


If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulated in your ________ lobe. Select one: a. temporal b. frontal c. occipital d. parietal

Motivation concerns the ______ state that activates and gives direction to thought.



Interviews and questionnaires are techniques that are used in ______ research

Which of the following most clearly exemplifies a dispositional attribution?

Maria believes Rob gossips about others because of a mean and spiteful streak.

have greater health benefits

Married persons, compared to people who are single in their adult years:

What we see is not always the same as the visual information that enters our eyes. This fact can be demonstrated most dramatically by

Visual illusions

What do humanists, psychoanalysts, and social learning theorists tend to agree on regarding personality?

We guide our behavior by society's standards.

What does it mean to stigmatize someone with abnormal behavior?

We have negative perceptions of the person.

Which of the following is true regarding the dreams we remember?

We remember negative dreams because they tend to wake us up.


We tend to use certain steps in the solution of a problem. Before we can understand the elements of a problem, we must _______ the problem.

Doing your work fast to avoid your boss's constant nagging about deadlines

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

"We passively let experiences teach us about the world and we let experience mold our personalities." Which of the following is true regarding this statement ?

Most psychologists would reject this statement

________ coined the term "personology".


Which ion contributes the most to depolarization (the rise)?


When the neutron is at rest:

Na+/K+ pumps is pumping out 3 Na+ for every 2 K+, K+ and Cl- channels are open

According to Charles Darwin, the process of _____ is responsible for the variety of plant and animal species emerging from a set of very few ancestors.

Natural selection

survival of the fittest

Natural selection is also known as

___________ Attempts to view behavior without disturbing the environment.

Naturalistic observation


Naturalistic observation describes a research technique in which careful observation and recording of behavior occurs Select one: a. in real-life settings. b. through archival research. c. in a controlled laboratory. d. under legal scrutiny.

The idea that a child cannot learn to play catch with a ball before motor development has occured is related to


J.J. became extremely nauseous two hours after eating a fried corn dog at the county fair. Through this experience she learned to dislike corn dogs. What was the UCS in this example?


Pat normally avoids working with people outside her ethnic group, but she recently worked with Barb and found her to be unlike the others. What effect will Pat's attitude toward Barb have on her prejudice toward other people of different ethnicity?

Pat's overall prejudice will not change.

Ida is prone to verbal hostility at the slightest provaction. Freud would most likey describle her personalitiy as

Oral Agressive

Which of the following best characterizes a night's sleep?

Our depth of sleep changes many times during the night

In regards to parenting, the best predictor of good psychological adjustment in adolescence is having

a close relationship with parents.

An attempt to change someone's attitudes is generally called


Which psychologist articulated the steps of cognitive development from infancy to adulthood?


The gland known as the master gland,because of its extensive influence on the other endocrine glands, is the

Pituitary gland

The Freudian part of personality called id operates on the _____ priniciple.


Dr. Mitchell is your family therapist. She believes that to adequately understand psychological problems, she must understand the role that you play in the family system. Which of these statements supports that underlying belief?

Problems of the individual are often caused by problems in the family.

Anterogradge amnesia usually does not impact one's ability to acquire _____ memories but does disrupt the ability to form ____ memories.

Procedural; episodic

What is the major difference between psychologists and psychiatrists?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors.

________ focus on the role of the unconscious mind in personality.

Psychodynamic theorists

With what psychological approach is Sigmund Freud associated?


How are psychological motives and biological motives related?

Psychological motives are not directly related to biological survival


Psychologists who believe abnormal behavior is entirely different from normal psychological problems would be advocates of the ________ hypothesis.


Psychologists who study the role of the brain in psychological processes use the Select one: a. neuroscience perspective. b. psychoanalytic approach. c. humanistic viewpoint. d. sociocultural viewpoint.

negative; decrease

Punishment involves a ______ consequence that leads to a(n) ______ in the frequency of a behavior

Who invented the assembly line?

Ransom E. Olds


Rather than study the entire population of one group, you decide to focus on a subset of the group. This subset or subgroup is called a(n):

Genetically speaking,blue eyes, light hair, normal vision, and freckles are the result of

Recessive Traits

other areas of the brain can take over the functions of the damaged area

Regarding brain function, the term plasticity refers to the phenomenon of when the cortex is damaged

According to the levels of processing model, the best memory for a list of words would be obtained by

Relating an important event in your life to each word.

You cannot remember much of what you learned in high school chemistry but you learn the same chemistry material in college much faster than you did in high school. Which method of memory evaluation does this illustrate?


Of the following groups, who experiences the greatest fear of dying.

Religious people who do not consistently practice their faith.


Some individuals use bright light to treat seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is believed that bright light therapy is effective due to its influence on Select one: a. melatonin. b. parathormone. c. estrogen. d. thyroxin.

better; future

The ______ a measure predicts ______ job performance, the less biased it is against ethnic minority groups

Which of the following most accurately depicts crystallized intelligence?

The ability to used previous knowledge to solve familiar problems.

According to Levinson, the stage of adult devlopment that occurs anytime from the late 20s to the early 30s is called

The age 30 transition

What explanation did Harlow use to explain why problem-solving ability improved over trials in his study in which apes had to locate food under objects?

The apes acquired a learning set.


The band of fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres, known as the ______, has been found to be larger in women than in men. Select one: a. septal region b. corpus callosum c. central sulcus d. postmedial gyrus Incorrect

If an infant begins talking at a very early age, what can you conclude about the child's future abilities?

The child will continue talking.


The clinical method is a variation of Select one: a. the survey method. b. correlational methods. c. naturalistic observation. d. the dependent variable.

If a neuron is polarized, which of the following conditions exists?

The inside of the cell has a more negative charge than the outside


The intensity of sound is measured in Select one: a. hertz units. b. timbre. c. decibel units. d. frequency.


The launching of psychology as a separate field is usually credited to have occurred during the ______.

According to psychoanalytic theory, displacement and identification are employed when there is

a conflict between the id and the superego

Steve is a scuba diver who is concerned about sharks every time he is diving near a boat wreck. Steve is exhibiting

a normal reaction.

A substance is considered an inhalant if when inhaled it produces

a sense of intoxication

Whenever Joe is around more than three people he becomes tense and apprehensive. Joe is suffering from

a social phobia

Evan decided to take an F in English class rather than have to get up in front of the class to make an oral presentation. Evan probably suffers from

a social phobia.

Simply defined, consciousness is

a state of awareness

Your best friend has been in a motorcycle accident. At the hospital, you are told that he is likely to experience retrograde amnesia. What will this type of memory loss look like?

The loss of memories before or during the accident


The theory of color vision that contends that the eye has two kinds of cones, responding to either the red-green or yellow-blue range of wavelength, is the Select one: a. opponent-process theory. b. trichromatic theory. c. dichromacy theory. d. stereochemical theory.

Which of the folllowing best depicts the meaning of the surface structure of language?

The spoken word.

John Watson

The study of "Little Albert" is a famous example of the study of learned that was conducted by:


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the Select one: a. central nervous system. b. afferent nervous system. c. autonomic nervous system. d. somatic nervous system.


The technique from persuasion called ___ means that a person makes a small request first to get you to agree, then makes a larger request second.


The technique from persuasion called ______ means that a person makes a small request first to get you to agree, then makes a larger request second.


The term "conditioning" as used by Ivan Pavlov is another term for

physical growth

The term "maturation" refers to systematic changes of the body brought about by:


The term ______ describes the use of oversimplified logic by adolescents.

The idea of test standardization means that

The test is given in the same way to every person taking the test.

synaptic facilitation.

The theory of memory that suggests that the basis of learning and memory is due to unique patterns of neuronal activity causing changes in synapses to occur is known as:

When considering how OTHER people behave, we tend to _____ the effects of the social situation and _____ the importance of their personal characteristics.

Underestimate; overestimate

A psychologist is developing a theoretical explanation about a behavior. To which goal of psychology are theoretical explanations important?



Using Pavlov's idea of learning through association, a(n) ______ stimulus comes to elicit a response over time.

In Solomon Asch's study on conformity, how often did the volunteer participants conform to the group's pressure?

about 35% of the time

From childhood to late adulthood, the male brain is________than the female brain

about ten percent larger

What is the major criticism of personality tests?


In formal experiments, the experimental group is the ____ group and the control group is the ______

active; inactive

What gland in the endocrine system primarily manages reaction to stress?

adrenal gland, located atop the kidneys

It is ______ neurons that carry the electrochemical messages from the body to the cental nervous system


The notion that the principles of science should be applied to work settings has been around for

almost 100 years.

If you were to donate one of your kidneys to whoever might need it, you would be demonstrating a(n) ________ view of human nature.


Kathy says that when she meditates she feels like she becomes one with the universe. Kathy has experienced

an altered sate of consciousness

If you have an excessive problem with tension, worry, fright or nervousness, you might be suffering from

an anxiety disorder

An individual who engages in stealing and vandalism, who cannot uphold financial obligations, and who shows no remorse after harming someone may have a(n)

antisocial personality disorder.

Post-traumatic stress disorder falls under the classification of ___ disorders.


What classification of disorder does PTSD fall under?


Psychologists who are trained to test school children's abilities and consult with teachers would best fit into the category of

applied psychology

Carla received a ticket she feels is unjust: she can higher a lawyer and fight the ticket or pay for the ticket. What kind of conflict is she experiencing?


If there is a strong positive correlation of two tested variables, this means that:

as one variable increases, the other also increases

Little Alicia knows that fish swim in the water. When she sees her first alligator, she says to her father, "Look at the big fish!" Her father tells her that the creature is not a fish, but an alligator. After some deliberation, Little Alicia decides that some creatures that swim in the water are not fish. Alicia initially exhibited ________, and then she exhibited ________.

assimilation; accommodation

Studies with the visual cliff suggest that infants

develop fear after they learn to crawl and experience a stumble or fall

If a person hears two tones that differ in intensity just barely enough to be detected, the point of detection would be the _______ threshold


A cross-sectional study is one in which

different age groups are tested at the same time

Infant Stefano cries virtually all the time and has difficulty with new situations. His temperament is best described as


When an attitude and a behavior are not consistent with each other, we feel


If you believe in the ___ hypothesis, then terms such as insanity and mental illness should not be used to describe abnormal behavior.


Psychologists who believe abnormal behavior is entirely different from normal psychological problems would be advocates of the ___ hypothesis.


