Judaism Quiz 2

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Counter Refermation

established Jewish ghettos in European cities


important Jewish scholar of the Torah and the Talmud

Pogroms in Russia

organize campaigns of violence against jews (led to zionism) jewish communities are looted

Hasmoneans (Maccabees)

(Hellenistic Jerusalem) Jerusalem dynasty that revolted against Antiochus and the Seleucids, independent Jewish state rather than province - priestly family who lead revolt against Syrian Greeks o Hared o Forcibly converted to Judaism o Revolt against successor of Romans o Jewish underground of rebels that grows through the period § Unhappy w roman rule § Cultural misunderstanding

Rise of Capitalism of Jews

, the growth of the power and the functions of the state, combined with the ideas of the Enlightenment cause debates about the status of the Jews in Western and Central Europe.

Jews Protestant Reformation

- 1517 - German catholic priest is mad at catholic church, he thinks that the church is corrupt o Martin Luther o Protestant Reformation o He thinks that he can convert the Jews o He is unsuccessful and turns bitterly to the Jews o "On the Jews and their Lies" § Refers to the Jews as disgusting people o Counter reformation § Jews are segregated, and fences and walls are built around the Jewish area, locked in at night, they were known as ghettos (Italian word, enclosed areas were first found in Venice)

What did Maimonides do?

- Added philosophy to the code of law and what Jews should believe and what they should practice - Got a lot of criticism from digesting the law and saying what the laws were, we were taking the flexibility of the law and not only that, they criticized because he did not footnote or where he got his ideas from, did not agree with ideas in the Talmud

Jews in the Roman Empire:

- Christianity becomes the primary religion in the R.E. - The majority of the people are pagans - Takes very long for Europe to be Christianized - We shouldn't kill the Jews - St. Augustine, but we should keep them in segregated areas

Issac Luria

popularized the Kabbalah

Judah Halevi

premier Hebrew poet of his generation in medieval Spain.

After Theodosius...

proclaimed Christianity to be the official religion of the state, some Christians began to immediately persecute: and jews could not convert anyone, could not be involved, could not work land, couldn't build new temples, and were restricted




- pretty tolerant rulers o Let Jews in Israel to do what they want o Knew the high priest was their ruler o Pagans, polytheists o See jews as narrow minded


Of or relating to Greek history, culture, or art after Alexander the Great

Under Persian rule

The Jews were treated kindly


- Islamic religion happens in 600 in the Arabian peninsula, draws on Judaism - Jewish semi cities and states - Islam breaks out of the Arabian peninsula - Including North African and large parts of Africa - Many Jews under Muslim rule - "either convert to Islam or we will kill you" - Muslims said the "people of the book' will be tolerated - Dhimmi

Golden age of Jews in Spain

- Jews and Muslims in Spain, producing Jewish bible commentaries àreligious and secular commentary - Arabs rediscover Greek philosophy and translate the works into Arabic and harmonize the Quran and the religious teachings of Greeks - Christians are in the Dark ages - Jews are the means in which it is transported to Europe

Middle Ages

- Jews invited to Europe - There was a collapse in European Economic Life - Local rulers invited people of commerce helped established commercial life - Series of privileges which are charters to explain their rights - Privileges and rights are not permanent - When Jews outlived their usefulness, they are kicked out - Jews serve many functions: o Important for commerce o Middle-men o Money lenders § There were no banks, therefore only Jews or Muslims were only allowed to lend money - based off the Torah § Christians should not lend money with interest

Parade of Horrors

- Jews kicked out in 1492 - Jews known as Marannos - might mean Pigs, secretly practicing Judaism - Escaped to the new world, but they were followed by people in the new world - Fled to Italy, England and Holland and Belgium, some went to north Africa

Middle Class Jews

- Peasants - no rights and no privileges - Stratified society, so the Jews have some rights, but the charters they are given with privileges and rights are temporary - Jews have a high degree of autonomy o They have to pay taxes, but they can establish their own taxation system to raise money for their own institutions - Jews are also involved in other economic enterprises


- Take back the holy land - Capture the land back - European medieval identity - Based on religion, not ethnicity or nationality - You could not opt of being religious - You had to belong to a Jewish community

Rabbinic Judaism cont.

