Introduction to Sociology final 2018- Jefferson College of Health Sciences

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Discuss how disease could be viewed as a threat to social order.

A disease may seem like a threat to social order when it spreads rapidly and has killed many. Like an epidemic, where people get scared, they may catch and it has killed many.

What is a food desert and how does it exemplify the point that health and illness are socially constructed?

A food desert is a community in which the residents have little or no access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods. This shows that illnesses and health are socially constructed by people who are poor and cannot afford to drive further away than the mini mart down the street to get healthier, better food ( or they cannot afford healthy food at all )

How have pharamaceutical advertisements changed the patient-doctor relationship?

Advertisements have changed the patient-doctor relationship by showing people what or how the doctor would treat you when you went to a certain health care facility.

Which part of the American power structure did the Black Lives Matter protest against?

Black Lives Matter addressed law enforcement of America, the incarnation of black males, and police brutality.

Why are charter schools controversial among public school advocates?

Charter schools are likely to be controversial among public schools because charter school give a balance between private and public schools. By this, I mean that charter schools allow parents to have control over what their children learn, make decisions and implement them faster than public schools, but are expensive.

What is cultural imperialism? Give a real life example of how it occurs.

Cultural imperialism- cultural influence caused by adopting another cultures products. Example- coca-cola, mcdonalds.

Explain two ways in which belonging to a particular social class has a profound effect on almost every aspect of a person's life.

Depending on someone's social class, people may view them differently. For example, when someone is applying for a job, the employer will see how the interviewee presents him or herself and see how he or she has been at previous jobs or see if they even have ever had a job before. Another way is that if a person works a minimum wage job, full time, they can still be viewed as poor.

How do recreation and leisure activities form the basis for a subculture?

Different recreational and leisure activities form a subculture in society because every subculture is different depending on what activities are at hand or available to different areas in a society.

In what ways does the digital divide contribute to social inequality?

Digital divide contributes to social inequality in the way that not everyone has the resources available at hand like most. It may be harder for some to get ahold of technology.

How and why does domestic abuse happen?

Domestic abuse occurs because at one point in the relationship, it was happy, then it proceeded to get tense and then the tension explodes into abuse. Why does it occur? The abuser has a desire for power over the victim, and abusers often blame their victims.

What is ecotourism? What are the arguments for and against ecotourism?

Ecotourism is characterized by the efforts of tourists and the travel industry to lessen the negative consequences of tourism on the environment as well as on local cultures. For: can make positive contributions to both the environment and local communities. Against: "eco" label, makes tourists feel less guilty about traveling to places where they cannot help but make a negative impact.

What are the four stages of a social movement?

Emergence, coalescences, bureaucra- tization, and decline

People with higher socioeconomic status can expect to live longer lives and have greater physical well-being than those in lower socioeconomic status groups. What factors contribute to these unequal health outcomes?

Factors such as costs, how to travel to medical places can impact how there are unequal health outcomes. Richer people have more access to more health care resources than someone who is poorer than them, because money.

In what way is the family responsible for the reproduction of society?

Families are responsible for reproduction is society because if a male and female were to be together, they would end up reproducing and having children. Therefore, making them responsible for reproduction in society.

What factors contribute to what sociologists call the "feminization of poverty"?

Feminization of poverty can have factors such as low wages for women, more single women are to take care of their children, and a rise in cost of child care.

How do functionalists and conflict theorists differ in how they approach and understand gender inequality?

Functionalist believe that there are certain tasks that are to be done by men and some to be done by women only. They believe in an instrumental role and an expressive role. Conflict theorists believe that there is gender inequality (men get paid more and can do more).

Compare and contrast the approaches to race taken by functionalist theory and conflict theory.

Functionalist theory- explains prejudice and discrimination; Conflict theory-focuses on power and control

What is the "hidden curriculum"? What nonacademic functions does it fulfill?

Hidden curriculum are things that students learn indirectly but that go along with socialization is the school environment. It fulfills many nonacademic functions such as training future workers and reinforces or reproduces conditions of social inequality.

How is determining religiosity a complex phenomenon in the US?

Researchers have identified two broad categories of religion, therefore making it hard to narrow religiosity down. Extrinsic and intrinsic; extrinsic is someone's public display of religious beliefs while intrinsic is someone's inner beliefs and religious life.

Give an example of one form that gender socialization can take in schools.`

In school, girls are usually not praised as much for an accomplishment like boys are. In the classroom, girls usually do not behave badly, unlike boys who usually do.

Describe two ways that school environments may have a negative impact on gender-nonconforming students.

In schools, teachers or staff may get irritated or look down on students who do not do or act as the stereotypes people have set for genders. OR treat them differently.

What is the difference between individual discrimination and institutional discrimination? Give examples.