What is characteristic of inattention?


Inappropriate affective behavior, especially silliness and giggling, is characteristic of ___ schizophrenia.


Mrs. Johnson recently returned home after being gone for nearly five months. She has no memory associated with those five months. She most likely experienced a(n)

dissociative fugue.

If you possess high levels of self-efficacy, this means that you

believe you are capable of achieving your goals.

Mike takes lithium to regulate his mood. This drug is used to treat

bipolar disorder

Pete's therapist says, "Don't say you will never fall in love again, say it will be difficult to learn to trust someone again." The therapist is utilizing ________ in his efforts to help Pete.

cognitive restructuring

The therapy that is based on the assumption that abnormal behavior is due to self-defeating and irrational beliefs is

cognitive therapy.

According to Jung, the deepest, impersonal layer of the conscious mind that is shared by all humans is called the

collective unconscious.

Artists use many colors to depict a single object, because they recognize the influence of light and shadow. This demonstrates an artist's ability to capitalize on

color constancy

The work of Harry and Margaret Harlow established that

contact comfort is more important than feeding in the attachment process.

Which hypothesis states that abnormal behavior is similar to normal behavior but is a more severe and harmful form of it?

continuity hypothesis.

After age 11, ___________moral reasoning predominates according to Kohlberg


The movement of the eyes as they adjust to objects at different distances is called


The clear membrane just in front of the iris through which light first passes is the:


The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as

correlation coefficient

A spontaneous state of consciousness that occurs when one experience one's own body becoming distorted or unreal in some way is referred to as


Drugs that create a sense of relaxation and lowered inhibitions by reducing the activity of the central nervous system are called


The absolute threshold is the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be _______ and the difference threshold is the smallest magnitude of stimulus that can be _______.

detected; detected half the time

When two activites are simultaneously attended to, consciousness is said to be


Enrique earned a C on his science quiz, but says to his mom, "At least I didn't make an F like Scotty did." Enrique is making a(n) ________ social comparison


Kenneth has been working for a company for nearly two years and is about to attend a workshop outlining a new software program that his company is about to adopt. What is Kenneth engaging in?

employee development

Psychologists who study personality focus on the

enduring traits and qualities we demonstrate over time.

One reason that relationships end is because our ___ surrounding the person turn out to be ___.

expectations; incorrect

The nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate refers to


For a formal experiment to yeild valid results, all alternative explanations for the findings must be ruled out by a process of

experimental control

If a researcher tests the effects of alcohol on the reaction times of participants, the participants who get the alcohol are in the

experimental group

Toward the center of the retina, there is an area that contains only cones. This area is called the:


speaking in a loose and undirected way about anything that pops into a clients mind while in therapy is called

free association

Who founded the psychoanalytical approach to therapy?


In attribution, people display a tendency to see their own behavior as externally caused and the behavior of others as internally caused. This tendency is known as the

fundamental attribution error.

Although born with female sex organs and characteristics, Kristie has always felt uncomfortable being a girl. Her interests and activities have always been considered masculine, and she is happiest when engaging in masculine behavior. Kristie might be diagnosed with

gender identity disorder.

An expectation of how a woman or man should think, act, and feel is referred to as a

gender role.

Emotional expressiveness, dependence, and nurturance are traditional feminie

gender roles

Brad seems to be in a continuous state of anxiety though he is unable to identify the source of his feelings. The most likely diagnosis for Brad is ________ disorder.

generalized anxiety

Jennifer worries constantly about grades, classes, and about how her family and friends feel about her. She seems to be anxious about most things in her life. Her behavior best fits the diagnosis of

generalized anxiety disorder.

In terms of exploring the connection between sex and gender, the biological approach focuses on


Which of the following is NOT important to those who deal with psychological disorders using the psychological approach?


According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, if I wanted to change someone's attitude, I should

get the person to change behavior first.

For therapy to be ethical, what must the therapist and client agree upon?


Dr. Houltin is a therapist who believes that it is important for clients to share information and provide feedback to each other. Dr. Houltin is practicing ________ therapy.


The individual who joins a lunch mob or a vigilante group almost never has a previous history of violent behavior. This fact demonstrates the powerful effects of

group actions upon individuals' behavior.

The vast majority of "tomboys" turn out to be


According to Freud, ______ is the key step in the development of the superego.


Mamie Phipps Clark and Kenneth Clark were African-American psychologists who conducted research that

influenced a decision by the Supreme Court.

One of the characteristics of conversion disorder is la belle indifference, which means the person

is not upset by their condition.

In their studeis of emotion, Schachter and Singer concluded that the autonomic arousal that accompanies emotion

is similar for all emotions

The process of generating a description of what a job involves, including the knowledge and skills that are necessary to carry out the functions of the job, is called a

job analysis.

Gender differences in emotion and social behavior tend to be

larger than the differences in cognitive behavior

The feeding system is located in the____________hypothalamus and the satiety system is located in the hypothalamus

lateral; ventromedial

Stereotypes are harmful because they

lead to narrow views of individuals and expections of their behavior.

Joshua has received low grades in math throughout his school years. In the lower grades, he would study hard, but the results were always the same. Eventually, he stopped trying to do better in math because nothing seemed to work. Joshua has developed

learned helplessness.

Insanity is best characterized as a ___ term.


The writings of Aristotle are important to psychology's origins because they were concerned with the nature of


The theory of color vision that contends that the eye has two kinds of cones, responding to either the red green or yellow-blue range of wavelength, is the

opponent-process theory.

The crossover point where the right visual field information goes to the left hemisphere is called the:

optic chiasm

When Peter is not biting his nails, he is chewing on a pencil. Freud would argue that Peter is fixated at the ________ stage.


Which of the following is true regarding listener characteristics and persuasion?

people with a high need for social approval are generally easier to persuade.

Behavior that is meant to harm the social standing of another person is called ________ aggression.


A correlation coefficient indicates a _________ between two variables.


Looking at a quarter in your hand casts a different image on your retina compared to looking at a quarter across the room, yet we know that the quarter is the same and retains the same dimensions. This phenomenon is known as

size constancy

It is easier to classically condition a fear of ______ compared to a fear of _____.

snakes; lunch boxes

The study of group interactions, relationships, perceptions, and attitudes is the study of ____ psychology.


Which approach to psychology involves the study of interpersonal relationships and the way they affect behavior and attitudes?


You are interested in how having other people around influences your own behavior. You have interests similar to a ___ psychologist.


Those who adhere to the ________ approach to personality would ask the question: "Why is Sam excited about meeting new people in his book club but afraid to meet new people at a party?"

social cognitive

Those who adhere to the ________ perspective examine gender development by looking at how experience influences the formation of a person's sense of gender.

social cognitive

When being in a group improves the performance of individual members of that group, ___ is said to have occurred.

social facilitation


usually a mental disorder-strong belief in something that is obviously not true: paranoia

An implication of the medical model of psychological disorders is that

the individual should not be blamed for the disorder.

Which part of the nervous system regulates breathing?

the medulla

Crystallized intelligence generally begins to decline after a person's late


When remembering the last items from a long list, improved memory for those last items is thought to be because

those items are still in short-term memory.

Kendall's therapist has asked her to imagine a large "X" when she begins to think about things that make her anxious. This is an example of the ________ technique.

thought stopping

How many genes does a chromosome have?


Receptors for stimuli that are perceived as painful, called nocioceptors, are found

throughout the body

The Americans with Disabilities Act came into existence in


A human sperm cell has

23 unpaired chromosomes

People who tend to score _____ on neuroticism tend to score ____ on hapiness.

Low; high

In general, sleep consumes ______ of our lives.


The Muller-Lyer illusion involves the intersection of two differently shaped circles


The careful observation of behavior in laboratory settings is called naturalistic observation


The experimenter controls the quantitative value of the dependent variable


The peripheral system is composed of the brain and spinal cord


The work of William James and John B. Watson is sometimes known as "mental chemistry"


Transduction is the process of turning perceptions into sensations


Adler criticized Freud for denying the importance of the human need for healthy

Social relationships

The first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorder (DSM) was published in


The MMPI-2 contains a total of _____scales


Approximately how many neurons compose the nervous system?

100 billion

On average, a woman is raped every ___ in the United States.

6 minutes

In Milgram's classic obedience to authority study, how many participants completed the study by giving the highest levels of "shocks" available to give?


What percentage of surgeries in the US are done on women?


What do stage theorists mean when they discuss that the transition between stages is a gradual blending?

A child may have mastered part of the next stage while still struggling with part of the previous stage

Hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain

A common way of classifying the brain is to divide it into three major parts. What are they

unconditioned stimulus

A fleck of dust or dirt in your eye automatically causes the eye to produce tears to wash out the dirt. If this was part of a classical conditioning experiment, the fleck of dust or dirt would be labeled as the


A gosling's inborn tendency to follow anything that moves just after hatching is an example of a type of learning called:

The most accurate definition of prejudice is

A harmful attitude based on generalizations about a group of people

Dr. Ramirez often prescribes drugs to help clients' depression. Choose the credentials Dr. Rmairez must have to legally treat patients

A psychiatrist with a M.D.


A psychologist studied the effect of blood alcohol level on driving behavior. In this study, driving behavior was the ________ variable. Select one: a. control b. independent c. dependent d. manipulated

As studying increases, GPA tends to increase

A recent study reports that there is a positive correlation between the number of hours a student studies each week and the student's grade-point average (GPA). This finding means that

A theory can be defined as:

A set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain observations

have control over the stress

A stressful event can be perceived as less stressful if you believe you:

negatively reinforced

A student comes to college and is extremely anxious about doing poorly and flunking out. To calm her fears, the student studies hard and receives all A's the first semester. This student has been


A(n) ______ is a tentative explanation of the facts, findings, and relationship in any of the sciences

When a neutron is at rest, what is the composition of the ions in the intra-cellular fluid?

A- and K+, with small amounts of Cl- and Na+

harm; unusualness

Abnormal behavior is defined in terms of ______ rather than _______.

During REM sleep, _______ the night's dreams take place.

About half of

According to Kübler-Ross, the last stage of death and dying is


Gene was tired of fighting cancer. Although he did not want to die, he was resigned to it. What stage of dying does Gene's behavior suggest?


concern over the ethics of a person's actions.