- Temple has been destroyed and many places of worship have ceased to exist - The rabbi's take a while to assert their authority and take the dominant form of Judaism - Different groups saying they are the true interpreters of the bible - Within the bible itself - Create their own literature, rabbinic texts

Jews as citizens of roman empire

- The romans as a whole do not treat the Jews that horribly - Jews become citizens of the roman empire - Judaism is a legal religion under the roman emperor and are free to practice their religion

First Crusade

1099 CE, Jerusalem fell the Christian crusaders; the only successful crusade. - Capture the holy land from the Muslims - Crusaders go to towns around France and Germany and attack Jewish communities for conversion or death - Some places, Jews commit mass suicide, so they do not fall into the hands of the crusaders - Nothing was as bad as the first

Fourth Lateran Council

1215, called by Pope Innocent III, was a summons to spiritual reform; reinforces the theodosian code and adds new restrictions designed to segregate and isolate Jews made jews second class citizens

Rabbinic Period

323 BCE - 637 CE Second period of Judaism o Rabbis not around at beginning o Greco-Roman Period o Jews not living in land of Israel, dispersed all over o Persian empire falls to the Greeks - Alexander the great 333 B.C.E o Alexander the Great dies in Afghanistan


A Jewish sect at the time of Jesus known for its strict adherence to the Law. · More in tune with the masses · Expansive interpretation of Scripture · Belief in resurrection of the dead · Importance of tithing and purification · Master-disciple relationship o Like Jesus and Disciples o Referred to as rabbi · May be direct antecedents of rabbinic Judaism · Elite groups · Enjoys going to the amphitheater, colosseum · One that wants both ways · Ancestral traditions o Ritual purification o Tithing - crops (mainly agricultural society) o Won't eat from other groups than Pharisees because their ritual o Blessings before and after you eat · They are the immediate antecedents from rabbinic period · Want to convert people to Judaism Participated in revolt against Rome


A branch of Orthodox Judaism that maintains a lifestyle separate from the non-Jewish world.

Baal Shem Tov

A charismatic faith healer, mystic, and teacher who is generally regarded as the founder of the Hasidic movement


A language spoken by Jews since the Middle Ages. Its components are Hebrew, German, and Slavic


Arabic written in Hebrew persian people jews from arab countries Mizrahi, most live in Israel and have distinct literature and customs


Descendents of Macedonian officers under Alexander. Gov't largely took over the system created by Egyptian pharaohs to extract the wealth of the land, rewarding Greeks and Hellenized non-Greeks serving in the military and administration. Cleopatra


Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337) o Christianity becomes the problem of the Roman emperor o Most of the roman emperor is pagan and the Jews are a foreign too o Jews are also seeking converts of their religion

Sephardic Jews

Expelled from Spain, moved to European cities where they were relatively free to participate in commercial and banking activties, although they often felt insecure about their religion.


Greek translation of the Old Testament (hebrew bible)


Group of priests who controlled the temple and collaborated with the Romans · Upper class Hellenized o Greek ways · Allied with priesthood · Narrow interpretation of the law o Do not believe in the immortality of the soul · Against ancestral traditions of Pharisees · Reject resurrection of the dead · They are descendants from Sadock · Some participate in the revolt against Rome


Homiletic, moral lessons secret mystery meaning


Inquiry, rabbinic commentaries on scripture A literary form that relates past scriptural events to help explain and interpret present events. stories in the bible and legal stories

Leviticus 19

Laws Concerning Holiness Ritual and Ethical Realm Behavior

Bar Kokhba

Leader of the Jewish revolt against Rome in 132-35 CE

Jacob Frank

Jacob Frank was an 18th century Jewish religious leader who claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi and also of the biblical patriarch Jacob. He converted to Catholicism and defended the blood libel in 1759. His followers ritualized sex. Craaaazy orgies. Rabbis and non-Frankists = outraged!

Yom Kippur

Jewish Day of Atonement- fasting and reflecting on one's sins - season of introspection, biggest high holiday

Rosh Hashanah

Jewish New Year


Jewish fortress overlooking the Dead Sea in Israel Built by Hared Jews on Masada committed mass suicide and 960 died - last stand of Zealots in first revolt against Rome


Jewish law


Jewish philosopher who wrote in Greek

Maimonides (1135-1204)

Jewish rabbi, physician and philosopher. - Arguably most Important Jewish thinker of the Middle Ages - Moses to Moses - 1135-1204 - Born in Spain and forces to flee because of Muslim persecution - Doctor and community leader of Jews of Cairo - Wrote commentary of Mishnah - Wrote Jewish code of Mishnah Torah o Took arguments of the Talmud and wrote a digest of the law


Jewish sect that rejected oral Torah (Talmud), relying on scripture alone - Movement that rejected rabbinic authority o 8th century o Rejected authority of Talmud o Biblical Fundamentalists o Developed their own system and interpretation o EX) No fire shall be seen in your house on the Sabbath day § You can't light a fire on sabbath day § But you can light a fire before the sabbath day § This group took It literally and they would sit in the dark


Jews who converted to Catholicism after the Reconquista to avoid being exiled.

