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What are the 3 ways Christians practice mortification (besides avoiding sin)?

- 1 hour fast prior to Eucharist - fasting at lent - attending mass when you feel tired

Why is the number 12 so important? Why do they replace Judas Iscariot?

- 12 tribes of Israel - because Judas hung himself and there needs to be 12 apostles, he is replaced

Where in the NT do we see that the Church possessed a hierarchial structure?

- Acts - appointing successors

What are the 5 OT covenants? Who is the mediator of each of those covenants and what is the sign for each of the covenants?

- Adamic: Adam, Sabbath - Noahic: Noah, rainbow - Abrahamic: Abraham, circumcision - Mosaic: Moses, 10 commandments - Davidic: David, temple

Apollonarianism What it taught Orthodox catholic teaching Where in the Bible

- Christ does not have human mind or will - Christ is true God and man; He shared completely in our human experience - Luke 2:52 - "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."

Monophisitism What it taught Orthodox catholic teaching Where in the Bible

- Christ is only divine natured, not human natured - Jesus is both fully God and fully man in one person with 2 natures (divine and human natures) - John 1:14 - "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Arianism What it taught Orthodox catholic teaching Where in the Bible

- Christ was inferior to God - Blessed Trinity, consubstantial (equal) to the Father - John 14:10 -"Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."

What four qualifications help his mission of evangelization? How?

- Classical Education - helped him to speak to Greeks and Romans in familiar language - Philosophy and Logic - able to make important distinctions in explaining Christian doctrine - OT knowledge - counter the objections of Jewish authorities that argued with him - Roman citizenship - keep him safe from those who were conspiring to ill

Where does the word "church" come from?

- a continuation and culmination of the Chosen people - ekklesia is the Greek word for "qatal" in Hebrew... used to describe the assembly of chosen people in the OT - Christ fulfilled the Old Covenants, and did not abolish them

Be able to explain and distinguish "person" and "nature" in general and as they apply to Jesus

- a person is a human/individual - a nature is if that person if God-like or human-like - JESUS IS ONE PERSON WITH TWO NATURES (human and divine)

How do we imitate Mary at Mass? 3 ways

- accept Liturgy of the Word in our heart - accept the "Word" (Jesus/Eucharist) in our bodies - Amen is like her fiat

how should the bishops govern us?

- administration of sacraments - governing local church through hierarchy

What is the common priesthood? Who shares in it?

- all the faithful by virtue of their baptism - we live as Christ did, offering sacrifices for ourself and others

Be able to compare and contrast apostasy, schism, and heresy.

- apostasy is like becoming an atheist after you've been baptized (the total rejection of the Christian faith once baptized) and you are public about it too - heresy is like believing in Jesus but not believing he rose from the dead (continual post baptismal denial of a TRUTH of the faith taught by the church) - you are not denying Christianity, you're just denying a certain part of it - schism is like refusing to go to church because you don't feel like it or an example would be Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation (a post-baptismal refusal of unity with the pope or the refusal of communion with the members of the church) similarity - to do any of these, you would have to be already baptized

What is apostolate? How is it different from secular service?

- apostolate is building up the church - different because laity does apostolate while everyone is called to do secular service

What are three examples of St. Peter's role as leader of the Church on earth from Acts 1-7?

- appoints Judas - speaks on behalf of the disciples at Pentecost and when they were arrested - first to work miracles

Why do Christians need to practice mortification?

- avoid sin - subdue body to strengthen the soul

How do we enter this communion? What is the source of this communion?

- baptism - Eucharist

Who does the priest assist? Can he act independently from the bishop?

- bishop - no

What is the communion of saints? primary and secondary meaning

- common visible sharing in the goods of salvation (the holy things) and especially in the Eucharist is the source of the invisible communion among the sharers (saints) - church militant, suffering, triumphant - unity in Christ of all the redeemed

What is a Catholic Priest? What is his role? What does it mean to say that the priest acts "in persona Christi"?

- depends on his bishop for the proper exercise of this priestly power - take care of parish (a place where the faithful can be gathered together for the sunday celebration of Eucharist) - teach, sanctify, and sacrifice for the people - represents Christ

What is ecumenism? What is inter-religious dialogue? Why are they important?

- ecumenism is to restore unity between Christians (like Baptists seeking unity with Catholics) - inter-religious dialogue is seeking unity between Christians and other religions (like Christians seeking unity with Muslims) - they are important because they are both seeking unity

Where are the laity supposed to bring Christ? How do they do this?

- everywhere - service and charity

What do we mean when we say that we pray to the saints?

- express our love to them, reflects our faith and hope in God's will - living the way God wanted us to - imitating Christ, bear one another's burdens

what is veneration of saints?

- expression of communion of the saints - intercede - providing examples of virtues for faithful to emulate

Where does Jesus "break bread" in the Gospels? What does this signify?

- feeding of the 5000 - Last Supper - meal at Emmaus - signify giving His body

How can we sanctify our work?

- hard work=taking up your cross - being cheerful and positive - deal with others fairly

What is hell and how does someone go to hell?

- hell: eternal self-exclusion from God - refuse God's mercy and die in mortal sin without repentance

What is heaven? What is the joy of heaven?

- immediate vision of God and communion with others - when others enter into heaven, seeing good people on earth in their endurance, glorification of one's body

What do we mean by "infallibility"? What is infallibility not? Is the pope always correct in all his statements? What two areas does infallibility apply to?

- immunity from error and any possibility of error - does not mean they are perfect - Pope is not uncirticable and cannot predict future, but we (faithful) are to hold fast to these teachings of the magisterium with obedience of faith - faith and morals

Why do we need the marks of the church?

- indicate essential features of the church and her mission - help distinguish the true pilgrim church on earth from any others that claim to be christ's church

What will happen at the last judgement?

