Is it a good sentence?
And then immediately cleaned off our plates, rinsed our dishes, and loaded the dishwasher.
For everyone to see.
Went to the store to buy a newspaper for his dad.
Which made everyone upset.
Desmond gave the kid a piece of candy and said sorry.
Good Sentence
Desmond gripped the handlebars and raced toward the boys.
Good Sentence
He didn't dare stop.
Good Sentence
He sees a gang of boys.
Good Sentence
He went to the store to buy a newspaper for his dad.
Good Sentence
The other boys laughed and shouted the mean word again and again.
Good Sentence
We immediately cleaned off our plates, rinsed our dishes, and loaded the dishwasher.
Good Sentence
He see a gang of boys.
S/V doesn't agree
Desmond gave the kid a piece of candy and says sorry.
Verb tense doesn't match
Desmond gripped the handlebars and is racing away.
Verb tenses don't match