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When did Muhammad die?

632 AD

True or False: Islam teaches that people are not to be compelled to believe


Muslims believe that Muhammad (pbuh) is __________.

a Prophet.


messenger to god


people who are not Christians, Muslims or Jews


the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset.


was the successor of Muhammad and was the chief Muslim ruler. Though the term caliph is no longer used, it was the word used to describe the ruler of the Islamic Empires during the post-classical period.

Dietary & Behavioral Practices

• Muslims may not eat pork • No drinking or gambling

Ya Sin

A chapter in the Qur'an that is read on the night of the burial (in the Mosque during the evening prayer). Read again 40 days, and a year after death.


All that God has taught about himself and his will for his people


Astrolabe: a device that uses the angles of stars to calculate time, date, your position on Earth and direction. Armillary sphere: device that aligned rings with various stars to calculate time of day or year.

Why would a Muslim be motivated to follow Islam closely?

Because they believe that one day, they will be judged by Allah for their actions and sent either to heaven or hell.

Five Pillars of Islam

Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Charity, Hajj

Muhammad was told by the Angel Gabriel that he was a god.

False Gabriel told him he was the prophet (messenger) of Allah.

Muhammad's message was immediately accepted by the people of Mecca.

False His message was rejected by many in Mecca because it threatened the religion and economy of the city.

After Muhammad died, Islam faded in its importance as a religion.

False Islam continued spread after Muhammad's death and became even more influential.

Why does the narrator prefer to leave Mecca shortly after completing the Hajj?

He wasn't there for leisure and fun. He wanted to just visit there for the Hajj and for religion.

In your opinion, does the hijab liberate (free) or oppress (burden or keep down) women?

I think that the hijab liberates women because it lets others know that a person is Muslim. It is also unique from other types of garments in other religions. Some women are even treated with more respect by wearing the hijab.


In a few places, areas with fertile land and an underground water source that could support farming existed. This was called an oasis. This type of land was highly sought-after by inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula. (a fertile place in a desert)

What is different about the founding of Islam versus the founding of Christianity and Judaism?

Islam had no real separation of religion and politics.

Draw 2 conclusions about Islam from these maps:

Islam is a religion that widely spread all over the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa. Asia-Pacific had the most Islams as of 2010.


Islamic code of law

Why did Abu-Bakr become the first caliph to rule after the death of Muhammad?

It is believed that Muhammad wanted him to be the caliph.

The journey of the Ummah (Muslim Community) to Medina in 622CE is significant because?

It marks the beginning of the Islamic Calendar

Why is the Arabian peninsula described as a "religious melting pot?"

It was home to many different monotheistic and polytheistic religions.

Tariq ibn Ziyad

Tariq ibn Ziyad was a Muslim commander during the Umayyad Dynasty who led the armies that conquered most of Spain from 711 to 718 AD. To cross from north Africa to Europe, Tariq ibn Ziyad took his troops across a narrow strip of sea that separates the two continents called the Strait of Gibraltar.


The Hadith has records of Muhammad's traditions and sayings which were passed onto generation after generation. This made many Muslims learn about Muhammad and look up towards him.

What is the Qur'an (pronounced "KOR-an)?

The Word of God

When was Islam founded?

The monotheistic religion of Islam was founded during the 7th century on Arabian Peninsula. Several geographic factors shaped the culture of the peninsula and the development of Islam. (622 AD)

Why would the Arabian Peninsula be referred to as a "cultural crossroads"?

They had both land and sea trade to India, Asia, Africa, Europe, Arabia which made them have a lot of cultural diffusion. Located where Europe, Asia, and Africa converge.

How would following Islam impact the daily life of a follower?

They would need to pray at 5 specific times throughout their day.

Why might many non-Muslims living under Muslim rule have chosen to convert to Islam?

To avoid paying the jizyah- tax on non-Muslims.

Why would Muslims be especially interested in astronomy and navigational inventions like the astrolabe & armillary sphere?

To fulfill the obligations of Islam Astronomy and navigational knowledge helped them develop a calendar so that they would know what time of day it was, when the Hajj and Ramadan were and the direction of Mecca.

According to Tariq ibn Zayid, what is the goal the Muslim armies are fighting to accomplish?

