Introduction to Social Media Final Exam Study Guide

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In an age of mobile smartphones and social media, radio is changing to meet new habits and compete with our other sources of news such as podcasts which are extremely popular today.

How has radio changed with the addition of mobile apps?

Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now: 1. You are losing your free will 2. Quitting social media is the finely targeted way to resist the insanity of our times 3. Social media is making you into an ******* 4. Social media is undermining the truth 5. Social media is making what you say meaningless 6. Social media is destroying your capacity for empathy 7. Social media is making you unhappy 8. Social media doesn't want you to have economic dignity 9. Social media is making politics impossible 10. Social media hates your soul.

What are Jaron Lanier's ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now?

The best practices in collaboration are that collaborative social media teams allow group members and leaderships to promote creativity and encourage individuals to act in the interest of the greater good.

What are best practices in collaboration?

Reports are subject now more than ever to analysis, criticism and correction and a reporter's success (as gauged by audience reach) depends on readers', listeners', and viewers' decision to share... or not to share.

What are journalists and reporters now subject to now?

More best practices of social media for journalist: 8. Respond to criticism of coverage 9. Promote advertisers' events with sponsored posts. 10. Curate content from credible sources to clarify and correct bad information circulating as social media rumors. 11. Post photographs from publication archives and offer to sell popular prints 12. Take advantage of coverage opportunities by publishing audio, video, and streaming events in real-time. 13. Use the platforms to thank the fans for engaging and sharing content. 14. Answer questions from readers and giving information that they are requesting and needing.

What are more best practices of social media for journalists?

Social media interest is high among journalists. Here are the best practices: 1. Live tweet from a news event and create a summary of a curated list of the best engagement and information. 2. Send out links to stories across social media sites to drive traffic to websites. 3. Use great photography to spark audience interest in coverage and promote the brand. 4. Engage online with people in the community to identify news sources and seek verifiable information. 5. Search social media platforms for story ideas and possible new trends. 6. Monitor government operations and behavior of politicians. 7. Cultivate personal brands of star journalists meaning hire young journalists to help write stories.

What are some best practices of social media for journalists?

Snapchat's monthly trends are one way to keep pace with rapid change. For example, in November of 2019, trending was topics included Thanksgiving, the Baby Yoda viral meme, and historical humor while also conversation about Black Friday and the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup took place. What's important is that you want to know what is coming next and you need to be following trends constantly.

What are some trends on social media?

The FTCs three critical areas: 1. Privacy by design meaning consumer privacy protection 2. Simplified Choice for Business & Consumers which opt-out or Do-Not- Track" mechanism that would provide a simple, easy way for consumers to control the tracking of their online activities. 3. Greater transparency as many companies don't want this transparency and they co-oupt our thoughts and they have so much data that they have collected.

What are the FTC's three critical areas?

Schiff suggested five key organizational steps: 1. Involve all departments 2. Use a (web) filter 3. Set aside times each day for social media use 4. Have a written social media policy 5. Don't be draconian - The company owns its social media accounts, not employees; Employees have the right to communicate with other employees, and talk about the company on social media; and employees must disclose when they are posting on behalf of the company.

What are the five key organizational steps suggested by Schiff?

The main themes under Big Data and Privacy: 1. Personal data as a currency and if they get enough data this could be identity theft. 2. Identity theft 3. Search history is targeted on Facebook and it helps provide you with a better experience and it helps them make their money. If you don't repost or share this Facebook is not going to survive. 4. What you buy, where you go using GPS, this is all tracked. 5. "Big Brother" (Govt vs Business)

What are the main themes under Data and Privacy?

The six principles in a "Human Dignity" model: 1. Sanction disclosure of certain intimate private facts. 2. Utilize and accept existing torts. 3. Utilize law punishing intrusions upon space, property, and personal information. 4. Avoid initial disclosure of sensitive information 5. Punish defamation including outrageous falsity 6. Promote and support media creating self-defining ethical standards that include new media.

What are the six principles in the "Human Dignity" model?

The takeaways of privacy policies: 1. Social media communication tends to be public 2. Social media sites track user data for systems improvement, user direction and advertising purposes. 3. Data tends to be stored, retrievable and copied. 4. Users need to read and understand policies and opt out and not use social media if they desire complete privacy. If you want complete privacy, then don't use social media or any Internet of Things gadgets either. 5. User should consider site purpose and context when deciding to participate. 6. Buyer Beware meaning they will collect and sell your data and the security is high and hacks can happen and we are the consumers and everything seems to be funneled through Instagram and Twitter.

What are the takeaways of privacy policies?

Television has the opportunity to experiment with social media as it offers the chance to drive audience traffic online, on the air, and back online. It is an attractive real-time model that follows the rules of computer-mediated communication: identity (branding), interaction (two-way) and community branding (online)

What can Television do with social media?

Social media best practices require users to go beyond attracting followers and fans, the quality of interaction is often more important than the numbers over time.

What do social media best practices require users to do?

Mills says that there is an inherent conflict between all forms of media and a desire for personal privacy.

What does Mills say about personal privacy?

