JLAB Questions

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What is the 27th amendment and what year was it ratified?

prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. Ratified: 1992

What are tasks roles in groups?

roles that help the group accomplish a specific task

When c/ Shazeb coaches basketball, he uses jargon so that the lineup knows what to do. What is "jargon"?

short-hand words and phrases utilized in certain areas or specifications, or in small groups

What is the mission of the Department of Defense?

to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States

While doing drill and ceremony, C/CPT Azurin noticed that one of the platoons was not aligned correctly. He called a command, and the platoon aligned itself at a close interval. What was the command he called and what is close interval?

"At close interval, dress right, dress"; Close interval is the elbow's distance between troops

C/MAJ Shazeb was conducting drill and ceremony. The entire battalion was in the position of attention for 10 minutes, and he wanted his cadets to rest. What commands should he call so that his cadets are able to move and talk?

"Parade, Rest" and "Rest"

How do you develop an ethical climate

1) Be a good role model 2) Develop followers ethically 3) Lead in a way that avoids putting your teammates into ethical dilemmas

How do you plan a meeting?

1. Clarify purpose 2. Define outcomes 3. Sequence activities 4. Invite attendees 5. Schedule meeting 6. Prepare presentations 7. Create agenda 8. Communicate agenda 9. Prepare meeting room

What are six strategies to improve vocabulary comprehension?

1. Context Clues 2. Word Structure 3. Word Mapping 4. Visual Imaging 5. Look for Root Words 6. Use the dictionary

What are the steps to Planning in Management?

1. Define the Objective 2. Study the situation 3. List / examine courses of action 4. Select best course of action

What are the steps to Organizing in Management?

1. Determine each task 2. Select personnel 3. Develop a working structure 4. Set priorities 5. Allocate resources

What are the four stages of counseling?

1. Identify the need for counseling 2. Prepare for Counseling 3. Counseling 4. Follow up

What are the steps to conducting a counseling session?

1. Opening the session 2. Developing the plan of action 3. Recording the session 4. Closing the session

c/Shazeb is attempting to counsel two of his subordinates. What are the steps he should accomplish in order prepare to counsel them?

1. Select a suitable place 2. Schedule a time 3. Notify subordinate in advance 4. Organize info 5. Outline the counseling session components 6. Plan counseling strategy 7. Establish the right atmosphere

What are four steps to making a commitment?

1. State your commitment concretely. 2 Get started and note your progress 3. Renew your commitment on a daily basis 4. Keep track of each commitment

What is the rank of a Sergeant Major of the Army?

3 chevrons, 3 rockers, and an eagle

Which of the following examples is NOT part of Combat Arms? 1) Armor 2) Field Artillery 3) Corp of Engineers 4) Chemical Corps

4) Chemical Corps

What is a constitution?

A constitution is a set of customs, rules, traditions and laws that set forth the way a government is organized and operated.

What is an ensign?

A flag that is displayed or flown from an aircraft, ship, or boat as symbol of nationality.

What is a pennant?

A long narrow flag tapering to a point to a point or a swallowtail at the end

What is a writ of habeas corpus and what act and year was it established in?

A writ of habeas corpus orders the government to deliver a person it has arrested to a court of law and explain why that person has been arrested and held. Established in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1678

The Command Sergeant Major is the ___________________ to the battalion commander. A) Special cadet enlisted assistant B) Staff cadet enlisted assistant C) Principal cadet enlisted assistant C) NCO enlisted assistant

A) Special cadet enlisted assistant

How do you demonstrate the value of honor?

Adhere to and identify a code of professional values Employ honor as a motive

What are the two ways of exhibiting the value of honor?

Adhere to and identify with a public code of professional value and employ honor as your motive for action.

Who represented New York during the Philadelphia Convention?

Alexander Hamilton

c/Aaron is having an ethical dilemma on whether he should attend his service learning project or help his friend c/Billy take care of his little sister. Define "ethical dilemma".

An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that involves a conflict between one's morals.

What is a grapevine?

An informal network or system in communication where knowledge is passed down, often as rumors or gossip.

c/Xiao is presenting a speech about drugs next Monday. She went online, and looked up all she could about hallucinogens, their chemical compositions, and side effects, as well as presented statistics based on academic studies to back them up. After she wrote her speech, she did a revision once she received feedback on her rehearsal. What steps are missing?

Analyze the audience, organize your information

What is an empirical question?

Ask for information contained in the material. e.g "What happened to x during y?"

c/Azurin was bored during LTC Lahood's class. He started to doodle in his notebook, checking his watch, and is nonstop changing the way he sits. What nonverbal indicators are he demonstrating?

Boredom and Frustration

What three areas of the brain are in charge of language processing?

Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and angular gyrus

What are all thinking maps?

Bubble, double bubble, tree, flow, multi-flow, brace, bridge, circle

What rank is this?


What does "ABCD" stand for when providing first aid?