Individual discrimination is someone treats other poorly because of their race or ethnicity (example- harassment, or jokes). Institutional discrimination is when institutions practice discriminatory policies that affect groups of people(examples-laws or decisions that reflect racism).

Discuss how inequalities between the haves and have nots affect health outcomes.

Inequalities affect health outcomes by people who have access to resources in order to help them medically. Unlike a homeless person who does not always have the money to go to a doctor. Having and not having certain things can affect health when trying to cure a disease and get healthy.

Almost all of the work done within the family is either instrumental or expressive. Briefly describe the differences between these types of tasks.

Instrumental work allows someone to achieve something tangible, like cleaning. Expressive work allows someone to achieve emotional or relational goals, like remembering birthdays.

Are internships for students to earn a "leg up" on starting their careers? Or are internships another way organizations exploit "free menial labor" from willing participants?

Internships are a "leg up" in some aspects. If a student is interning at a place that has to do with their future career, then it could later benefit them during the job application process, or help them see if they really want to continue on the journey they have embarked on. On the other hand, some internships may just use the intern as a helping hand, where they are not learning anything about their future career. But for the most part I feel that an internship is a leg up, because even before applying for the internship, the applicant should research what they will be doing during their time as an intern, and if it does not suite the needs or wants of the career choice, then it is ultimately the applicant's choice on whether or not they should do the internship.

How is a dictatorship a form of authoritarianism?

It is a form of authoritarianism because citizens cannot represent themselves like we in the U.S. can. The leader is picked by people in higher power than just ordinary citizens.

TV programs in the US like The Biggest Loser emphasize that a cultural belief of having a slim body is more highly valued here than having a larger, heavier, fleshier body. How is this perspective an example of how the nature of health is define by its social rather than biological context?

It is based more on a social context because there are stereotypes for what a woman and a man should look like. Many of which are slim and fit, or muscular. This gives heavier people the impression that their body type is not "normal" or "disgusting".

What factors might explain low voter turnout in the US?

Low voter turnout in the U.S. has many factors that have led to it. Young people are not as involved in politics as adults are, therefore, losing votes from qualified voters. Along with younger people not being as involved in politics, also means that they are not as informed in what they are to be voting on. With that being the issue, they would not vote because they do not know what they are voting on.

What are the major factors involved in forming relationships and selecting mates ?

Major factors involved in forming relationships and selecting mates are homogamy, which means like marries like, propinquity, which is choosing people who live nearby.

Discuss how stigma is related to disease.

Many diseases are stereotyped and people who have a certain disease may be treated differently or looked at differently based off of stigmas.

What do sociologist mean when they say that the homeless population of the US is often "invisible"?

Many government officials try to hide the number of homeless people in a certain area. Also, when a census goes around, they do not account for the number of homeless people because they are not in homes.

Why do some people live their lives unmarried?

Many live their lives unmarried because marriage is no longer a necessity to have children, and they may just like the sense of not being "held down" to someone and accepting more responsibility rather than just their own

What tactics have been used to weaken unions in the US?

Many tactics have been used to weaken unions in the United States, such as laws were established to limit the amount of power unions had and Americans found it cheaper to move production of goods to foreign countries.

Describe what is meant by medicalization using obesity as an example?

Medicalization is when something that once was not a medically treated issue, has now turned into an illness or disease that can be treated medically. Obesity used to not be treated medically, but by having to workout and eat healthier. Now there is surgery and drugs that can help cure obesity.

Discuss the ways that the social meaning of the causes of mental illlness has changed considerably over time.

Mental illness treatments have changed dramatically over time. At one point a way to cure them was secluding the mentally ill from society. Another dealt with astrological position of the moon at the persons date of birth, making them vomit or make them bleed out the disease. Another was removing a portion of the brain called a lobotomy. Now mental illnesses can be cured through medications.

What does it mean that the states of Texas and California are minority-majority states?

Minority-majority states mean that they have one or more races in their state. California and Texas may have more of one race and less of another compared to other states.

Residential segregation is the geographical isolation of the poor from the rest of the city's population. Explain how residential segregation is able to flourish in the US and what characterizes a neighborhood that is segregated in this manner.

Residential segregation flourishes in the US by giving less fortunate people a place to live rather than throwing more people on the streets. A neighborhood that has people who earn low income have redlining which prevents low income people from living in certain areas.

According to the conflict theory, how does the nuclear family contribute to oppression?

Nuclear families contribute to oppression by making it seem as if in a family, it should consist of two parents and children, rather than one parent and children.

When we take care of a person at the end of his or her life, consider his or her quality of life, and ensure his or her comfort and safety, what approach to medicine are we using ?

Palliative care

Interactionist theory argues that people learn their gender identities from everyday social interactions and that the family is the primary source of gender role socialization. Explain some of the ways parents and siblings can teach children gender roles.

