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Management Information System (MIS)

summarizes the detailed data of the transactional processing system in standard reports for middle level managers. Such reports might include weekly sales and production schedules.

cloud storage

the internet acts as a "cloud" of servers that supply applications to clients as a service rather than a product, these servers provide cloud storage also known as online storage. The service providers server runs the applications and your computer displays the results. The applications and data can be accessed from any internet-ready device. This means that devices with little storage, memory, or processing power, such as a smartphone can run the same powerful applications as a desktop computer. Benefits include: no maintenance, hardware updates, and you can so file sharing and collaborations. Disadvantages include: not as fast access speeds and file security isn't as good.

client/server networks

use central servers to coordinate and supply services to other nodes on the network. The server provides access to resources such as web pages, databases, application software, and hardware. This strategy is based on specialization. Server nodes coordinates and supply specialized services, and client nodes request the services. Commonly used server operating systems are windows server, mac os x server, lix, and solaris. Client/server networks are widely used on the internet. For example, each time you open a web browser, your computer your computer(the client) sends out a request for a specific web page. This request is routed over the internet to a server. This server locates and sends the requested material back to your computer. One advantage to the client/server network strategy is the ability to handle very large networks efficiently. Another advantage is the availability of powerful network management software to monitor and control network activities. The major disadvantages are the cost of installation and maintenance.

hard disks

Hard disks save files by altering the magnetic charges of the disk's surface to represent 1s and 0's and retrieve data and programs by reading these charges. Characters are represented by positive and negative charges using the ASCII, EBCDIC, or unicode binary codes.Hard disks use rigid metallic platters that are stacked on top of eachother and store and organize files using tracks, sectors, and cylinders.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects medical records

knowledge work systems

Knowledge workers use OAS systems . Additionally they use specialized information systems called knowledge work systems to create information and their areas of expertise for example engineers involved in product design and manufacturing use computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing systems CAD/CAM. these KWSs consist of powerful personal computers running special programs that integrate the design and manufacturing activities CAD/CAM systems are widely used in the manufacture of automobiles and other products.

What are the three ways to improve the performance of hard disks

Three ways of improving the performance of hard disks are disk caching, redundant arrays of inexpensive disks, and file compression/decompression.

Top-Level managers vs supervisors

Top level managers are concerned with long-range planning (also called strategic planning). They need information that will help them plan the future growth and direction of the organization. Supervisors manage and monitor the employees or workers. Thus these managers have responsibility relating to operational matters. They monitor day-to-day events and immediately take corrective action, if necessary.

Solid-state storage

UNlike hard disks, solid state storage has no moving parts. Data and information are stored and retrieved electronically directly from these devices as they would be from conventional computer memory. SOlid state storage devices provide access to flash memory(a combination of RAM and ROM which means it can be updated but doesn't lose information when the computer is turned off), also known as solid state storage. Solid state drives are designed to be connected inside a personal computer system the same way an internal hard disk would be but contain solid state memory instead of magnetic disks to store data.


Viruses are programs that migrate through networks and operating systems and mostly attach themselves to other programs and databases. ALthough some viruses are relatively harmless, many can be quite destructive. Once activated, these destructive viruses can alter or delete files.

There are four categories of bandwidth:

Voiceband, also known as low bandwidth, is used for standard telephone communication. Personal computers with telephone modems and dial up service use this bandwidth. Although effective for transmitting text documents, it is too slow for many types of transmission, including high-quality audio and video Medium band is used in special leased lines to connect midrange computers and mainframes, as well as to transmit data over long distances. This bandwidth is capable of very-high-speed data transfer Broadband is widely used for DSL, cable, and satellite connections to the internet. Several users can simultaneously use a single broadband connection for high speed data transfer Baseband is widely used to connect individual computers that are located close to one another. Like broadband, it is able to support high-speed transmission. Unlike broadband however baseband can only carry a single signal at a time.


