Japanese Sentences (Romanized)
Aoki: Kikai ga koshoo shitara doo shimashoo ka. Kudoo: Koshoo shitara watashi ni denwa o kudasai.
Aoki: If the machine breaks down, what should I do? Kudoo: If it breaks down, please call me. Basic Pattern 47: The Subjunctive with V-tara
Watashi wa yoru, terebi o mitari, hon o yondari shimasu.
At night I sometimes watch TV, read books, or something like that. Basic Pattern 39, Variation 1: Indicating Habitual Actions (V-tari V-tari shimasu)
Densha no jiko de, hito-eki arukasaremashita/arukaseraremashita.
Because of the train accident, we were forced to walk from one station to the next. Basic Pattern 50: Causative Passive (N ni V[causative-passive]-masu)
Buchoo: Kaigi no shorui wa doko desu ka. Kawaguchi: Tsukue no ue ni oite okimashita.
Department director: Where are the papers for the meeting? Kawaguchi: I put them on your desk, ready for you. Basic Pattern 41: Doing Things in Advance with "V-te okimasu"
Kono shoosetsu o kaita sakka o shitte imasu ka.
Do you know the writer who wrote this novel? Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Shain wa shachoo ni yoru osoku made shigoto o saseraremasu.
Employees are kept working until late at night by the president of the company. Basic Pattern 50, Variation 1: Causative Passive (N ni N o V[causative-passive]-masu)
Shain wa shachoo ni yoru osoku made hatarakasaremasu.
Employees are made to work until late at night by the company president. Basic Pattern 50: Causative Passive (N ni V[causative-passive]-masu)
Watashi wa maiasa inu o sampo sasemasu.
Every morning I walk my dog. Basic Pattern 49: Causative (N o/ni V[causative]-masu)
Fumiko: Ashita no konsaato ni Hiroko o sasowanai? Sachie: Dame, Hiroko wa gorufu ni iku soo yo.
Fumiko: Shall we invite Hiroko to tomorrow's concert? Sachie: That's no good. I hear Hiroko's going golfing. Basic Pattern 45: Expressing Hearsay (V-soo)
Hisako: Furansu de katte kita yoofuku tte, kore? Toshiko: Soo yo. Ii deshoo?
Hisako: Are these the clothes you bought in France? Toshiko: That's right. Nice, aren't they? Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Hisako: Ashita no paati, iku? Tomoe: Ikanai. Hisako wa? Hinako: Tomoe ga ikanakereba, watashi mo ikanai.
Hisako: Are you going to the party tomorrow? Tomoe: I'm not going. How about you? Hisako: If you're not going, I'm not either. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 1: Subjunctive with V-ba
Watashi wa neko ni taisetsu na chawan o kowasarete shimaimashita.
I had a precious tea cup broken by my cat. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 2: Suffering Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive]-masu)
Watashi wa doroboo ni kamera o nusumaremashita.
I had my camera stolen by a thief. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 2: Suffering Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive]-masu)
Watashi wa Rasubegasu e itta koto ga arimasu.
I have been to Las Vegas. Basic Pattern 38: Stating Previous Experience (V-ta koto ga arimasu)
Watashi wa go-ji made ni, ie ni kaerenakereba narimasen.
I have to go home by five. Basic Pattern 42: Duty/Necessity (V-nakereba narimasen/ikemasen)
Watashi wa byooin de, ichi-jikan ijoo mo matasaremasu/mataseraremasu.
I have to wait more than an hour at the hospital. Basic Pattern 50: Causative Passive (N ni V[causative-passive]-masu)
Raishuu Beikoku no daitooryoo ga rainichi suru soo desu.
I hear that the president of the United States is coming to Japan next week. Basic Pattern 45: Expressing Hearsay (V-soo)
Watashi wa tomodachi to konsaato ni iku koto ga arimasu.
I occasionally go to concerts with friends. Basic Pattern 39: Indicating Habitual Action (V koto ga/mo arimasu)
Watashi wa Furansu e iku tsumori desu.
I plan to go to France. Basic Pattern 32: Showing Intention with tsumori
Watashi wa ame ni furaremashita.