- judgement of all living and dead - all thoughts and actions brought to light - our acceptance/refusal of God's grace reflects onto the judgement

What are the three promises God makes us to Abram when he originally makes the covenant with him?

- land and nation - kingship and name - blessing for all nations

What are three meaning of the word "church"?

- liturgical assembly - local community - universal community

What do we mean when we say the church is one?

- many diverse members of the Church are united to Jesus, our head, to form the whole Christ, united and animated by the Holy Spirit, the soul of the mystical body - Bride of Christ (only ONE spouse) - one set of doctrines from apostles - foretaste of Heaven - God's effort to restore man and damaged relationships to Himself by the unity of the church - where there are sins there are also divisions, schisms, heresies, and disputes but where there is virtue there is harmony and unity which is the one heart and one soul of all believers - unity of faith (doctrine, sacraments, and single headed government), worship (7 sacraments and eucharist), leadership (holy orders)

Do the bishops and popes decide what the church will believe? Can they create new doctrines? What is the magisterium's role?

- no - no - defend, guard, and interpret deposit of faith

Does God mourn for souls in hell?

- no - souls in heaven never mourn - instead they rejoice for justice

Does the grace received in the sacraments depend on the holiness of the minister? Of the person receiving? Why or why not?

- no for both - because grace comes from Christ himself

How does Moses prefigure Jesus? (relating to infancy of Moses and his call and mission as an adult)

- no one knew him - pharoah=Herod - hidden child life - born in water=baptism - outsider in both worlds - call to unite - bad living conditions

Can we have scripture without tradition? Which came first - scripture or tradition?

- no, tradition encompasses the entire deposit of faith - tradition

What is purgatory NOT?

- not an actual place - not eternal - not hell - not farther from God

What is the difference between obedience of faith and religious assent?

- obedience of faith is knowing the magisterium's teaching comes from Christ himself - religious assent is knowing that even when the magisterium do not exercise the charism of infallibility, the faithful still need to accept their teachings

How can someone obtain an indulgence?

- offering a prayer, sacrifice, or work of service in imitation of Christ and saints (Ex. Stations of cross, go to Eucharist near the time you complete indulgence act)

How does the Holy Spirit continue to work in the Church today?

- opens the hearts of those who hear the Good News - reveals the church as an instrument of salvation for the entire world - continues the redemptive mission of Christ

How do we know saints were venerated in the early church?

- painted on walls of catacombs - engraved on tombstones - etched in to sides of pilgrim flasks and oil lamps

How can we sanctify our families?

- parents educate their kids in faithful wisdom - children obey parents - parents don't pressure their kids - grown children help aging parents

What is witness? What are the two ways we witness?

- participate in missionary activity of Church 1. living a Christian life 2. share the Gospel

What is the role of the bishop?

- possess the fullness of Holy Orders because they have the full authority that Jesus gave to the 12 apostles - only they can perform holy orders - visible source and foundation of unity in their own particular Churches - ruling their own churches as part of universal church - has their own diocese - feed their sheep in the name of the Lord - teach, sanctify, govern - participate in bishops' conference

What are the five roles of Adam and Eve?

- prophet - queen/king - son/daughter of God - bridegroom - priest - guard and serve

What is prayer and who initiates prayer?

- raising of one's mind and heart to God - responding to His call - know, love, be united - GOD initiates

What is a Catholic deacon?

- receive Holy Orders - not a priest, rather they are in the ministry of service - assist bishops and priest in celebration of the divine ministries, holy communion, marriages, gospel, funerals, charity

What is the work of church militant?

- remain united to Christ - bring world to Him - offer masses, indulgences, prayers for church suffering

What is an indulgence? What are the 2 kinds of indulgences?

- remission from temporal punishment through action of the church; gain for yourself or apply them to the dead - partial and plenary

What are the 3 elements of the common good?

- respect and promotion of rites - prosperity spiritually - peace and security

How did Christ make Peter's role clear?

- rock - keys to the kingdom - Peter talks a lot

Know the difference between Schismatic communities and separated brethren and why it is significant

- schismatics are those who initially separated themselves from the church (it is their independent decision) - separated brethren are the members of later generations who were born into the schismatic communities (like a baby being born into an atheist family - it's not their decision)

What are the 3 main themes in the book of Revelation?

- spiritual struggle of the Church against Satan - solidarity and communion of saints and angels in heaven and earth - union with Christ and His bride, the church, in their marriage feast

What is the threefold role of the Church? Who carries out these three functions?

- teach, sanctify and govern the faithful in their own dioceses and also to work together in caring for the worldwide church - bishops (episcopal college) with its head (the pope)

What do we mean when we say that the Church is a sacrament of salvation?

- the church dispenses the grace of salvation...the graces that save us in Christ - sign and instrument of the communion of God and humanity, the link between the visible and invisible elements of ecclesial communion

Is the Church purely visible? Purely invisible?

- the church is both invisible and visible

What do we mean when we say the church is visible? what are some visible elements of the church?

- the faithful (us) - the hierarchy (Pope, bishops, priest, deacons) - institutions and organizations (youth groups, convents, etc.)

What about the Church as invisible?

- the invisible Church is the communion of saints, spiritual community united to Christ, faithful on earth, souls in heaven and purgatory

Why does it take great faith for Abram to believe that God will fulfill these promises? A very particular, concrete reason

Abram is too old to have children

What ancient prayer uses the phrase "communion of saints"?

Apostles Creed

established by Christ on the foundation of the apostles; sacrament of salvation; pilgrim ____ on earth; One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic; "universal"

Catholic Church

Who takes the lead after the Ascension?


Who is the Pope a successor of? Where is he the Bishop of?

Peter; Rome

Who is the first to baptize a Gentile? Who was the Gentile? How did it come about?