Check airway, check breathing, check circulation, check for disability

During Academic Brigade, CSM Cabrera is explaining the process of leadership to the Academic Team, and is praising the team for their well-done job in the prior round. What mentoring functions are CSM Cabrera demonstrating?

Coaching and Educating

What is the definition of communication?

Communication is the transference and understanding of meaning amongst others

Within his Service Learning group, Syed leads discussions after presentation, and encourages team members. What is his role?


What are the six different types of context clues?

Definition, Synonyms, Comparison Clues, Contrast Clue, Examples in Context, Inferring Meaning from Context

C/SGT Chang is in charge of a very lazy squad. C/1L Sarguroh is seeing that the squad is not working towards its best capabilities even at easy tasks and tells C/Chang it is unacceptable and needs to be changed. What sort of directing should C/Chang use on his squad?

Demanding - a straightforward statement telling how something should be done, who must do it, and when it must be done.

What is DR-TA and what does it stand for?

Direct Reading-Thinking Activity. It is used to predict or define the author's purpose.

"According to the reading, where is Bob going?" What kind of question is this and why? (Remember EVA)


What are three types of questions used after previewing material?

Empirical, Value, Analytical

C/SSG Azurin's ethics lead to him returning a fellow cadet's wallet. Define ethics.

Ethics are principles or standards that guide professionals to do the moral or right thing

When being interviewed for a leadership position, C/Guan is demonstrating active listening. What are the elements of active listening that C/Guan is demonstrating?

Eye contact, body posture, head nods, verbal expressions, facial expressions

How do you demonstrate the value of personal courage

Face fears in physical and moral contexts Take responsibility for decisions and actions Demonstrate a capacity to learn and grow

Kelly is a platoon leader. Two of her cadets, one of them being your little brother, are having disputes over a leadership position in your platoon. She take both of them aside, and you hear both of their stories, and in the end chooses the other cadet for the position because of his leadership abilities and how he takes initiative. Her brother tells her, "No fair, you should have given me the position because I'm your brother!" Which of Marshall's leadership principles is Kelly demonstrating?

Fairness - choosing and rewarding the right people

True or False (with explanation): You are in Class A uniform, and sitting in a military vehicle. General Perkins gets on the vehicle. You should render a salute, as he is a general officer.

False. Both parties are currently in an inappropriate setting, as both are passengers of a vehicle.

How do you demonstrate the value of selfless service

Focus priorities on the service of the community and or nation Place needs of organize above personal gain

C/MAJ Xiao is holding a staff meeting. It seems that some participants are changing the topic of interest, and MAJ Xiao has to make sure everyone is adhering to the agenda. What step in Leading Meetings is he on?


What are the four reading comprehension strategies that assist in gaining a better understanding?

GIST, DR-TA, Think-Aloud, QARs

What are the game contents required o play Chief Justice?

Game poster, game rubric, game instructions, 100 game questions, Constitution, colored marker pins,

What is GIST and what does it stand for?

Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text. It is finding the main point of the text thru creating small summaries for smaller parts in your reading.

c/Mock ensures that his service learning group is not fighting over small decisions and that everyone is working together. What is his role in the group?

He plays a social role.

CSM Cabrera is explaining how to lead drill and ceremony to Cadet Chan. c/Chan listens and takes key notes on drill movements. What type of listening is c/Chan demonstrating?


What are the different types of speeches?

Informative, Argumentative, Entertaining, Persuading, Actuating, Impromptu

Cadet Guan's squad was having a difficult time staying motivated when they were completing the task assigned by the platoon leader. However, he was able to provide guidance and motivation to help aid them into completing it. What skills do Cadet Guan have?


Bob is able to communicate effectively when he deals with others, especially his squad members. However, it seems that he sometimes has trouble finishing his tasks efficiently. Which critical area has he fulfilled and which does he need to improve?

Interpersonal Assertion; Commitment Ethic

What is abstract conceptualization in Kolb's Experiential Learning Model?

It is what occurs when a learner is being presented with or trying to understand a theory or model through conceptualization.

Who is John Locke and what ideas of government did he advocate?

John Locke was a philosopher who devised social contract. He believed that the government is derived from a contract between the rulers and the people, and that the contract belong to the people, not from divine right.

On what date did the Continental Congress adopt the Continental Army?

June 14, 1775

What are the four factors of leadership?

Leader, follower, communication, and situation

What does LDP stand for and what are the components of LDP?

Leadership Development Program - Train, Evaluate, Counsel, Retrain, and Reevaluate

What is learner-focused delivery? What does the ADDIE cycle stand for?

Learner-focused delivery is the process that determines the needs of the students; ADDIE - Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation

When Alan is attending practice, he feels he has practiced a lot, and is getting really good at drill, especially after private training from his drill captain. However, his commitment begins to drop and he starts to slack off during practice. Which developmental level is he?

Level 2

What is the definition of active listening?