According to Köhlberg, higher levels of moral development reflect an increase in:


According to evolutionary theory, dominance and aggression were useful to men because these traits helped men Select one: a. establishing lasting friendships. b. form intimate bonds with women. c. nurture the young children. d. gain access to fertile women.


According to evolutionary theory, why would men tend to prefer younger, more attractive women? Select one: a. Men were as sexist then as they are now. b. Youthfulness is associated with reproductive health and fertility. c. Women who were older were thought to be virgins. d. Men believed that younger women would be better cooks.

tend and befriend

According to research, women's reactions to stress tend to be more:


According to schema theory, we remember events in


According to social psychologists, ______ are beliefs that predispose us to act and feel and certain ways.


Actions, thoughts, and feelings that are harmful to yourself or others defines ______ behavior.

Emotional arousal, sexual arousal, and metabolism are most influeneced by the

Adrenal glands


After staring at a green circle for 30 seconds, a person trains his or her gaze on a white surface. Even though the surface is white, the person begins to see a red circle. The red circle is a(n) Select one: a. adaptation image. b. stereochemical image. c. color afterimage. d. opponent image.


Along with IQ, giftedness is also associated with:


An associative network of beliefs, knowledge, and expectations is known as a

find little enjoyment in life

An individual who is described as having "blunted affect" would most likely:

Which of the following situations is a clear violation of the optimal level of arousal theory?

An overburdened student starts a new job during finals week.

According to motivated forgetting theory, which type of experience is most likely to be forgotten?

An upsetting experience

Right after Larry discovered he was terminally ill he felt like the doctor was incompetent. Which of Kübler-Ross's stages will Larry most likely experience next?


100 billion

Approximately how many neurons compose the nervous system

Conformity is to obedience as

Asch is to Milgram.

Which of the following are beliefs and opinions that influence people to behave in certain ways?


In 1973, Rosenhan performed a study in which eight healthy adults were committed to a psychiatric hospital. What did this study demonstrate?

Being labeled with a mental disorder changes the way mental health professionals deal with you

If a person's cerebellum were damaged in an accident, you would expect the person to have problem with:

Balance and muscle coordination

Which researcher introduced the concept of modeling in the social learning theory?


in childhood

Based on research findings, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder always begins:


Based on research, one effective technique in coping with stress is stress:

Rosch believes basic concepts are easier to learn. Which of the following does she use in support of this statement?

Basic concepts are easily named.

Luanne is being treated for depression after a breakup with her boyfriend. Her therapist points out that her thoughts, and not the situation itself, is causing her to be depressed. This information suggests that Luanne's therapist practices ________ therapy.

Beck's cognitive

Psychology is defined as the study of:

Behavior and mental processes

A stage theorist is likely to believe that development proceeds according to

Biological programming

What characteristic do dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue have in common?

Both involve memory loss.


Brown eyes, dark hair, and farsightedness are common examples of ________ traits. Select one: a. neutral b. recessive c. dominant d. regressive

One advantage of formal experiments as compared to correlational studies is that formal experiments

Can allow conclusions about cause and effect


Changing the way we think about the stressful events in our lives in an attempt to reduce stress is called:

What statement about genes and chromosomes is most accurate

Chromosomes are made up of thousands of genes

Joe has been afraid of cats since childhood when he was attacked and scratched by a neighborhood stray. A fear such as Joe's may be best explained by

Classical conditioning

Sara learns that her attitudes regarding thinness contributed to the development of an eating disorder in her daughter. According to Festinger, why would Sara change her attitude regarding thinness?

Cognitive dissonance.

Cultures that emphasize the well-being of the family and the larger culture are considered to be


Which is correct order of completion for a psychiatrist, from first to last?

Complete medical school, internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry

Between 7 and 11, many of the restrictions of earlier patterns disappear and children can think in sophisticated ways as long as what they are thinking about is tangibly represented. Piaget calls this stage

Concrete operations

yielding to group pressure; no direct request has been made

Conformity is the idea of _______ when ______.

When our view of self matches what we think we would like to be or what we ought to be, Rogers would say our self-concept is



Conscious experience and voluntary actions are mediated by the Select one: a. limbic system. b. cerebral cortex. c. cerebellum. d. cingulate cortex.

What does the phantom limb experience tell us about conscious experience?

Conscious experience is not always a direct representation of sensory information

If a child recognizes that changes in the shape of a clay ball do not change the amount of clay in the ball, the child has demonstrated



Cortisol is secreted by the ______ and helps to regulate ______. Select one: a. pituitary gland; human growth b. adrenal glands; immunity to disease c. pituitary; immunity to disease d. adrenal glands; human growth

Which of the following would be an operational definition designed to measure the amount of violence on television?

Counting the number the number of homicides that occur on a TV show

The difference between ethnicity and race is that ethnicity is more about one's

Cultural heritage

What is the name of the manual that psychologists use to classify mental disorders?


memory formation

Damage to the hippocampus would most likely impair

Bob saw a child crying as if she had lost her mother and he assumed someone else in the crowd at the mall would take care of the situation. This is an example of

Diffusion of responsibility

Brown eyes, dark hair, and farsightedness are common examples of ________ traits.


According to Köhlberg, which of the following phrases describes the basis of moral reasoning in early childhood?

Don't get caught.

Mary was asked to contribute $100 to humanitarian relief by a Red Cross representative. After she said "no," the representative suggested any amount would be welcomed. Mary is likely to contribute the smaller amount

Door-in-the-face technique.

Parkinson is the result of low levels of what neurotransmitter?

Dopamine (DA)

What did Freud consider to be the "royal road to the unconscious"?


Spontaneous recovery and external disinhibition can occur

During both operant and classical extinction.


Early in the history of psychology a memory researcher (Ebbinghaus) used himself as the only research participant in his study. Given this information, what might cause you to be skeptical about his results? Select one: a. The results were not gathered scientifically. b. The sample was probably not representative. c. People are smarter than they used to be. d. Most studies of memory focus on college students.

A(n) _______ is a substance that inhibits the pain at gate neurons.


If you describe an event in detail including descriptions of the setting, objects, colors, smells, sounds, etc., you are probably using

Episodic memory

Stimulants product a dreamlike alteration to perceptual experiences.


Contact between prejudiced groups will be ineffective in reducing prejudice if the group views the other group members as

Exceptions to the rule.

Group A received progressive relaxation training prior to test taking, while group B recieves no treatment. Group A is the________ and group B is the ___________.

Experimental group, control group

If a stroke were to occur in Broca's area, a person might have difficulty speaking, but would likely understand what is being said to them. This disorder is called

Expressive aphasia

When the original source of learning is removed and a particular respoonse diminishes, _____ has occurred.


Mary reported that she was sociable, fun-loving, affectionate, talkative, and a joiner when she took a personality test. Mary would be described as high in


One of the earliest conceptions of adolescence was that it was a time of

Extreme storm and stress.

Ray played basketball all of his life because he loved the sport. He became so good that he was given the opportunity to play professionally and eventually he signed a very lucrative contract. After that contract ran out, the team offered him slightly more money, but he decided that it was not enough. Which of the following best explains Ray's behavior from a motivational perspective?

Extrinsic motivation replaced Ray's intrinsic motivation to play.

Which of the following accurately describes how factor analysis is used to identify personality traits?

Factor analysis identifies which traits go together in terms of how they are rated.

A newborn does not differentiate between a face and other objects.


Applied psychology conduct research in the basic areas of psychology, such as emotion, thinking, and learning


Christine Ladd-Franklin was the first woman to be granted a Ph.D. in psychology


Crystallized intelligence reaches its peak in the early 20s and declines rapidly thereafter.


During hypontic age regression, a sense of deep relaxation and peacefulness exists


Escape conditioning is a type of postive reinforcement.


Ethnic identity is composed of descendents of a common group of ancestors, usually from a particular country or area


In general, sensory adaptation makes your senses more responsive to stimuli


In social learning theory, reciprocal determination explains why people develop a superego.


In the United States,about 28% of males identify themselves as homosexuals.


Individuals with higher levels of "g" tend to have fewer neuronal connections.


Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior due to the passage of time


Most formal education emphasizes the teaching of divergent thinking.


Obedience is reduced when individuals are led to feel less responsiblr for their actions.


Observational learning is the form of learning in which the consquences of behavior lead to changes in the likeihood of that behavior reoccurring.


On average, women tend to be more competitive, domiinant, and assertive than men


Opponent-process theory helps us understand sound localization


Psychology is a science because the government classifies it as a science.


Recall tests work better than other methods of memory testing because they give you cues.


Short-term memory is the first stage of memory--it is very breif, designed to hold exact images.


Sodium ions can freely cross a semipermeable cell membrane


Based on research, which of the following is one of the five basic beliefs thought to foster war?



High levels of depression are ______ among individuals undergoing stress.

One reason that intelligence is a predictor of how well a person performs in a job is that people with

Higher intelligence train faster than those with lower intelligence.

Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull?


From childhood through adulthood, the ________ increases in size and becomes larger in women than men.


The more previous experience with stress, the better future stress is handled.

How does prior experience with stress influence our ability to deal with future stress?

If you are interested in the functionalist approach to psychology, you would be most interested in:

How humans use their thoughts to function in their environment

Which of the following questions is a behavioral therapist more likely to ask than a psychoanalyst?

How much did your anxiety subside after you washed your hands?

Allie has a theory that there is a relationship between the amount she studies and her grades. In order to test her theory, she must formulate a:


In the DSM, personality disorders are known as Axis ___ disorders.


You are solving similar problems in the same, habitual way.

If a cognitive psychologist were to tell you that you have a mental set, what would she mean?


If a neuron is polarized, which of the following conditions exists? Select one: a. The inside of the cell has a more negative charge than the outside. b. The inside of the cell has a more positive charge than the outside. c. The cell has fired and no electrical charges are present. d. Electrical charges are equally balanced between the inside and outside of the cell.


If you were a psychologist who was labeled a structuralist, you would be interested in the _______ of the mind, using ______ as you primary research method. Select one: a. function; experimentation b. structure; experimentation c. function; introspection d. structure; introspection

fears and avoids sexual contact with others

If your best friend has sexual aversion disorder, it means that he:


If your friend has an unrealistic sense of self-importance, is preoccupied with her fantasies of self-success, requires constant praise and attention, exploits others, and feels entitled to special consideration, then she most likely possesses ______ personality disorder.