Another way your web activity can be monitored is with cookies. Cookies are small data files that are deposited on your hard disk from the websites you have visited. Based on your browsers settings, these cookies can be accepted or blocked. Although you will generally not be aware when a website generates a cookie, the personalized experiences you enjoy on the web are often a result of those cookies. Although cookies are harmless in and of themselves, what makes them a potential privacy risk is that they can store information about you, your preferences, and your browsing habits. The information stored generally depends on whether the cookie is a first party or third party cookie.


Worms are programs that simply replicate themselves over and over again. Once active in a network, the self-replicating activity clogs computers and networks until their operations are slowed or stopped. Unlike a virus, a worm typically does not typically attach itself to a program or alter or delete files. WOrms, however can carry a virus. Once a virus has been deposited by a worm onto an unsuspecting computer system, the virus will either activate immediately or lie dormant until some future time.

grid chart

a grid chart shows the relationship between and put an output documents. For instance the time sheet is one of many inputs that produces a Particular report, such as a client Bill. Other output might be forms having to do with telephone conferences and travel expensive. On a grid sheet, Rose opposite inputs, such as timesheets form particular report, such as a clients bill. Other outputs might be forms having to do with telephone conferences and travel expensive. On a grid sheet, rose represent inputs, such as timesheet forms. columns represent ALPA document such as different client bills. A check mark at the intersection of Roane call means of the input document is used to create the output document.


bandwidth is a measurement of the width or capacity of the communication channel. It means how much information can move across the communication channel in a given amount of time. For example, to transmit text documents, a slow bandwidth would be acceptable. However, to effectively transmit video and audio, a wider bandwidth is required

Four types of databases

databases may be classified into four types: individual, company, distributed, and commercial.

Data warehouse

do you support the needs of managers and other business professionals, many organizations collect data from a variety of internal and external Databases. This data is in stored in a special type of database called a data warehouse. A technical data mining is often used to search these elevators to look for related information and patterns hundreds of databases are available to help users with both general and specific business purposes including: Business directories(providing addresses, financial and marketing information, products, and trade and brand names), demographic data(such as country and city statistics, current estimates on population and income, employee statistics, census data, and so on), Business statistical information(such as financial information on publicly traded companies, market potential of certain retail stores, and other business data and information), text databases(providing articles from business publications, press releases, reviews on companies and products, and so on), web databases(covering a wide range of topics, including all of those previously mentioned. As I mentioned earlier web search sites like Google maintain extensive databases of available Internet content)

knowledge-based systems

expert systems also known as knowledge base systems are a type of artificial intelligence that uses a database to provide assistance to users. This database known as knowledge base contains facts and rules to relate these facts distilled from a human expert users interact with an expert system by describing a particular situation or problem the expert system takes the inputs and searches the knowledge base until a solution or recommendation is formulated over the past decade expert systems have been developed in areas such as medicine geology architecture and nature

what is https

hypertext transfer protocol secure (https) is widely used to protect the transfer of sensitive information.

Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks(RAID)

improve performance by expanding external storage, improving access speed, and providing reliable storage. Several inexpensive hard-disk drives are connected to one another, these connections can be by a network or within specialized RAID devices. The connected hard-disk drives are related or grouped together, and the computer system interacts with the raid system as though it were a single large capacity hard disk drive. The result is expanded storage capability, fast access speed, and high reliability. For these reasons, RAID is often used by internet servers and large organizations.

Disk caching

improves hard-disk performance by anticipating data needs. It performs a function similar to cache memory. While cache memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between memory and the CPU. disk caching requires a combination of hardware and software. During the idle processing time, frequently used data is automatically identified and read from the hard disk into the cache. When needed, the data is then accessed directly from memory. The transfer rate of memory is much faster than from the hard disk. As a result, overall system performance is often increased by as much as 30 percent.

phased approach

in a phased approach the new system is implemented gradually over a period of time. The entire inflammation process is broken down into bars or faces. Implementation begins in that were the first phase and wanted to successfully implemented the second phase begins. This process continues until offices are operating smoothly. Typically this is an expensive proposition because the implementation is done smoothly however it is certainly one of the least risky approaches. in general the pilot and face approaches are the favored method. Phase is more appropriate for organizations in which people are performing different operations.

pilot approach

in the pilot approach the new system has tried out and only one part of the organization. Once the system is working smoothly and that part, is implemented throughout the rest the organization. The pilot approach is certainly less expensive than the parallel approach is also somewhat riskier however the risk can be controlled because problems will be confined to only certain areas of the organization. Difficulties will not affect the entire organization. Pilot is preferred when there are many people in an organization forming similar operations for instance all sales clerks and a department store.