Before his death, Steve Buttry posted dozens of ideas for journalists on He suggests that news organization community engagement equates to making a "top priority to listen, to join, lead & enable conversation to elevate journalism." Journalists can use social media as a reporting tool by looking for blogs and content in their local communities.

What does Steve Buttry state regarding journalism?

Ron Gleason believes live radio audiences come and go and he is not convinced that they will take the effort to select and navigate recorded content. He sees that social media as impacting all of journalism with the good being more and more people are getting valuable information faster and faster but the bad being you can't always trust what you see - because the information is only as good as the source.

What does news director Ron Gleason believe of radio?

Privacy protection depends upon a patchwork of state and national laws, and these provide little in the way of consistency across the large global social network.

What does privacy protection depend upon?

In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission is in charge of our privacy protections on social media NOT the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) though they do control access (NET Neutrality.

What government agency is responsible for our privacy protections on social media?

Prior to the Obama Administration, the terms of service were really hard to read and the FTC and the groups made them more user friendly and the company changed it into and we are stuck into the same boat into approved and can't use it without accepting their understanding.

What happened prior to the Obama Administration?

Big Data is an extremely large data set that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.

What is Big Data?

FOMO is the fear of missing out.

What is FOMO?

Garst's identifies a formula for success which includes: 1. Avoiding common mistakes 2. Offering social media tips, repeating motivational quotes, answering questions over selling 3. Lead with valuable content 4. Remain focused on target demographics when deciding whom to follow, what to say, and when. 5. Use tools such as Hootsuite to manage and filter conversations (clears social media "noise")

What is Garst's formula for success?

Blogging takes many forms as it does not have to be non-fiction, it could be about sports or other topics like car mechanics. This is where people talk about what they love. An individual can operate on WordPress, Blogger or other sites with complete editorial control and decision making.

What is blogging?

Data protection is a social, political, and legal issue.

What is data protection?

Digital dementia is the decline in cognitive function due to excessive use of digital devices.

What is digital dementia?

Greater transparency is that companies should disclose details about their collection and use of consumer's information and provide consumers access to the data collected about them.

What is greater transparency?

The Chicago Tribune hosts ChicagoNow, a blog site that promote wide-open community discussion from bloggers who do not sign opinions with their names. Editors at this site promote a local blogger community by hosting regular social hours called "blatherings" and other events.

What is happening at the Chicago Tribune?

Mark Zuckerberg said that privacy is dead when the right to share and collect and to take your data and do with it what he wants is part and parcel to using the platform. Or when he doesn't talk at congressional hearings about policy while he can take your data and information on Facebook.

What is kind of hypocritical of what Mark Zuckerberg said about privacy?

Beyond full-length blog posts, which may run 500 to 1,000 words or more, micro-blogging on Twitter, Tumblr and other social media sites is seen as a way to regularly communicate ideas without the effort and time required by more traditional blogging.

What is micro-blogging?

Mobile media is reinforcing by increased face-to-face engagements while it also brings people together physically and psychologically.

What is mobile media doing to reinforce?

Mobile media is working against which means they are emphasizing "social divisions" through member boundaries when mobile media are used for network configuration. For instance, everyone needs an email address and doesn't need to have a fixed location for this as a public library is a good place to use if they don't have access to a computer at home.

What is mobile media working against?

Mobile media are "new forms of sociability" as it is to reinforce or work against traditional communication, along with other network technologies.

What is mobile media?

Privacy by design is that companies should build in consumers' privacy protections at every stage in developing their products.

What is privacy by design?

The simplified choice for businesses and consumers is that companies should give consumers the option to decided what information is shared about them, and with whom.

What is simplified choice for businesses and consumers?

The European's "Right to Be Forgotten" law allows individuals to demand that Google and other search engines erase links" considered "prejudicial" to them or more simply the rule that gives EU citizens the power to demand data about them to be deleted. In the case of search engines, Europeans have had the right to request links to contain sensitive personal information about them be removed since 2014. The United States has nothing like this as social media companies can share and sell your data anytime they wish. Thus, we exchange personal data for the right to use social media sites.

What is the European's Right to Be Forgotten law?

The challenge is finding journalists whose ability to engage an audience matches their ability to gather and report facts. Time may be tough for social media outlets but now is the best time to become a journalist. The reason is these days, if you have something to true to say in the digital world empowers you to communicate it to anyone, anywhere, regardless of the medium. You don't need a printing press. You don't need an antenna. All you need is a way with words or sound or pictures and a library card to use a computer.

What is the challenge in finding journalists?

The difference between opt-in and opt-out is that opt-in means that you set the settings right and you can make the choices as to what they know, what they can see, what they can collect, and what they can share. But the social media companies would prefer if you opt-out because everything is already set up for their liking what they want to be meaningful for their benefit and they don't make it easy for you to opt-out. Thus, when you opt-out you must go through all of those settings that are buried in there Because when you sign up, you're agreeing when you click yes to the service agreements that all of the settings are to their benefits and you have to opt-out to change those. Opting in is the better protection for the consumer. Your experience on social media mobile apps won't be as good after opting out.

