KAAP180 Final

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Select the true statement about the graph below.

Based on pre-race data, the higher exercise intensity used more carbohydrate than the lower exercise intensity.

Which of the following recommendations represents important critical gaps and future directions for the detection of sickle cell trait (SCT) and the prevention of sickle cell disease (SCD)?

By including educational materials and providing genetic counseling at the same time that families are given positive SCT results, the occurrence and public health burden of SCD might be reduced.

Functional electrical stimulation...

Can be used to cause contractions and movements in muscles affected by paralysis

What does closing the eyes do to the amount of postural sway in healthy adults?

Closing the eyes increases postural sway.

The individual credited with progressive resistance exercise training is


The Han Chinese and Sherpa people both inherited the Epas1 gene. This gene was inherited from whom?


Which statement about isometric training is most accurate?

Isometric training elicits the largest strength gains at the joint angle that was trained.

Which of the following occurs in the mitochondria?

Krebs cycle

Which of the following tests is based on a blood draw taken at different exercise workloads?

Lactate threshold tesr

VO2 Max is a measurement of which of the following?

Maximal oxygen consumption per minute

Assuming that you are not of the Sherpa ethnicity, would any of your adaptations to high altitude training be passed on to your children?


Which of the studies below is the best example of applied science?

Physicians do not know how many platelet-rich plasma injections are needed for the best recovery from a muscle injury. This problem is investigated in two groups of mice that either get one shot or two shots per week after a muscle injury.

Which statement below is most consistent with the results of the study by Gottschall and Palmer on the bike to run transition in triathlon?

Pedalling faster in an easier gear just before you switch to running will result in a faster running speed.

In the research paper that compared sprint interval training to endurance (continuous) training, what was the main general conclusion?

Sprint interval training can provide similar aerobic (oxitative) adaptations as endurance training in much less time.

Which of the following was a main conclusion of the moving room experiment?

Very young children (toddlers) are highly dependent on visual information for the control of upright stance.

Dr. Jeff Iliff, while discussing sleep, said that we can think of "almost all of the biology that we observe" as ...

a series of problems and their corresponding solutions

Which of the following items below is one of the main components of the endocrine system?


Training with isometric muscle contractions will only increase strength at the joint angle that was used in training.


Which of the following conditions is due to swelling and the accumulation of fluids in the lungs.

high altitude pulmonary edema

You want to train for improved balance. You know that the speed of a muscle contraction is more important than maximal strength. Which adaptation at the motor unit level are you more interested in achieving?

higher initial motor unit firing rates

What brain area is involved in memory and learning and what does sleep loss do to it? (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

hippocampus, shuts it down

The place were acetylcholine contributes to muscle contraction

neuromuscular junction

The flat bench press involves the muscles primarily of the chest and arms. The 1-RM and 10-RM tests are two means to measure the strength of these muscles. One test will inform you more about muscle size and fiber type while the other test relates more to the ATP-PC system. Which test is more informative on the ATP-PC system?


Select the option below that is the approximate mechanical power that an elite endurance bicyclist can sustain for a 7-day continuous race.

165 Watts

How would you describe Dr. Walker and Dr. Jeff Iliff?

As productive scientists who spoke about peer reviewed science that was produced by their labs and the labs of others

Brain imaging studies performed by Hubert et al. (2007) showed that during the earliest stage of motor learning, the prefrontal cortex of the brain was highly active. As motor learning progressed towards expert performance, the prefrontal cortex became less active. Select the best interpretation below

Activity in the prefrontal cortex is required for the cognitive phase.

Which of the following is the direct energy source for muscular contraction?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

How long was the race in the ultraendurance race paper (Helge, 2007)?

4-5 days

The part of the neuron that carries nerve impulses to muscle fibers in the periphery.


Syllabus: How many knowledge quizzes count towards your semester grade?


In the interview of Tyler Hamilton, he mentions a hematocrit level that the cheating cyclists would try to get to without going over. What was this level? (Do you know what hematocrit is?)


Which of the following item(s) below contributed to the natural selection of genes that promote elite high altitude performance in Himalayan Sherpa.

Better birth outcomes in Sherpa women

Sherpa means to carry.


Why is it unlikely that a runner will bonk (hit the wall) within the first hour of a run?

Muscle glycogen storage

Imagery duplicates a motor pattern in the brain but on a smaller scale. It activates the same brain areas used in the real movement. What hypothesized mechanism of Mental Imagery is this?

Psychoneuromuscular theory

Select the correct statement about the transfer of power across joints by the biarticular muscle rectus femoris (RF), which crosses the hip and knee.

RF transfers power generated by the hip extensors to become knee extension power.

Through what mechanism does sleep contribute to cancer prevention? (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

Sleep improves immune function by increasing natural killer cells. These cells attack tumors.

Based on the research done by the National Geographic photo journalist, what is one main reason why Sherpa parents send their children to the city for education?

So that their children do not have to earn a living by climbing Mt. Everest.

Two papers in this class have 1) compared sprint interval training and endurance training and 2) described the effects of prolonged ultra-endurance exercise. What statement below most accurately describes the adaptations reported in these two papers?

Sprint interval training, endurance training, and ultra-endurance competition all stimulate changes that help maintain carbohydrate (glucose) levels during submaximal exercise.

You are peer reviewer for a scientific journal and you encounter the following sentence: "The exercise-induced increase in cardiac output can be explained by an increase in the thickness of the right ventricle." Why doesn't this make sense to you?

