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2. Amateur athletes are vulnerable to being exploited by the governing bodies or sports organizations that control amateur sports. In intercollegiate athletics, the idea of amateurism has been defined in ways that allow for governing bodies/sport organizations to control almost all of the revenue generated from the labor of athletes. Discuss the origins of amateurism in sport. Discuss three ways governing bodies or sports organizations benefit from how amateurism is defined in intercollegiate athletics. How do we as a society treat athletes for pushing back on sports organizations in order to increase the benefits they receive for their labor?

Amateur athletes are called "amateur" because if they were called professional they would have to be paid. Governing bodies or sports organizations benefit from how amateurism is defined in intercollegiate athletics because they make money off the athletes skills. Athletes bring in money from ticket sales, tv, marketing, and so much more, but they do not receive payment for the money they bring in. Sports organizations benefit because they don't have to paid. They also don't have to pay their medical bills due to sports injury after they are no longer athletes. Sports organizations also benefit because their athletes are their advertisement. They just play the sport they love and it brings in revenue. As a society, we often treat athletes poorly when they push back on sports organizations in order to increase the benefits they receive for their labor. Athletes do receive a free education and often free team clothing and meals. What many don't realize is that many athletes cant afford anything outside of that they are given as a team. Many cant purchase clothing or groceries if they aren't given to the team. Athletes are often struggling to purchase basic necessities because they don't have time for a job; their sport is their job. Society does treat athletes poorly when they ask for more benefits, but they should consider the whole picture.

All of the following are true about the privatization of youth sports Except? often repreduces segregation in society occurs when public programs are cut frequently reproduces economic and ethnic inequality are commonly in middle and upper-class areas Are held accountable in simular ways as public sport programs

Are held accountable in simular ways as public sport programs

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of power and performance sports?

Avoiding technology that might improve performance.

Girls and women in low-income households

often face the greatest constraints to sport participation

Social class relations are related to sports and sport participation because

organized sports depend on material resources.

Parental involvement in and concern about youth sports have increased because

parental moral worth is now associated with the success of children.

A negative consequences of the expectation that parents are responsible for the supervision of their children 24-hours a day, 7-days a week is that

parents without resources may be defined as irresponsible.

The sport ethic becomes a source of dangerous deviance in sports when

people in sports don't set boundaries to limit overconformity to the ethic.

When sociologists say that sports are "contested activities," they mean that

people may struggle over what sports are and who should play them.

An emphasis on the performance ethic is most likely in programs sponsored by

private commercial clubs.

When tax money is used to build sport stadiums and arenas for professional teams, one of the main results is that

public money is transferred to wealthy individuals and corporations.

Male athletes from poor and working class households often use sport participation as a means of obtaining

respect and a foundation for their identities.

When media are privately owned, their major interest is profit-making; when media are controlled and operated by the state, their major interest is

shaping values and providing a public service.

A minority as used in the chapter refers to a socially identified population that

shares a sense of unity and suffers disadvantages due to discrimination.

When changes in the legal status of athletes allow them to become "free agents," this means that the athletes may

sign a contract with the team that offers them the best deal.

Sociology helps us examine

social life in context.

Different sponsors of youth sport programs have different goals. The programs that are most likely to be inclusive and emphasize overall participation are those

sponsored by public, tax-supported community recreation organizations.

Which of the following is a component of bias


Many active athletes avoid seeking out mental health professionals largely due to ____________


Which of the following best defines social stratification?

structured forms of economic inequalities that are part of the organization of everyday life.

Owners of teams in men's spectator sports in the U.S. often receive public assistance in the form of

tax breaks and subsidies related to the use of facilities.

Under adult controlled sports youth athletes have experiences that cultivate

teamwork and obedience to coaches

Class ideology in the United States is organized around

the American Dream and a belief in meritocracy.

When sport leagues and team owner become monopsonies it means that they are

the only buyer of athlete labor.

It is difficult to develop a single definition of sports because

the organization and meaning of sports vary by culture.

As youth sports have become increasingly organized around the achievement of performance goals,

the play element of sports have been overlooked.

The financial success of commercial sports today depend heavily on

the rights fees paid by television companies to broadcast sport content.

An absolutist approach to deviance in sports is based on the assumption that

unchanging moral truths are the foundation for all norms.

When two college lacrosse players turn their back to the U.S. flag during the playing of the national anthem, they

violate an informal norm.

When a basketball player dribbles the ball out of bounds during a game, she has

violated a formal norm.

When a soccer player dribbles the ball out of bounds during a game, she has

violated a formal norm.

The author uses the term "social world" to refer to a

way of life and mindset that people develop in a particular setting.

Media coverage usually concludes that deviance in sports is the result of

weak character and greed.

When researchers use cultural theories and a poststructuralist approach to study community-based socialization processes, they focus on

whose stories about sports become dominant in a culture.

Which of the following make up a unique set of pressures that athletes face?

winning scoring goals media scrutiny high expectations from adoring fans

men are more naturally suited to possess power and be leaders than women are. women are destined by fate to be inferior to men in family structures. human beings are either male or female in terms of sex. forms of sexuality other than heterosexuality is considered abnormal or deviant

women are destined by fate to be inferior to men in family structures.

