Isolines - Earth Science
What do all points on an isoline have in common?
Same value
Name several other field quantities that might be measured through out the region
Snow depth, air pressure, pollution
a line connecting points of equal value
a measure of the steepness of a line
Topographic (Contour) Map
shows the shape of Earth's surface
contour interval
the difference in elevation between one contour line and the next
Isolines should always be drawn in _____ first to allow for revisions
Isolines are curved and/or smooth with ____ Sharp turns or corners
Isolines never _________
Cross one another
Isolines tends to ________ one another
Isolines never end so they should be drawn to the ______ of the map unless they form a ______
Edge, Loop
isolines connect points of ______ _______
Equal value
isolines are drawn according to a designated isoline ________ (on a topographic amp this is called the ___________ ________)
Interval, contour interval
What is special about the isolines that we know as contour lines? (How do they differ from other isolines?)
Lines that connect points of equal elevation, sharp turns and depressions (Hachured contour line)
Isolines May but do not have to form a closed _____
Values on one side of an isoline are _______ while all values on the other side are ________
Lower, higher
Do isolines ever end except at the edge of the map?
Does every isoline have one side where the numbers are high and the other where the numbers are low?
Is the interval from one isoline to the next on any one map always the same?
connect points of equal air pressure
connect points of equal temperature