Ashkenazi Jews

Jews whose traditions originated in central and eastern Europe maller, poorer communities; originated from Israelite tribes; settled in Germany during 4th CE; Yiddish emerged; 114AD first blood libel; did not have harmonious relationship with Christians


Literally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists


Mishnah and Gemara, two versions Babylonia and Jerusalem

Key Ideas of Biblical Period

Notion of a covenant = God and Israel God gives the people of Israel real-estate for their adherence to law Ancient world, everybody is equal before the law regardless of social class Controlled by priests, religious figures, sacred scriptures were in the temples Monotheism By the end of the biblical period, the torah is then open to all After Ezra returned, the torah is to be publicly and universally read

Alexandria, Egypt

One of the cities founded by and named for Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies Home of a large Jewish community


Oral Torah, codification and collection of law

Hasidic Judaism

Orthodox branch of Jewish religion; devout adherence to and observation of the faith, with emphasis on mystical dimension.


Roman governors of Judea

Genesis 22

Sacrifice of Isaac

Amos 5

Seek the Lord and live

Antiochus Epiphanes

Selucid ruler over Israel, encouraged hellenization, dominated the Jewish priesthood, and raised taxes of Jews, tried to force greek culture on Jews by outlawing Judaism, desecrated the temple and killed jews who resisted him, his actions lead to the maccabean revolt sets up temple and desecrates it and makes idols

Isaiah 11

Spirit-led King: wisdom and righteousness moment of insight and record for the plan of the world

Genesis 3

The Fall of Man

Psalm 23 "Lord is my shepherd"

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.


The language of Sephardic Jews


The literal meaning of the text context of words


The medieval kabbalists believed that God's self could not be understood, but God has revealed attributes that interact with each other and the world.


biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture books written by Jews, mainly in Greek


Written down in about AD 200; contains collected teachings of the rabbis of the preceding four centuries; along with the Talmud, is the most important text of the oral Torah.


a rabbinical commentary on the Mishnah, forming the second part of the Talmud.


a regional dynasty after the death of Alexander; ruled in Persia Centered in Syria


anecdotal or narrative material in the Talmud - nonlegal literature, commentary that fills in the gaps when the stories are incomplete

Babylonian gamara

o Babylonian Gemara - much more broad and expansive o Became the more important, more authoritative, and more widespread than the Jerusalem Gemara § Babylonian Jury spread across a vast empire § When people study the Talmud, they are more likely to study the Babylonian versus the Jerusalem Talmud § Babylonia was much more authoritative and expansive o Gemara wants to know which verse it comes from and how the law applies and if someone recorded the discussions in rabbinic academies and edited them together - Hebrew Bible and Babylonian Talmud are the foundations of Jewish life


o Books published by Rabbis o No word in the bible - if this was the word of God then every letter had a meeting o If things were repeated in the bible, it was because of a reason o Stories in the bible, the added details and back stories of different people o Comic strip or cartoon - they thought and added what people were thinking

Jesus Group Characteristic

o He is very demanding in his ethical teachings, very pious, he is acting like end of the world o They do not believe in private property o You cannot serve God with money or property because your possessions do not matter at the end of the world o Jesus calls upon the Jews to prepare for the end of the time, repent in righteous ways o He seems to say that he is the messiah, and this leads to clashes within religious authorities o Make an example out of him, because Jesus is considered politically destabilizing o Mock Jesus and the crown of thorns and the write on the cross King of the Jews to mock him

· Greeks hung out at Gymnasium

o Hung out, talked, wore a uniform (they were not circumcised), chatted o The Jews looked different and they wanted to fit in and would have a procedure to · Jews are in every roman province except Great Britain

Revolt of the census

o Most Jews participate in revolt o Led by people known as Zella's § Extremists § End of the world was coming § Odds against Jews are impossible § Small group of Zella's hangouts for a few more years built by Hared

Jesus Group

o Mostly Jewish people - The leader they were expecting were going to fight the romans and create a golden age - But those who were part of the messianic period, they believed in expectations of what the messiah would be - Messiah was internalized - Messiah would grant them eternal life, salvation and assure them a place in the next world - heaven if they believed in it - "Jesus of Nazareth" would save them in the next world - "Second coming of Jesus" o Jesus would come back - Jews for the most part


o Religious ideal of the group o They know Gods will o They know they are the true Jews and the other groups are at fault and have false ideas o Distinctive calendar o All sectarian groups see the establishment religion centered around temple of Jerusalem as corrupt