Philip; Ethiopian eunuch; in Gaza, in carriage, reading Isaiah, Philip baptizes with Holy Spirit

What do we mean by temporal punishment due to sin?

Damage or wounds caused by our sins

What are the effects of Original Sin?

Death, pain of not being united with Christ, inclination to sin

What is the work of church suffering?

Receive masses, prayers and indulgences made by church militant

Where do we find the Church's "apostlic" in the Bible?

Ephesians 2:19-20 - "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone"

Where do we find the Church's "holiness" in the Bible?

Ephesians 5:25-27 - "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

Why was it significant that he was an Ethiopian?

Ethiopia was ruled by queens and it was known to be the farthest known place/ ends of the earth ---> following Jesus' command to preach to the ends of the earth

What is the source of communion in the church?


What book of the Bible tells us the story of Moses?


What happened at the Annunciation?

Gabriel told Mary she would bear the Son of God; Mary's fiat

What book of the Bible tells us about Abram?


Which verse is known as the Protoevangelium? What is this verse foreshadowing?

Genesis 3:15; a Messiah and Redeemer and battle between the Satan and Jesus and the final victory Jesus

What is the conclusion of the Council of Jerusalem?

Gentiles did not have to be circumcised to become Christians

What is the biblical basis for belief in purgatory? Be able to list 3 passages.

Rev 21:27 - "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 - "It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames." Matthew 5:26 - "Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny."

Where do we find the Church's "oneness" in the Bible?

Romans 12:5 - "So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."

How can we call Mary mother of God?

She bore the son of God, 2nd person of Trinity, Jesus

What was the key question the apostles were asking at this point (before council of jersusalem)? Did all the Apostles agree on this at the beginning?

Since the Incarnation, was the fulfillment of God's OT promises to Israel, did all followers of Christ also have to become Jewish and follow the Mosaic law?; no

Who puts an end to the debate of the Council of Jerusalem? What does this signify?

St. Peter; his leadership and primacy

Who was the first martyr? How and why did he die?

Stephen; stoned

How can a good God allow souls to go to hell?

God respects their free will

What did God promise/give Adam and Even in his covenant with them? What did he call them to do in return? What was the sign of the covenant?

God would be a father to Adam and Adam to be an obedient son; Sabbath

What does the Sabbath day signify?

God's rest day during creation

How was Mary preserved from original sin?

God's saving grace

What is the most powerful visible sign of communion in the church?

Holy Communion

ex opere operato - who gives us the grace of the sacraments?

Holy Spirit

How can we call the church divine/holy if it is made up of sinful people?

The church is not sinful because it is united to Christ in heaven

ESSAY QUESTION #5: What are the four dogmas, and where are they found in the Bible?

I answered these in cards # 312-315

ESSAY QUESTION #2: Explain each of the Christological heresies, what orthodox Catholic teaching is, and where this teaching is backed up in the Bible.

I answered these in cards #170-174

What do "keys" in Mt 16:19 signify? See Isaiah 22:22

I give you authority as the rightful heir of David; in charge

What is the work of church triumphant?

Intercession for church militant and suffering

What are the OT covenants preparing humanity for?


What did Jesus preach about?

Kingdom of Heaven

What happened at the Visitation?

Mary visits Elizabeth and John the Baptist leaps in E's womb

What is the perpetual virginity of Mary dogma?

Mary was a virgin before, during, and after Jesus' birth; Luke 1:27 - "The virgin's name was Mary."

what is the Immaculate Conception dogma?

Mary was free from sin the moment she was conceived; Luke 1:42 - "Hail Mary, full of grace"

What is the assumption dogma?

Mary was taken body and soul into Heaven by God; Revelation 12:1 - "Then a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head."

what is the Mother of God dogma?

Mary's son is the Son of God, the 2nd person of the Trinity, Jesus; Luke 1:31-32 - "You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High."

Where do we find the Church's "catholic" in the Bible?

Matthew 28: 19-20 - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Who does God make this Mosaic covenant with?


What was Mary's role in Jesus' passion and death?

Mother of Jesus then Mother of all Christians

What heresy led to the def. of the dogma "Mary, Mother of God"?


heresy advanced by Nestorius, who taught Christ was the unity of a divine person and a human person (two persons united in one nature instead of one person with both a divine nature and a human nature); opposed the title "Bearer of God" for Mary, teaching Mary was the Mother of Christ, but not of God


Do we steal glory from God when we pay attention or talk about saints?

No, God doesn't compete with His creation

Is everyone in the church holy?

No, we are all sinners one our way to holiness

What is the work of every state of the church?

To continue the saving work of Jesus

What is the USCCB?

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Can the souls in purgatory and saints in heaven intercede?


What kind of a mother is Mary for us?

advocate who sees God's face & brings our petitions to Him; never loses patience with us This is a correct answer

When do the apostles begin to exercise their responsibilities?

after Jesus' ascension

How do we know there is a particular judgement?

after dying, immortal souls receive eternal retribution

Where in the Bible does it say that Mary is a virgin?

annunciation and visitation

Greek for "to uncover or unveil"; another book for the Book of Revelation attributed to St. John while on the island of Patmos. this prophetic work fortells the final victory of Christ and HIs Church


heresy advanced by Apollinaris, opponent of Arianism, which held that Christ has only a divine mind and will, not a human mind and will, and thus was not truly man


the total rejection of Christianity. this disobeys the 1st commandment and goes against the theological virtue of faith


Who are the apostles and disciples? What is the difference?

apostles is one who is sent out to cast out demons and preach; disciple is to follow Jesus

The work of the laity toward building up the Church through initiatives and efforts that evangelize, educate, or serve the needs of others.


the truth that the Catholic bishops today can trace their authority in a direct line back to the Apostles and ultimately from Christ Himself, each consecrated a bishop by another bishop

apostolic succession

heresy claiming that Jesus was neither God nor equal to the Father, only that He was sent by the Father and only did the will of the Father; Jesus was raised to the level of the "Son of God" because of His heroic faithfulness to the Father's will and His holiness