Parents or siblings may teach their children gender roles by showing them how he or she should dress, act, and speak. In order for someone to confront someone for the first time, they should be able to identify whether he or she is a male or female.

People tend to act differently in groups than they do alone. Why?

People act differently in groups than they do alone because they are having social interaction with others therefore, having them open up and communicate with people other than themselves although they may not feel super comfortable around them as they do when they are alone.

Homogamy is the practice of choosing a romantic partner based on similarities in background and group membership. Why do so many people choose life partners with racial, religious, and class backgrounds similar to their own?

People choose who their partner will be based on similarities within race, religion, and class backgrounds because they are more likely to get along with someone that they have some similarities with rather than someone who has more things that are different.

What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is a judgement made before actually getting to see or experience something yourself. Discrimination is when people are treated unequally because of their race or ethnicity.

Describe the role of propinquity in forming relationships and selecting mates?

Propinquity is when we are choosing our mates based on if they live nearby. People tend to form relationships with people if they live relatively closer to them, same with finding a mate.

How does a person's race affect his or her life chances?

Race can affect someone's life chances in many ways that prevent them from getting or doing certain things. Many may look at someone's race as a way to get more money out of them or preventing them from purchasing or doing something.

What is racial passing? Why would someone try to pass?

Racial passing is when people try to act as if they are another race to avoid conflict, in other words getting a new identity.

Conflict theory argues that most disputes within the family are really about competition for resources. What sort of resources are being fought over? Who tends to receive fewer resources? How does conflict play out within the family?

Resources being fought over are time, energy, and leisure to pursue more interesting recreational activities. Women receive fewer resources because they are constantly busy with cleaning, children, work, etc. The male is usually the figure with the most power.

Treat the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance as part of the hidden curriculum. What is being learned indirectly through the pledge?

Respect and honor are being taught through the Pledge of Allegiance.

What forms does collective behavior generally take?

Riots, crowds, and fads

What does the recent media focus on Bruce Jenner's transition to becoming Caitlin Jenner tell us about the changing representations of LGBTQ lives in the media?`

Since Bruce Jenner changed to Caitlin Jenner, many more people came to the conclusion that they were not who they seemed to be. It became more accepted than before because someone who was higher and more popular than just everyday people, made a change and had supporters throughout the change. This allowed people who could not be who they wanted to be, because of gender stereotypes, open up and do things or hobbies that were made for just men or women. Also, this has made LGBTQ movies or videogames present and to seem as an everyday thing.

According to Jonathan Kozol, how do public schools reinforce inequality?

Since schools are funded by local taxes, he explains that children who are poor will attend poor schools.

What is the definition of social change?

Social change- transformation of culture over time

Why do some argue that civil unions do not offer same-sex couples the same rights and protections as marriage?

Some argue that because, it is not traditional for people to marry the same sex. Therefore, if many are against same sex marriage, there will not be the same rights ang protections as people who do what is traditionally done, which is marry the opposite sex.

What are the consequences of gendered occupations on women's lives?

Some of the consequences of gendered occupations on women are many jobs that consist of mainly women, don't make nearly as much as men who do jobs, like nursing, that women usually do. Also, many women who decide or try to do jobs that are usually done by men get looked down on as if they cannot do what a man can do. Jobs are stereotyped, which makes it hard for some women to do what they truly want to do, instead they are expected to get a job that women are "supposed to do".

Compare and contrast the structural functionalist perspective of the family with the conflict perspective.

Structural functionalist see nuclear families as something that is needed in order for the requirements of an industrial economy. Conflict theorists see family as nuclear families being a problem to society.

List three ways social change occurs.

Technological changes, security changes, transportation changes (gas)

Explain the system of stratification that currently exists in the US.

The United States has a social stratification system. This means that we categorize people in groups. We have a social class, which is where we decide what group people go into based on their access to resources.

How has the media always been an instrument of the state as well as a tool for social change?

The media has always been an instrument of the state by influencing people to believe a certain thing, and has been a tool for social change because without media we it would be harder for us to find out information.

Why is the media often referred to as the Fourth Estate?

The media is referred to as the Fourth Estate because it is considered, now, to be the fourth branch of government. Meaning that it serves as another checks and balances on power. Media allows people to be informed about the government's doings.

According to Max Weber, what are the three components of class? Explain each of them in your own words.

The three components of class are wealth, power, and prestige. Wealth is based off of how much someone makes and how much property they own. Power is when someone can tell others what to do making them seem higher than the ones being given instructions. Prestige is when people are recognized for an accomplishment and are ranked higher than others.

Why are larger proportions of African American and Hispanic men, as compared to whites, in prison?