I was rained on. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 1: Indirect Passive (N ni [intrans] V [passive] - masu)
Kawashima: Shuumatsu tanoshikatta? Matsuki: Izu e doraibu ni itta no ni, ame ni furarete gakkari datta wa.
I went driving to Izu but got rained on. What a disappointment! Basic Pattern 48, Variation 1: Indirect Passive (N ni [intrans] V [passive] - masu)
Biiru o hiyashite okimasu.
I'll go ahead and cool the beer. Basic Pattern 41: Doing Things in Advance with "V-te okimasu"
Ichikawa: Yuki ga futtara densha de ikoo. Tomita: Sunoo-taiya o tsuketara daijoobu daroo.
Ichikawa: If it snows, let's go by train. Tomita: If we put on snow tires, it should be all right. Basic Pattern 47: The Subjunctive with V-tara
(Moshi) ame ga futtara nobashimasu.
If it rains, we'll do it another time. Basic Pattern 47: The Subjunctive with V-tara
(Moshi) yobun no kippu ga areba tomodachi o sasoimasu.
If there's an extra ticket, I'll invite a friend. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 1: Subjunctive with V-ba
Okane o irete kono botan o osu to kippu ga dete kimasu.
If you insert a coin and press this button, a ticket comes out. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 2: The Subjunctive with "to"
Tsugi no koosa-ten o migi ni magaru to, kyookai ga arimasu.
If you turn to the right at the next intersection, you'll find a church. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 2: The Subjunctive with "to"
Ikeda: Kaimono ga takusan aru toki, doo nasaru no? Ishii: Musuko ni kuruma o unten sasete iku no yo.
Ikeda: What do you do when you have a lot of things you bought? Ishii: I have my son drive me. Basic Pattern 49, Variation 1: Causative with N o/ni V(causative)-masu
Raishuu wa en ga sagarisoo desu.
It looks as though the yen will go down next week. Basic Pattern 46: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-soo)
Ame ga furusoo desu.
It looks like rain. Basic Pattern 46: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-soo)
Shuumatsu taifuu ga kuru yoo desu.
It seems that a typhoon is coming this weekend. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 1: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-yoo)
Gaimudaijin wa raishuu kara Furansu e iku rashii desu.
It seems that the Foreign Minister will go to France next week. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 2: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-rashii)
Sensei wa ryokoo ni iku rashii desu.
It seems that the teacher is going on a trip. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 2: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-rashii)
Izumi: Nani katta no? Katayama: Takai keshoo-hin kawasarechatta.
Izumi: What did you buy? Katayama: I was forced (persuaded) to buy some expensive cosmetics
Kamiya: Ame ga futte kimashita ne. Shimomura: Ee, kyoo wa yama e konai hoo ga yokatta desu ne.
Kamiya: It has started to rain, hasn't it. Shimomura: Yes, maybe we shouldn't have come up to the mountains today. Basic Pattern 40, Variation 1: Offering Advice with V-nai hoo ga ii/yokatta
Kanako: Kono hoteru ookii wa ne. Watashi-tachi no heya wa doko? Asasko: Heya e iku no ni mayoisoo.
Kanako: What a big hotel. Where's our room? Asako: It looks like we might get lost on the way to our room. Basic Pattern 46: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-soo)
Kataoka: Konban eiga mi ni ikanai? Koide: Konban wa dame. Hayaku kaeranakucha naranai no.
Kataoka: Want to go and see a movie tonight? Koide: Tonight's no good. I've got to get home early. Basic Pattern 42: Duty/Necessity (V-nakereba narimasen/ikemasen)
Katayama: Shachoo wa itsu Amerika kara kaette kuru 'n desu ka. Uchiyama: Saa, yoku wakarimasen ga, konshuu wa mada kaette konai soo desu yo.
Katayama: When will the president be coming back from the United States? Uchiyama: Well, I don't know exactly, but I hear he won't be coming back this week. Basic Pattern 45, Variation 1: Expressing Negative Hearsay (V-nai soo)
Kawamura: Kubo-kun, shuushoku kimatta no ka na. Itoo: Mada kimatte inai soo da yo.