How did Paul begin his life?

as a pharisee killing and persecuting Christians

The practice of penance, mortification, and selfdenial to promote greater selfmastery and to foster the way of perfection by embracing the way of the cross.


the dogma that recognizes the blessed virgin Mary's singular participation in her Son's Resurrection by which she was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory when the course of her earthly life was finished


What is the meaning and significance of Theotokos?

bearer of God; bore God by Mary's consent to God's will

Why are the People of God a "pilgrim" church?

because they are all seeking holiness and redemption and are on a faithful journey towards God

How do the Israelites break the Mosaic covenant? How long does it take before they break it?

build a golden calf to worship; 40 days

How does Jesus restore the communion that Adam lost?

by His obedience

How does God test Abraham's faith later in Genesis? How does this story prefigure Jesus?

by sacrificing Isaac; beloved son who submits to Father's will, carries wood, sacrifice of himself

the Church's official process by which she declares someone a saint


What makes prayer Christian?

centered on Christ

Special graces from the Holy Spirit that enable the People of God to build up the Body of Christ.


the members of the Church on earth; part of the Communion of Saints

church militant

the members of the Church in purgatory; part of the Communion of Saints

church suffering

the members of the Church in Heaven; part of the Communion of Saints

church triumphant

How does God renew the covenant again with Abram (hint-circumcision)? What are the two signs of this covenant?

circumcision and change of his name

Who shares in the one priesthood of Christ?

common and ministerial priesthoods

The priesthood of all the faithful; by virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation, the laity and those in the ministerial priesthood (bishops, priests, deacons) share in the one priesthood of Christ and share in his mission of salvation.

common priesthood

the unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died: the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, and the Church suffering. it is professed in the Apostles' Creed, where it has also been interpreted to refer to the unity in the "holy things," especially the unity of faith and charity achieved through participation in the Eucharist

communion of saints

Human appetites or desires that remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin that remain after Baptism and produce an inclination to sin.


A permanent state of life recognized by the Church, entered into freely in response to the call of Christ to perfection, and characterized by the profession of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

consecrated life/religious life

recounted in acts 15, this synod of the apostles AD 49 or 50 spoke with the authority of Christ in deciding that gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised according to the law of Moses

council of jerusalem

What happens as a result of Adam and Eve breaking the covenant?


What is the local church entrusted to a bishop called?


a revealed teaching of Christ defined to its fullest extent by the authority of the church's magisterium. the faithful are obliged to believe the truths of dogmas as defined by the magisterium.


the "falling asleep" of the blessed virgin Mary. this term, used primarily in the east, refers to the end of her earthly life when she was assumed into heaven.


What response does faith require?

each person must turn his intellect and will toward God; the adherence of the whole person to God

Churches of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire and other associated lands that broke from communion with the Catholic church; they have many elements from the Catholic Church like apostolic succession and the 7 Sacraments

eastern orthodoxy

How did Adam and Eve break the covenant?

eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

"the whole inhabited world"; 21 councils of the world's bishops that discuss important issues concerning the whole church


from the Greek oikoumene, meaning "the whole inhabited world." a formal synod of bishops from the whole inhabited world convened to define doctrine, regulate the Christian life, or apply discipline in the church. the first ecumenical council was held in Nicæa AD 325

ecumenical council

What is the chief punishment of hell?

eternal separation from God

What are the characteristics of the Kingdom of God?

eternal, present here and now, made perfect only in Heaven

Why could this Gentile never become a Jew?

eunuchs were too unclean to worship --> shows that external things can't stop him from being a Christian

The practices of poverty, chastity, and obedience, proposed by Christ in his own life and given to the Church for assisting our growth in charity.

evangelical councils

The proclamation of Christ and his Gospel by word and the testimony of one's life in fulfillment of Christ's command; from the Greek word evangelion.


What does it mean to say that the Church is missionary?

everybody is called to spread the Gospel

As the Good News spread, who was attracted?


What is the Virgin Birth?

evidence of Jesus' divinity

Latin term used to state that a Sacrament dispenses the grace it signifies and does not depend upon the holiness of the minister, nor on the holiness of the person receiving the Sacrament, as long as the minister(s) of the Sacrament intend to convey the Sacrament and the participant intends to receive it; literally, it means "from the work performed."

ex opere operato

Mary's response of consent at the annunciation; at latin word meaning "let it be done"


Why does the Church define dogmas?

for clarification and in response to untrue teachings

In the beginning the world was ______ and _________

formless, void

When did priests and deacons first become part of the church's hierarchy?

from NT times, while apostles were still alive

What do the first three days of Creation show God doing? What do the next three days show God doing?

giving form; filling the form

heresy that believed salvation came from obtaining secret knowledge, the material world was evil, a corruption of the spirit, Jesus was the Redeemer but He was neither true God nor true man, He was an apparition, a lesser divine being who inhabited a human body, He neither had a body nor died on the cross


What does God ask Abram to do/promise in this original covenant?

go to the land he will show him (Canaan)

The free and unmerited favor of God given, first of all, through the Sacraments. Grace is a share in the divine life infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit to heal from sin and sanctify.