What is the difference between opt-in and opt-out?

The rule of thumb is that laws always lag behind technology and the people who make or write the laws, government or politicians, do not understand them and how they protect themselves which then goes back to the laws and that is why they always lag behind technology and go into the law-making and before and it holds true about this. While the technology companies are writing these privacy laws that benefit them rather than human beings and your expectation of privacy is been given up because of it.

What is the rule of thumb when it comes to laws?

Sites such as The Huffington Post maintained a blog team that exercises an editorial review process then shifted it to the writers themselves making it unique. This becomes more of a free for all about the situation and there is no information that is checked and liable and blogger is going to sue you and spreading it.

What is unique about the Huffington Post?

The collection, organization, analysis, distribution, and use of big data - huge online datasets tracking user action and interaction - is very relevant for those concerned about social media communications privacy.

What is very relevant for those concerned about social media communication privacy?

Chicago's WBBM Newsradio 780 is mobile on the CBS app which allows its users to select their favorite stations and has a built-in sleep timer and alarm. Also users can read online stories while listening to live radio, and there is some basic Twitter and Facebook sharing.

What was Chicago's WBBM Newsradio 780?

Facebook created Beacon in 2007 and the Facebook program was used to share user data about their behaviors. It was seen as a mistake. Specifically, Blockbuster would give Facebook data about video rentals, and then Facebook would share this with a user's friend network. The problem was that you did not have the right to opt-out of it and they got sued for Beacon but Facebook was forced to create Facebook Connect in 2008.

What was Facebook's Beacon?

Facebook's Connect was a service that allowed you to connect your platforms together and train the information and read through. I am giving you my permission to share my information with business partners and how many times your friends are liking this. Here why don't you do this, have one login across multiple platforms and gives them the permission to give, trade, and sell this information about you.

What was Facebook's Connect?

Rivet Radio News was a Chicago start-up launched in late 2013 with an iPhone app, and its development is coming after the all-news audience. Rivet was targeting people on the go and wanting to personalize story selection in categories such as breaking news, business, sports, arts & entertainment, technology, and lifestyle. The app was unable to win over live radio news audiences and by 2020 had become a smart media production and distribution company.

What was Rivet Radio News?

The app also allowed users to pause, rewind, and skip stories while newscasters emphasized conversational style, even as they keep pace with breaking news. Rivet also uses listener location to provide on-demand stories, including hyper-local traffic updates. Additionally, Rivet uses the flexible approach with all of its recorded stories group in categories selected by the user instead of the clock-driven live radio format.

What were some of the features of the Rivet Radio mobile app?

Technologies will help enhance within group communication, provide additional information to the group, or alter tasks. Also there are theoretical concerns that include the degree of media richness and potential effects. The development and refinement of best practices requires team collaboration and constant learning about new tools and ideas. For instance, Mercyhurst going remotely last semester and how it changed for the better as people are all using Blackboard more effectively.

What will technologies help enhance?

Social media is a slot machine DESIGNED for addiction & to collect your information. They use algorithms to make your experience personalized to you so you continue to come back to the app where you feel pleasure and enjoyment each time. You feel better when you receive notifications on your posts and have better self-esteem when getting more likes on posts. It continues your pursuit of gaining more pleasure by posting more where the social media companies make this addicting by holding back like notifications on a Facebook post. Additionally, technology companies collect your information from the minute you accept the terms of conditions without reading those services. You might be scrolling checking on what your friends have been up to Instagram which these companies are taking your data. People are not aware of this is happening and utilize these services all the dang time. Despite them being addictive and collecting all of our data, they can make us more nervous and lose focus as well. We saw Andersen Cooper get more nervous when he heard the text notifications going off but he could not reach his phone to respond to them on an episode of 60 Minutes. We are getting so addicted that they are the new cigarette smoking. All of these features make social media impossible to not be addicting but Jaron Lanier and Cal Newport have offered arguments for deleting their social media accounts as it has given them a more productive workday since they don't have to check their phones every eight minutes. Newport still has a normal life and is not only okay without social media but is more successful professionally because of it.

When you really think of it, what is social media?

NBC used a live performance of the The Sound of Music (#SoundofMusicLive) to leverage online. They magnified program interest by engaging fans on social media. NBC's audience of 21.3 million viewers in 2013 was the largest for a non-sporting in four years.

Which live performance used social media to leverage online engagement?

Privacy was conceived by Justice Cooley (1888).

Who conceived privacy?

The biggest threat to your own online security might be your own damn self since a lot of people are causing trouble and without knowledge of what is stored and the lunacy and they will continue to share private information. That means you need to think before you post since it could be shared anywhere and when you do post it should be noted that you don't own the picture on social media platforms as the companies due. If you don't think before you post you could lose your job just because you were tweeting on the company account rather than your own. Also, make sure that you change your passwords frequently.

Who is the biggest threat to your own online security?

Later developed in law by Brandeis as a "right to be left alone" in 1928.

Who made privacy a law?

Privacy was theorized by Warren and Brandeis (1890)

Who theorized privacy?

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