Kawamura: I wonder if Kubo has landed a job. Itoo: So far I hear there's nothing definite. Basic Pattern 45, Variation 1: Expressing Negative Hearsay (V-nai soo)
Kishi: Kyoo wa zangyoo o shinakereba narimasen. Kawaguchi: Zuibun isogashii'n desu ne.
Kishi: I have to do overtime today. Kawaguchi: You're very busy, aren't you. Basic Pattern 42: Duty/Necessity (V-nakereba narimasen/ikemasen)
Kitaoka: Kuukoo e iku hito wa boku hitori? Gotoo: Iya, nimotsu ga aru kara Takeda-kun mo ikaseru yo.
Kitaoka: Am I the only one going to the airport? Gotoo: No, I'll have Takeda go too, since you have luggage. Basic Pattern 49: Causative (N o/ni V[causative]-masu)
Koga: Takushii de ikimashoo ka. Ootake: Iya, ima michi ga konde imasu kara, takushii de ikanai hoo ga ii desu yo.
Koga: Shall we go by taxi? Ootake: No, the roads are crowded now, so we had better not go by taxi. Basic Pattern 40, Variation 1: Offering Advice with V-nai hoo ga ii/yokatta
Komatsu: Doyoobi wa nani o shite imasu ka. Hirotsu: Soo desu ne. Gorufu ni iku koto mo arimasu shi, uchi de nonbiri suru koto mo arimasu yo.
Komatsu: How do you spend Saturdays? Hirotsu: Well, sometimes I go golfing and sometimes I stay at home and relax. Basic Pattern 39: Indicating Habitual Action (V koto ga/mo arimasu)
Kuwano: Moo ongaku-shi no hon o yomimashita ka. Nojima: Iie, ashita tosho-kan de sono hon o kariru tsumori desu.
Kuwano: Have you read the book on the history of music yet? Nojima: No, I intend to borrow the book from the library tomorrow. Basic Pattern 32: Showing Intention with tsumori
Let's drink. Basic Pattern 31: Inviting with V-mashoo
Ame ga furanai hi ni doraibu ni ikimashoo.
Let's go driving on a day when it doesn't rain/when it's not raining. Basic Pattern 44, Variation 1: Negative Verb Modifying Noun (V-nai N)
Misako: Ame ga futte kita kedo, kasa motte konakatta hito iru? Namiko: Minna motte kita wa.
Misako: It's started to rain. Is there anyone who didn't bring an umbrella? Namiko: Everybody brought one. Basic Pattern 44, Variation 1: Negative Verb Modifying Noun (V-nai N)
Mochida: Fuyu no boonasu wa demasu ka. Ootaku: Kachoo no hanashi de wa, deru yoo desu yo.
Mochida: Will we be getting a winter bonus? Ootake: According to the section manager, it seems we will. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 1: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-yoo)
Morita: Konban, Kaneko mo nomi ni iku no ka na. Takahashi: Iku yoo da yo. Moo shigoto owatta yoo da kara.
Morita: I wonder if Kaneko is also going out drinking tonight. Takahashi: It seems he's going since he appears to have finished his work. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 1: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-yoo)
Hahaoya: Raishuu Kyooto e iku 'n deshoo. Shinkan-sen no kippu, katte oita hoo ga ii was yo. Musume: Katta wa yo. Sore ni hoteru mo yoyaku shite oita wa.
Mother: You're going to Kyoto next week, right? You ought to get your Shinkansen ticket beforehand. Daughter: I did. And I already made hotel reservations too. Basic Pattern 41: Doing Things in Advance with "V-te okimasu"
Itoo-san wa kotoshi sotsugyoo suru gakusei desu.
Mr. Ito is a student who is graduating this year. Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Makagawa: Ashita no kaigi ni deru hito wa, dare? Kuroda: Satoo-san to watashi yo.
Nakagawa: Who is going to attend tomorrow's meeting? Kuroda: Mr. Sato and myself. Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Namie: Roomaji o hiragana ni kaeru no, doo suru no? Tami: Kono kii osu to, hiragana ni naru wa.