How does Noah demonstrate faith in God?

he walked with God (Genesis 6:9)

What does God promise to Noah?

he won't flood the earth ever again

Mary recieved the world of God first in her ______, and then in her _________

heart, body

the eternal stage of supreme and definitive happiness with God; communion of life and love with the Trinity​ and all the blessed


the worship of God in heaven by the angels and saints, led by Christ the High Priest, who re-presents the sacrificial offering of Himself to the Father, thus renewing the work of our redemption

heavenly liturgy

the eternal state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God


Mary is not only our model, she is _____

help of all christians

the denial by a baptized person of some truth that must be believed in faith


Who is included in the covenant God makes with Noah (besides Noah himself)?

his family and descendants

ESSAY QUESTION #3: What is holiness and how do we become holy? Use the Bible and examples of saints to illustrate your points.

holiness - imitating Christ 1 PETER 1:2 - "God the Father chose you because of what he knew beforehand. He chose you through the Holy Spirit's work of making you holy and because of the faithful obedience and sacrifice of Jesus Christ." 1 PETER 3:15 - "Instead, regard Christ as holy in your hearts. Whenever anyone asks you to speak of your hope, be ready to defend it." MATTHEW 5:26 - "Therefore, just as your heavenly Father is complete in showing love to everyone, so also you must be complete." example: St. Rose of Viterbo prayer - she prayed all day everyday in communication with God sacrifice - mortification, praying penance upon herself, sacrificed her dream of being in a monastery to God's will witness - she evangelized in the streets daily holiness in her state of life - she was a part of the laity - prayed, spread the Gospel, repented, promoting support for the Pope apostolate - promoting the Pope, seeking union with God, helped the poor

refers to the souls in purgatory being purified in anticipation of entering heaven. we can pray on their behalf to ease their suffering and hasten their journey to heaven

holy souls

What did the council of Jerusalem gather to decide? Who was gathered? Acts 15

if Gentiles needed to be circumcised to be Christian; apostles and church elders of every country

in light of God's free choice of Mary from all eternity to be the Mother of His Son, this dogma was defined by Pope Bl. Pius IX in 1854. from the moment of her conception, Mary-by a singular grace of God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ-was preserved from all stain of original sin

immaculate conception

no flaw or defect; attribute to Church because it's divine


any prayers on behalf of another person. we intercede for others when we pray for them; the saints in heaven and the Holy Souls in purgatory intercede for us when they pray for us. we can pray to the saints and to Mary asking their intercession before God on our behalf

intercessory prayers

Why does each covenant encompass more people? What action of Jesus does this foreshadow?

it means more people were included in the promises of God; all people are with God in Jesus' establishment of the Church

What do we mean when we say that the Church is human and divine?

just like Jesus was human and divine by incarnation, the human part of the Church is mixed - weeds and wheat - dragnet

in the OT, the sign of the office of prime minister, who is appointed by the king to have primacy over all his other servants; in the NT, Jesus gives the "keys to the kingdom" to Peter, indicating that he would be both the leader in this church and Christ's own representative on earth-in other words, the first pope

keys of the kingdom

All the faithful, except those in Holy Orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Church. These faithful are by Baptism made one body with Christ and are constituted among the People of God, and are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetical, and kingly functions of Christ. They carry out for their own part the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the world.


What are the 3 states of life?

laity, religious life, Holy Orders

What is the book of Revelation?

last book of Bible; prophetic dream of St. John (vision of end of times)

the judgement on the living and the dead at the second coming of Christ, at which time those who died before the second coming and have gone through the Particular Judgement will have their bodies reunited with their souls

last judgement

usually refers to death, judgement, heaven, and hell; a longer list would include purgatory and the resurrection of the body

last things

What does God call Moses to do? How does Moses respond?

let the Israelites go; Moses is completely sure

What do we mean when we say the Church is a sacrament?

sign of grace (visible) - instituted by Christ - that gives the grace it signifies (invisible)

Why did God ask Noah to build an ark?

so He could start the human race over again with Noah through a flood

What is a mystery in the theological understanding?

something so great we will never fully comprehend it

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church?

soul of the Church

What does "primacy of peter" mean?

special role of authority

A general category of structured Christian living, used primarily in reference to the clerical, consecrated, and married states.

state of life

What is purgatory?

state of purification from venial sins so that soul receives purity needed to get into heaven

What is the literal sense (intended message of the author) of the creation story?

story of why we were created

How is Mary mother of Church?

supreme manifestation of love, holiness, faithful obedience This is a correct answer

What is the Kingdom of Heaven?

the Communion between God and man that was intended before Adam and Eve's fall

the separation between the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy

the Great Schism

What does Christ do for us as the church when he gives us his body?

the Lord transforms us into one body (the Church)

When did Mary become part of God's plan?

the beginning of time

what is the Immaculate Conception a sign of?

the fulness of salvation

What is the primary focus of the book of Revelation?

the heavenly liturgy

What does the term "college" mean in regards to the Pope and bishops?

the pope together with the bishops form a single college

greek for "bearer of God", often translated "Mother of God". used since the early centuries of the church, this title of Blessed Virgin Mary was defended by the ecumenical council of ephesus


What did the Jewish authorities think would happen to Jesus' followers?

thought their message would stop and they would disperse

How does Jesus receive His human nature?

through Mary because she is human

What is He commanding the apostles to do?

to evangelize - make disciples of all nations and reclaim the Kingdom of God

What did the author tell us is the purpose of man's existence?

to guard and serve God's Temple (world)

Why did the apostles ordain priests and deacons?

to hand on their authority and their traditions so that the church would continue on the course that Jesus had set for her

What is the lifelong goal of every Christian?

to know, love, and serve God in this life so we can live happily in Heaven

connection between OT and NT (when a character, event, or thing in the NT can be seen as having been allegoically foreshadowed in the OT)


What do we mean when we say that the church is the sacrament of communion?

union with God, one another, and communion of saints

The significance of the angel's greeting to Mary in Lk 1:28?

unique revelation about Mary's nature, "full of grace"

Catholic means ______


from the latin "vicarius" meaning "in the person of". emphasized the role of the Pope as a representative of Christ Himself

vicar of Christ

term used for the pope that emphasizes his role as a representative of Christ himself; from the Latin vicarius, meaning "in the person of"

vicar of Christ

the conception of Jesus in the womb of the virgin Mary solely by the power of the Holy Spirit. the church teaches not only that Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus as a virgin, but also that she remained a virgin her entire life

virgin birth

The particular plan or calling that God has for each individual in this life and hereafter. All people have a vocation to love and serve God and are called to the perfection of holiness. The vocation of the laity consists in seeking the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by directing them according to God's will. Priestly and religious vocations are dedicated to the service of the Church.


