Iran and Afghanistan

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What was the total cost of the war?

$2 trillion, 2,400 US lives, and 46,000 Afghans

What does Afghanistan look like today?

18 million people are in life-threatening hunger, 40% media is closed, no free speech, Taliban has banned girls going to secondary school, and "current conditions are similar to those under the Taliban in the 1990s"

What is life like in Afghanistan?

38% (1/3) are literate (can write) and even less for women, high unemployment and high poverty, 111/1000 IMR in Afghanistan (US is 5/1000).

How many people live in Iran?

83 million and 17th most populous

What percentage are Sunni and Shia?

90% Sunni and 10% Shia. These two groups do not get along.

Why did the US (and NATO) go to war with Afghanistan?

Al-Qaeda set off the 9/11 attacks. The US and Nato drove out the Taliban from power because the Taliban has sheltered Al-Qaeda.

Who is Iran's current supreme leader?

Ali Khamenei (since 1989)

What was the White Revolution of 1963?

Attempt to modernize Iran; women gained the right to vote, gained education, and even ran for office. Women now fight for their rights to not wear the hijab.

What is the population of Afghanistan?

Entirely muslim and the religion is Islam

What language do Iranians speak?


What was the Soviet Invasion (1979-1989)?

In the 1979s, Afghanistan was communist but very weak so the Soviet Union invaded to save communism. It was a 9 year nightmare for Soviets. This is part of the Cold War.

Iran is the first _______ Republic.


What are the characteristics of the new Islamic Government under Ayatollah?

It is called an Islamic Republic because there is no separation of church and state. The head political figure is extremely religious.

What is the capital of Afghanistan?


How much of Afghanistan's land is arable?

Less than 12%

How do Afghans feel about their loyalties?

Loyalties are to family first, then ethnic group, then to the nation.

Why are people protesting in Iran today?

Mahsa Amini was arrested by the "mortality police" for not wearing the hijab. She died while under arrest and was likely killed under custody. Almost all cities are protesting.

Why is Afghanistan known as the "Graveyard of Empires?"

Many countries have invaded and many people have died. British invaded in 1800 and were pushed back.

What was the Islamic Revolution of 1979?

Millions of people flooded the streets to get Ayatollah back and get rid of the Shah. The protesters overwhelmed the government and ended 2,500 years of monarchy.

What kind of government was Iran pre 1979?

Monarcy and ran by Shah Pahlavi (started ruling in 1940s)

What were the resistance fighters called in Afghanistan who fought against communism?


What happens when USSR invades Afghanistan?

Mujahideen fight back and essentially push out the USSR which contributes to the fall of the USSR.

What ethnicity are most Iranians?


What is Iran's economy based on?

Oil and they also control the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

Who is the head of Al-Qaeda?

Osama bin Laden

Where was Osama bin Laden found?

Osama was found right over the border of Afghanistan in Pakistan. He was found during Obama's term.

What was Iran's name prior to 1935?


What was the nuclear deal in Iran?

Sanctions were lifted and US will trade with Iran and Iran will not develop nuclear weapons

What is the capital of Iran?


What did the Shah do to make Iranians upset?

The Shah became extremely authoritarian and made a one party state with secret police.

Where does the Shah flee to and what happens to him?

The Shah flees to Egypt and Ayatollah comes to take over. Shah is wanted back in Iran to be killed. Shah dies in Egypt not long after.

Who seized power in 1996 in Afghanistan and who was the leader?

The Taliban seized power and Mullah Omar is the leader.

What did Trump and Biden change about the nuclear deal?

The US ends the deal and US pulls out. The deal cannot continue without the US so it has essentially fallen apart. Biden has not changed much.

What was Trump's deal with the Taliban?

The US was going to leave Afghanistan but the Taliban cannot attack and have to respect US. In August 2021, troops were withdrawn.

What is the aim of the Taliban?

The aim is to set up the world's most pure Islamic state and restore peace. They blow up statues of other religions and women have to wear burkas. Men are also allowed to beat women in public.

What happens when the US leaves Afghanistan?

The government got extremely scared and the army disintegrated. Asgraf Ghani flees with a suitcase of money. Biden administration did not recognize how fast Afghanistan would fall apart.

What kind of economic problems did Iran have under the Shah's rule?

The reforms by Shah did not improve society and the standard of living was still terrible. Many Muslims are critics of the Shah and believe that the Shah is intoxicated so therefore Iran is too and the Shah is too consumed with the US (Westoxification).

How long did the war in Afghanistan last?

The war lasted 20 years (longest war in American history) and the US was spending a lot of money on this war.

How was Iran created?

Through a revolution in 1979

How did the US support Afghanistan during the Soviet Invasion?

US sent Afghanistan rockets to help fight against Soviet planes. 1/2 billion worth of military hardware to Afghanistan.

What does Afghanistan institute under the Taliban rule?

Women cannot work outside of the home, ban on women studying at school, head to toe covering, beating of women who do not comply with the rules, ban on cosmetics, no listening to music, no watching movies, men have to cover heads, men have to grow beards, pray 5 times a day, and non muslims have to wear a badge.

What is the Sharia Law?

Women wear burqas, women cannot leave the house without men, men must grow beards, public executions

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