Albert Bandura

Important aspects of behavior and mental processes are learned from others. Which psychologist most likely made a statement similar to this

When the metronome preceded the food powder by half a second

In Pavlov's experiments, which condition of association produced the best results


In a study examining the effects of caffeine on memory, the participants are not told if they received caffeine or not. The technical term for this procedure is that the participants were Select one: a. uninformed. b. blind. c. manipulated. d. placeboed.


In a study of gender and leadership, women tended to be more ________ than men.

Often leaves seat when should remain seated

In defining hyperactivity-impulsivity, which of the following would qualify as a characteristic of hyperactivity-impulsivity?


In formal experiments, the experimental group is the ______ group and the control group is the ______ group. Select one: a. inactive; inactive b. inactive; active c. active; active d. active; inactive

processing information from the left side of the body

In general, the right side of the brain is associated with


In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of thought known as

the goals of psychology

In psychology, the words describe, predict, understand, and influence relate to


In sensory transduction, neural energy is derived from Select one: a. physical sources of energy. b. Weber's law. c. stereochemical energy. d. perceptions.

unattractive; attractive

In terms of conviction rates, those who are ________ are convicted more often than those who are ________.


In the DSM-IV-TR, personality disorders are known as Axis ______ disorders.


In the research based on dorm rooms, there is clear evidence for the use of the ______ approach for many psychological reasons.


In the somatic nervous system, by what pathway to electrochemical messages flow? Select one: a. in from the rest of the body to the central nervous system b. from the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere c. from the central nervous system to the rest of the body d. from the right hemisphere to the left hemisphere


In which school of thought did researchers ask participants to report sensations they were experiencing? Select one: a. behaviorism b. functionalism c. structuralism d. cognitive

In the process of problem solving suggested by Wallas, ____ is followed by _______.

Incubation; Illumination

Your neighbor has just confided in you he is an addict. You have never seen him drink alcohol, smoke, or pop pills, but you have seen many small paper bags lying around his garage.Given this evidence, to which category of drug might your neighbor be addicted?


Regrading one's reasons for falling in love, women tend to value ______ more than men.

Intelligence and character

Paris thinks her best friend, Nicole, may be suffering from an undiagnosed case of anorexia nervosa. She shares her concerns with Nicole, but Nicole insists that anorexia nervosa is "no big deal." What is the most serious consequence of anorexia nervosa?

It has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder.


It is difficult not to be able to remember items that others expect you to remember. If you just started making up memories to answer others' questions, this is known as

What does psychology have in common with other sciences?

It uses rigorous methods of observation.

Which Ion contributes the most to hyper polarization (the fall)?


When the voltage of the neuron reaches threshold, what happens to the protein channels?

K+ and Cl- channels are open and Na+ gates open

Larry and Carol are tested twice on moral reasoning. When Kohlberg's measures are used, Carol gets a lower score than Larry. When Gilligan's approach is used, both individuals score at the same level - Stage 6. Based on research reported in your text, what probably caused this discrepancy?

Kohlberg's approach is a justice perspective while Gilligan's is a care perspective

relatively permanent; experience

Learning is defined as a _______ change in behavior due to _______.

Although the sex drive itself is biological, the way it is expressed is largely a matter of


Andy likes Clara, but Clara does not know this. What should Andy do to increase the chance that Clara will like him?

Let Clara know he likes her through self-disclosure.

Andy likes Clara, but Clara does not know this. What should Andy do to increase the chance that Clara will like him?

Let Clara know he likes her.

Over the life span, our brain

Loses weight

Paige is an expert at golf and is bored by the thought of the upcoming tournament. Mary is pretty good at golf, and is somewhat excited, but not overly anxious about the tournament. Sara has only recently learned to play, but has very high expectations and is really nervous about the tournament. Jenna is also a beginner but she does not expect to play well. According to optimum arousal theory, who will perform the best?


Higher motives become unimportant when lower motives are unmet, s a prediction based on whose theory?


In a research study of achievement motivation, students who made the lowest grades in a course rated themselves low in the area of _______ at the beginning of the course.

Mastery goals

Charles has been told he must reduce his sympathetic autonomic arousal. What consciousness-altering technique may help Charles?


Which of the following statements is true regarding men and sex?

Men think about sex more often than women

The end of menstruation for females is known as


Of the four designations of retardation, which accounts for the gratest percentage of individuals who are considered retarded?


The term "psyche" when translated from the Greek is most closely associated with the term


Young adults of both sexes, when married or in committed relationships, prefer


Identical twins are also known as

Monozygotic Twins

In a double-blind study, who knows about the details of the study?

Neither the experimenter nor the participant

The connectionist theory of learning suggests that

Neural connections between stimuli and responses are established in the brain

If you are interested in understanding the structures of the brain that influnece emotion, reasoning, speech, and other psychological processes, then you are interested in studying psychology from the ________ perspective.


Psychologists who study the role of the brain in psychological processes use the

Neuroscience perspective

. Mr. Anderson is approaching his 70th birthday and has been healthy his entire life. If he is given an intelligence test, it will probably show

No significant declines.

If a psychologist were to study 'love' she would need to have an _________ love or else the hypothesis could not be tested.

Operational definition for

heredity and experiences in the environment

Normal and abnormal aspects of personality, such as sociability, kindness, or anxiety, result from

The idea that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight is known as

Object permanence

You have observed that Billy, a 5-year-old boy, has a strong, affectionate attachment to his mother. In Freudian theory, this is explained as the _____ complex.



On your skin, the level of sensitivity is controlled by the Select one: a. temperature of the surroundings. b. number of nerve cells. c. level of arousal. d. thickness of the epidermis.


One of the criticisms against the research on motivated forgetting is that:


One of the pleasure centers of the brain is found in the Select one: a. hypothalamus. b. corpus callosum. c. cingulate gyrus. d. thalamus.

What is John B. Watson's belief about studying human behavior?

Only visible behavior can be measured and understood

Rich people report more feelings of happiness than poor people. One possible explanation is that

People from countries that enjoy more freedoms are usually more affluent.

The Rorsclach inkblot test is based on the assumption that

People will project repressed feelings onto ambiguous stimuli.

What is the relationship between the number of friends a person has and their happiness?

People with more friends tend to be slightly happier than people with fewer friends

During which phase of the human sexual response cycle does the refractory period occur?


How are the results of objective personality tests assessed?

Results are compared to other test takers

In the modern era, the first and most influential advocate of the view that psychological problems had psychological causes was

Richard von Krafft-Ebing

If 10 people say that a color is blue when it actually is not, what is the 11th person likely to do?

Say that color is blue

orderly and lawful

Science requires that the subject matter be

For Rogers, what is a person's subjective perception of his or her own skills, behaviors, and personality called?


our view of what we are like

Self-concept refers to the idea of

Collection data about the world through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting is a function of ______, and interpreting data collected is the function of ________.

Sensation, Perception

According to Titchner, one could break down all human experiences into three components, which were:

Sensations, feelings, images

Difficulty sleeping, paying attention in class and suffering from depression are symptoms of low:


Which of the following is a primary motive?


You see a student stumble and drop her books in the hall. According to the fundamental attribution error, how would you explain this student's behavior?

She is a clumsy person.

Our working memory space tends to overlap with the function of

Short-term memory


Siblings would have the same genes if Select one: a. their parents are brother and sister. b. each inherits dominant genes. c. they are fraternal twins. d. they are monozygotic twins.

If a person is asked to explain why she did not follow instructions, she is very likely to perceive and report her own behavior in terms of

Situational Factors


Slot machines are set to pay off on the average of once in every 1,000,000 plays. This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.


Small branches that extend from the neuron cell body and spread like miniature tree roots are called

Compared to the male brain, the female brain is ____ and has a _____ surface area.

Smaller; larger

In terms of the interests of society, the best form of displacement is referred to as


Natural selection is also known as

Survival of the fittest.

Which part of the peripheral nervous system would be particularly important to a backpacker being chased by a bear?


changing the brain to form new memories.

Synaptic facilitation is a term that describes the process of synapses:

The word that refers to the grammar of a language is


visualizing increasingly anxiety-provoking situations while relaxing

Systematic desensitization is the process of _____.

The gustatory sense refers to the chemical sense of



The color of the white paper and the correction fluid you use to cover up mistakes on the paper are not exactly the same, but they are so close that you cannot see any difference. This is because your _______ abilities are limited. Select one: a. perceptual b. sensory c. associative d. cognitive

formulate, understand, generate

The correct sequence of cognitive operations used in problem solving (starting from the beginning) is:

If a defendant is given a "guilty but mentally ill" sentence, which of the following is true?

The defendant will serve a prison sentence.

correlation coefficient

The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as the


The degree of association between variables is expressed statistically as the Select one: a. standard deviation. b. correlation coefficient. c. qualitative mean score. d. integer of relativity.

depends on

The dependent variable is called the dependent variable because its value ______ other parts of the experiment


The desire to have someone near to you and feelings of deep, caring affection for a person are traits of ________ love.

Bruce and Grant apply for work at the same company. Bruce is interviewed using a structured interview format while Grant is interviewed using an unstructured interview format. Both men are hired. Will the employer be able to predict their future job performance based on how they each did in their interview?

The employer will be better able to predict Bruce's future job performance.

When experimenter bias takes place, it means that

The experimenter influenced the performance of the participants.

concrete operations

The first time a child possesses the ability of conservation occurs during the ______ stage of cognitive development.

more easily operated by humans.

The goal of human factors engineering is to make machines:

for many people it goes away

The good news about major depression is that it is episodic, meaning that:

group actions upon individuals' behavior.

The individual who joins a lynch mob or a vigilante group almost never has a previous history of violent behavior. This fact demonstrates the powerful effects of:

the false memory construction of memory.

The memory exercise in your text presented a "study" list of words and a "test" list of words later. Many students incorrectly recalled "sleep" as being in the study list when it was not. This illustrates:

According to Levinson, middle adulthood opens with

The midlife transition

The activity of a single neuron was recorded after its membrane was bathed with a neurotransmitter. If the neuron's firing rate increased after the bath, what would you conclude?

The neurotransmitter was excitatory.

Motivated forgetting

The notion that a person would forget something because that memory would be threatening to the individual in some way is known as the theory of

A research participant walked out during the middle of an experiment without completing the research task. Which of the following statements here is true regarding this incident?

