ITIL4 Foundation - Which of the following value chain activities will contribute

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Availability management Service continuity management Service design

1 Plan 2 improve 3 Engage 4 Design and transition 5 Obtain/ build 6 Deliver and support

Continual improvement Risk management Information security management Relationship management Supplier management IT asset management Release management Service configuration management Service level management

1 Plan 2 improve 3 Engage 4 Design and transition 5 Obtain/ build 6 Deliver and support

Change enablement

2 improve 4 Design and transition 5 Obtain/ build 6 Deliver and support

Incident management Monitoring and event management problem management Service desk management Service request management

2 improve 3 Engage 4 Design and transition 5 Obtain/ build 6 Deliver and support

Deployment management

2 improve 4 Design and transition 5 Obtain/ build

Deployment management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Changes can be deployed incrementally as part of this value chain activity. This is especially common in DevOps environments using a complete automated tool chain for continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. 更改可以作为此价值链活动的一部分进行增量部署。这在使用完整的自动化工具链进行持续集成、交付和部署的DevOps环境中尤其常见。

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

Changes may have an impact on delivery and support, and information about changes must be communicated to personnel who carry out this value chain activity. These people may also play a part in assessing and authorizing changes. 變更可能會影響交付和支持,必須將有關變更的信息傳達給執行此價值鏈活動的人員。這些人還可能在評估和授權變更中發揮作用。

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Changes to components are normally included in a release, delivered in a controlled way. 对组件的更改通常包含在版本中,并以受控的方式交付。

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

Changes to components are subject to change enablement, whether they are built in house or obtained from suppliers. 部件的变更受变更控制,无论是内部制造的还是从供应商处获得的

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Changes to product and service portfolios, policies, and practices all require a certain level of control, and the change control practice is used to provide it. 对产品和服务组合、策略和实践的更改都需要某种程度的控制,而更改控制实践就是用来提供这种控制的。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Configuration management documents how assets work together to create a service. This information is used to support many value chain activities, and is updated as part of the transition activity. 配置管理记录了资产如何协同工作以创建服务。此信息用于支持许多价值链活动,并作为过渡活动的一部分进行更新。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Configuration management is used for planning new or changed services. 配置管理用于规划新的或更改的服务。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Configuration management, like every other aspect of service management, should be subject to measurement and continual improvement. Since the value of configuration management typically comes from how it facilitates other practices, it is important to understand what use these practices are making of configuration information, and then identify how this can be improved. 配置管理和服务管理的其他方面一样,应该进行度量和持续改进。由于配置管理的价值通常来自于它如何促进其他实践,因此了解这些实践对配置信息的用途,然后确定如何改进这一点非常重要。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Configuration records may be created during this value chain activity, describing new or changed services and components. Sometimes configuration records are used to create the code or artefact that is being built. 配置记录可以在价值链活动期间创建,描述新的或更改的服务和组件。有时配置记录被用来创建正在构建的代码或人工制品。

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Customers and users may need to be consulted or informed about changes, depending on the nature of the change. 根據變更的性質,可能需要向客戶和用戶諮詢或告知其變更。

Problem management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Customers may wish to be involved in problem prioritization, and the status and plans for managing problems should be communicated. 客戶可能希望參與問題優先級的製定,並應傳達解決問題的狀態和計劃。

Deployment management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Deployment management moves new and changed components to live environments, so it is a vital element of this value chain activity. 部署管理将新的和更改的组件移动到活动环境中,因此它是此价值链活动的一个重要元素。

Continual improvement practice [Service value chain] - Engage, design and transition, obtain/build, and deliver and support

Each of these value chain activities should undergo continual improvement, therefore this practice is applied to all of them. 每一項價值鏈活動應不斷改進,因此,所有這些活動都應採用這種做法。

Problem management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Effective problem management provides the understanding needed to reduce the number of incidents and the impact of incidents that can't be prevented. 有效的問題管理可提供減少事件數量和無法避免的事件影響所需的理解。

Incident management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

Ensure incidents occurring in development environments are resolved in a timely and controlled manner. 確保即時,可控地解決開發環境中發生的事件。

Incident management practice [Service value chain]-design and transition

Ensure incidents occurring in test environments, as well as during service release and deployment are resolved in a timely and controlled manner. 確保即時,可控地解決在測試環境以及服務發布和部署過程中發生的事件。

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

IT asset management helps to locate IT assets, trace their movements, and control their status in the organization. IT资产管理有助于定位IT资产,跟踪其移动,并控制其在组织中的状态

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

IT asset management supports asset procurement to ensure that assets are traceable from the beginning of their lifecycle. IT资产管理支持资产采购,以确保资产从其生命周期的开始就具有可追溯性