To spread the Islamic religion to the places they conquer.


Tower attached to a Muslim mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a crier calls Muslims to prayer.

Islam spread mainly through conquest.

True Muhammad and his followers conquered large portions of the Arabian Peninsula and spread Islam to those regions.

What areas were placed under Islamic control by the Umayyad Caliphate?

Western portion of North Africa, eastward to the Indus River, and into Spain.

Code of Asabiyya

a code of honor that required tribal unity, fierce loyalty to one's tribe and quick revenge on anyone who committed an offense against the tribe.


a religious journey to a holy place. • Mecca is the city where Islam was first introduced.


practice the religion called Islam, which was founded during the post-classical era.

Why do you think that in many Islamic countries, there is no separation between the government and the legal system and religion?

I think this because many Muslims think that the leader, for example Muhammad, are very successful at handling both the government, legal system, and religion.

How does Islam influence the practices of marriage and dating?

In Islam, if 2 people are not married and are seen walking together, it brings shame to both of their families. Marriage was strongly encouraged and a wedding usually consisted of an entire village or neighborhood that would join the celebration.

Identify three reasons why a golden age took place during the Abbasid Caliphate.

Prosperous trade Stable government, sing currency, and common language spoken throughout the empire Abbasid cities attracted many scholars which led to cultural achievements

What is the name of the most sacred month in the Islamic religious calendar?



Shortly before Muhammad died, when he was too weak to pray, he asked Abu-Bakr to take his place in leading the people in prayer. Many believed that this was an indication that Muhammad wanted Abu-Bakr to be his successor or caliph. As a result, Abu-Bakr was chosen as caliph in 632. However, there were also those in the Muslim community that believed that the caliph should be a direct descendant of Muhammad. They believed that Ali, Muhammad's cousin, and son-in-law should have succeeded him. Disagreement over this issue would eventually lead to a schism or split in Islam later.

How is Muhammad similar to Jesus? How is he different?

Similar- Muhammad and Jesus both spread through new religious teachings to their people, both gained followers but also made many enemies because of their message. Different- Jesus was never a political leader like Muhammad

How would having the Kaaba located in Mecca benefit the city?

The Kaaba attracted pilgrims (religious travelers) to Mecca. The influx of pilgrims into the city was good for trade and helped boost Mecca's economy.

How is the Koran more than just a religious text?

The Koran teaches about God, Muhammad and the revelation, it serves as a guide to the Muslims to follow God from day to day, and it deals with other aspects of life like inheritance and marriage.

Identify one reason why the Middle East is historically significant:

The Middle East is historically significant because it is home to the three largest religions in the world which are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and was home to Egypt and Mesopotamia.

How has ethnocentrism influenced how the Middle East is perceived?

The Middle East is perceived as the center of the world because it includes 18 countries. The term "middle" refers to the center of the world and the term "east" refers to its location compared to Europe.

Sacred Text

The Muslim sacred text is known as the Qur'an (Koran). The words of the Qur'an are considered the words of Allah as divinely revealed to Muhammad. Its teachings are therefore unquestionable. The Quran was originally written in Arabic but has been translated into many languages today, however it is important to note that only versions written in Arabic are considered the true Qur'an.

Why were the first four caliphs to rule after Muhammad called "rightly guided"? What does this name suggest about later caliphs and their style of leadership?

They closely followed Muhammad's example of leadership. The name suggests later caliphs will not.

In addition to leadership style, what other indicators suggest that the Rightly Guided Caliphs were successful leaders of the Islamic Empire?

They expanded the Islamic Empire through the Arabian Peninsula, and into Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.

Why did some Muslims disagree with this?

They wanted the caliph to be a descendent of Muhammad.

Faith (Shahada)

This is the first pillar of Islam. The declaration states that "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." This phrase is declared by Muslims throughout the day in prayer. To the right is shown the Shahada written in Arabic calligraphy.

According to the key, how did Islam spread after the death of Muhammad until 750?

Through conquest (military campaigns)

True or False: Muslim means on who submits to God


True or False: The Shahada establishes Islam as a monotheistic religion.


Muhammad was born in Mecca to an important and well-respected tribe.