The authors should be measuring the thickness of the left ventricle.

In the reading assignment about how to read a scientific article, which goal was emphasized in the text.

To become more efficient at reading scientific papers by learning where certain information is located.

After 6 weeks of running 1 mile per day, my resting heart rate has decreased. Which is the best statement to describe this change?

This is a chronic adaptation to exercise that may be related to an increased stroke volume

In the paper we examined about triathlon transitions (Gottschall and Palmer) the authors proposed a mechanism to explain how prior bicycling cadence might affect running performance. Which item below most accurately represents the authors suggestion?

Through perseveration the human body will involuntarily continue the rhythm of a preceding movment if it is performed for an extended period of time.

Even though there is no biological basis for different races, the social construct of race remains an important topic in health sciences research because there are huge racial differences in health.


You are the coach of a high school running program. You know the individual characteristics of your population and the epidemiology of the common injuries. Stress fractures in the tibia (shin) are common and you decide to learn more about this. In your study of this problem (an application) you encounter which of the fundamental laws about adaptation in the skeletal system?

Wollf's Law

A bundle of muscle fibers (muscle cells) contained within a sheath of connective tissue is called

a fascicle

On a multi-day expedition, who will lose more weight due to changes in metabolism?

acclimatized and trained non-Sherpa lowlanders

What is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels.


How is glucose stored in muscle?

as glycogen

Which energy system produces the greatest amount of ATP per molecule of substrate?

beta oxidative pathway

In the graph psychometric test results from the Navy Seal hell week study , what conclusions did the data support?

caffeine improved scores related to vigor and depression

Yesterday was your first day of a weightlifting program. Today you are really sore in the muscles you exercised and you notice that your urine is slightly brownish. What is the energy enzyme that is probably leaking out of damaged muscle cells into your bloodstream?

creatine kinase

Among the following, which provides ATP most quickly?

creatine phosphate

Usain Bolt ran the 100-meter dash in 9.68 seconds. Which of the option below provided most of the ATP he used?

creatine phosphate

In the PBS video about the marathon, the speaker discusses several pieces of information about why humans are well equipped for running. The majority of his support for this position comes from which discipline?

evolutionary biology

Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs?

left atrium

Which TWO chambers will contain oxygenated blood?

left atrium and left ventricle

For what reason involving the endocrine system would sleep loss impair strength gains? (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

less testosterone

Which soft tissue connects bone to bone.


this detects changes in muscle length

muscle spindle

You work in a sports medicine clinic with a variety of patients who need to recover their balance. Some have had a ankle sprains and others have had concussions. For each of them, you provide a set of exercises that they progress through over 4 weeks. Week 1: practice single leg stance Week 2: practice single leg stance with eye's closed Week 3: practice single leg stance while catching a ball Week 4: practice single leg stance on a wobbly surface while catching a ball What training principle was a applied?


According to Bloom's taxonomy, what educational goal is based on memorizing terminology and facts?


In the peer review process, 2 individuals recommend that a paper should be published after minor revisions and 1 individual recommends that the paper should be rejected due to severe flaws in the experiment. These individuals would be the _______________.


Recall the paper titled: Wired to run: exercise-induced endocannabinoid signaling in humans and cursorial mammals with implications for the ʻrunnerʼs highʼ. A critical thinker might wonder whether an increase in the circulating levels of ECBs in the blood after exercise means that they are also increased in the brain. How did the authors of this study address question?

They cited an animal study in which intravaneous injections of AEA caused an increase in brain levels of AEA.

Title: Biomechanics of cross-country ski racing (modified from Bilodeau et al., 1996) This study investigated the evolution of skiing velocity, cycle length, and cycle rate in elite and subelite skiers during cross-country ski races. Senior male cross-country skiers were videotaped as they skied two different 30 meter sections of a race; a 7 degrees uphill section and a flat section. Results demonstrated that faster skiers had longer cycle lengths than slower skiers. Cycle rate was not different between skiers of different performance levels. Decreased velocity observed during the second half of the race was almost entirely due to a decrease in cycle length. We conclude that slower athletes should emphasize extending cycle length during their technical training. Therefore, skiers should place an emphasis on strength and power training to increase their kick and pole pushes and enhance cycle length. A summary like this at the beginning of a paper is called the ________________.


Which neurotransmitter communicates excitation from nerve to muscle?


Which of the central themes of Exercise Science is best represented by the difference between the dotted line and the solid line in this figure? Note that 'absolute load' is exercise load and this means the total of training frequency, duration and intensity.

adaptive processes

In very long tests of endurance (8 hours), the more likely source of stored energy is.


Appalachian Trail Through Hikers spend several months each year hiking from Georgia to Maine. After this very long duration of exercise, what change below would be most likely?

an increase in lipoprotein lipase

Over the summer your friend switched to something called a Paleo diet. She says that she has more energy and that she has been able to lose weight without being hungry. She wants you to consider the Paleo diet. What type of evidence is this?


You are interested in losing some weight and your roommate has been trying to convince you to try the Keto diet for weight loss. This is a high fat low carbohydrate diet. They lost 15 pounds in 8 weeks after switching to Keto. You have also heard that there may be risks associated with the Keto diet and you wonder what happens to body weight (or metabolism) once a person stops the diet. You decide to look for better types of evidence to inform your decision. You disregard your roommate's experience in your decision making process because it is only ____________ evidence.