Listening thoughtfully and deliberately, and communicating verbally and nonverbal that you've received the subordinate's message

What value do you demonstrate when you stand up everyday to the Pledge of Allegiance?


What are the question formats found on tests?

Multiple choice, binary choice, short answer, essay, reading comprehension

How do you demonstrate the value of integrity

Possess a high standard of moral values and principles Show good moral judgment Demonstrate consistent moral behavior

c/ Chan is a platoon sergeant who has been delegated to teach her platoon about leadership. During her lesson, she has several cadets stand up, and have them perform simple tasks under a designated "leader" cadet. What method of teaching is she utilizing?

Practical exerciseS

What is design in Dunn and Dunn's Learning Styles Model? Give an example.

Preferences in setting and position of furniture in the room where you study. e.g Studying on your bed

Two cadets are in a heated arguments. You break the conflict using principled negotiations. What are principled negotiations and what are the four basic points surrounding it?

Principled Negotiations are neither soft or hard; is based on the criteria for fair negotiations and creating a win-win situation for all parties- People, Interests, options, Criteria

What are the guidelines to good personal appearance?

Proper weight, good posture, good muscle tone, good grooming

What are QARs and what do they stand for?

Question-Answer Relationships. It is where the reader asks questions based on prior knowledge and text in the passage.

What is an analytical question?

Questions that ask for definitions of what we mean by the words used in the question. Are usually asked first. e.g. "How much of the material do I comprehend?"

What is a value question?

Questions that reflect points of view (opinion-based and perspective). e.g "Do I agree?"

How do you demonstrate the value of loyalty?

Respect U.S Constitution and Laws Demonstrate strong moral character and virtue Show faithfulness to friends and famil

What are "unalienable rights"?

Rights that cannot be taken away or denied

When the battalion commander and battalion executive officer is not present, who is in charge of the battalion and all its duties?


C/2LT Sarguroh is in charge of throwing a surprise party for SGM Polanco. She sends an email about what kind of cake to buy to her platoon sergeant, who confirms by sending a reply. However, the platoon sergeant was having network connectivity issues, and the email was delayed. Identify each part of this scenario pertaining to the elements of communication.

Setting - JROTC, surprise party Communicator - C/2LT Sarguroh Receiver - Platoon Sergeant Channel - Text messaging Message - Text, pertaining to SGM Polanco's cake Noise - network connectivity

In a platoon, whose responsibility is it to counsel and assist squad members with matters related to JROTC activities and help them to find solutions?

Squad leader

On the command of "Fall-in", cadets in C/2LT Sarguroh's platoon converged to form a platoon formation. Where should the squad leaders be and how do they align their squads?

Squad leaders are at the far right. Squad leaders (excluding the first squad leader) lift their left arm up to cover, and put it down once aligned. They also make sure that their squads are aligned properly.

You are a cadet in ACU, driving through a military base. Suddenly you hear the national anthem. What should you do?

Step out of the vehicle, and render a salute to the flag or where the source of the music until the last note is played.

What are Think-Alouds?

Strategies to help get most out of reading, through developing hypothesies, visualizing information bein read, linking new info with prior knowledge, verbalizing confusing points, and regulating comprehension by demonstrating strategies.

c/Park's company has several platoon leaders who were not efficiently leading their platoon and could fix their approaches of leadership. What sort of directing should c/Park utilize?

Suggestion - strong enough to get job done; relies on manners and good taste, and provides feedback w/out specifications.

What is the difference between the taxon and locale memory systems?

Taxon involves rote memorization, while locale involves mental maps.

C/SGT Guan has an artistic talent and one of his current projects is to design a mural. He asks the squad leader to take upon the role of designing the mural. What kind of skill is c/Guan displaying?


When the Colors are grouped together with multiple other flags on different staffs, where should the flag be placed?

The Colors should be on the peak of its own staff, and should be placed in the center of the group and should be placed at a higher point than all the other flags.

What is SQ3R and what does it stand for?

The SQ3R system is way for one to study textbooks and be able to retain understanding and knowledge. It stands for: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review

What is a verdict in Chief Justice?

The decision rendered by a judge or jury during a court case

How should the flag be positioned on a casket?

The union should be at the head of the casket and over the left shoulder.

C/ Hakimi and C/ Xu are both members of the drill team. They are very proficient in drill movements, show up early for practice. What traits of good followership are they demonstrating and what other traits should they implement?

They are competent, and dedicated. However, they should further demonstrate professionalism and self-discipline.

What and where are transcendence needs on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Transcendence needs are where one helps others achieve self-actualization. They are at the top of the pyramid

How do you demonstrate the value of respect?

Treat all with dignity Demonstrate consideration for others Create a climate of fairness

What are intake preferences in Dunn and Dunn's Learning Styles Model?

What you intake (eat, drink) during studying.

What are private domains?

areas of human affairs placed off limits to unreasonable government interference

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