True Born into Quraysh tribe. Most powerful in Mecca, "keepers of the Kaaba".

In Islam, there is no separation between government and religion.

True Muhammad was a religious and political leader and set the example for the religion and government to be permanently linked.

In Islam, the founding of the first umma marks the start of their religious calendar.

True The beginning of Islam was marked by the establishment of the umma- Muslim community.


an empire that was ruled by a caliph. The caliphates that ruled during the post-classical era were large land empires that stretched from Spain to North Africa, the Middle East, and into Asia and Eastern Europe.


devoutly religious


people who share a common ancestor. Tribal loyalty and honor were an important part of the culture of the Arabian Peninsula.

Settled Arabs

set up towns along trade routes and oases.

Mount Hira

the place where Muhammad received the word of God through the angel Gabriel (first revalation)

Jihad (holy war)

wars fought for heaven

"righty guided caliphs"

Abu-Bakr went on to rule the Islamic Empire as caliph until his death in 634. Abu-Bakr was the first of four caliphs who succeeded Muhammad and came to lead the Islamic Empire. All four of them had known Muhammad personally and followed his example of leadership closely. For that reason, they are referred to as...

How might the location of the Middle East be advantageous?

Access to many waterways- Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf- provided trade opportunities as did easy access to Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Umayyads Caliphate

After the death of the last Rightly Guided Caliph in 661, a powerful Meccan family known as the Umayyads took control of the Islamic Empire establishing the Umayyad Caliphate

List things from the Muslim Golden Age that are in some way still used today:

Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, Arabic numerals, anesthesia, hospitals, emergency rooms, mandatory exams for physicians, the Scientific Method, calligraphy, Arabesque, microscope and telescope design, Astrolabe and armillary sphere.

Judgement Day

All people will stand before Allah to be judged according to their actions. Those who obeyed Allah will enter heaven, those who did not will be sent to hell.


An ancient shrine located in Mecca where many local gods were worshipped. (It's the cube-shaped black structure pictured.) Contained the "Black Stone of Mecca" The Kaaba was believed to have been built by Abraham and his eldest son Ishmael as a shrine to the one true God. • Over time, the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula lost their way and began worshipping other gods at the Kaaba. • By the 600's AD, when Islam was first born, the Kaaba was a shrine to over 300 polytheistic gods worshipped by the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. • Arab peoples traveled to Mecca several times a year to visit this holy site in what was known as a pilgrimage

Location of Abbasid Caliphate

As a result of its location at a crossroads of trade between Europe, Asia, and North Africa, the Middle East and especially major trading and religious centers like Baghdad, Cairo, and Mecca, became prosperous cities that attracted merchants and scholars.


Desert-dwelling nomads who raise camel and/or sheep to survive and migrate seasonally to find new sources of water and food.


Developed the foundations of algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Borrowed a number system from India and transmitted it to Europe as "Arabic numerals" via trade, used the decimal system.

Fasting (Sawm)

During the Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims fast daily from dawn to sunset. This was the month during which Muhammad first received revelations from Allah. Fasting during this time gives Muslims the opportunity to know how it feels to be hungry and thirsty so one can appreciate the food and drink that God has provided for them but it also builds will power which can help a devout Muslim resist temptation and wrongdoing.


Used surgery and anesthesia; created earliest hospitals and pharmacies; had "emergency rooms" in hospitals for rapid treatment of illness/injury; medical encyclopedias with over 4,000 prescriptions to treat various illnesses, first civilization to require exams for physicians; understood that prior infection with a disease builds immunity to it- critical to development of vaccines; used observation and experimentation to discover factual knowledge, laying the foundations for the development of the Scientific Method.

How do you think the climate and topography (land) of the Arabian Peninsula impacted the people who lived there?

Water and fertile land were scarce. Survival was difficult. Scarcity let to frequent conflicts over these sources.

What areas were under put under Islamic control during Muhammad's life?

Portions of the Arabian Peninsula.

Why is the Koran so important to Muslims?

They believe that it is the word of God, not the words of men. It is divinely inspired, therefore it is true and without error.

How many wives did Muhammad marry?