There are more African Americans and Hispanic men is prison compared to white males because dropout rates are higher with African Americans and Hispanics therefore they get exposed to bad influences in the real world.

In 1967, the Supreme Court declared that anti-mescegenation laws were unconstitutional in Virginia. What did such laws prohibit and why was it prohibited?

These laws prohibited biracial couples from marrying, cohabiting, or having sexual interaction. They prohibited such things because they saw it wrong to mix two different races in such ways.

Young men ages fifteen to twenty-four are 4-5 times more likely than young women to die from car accidents, homocides, and drowing. Explain the statistic in terms of gender socialization.

These statistics relate to gender socialization because when males and females are learning to be either masculine or feminine, men begin to believe they are invincible and do anything without thinking of the consequences that may follow. Also, women mature much faster than males do.

The reason for the underlying cause of homosexuality- whether genetic, hormonal, or social- remains unsolved, and the debate continues. Explain why many people in the LGBTQ rights movement have embraced the genetic explanation.

They believe in the genetic explanation because they feel that they were born with the knowledge that they liked the same sex. Rather than it being a choice, they feel that they had no choice in whether they liked the same sex or not.

Describe how sociologists view leisure time.

They define leisure time as time that could be spent doing whatever you want or nothing at all, usually something that is satisfying or amusing, experienced as refreshing for the body and mind.

How do sociologists define religion? How is this different from a common sense definition of religion?

They define religion by saying it includes any institutionalized system of beliefs, rituals, relationship between sacred and profane. Many thinks that religion is just what someone believes in or someone they believe in. Religion is much more than just someone or something that one believes in.

How did food deserts emerge, and what is their effect on the health of nearby residents?

They emerged in areas that are not close to places that sell fresh, affordable, healthy foods. People who live in food deserts have limited choices of food that is nearby; like drug stores, mini marts. Which sells mainly cheap, unhealthy foods such as chicken nuggets or pizza.

Explain why sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender.

They find it important because, sex does not identify someone's behaviors, rather sex categorizes people into one of two groups; male or female. Gender is traits or behaviors that are seen as normal for a male or female.

Why were third-wave feminists critical of the first and second waves? How was the third wave different from the previous two waves?

Third wave feminists criticized the first two waves for not including women of different race, lesbians, or working-class women. They felt that the first two waves focused on white women, rather than both black and white. They mainly focused on intersectionality. The third wave was different from the first two not only in what they believed as in race, lesbians, and working-class women, but they focused on equality, diversity, and global interconnectedness.

Describe three ways the rise of the industrial economy increased levels of stratification by class, race, and gender?

Three ways that the rise of the industrial economy increased levels of stratification by class, race, and gender are wealth, prestige, and power.

Describe the two classes of social dilemmas

Tragedy of the commons- many individuals overexploitation (overharvesting) of a public resource depletes or degrades that common resource...... Public goods dilemma- individuals incur the cost to contribute to a collective resource, though they may never benefit from that resource.

How does the US Census Bureau define "family"? How would sociologists define "family"?

US Census Bureau defines family as two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household. Sociologists define family as a social group whose members are bund by some type of tie, even if they do not share a household.

The poor or working class has considerably more leisure time than the wealthy do. Discuss several reasons why this may occur?

Usually, wealthy elites have more independent work that is needed to be done, while the poor/working class has many people with the same job. Therefore, giving the working class more leisure time considering they have other people who can cover a shift for them.

Why is divorce more burdensome for women than for men?

Women are usually given the rights to care for their children during a divorce over a man. Also, some women may not have worked when they had a husband supplying the income, but once they get a divorce now, they have to juggle a job, children (if they had them), and taking care of the house.

Discuss a few of the ways in which working class people tend to do different things with their leisure time than wealthy elites do.

Working class people tend to view their leisure time as free time as just watching tv or relaxing outside on a nice sunny day, while wealthy elites may see leisure time as a time to go do different extravagant activities such as snowboarding or parasailing.

how does colorblind racism perpetuate inequality? What role can race consciousness play in addressing this problem?

color-blind racism makes it seem like race does not exist anymore, which it does. Race consciousness makes it known that race is important and shapes our society.

What are some of the ways that families teach their children the behaviors and expectations that are associated with gender?

girls play with dolls so it shows them how to be nurturing and feminine, while boys play sports to show them how to be tough and masculine.

With pluralism or multiculturalism, why is the traditional image of the melting pot replaced with the image of the salad bowl?

melting pot has the idea of melting together ethnic groups but the salad bowl allows us to individually celebrate our ethnicity while still coming together as one.

How has union membership changed in recent years?

membership has steeply declined

Even in the US, there is some degree of socialism. Name three programs that would qualify as socialism in our capitalist society.

police departments, public libraries, public transportation.

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