Continual improvement practice [Service value chain] - Improve

Improve: It arranges resources and activities enabling improvement at all levels of the organization and the SVS. The practice is key to this value chain activity. 它安排了資源和活動,使各個層面的改進組織和SVS。這種做法是價值鏈活動的關鍵。 Improve The continual improvement practice is key to this value chain activity. It structures resources and activities, enabling improvement at all levels of the organization and the SVS. 改进持续改进实践是这一价值链活动的关键。它构建资源和活动,使组织和SVS的所有级别都能得到改进。

Incident management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Incident records are a key input to improvement activities, and are prioritized both in terms of incident frequency and severity. 事件記錄是改進活動的關鍵輸入,並且在事件發生頻率和嚴重性方面都得到優先考慮。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

Information on CIs is essential to support service restoration. Configuration information is used to support activities of the incident management and problem management practices. 有关CI的信息对于支持服务恢复至关重要。配置信息用于支持事件管理和问题管理实践的活动。

Information security management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Information security must be considered in all improvement value chain activity to ensure that vulnerabilities are not introduced when making improvements. 所有改进价值链活动都必须考虑信息安全,以确保在进行改进时不会引入漏洞 vulnerability [ˌvʌlnərə'bɪləti] n.弱点;脆弱性;可捕性

Information security management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Information security must be considered in all planning activity and must be built into every practice and service. 信息安全必须在所有规划活动中加以考虑,并且必须纳入每一个实践和服务中

Information security management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Information security requirements for new and changed services must be understood and captured. All levels of engagement, from operational to strategic, must support information security and encourage the behaviors needed. All stakeholders must contribute to information security, including customers, users, suppliers, etc. 必须了解和捕获新服务和更改服务的信息安全需求。从运营到战略的所有参与级别都必须支持信息安全并鼓励所需的行为。所有利益相关者必须为信息安全做出贡献,包括客户、用户、供应商等

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

It communicates service performance objectives to the operations and support teams and collects their feedback. 它將服務績效目標傳達給運營和支持團隊,並收集他們的反饋。

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

It ensures ongoing engagement with customers and users through feedback processing and continual service review. 它通過反饋處理和持續的服務審查來確保與客戶和用戶的持續互動

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

It provides an input to the design and development of new and changed services. 它為新服務和變更服務的設計和開發提供了投入

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

It provides objectives for components and service performance, as well as for measurement and reporting capabilities of the products and services. 它為組件和服務性能以及產品和服務的度量和報告功能提供了目標。

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

It supports planning of product, service portfolio, and service offerings with information about the actual service performance and trends. 它支持有關產品,服務組合和服務產品的計劃,以及有關實際服務性能和趨勢的信息。

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Many changes are initiated as a result of new or changed services. Change enablement activity is a major contributor to transition. 由於新的或變更的服務而引發了許多變更。變更支持活動是過渡的主要貢獻者。

Change enablement practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Many improvements will require changes to be made, and these should be assessed and authorized in the same way as all other changes. 許多改進將需要進行變更,這些變更應與所有其他更改一樣進行評估和授權。

Monitoring and event management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Monitoring and event management may be the source of internal engagement for action. 监控和事件管理可能是内部参与行动的来源

Monitoring and event management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Monitoring and event management supports development environments, ensuring their transparency and manageability. 监视和事件管理支持开发环境,确保其透明度和可管理性。

Monitoring and event management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Monitoring data informs design decisions. Monitoring is an essential component of transition: it provides information about the transition success in all environments. 监测数据通知设计决策。监控是过渡的一个重要组成部分:它提供有关所有环境中过渡成功的信息。

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Most policies and guidance for IT asset management comes from the service financial management practice. Some asset management policies are driven by governance and some are driven by other practices, such as information security management. IT asset management can be considered a strategic practice that helps the organization to understand and manage cost and value. IT资产管理的大多数政策和指导来自服务财务管理实践。有些资产管理策略由治理驱动,有些则由其他实践驱动,如信息安全管理。IT资产管理可以被认为是一种战略实践,有助于组织理解和管理成本和价值。

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

New or changed releases may be required to deliver improvements, and these should be planned and managed in the same way as any other release. 可能需要新的或更改的版本来交付改进,并且这些版本应该以与任何其他版本相同的方式进行规划和管理。

Continual improvement practice [Service value chain] - Plan

Plan: Planning activities, methods, and techniques should continually be improved to ensure they are relevant to the organization's objectives and context. 規劃活動,方法和技術應不斷改進,以確保它們與組織的目標和環境相關。 Plan The continual improvement practice is applied to planning activities, methods, and techniques to make sure they are relevant to the organization's current objectives and context. 持续改进实践应用于计划活动、方法和技术,以确保它们与组织当前的目标和环境相关。

