Judd English Final - S1

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B. add to his own enjoyment

In R.K Narayan's "Like the Sun" the headmaster takes music lessons to:


T/F the earliest Greek performances probably consisted of singers in goat skin chanting a poem.


T/F: Priam was king of Troy


T/F: Usually, once the chorus entered the performance, it didn't exit until the end of the play


T/F: at the beginning of scene 3 Haimon immediately challenges his father's authority and judgment.


T/F: at the end of Antigone. Creon returns from Antigone's tomb, while carrying the body of his wife Eurydice


T/F: besides the chorus, only three people were allowed to play characters in the Greek tragedies of the fifth century B.C


T/F: from the very beginning of the play, Ismene dutifully helps here sister bury their brother.


T/F: in Antigone, Creon accuses Teiresias of making prophecies based on bribes


T/F: in the theater of Dionysus in Athens, plays were often preformed at night.


T/F: the Chorus was normally composed of 10 poems


T/F: the actors normally preformed on the skene, an exact equivalent to the stage of the modern character


T/F: the first word of the Latin text of the Aeneid is "Arma" (Arms), a subtle reference to the Odyssey.


T/F: women did not preform in classical Greek theater

C. above average in many ways

based on the number of handicaps Harrison wears, you can conclude he is


familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures.

Chinua Achebe

father taught a Christian mission school

Haruki Murakami

favors metaphors that are fresh and clearly communicate to the modern reader

d. all the above

Ukiyo-e can be described as:


a loud, confused noise. (disorder)


one of the great tragic poets

B. The tragic hero must die in the end

According to Aristotle, a tragic hero must have three essential characteristics. Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a tragic hero?

B. her close connection with Mr. Pirzada eventually disappears with the knowledge that he is safely back home

At the end of the story, Lilia throws away the rest of her treasured candy that she had saved from Mr. Pirzada. One can infer that Lilia's action indicated that

D. will need some time before his emotional wounds heal

At the end of the story, the narrator's perspective on Rolf Carle is that she believes he:

C. radios the station for a water pump

Carle moves from objective reporter to subjective participant in author's life when he:


Dionysus was known as the goddess of wisdom and war

D. the sun

Emily Dickinson wrote that one should "tell the truth but tell it slant." This verse of poetry is based upon an implied metaphor, one in which the truth is compared to:

Isabel Allende

Family went into exile to Venezuela

B. the government

Harrison is in conflict with

C. an example of a flashback

Haruki Murakami's story begins when the seventh man speaks. Most of the story he relates is:

C. he refuses to use a witch doctor to cure his son, calling such practices superstitious

How does Okeke show that he is a bit more progressive than his neighbors?


In a way that attempts to avoid attention


Isabel Allende finest and more revealing work

Isabel Allende

Moved from being a journalist to a creative writer in 1981

B. Honshu

Murakami was born on this island of Japan, the one on which Tokyo is located.

C. Helen of Sparta

Paris' prize for choosing Aphrodite (Venus) as the most beautiful women is:

C. staying by her side from the moment he meets her

Rolf Carle helps comfort Azucena during her struggle by:

D. Hellenism

Rome welcomed aspects of Greek culture, making them part of Roman life. Such appreciated or love from Greek culture is called:

C. emotions

Sinon's speech in Book II of the Aeneid seeks to persuade the Trojans to bring the horse into their city by most powerful appealing to their:

B. Calchas names Sinon as the one to be sacrificed for a safe return of the Greek fleet.

Sinon's trickery goes on to include the seer Calchas. What role does Calcas play?


So frightened that one is unable to move.

D. All the above

The mask in classical Greek theater served which of the following purposes?

C. Laios

The true (biological) father of Oedipus is:

D. Turkey

Troy is located in what is today the country of:

B. Satire

Virgil mocks Sinon by exposing his rhetorical practices that trick people into believing as true what is in fact untrue. Such a literary form of mockery is best classified as:

D. Aeneas' unwillingness to follow the directions of the gods.

Virgil's major themes in the Aeneid include all of the following EXCEPT:

The House on Mango Street

What series of prose vignettes did Sandra Cisneros publish in 1984?

in graduate school

When did Sandra Cisneros begin to embrace her own cultural heritage

A. crushed to realize that he has no musical talent

Which of the following best describes how the headmaster probably feels after Sekhar's critique of his performance?