The participant cannot be penalized for withdrawing

If there are two different scenarios and the experimenters ask the groups what they want to do, what is the dependent variable?

The participant's response to the question

Which of the following is a soical factor that influences behavior and mental processes? Emotional responses, learned fears, presence of others

The presence of others

receive incoming information

The primary function of dendrites is to

If the feeding center in a rat's hypothalamus is destroyed, what will happen to the rat's behavior?

The rat will stop eating.

The tendency to make decisions about what is unknown based on what we know is called

The representativeness heuristic

By adulthood, what is the relationship between the hemispheres and gender differences?

The right hemisphere is larger in men.

Participants study in a lecture hall with windows and one with no natural light and studied how it affected their mood, what is the independent variable?

The type of light

independent variable

The variable that the researcher controls is called the


The writings of Aristotle are important to psychology's origins because they were concerned with the nature of Select one: a. light. b. life. c. evolution. d. energy.

A(n) ______ is a tentative explanation of the facts, findings, and relationship in any of the sciences.



Theory is to explanation as hypothesis is to Select one: a. prediction. b. truth. c. observation. d. understanding.

positive emotions; negative emotions

There is evidence that the left hemisphere is involved in processing ________ and the right hemisphere is involved in processing ________.

What do the survey technique and naturalistic observation have in common?

They are both descriptive research methods.

Which of the following holds true for those who are happy with their work?

They are deeply involoved in their daily activites.

What do hunger, thrist, and temperature regulation have in common?

They are under homostatic control.

What does the Ames room and Muller-Lyer illusion have in common?

They are visual illusions

Which of the following is true of stereotypes?

They can narrow expectations for behavior.

Which of the following is a characteristic of Down syndrome?

Thickened tongue

the consequences of a behavior influence the probability of that behavior being repeated.?

Thorndike's "law of effect" suggests that

nerve is a bundle of long neurons outside the brain and spinal cord

What is the relationship between a nerve and a neuron

You have been asked to assist a defense attorney in planning a defendant's case. You insist that all of the defense character witnesses be above average in looks. What is the most likely reason for your request?

Those who are above average in looks are considered more likable.

How do Puerto Ricans living in the United States compare to Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico in terms of depression?

Those who immigrate have higher rates of depression.

What was the goal of introspection?

To observe the contents of the mind as accurately and unemotionally as possible

Of the following, why are intelligence tests used?

To predict behavior

According to Freud, what is the primary function of the libido?

To sustain and promote life.

educating slow learners

Today, the focus of educational psychology is primarily on:

. If you believe that the way we behave is to some degree dependent on the particular environment that we are in at a particular time, then you adhere to situationism.


A coefficient of correlation of -0.87 would beconsidered a strong correlation


A person's personality can influence a drug's effect.


According to evolutionary theory, the parental investment for women who are pregnant was high


Androgyny refers to an individual possessing both feminine and masculine characteristics


Body temperature follows a circadian rhythm.


Compared to men, fewer women report having same-sex experiences.


Erikson's stage theory of personality development contains eight stages.


Generally, we tend to be attracted to more competent people compared to less competent people.


In classical conditioning behaviors are elicited, while in operant conditioning behaviors are emitted.


Maturation is a term closely related to the biological view of development


Monocular cues to depth perception can be seen with one eye


Observational rating scales are used to make obserational methods more objective.


On average, men can throw objects farther than women.


One of the causes of sterotypes and prejudice is the "us vs. them" mentality.


Optimal arousal theory states that too much stimulation will motive us to find ways to decrease the stimulation.


Our tendecny to be shy, focus attention on ourselves, and to meet our own needs is know as introversion.


Personality is the sum of typical charactistics that make a person different.


Primary motives are neccassary for survial.


Santiago Ramon y Cajal is credited with the first published description of neurons


Short-term memory can store any information recieved by the brain through the sense.


Social psychologists study individuals as they interact with others.


The University of Chicago sex survey found that most American adult women and men have sex with their partners a little less than once a week.


The clinical method is a descriptive method


The derivates of opium are known as opiates


The small space between two neurons is called the synaptic gap


The testes and ovaries are endocrine glands


There is no clear-cut demarcation of the end of adolescence in our society.


Wernicke's area is essential for understanding spoken language


When large numbers of people complete an IQ test, the scores tend to fall into a normal distribution.


When people speak with one another back and forth in a small group, this is known as an interactive dialogue.


Without random assignment, a formal experiment is invalid



What did Christine Ladd-Franklin and Mary Calkins have in common? Select one: a. They completed a doctoral program in psychology, but never received a doctoral degree. b. They challenged the assumption that mental events cannot be scientifically investigated. c. They developed psychoanalytic theories that led to major changes in the treatment of mental illness. d. They were the first two women to receive doctorate degrees in American psychology.

Freud was a physician and treated psychological problems

What differentiated Sigmund Freud from most of the other influential founders of psychology

Rewards are sought and punishment is avoided.

What do Köhlberg and Gilligan's first levels of moral development have in common?


What have twin studies revealed about intelligence? Select one: a. Intelligence is completely influenced by environment. b. Intelligence is partly influenced by heredity. c. Dizygotic twins have almost identical IQ scores. d. Monozygotic twins have very different IQ scores.

Attitudes will often follow behavior.

What is most likely to change when behavior and attitudes are inconsistent?

cerebral cortex

What part of the brain controls conscious experience and intelligence

He demonstrated that carefully controlled experimentation can be conducted

What was the main contribution of Hermann Ebbinghaus to psychology

When is deception allowed in psychological research?

When it will not harm the participant and when the participant is debriefed.

false memories

When people forget, they are not only distorting information, but may also be remembering events that never occurred. This is consistent with the idea of:

In Pavlov's experiments, which condition of association produced the best results?

When the metronome preceded the food powder by half a second

What is the "All or None' principle?

When the voltage of the neuron reaches threshold, it fires at the same speed and strength no matter how much stimulation is received.


Which depth cue accounts for why parallel lines appear to grow closer together the farther away they are? Select one: a. texture gradient b. superposition c. vertical position d. linear perspective


Which is the correct order of completion for a psychiatrist, from first to last? Select one: a. complete medical school, internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry b. internship in general medicine, residency in psychiatry, complete medical school c. residency in psychiatry, complete medical school, internship in general medicine d. internship in general medicine, complete medical school, residency in psychiatry

Theories are not absolute and may be revised over time

Which of the following best describes truth and theory

The disorders are difficult to treat.

Which of the following is a characteristic of all personality disorders?

often disorganized

Which of the following is a characteristic of inattention?

requests for sexual favors

Which of the following is a characteristic of sexual harassment?

Evolutionary theory can never be tested.

Which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory


Which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory? Select one: a. Gender differences are not explained well. b. Evolutionary theory can never be tested. c. Parental investment is not included in evolutionary theory. d. Evolutionary theory does not address mating preferences.

ignoring myths about old age

Which of the following is a key psychological variable of happy aging?


Which of the following is one of the nucleotides in DNA? Select one: a. glycol b. GABA c. guanine d. glycogen

They produce both a physiological and psychological reactions.

Which of the following is true about stress reactions?

It dominates emotional expression and perception

Which of the following is true regarding the right hemisphere's role in emotion

standard deviation

Which of the following statistics describes the spread of a series of numbers?

A computer is programmed to be an individual tutor for a student

Which of the following would be an example of the use of intelligent tutoring systems?


Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull


Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull? Select one: a. forebrain b. corpus callosum c. midbrain d. hindbrain


Which theorist would most likely accuse you of accidentally wrecking your dad's car because (though you were not aware of this) you wanted to hurt your dad? Select one: a. B. F. Skinner b. Sigmund Freud c. William James d. Mary Whiton Calkins


Which variable depends upon the effects of the independent variable


Who was the first to publish a description of the cells of the brain, now called neurons? Select one: a. Charles Darwin b. Santiago Ramón y Cajal c. Albert Bandura d. Margaret Floy Washburn


Why can a psychiatrist prescribe drugs but a clinical psychologist cannot? Select one: a. Because the psychiatrist was in school longer. b. Because the psychiatrist has received medical training. c. Because the clinical psychologist has not studied human behavior broadly enough. d. Because insurance companies will not let clinical psychologists prescribe drugs.


Why did women participate less in the development of psychology than men? Select one: a. Sexual discrimination prevented women from contributing to psychology. b. Women were not allowed to attend universities at the time psychology was founded. c. Psychology did not intend to address women's issues, so women were not included. d. Because politicians at the time would not let women study any of the sciences.

Younger people may be more familiar with the types of problems tested.

Why do we need to be cautious about concluding that people are more intelligent than they used to be?

Diagnosis involves subjective judgments.

Why is it so difficult to define abnormal behavior?

Full-color ads are read by 20% more readers

Why would a company want to consider spending more money on a full-color magazine advertisement than on a black-and-white ad?

On what tasks do older adults tend to perform better than younger adults?

Word meaning and wise decison making

According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is not a mental process? getting angry, writing down the answer to a math problem, wanting to kiss someone, deciding to ask something

Writing down the answer to a math problem

Psychology as a science began in the laboratory of ______ using the method of ______.

Wundt, Introspection

Conformity is the idea of _______ when _____.

Yielding to group pressure; no direct request has been made.


You arrive at your friend's apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doesn't bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of Select one: a. light adaptation. b. transduction. c. sensory adaptation. d. sensory deprivation.


You can't feel the waistband of your underwear (though you know it is there). This is mostly the result of Select one: a. sensory deprivation. b. difference thresholds. c. sensory adaptation. d. transduction.

What typically happens when your blood sugar level gets too low?

You feel hungry.

If you were a car salesperson and you were instruected to use the lowball technique, which of the following would be an example of that techinque?

You would get the person to buy the car under favorable conditions and then change the conditions.

Turnover and absenteeism are low

Your friend works for a major corporation that manufactures sprockets. If she says that job satisfaction is high in her plant, which of the following could you predict with the greatest accuracy?

In a recent softball game, Cindy misplayed a ground ball for an error. Later in the same game, she made a great catch on a very difficult play. According to the self-serving bias, she would attribute her error to ________ and her good catch to ________.

a bad bounce; good fielding skills

Pavlov found that a neutral stimulus was more likely to produce dogs to salivate if the stimulus

and food were frequently associated.

according to gender difference research, men and women who are____________ perform more accurately on a wide range of cognitive tasks.