Namie: How can I change romanization into hiragana? Tami: If you push this key, you get hiragana. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 2: The Subjunctive with "to"
Oda: Doo shimashita ka. Fukuhara: Atama ga itai'n desu. Oda: Sore wa ikemasen ne. Hayaku kaette neta hoo ga ii.
Oda: What's wrong? Fukuhara: I have a headache. Oda: That's too bad. You ought to go home early and lie down. Basic Pattern 40: Offering Advice with V-ta hoo ga ii/yokatta
Okamoto: Ii eiga datta wa ne. Kimura: Hontoo. Koo iu eiga miru to, shoorai no koto kangaesaserareru wa ne.
Okamoto: It was a good movie, wasn't it. Kimura: Really. Seeing a movie like that makes you think about the future. Basic Pattern 50: Causative Passive (N ni V[causative-passive]-masu)
Oonuma: Abunai kara, sonna ni supiido dasanai hoo ga ii yo. Ogata: Daijoobu da yo, kono michi narete'ru 'n da kara.
Oonuma: You shouldn't drive so fast. It's dangerous. Ogata: Don't worry. I'm familiar with this road. Basic Pattern 40, Variation 1: Offering Advice with V-nai hoo ga ii/yokatta
Ootsuka: Zuibun michi ga konde imasu ne. Kamei: Ee, sukoshi mae ni jiko ga atta soo desu yo.
Ootsuka: The streets are really crowded, aren't they. Kamei: Yes, I hear there was an accident a little while ago. Basic Pattern 45: Expressing Hearsay (V-soo)
Saitoo: Atarashii pasokon katta'n da kedo, tsukaikata oboerarenai yo. Yokota: Daijoobu, ni, san-shuukan tateba, oboerareru yo.
Saitoo: I bought a new PC, but I can't figure out how to use it. Yokota: Don't worry. In two or three weeks you'll figure it out. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 1: Subjunctive with V-ba
Sakiyama: Taifuu ga kisoo da kedo, ashita no gorufu, doo suru? Miura: Yameta hoo ga ii ne.
Sakiyama: It looks like a typhoon's coming. What'll we do about tomorrow's gold? Miura: We'd better call if off. Basic Pattern 40: Offering Advice with V-ta hoo ga ii/yokatta
Sawai: Mada shigoto ga owatte inai hito wa, ashita tsuzukete yatte hoshii'n da kedo. Matsuki: Demo ashita wa doyoobi da yo.
Sawai: I'd like those who haven't finished their work yet to continue with it tomorrow. Matsuki: But tomorrow is Saturday, you know. Basic Pattern 44, Variation 1: Negative Verb Modifying Noun (V-nai N)
Nomimashoo ka.
Shall we drink? Basic Pattern 31, Variation 1: Inviting with V-mashoo ka
Kinoo no ban osoku tomodachi ni korarete, benkyoo ga dekimasen deshita.
Some friends visited me quite late last night, so I couldn't study at all. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 1: Indirect Passive (N ni [intrans] V [passive] - masu)
Sonoda: Kinoo no ban wa doko e itta'n desu ka. Takamura: Karaoke e itte, tomodachi ni uta o utawaseraremashita.
Sonoda: Where did you go last night? Takamura: I went to a karaoke bar, where a friend forced me to sing. Basic Pattern 50, Variation 1: Causative Passive (N ni N o V[causative-passive]-masu)
Sonoko: Indo no eiga mita koto aru? Hiromi: Nai wa. Mita koto aru no?
Sonoko: Have you ever seen an Indian movie? Hiromi: No. Have you? Basic Pattern 38: Stating Previous Experience (V-ta koto ga arimasu)
Gakusei: Ashita mo jikken o shinakereba ikemasen ka. Kyoju: Iya, ashita wa doyoobi da kara shinakute mo ii desu yo.
Student: Do we have to do an experiment tomorrow too? Professor: No, since tomorrow's Saturday, you don't have to. Basic Pattern 43: Duty/Necessity (V-nakute mo ii/kamaimasen)
Sugawara: Booi-furendo no shashin, haha ni mirarechatta. Oonishi: Okaasan shiranakatta kara, bikkuri shita deshoo ne.