What question of Mosaic law was settled by Peter's vision in Acts 10? What does St. Peter do after his vision? Was was the significance of this?

what animals were unclean/clean; Peter goes to see Cornelius and his family; Cornelius was in Peter's vision and Cornelius was not Jewish and he and his family is baptized, so he can be a Christian before being a Jew; Jews and Christians were not bound by Mosaic law; united by Holy Spirit instead of ethnicity

What might this phrase mean: "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians"?

witness of dying for something you believe in instead of falling short of what you believe in; instead of it dying with you, it (faith) grows and affects others

Does John 19:26-27 shows Christ giving his followers to Mary as her children?


Does the church speak on current, relevant issues?


is the woman in Rev. 12 Mary?


Did Christ intend for the Church to have a hierarchical structure? What words and actions of Jesus show this?

yes; Acts of the Apostles - Jesus only explained parables to the 12 - Jesus tells them they will lead the Church until the end of time - shown at the Last Supper - appointing successors (bishops) - Jesus did this so that the faithful could be shepherded in holiness, being led in the communion with God that He desired from the beginning

is Mary present in some way in the Old Testament? If so, how?

yes; protoevangelium

What do we mean by the "degrees" or "mansions" in heaven?

you get degrees according to love and friendship with God - think thimble and tank

Be able to draw out the hierarchy and know the basic roles of each person.

POPE - successor of Peter, Bishop of Rome, supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church, exercises a primacy of authority as vicar of Christ, shepherd of the whole church, receives the divine assistance promised by Christ BISHOP - think "apostle", above deacon and priest, consecrated successor to Apostles, in charge of pastoral and Catechetical care of diocese, to teach, sanctify, govern faithful PRIEST - one of the tribe of Israel, "elder", member of the order of presbyters, baptized and confirmed co-worker of his bishop, assist the bishop in priestly service to the People of God, given a parish DEACON - ordained to assist the mission of Church, preparing for ordination to priesthood, permanent deacons are mature men, married/unmarried, "helper" LAITY/FAITHFUL - that's us

What is another title for Mary?

- Help of all Christians - Virgin most prudent - Mother most amiable

What was the significance of the places Jesus mentions?

- Jerusalem is Holy City - Judea is land of Jews - Samaria is the crazy Jews - whole earth is the Gentiles

What are three OT types?

- Jesus =New Adam - The Church - Noah's ark b/c it saves God's people - Eucharist=Passover

What do we mean when we say the church is apostolic?

- Jesus appointed the apostles to be the first leaders of the Church and their successors were to be its future leaders - apostles were the first bishops - Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture handed down

What do we mean when we say the church is holy?

- Jesus makes the Church holy just as he is holy - this DOES NOT mean that everyone in the church is holy and DOES NOT mean everyone in the church would go to heaven - it DOES mean that the Church itself is holy because it is the source of holiness and is the guardian of the special means of grace Jesus established (the sacraments)

How did Jesus prepare his apostles for this persecution?

- Last Supper - "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first" John 15:18

Where is intercession found in the Bible?

- Luke 8:49-55 - father prays for daughter - Matthew 17:15-18 - man praying for demonic man - Ephesians 6:18-20 - "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, or which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." - 1 Timothy 2:1-2 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Nestorianism What it taught Orthodox catholic teaching Where in the Bible

- Mary is not the mother of God but mother of Christ, Christ did not suffer as God only as man, Christ was two persons with one nature - Whatever you say of Jesus as God you can say of Jesus as Man; Mary is theotokos - Philippians 2:7 - "rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."

Is the magisterium human? how can we say that the magisterium is not human?

- No - though carried out through human instrument, it is not a human magisterium

Who is our current pope? Where is he from? What was his name before becoming pope? What does he look like?

- Pope Francis - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Who is St. Paul?

- Roman - first to preach to Gentiles - not an apostles - began his life as a Pharisee who persecuted Christians - first name was Saul - travels a lot - one of the most significant figures of the early church

Who helps the Pope with administration? What does the Roman Curia do?

- Roman Curia - governing and administrative body of Catholic Church which assists the Pope in his role as pastor of the universal church - consists of a Secretariat of State, Nine Congregations, Three Tribunals, Eleven Pontifical Councils

What aspects of our mass are also seen in the book of revelation? Be able to list the part/aspect of the mass and the citation from revelation where it is found. list at least 5

- Sunday worship - Rev 1:10 - "On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet." - processional - Rev 1:13 - "and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest." - sign of the cross - Rev 7:3 - "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." - alleluia - Rev 19:1 - "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God." - host - Rev 2:17 - "To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna."

What does the magisterium teach us? What is the deposit of faith? Who gave us Scripture and tradition?

- Word of God, Gospel - definitive revelation of Christ given to the apostles and, through them, to the entire church as sacred scripture and sacred tradition; the heritage of faith handed on in the church from the time of the apostles, form which the magisterium draws all that is proposes for belief as being divinely revealed; the collection of writing inspired by God, living transmission of the teachings, life and church worship accomplished by Holy SPirit - Christ --> apostles --> us

Did Jesus organize the Church? Why did Jesus organize the church with a hierarchial structure?