11 additional after the death of his first wife; Khadija

Identify the following elements of the Hajj:

1st Obligation: They circle 7 times around the Kaaba to represent that the sun is the center of the universe and they revolve around the Kaaba. 2nd Obligation: They reenact an ancient family drama between Hagar and Ishmael. Central Obligation: They go several miles away and sit in a certain position at the Plain of Arafat and have to stay there from noon to sunset and pray and meditate. This area is believed that Muhammad received the final parts of the Koran here before he died. Conclusion of the Hajj: They visit Kaaba one last time and circle around it 7 more times.

Muhammad timeline

570: Muhammad born in Mecca to the Quraysh tribe. They are the most powerful tribe in Mecca, and the "keepers of the Kaaba". They guarded it and protected it as a holy shrine. 610: Receives his "first revelations" from the Angel Gabriel that there is only one god- Allah, and that Muhammad is his prophet or messenger. 613: Begins teaching in Mecca that Allah is the one true God. Gains some followers but makes many enemies who reject his message of monotheism. 622: Leaves Mecca on the "Hijrah"-his escape from Mecca to the nearby city of Medina. At Medina, many people accept Muhammad's message and follow Islam. Muhammad becomes both a religious and political leader. Medina becomes the first "umma" or Muslim community. The Muslim calendar begins counting time in the year 622, when the first umma was established. 630: Muhammad & his followers attack their enemies in Mecca. They take control of the city and destroy all the idols in the Kaaba. Muhammad then dedicated the Kaaba to Allah- the one true god. Muhammad & his followers spread Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula through conquest and begin the creation of an Islamic Empire. 632: Muhammad dies at the age of 62. By this time, the Islamic Empire controlled much of the Arabian Peninsula. The religion of Islam and the Islamic Empire will continue to spread after Muhammad's death.

When did Islam spread? How did Islam spread? Where did Islam spread? Why did Islam spread?

7th century AD Conquest Southwest Asia, North Africa, Europe 1. Muslims desired to spread their religion 2. Many non-Muslim people converted to Islam to avoid tax 3. Muslims were excellent warriors and their enemies were weak and easy to defeat. Key idea: As Muslims conquered more land, they were also spreading religion.

mosque (masjid)

A Muslim place of worship


A chapter of the Qur'an


A dynasty that ruled the Muslim Empire from 661 to 750 and later established a kingdom in al-Andalus. The Umayyad family ruled from 661-750 AD. Under their rule, the empire further expanded into the western portion of North Africa, eastward to the Indus River and into Spain.

How is the importance of the Koran and Mecca even reflected in Muslim burial rituals?

A family member recites an excerpt called the surah from the Koran to allow comfort to the dying person and prepare the person for the coming judgment. All bodies were buried facing in the direction of Mecca and if the body was placed in a coffin, then there was a mark to show where the head was.


A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials

According to the film, why is the Kaaba sacred to Muslims?

Abraham was the first person who built it originally and it has to do with the God Abraham worshipped which the Muslims believe to be Allah.

Why did Muslims place a high value on learning and knowledge?

Because the prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to pursue knowledge. ("Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to Heaven, it is our friend in the desert, our society, and in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament among friends, and an armor against enemies."- The Prophet Muhammad)

Muhammad: Personal and Background information

Born into the tribe of Quraysh Father died on the way home from a journey when Muhammad was a child Mother died when Muhammad was six Always very serious, honest, and trusted and asked others a lot of questions Interested in many different religions Family worshipped the gods at the Kaaba Had a wife named Kadija


Calligraphy: the art of beautiful handwriting; done in Arabic, Muslims developed this handwriting to decorate mosques, purpose was to avoid the use of images/idols. Arabesque: Complex designs that incorporate flowers, leaves and geometric patterns; often used in textiles, mosaics, and art.


Capital of Abbasid dynasty

How was Muhammad's concern for the less fortunate (the poor, widows, orphans, etc.) reflected in the 5 Pillars?

Charity is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam. Muslims are required to contribute to a charity fund that provides for the less fortunate.


Charted the planets, stars, moon; estimated the Earth's circumference; knew it had a spherical shape.


City in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers emigrated in 622 to escape persecution in Mecca.

What impact do you think the Code of Asabiyya had on the Bedouins and the settled Arab tribes?