Sugawara: The picture of my boyfriend was seen by my mother. Oonishi: She must have been surprised since she didn't know about him. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 2: Suffering Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive]-masu)
Takagi: Raigakki Eigo no sensei yameru no shitte'ru? Yoshioka: Kiita wa. Kekkon suru rashii yo.
Takagi: Did you know the English teacher's quitting next semester? Yoshioka: Yes, I heard. It seems she's getting married. Basic Pattern 46, Variation 2: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-rashii)
Takayama: Fuyu wa donna spootsu o nasaru 'n desu ka. Sonoda: Watashi wa sukii o shitari, sukeeto o shitari shimasu.
Takayama: What kind of sports do you do during the winter? Sonoda: I ski, ice-skate, and so-on. Basic Pattern 39, Variation 1: Indicating Habitual Actions (V-tari V-tari shimasu)
Takubo: Ocha o nomi ni ikimasen ka. Shimamaoto: Ii desu ne. Ikimashoo.
Takubo: Shall we go out for a cup of tea? Shimamoto: That's a good idea. Let's go. Basic Pattern 30: Inviting with V-masen ka
Sono kodomo wa tonari no inu ni te o kamaremashita.
That child had its hand bitten by the neighbor's dog. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 2: Suffering Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive]-masu)
Sono shinbun wa kaisha-in ni yoku yomarete imasu.
That newspaper is widely read by white-collar workers. Basic Pattern 48: Direct Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive] - masu)
Juu-ji ni kuru hito wa Asahi Ginkoo no Kobayashi-san desu.
That person who is coming at 10:00 is Mr. Kobayashi of Asahi Bank. Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Sakura no hana ga moo sugu sakisoo desu.
The cherry trees look as though they are about to bloom. Basic Pattern 46: Conjecturing and Making Suppositions (V-soo)
Kodomo wa okaasan ni shikararemashita.
The child was scolded by the mother. Basic Pattern 48: Direct Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive] - masu)
Shachoo wa shain o yoru osoku made hatarakasemasu.
The company president makes the employees work until late at night. Basic Pattern 49: Causative (N o/ni V[causative]-masu)
Isha wa kanja ni kusuri o nomasemasu.
The doctor makes his patients take medicine. Basic Pattern 49, Variation 1: Causative with N o/ni V(causative)-masu
Ima denwa o shite iru otoko no hito wa, kachoo desu.
The man who is talking on the phone is the section manager. Basic Pattern 44: Verb Modifying Noun (V N)
Okaasan wa kodomo ni gohan o tabesasete imasu.
The mother is feeding her child. Basic Pattern 49, Variation 1: Causative with N o/ni V(causative)-masu
Yama wa yuki ni oowaremasu.
The mountains are covered by the snow. Basic Pattern 48: Direct Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive] - masu)
Sensei wa gakusei ni repooto o kakasemashita.
The teacher had the students write reports. Basic Pattern 49, Variation 1: Causative with N o/ni V(causative)-masu
Sensei wa gakusei o kaerasemasu.
The teacher makes the students go home. Basic Pattern 49: Causative (N o/ni V[causative]-masu)
Kono sensoo de, musuko ni shinareta hahaoya ga ooku imasu.
There are many mothers whose sons were killed in this war. Basic Pattern 48, Variation 1: Indirect Passive (N ni [intrans] V [passive] - masu)
Kono hito-tachi wa amari benkyoo shinai gakusei desu.
These are the students who don't study very much. Basic Pattern 44, Variation 1: Negative Verb Modifying Noun (V-nai N)
Ashita wa ame wa furanai soo desu.
They say that it won't rain tomorrow. Basic Pattern 45, Variation 1: Expressing Negative Hearsay (V-nai soo)
Tomita: Mada jikan ga arimasu kara, eiga o mimashoo ka. Ogawa: Soo shimashoo.
Tomita: We still have time, so why don't we see a movie? Ogawa: Let's do that. Basic Pattern 31, Variation 1: Inviting with V-mashoo ka
Tomoe: Konsaato owattara, kashu ni sain shite morawanai? Midori: Muri yo. Kare itsumo oozei no fuan ni kakomarete'ru kara.