- Yes, Jesus promised to guide and protect the kingdom of God (the Church) until the end of time - a hierarchy organization would carry her through even the most difficult periods

Gnosticism What it taught Orthodox catholic teaching Where in the Bible

- there are 2 gods (OT creator god and NT unknowable divine god); Jesus was not truly man nor truly God; material world is evil; salvation can only be achieved through secret knowledge by only some people - created world is good; Jesus was one person with a divine nature and human nature; salvation comes through faith in Jesus, not oneself; Christ died on the cross - Genesis 1:31 - "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." - Philippians 2:6-8 - "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!"

How is conjuring the dead different from praying to saints?

- they are not the same at all - praying to saints is simply a humble request

What do we know about the Holy Souls in purgatory?

- they die in God's grace and friendship but imperfectly purified - they are assured of heaven

What is sacred tradition? What is sacred scripture? What is the relationship between them? What is the deposit of faith?

- tradition: word of God, received from Christ himself through the apostles, transmitted to us without alteration by the church through holy spirit, "handing down" - scripture: word of God, written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit and contained in the collection of sacred books that have God as their author, and it was entrusted to the Church as such - the content of Divine Revelation is found in sacred scripture and sacred tradition as a single deposit --> the deposit of faith

What are the two types of deacons? What is the difference?

- transitional: preparing for priesthood - permanent: called to be deacons

What do we mean when we say the church is catholic?

- universal - it is His gift to all people - "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19) - missionary church

How can we be holy in our state of life?

- using our charisms - vocation of our state of life - live by Jesus' teaching

How can we bring Christ into culture? Politics?

- voting for worthy candidate - running for office - supporting pro-life movements

How can we be happy in heaven knowing someone is in hell?

- we can be happy because we will have a greater appreciation for sin - happy knowing they chose that

What exactly makes someone a martyr?

- witness to the faith - suffer to the point of death

How is the church wounded? How can it be mended?

- wounded because it is not united (has lots of denominations) - mended by seeking unity through ecumenism

What does he write? Where does he travel?

- writes much of the NT letters (Galatians, 1 + 2 Thes, 1 + 2 Cor, Romans, Ephesians, Philemon, 1 + 2 Tim, Titus, Colossians, Philippians - Roman Empire, Turkey, Greece

Are we equal in the church? why or why not?

- yes - we all cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ while using our unique charisms 1 Corinthians 12:13 -"For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink."

What are the two main areas the laity have duties to fulfill in?

1. charisms 2. state of life

What four things do we know for certain about the end of history?

1. don't know when it will happen 2. final judgement will happen on last day 3. after final judgement, new heavens and new earth and reward for faithful and everything will be perfectly reestablished 4. church must endure trial and persecution before

What is the sign of the Mosaic covenant? What are the promises/responsibilities of God and the Israelite people?

10 commandments; obey them

How does God free the Israelites from slavery?

10 plagues

12 apostles represent _________

12 tribes of Israel

how many rites are there?


At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?


How long was Jesus' final stage of teaching and preparation?

40 days

What is the result of the Israelites breaking the covenant?

40 years of waiting in desert

Be ready to explain where in the Bible we have evidence that Christ intended Peter to take the lead among the Apostles.

Acts 2:14 - "Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say." Matthew 16:18-19 - "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Acts 1:15-16 - "In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty) 16 and said, "Brothers and sisters,[d] the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus."

ESSAY QUESTION #1: How did Christ institute the Church and how did it develop? Use the NT to illustrate each point you make.

Jesus established through covenants Each covenant included more and more people until the New Covenant with Jesus as the mediator included everyone who believes in Him that New covenant is the foundation on what the Church is build upon He initiated the Church's hierarchy to uphold the Church and what she stands for, and so that the faithful could be shepherded in holiness, being led in the communion with God that He desired from the beginning He did this through Apostles and Peter (Pope) and disciples BIBLE VERSE TO USE - Matthew 28:19 - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Holy Spirit is soul of the Church and is given to the apostles and church hierarchy at Pentecost Acts 2:4 - "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. 12 tribes of Israel = 12 apostles developed through evangelization —> Paul's calling was to evangelize to the Gentiles Matthew 16:18 -"I tell you that you are Peter. And I'll build my church on this rock. The gates of the underworld won't be able to stand against it."

Why do we intercede for each other?

Jesus tells us to, Christians have been doing it for a long time

What happened at the Nativity and immediately following?

Jesus was born, Magi came, Herod kills baby boys

what was the greatest pain of Mary's motherhood?

Jesus' crucifixion (deep spiritual agony)

in the Assumption, Mary is the first person to share in what?

Jesus' resurrection

Who is the 1st group to persecute Christians? The second?

Jewish authorities; Romans

As the beginning, all Christians were also ______ who followed the _________ law

Jewish, Mosaic

What is the orthodox teaching that disproves Nestorianism?

Mary is mother of God; whatever you say of man Jesus applies to God Jesus; Jesus is one divine person with 2 natures

Why do we call Peter the "Vicar of Christ"? What does it mean?

Latin for "in person of" Christ

supreme manifestation of love, holiness, and faithful obedience that characterizes the one church established by her Son


What is intercession?

Prayers on behalf of someone else

the separation between the Catholic Church into protestant churches (such as Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.); initiated by Martin Luther

Protestant Reformation

The priestly action of Jesus Christ, continued in and by the Church under the impulse of the Holy Spirit. In the liturgy, the Holy Spirit himself brings about his work of salvation through effective signs, thus giving a most perfect cult to God and salvation to mankind; more generally, the word indicates the Mass, as in "eucharistic liturgy," which itself comprises the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist; or an official prayer of the church outside of Mass, such as the Liturgy of the Hours. It comes from the Greek ergos ("work") and leiton ("of the people"). In the Greek Christian culture, it meant "public work," any work performed for the common good; in the Greek translation of the Old Testament it refers to the Levitical cult of the Jewish Temple on behalf of the people.