Contributed to the conflict and warfare of the Arabian Peninsula. On offense committed between two tribes would often result in long feuds that would go on for generations.


Could treat cataracts through surgery; accurately diagramed and understood how the eye worked; Muslim studies of the eye and optics were used to develop the telescope and microscope centuries later.

What disagreement caused Islam to fracture into two different sects?

Deciding who should lead after the death of Muhammad.

True or False: All Muslims agree on how to follow Sharia law.


Which Pillar do you think is the most difficult to follow? Explain your choice.

Fasting- For the entire month of Rmadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

Which of these is true of the Islamic Empire?

It protected written texts and promoted education It was a rich in development of trade and culture It protected Christians and Jews as 'People of the Book' It was central to developments of science, mathematics and medicine

What was advantageous about location of Mecca (Makkah)?

Located Midway between north and south and connected with several trade routes.

What role does Islam play in a child's early life?

Males and females are given names. Once Muslim children are able to speak, they are taught how to say many religious phrases. These phrases were used in a variety of situations.

Why do many Muslim women cover their heads with the hijab?

Many Muslim women cover their heads with the hijab in order to maintain modesty and to distinguish themselves from males

Why is Mecca the holiest city in Islam? How do Muslims demonstrate this importance in their practices?

Mecca is where the Kaaba is located- the Kaaba is the holiest site in Islam because it is a shrine dedicated to Allah by the Prophet Muhammad. The importance of Mecca is demonstrated when Muslims face the city when they pray and by the fact that they have to make the Hajj (religious journey) to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

What religion is most widely practiced in the Middle East? Identify one thing you know about this religion:

Most of the people in the Middle East practice Islam. One thing I know about Islam is that the most famous prophet is Mohammad, many wars between Christians and Muslims, have a sacred holy text.

Historical context of the Fiver Pillars of Islam

Muhammad was born into the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. In 610 AD, Muhammad received his "first revelations" from the Angel Gabriel that there is only one god named Allah and Muhammad would be Allah's prophet. Later on, Muhammad received the Koran which is the Muslim sacred text. It is believed that the Koran was sent by God. The Koran provided Muslims with regulations that every Muslim must follow. The Koran doesn't just mention religion, but it also mentions everyday life. The 5 Pillars of Islam which are also mandatory for every Muslim to follow is also indirectly mentioned in the Koran.

Hegira (Hijirah)

Muhammad's flight from Makkah to Madinah (Medina) in 622 A.D.

What dietary restrictions does the Koran place on Muslims?

Muslims are not allowed to eat pork or any meat from an animal that has died of natural causes. meat has to be slaughtered properly with most of the blood drained. Alcohol is also forbidden.

Identify 2 reasons why the Islamic Empire expanded successfully in the 7th century AD:

Muslims believe strongly they are fighting for their god. Their enemies (Byzantines and Persians) were weak empires that were easy to defeat.

In addition to the Koran, what else do Muslims look to for guidance?

Muslims looked up towards Muhammad for guidance since he set a god example.

Prayer (Salat)

Muslims pray five times daily facing Mecca. The approximate prayer times are dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, after sunset, and at night. Regular worship of God makes it possible for Muslims to be spiritually conscious throughout the day and motivates them to live morally.

Houses of Worship

Muslims worship in a mosque or masjid, as shown in this picture. The tall, pointed structures are called minarets. It is from this structure that the call to prayer is issued five times daily. Images of the Prophet Muhammad are not permitted in Islam. Images of Muhammad are considered the equivalent of idol worship.

To what areas had Islam spread by 750?

North Africa, southwest Asia, Europe.

Charity (Zakat)

Once a year, those Muslims must pay 2.5% of their wealth to a zakat fund. The money that is collected is distributed to the needy or poor persons in the community. Zakat serves to "purify" one's earnings because Islam teaches that everything a person owns is given to them by God and what a person does with their money reflects their character and compassion for others who are less fortunate. Zakat helps to establish economic justice by maintaining a minimal standard of living for all members of society.

Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258)

The Abbasid Caliphate ruled the Muslim Empire from 750-1258. This period is considered the Golden Age of Islam because it was a long period of stability in which centers of trade became wealthy centers of learning and innovation. While Europeans were still reeling from the fall of Rome and trying to survive the Dark Ages, Muslims experienced a blossoming of their culture and knowledge. Abbasid rulers supported trade and prosperity through the building of a stable bureaucratic government, use of a single currency- the Abbasid Dinar, and the establishment Arabic as the official language of the empire. During the Abbasid Caliphate, Muslim scholars collected the writings of scholars from Ancient Greece, Classical Greece and Rome, India, and China, translated them into Arabic, then improved on the discoveries of the past. This knowledge was kept at the capital in Baghdad at the House of Wisdom- a combination library, academy and translation center.

Identify the geographic context of the birth of Islam on the Arabian Peninsula:

The Arabian Peninsula is located in the Middle East. The Middle East refers to the "center of the world." The climate in the Middle East is very hot, dry, and desert like and home to many river valleys. The Arabian Peninsula was located where Asia, Africa, and Europe converge which made it ideal for trade and cultural diffusion. It had access to India via water and Africa, Europe, and other areas of Asia by land. Although the Middle East had many river valleys, the amount of rainfall in the Arabian Peninsula was scarce. This made survival difficult and competition for resources like water. Mecca was the center of Islam on the peninsula and had lots of access to trade with other regions of the world.

Muslim scholars built upon the achievements of earlier civilizations like the Romans & the Greeks. Why were they able to access the achievements of civilizations that had existed centuries prior and had since collapsed? (Hint: think about our last unit)

The Byzantine Empire had preserved Greco-Roman knowledge. As Muslims conquered Byzantine lands, they gained access to these texts.

Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

The Hajj is a special journey that Muslims are required to make once in their lifetime if they have the financial means and if their health permits. The Hajj commemorates the trials and sacrifices of the Prophet Abraham, Hagar, and their son Ishmael. The Kaaba located in the city of Mecca was constructed by Abraham and Ishmael and is considered the first "house of worship" for the one true God, Allah. Muhammad rededicated the Kaaba to Allah in 603 AD after the Muslim victory at Mecca.

Muhammad: Accomplishments

The angel Gabriel appeared in a cave and told him to become the prophet of Islam Wrote many speeches which attracted others to Islam Destroyed idols and established a temple, making Makkah the holy city of Islam Appointed an African slave to call Muslims to prayer there

How did Islam begin?

The angel Jibreel (Gabriel) appeared to Muhammad (pbuh) and gave him special revelations of God's Word.


The jizyah was both a punishment for not converting to Islam and payment for continued protection to practice one's religion. The money from the tax was used to finance the government and for the welfare fund that supported Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The jizyah could be as high as 40% of a non-Muslim's income.

What does the narrator mean when he says, "when the hour of prayer arrives, the whole world turns into a mosque"?

The narrator means that no matter where people are they stop to pray since the Muslims have to pray at five specific times per day.

What do pilgrims do to begin the Hajj?

The pilgrims cleanse themselves and put on white robs to purify them in order to begin the Hajj.

What is the purpose of the white robes worn by people performing the Hajj?

The white robs symbolizes peace with everyone and a way of stripping your old identity away and so everybody wears the same thing. No one can know whether you're rich or poor.

In Mecca during the Hajj, why is a "walk around the block a walk around the world"?

There are people from all over the world every block you go. Every block has people from all different parts of the world.

How would the interior decoration of a mosque differ from the interior decoration of Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Churches?

There would be no images of Muhammad in a mosque, whereas there are images and icons of Jesus and other Christian holy people in churches.

House of Wisdom in Baghdad

a combination library, academy and translation center. (where scholars studied)


a headscarf worn by Muslim women, literally means "partition"


a leader of prayer in a mosque

"people of the book"

a name that acknowledge that the sacred texts and beliefs of all three religions- Judaism, Christianity and Islam shared strong similarities.

Middle East

a region of the world that includes parts of southwestern Asia and Egypt, in North Africa. This area was once known as the "Near East" but is most often referred to as the "Middle East." Both names demonstrate the power that European countries have had in writing world history since "the east" is a term that assumes the "center" of the world is Western Europe. Today, the Middle East includes the countries Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Cyprus, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

"Black Stone of Mecca"

a stone that was believed to have fallen from heaven and was sent by the gods.

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