C. "Harrison Bergeron"

Which of the following is a satire?


Wrote the Eclogue, Georgic, and Aeneid


a plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.


a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.


a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility.

A. a state of mental numbness

a stupor is best defined as:


a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time.

D. georgic

a type of poem meant to give instructions on farming and the title of one of Virgil's works.

C. it was one of many small fires started by lighting that day

according to Sebastian Junger's essay, "Blowup: what went wrong at storm king mountain," why did the Bureau of Land Management wait three days before sending firefighters to Storm King Mountain?

A. frail

according to the seventh man what was K. like?


admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it. admit defeat in a contest


an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech.


an extensive fire that burns for a long period of time and destroys everything

B. Bangladesh

as a result of the Pakistani Civil War of 1971, East Pakistan achieved its independence and is now known as:

D. Niobe

as punishment for her crime, this queen of Thebes was turned into a weeping pillar of stone

A. Polyneices

at the begging of Antigone, Creon gives an order that one of Oedipus' sons is not the be buried. this man, regarded as an enemy of Thebes, is:

Elie Wiesel

awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States of America Congressional Gold Medal, the French Legion of Honor, and the Nobel Peace Prize


bold and without shape

Chinua Achebe

born 1930 in the village of Ogidi

Sandra Cisneros

born in Chicago in 1954


born in the North of Italy, near Mantua

Elie Wiesel

born in the town of Sighet, Transylvania


cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.

C. Sekhar dreads critiquing the headmaster does

choose the most likely meaning for the following passage: "He never anticipated his musical inclinations would lead him to this trial."


clarity of expression, intelligibility


courage in pain or adversity.

Isabel Allende

daughter was stricken with an incurable disease

C. Augustus

eventually taking power after the assassination of Julius Caesar, this man became the first Emperor of Rome.


extreme poverty, destitution


extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.


freedom from external control or influence; independence


giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.


go beyond the range of limits

Sandra Cisneros

his/her family disapproved of writing

A. the drumming of the rain on the roof prevents Okeke from humming a hymn to ward off the temptation to give in to Nene's request

how does nature seems to take Nene's side in her request to have the grandchildren visit Okeke?

D. uncertain

how does the narrator feel about the photograph in the excerpt from Caramelo?


humble submission and respect.


impossible to perceive. Unnoticeable

B. was a highly respected journalist in her native land

in "And of Clay We Are Created" one can appreciate the author's perspective in the story better if one knows that Isabel Allende:

A. thinks its important for Lilia to fit into the American way of life

in "Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine," you can conclude that Lilia's mother is glad Lila is learning American history because she

C. refuses Okeke's choice of a wife for him

in Chinua Achebe's "Marriage is a Private Affair," Okeke is upset with his son Nnaemeka because Nnaekeka:

A. Ulysses

in Sinon's story told to the Trojans, who brings about the death of Palamedes through false accusations?

A. subdued (calm and resigned)

in Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron," which word best describes the mood of the Bergeron Household?


in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling.


in a way that is completely airtight

C. Behind the island of Tenedos

in order to make the Trojans believe that the Greeks had returned home, they had to hide their ships from view but keep them close enough for a quick return. where did the Greek feet hide?

C. epithet

in the Aeneid, Aeneas' name most often appears with the adjective "Pious." Such a characterizing word or phrase with a person's name is known as a(n):

C. Achilles

in the Trojan War, which of the following characters fights on the side of the Greeks?

C. east pakistan

in the story, Mr. Pirzada's family is living in

D. wear mental-handicap transmitters

in this story, people with above-average intelligence have to

C. comedy

in which of the following modes is the hero inferior to both others and nature?


joined the Epicurean Colony on the Gulf of Naples


lecture, aggressive speech

496-406 BC

lifespan of Sophocles

70-19 BC

lifespan of Virgil

Chinua Achebe

member of the Ibo people of eastern Nigeria

Sandra Cisneros

moved from Chicago and Mexico City with her 6 other siblings


of behavior, performance, or appearance in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless.