You learned some information about something called the 'Repeated Bout Effect'. You are training an athlete who is running a marathon that is downhill overall from start to finish and you know that this can cause serious muscle damage. You use your knowledge about the repeated bout effect to design a plan that will prevent severe muscle damage on race day, Which level of Blooms Taxonomy does this best represent?


Which of the following subdisciplines of exercise science is best aligned with the research paper about triathlon transition T2? The methods used in the study will give you a hint.


Recall the video about the Falls Lab and Perturbation Treadmill When you watched the video, you heard a discussion of "motion capture" and you saw what leading edge technology can do. You saw a camera system and reflective markers taped do different locations of the human body in both the upper and lower extremities. Recordings are converted to a stick figure or skeletal representation of the subject, from which positions, velocities and accelerations are calculated. What term below is describes this category of analysis?

biomechanics - kinematics

Where are red blood cells (RBC) made?

bone marrow

A researcher is interested in the effects of caffeine on reaction time. In an experiment, 20 research participants (subjects) are given beverages with different amounts of caffeine (dose) and reaction time is measured with a precise timing system. Which of the following is the independent variable in this study.

caffeine dose

Causes troponin/tropomyosin proteins to move and expose the myosin binding sites on actin


Muscle relaxation occurs when ________.

calcium ions are actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following nutrients is predominately responsible for providing energy during moderate to high intensity physical activity or exercise?


Breaking the high energy bond in ATP

causes myosin to let go of actin

Which of the following lists the stages of motor learning in the correct sequence from beginner to expert?

cognitive, associative, autonomous

Some research hypotheses are really hard to test in humans. For example, three major muscles cross the knee joint and produce force on the patellar tendon. We cannot really take the living human apart to directly measure how much force comes from each muscle. Which research approach below would be useful for learning about the contributions from individual muscles?

computer modeling

In the TED video: What makes muscles grow, what substances in the immune system contributes to muscle hypertrophy after resistance training?


Which of the following athletes tend to be more emotionally stable and introverted?


What aspect of balance is tested by a perturbation treadmill?

dynamic balance

Which type of exercise is most likely to cause muscle hypertrophy?


During the lowering phase of a bicep curl, the bicep muscle contraction is _________, and is this type of contraction can generate the ________amount of force.

eccentric, greatest

Which of the following items can help a person to manage their anxiety before performance.

experience mental imagery familiarization rituals preparation

this is the dominant sense organ for postural control in toddlers


Which of the following feedback schedules is intended to help the athlete develop their own sensation and awareness of motor errors?

fading knowledge of results

According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law (the inverted U), high levels of arousal indicate a problem with anxiety.


Chambers of the heart are filling during systole.


Consider the main finding of the ultraendurance race paper (Helge, 2007) as you answer this true/false question. It takes many thousands of years to activate metabolic genes.


Cutaneous sensation from the skin is the one sensory modality that does not contribute to our sense of position. Skin informs us about different aspects of touch and pain but not about movement.


In the Results section of a scientific paper you can expect the author to explain whether the hypothesis was supported by the study and how the new findings fit within the current understanding of the topic.


One study about slackline training for balance resulted in a reduction in medio-lateral sway while on the slackline that was due to and increase in reflex strength.


You are in a research study about motor unit firing rates. You produce an increase and then a decrease in isometric muscle force that resembles a triangle. Among the motor units recruited into this task, the LAST one to stop firing probably has the largest soma.


Which muscle fiber type has more anaerobic enzymes?

fast twitch fiber

Long continuous aerobic training (long slow distance -LSD) would improve which of the following the most?

fat metabolism

In the figure from a contextual interference study below, the three lines represent three different groups of skilled baseball players in three different batting practice conditions. The conditions are: a control group that does not have batting practice, a group that has blocked practice, and a group that has random practice. Based on what you know about this study from learning materials, and without the graph's legend, which symbols represent the group that used random practice?

filled squares

In the book chapter titled Physical Activity by Astrand and Rodahl, how much more food did they estimate would be needed for a person who is working (or exercising) at maximal capacity, compared to at rest?

four times as much food

Which of the following substrates is used in glycolysis to make ATP? Correct!


Which of the following sense organs detects tension in the muscle-tendon unit?

golgi tendon organ

this detects muscle force

golgi tendon organ

What is the name of the cell in the vestibular apparatus that detects accelerations of the head?

hair cell

the movement of endolymph activates this

hair cell

If you are a mellow/calm person but are terribly stressed about your next exam you

have high state anxiety and low trait anxiety

Carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide poisoning affect which of the following?


In our flipped classroom approach to teaching/learning, where in our weekly schedule do we reinforce foundational knowledge by thinking about it within applications?

in-person lectures

Select the adaptation that was observed in both the NMES Murine Model video and the paper we discussed about the UltraEndurance race.

increase in capillaries

Tyler Hamilton, a professional cyclist, and teammate of Lance Armstrong on US Postal cheated by using a substance called erythropoietin (EPO). What did this do?

increased hematocrit

In the TED video: What makes muscles grow, what other growth factor related to the endocrine system contributes to muscle hypertrophy after resistance training?

insulin-like growth factor (IGF)

The supplemental motor area

is active during the mental rehearsal of complex movements.

The type of muscular contraction in which there is no change in muscle length.


You are able to grasp and lift an object without continually watching both your hand and the object. For this high quality control, you are utilizing.


Which category of biomechanical analysis will involve the use of a force plate?