How has what we've learned in class so far changed or reaffirmed how you view the role of sport in society?

Before this last video lecture, I did not see any problem with parents putting their children into sports at a young age. Now with the knowledge that I have gained so far in this course, I see that children's minds are not yet developed enough to understand playing as a unity. I have also learned that children's body's are not developed enough to endure hard hits from sports such as football and hockey until around 8th grade. This class has changed how I view the role of sport in society because I now see that parents putting their children in sports so young are not for the benefit of the child. Parents use childhood sports for their own benefit because it makes them feel like better parents and want their kid to win instead of learn the basics. I also now see how people use college level and higher sports as strictly entertainment and do not think of the athletes as people. Society now uses sport as a way to take the fun out of it and make it strictly about winning or entertaining.

In the film, Mind/Game, Charmiqa Holsclaw suffered from

Bi Polar Disorder

______ is the extent to which a disability is transient or permanent.


Which of the following are considered large scale disability events?

Deaflympics Paralympic Games Special Olympics

Which of the following is NOT provided by the media?


________________ fans insulting players with bigoted slurs.

Direct racism

Which of the following best describes the element of bias that operates with in the behavioral domain of bias?


_____________ is the degree to which disability influences socal interactions or communications among people.


Which of the following experiences do athletes with disabilities competing in sport?

Exclusion condeseding and trivializing media coverage that focus on obstacles overcome rather than their athletic abilities. Little media attention

In your opinion, does saying "person with a disability" recognize that the person is an individual first while taking focus off the disability? If yes, why do you feel this approach is important? If not, why do you feel that it does not?

I do think that the term "person with a disability" recognizes that the person is an individual first while taking the focus off the disability because it first establishes that they are a person and it takes some focus off of the disability. It emphasizes the fact that they are a person and that they are not defined by he disability.

According to our lecture, which of the following is at the foundation of American class ideology?


1. Grounding your response in our lectures and the youth sport chapter, what role has neoliberalism played in the way youth sports have changed in America? Use examples from our readings and/or the youth sport films to help you make your case.

Neoliberalism normally prefers having privatization and a free- market capitalist society. In the last few years, private competitive leagues have gained popularity over publicly funded leagues in youth sports. Private sports are very expensive which doesn't really allow for lower class kids to participate since their families can't afford it. Private sports focus more on beating the competition than playing for fun. The book describes that the growing popularity of private competitive sports is due to the evolving perspective of family and childhood in neoliberal societies. Material things and individualism are valued most highly in neoliberal societies. The reason for this being that it is more common now that both parents in the household hold jobs and therefore bring in more income resulting in a want for organized programs for adults. Parents will pay for their kids to participate in private programs so that they will be successful because they think that their children's success is a reflection of them. If their child is on a winning team, then they are a successful parent.

______ interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to classify human beings in categories assumed to be biological and related to attributes such as intelligence, temperament, and physical abilities Racism Race Logic Stacking

None of the above

______ is the degree to which a person is seen as responsible for her/his disability.


Becoming involved and staying involved in sports is grounded in a series of processes. Which of the following is NOT one of those processes?

Personality revisions.

__________ operate with in the affective domain. It also includes a differential evaluation of a group or an individual based on her or his group membership


(Links to an external site.)Based on the link above, Harry helps us to understand the ways in which unconscious bias happens. Based on our discussion of Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, we can describe Harry as a_____________________


Social class is determined by all of the following EXCEPT Social Connections Wealth Social Acceptance Occupation Income

Social Acceptance

According to the lecture, one of the things that keep student-athletes from speaking up about seeking help for their mental health is ______.


Which of the following is NOT one of the widely used arguments made to justify stadium subsidies and other forms of public support for professional sport teams?

Team owners regularly share their profits with city governments.

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a concern among sociologists who study sports?

The motivation and personalities of athletes.

Based on our class discussions and your textbook, how has privatization impacted youth sport (K-12) ? Do you believe that this move toward the privatization will increase instances of deviant overconformity in youth sport? If not why? If yes, why? Use examples to support your answers.

The move towards privatization will increase instances of deviant over conformity in youth sport because lower class students can't afford to to participate and the students that can financially withstand the cost of sports will be pushed to over practice, and focus only on the game. These students will be encouraged to make sport their top priority and to stop at nothing to become the best. Playing year round is common because the students are expected to work hard to improve as much as possible because they are under a lot of pressure to become the best. The popularity increase of private ports teams takes the fun out of the game and changes the focus to winning. deviant over conformity in youth sport because lower class students can't afford to to participate and the students that can financially withstand the cost of sports will be pushed to over practice, and focus only on the game. NOTE: the same could be true for less talented affluent kids. Just something to think about.

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be studied by someone in the sociology of sport? The relationship between sports and religion. The ways that sports are included into social life. The forms and meanings of sports from one group to another. The physical demands associated with individual and team sports.