File compression and file decompression

increase storage capacity by reducing the amount of space required to store data and programs. File compression is not limited to hard-disk systems. It is frequently used to compress files on dvds, cds, and flash drives as well. File compression also helps to speed up transmission of files from one computer system to another. Sending and receiving compressed files across the internet is a common activity. File compression programs scan files for ways to reduce the amount of required storage.

third party cookie

is usually generated by an advertising company that is affiliated with the website you are currently visiting. These cookies are used by the advertising company to keep track of your web activity as you move from site to the next. For this reason, they are often referred to as tracking cookies. Critics of this practice claim that your privacy is being violated because your activity is being recorded across multiple websites. Defenders of this practice argue that these cookies are beneficial because they help websites deliver ads that interest you. For example, suppose you visit four different websites that employ the same advertising company. The first three sites are about cars, but the fourth is a search engine. When you visit the fourth site, you will likely see a car advertisement because your cookie showed that you had been visiting car-related websites.

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

makes it a crime for unauthorized persons even to view- let alone copy or damage- data using any computer across state lines. It also prohibits unauthorized use of any government computer or a computer used by any federally insured financial institution. Offenders can be sentenced up to 20 years in prison and fined up to 100,000

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

makes it illegal to deactivate or otherwise disable any antipiracy technologies, including DRM technologies. The act also establishes that copies of commercial programs may not be legally resold or given away. It further makes it a crime to sell or to use programs or devices that are used to illegally copy software. It is illegal to copy or download copyright-protected music and videos from the internet without appropriate authorization.

peer-to-peer(p2p) network

nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. The most common way to share games, movies, and music over the internet is to use a p2p network. For example, specific file-sharing software such as bittorrent can be used to obtain files located on another personal computer and can provide files to other personal computers. P2P networks are rapidly growing in popularity as people continue to share information with others around the world. The primary advantage is that they are easy and inexpensive(often free) to set up and use. One disadvantage of p2p networks is the lack of security controls or other common management functions. For this reason, few businesses use this type of network to communicate sensitive information.

first party cookie

one that is generated (and then read) only by the website you are currently visiting. Many websites use first party cookies to store information about the current session, your general preferences, and your activity on the site. For example, when you revisit a particular electronic commerce site, a previously deposited cookie can provide information so that you can be greeted by name and presented with sales and promotions that interest you.

Decision Support System (DSS)

provides a flexible tool for analysis. The DSS helps middle level managers and others in the organization analyze a wide range of problems, such as effect of events and trends outside the organization. Like the MIS, DSS draws on the detailed data of the transaction processing system.

Transactional Processing system (TPS)

records day-to-day transactions, such as customer orders, bills, inventory levels, and production output. The TPS helps supervisors by generating databases that act as the foundation for the other information systems

commercial database

A commercial database is generally in a Normas database that an organization develops to cover particular subjects. It offers access to the side of base to the public or selected outside individuals for a fee. Sometimes commercial databases are also called information utilities or data banks. and example is LexisNexis which offers a variety of information gathering and reporting services. Some of the most widely used commercial databases are: ProQuest dialogue (offers business information, as well as technical and scientific information), Dow Jones factiva (provides world news and information on business, investments, and stocks), LexisNexis (offers news and information on legal news, public records, and business issues). most of the commercial databases are designed for organizational as well as individual use. organizations typically pay membership fee plus hourly use fees. Often, individuals are able to search the database and obtain a summary of the available information without charge. They pay only for these items selected for further investigation.