Pat is very assertive, nurturing, independent, and caring. Pat is best described as


Which of the following disorders is associated with a particular culture?

anorexia nervosa

People who violate social rules and laws, take advantage of others, and feel little guilt about their behavior have

antisocial personalities.

What are beliefs and opinions that influence people to behave in certain ways?


If Elena is unpleasant to John and he thinks it must be because she is under pressure from her job and classes, what process has John used?


Which theory states that we tend to explain our behaviors as being the result of particular causes?

attribution theory

Parents using the ________ parenting style give strict rules to their children with little discussion of the reasons for the rules


Mazie's mom is loving and nurturing, sets clear boundaries, and engages in a lot of verbal give and take. In terms of parenting styles, she would be described as


What is a key result of overlearning?


If a therapist gives Henry, who is suffering from alcoholism, a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that he will become ill after drinking the alcohol, the therapist is using

aversive conditioning.

"Drinking may be harmful to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement illustrates an attempt to reduce

cognitive dissonance.

During the 1960s in the US, many males were faced with the choice of going to Vietnam and fighting in a war they did not believe in, or deserting, an act that meant giving up personal freedom. This is an example of what kind of conflict?


One method of help avoid group think from occurring would be to have someone in the group

be a devil's advocate.

Leslie has two mothers. We can expect that Leslie will

be relatively unaffected.

To develop a healthy personality, Adler believed that people must

become fully self actualized

An approach to therapy that emphasizes the learning of new skills is the_____________approach.


Which of the following definitions best describes the meaning of the term "autonomy"?

being independent and self-reliant

The main contribution of Hippocrates to the understanding of abnormal behavior was his

believe that abnormal behaviors have natural causes.

Your roommate is acting very strangely. Although she has not slept much in the past few days, she says she is on top of the world. She has cleaned and re-cleaned her closets several times. She has invested in a questionable financial venture. This period of non-stop activity has lasted for well over a week and is in sharp contrast to the depression and fatigue she exhibited in the previous semester. The DSM-IV diagnosis would most likely be

bipolar disorder.

If you are concerned that your researcher might actually influence the outcome of your experiment, you should conduct a

blind experiment

New studies of infidelity and the ways in which men and women think about such behavior reveal

both men and women were upset most by emotional infidelity

Research findings indicate that frustration

can lead to aggression or passivity.

Which of the following most accurately describes Ainsworth's strange situation?

caregiver leaves infant with stranger and returns later

Which type of schizophrenia is most likely to involve disturbances in body movements?


After several months in psychoanalysis, Ryan had an emotional outburst during which he cried and sobbed as he talked about a childhood experience. Freud termed this emotional release


The nucleus of a neuron is located in the

cell body

Conscious experience and voluntary actions are mediated by the

cerebral cortex

The three-foot spike which damaged the Phineas Gage's frontal lobe resulted in

changes in personality

A sprinter would best be served by eating ________ prior to a race.


The limited capacity of short-term memory can be expanded by


Internally generated cycles lasting about 24 hours a day that regulate sleep and wake cycles, as well as hormone sercetion, are called

circadian rhythms

The ability to multiply two numbers together falls under ________ development.


The________________ theory of emotion suggests that we first interpret the incoming stimuli from the environment, and then interpret the stimuli from the body from autonomic arousal caused


According to ___ theory, attitudes tend to shift to be consistent with behavior.

cognitive dissonance

Sara learns that her attitudes regarding thinness contributed to the development of an eating disorder in her daughter. According to Festinger, why would Sara change her attitude regarding thinness?

cognitive dissonance

According to self-determination theory, people are most fulfilled when they satisfy which of the following three fundamental needs?

competence, autonomy, and relatedness

Generally speaking , we tend to be more attracted to

competent people than non-competent people.

According to Darwin, ________ drives sexual selection.


For someone with color blindness, the colors that look the same are always

complementary colors

Mr. West spends hours straightening his clothes closet and his desk drawers. He is very uncomfortable if they become the least bit disordered. Mr. West's behavior can be described as


According to Kohlberg, higher levels of moral development reflect and increase in

concern over the ethics of a person's actions

Let's say you have a hungry cat in your kitchen. You use your electric can opener, which makes a rather loud sound, to open a can of cat food. You have done this many times before. The hungry cat comes running toward the kitchen at the sound of the can opener, not at the sight of the food. In this example, the sound of the can opener is the

conditioned stimulus

Reggie joins the football team to please his father. According to Rogers, this is an example of

conditions of worth.

Asch asked college students to make judgments about lengths of lines. Confederates of the researcher purposely made errors, causing the research participants to do the same. This experiment illustrates the phenomenon of


When Brenda showed up at her supervisor's party, she noticed she had dressed rather formally and everyone else had dressed casually. She quickly went home, changed, and returned. Brenda's behavior is best explained by


If a child recognizes that changes in the shape of a clay ball do not change the amount of clay in the ball, the child had demonstrated


According to the self-perception theory, if you are not sure how you feel about something, what should you do?

consider your behavior

In which context does the term "insanity" apply most appropriately?


Taylor dreamed she was hearing a phone ringing. Taylor is a telephone receptionist who spends most of her day answering the phone at work. This is an example

day residue

When a person can blend into a group and not worry about his or her own personal responsibilities, ___ has occurred.


The strange beliefs held by schizophrenics are called


Based on research, students with disabilities think that able bodied students are

demanding and overconfident

Based on research, students with physical challenges believe that able-bodied students are

demanding and overconfident.

Freud argued that the true meaning of dream symbols was

dependent on the individual dreamer.

reevaluate goals an directions

during middle adulthood people often:

It has been over two years since the death of her husband, and although Jenelle tries to go out with her friends for dinners and sometimes a concert, she still cannot seem to find much pleasure in life. Jenelle is most likely suffering from

dysthymic disorder.

Erikson's theory is based on the assumption that

each person faces a set of predictable life-changing challenges at various stages of life.

The bones of the middle ear are set into motion by vibrations of the

ear drum

Most individuals who exhibit major depression share all the following except

eating disorders

Ivan is very depressed and the danger of suicide is imminent. He is not responding to the drugs normally employed to treat depression. Which of the following treatments is most likely to prove helpful in rapidly reducing Ivan's depression and suicidal behavior?

electroconvulsive therapy

Within the limbic system, the amygdala plays a key role in ________ and the hippocampus plays a key role in _______

emotion, memory

When women are threatened by a man's cheating on them, women are more concerned about ______ infidelity than _______ infidelity

emotional; sexual

Understanding and enhancing the safety and efficiency of the human-machine interaction is the central focus of


First phase of sexual response


In the premoral level of moral thinking, decisions are based on

externally determined punishments and rewards

Adler believed that the primary goal of personality development was to overcome

feelings of inferiority.

An individual who is described as having "blunted affect" would most likely

find little enjoyment in life.

The storage capacity of short-term memory is about ____ bits of information.

five to nine.

Ann has a spider phobia. During her next therapy session, her therapist plans to expose Ann to live spiders for the whole 50-minute session. Her therapist is going to use the technique called


Research on delayed gratification indicates that the best way to resist temptation is to

focus on other activities rather than the forbidden activity

What is considered a primary motive?


Terry was asked to participate in a brief phone survey. After she answered the survey questions, the interviewer asked her if she would complete a lengthy mailed survey. What technique of persuasion was used by the interviewer?

foot-in-the-door technique

An adolescence who hypothesizes and speaks in terms of possibilities may well be functioning in the cognitive stage of

formal operational thought

Michael is the new department head. He expects everyone to "get on board" with his restructuring of the department, and he publicly reprimands anyone who disagrees with his new policies. On the other hand, Michael praises department members for unanimity, cohesiveness, and harmony. Michael is creating an atmosphere most conducive to


If you could give someone with schizophrenia a drug that would stop them from hearing voices, the drug would eliminate what?

hallucination-false sensory perception

If you could give someone with schizophrenia a drug that would stop them from hearing voices that were not actually present, the drug would eliminate


Susan is having her performance at work evaluated. Susan is recognized for completing large volumes of work in a shorter period of time than other employees. She also has excellent time management skills and is good at prioritizing and delegating tasks. Her weaknesses are a lack of attention to details and a high rate of errors. The person rating her gives her very similar scores for production, efficiency, and accuracy. This rater's evaluation reflects which phenomenon?

halo effect

There is scientific evidence available stating that exposure to alcohol during pregnancy ____ the level of aggressive and rule-breaking behavior of children later in life

has a casual impact on

The psychological study of happiness

has been a serious topic of research for only 10-15 years

Abraham graduated from college with honors and approaches most aspects of life with the expectation that he will be successful. He expects a great deal of himself and sets his goals high. After his interview for a job in the most prestigious company in his state, he was convinced that he would get the job. You could say that he

has high self-efficacy.

Maslow would argue that Gus went back to school at age forty because

he chose to fully develop his potential.

When you exercise, you begin breathing more rapidly to provide oxygen to your cells. This increase in breathing is an attempt to restore


In psychoanalytic theory, transference is used to describe

how the client comes to relate to the therapist in ways that resemble his or her other relationships.

The cognitive view of depression states that it is not that bad things happening to a person causes depression, but

how we interpret those events makes all the difference.

A change in the wavelength of light would result in a change in


The ________ approach emphasizes the psychological characteristics of workers and managers, and stresses the significance of factors such as moral, attitudes, and values.

human relations

Belinda is in counseling and feels that she is on the brink of bursting through her psychological cocoon and becoming a butterfly. Belinda's therapist agrees with Belinda and feels strongly that Belinda has the innate ability to cope with stress and to control her life. Belinda's therapist is most likely a


Mary has been working with a therapist because she has felt very confused and unsure about herself for the past few years. Mary's therapist tends to be very non-directive and devotes a great deal of the session to allowing Mary to explore her identity, wants, and dreams for the future. The therapist rarely gives direct advice and instead is primarily interested in helping Mary clarify her own ideas and feelings. Mary's therapist is most likely associated with the ________ perspective of psychotherapy.


Those who adhere to the ________ approach to personality would ask the question: "Can changing your feelings about yourself increase happiness?"


Give an example of a somatoform disorder


Which of the following is an example of a somatoform disorder?