Mary is the supreme manifestation of the _____, _______, and _______

love, faithful obedience, holiness

teaching authority of church, bishops and pope


Greek for "witness". a witness to the truth of the Faith in which a Christian endures even death for Christ


also called the Eucharist or Lord's supper. name derived from the Latin dismissal of the faithful, "Ite, missa est." the principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished


we imitate Mary at the Annunciation and receive similar graces everytime we go to _______


How can saints in heaven understand us if they spoke a different language?

mentally intercede

The priesthood of those who have received Holy Orders, which is at the service of all the faithful; along with the common priesthood of all the baptized, all share in the one priesthood of Christ and in his mission of salvation.

ministerial priesthood

heresy claiming there is only one nature in the Christ, His human nature having been incorporated into His divine nature


The practice of self-denial as a way to discipline our bodies and appetites so as to strengthen the soul and focus more on interior life.


What literary genre does Genesis fall into? Does this mean Genesis is a made up story?

mythology; no

pagan school of thought based on the thoughts of Plato who held that the supreme being who creates with logos (lesser beings)


what do we mean when we say all things will be "reestablished" at the End of History?

new heaven and new earth

Can the church invent new teachings?


Did Mary have other children besides Jesus?


Is a dogma made up by the Pope and bishops?


The Bible talks about the brothers of Jesus. Does this prove Mary was not a virgin?


Will the church only be persecuted at the End of History?


is Dormition opposed to the Assumption?


Did Mary need to be baptized? why, why not?

no because she did not have Original Sin

what does God call Noah to do/promise in the covenant?

no cannibalism and eating life blood

Did Mary die?

no she was assumed into heaven

What does Nestorianism teach?

no worship of Mary; Jesus is two people; Mary is Christokos

Was Eve created inferior to Adam? How do we know this (be able to give specific examples from the text)?

no; "He created them male and female" (Genesis 1:27)

Is Jesus insulting his mother in Lk 11:27-28?

nope, because Mary hears the word of God and observes it too

What do we call our response to the daily teaching of our pope and bishops in matters of faith and morals?

obedience of faith

Mary was completely __ to God, both body and soul.


marks of the church

one, holy, catholic, apostolic

What is the joy and pain of purgatory? Is this pain like the pain of hell?

pain=souls long for God joy=destined for eternal happiness in heaven

a brief narrative or allegory used to illustrate and explain moral or spiritual principles


Greek term for the second coming of Christ, who will come for the Final Judgement at the end of time


What is another name for the End of History? (there are two)

parousia and second coming

the judgement of those who have died or will die before the second coming of Christ. this judgement takes place immediately after death and is confirmed by the eventual last judgement.

particular judgement

ESSAY QUESTION #4: What happens when we die? Where is this found in the Bible?

particular judgement before Parousia go to heaven, hell, purgatory Purgatory - Revelation 21:27 - "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." Heavenly Liturgy - Rev 1:10 - "On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet." wait for Lord's second coming for final judgement Final Judgement - we don't know when - Matthew 24:36 - ""But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

How is the particular judgement different from the final judgement?

particular judgement is before the 2nd coming

the dogma that recognizes Mary's virginity before, during, and after the conception and Birth of Jesus Christ

perpetual virginity

What are the 5 elements that would be part of anyone's life if they are striving for holiness?

prayer, sacrifice, witness, holiness in our state of life, apostolate

What is his specific mission?

preach to the Gentiles

What was Jesus' ministry?

preaching and healing

How is Christ represented in the book of Revelation?

priest, victim, lamb

the position of being first in rank or authority. the Gospels and the acts of the apostles bear witness to Peter's primacy among the apostles

primacy of Peter

What does Jesus say is the role of the Holy Spirit?

principal agent of the Church, gives power to apostles, soul of the church, reveals the Church as an instrument of salvation

any Christian denomination that broke from the Catholic Church during the Reformation and to the splinter churches from these communities (include Lutherans, Anglicans (Episcopalians), Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists; any western Christian community not in union with the Catholic Church


How does the mainstream protestant view of purgatory differ from the Catholic view?

protestants just believe in the judgement not the part of purification

a state of final purification after death and before entrance into Heaven for those who died in God's friendship but were only imperfectly purified: a final cleansing of human imperfection before one is able to enter the joy of Heaven


What is the sign of the covenant with Noah?


What do we call our response to the official definitions or clarifications by the pope and bishops in matters of faith and morals?

religious assent

A society whose members, in accord with Church law, live a life consecrated to Christ and shared with one another by the public profession of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

religious institute

a particular form of religious/ceremonial practices


the literal meaning of the name Peter, taken from its Greek form petros. Jesus gave Peter his name to indicate that he would be the ____ upon which Jesus would build His church


an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to a Christian through the work of the Holy Spirit. there are seven of them


A sacred sign that bears a certain resemblance to the Sacraments and by means of which spiritual effects are signified and obtained not efficaciously but through the disposition of the recipient and the intercession of the Church.


What is the main way we are sanctified through the church?


How does God renew the covenant the first time (hint-animals)? How does God show his presence? Why does he renew it in this way?

sacrifice animals; torch and fire pot; a custom Abraham would have understood ("speaking his language")

a member of the Church-the mystical body of Christ-on earth, in purgatory, or in heaven. the church may officially declare a member of the Church in Heaven to be a _____ by canonization, adding him or her to the calendar and promoting his or her public veneration


a breach of the unity of the visible church; the refusal to submit to the pope or be united with the church


How do we learn about the Apostles lives? (3 ways)

scripture, history, tradition

A form of consecrated life in which the Christian faithful living in the world strive for the perfection of charity and work for the sanctification of the world, especially from within.

secular institute

people who were born into schismatic communities, including Protestant and Orthodox churches

separated brethren

how do we know Mary is bodily in Heaven?

she has no remains on earth

why is Mary called the New Eve?

she is in communion with the new Adam and she was immaculate This is a correct answer

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