Perhaps you are sitting in a chair with good posture. Select two terms from the list that describe this position. Your lower extremity joints are in the positions of ....

knee flexion hip flexion

What positions are shown in the figure?

knee flexion hip flexion

Lactate made by producers like the fast twitch fibers is transferred to consumers such as slow twitch fibers or through the blood supply to organs (brain, liver, kidney and heart) that can use lactate as a fuel. What is this process called?

lactate shuttle

If you began training for a really long ultra-distance race (a 24-30 hour event like the 100-mile Western States Ultra Trail Marathon), which enzyme would want to increase the most for this event.

lipoprotein lipase

Which of the following is the best interpretation of hypobaric hypoxia?

low oxygen levels due to lower atmospheric pressure

Early studies demonstrated that living at high altitude can improve performance in endurance events like running. The researchers then wanted to learn the reason why this would happen. They hypothesized an increased number of red blood cells. What term best describes this type of research?


You are playing soccer. You are running straight ahead and then cut sharply to the left to get away from a defender. In what direction were your cutting forces directed?


Which term below is the set of chemical reactions that provide energy to sustain life?


Psychometric tests suggest that in volleyball, rugby and handball, attacking players are

more emotionally variable and extroverted than defensive players

What technique below is often involved in studying the enzymatic energy profile of muscle?

muscle biopsy

In the video about the Falls Lab and Perturbation Treadmill you saw a person who was standing upright on the treadmill. The treadmill was suddenly turned on so that the researchers could analyze the subject's first step. When this happened, the subject's foot quickly moved in the posterior direction and this stretched the calf muscle. Which sensory organ detects this abrupt stretch?

muscle spindle

What physiological system does the Achilles tendon belong to? No naming strategy is perfect. For example, bone marrow is where red blood cells are made but bone is not considered part of the cardiovascular system. In our class, we have named the main physiological systems that we will focus on throughout the semester. However, we might need to modify or combine them at times. Tendon is a tissue that connects muscles to bones. Among the modified system names below, where would you categorize the Achilles tendon?


Protein that carries oxygen in muscle


The protein molecule that does the mechanical work in muscle contraction is


The rate of cross bridge cycling is one of the things that determines peak power. What is the mechanistic basis of this rate at the protein/molecular level?

myosin heavy chain isoform

Which of the following groups of people show the biggest benefits of beetroot juice supplementation?

people with abnormally low levels of nitric oxide (NO)

While you are walking you might slip, trip, or get hit by a ball. Each of these events will disrupt your 'motor program' for walking and your nervous system has functions that will help you stay balanced. What are these events called? This relates to the paper "Improvement of anticipatory postural adjustments for balance control:Effect of a single training session" and to the video about the Falls lab at UD.


You work in a sports medicine clinic with a variety of patients who need to recover their balance. Some have had a ankle sprains and others have had concussions. Which of the following exercises would increase the dependence on the vestibular apparatus the most?

practice single leg stance with eye's closed

A 24 week Tai Chi program improved the ability to detect passive motion of the knee and ankle joints in older women. This is an improvement in _______________.


Specialized structures that detect information about the position of the body and its movement.


In the College of Health Sciences (CHS), we commit to structure the entire curricula to include diverse perspectives, experiences, and histories and employ teaching strategies that promote intellectual engagement, social skills, empathy, and racial understanding, to prepared students for success in a diverse and global workplace. Which of following is most related to this week's instruction about the Himalayan Sherpa and Sickle Cell Disease?

racial understanding

I am facing a training partner and we are throwing a weighted ball back and forth to each other. When she throws it to me I catch it and take a backwards step so that I do not fall over. Complete the matching exercise below. In which plane did I move? In what direction did I step?

saggital, posterior

The unit of muscle between two z-lines that contains the contractile proteins


In table 1 from the chapter on Physical Activity, organs were grouped as either locomotor organs or service organs. According to this organizational scheme, how would you categorize the heart?

service organs

What do we know about how the timing of sleep affects the learning of new material? (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

sleep is critical before and after learning new material

What mechanism did Dr. Walker focus on as important in good quality sleep? (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

sleep spindles in deep sleep brainwaves

Which of the following is an example of closed loop control?

slowing down during a running race because you feel like you started to fast and you want to be able to finish

Consider the paper "Improvement of anticipatory postural adjustments for balance control: Effect of a single training session". Which of the following would be considered an anticipatory postural adjustment (APA)?

-Activating your postural muscles before you catch a heavy medicine ball. -Activating your postural muscles before you take a high velocity slapshot in hockey.

Emotion, startle and knee joint stiffness. Dr. Swanik at UD studies neurocognitive factors related to injury. In one experiment, knee joint stiffness was measured by a machine that produces very fast knee flexion in human subjects while they are sitting at rest. When the motor causes this knee flexion movement, a force sensor measures how much stiffness (resistance to movement) there is at the knee joint. To modify the subject's emotions, in the 100 milliseconds before the rapid knee extension event, the subjects are shown a picture that is either neutral, fearful, or shows a knee injury. The data below are from measures of electroencephlography (EEG, "brain waves"). Larger negative values indicate increasing attention or mental effort. Select the correct responses about this graph and the research scenario below.

-In the context of this study, showing different images might modify the person's state. -In the parietal lobe, images that show a knee injury caused the biggest increase in attention and mental effort, compared to neutral images.