Your friend has somatic symptoms, and her thoughts are dominated by health concerns. She overreacts to minor coughs and pains, and she goes to unusual lengths to avoid germs and carcinogens. Which of the disorders below best fits the description of your friend?


What plays the largest role in the control of hunger?


Sally was reared in a home where high moral principles dominated. She has attended Sunday school and church since early childhood. In high school, her boyfriend talked her into "sleeping" with him. According to Freud, which personality structure ruled Sally's behavior in the second part of this scenario?


Life instincts and death instincts are components of the


What is characteristically the result of interpersonal psychotherapy?

ignores unconscious motivation

Eileen was not sure she knew the poem well enough and stammered while reciting it in her English class. After class, she recited it perfectly for the teacher. Eileen was probably demonstrating social


A gosling's inborn tenency to follow anything that moves just after hatching is an emaple of a type of something called


One advantage of naturalistic observation is that the researcher can examine behavior

in a normal and realistic setting

Based on research findings, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder always begins

in childhood.

What effect, if any, does engaging in altruistic behavior have on one's well being?

increases happiness

Which of the following outcomes does marijuana smoking share with cigarette smoking?

increases to the risk of lung cancer

A psychologist is studying the effect of varying levels of caffeine on anxiety. In this experiment, caffeine level is the

independent variable

Sammy is in third grade. When he won the spelling bee, he felt proud of his accomplishment. However, when he could not complete his arithmetic assignment on time, he felt incompetent. Which of Erikson's developmental stages does this reflect?

industry vs. inferiority

When you let somene know what she/he is about to do in a psychological experiment, you are providing

informed consent

Wolfgang Köhler, a Gestalt psychologist, described a type of learning that involved a sudden cognitive change. The term used to describe this learning is


One reason that men greatly outnumbered women in the early history of psychology was that

institutions discriminated against women.

A company owner wants to hire the most honest job applicants. She could best evaluate the honesty of job applicants by using a(n)

integrity test.

Which of the following is NOT an element recognized by Rogers as one that is essential for human growth?


According to the psychoanalytic approach to psychotherapy, which of the following is an essential part of the job of a psychotherapist?

interpret the disguised revelations of the unconscious mind

Personality assessments are most often done through


Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by

irresistible urges to fall asleep

The approach known as evoultionary psychology.

is based on the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin

Which depth cue accounts for why parallel lines appear to grow closer together the father away they are?

linear perspective

If both of your ears were on the same side of your head, you would have difficulty

localizing sounds

The term "hypnotic analgesia" refers to the situation that occurs when a person is hypotized, they

lose sense of touch or pain

Consistency between attitudes and behaviors is an indicator of ___ cognitive dissonance.


Of the following factors, ________ is related to the highest rates of mental disorders.

low income

Cedric saw an ad for a big screen television at a great price. When he went to the television show room he was told that the model was completely sold out, but another similar model was available for a slightly higher price. This is an example of the

low-ball technique

What does it mean when you are told to lower your life change units?

lower your stress levels

An optimistic attribution style has been related to ________ levels of depression and ________ risk of suicide

lower; decreased

Marilyn needs a wheelchair to get around. If she is hired for a new job, the company must

make accommodations to allow her to do the job

If you maintain that William got a poor grade on his examination because he is not very intelligent, you are

making an internal attribution.

The major difference(s) between the male and female sexual response cycle(s) is/are that

males experience refractory periods, and females may experience multiple orgasms.

Because society expects us to behave differently in different social settings we have

many different social roles.

Generally speaking, collectivistic cultures tend to value

membership as a part of a group

The refractory perios during sexual activity occurs only in


Your doctor has given you some awful-tasting pills. To minimize the aversive tatse, where should you place the pill on your tongue?


If you downplay or ignore compliments given to you, Beck might suggest that your are exhibiting the cognitive error of


If you want to change someone's opinion about something, what is the optimum level of self-esteem for that person to possess?

moderate self-esteem

According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, optimum performance is achieved when one is

moderately anxious.

Changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding principles that guide what people should do is part of ________ development.


People with less education and lower incomes are _______ likely to abuse drugs compared to persons with more money.


The evolutionary perspective predicts that, compared to men, women will be

more selective when choosing a mate.


n thinking about Mary (a female), a psychologist would tend to view Mary's gender role as being comprised of Select one: a. only feminine characteristics. b. no masculine characteristics. c. neither masculine nor feminine characteristics. d. both masculine and feminine characteristics

Elderly people who are very active and vital make a big impression on younger people because sterotypes

narrow our expectations of behaviour

A psychologist who gathers data while watching managers interact with their employees is using

naturalistic observation

You just ran a marathon in very hot weather and perspired heavily. According to drive reduction theory, your body will have a(n) ________ to hydrate, which will produce a(n) ________ for water, which will lead to a ________ to get water

need; drive; motivation

If drinking coffee at night causes you not to sleep, then there is a _______ correlation between caffeine intake and sleep


In what way did Jung disapprove of Freud's theory of personality? He disagreed with Freud's

negative view of the human condition.

According to research, individuals high in ___ tend not to marry, and when they do, their marriages tend to be unhappy.


The general name for the chemicals that travel accross a synaptic gap are called


Joyce has the potential to be an honor student. However, she frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than work to succeed, she tends to "dummy down" to act more like the students that she hangs out with. She sometimes answers questions incorrectly just to be more like her friends. Which of the following perspectives would explain this?

normative social influence

In truly naturalistic observation, researchers should:

not change the situations

Praise can increase intrinsic motivation when praise is

not used to compare the child to other children

On the long strands of DNA, what are located on the twin rails of the double helix?


"Out of sight, out of mind" can describe the behavior of a child who has not mastered the concept of

object permanence.

Which of the following concepts is associated with Albert Bandura?

observational learning

Oscar feels that if he does not circle his car five times before he gets in it, he will have an accident. The feeling that he is going to have an accident represents a(n)


Peggy is having unwelcome, intrusive thoughts about a man hurting her children. The thoughts will not go away. Her therapist says she is having___________

obsessive thoughts

A person who feels compelled to repeat some behavior in a ritualistic manner has a(n) ___ disorder.


Bill has recurrent thoughts about germs and spends a large portion of each day washing his hands. Which anxiety disorder is Bill experiencing?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and saw stars or flashes of light, cells were stimulates in your ______ lobe


Blind sight is a disorder sometimes seen in a patient after they have received damage to the

occipital lobe

By definition, gender identity is a matter of

one's personal opinion about oneself

One should deliver ___ messages to individuals who are initially favorable to the message and ____ messages to individuals who are initially unfavorable toward it.

one-sided; two-sided.

According to Maslow, self-actualization is possibl

only after all other needs have been fulfilled.

If all you know about a person is that she is freethinking, smart, and tolerant, what trait is she likely high on?


The psychological experience of the worker is emphasized in ________ psychology.


As defined in the psychological field, an employee who cooperates with others, helps fellow employees and goes above and beyond his or her duties to support the company is thought to demonstrate good

organizational citianeship

third stage of sexual response


The first step for a new employee is taking part in


Regarding brain function, the term plasticity refers to the phenomenon of when the cortex is damaged

other areas of the brain can take over the functions of the damaged area

College students from African countries are more likely to believe that their negative emotions as being

other people

Self-concept refers to the idea of

our view of what we are like

Learning to perform a task so well that it becomes automatic is referred to as


Paul pushes Susie off the swing. Paul's behavior is best categorized as ________ aggression.


A pattern of anxiety with long periods of calm broken by intensely uncomfortable anxiety attacks is

panic anxiety disorder.

If you are in a low stress-level situation and you experience increases in salivation, constriction of the lungs, contraction of the bladder, and an activation of the digestive tract, you know that your ______ nervous system is primarily responsible for these operations.


The brain area responsible for controlling blood-sugar levels is the

paraventricular necleus

Expressive aphasia is a disorder found in some stroke patients where

patients cannot speak language, but can understand speech.

When a child is the subject of sexual satisfaction, the abnormal behavior is called


The tendency for perceptions of objects to remain relatively unchanged in spie of changes in raw sensations is called

perceptual constancy

The process of understanding why one particular person is attracted to another particular person is studied in the area of social psychology known as

person perception

The idea that individuals respond in certain ways based on the setting is

person x situation interactionism

Walter Mischel's view of situationism infers that

personality varies considerably from one context to another.

An attempt to change someone's attitudes is generally called


A ___ is linked to a specific situation, while ___ is a cause of anxiety that is not linked to a specific situation

phobia; generalized anxiety disorder

Carla is afraid to use any toilet other than the one in her home. She will go to any length to avoid using a public restroom or the washrooms at her friends' houses. Carla is most likely suffering from

phobic disorder.

Edwin is afraid to ride in elevators, and he quit his job because he was being moved to the 27th floor of his office building. He would probably be classified as exhibiting a

phobic reaction.

In the early stages of attraction and relationships, ____ seems to be the most important factor.

physical attractiveness

What best distinguishes the infancy stage from other stages of development?

physical growth is most rapid in the first year

In sensory transduction,neural energy is derived from

physical sources of energy

Other things being equal, when we are forming an impression about a person, we tend to

place greater emphasis on negative characteristics than on postive.

second stage of sexual response


Most contemporary psychologists believe that biological factors

play at least some role in behavior disorders.

As psychology developed as a science in the late 19th century, the culture of this time

played a large role in the selection of white males as important theorists and researchers.

In its resting state (when a neuron is said to be composed of mostly negative ions on the inside and surrounded by mostly positive ions on the outside) a neuron is called


There is evidence that the left hemisphere is involved in processing _______ and the right hemisphere is involoved in processing _______

positive emotions; negative emotions

Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a

positive illusion.

Flashbacks, feelings of guilt over their survival, and pervasive tenseness are characteristic of persons suffering from

post-traumatic stress disorder.

When Sandra was 18 years old, she was in a serious car accident. Although she made a full recovery from her injuries, she experienced extreme anxiety afterward. Sandra is now very anxious when driving, will not drive near the site of the accident, has nightmares about the accident, and flinches when she goes through intersections. Sandra has symptoms suggestive of

post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, individuals who are willing to risk their lives and freedom for a belief operate on the ________ level of moral development.