Haruki Murakami

often deals with themes of isolation and alienation in the consumerist society that emerged in Japan in the 1960's

Chinua Achebe

one of Africa's most famous contemporary authors


persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.



A. the empire

roman history is divided into three main time periods: the monarchy, the republic, and ________.


rude and disrespectful behavior


severe intestinal problems


shriveled or wrinkled


sounding sad and mournful

Haruki Murakami

stresses the need for communication and greater understanding between people


subject to chance.

A. objective

the Chairman's outline has omitted one point from the original agenda. using the diction found in the statement, it can be best characterized as:

B. subjective

the Chairman's wrapped sense of organization has led to these disagreements using the diction found I'm the statement, it can be best characterized as:

D. All of the above

the Chorus in a Greek tragedy preforms which of the following functions?

C. obedience to the law

the Chorus' first ode claims that the glories of humanity can only be maintained by:


the authority of a state to govern itself or another state

C. epode

the final stanza of an ode during which the Chorus would have stood still:

B. Athena

the goddess of war and wisdom; she was also the patroness of Athens to whom the Temple at the top of the Acropolis was dedicated.

A. blindness

the main consequence of hubris is found in:

A. as a way of protecting himself from his past

the narrator believes that Rolf Carle has become a journalist:

C. a golden apple

the original conflict behind the Trojan War began at a wedding when the goddess of discord threw _______________ into the banquet hall.

A. curse upon it, with sin begetting further sins

the play cannot be understood fully if we forget that its subject (in a real sense) is the ruling house of Thebes and the:


the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.

C. Dionysus

the theater at the base of the Acropolis in Athens was dedicated to the goddess:


thin, supple, graceful (especially in a persons body)

B. the second Punic war

this conflict resulted in Rome's defeat of Hannibal and it marked the beginning of the Roman conquest of Greece

C. Aeneid

this epic by Homer recounts the story if the Trojan War, featuring a dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles:

C. Laocoon

this priest of Neptune tries to warn the Trojans not to bring the horse into the city.

B. Gian Lorenzo Bernini

this sculptor is known for a depiction of Aeneas carrying his father out of Troy as it burns. The work expresses both the sensation of movement and instability.

B. he solves a riddle of the Sphinx

though s foreigner to Thebes, Oedipus is initially made king because:

B. the Korean War

though they are from the same town, what has caused enmity between Tokchae and Songsam in "Cranes"?

B. gently

throughout most of the story, you can conclude that George treats Hazel


to satisfy to the full extent


treat with irreverence of disrespect

Isabel Allende

was a respected magazine and television journalist in his/her native Chile

B. firm determination

what does tenacity mean?

D. Athena

which god or goddess was supposed to have been appeased by the offering of the Trojan horse?

B. the lessons from the Battlement Mesa fire had not been learned

which of the following conclusions does Junger draw about the blowup and the deaths of the firefighters?

C. burying bodies at a concentration camp

which of the following events does Rolf Carle remember during the time he spends with Azucena?

A. Electra

which of the following plays DOES NOT belong to the group of three Theban tragedies written by Sophocles?

B. the entire play takes place in front of Creon's palace on one day

which of the following statements about the setting and duration of the play is correct

B. the epic has a simple style and describes ordinary people in their everyday lives

which of the following statements is NOT true about the genre of the epic?

C. a cold front moved in and the wind picked up suddenly

which reason was most responsible for changing a manageable fire into a deadly one?

B. Anaxagoruas

who of the following is NOT considered one of the greatest Greek Tragic playwrights?

C. he wants to escape personal punishment that may arise from the fact that Antigone is a member of his family

why does Creon have Antigone sealed in a vault of stone rather than directly executed by stoning?

C. to prevent the Trojans from easily taking it within their city thus stealing the divine favor that was meant for the Greeks

why was the horse built so big?


writer of Antigone

Haruki Murakami

writer of magical realism that was born in 1949

C. calls her " the awful grandmother"

you know how the narrator in Caramelo feels about her grandmother because the narrator:

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