Title: Biomechanics of cross-country ski racing (modified from Bilodeau et al., 1996) This study investigated the evolution of skiing velocity, cycle length, and cycle rate in elite and subelite skiers during cross-country ski races. Senior male cross-country skiers were videotaped as they skied two different 30 meter sections of a race; a 7 degrees uphill section and a flat section. Results demonstrated that faster skiers had longer cycle lengths than slower skiers. Cycle rate was not different between skiers of different performance levels. Decreased velocity observed during the second half of the race was almost entirely due to a decrease in cycle length. We conclude that slower athletes should emphasize extending cycle length during their technical training. Therefore, skiers should place an emphasis on strength and power training to increase their propulsive kick forces and pole pushes and enhance cycle length. Think about the findings of the triathlon transition study compared to the findings of this study. In cross country skiing, a "cycle" is equivalent to a "stride" in running. Select the statements below that are true about the two studies.

-In the cross country skiing study, the faster athletes had longer cycle length. -The practical suggestion in the cross country ski paper was to train the kinetics in order to improve the kinematics. -Both studies used motion capture technology to obtain kinematic measures.

The figure below is from Gottschall & Palmer (2002). Select the correct interpretations of the figure below. Be sure that your interpretations are only based on the data in the figure shown. The * in the figure mark statistically significant differences.

-In the first four laps, stride frequency changed the most in the fast condition. -The fast condition resulted in higher stride frequency and the slow condition resulted in lower stride frequency, compared to control cycling cadence. -The differences between conditions was statistically significant.

Below are the results of a study that compared speed skating in Conventional skates vs. Klap skates. Select the true statements below based on these results and how they compare to results in the triathlon transition study (Gottschall & Palmer). Strokes in speed skating are like strides in running. Stars indicate statistically significant differences.

-In the table above, the independent variable is skate type. -Klap skates and the high cadence condition in the triathlon study both increased velocity in similar ways.

Below are the results of a study that compared speed skating in Conventional skates vs. Klap skates. Select the true statements below based on these results and how they compare to results in the triathlon transition study (Gottschall & Palmer).

-Klap skates and the high cadence condition in the triathlon study both increased velocity in similar ways. -in the table above, the independent variable is skate type.

We discussed a paper about specific aspects of balance control in class. It involved healthy young adults. In a follow up study, the same research team trained a sample of people who have had a stroke. The exercise was throwing and catching a medicine ball. Electrodes were taped to the skin over several muscles of interest to record muscle activity. The graph below show the results from the study and Time 0 is when the ball was caught by the subjects. The control group was a sample of healthy people who were the same age as the people in the stroke group. NES (erector spinae) and NRA (rectus abdominus) are muscles that stabilize your trunk (or core). Select the correct statements about these results below.

-Practice with the medicine ball improved anticipatory postural adjustments in the stroke group. -These are data from electromyography. -Before practice, people in the stroke group were activating trunk stabilizers after catching the ball.

Which of the following are the characteristics of sickle cell disease?

-Sickle cells die early, which causes a constant shortage of red blood cells. -Sickle cells can get stuck in small blood vessels and block the flow of blood and oxygen to organs in the body. These blockages cause repeated episodes of severe pain, organ damage, serious infections, or even stroke. -In SCD, the red blood cells become hard and sticky and look like a C-shaped farm tool called a "sickle".

Mark the two recommendations to improve sleep that Dr. Walker considered most important. (TED: Sleep as a superpower)

-Sleep in a cooler room. -Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Select all the true statements about erythropoetin (EPO).

-Stimulates the production of red blood cells -EPO is a hormone -Is released by the kidney and acts on the bone marrow

The figure below is from Gottschall & Palmer (2002). Select the correct interpretations of the figure below. Be sure that your interpretations are only based on the data in the figure shown.

-The difference between the fast and slow conditions was approximately .5 m/s. -Throughout the 16 laps of running, when the triatletes started at a high speed, the were able to maintain a high speed to the finish.

In the paper that compared sprint interval training to traditional endurance training, which of the following effects of training was observed?

-The endurance training group had an increase in citrate synthase activity. -The sprint interval training group had an increase in citrate synthase activity

In figure 2a of the ultraendurance race paper (Helge, 2007), what happened to the exctracellular glucose levels in subject three during the period of time when they were nauseous (upset stomach) can could not eat food?

-The glucose level dropped from a peak of around 6-7 units to about 3 units. -Extracellular glucose dropped to a level that was much lower than that of Subject 6, who was able to eat food during the same period of time.

The figures below are from Gottschall & Palmer (2002). Select the correct interpretations of the figures below.

-The independent variable is the same in the two graphs. -If we multiply a stride length of 3 m/stride by a stride frequency of 1.5 stride/s we will get a running speed of 4.5 m/s. -Knowing these two dependent variables would allow a person to make a conclusion about running speed.

In one study that we discussed, Navy Seals were given caffeine during their Hell Week. In a four-choice reaction time task, four measurements were analyzed. Which two measures below had the best improvements with caffeine.

-premature errors -time-out erros

Select the two conditions below that contribute to hamstring injuries while sprinting.

-the z-lines (or z-disks) are far apart -eccentric muscle contraction

In order manipulate your own level of arousal for optimal performance, you must understand

-when you are outside of the optimal range -your own arousal profile and at what level of arousal is your performance best -methods you can use to modify your arousal up or down

If a homework assignment is too easy, which of the following statements would be true.