Census (Roman Empire)

o There is a Jewish prohibition, dates all the way back to the bible o Caligula o Roman emperors


o from Syria was a Hellenized Jew § If the Jews will not accept this message of repentance of Jesus, we will take it to the non-Jews § Paul and the remaining followers of Jesus (not of the 12) § Paul goes to places where he knows there will be interest § He preaches to people who are already interested in Judaism but not converted § Converts them to the "Jesus group" · You non-Jews do not need to keep these laws, all you need to do is believe Jesus is the Messiah

Jews Prohibited from

o land ownership and the gilds (trade unions: carpenter, masonry) o Largely confined to be middle-men (running estates for nobility, merchants, money lenders)


one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam Saudi Arabia o Jews fared better under Sunni Islam - Jews went to Spain and the Muslims ruled there - Golden age of Judaism - Two independent Jewish Kingdoms - Muslim and Christian kingdom - Kharzas ***


the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible God is best known through the heart; God's well-being is defined through man's actions; restore original harmony


the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel Living in Babylonia, Persia, present day Iraq and Iran, countries bordering Israel.


the most important text of Kabbalah; part of the Oral Torah

Shabbetal Zvi

thought he was the Messiah 1626-1676; False Messiah; was forced to convert to Islam 3433 "Prophet" Nathan of Gaza

Provisions of the Pact of Omar

§ Had to pay a poll tax § Swear to be loyal and not conspire against state § Could not build new sacred places § Could not hold public office § Jews could not do things they wanted, had to wear distinctive clothing

Rise of Islam

§ Muslims conquer the middle east - Rival Groups

Independent Jewish Leadership by Hasmoneans

§ They were Hellenized and corrupt § Becomes type of literature · Apocalyptic literature, written in Greek · Forecast for the end of the world · Violent events depicted that bring up the end of the world in another era § The Hebrew bible has this in the book of Daniel § Christian scripture has this in Revelations (colorful writing, angel, dramatic scenarios, final battle between good and evil)

Roman Emperors

§ Thought of themselves as God and wanted to be worshipped § Put up a statue of themselves o Cultural misunderstanding

"jewish Question"

· As the 19thcentury progresses, other ideologies complicate the debate over the status of the Jews, which becomes known as "the Jewish question". Nationalism, the concept of race and Social Darwinism, all affect the situation.

Jesus Group

· Expect end of the world · Master-disciple relationship · Extreme ethical demands · At first only consists of Jews · Internal individual spiritual salvation, and not collective political salvation


· Lead revolt against Rome · May have had a Messianic leader · Ruthless towards Jewish opponents · Make the last stand at Masada · Think the end of the world is coming, their leader is a messiah, use violence against anyone who disagrees with them · Burn down all food stores in Jerusalem to make sure the people do not surrender and fight against the romans

Dead Sea Scroll/Essenes

· Live in desert, outside cities which they see as corrupt · Strict communal living rules, asceticism and ritual purity · Expect end of the world, only they will be saved · Found by Josephus · Think the temple is corrupt and the life in cities is corrupt · Live in very strict communes · We do not know anything about them · They are like hermits and live in communes in out of the way places · End of the world is coming · Some may have abstained from sex (no frills life) · Little of material possession · Ritual activity (baptism) o Some believe that John the Baptist may have been a part of this · Live in Kumran in the dead sea · Monk like · How to be the right Jew · They disappear from history in Kumran · Affinity with the Pharisees and beginning Christianity · Temporary period of try out to be accepted into their group


· Russia embarked on a program of forced assimilation of the Jews in the 19thcentury. · Riots instigated by the government broke out against the Jews in the late 19thand early 20thcenturies as social unrest grew in Russia. · The Jews in Czarist Russia, unlike those in Western and Central Europe, never received equal rights.

Uprising of Ukrainians

· against Polish rule lead by Bogdan Chmielnicki. Hundreds of thousands of Jews as well as Catholic Poles were killed. The Jewish community was devastated. · Poland ceased to exist as a sovereign kingdom when it was partitioned and annexed by the Austrian Empire, Prussia and the Russian Empire in the late 18thcentury.

Poland ceased to exist

· as a sovereign kingdom when it was partitioned and annexed by the Austrian Empire, Prussia and the Russian Empire in the late 18thcentury. · Russia, which had previously prohibited all Jews from living there, restricted Jewish settlement to an area known as the Pale of Settlement.

Jews invited to Poland

· as merchants in the 13thcentury and given a charter of rights and protection. They served as middlemen and managers for the estates of the Polish nobility. Poland became one of the centers of European Jewish life.

Hellenistic culture comes

· but Jews adapt and stay strong and survive o Their ability to adapt and change their religion from other cultures · Jews take on some of their superficial traps of Greeks o Learn Greek, Greek names o Greek name = synagogue, place of assembly o Jews write their own histories in Greek

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