Java: Chapter 2 Review
shoeSize = 9;
example of a valid assignment statement in Java
According to the rules of operator precedence, when division occurs in the same arithmetic statement as __________, the division operation always takes place first.
An escape sequence always begins with a(n):
Data type that can store a value in the least amount of memory:
char aChar = '*';
Example of a correct assignment statement for a character data type:
The "equal to" relational operator is:
The assignment operator in Java is:
float or double
What are two data type variables that can hold values with decimals:
type cast
What do you use to explicitly override an implicit type:
When data cannot be changed after a class is compiled, the data is:
implicitly converts the values to a unifying type
When you perform arithmetic with values of diverse types, Java:
Which is a correct statement to prompt the program to output a line:
Which of the following is not a primitive data type in Java: boolean, byte, int, or sector
an assigned value
Which of the following elements is not required in a variable declaration: a type, an identifier, an assigned value, or a semicolon
Which type of variable can hold the value 'true' or 'false':