-you are practicing below your challenge point -homework performance will be high -the amount of learning will be low

Once an action potential arrives at the neuromuscular junction, there is a sequence of events that result in muscle contraction. Place these events in the correct numerical sequence.

1. acetylcholine is released 2. action potentials travel down t-tubules to the inner regions of muscle fibers 3. calcium is released 4. the binding sites for myosin heads are exposed 5. cross bridges form

Which image below provides the more accurate representation of the musculoskeletal system? Be sure to read the words carefully.


Consider the mechanical properties of muscle. Which two letters above mark locations where muscle force is the greatest.

A and F

Sleep loss and overtraining have which of the following in common?

A reduction in growth factors or anabolic hormones.

In the research paper that compared sprint interval training to endurance (continuous) training, Figure 1 supports what interesting finding about both types of training?

After training, the body uses more fat and less carbohydrate during continuous exercise at 65% of a maximum exercise intensity.

Which of the following is Wolff's law?

Bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed. If loading on a particular bone increases, the bone will remodel itself over time to become stronger to resist that sort of loading. The inverse is true as well: if the loading on a bone decreases, the bone will become less dense and weaker due to the lack of the stimulus required for continued remodeling.

What statement below is best supported by the results in the graph below?

Both groups used less phosphocreatine during this bike test after training, compared to before training.

Select the TRUE statement about energy processes in the mitochondria.

Energy processes in the mitochondria are relatively slow but provide a lot of ATP.

Which of the following types of electrical stimulation needs to specify the timing of muscle stimulation in a way that produces a useful activity of daily living?

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Consider the equation below and select the correct statement about the kinematics of running. running speed = stride frequency X stride length.

If stride frequency increases, running speed can stay the same if the runner decreases their stride length.

At this point in the semester we might be feeling increased tension, fatigue and confusion . If this is true what would we say about our profile of mood states.

It is a bit flat.

A knowledge of geography can be quite relevant in health sciences. You might also benefit from an elective in entymology (the study of insects). Look at Africa in the image below. Why is there a clear horizontal line above which the origin of sickle cell disease ends (it is orange)? What do you know about North Africa? Hint: look up a map of the Sahara desert. Also consider the definition of a vector (from the CDC): Some mosquitoes can be vectors. A vector is an animal, insect, or tick that spreads pathogens (germs) to people and animals. The germs (viruses and parasites) that mosquitoes spread can make you sick. What else do we know? Some mosquitoes like living near people, while others prefer forests, marshes, or tall grasses. All mosquitoes like water because mosquito larvae and pupae (Links to an external site.) live in the water with little or no flow.

Mosquito poulations in the Sahara desert are quite low because of the dry climate. Therefore, there was no slective pressure of malaria causing people from the northern part of Africa (Saharan) to keep the sickle cell gene.

The title of a 2016 paper by Shimizu and others is "Low-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction improves vascular endothelial function and peripheral blood circulation in healthy elderly people". Resistance training is recommended for older adults to maintain their mobility and health. However, some older adults cannot safely train with heavy overload (high intensity). Blood flow restriction (BFR) training uses devices like blood pressure cuffs to block the blood supply to exercising muscles. This causes hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions that increase the training stimulus. With BFR, the older adults can lift lighter weights and experience meaningful improvements in strength and other aspects of health. The table below shows data from this study before and after a single exercise session in a Non-BFR group and in a BFR group. In the table below, which dependent variable is the most likely mechanism that resulted in improved peripheral blood circulation?

systolic blood pressure (SDP)

Along which structure do action potentials travel to inner regions of the muscle cell?


In the paper that compared sprint interval training to traditional endurance training the authors stated that there may have been benefits of endurance training that were not measured in their study. You decide to do a follow-up study to investigate other possible benefits of endurance training. Which of the following three measures, would be most likely to benefit from the endurance training?

the amount of lipoprotein lipase

You want to improve the information processing rates of players on your flag football team. You find software that shows them segments of game film where they are asked to point as quickly as possible to the receiver in the best scoring position. You show the film at normal speed and then at 1.5X the normal speed (faster). Some team members who are great athletes but have no experience with football are really bad at this drill and not getting better. You think you might have a practice problem related to...

the challenge point

In the Tale of Two Cyclists, which athlete likely has the most lipoprotein lipase?

the cyclist who won the Race Across America

In the peer-review process, who decides whether a paper will be published?

the editor

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulates which of the following.

the growth of new capillaries

In the paper about triathlon transitions, which of the following best categorizes the dependent variables?

the kinematics of running

In KAAP180, what feature of the Canvas site places the current module's learning objectives and activities in a meaningful context (often called a 'Great Thing') and provides the learning materials and activities within the schedule for that week?

the module's overview page

Select the true statements about the image below.

the position of the left has less knee flexion

It is known that a reduced quality of sleep occurs with aging and that this is associated with memory problems, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. What is the link between high quality deep sleep and learning or memory function?

the presence of sleep spindles in brain waves

In the patellar tendon tap reflex, the stimulus that causes contraction of quadriceps muscles is

the quick strep of the quadriceps muscle

One of the mechanisms through which higher physical activity levels can enhance learning is through the release of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).


Sherpa have higher levels of nitric oxide compared to non-Sherpa lowlanders.


The difference between 6 and 8 hours of sleep is large enough to cause health problems. (TED: Sleep as a superpower)


The link between loss of sleep and cancer is so strong that the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified any form of nighttime shift work as a possible carcinogen. (TED: Sleep as a superpower)


The right amount of physical activity (moderate amount and intensity) can help your immune system to fight illness.