Tomoe: Why don't we get the singer's autograph after the concert? Midori: That's impossible. He's always surrounded by hordes of fans. Basic Pattern 48: Direct Passive (N ni [trans] V [passive] - masu)
Tooru: moo go-ji da kara kaeroo. Takao: Un, soo shiyoo.
Tooru: It is already five. Let's go home. Takao: Yeah, let's get going. Basic Pattern 31: Inviting with V-mashoo
Nichiyoobi no paatii ni denai hito wa dare desu ka?
Who is not going to attend Sunday's party? Basic Pattern 44, Variation 1: Negative Verb Modifying Noun (V-nai N)
Eiga o mi ni ikimasen ka.
Won't you go to see a movie with me? Basic Pattern 30: Inviting with V-masen ka
Yamamoto: Ima kono kabu o kaeba, dono kurai reiki ga arimasu ka. Yoshida: Saa, hakkiri wakarimasen ga, kamari aru to omoimasu yo.
Yamamoto: How much profit will there be if we buy this stock now? Yoshida: Well, I don't know exactly, but I think it would be considerable. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 1: Subjunctive with V-ba
Yamamoto: Konna ni ame ga furanai to, mata mizubusoku desu ne. Suzuki: Hontoo ni, komarimasu ne.
Yamamoto: If it continues not raining like this, we'll have another water shortage. Suzuki: We'll be in a fix all right. Basic Pattern 47, Variation 2: The Subjunctive with "to"
Yokota: Go-ji desu kara, kaerimashoo. Yamamura: Soo shimashoo.
Yokota: It is 5:00, so let's leave. Yamamura: Let's do that. Basic Pattern 31: Inviting with V-mashoo
Yoriko: Ashita oyogi ni ikanai? Mika: Iku, iku.
Yoriko: How about going swimming tomorrow? Mika: I'll go, I'll go. Basic Pattern 30: Inviting with V-masen ka
Yoshida: Ano kaisha no shachoo ni atta koto ga arimasu ka. Kashara: Ee, sengetsu gorufu-joo de aimashita. Ii hito deshita yo. Yoshida-san wa? Yoshida: Watashi wa mada ichido mo atta koto ga nai'n desu.
Yoshida: Have you even met the president of that company? Kasahara: Yes, I met him on the golf course last month. He's a nice man. How about you? Yoshida: I've never met him. Basic Pattern 38: Stating Previous Experience (V-ta koto ga arimasu)
Yoshiko: Konogoro shuumatsu wa nani shite 'ru no? Saori: Soo ne, eiga ni ittari, kaimono ni ittari shite 'ru wa.
Yoshiko: What do you do on weekends these days? Saori: Well, I go to see movies or go shopping, and stuff like that. Basic Pattern 39, Variation 1: Indicating Habitual Actions (V-tari V-tari shimasu)
Shukudai wa ashita made ni shinakute mo ii desu.
You don't have to finish your homework by tomorrow. Basic Pattern 43: Duty/Necessity (V-nakute mo ii/kamaimasen)
Sono hon wa yonda hoo ga ii/yokatta desu yo.
You should read/should have read that book. Basic Pattern 40: Offering Advice with V-ta hoo ga ii/yokatta
Ano resutoran e ikanai hoo ga ii/yokatta desu yo.
You shouldn't go/shouldn't have gone to that restaurant. Basic Pattern 40, Variation 1: Offering Advice with V-nai hoo ga ii/yokatta
Yuki: Konogoro, nomi ni iku koto aru? Nobuko: Amari ikanai. Demo ban-gohan tabe ni iku koto aru wa yo.
Yuki: Do you ever go out drinking these days? Nobuko: Not very often. But sometimes I do go out for dinner. Basic Pattern 39: Indicating Habitual Action (V koto ga/mo arimasu)
Yuriko: Sono sukaato, chotto mijikakatta ne. Mika: Soo, kore kawanai hoo ga yokatta wa.
Yuriko: That skirt seems to be a bit short. Mika: You're right. I shouldn't have bought it. Basic Pattern 40, Variation 1: Offering Advice with V-nai hoo ga ii/yokatta