A network can be arranged or configured in several different ways. This arrangement is called the networks topology. The most common topologies are: Bus Network(each device is connected to a common cable called a bus, and all communications travel along this bus), Ring network(each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring. When a message is sent, it is passed around the ring until it reaches the intended destination), Star network(each device is connected directly to a central network switch. Whenever a node sends a message, it is routed to the switch, which then passes the message along to the intended recipient. The star network is the most widely used network topology today), Tree Network(each device is connected to a central node, either directly or through one or more other devices. The central node is connected is connected to two or more subordinate nodes that in turn are connected to other subordinate nodes, and so forth, formin a treelike structure. This network, also known as heirarchical network, is often used to share corporatewide data), mesh network(this topology is the newest type and does not use a specific physical layout. Rather the mesh network requires each node have more than one connection to the other nodes. The resulting pattern forms the appearance of a mesh. If a path between two nodes is somehow disrupted, data can automatically be rerouted around the failure using another path. Wireless technologies are frequently used to build mesh networks)


A popular development methodology which starts by getting core functionality of a program working, then expands on it until the customer is satisfied with the results. All six steps are repeated over and over as quickly as possible to create incrementally more functional versions of the application. This development methodology is called


Baseband is widely used to connect individual computers that are located close to one another. Like broadband, it is able to support high-speed transmission. Unlike broadband however baseband can only carry a single signal at a time.


Every network has a strategy, or way of coordinating the sharing of information and resources. Two of the most common network strategies are client/server and peer to peer.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) restricts disclosure of educational records.

three logic structures

How do you link the various parts of the flow chart? The best way is a combination of three logic structures called sequential selection and repetition. Using these arrangements enables you to write structured programs, which take much of the guesswork out a programming. In sequential structure, one program statement follows another. they logically follow each other there is no question of yes or no or a decision suggesting other consequences. The selection structure occurs when a decision must be made. the outcome of the decision determines which of the two paths to follow. The structure is also known as an if then I'll structure because that is how you can formulate the decision. The repetition or loop structure describes a process that may be repeated as long as a certain condition remains true. The structure is called a loop or iteration because the program loops around again and again. The last things to do before leaving the program design step is to document the logic of the design this report this structure is also known as an if then else structure because that is how you can formulate the decision. The last things to do before leaving the program design step is to document the logic of the design. this report typically include pseudo code, flow charts, and logic structures.

One-to-many relationship

In a hierarchical database, fields or records are structured in nodes. Nodes are points connected like branches of an upside down tree. Each entry has one parent node although a parent may have several child nodes. This is sometimes described as a one to many relationship. to find a particular field you have to start at the top with a parent and trace down the tree to a child. The nodes further down the system are subordinate to the ones above, like the hierarchy of managers in a corporation.


Individual: integrated files used by just one person, Company: Common operational or commonly used files shared in an organization, Distributed: database spread geographically and accessed using database server, Commercial: information utilities or data banks available to users on a wide range of topics

Distributed database

Many times the data in a company a store not just in one location but in several locations. It is made accessible through a variety of communication networks. The database then as a distributed database. That is not all the data in the database is physically located in one place. Typically database servers on a client/server or network provide the link between a data. For instants some database information can be a regional offices. Some can be at company headquarters, some down the hall from you, and some even overseas. Sales figures for a chain of a department store then could be located at the various stores but many times the data and the company is stored not just in one location but in several locations. It is made accessible through a variety of communication networks. The database then as a distributor database. That is not all the data in a database is physically located in one place. Typically database errors on a client/server network provide the link between the data. For instants some database information can be a regional offices. Some can be at company headquarters, so I'm down the hall from you, and some even overseas. Sales figures for a chain of a department store then could be located at the various stores but executives at district offices or at the chains headquarters could have access to all these figures.