A harmful attitude based on an inaccurate generalization about a group of people is called a/n


Bill thinks stereotypically about foreigners, disliking them without making any efforts to know them. Bill is demonstrating


Which of the following is considered an orgasm dysfunction?

premature ejaculation

What is the correct order of stages in Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

premoral, conventional and principled

When interviewing for a job, it is important to dress well, shake hands firmly, and be appropriately assertive and friendly because of the

primacy effect

Blake secretly cheated on his girlfriend and now he is constantly accusing her of harboring desires for other people. What defense mechanism is Blake using?


The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of a(n) _______ personality test.


The rorschach inkblot test is an example of___________personality test


A disorder which causes an inability to recognize faces is called ________ and is the result of damage to the ________ lobe

prosopagnosia, temporal

A need is to a physiological state as a drive is to a(n) ________ state.


One of your colleagues from work has been diagnosed with dissociative amnesia. This means that he is experiencing memory loss that is

psychologically caused

J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner believed that:

psychology should focus on the behavior in the environment that can be seen or measured

At the preconventional level of moral development, individuals decide right and wrong based on

punishments or rewards.

Which of the following characteristics best fits dependent personality disorder?

puts others needs before self

A therapist challenges her client during a therapy session by saying, "So what if your fiancée left you and married your roommate instead? Why does that mean that you are not a good person?" The therapist is working from which of the following perspective?


The ability to turn one desire into the opposite desire is know as the defense mechanism of? (You don't like your daughter but you try to find reasons to like her)

reaction formation

Recessive traits appear only when the mother's gene is _____ and the father's gene is _______

recessive; recessive

According to ________, the person, the person's behavior, and the environment all influence one another in a pattern of two-way causal links.

reciprocal determinism

Caroline has volunteered to work with the underprivileged children who are participants in her professor's literacy project. She is hoping that her professor will take this into consideration when calculating her grade. Caroline is expecting


If children cannot grasp the concept of conservation, they are unable to

recognize that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape.

Despite being not physically addictive, marijuana, used on a prolonged basis,

reduces cognitive efficiency

A Therapist who mimics the emotions of his or her clients to help them become more aware of their feelings is practicing what technique?


Darin had an automobile accident in which his brother and another passenger were killed. Though Darin was not seriously hurt in the accident, he cannot remember any of the accident details. Darin is unconsciously engaging in which ego defense mechanism?


Which of the following practices best reduces the effects of self-objectification?

requiring students to wear school uniforms

The ability to overcome hardship during childhood again and again is referred to as


Sometimes a therapist cannot get at the crux of a client's problems, because the client uses unconscious strategies for protection. What is this called?


fourth stage of sexual response


How are the results of objective personality tests assessed?

results are compared

The structure that plays an important role in maintaining attention and arousal by manipulation of various neurotransmitters is the

reticular formation

Consider the following scenario from Maslow's perspective: William has volunteered to work in a war-torn country to try to improve the lives of the residents there. Assuming that the citizens have enough food and water, what would they be in need of next?


From Maslow's perspective, motivation is primarily the result of

satisfying basic needs before moving to higher needs.

If ten people say that a color is blue when it actually is not, what is the eleventh person likely to do?

say that the color is blue

A mental framework for understanding what is considered appropriate behavior for males and females is called a gender


Moira displays little emotion and appears cold and aloof. She has no serious cognitive disturbances but is extremely socially withdrawn. Which diagnosis best fits Moira's symptoms?

schizoid personality disorder

Which personality disorder includes individuals who have no interest in social contract?

schizoid personality disorder.

Hertz is a method of measuring the frequency of sound waves as the number of cycles per


Having more concern about the welfare of friends, family members and humanity rather than self is an important aspect of

self actualization

For Rogers, what is a person's subjective perception of his or her own skills, behaviors, and personality called?

self concept

In social learning theory, the perception that one is capable of doing what is necessary to reach one's goals is known as


Setting goals, planning for the implementation of goals, and monitoring progress are all aspects of


In Piaget's cognitive development theory, the ________ stage occurs during the period of infancy.


"I am so tired of dieting. It seems like it controls my life. I wonder what my real weight would be if I just ate only when I'm hungry." This dieter is curious about her

set point

According to the text, biological characteristics are referred to as one's


The direction of one's erotic interests refers to a person's

sexual orientation.

What would be a typical characteristic of an exhibitionist?


If we believe that someone is acting because of some external or environmental cause, this is a/n ___ attribution.


Joe thinks that the only reason he did poorly on his driver's test was that it contained all trick questions. What type of attribution is Joe using here?

situational attribution

In the Watson and Tellegran model of emotion, what distinguishes fear from anger?

situational factors

Dr. McCall found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups compared to when each student did an individual project. This difference can be explained by the phenomenon of

social loafing.

We all behave according to spoken and unspoken rules known as

social norms.

The study of group interactions, relationships, perceptions and attitudes is the study of

social psychology

The ________ theory best supports the statement: "A women should stay home and care for the children and a man should go to work to provide for them."

social role

Culturally determined rules and guidelines that tell us how to behave in groups are called

social roles

Penny is a single mom who is constantly struggling to make ends meet. As a result, she is depressed a great deal of the time. Her depression most likely has a ________ basis.


A decrease in total body fluids causes an increase in cellular

sodium concentration

Mary has been changing doctors frequently and can't understand why none of her doctors can find anything wrong with her. She complains of nausea and tiredness and has recently started taking many different kinds of pills, hoping that something will help. Mary is displaying the characteristics of

somatization disorder.

A resercher using the correlational method is interesting in determining if there is a _______ relationship between two variables


Any man can be a great leader because men are strong, dominant, and rational. This statement reflects a gender


Chuck just met Elle, a new Harvard law school student. Although Elle is very intelligent, she looks more like a blonde beauty queen than a law school student. Chuck thinks that someone as beautiful as Elle is much less likely to do well in school. Chuck's views about beautiful blondes are an example of a(n)


The reticular formation is primarily responsible for

stereotyped patterns such as walking, sleeping, or turning to attend to a sudden noise

You recently heard a professor state that "All students cheat if given half a chance!" This statement is an example of


The idea that we can tell the difference between the appropriate occasion for a response and an inappropriate occasion for a response is known as

stimulus discrimination.

In understanding emotions, it is the ____________ that provokes a reaction from an individual.

stimulus situation

When prejudiced people are made angry, prejudice is ____, even if the target group is not responsible for the angry situation.


What happens to a person's stress level after repeated exposure to stress?

stress decreases

The basic idea for the use of descripitive statastics is to

summarize the findings for large numbers of participants

A yound boy feels guilty after looking through some adult sex magazines. In Frued's theory, the source of this guilt is the


If you are considering the potential disadvantage of the lack of completely honest answers, particulary about sensitive topics such as sex and drug use, then you are probably considering using the _____________ research method


The inkblots used in the Rorschack test are what?


The physical junction between two neurons is called the


The physical space between two neurons is called the


"First, I would like you to get in a comfortable position and begin the breathing techniques which we have been practicing. When you sense that you have arrived at complete relaxation, we will proceed." This therapist is initiating

systematic desensitization.

The tendency of individuals to perform better simply because they are being singled out and made to feel important is called

the Hawthorne effect.

What biological hypothesis views abnormal behavior as simply a severe form of normal psychological problems

the discontinuity hypothesis

The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big ugly election sign on their lawn. If people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn. The committee is using

the door-in-the-face strategy.

A person on campus walks up to you and asks if you would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for her cause. Though the ribbon is a bit unattractive, it is small so you agree to wear it. After agreeing to this request, the solicitor then asks you if you would be willing to make a donation of $15. This example best demonstrates the persuasion technique called

the foot-in-the-door.

When attending a car show, you see a custom-painted car that seems to change color as you view its paint from different angles. The most likely explanation for this is

the reflected wavelength of light changes with position

Mr. and Mrs. Lee warn their new babysitter, Alison, that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result, Alison starts calling the child "Dennis the Menace" and she behaves in ways that elicit aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

The tendency for low credibility speakers to influence our attitudes after a time is called

the sleeper effect.

According to Alfred Adler, people are primarily motivated by

their desire to overcome perceived shortcomings.

Maria runs her company on the philosophy that workers try to avoid doing their work so she must constantly try to "keep them in line." Maria's philosophy best matches with

theory X management

Antony owns a company where the work is creative and employees are encouraged to suggest new solutions to old problems. Antony's company uses

theory Y management.

The research data on gender differences in general intellectual ability suggests that

there are no systematic differences between males and females.

Information must be retrieved from STM and LTM differently because

there is much more information in LTM

The term interviewer illusion refers to the tendency of interviewers to believe that

they can discern the truth about a job applicant.

cognitive theories of emotion predict that we

think before we feel

The process of converting the physical energy from hearing music (for example), into electrochemical energy is called


The term ________ refers to experiencing one's psychological gender as being different from one's physical sex.


A person who dresses in clothes of the opposite sex practices


Some people obtain sexual satisfaction by dressing as a member of the opposite sex. This practice is called


Someone with obsessive compulsive disorder suffers from__________ that occur________.

two separate problems; together often

For a person to have experienced a major depressive episode, he/she must have had at least five of the nine symptoms for at least

two weeks.

You have been chosen to speak to the Young Republicans and the Young Democrats regarding the new nuclear plant to be built near your neighborhood. Regardless of the position you take, it is likely that the audience will be relatively intelligent and that opinion will be split. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a

two-sided presentation.

The most serious criticism about how the subjects in Milgram's studies were handled was the

unethical practices used.

Which if the following is NOT considered one of the criteria for defining abnormal behavior?

unique behavior

Persons with antisocial personality disorder have a(n) ___ need for physiological arousal

unusually high

Your therapist, Dr. Schmidt, tells you that he practices integrative therapy. This means that he

uses techniques from a variety of therapeutic models.

When sound waves enter the ear canal, they first

vibrate the eardrum

Which of the following would describe the behavior of a voyeur?

watching others involved in sexual acts

Our daily moods give us feedback on the effectiveness of our self-regulation. This means that

we will not always be happy with the feedback.

In the context of social psychology, social roles tell people

what is expected

In the first level of Gilligan's theory of moral development, children are concerned with

what is good for them

In which time period did psychology became a recognized field of study?

when the first laboratory was esablished in late 1800s

What is conformity?

when with a group we tend to act like the group

In a blind experiment, the participants do not know

which level of the independent variable they recieved

At the college where Dave works, potential employees must give a ten minute demonstration of their teaching style prior to being hired. This is an example of a(n)

work sample.

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