
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Give Oliver Cromwell's plea to some people who disagreed with him?

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken."

According to Sidney J. Harris, what is the difference between information and communication?

"Information is giving out; communication is getting through."

. What title is given to death in Job 18:14?

"The King of Terrors"

Write out the quote given by Phillips Brooks concerning the purpose of life.

"The purpose of life is the building of character through truth."

What did the Jewish Talmud say about slander?

"The slanderous tongue kills three: the slanderer, the slanderer, and him who listens to the slander."

What is the common characteristic that all psychiatric patients have?

"They all deny the reality of the world around them"

Give historian Jeroslav Pelikan's expression of the difference in "tradition" and "traditionalism".

"Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living."

Name the three questions that can Summarize God's Address.

1. Can you explain My Creation? 2. Can you oversee My Creation? 3. Can you subdue My Creation?

Give the outline of Elihu's speech?

1. God is speaking through me 2. God is gracious 3. God is Just 4. God is Great

What two mistakes did Bildad make when he gave his speech about the horrors of death?

1. He preached to the wrong man for Job was already a believer. 2. He preached it with the wrong motive, for there was no love in his heart.

What are the four descriptions given of Elihu?

1. He was indignant 2. He was inspired 3. He was impartial 4. He was impelled

What were the three arguments that Elihu gave to prove that God is just?

1. If God is unjust, then He is not God 2. If God were unjust, there could be no just government on earth 3. If God were unjust, then He must not see what is going on in the world

What were the five things that Job said he did not have?

1. respect 2. blessing 3. help 4. future 5. ministry

How many times is the key phrase "the Almighty' used in the book of Job?

31 times

In Job 38 through 41, how many questions did God ask Job which left him speechless?

77 questions

What is a hypocrite?

A hypocrite is a person who don't even try to reach any goals, but he makes people think that he has.

What kind of days did Job say had taken hold of him in Job 30"?


Who were Job's enemies?

Anybody who agreed with Job's three friends that he was guilty of sin and deserved to be punished by God.

Why did God not answer Job's plea for death?

Because He had something far better planned for him.

Why do worldly people despise the doctrine of the sovereignty of God?

Because the human heart is proud and does not want to submit to Almighty God. People want to do their own thing and do it their way, rather than find delight in doing the will of God.

What has mankind been trying to do since the City of Enoch and the Tower of Babel?

Build and manage things without God; the end has always been failure and judgment.

Although it may come gradually or suddenly, what is sure to come?


What is the basic premise of all three Job's friends?

Do what is right and things will go well for you; do what is wrong and God will send Judgement.

Who were the three friends of Job'?

Eliphaz was the oldest, Bildad was the second oldest, and Zophar was the youngest of the three.

Who is not affected by our sins and works?


What are the three things that man can do?

He can dig deep into the earth and find great wealth He can go places where birds and beasts would not dare to go He can even find the hidden sources of the great rivers

What is the one thing that man cannot do?

He cannot find God's wisdom by mere human efforts

In Job chapter 9, why did Job want his words to be recorded permanently?

He thought he was going to die before God would vindicate him, and he wanted people to remember how he suffered and what he said.

Give the reason for Bildad's unsympathetic approach.

He was so concerned about defending the justice of God that he forgot the needs of his friend.

God's power is inherent in what?

In His nature

What is the first Warning Eliphaz delivers to Job in his second speech?

Job lacks wisdom

What important point may be drawn from Job's statement in chapter 23:10?

Job's life was pleasing to God before he went into the furnace.

How do you heal a broken heart?


In Bildad's second speech, what weapon did he plan to use to make Job repent?

One that was stronger than sarcasm his was a weapon of fear

Who is affected by our sin and works?

People around us

What can make a person feel powerless to handle life?

Prolonged and intense suffering can make a person feel powerless.

What does Satan's "commercial faith promise in return for obedience?

Promised prosperity in return for obedience.

What did Elihu promise Job if he would humble himself?

That God would radically alter his situation

What did God declare twice before the court of Heaven?

That Job was "a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil".

What does Job have an image of in his min as he speaks in Job 9:1-10:22?

That of a legal trial.

What is the strong motivation to keep us going even when the going is tough?

The Assurance of the resurrection and life in glory with Christ is a strong motivation for us to keep going.

What was the foundation of Job's character'?

The Fact that he "feared God and Shunned Evil"

What is the poetic phrase "The pillars of Heaven" referring to?

The mountains

List the two nights which Job cursed.

The night of His conception and the night of His birth.

What did Job say was his number one source of joy?

The presence of God in his Home

What is the best way to help discouraged and hurting people?

To listen with your heart and not just with your ears.

God cannot do for us what needs to be done until what takes place?

Until we are silenced before God

What two points does Zophar make when he uses the illustration of eating in reference to the wicked?

What the wicked man swallows will make him sick and will take away his desire for the good things of life.

With what did Job close his appeal in Job 7:20-21?

With a request for forgiveness

What motivated Zophar to make his speech to Job?

Zophar felt insulted by Job

What image is often given in Scripture to describe God's purifying ministry through suffering?

a Furnace

What three requests does Job incorporate into his response to Eliphaz's second address?

a. A plea to his friends for sympathy (Job 16:1-14) b. A plea to God for Justice (Vv. 15-22) c. A plea to God to end his life and relieve him of suffering ( a plea for death) (17:1-16)

How are the two attributes of God's holiness and love reconciled?

at the Cross when Jesus Died for the sins of the world, the righteousness of God was vindicated, for sin was judged; but the love of God was demonstrated, for a Savior was provided.

When God established his covenant with Israel, what was the people's motive for obeying him?

fear of punishment

What is the problem when one argues from personal observation?

from observation is that our observations are severely limited

What did Job think that God was doing to him?

ignoring him

What were Job's other four sources of joy?

respect from others ministry to others confidence in the future The privilege of speaking words of encouragement and help

According to the Greek philosopher Zeno, why do we have two ears and only one mouth?

so that we may listen the more and talk the less

What did Job let his three friends know in his closing words of chapter 21:34?

that he had no confidence in what they said.

Throughout the book of Job, Job pleads for justice and cries out for an advocate to defend him before God. What did Job not realize?

that he was the advocate defending God!

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