Every communication system has four basic elements

Sending and receiving devices: these are often a computer or specialized communication device. They originate (send) as well as accept(receive) messages in the form of data, information, and/or instructions. Connection devices: these devices act as an interface between the sending and receiving devices and the communication channel. They convert outgoing messages into packets that can travel across the communication channel. They also reverse the process for incoming messages. Data Transmission specifications: these are rules and procedures that coordinate the sending and receiving devices by precisely defining how the message will be sent across the communication channel. Communication Channels: This is the actual connecting or transmission medium that carries the message. This medium can be a physical wire or cable or it can be wireless.


Storage Area Network(SAN) Systems. SAN is an architecture to link remote computer storage devices, such as enterprise storage systems, to computers such that the devices are as available as locally attached drives. IN a SAN system, the users computer provides the file system for storing data, but the SAN provides the disk space for data. The key to SAN is a high speed network, connecting individual computers to mass storage devices. Special file systems prevent simultaneous users from interfering with each other. SANs provide the ability to house data in remote locations and still allow efficient and secure access.

company database

The company database may be stored on a central database server and managed by a database administrator. Users throughout the company have access to the database of their personal computers link to a local or wide area networks. Company databases are the foundation for management information systems. For instance an apartment store can record all sales transactions in the database. A sales manager can use his information to see which sales people are selling the most products. The manager can then determined year and sales bonuses. Or the stores buyers can learn which products are selling well or not selling and make adjustments when re-ordering. A top executive might combine overall store sales trends with information from outside databases about consumer and population trends. This information can be used to change the whole merchandising strategy of the store. Many times the data in a company a store not just in one location but in several locations. It is made accessible through a variety of communication networks.

distributed database

The database then as a distributed database. That is not all the data in the database is physically located in one place. Typically database servers on a client/server or network provide the link between a data. For instants some database information can be a regional offices. Some can be at company headquarters, some down the hall from you, and some even overseas. Sales figures for a chain of a department store then could be located at the various stores but many times the data and the company is stored not just in one location but in several locations. It is made accessible through a variety of communication networks. The database then as a distributor database. That is not all the data in a database is physically located in one place. Typically database errors on a client/server network provide the link between the data. For instants some database information can be a regional offices. Some can be at company headquarters, so I'm down the hall from you, and some even overseas. Sales figures for a chain of a department store then could be located at the various stores but executives at district offices or at the chains headquarters could have access to all these figures.

individual database

The individual database is also called a personal computer database. It is a collection of integrated files primarily used by just one person. Typically the data and the DBMS are under the direction troll the user. They are stored either on the users hard drive or on a LANfile server. There are many times in your life when you'll find this kind of database valuable. If you were in sales, for instance, a personal computer database can be used to keep track of your customers. If you were a sales manager, you can keep track of your sales people and their performance. If you are in advertising account executive, you can keep track of your different projects and how many hours to charge each client. Companies of course create databases for their own use.

what does each SDLC phase perform

The six steps to a software development lifecycle our program specification, program design, program code, program test, program documentation, program maintenance. Progress of Acacian is the programs objectives, outlets, input, and processing requirements are determined. Program design is a solution has created using programming techniques such as top down program design, pseudocode, flow charts, and logic structures. Program code is the program is written or coded using a programming language. Program test is the program is tested or debuged by looking for syntax and logic errors. Program documentation is documentation is an ongoing process throughout the programming process. This face focuses on formalizing the written description and the process is used in the program. Program maintenance is completed programs are periodically review to evaluate their accuracy, efficiency, standardization, and ease-of-use. Changes are made to the programs code as needed

six phases that make up the systems life cycle

The six verses that make up the system life cycle are Preliminary investigation, system analysis, systems design, systems development, systems implementation, systems maintenance. preliminary investigation is the organizations problems or needs that are identified and summarized in a short report. ne Systems analysis is the present system is studied and death new requirements are specified and documented. System design is a newer alternative information system is designed in a report is created. Systems development is new hardware and software are acquired developed and tested. Systems implementation is new the new information system is installed and people are trying to use it. Systems maintenance is in this ongoing phase of system is periodically evaluated and updated as needed

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