The sickle-shaped red blood cells, although a cause of anemia, were protective against the mosquito-borne disease called malaria.


This course is designed so that knowledge that is gained early in the week can be applied to problems of interest later in the week (Wednesday and Friday) during lecture. Therefore, your learning will be most effective when you review all asynchronous learning materials before the lectures.


Today, the discipline of exercise science (or kinesiology) is not focused solely on peak athletic performance. Rather, it examines the function of the human body throughout the lifespan and in response to varying levels of physical activity, specific exercise training practices and different modalities of physical rehabilitation or injury/disease prevention. By studying peak performance and training practices, we can gain knowledge that is applicable to clinical conditions.


When we discussed the marathon, we worked on the ability to classify physiologic functions based on either the main physiological system involved, or by the most relevant subdiscipline of exercise science. With open book knowledge quizzes and application quizzes, you will need the ability to locate, information from an increasingly large body of knowledge throughout the semester. What level of Bloom's Taxonomy includes these two abilities?


Which process requires more oxygen?

using fats for energy

During exercise, the body allows greater flow of blood to working muscles by...


Through what mechanism is beetroot juice thought to improve endurance performance?


Which of the following processes would deliver more blood to a tissue?


In CHAPTER ONE - PHYSICAL ACTIVITY from Astrand and Rodahl (1977) the authors describe the evolution of the human body for mobility beginning with single celled organisms and finishing with our organ systems. What term below best represents this scheme of organization?

vertical integration

Sometimes we we think about physiology at different levels that range from small to large in scale. From molecules to cells, to tissues, to organs, to systems. What is this organizational scheme called?

vertical integration

this might be impaired if you have a head cold or ear infection

vestibular apparatus

When I promote exercise for people with Parkinson's disease, I like to show a video in which one of our research participants named Bob tells his success story with exercise. He is 74 years old and has Parkinson's disease. Which aspect of self efficacy theory does this strategy follow?

vicarious experience

Results from the profile of mood sates inventory (POMS) indicate that world class athletes, who are not overtrained, have an iceberg profile in which...

vigor is above the population average

Which measurement below is is better for predicting a hockey player's performance during 30-45 seconds of intense play ?

wingate test

Due to rising gas prices you begin riding a bicycle to class. There is one hill and you decide to time yourself on the hill each day. After only one week you have reduced your time to climb the hill by 12 seconds. Which statement about mechanical energy is correct?

you increased power

Your progressive overload training has been going well. You started with an inclined treadmill walking program with 12 miles per week and and you are now running that same weekly distance (still inclined) at about 6.2 miles per hour. You were tested with a metabolic cart before your training began and again after 6 weeks. You were tested on a stationary bike at the same submaximal exercise intensity at both visits (150 Watts). Which statement below best matches your expectations about your respiratory exchange ratio (RER) results

your RER decreased from .84 to .74

In the paper about triathlon transitions, the methods and the interpretation of findings can be best-aligned with two subdisciplines of exercise science. Select the two subdisciplines below.

-motor behavior (motor control, motor learning, motor development) -biomechanics

During the acute response to exercise, cardiac output increases due to both increases in heart rate and increases in stroke volume.


In the video that used the animal model to study electrical stimulation, neuromuscular electrical stimulation improved both muscle strength and the blood supply to muscle.


Learning to Learn (L2L) is one of the learning objectives stated on our syllabus.


Emotion, startle and knee joint stiffness. Dr. Swanik at UD studies neurocognitive factors related to injury. In one experiment, knee joint stiffness was measured by a machine that produces very fast knee flexion in human subjects while they are sitting at rest. When the motor causes this knee flexion movement, a force sensor measures how much stiffness (resistance to movement) there is at the knee joint. This very fast and brief movement can also be measured immediately after a subject is startled by a very loud and unexpected noise. The control subjects in this study have uninjured knees. The ACLR subjects in this study tore their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and have had reconstruction surgery. To modify the subject's emotions, in the 100 milliseconds before the rapid knee extension and startle /non-startle event, the subjects are shown a picture that is either neutral, fearful, or shows a knee injury. Select the correct responses about this graph and the research scenario below.

-The rapid knee flexion would activate muscle spindles in a stretch reflex response. -Startle increases knee stiffness compared to non-startle. -In the ACLR group, the lowest knee stiffness occurred when in the non-startle condition.

The image below is the result of a survey that asks about how a person feels in 6 different domains listed along the x-axis. These are real data from medical doctors. The lines marked as 'pre' (solid) and 'post' (dashed) represent results of the survey before and after a 24-hour shift of being on-call (assume significant sleep loss). These data were collected to improve performance of staff based on 1) reducing medical errors and 2) improving doctor-patient interactions. Select the items below that correctly interpret the results.

-These data suggest a greater risk of medical errors during long "on-call" shifts. -The pattern of change resembles that seen with overtraining in athletes

Based on key paragraphs in a paper about creatine supplementation in vegetarian athletes, which of the following statements are true.

-When supplemented with creatine, vegetarians had greater gains in muscle strength compared to omnivores. -Data indicates that creatine supplementation might be most beneficial for athletes with low pre-existing muscle creatine stores.

Sherpa people can produce more power at high altitude than trained non-Sherpa lowlanders. Select the two correct reasons for this from the list below. Sherpa have...