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Policies, guidance, and timelines for releases are driven by the organizational strategy and service portfolio. The size, scope, and content of each release should be planned and managed. 发布的策略、指导和时间表由组织策略和服务组合驱动。应该计划和管理每个版本的大小、范围和内容。

Problem management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

Problem management makes a significant contribution by preventing incident repetition and supporting timely incident resolution. 問題管理通過防止事件重複發生和支持即時的事件解決做出了重大貢獻。

Problem management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Problem management provides information that helps to improve testing and knowledge transfer. 問題管理提供有助於改善測試和知識轉移的信息。

Problem management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

Product defects may be identified by problem management and be managed during this activity. 產品缺陷可以通過問題管理來識別,並可以在此活動中進行管理。

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

Relationship management is responsible for ensuring that a high level of customer satisfaction and a constructive relationship between the organization and its customers are established and maintained. 关系管理负责确保在组织与其客户之间建立和保持高水平的客户满意度和建设性的关系。

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Relationship management is the practice responsible for engaging with internal and external customers to understand their requirements and priorities. 关系管理是负责与内部和外部客户接触以了解他们的需求和优先级的实践

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Relationship management plays a key role in coordinating feedback from internal and external customers as part of design. It also ensures that inconvenience and adverse impacts to customers during transition are prevented or minimized. 作为设计的一部分,关系管理在协调来自内部和外部客户的反馈方面起着关键作用。它还确保在过渡期间避免给客户带来不便和不利影响

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Relationship management provides information on the requirements and expectations of internal and external customers. It also assists with strategic assessment and prioritization across portfolios as well as evaluating current and future market spaces, which are essential aspects of planning. 关系管理提供有关内部和外部客户的要求和期望的信息。它还协助对投资组合进行战略评估和优先排序,并评估当前和未来的市场空间,这是规划的重要方面

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Relationship management provides the customer requirements and priorities to help select products, services or service components to be obtained or built. 关系管理提供客户需求和优先级,以帮助选择要获取或构建的产品、服务或服务组件。

Relationship management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Relationship management seeks to harmonize and synergize different organizational relationships with internal and external customers to realize targeted benefits through continual improvement. 关系管理旨在协调和协同不同的组织与内部和外部客户的关系,通过持续改进实现有针对性的利益

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Release management ensures that new or changed services are made available to customers in a controlled way. 发布管理确保以受控的方式向客户提供新的或更改的服务。

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

Releases may impact on delivery and support. Training, documentation, release notes, known errors, user guides, support scripts, etc. are provided by this practice to facilitate service restoration. 发布可能会影响交付和支持。本实践提供培训、文档、发行说明、已知错误、用户指南、支持脚本等,以方便服务恢复。

Incident management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Requires regular communication to understand the issues, set expectations, provide status updates, and agree that the issue has been resolved so the incident can be closed. 需要定期溝通了解問題,設定期望,提供狀態更新並同意問題已解決,以便可關閉事件。 regular communication 定期溝通

Service Desk management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Service desk activities are constantly monitored and evaluated to support continual improvement, alignment, and value creation. Feedback from users is collected by the service desk to support continual improvement. 不斷監控和評估服務台活動,以支持持續改進,統一和創造價值。服務台收集來自用戶的反饋,以支持持續改進。

Service Desk management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

Service desk staff can be involved in acquiring service components used to fulfill service requests and resolve incidents. 服務台人員可以參與獲取用於滿足服務請求和解決事件的服務組件。

Service request management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Service request management can provide a channel for improvement initiatives, compliments, and complaints from users. It also contributes to improvement by providing trend, quality, and feedback information about fulfillment of requests. 服務請求管理可以為改進計劃,讚美和用戶投訴提供渠道。它還通過提供有關滿足要求的趨勢,質量和反饋信息來幫助改進。

Service request management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Service request management includes regular communication to collect user-specific requirements, set expectations, and to provide status updates. 服務請求管理包括定期溝通,以收集特定於用戶的需求,設置期望並提供狀態更新。

Deployment management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

Some improvements may require components to be deployed before they can be delivered, and these should be planned and managed in the same way as any other deployment. 某些改进可能需要在交付组件之前部署组件,并且这些组件应该以与任何其他部署相同的方式进行规划和管理。

Service Configuration management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Some stakeholders (partners and suppliers, consumers, regulators, etc.) may require and use configuration information, or provide their configuration information to the organization. 一些利益相关者(合作伙伴和供应商、消费者、监管机构等)可能需要和使用配置信息,或者向组织提供其配置信息。

Service request management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Standard changes to services can be initiated and fulfilled as service requests. 对服务的标准更改可以作为服务请求启动和完成 (服務標準更改)