-bigger lungs -more capillaries in their muscles

In the image below, notice the cap that has sensors to measure brain waves (electroencephlography, ECG) and the pair of force plates. Not visible are sensors that record heart rate and breathing rate. Athletes in the sport of winter biathlon practice mental/psychological strategies (these are skills) to reach a state of calm before squeezing the trigger. This state of calm may modify their heart rate, breathing and postural sway (steadiness) and improve their motor performance. Select all the subdisciplines that are represented in this examination of elite sport performance. Image is from Laaksonen et al., 2018.

-biomechanics -exercise physiology -motor behavior -sports and exercise psychology

Consider the paper "Improvement of anticipatory postural adjustments for balance control: Effect of a single training session". What research method or methods are shown in their figure 1?

-biomechanics: kinetics -biomechanics: kinematics -electromyography

Think about the condition of rhabdomyolysis from the systems perspective and the systems that are most severely affected. Select three terms below that are most related to this condition.

-cardiovascular system -renal system -muscle system

Professional cycling has had much difficulty with cheating. Athletes and team doctors have discovered a variety of unnatural and illegal ways to improve sport performance. Cycling is highly aerobic which means oxygen is required to produce energy. If you have more red blood cells, you can carry more oxygen to working muscles. There are two methods of illegal blood doping to increase the number of red blood cells. 1. A few weeks before competition you would have some blood removed into a into a bag like when people give blood. You freeze the blood. Your body will pretty quickly replace the blood to normal levels. Before the race, you thaw and re infuse the blood. Now you (the athlete) have more than normal amounts of red blood cells. You can now carry more oxygen to yoru working muscles and have an unfair advantage. 2. You can also inject a hormone called erythropoetin (EPO) to stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. What two physiological systems are involved in method number 2.

-endocrine -cardiovascular

In their chapter on physical activity, Astrand and Rodahl stated that "During exercise, many of the hormone-producing glands are involved in the regulation of metabolic and circulatory functions." Select the three physiological systems below that are best aligned with this statement.

-energy -cardiovascular -endocrine

In the PBS video about Marathon, there was a section about Hitting the Wall. What two physiological systems were most involved in this condition?

-energy -nervous

You are interested in the effects of anxiety on injury rates in competitive sports. Which two subdisciplines are most likely to provide the information that you are looking for?

-exercise and sport psychology -athletic training/sports medicine

A field hockey player has a concussion. After a few weeks of recovery, her balance and reaction time are still not good. Select two subdisciplines below that are most likely to provide useful information about this problem.

-motor behavior -athletic training

In the image below, notice the cap that has sensors to measure brain waves (electroencephlography, ECG) and the pair of force plates. Not visible are sensors that record heart rate and breathing rate. Athletes in the sport of winter biathlon practice mental/psychological strategies (these are skills) to reach a state of calm before squeezing the trigger. Assume that this is part of the research shown. This calm may modify their heart rate, breathing and postural sway (steadiness) and improve their motor performance. Select all the subdisciplines that are represented in this examination of elite sport performance. Image is from Laaksonen et al., 2018.

-motor behavior -sports and exercise psychology -biomechanics -exercise physiology

Hebb's rule (or Hebb's law) is a foundational theory that related to psychology motor learning and neuroscience. You may find different versions of the rule, but it states something like this: "When one cell repeatedly assists in firing another, the axon of the first cell develops synaptic knobs (or enlarges them if they already exist) in contact with the soma of the second cell." Some have simplified the principle further to say that "cells that fire together wire together." And, related to this, the formation of new synapses is called synaptogenesis.


If ATP is not available, the myosin head will not let go of actin.


You have now seen more than one video featuring a bicyclist named Forsterman who specializes in track sprinting. He clearly does a lot of lifting (squats, leg press) and has very large quadriceps muscles. If he did not include the short bouts of very high speed speed cycling in his workout, what training principle would you say is being neglected?


A sport psychologist examined your POMS results over the course of a competitive season. A flattening of the profile would indicate ...

staleness / overtraining

Imagery involves using all the senses to create or re-create an experience in the mind. According to ___________________ theory, imagery helps the brain to make a blueprint of the movement sequence without actually sending any messages to the muscles.

symbolic learning

Which component of blood pressure measurement is the pressure during the contraction of the heart?


In the paper that compared sprint interval training to traditional endurance training, the sprint interval training group improved their aerobic capacity.


Which sensory receptor or sensory apparatus contains fluid that moves when we accelerate our bodies?

the vestibular apparatus

You and a friend decide to train your fitness for the upcoming intramural basketball season. You decide to focus on improving your anaerobic glycolysis system so that you can maintain 30-45 second bouts of higher intensity effort with a little more power and stamina. Which test below would be most appropriate for monitoring your training effect?

the wingate test

You are a multi-sport athlete (you participate in all the intramural sports you can manage). Your training goal is to improve your anaerobic power for high intensity bouts of activity in team sports. You turn this into a mini research project and find 3 friends to join you in a training program that involves interval training (sprinting up the football stadium steps). Which of the following fitness tests below is the best match for evaluating your progress towards your goal?

the wingate test

What protein complex is moved out of the way by the release of calcium to allow the formation of cross bridges between actin and myosin?


A myocardial infarction (heart attack) can be caused by a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle.


Based on the graph below, one could conclude that prior bicycling cadence can affect stance time immediately after the transition but this affect will wear off as the run progresses.


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Organization of Nervous System and the Spinal Cord

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