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

Supplier management is responsible for defining requirements for contracts and agreements related to new or changed products or services, in alignment with the organization's needs and service targets. 供应商管理层负责根据组织的需求和服务目标,确定与新的或变更的产品或服务有关的合同和协议的要求

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

Supplier management is responsible for engaging with all suppliers and for the evaluation and selection of suppliers; for negotiating and agreeing contracts and agreements; and for ongoing management of supplier relationships. 供应商管理负责与所有供应商的接触,并对供应商进行评价和选择;谈判和商定合同和协议;以及供应商关系的持续管理

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Plan

Supplier management provides the organization's approved sourcing strategy and plan. 供应商管理提供组织批准的采购策略和计划。

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/build

Supplier management supports the procurement or obtaining of products, services, and service components from third parties. 供应商管理支持从第三方采购或获取产品、服务和服务组件。

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

Supplier performance for live services is managed by this practice to ensure that suppliers meet the terms, conditions, and targets of their contracts and agreements. 现场服务的供应商绩效由本惯例管理,以确保供应商满足其合同和协议的条款、条件和目标。

Releases management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

The content and cadence of releases must be designed to match the needs and expectations of customers and users. 发布的内容和节奏必须与客户和用户的需求和期望相匹配

Continual improvement practice [Service value chain]

The continual improvement practice is integral to the development and maintenance of every other practice as well as to the complete lifecycle of all services and the service value system (SVS) itself. 持續改善實踐是其他所有實踐的開發和維護以及所有服務和服務價值系統(SVS)本身的完整生命週期的組成部分。 There are some practices that make a special contribution to continual improvement. For example, the organization's problem management practice can identify issues that will be managed through continual improvement. The changes initiated through continual improvement may fail without the critical contributions of organizational change management. 有一些實踐為持續改善做出了特殊貢獻。例如,組織的問題管理實踐可以確定將通過持續改善進行管理的問題。沒有組織變革管理的關鍵貢獻,通過持續改善而引發的變更可能會失敗。

Service request management practice [Service value chain]-Obtain/Build

The fulfillment of service requests may require acquisition of pre-approved service components. 服務請求的實現可能需要獲取預先批准的服務組件。

Monitoring and event management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

The monitoring and event management practice is essential to the close observation of the environment to evaluate and proactively improve its health and stability. 监测和事件管理实践对于密切观察环境、评估和主动改善其健康和稳定性至关重要

Monitoring and event management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and support

The practice guides how the organization manages internal support of identified events, initiating other practices as appropriate. 该实践指导组织如何管理已识别事件的内部支持,并酌情启动其他实践

Supplier management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

The practice identifies opportunities for improvement with existing suppliers, is involved in the selection of new suppliers, and provides ongoing supplier performance management. 该实践确定了与现有供应商的改进机会,参与了新供应商的选择,并提供了持续的供应商绩效管理

Service Desk management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

The service desk is the coordination point for managing incidents and service requests. 服務台是用於管理事件和服務請求的協調點。

Service Desk management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

The service desk is the main channel for tactical and operational engagement with users. 服務台是與用戶進行戰術和運營互動的主要渠道。

Service Desk management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

The service desk provides a channel for communicating with users about new and changed services. Service desk staff participate in release planning, testing, and early life support. 服務台提供了與用戶就新服務和更改服務進行交流的渠道。服務台人員參與發布計劃,測試和早期支持。

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Engage

There may be some demand for IT asset management from stakeholders. For example, a user may report a lost or stolen mobile phone, or a customer may require reports on the value of IT assets. 利益相关者可能对IT资产管理有一些需求。例如,用户可能报告丢失或被盗的移动电话,或者客户可能要求报告IT资产的价值

Service request management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

This activity of the value chain is mostly concerned with ensuring users continue to be productive, and sometimes depends heavily on fulfillment of their requests. 價值鏈的這種活動主要與確保用戶繼續保持生產效率有關,有時在很大程度上取決於其要求的實現。

Service Level management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

This practice can be a driving force for service improvement. 這種做法可以成為改善服務的動力

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Design and transition

This value chain activity changes the status of IT assets, and so drives most IT asset management activity. 这种价值链活动改变了IT资产的状态,从而推动了大多数IT资产管理活动

Incident management practice [Service value chain]-Deliver and Support

This value chain activity includes resolving incidents and problems. 價值鏈活動包括解決事件和問題。

IT asset management practice [Service value chain]-Improve

This value chain activity must consider the impact on IT assets, and some improvements will directly involve IT asset management in helping to understand and manage costs. 这种价值链活动必须考虑对IT资产的影响,一些改进将直接涉及IT资产管理,以帮助理解和管理成本。

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