The physical demands associated with individual and team sports.

Which of the following is most likely to be emphasized in commercial sports?

The style and excitement of movement by athletes.

Which of the following is NOT true about norms?

They differ from one situation to the next.

How many adults experience mental illness?

1 and 5

What percent of the United States population is made up of Americans with disabilities?


________________ is one in which individualism and material success are highly valued, and one in which publicly funded programs and services disappear and are replaced by private programs and service provision.

A neolibral society

Carefully designed studies based on structural theories and a personal internalization model of socialization have found that three things are related to becoming involved in sports. Which of the following is NOT one of those things?

A person's willingness to practice even when not having fun.

In what area did the Z-Boys of Dogtown come from?

Venice Beach

A social constructionist approach to deviance is based on

a combination of cultural, interactionist, and structural theories.

The definition of socialization used by the author is based on

a social interaction model.

The athletes most likely to overconform to the norms of the sport ethic are those who see achievement as their only way to get ahead and those who have

a strong need to be accepted as athletes by their peers in sports.

When sport worlds are male-dominated it means that

ability and qualifications are associated with manhood and men.

One of the reasons that it is difficult to study deviance in sports is that much of it involves actions grounded in

accepting and overconforming to norms in sport cultures.

Informal games are generally organized to emphasize

action and personal involvement in the action

Studying deviance in sports presents problems in that

actions that are normal in sports may be deviant outside sports.

The U.S. government law, Title IX, prohibits gender discrimination in

any educational institution receiving federal money.

Gender expression is our


Lockouts are different than strikes in that lockouts

are initiated by owners whereas employees initiate strikes.

Parallel activities are...

athletes are grouped based on their ability competing at the same time but against others who share their impairment.

Deviance may involve underconformity or overconformity to norms. The author explains that deviance involving overconformity is

based on unquestioned acceptance of norms.

The textbook suggests that instead of subsidizing professional sport team owners, local and state governments could use the same money to

build multiple local recreational facilities that could be used by local residents.

The images and commentary in a televised representation of a sport event are

carefully edited and selected for many different reasons.

The most effective way to reduce subtle forms of racial, ethnic, and national bias in the media coverage of sports is to hire at all levels of media production people who

come from diverse racial, ethnic, and national backgrounds.

The sport - media relationship in the U.S. is organized so that

commercial forms of media and sports depend on each other for profits.

The _______________domain relates to people with a disability who are blind or have problems seeing; are deaf or have difficulty hearing.


According to an analysis of sports and society based on Gramsci's ideas, sports are important social phenomena because they are

contexts through which ideological messages can be presented to people.

A thorough review of research shows that the arguments used to justify subsidies for pro sport teams are

contradicted by studies done by independent economists.

Organized youth sports in the United States were originally developed to teach lower-class boys how to work together peacefully and to help middle-class boys

counteract the "feminized" values they learned at home from their mothers.

Major sport media companies like fantasy sports because they

create loyal media consumers and new revenues.

The author points out that sport cultures are

created as people in sports interact with each other.

When dominant racial ideology has been used to explain the success of athletes with white skin, there has usually been an emphasis on the importance of

cultural factors

Corporate executives realize that if they can establish ideological outposts in the minds of people, they can use those outposts to

defuse popular opposition to corporate policies and products.

Based on your notes, injury, failure, aging, and retirement from sport are often closely followed by ______________


When athletes collectively dedicate themselves to a goal and willingly endure pain and make sacrifices to achieve it, they often create a social world in which

deviant overconformity becomes normalized.

Most media content is tied to power relations in the sense that they

emphasize images and messages consistent with dominant ideologies.

Social structure consists of

established patterns of relationships and social arrangements.

The values of ____________ are seldom part of the culture of sport organizations.

ethnic minorities

______________ a category of people regarded as socially distinct because they share a way of life, a collective history, and a sense of themselves as a people.

ethnic population

When using a constructionist approach, deviance is defined as ideas, traits, and actions that

fall outside of socially determined normative boundaries.

At the same time that public money in cities and states has been used to fund the construction of sport venues

fewer average people can afford to buy tickets to see local teams.

When women in the United States began to overcome barriers to sport participation during the first half of the 20th, they

first claimed participation spaces in "grace and beauty sports."

According to our notes, the ideal sportswoman is called a ________________.

flapper girl

Official definitions of sports in the United States emphasize

formally organized, competitive activities

The lifestyles of middle-income and working class people are most likely to include those sports that have traditionally been

free, open, and sponsored with public funds.

In terms of gender, the way that we think of ourselves is called ________

gender identity

The emergence and growth of commercial sports depends on whether they

generate revenues from multiple sources.

The Internet is different from traditional television in that it

gives users control that can radically alter their media experiences.

Research indicates that when people retire from sports they are most likely to have problems if they

have few experiences outside the culture of sports.

In commercial sports there is a tendency for aesthetic values to be replaced by

heroic values.

Sports are described in this chapter as "sites" where

ideas about skin color and ethnicity are formed, reaffirmed, and put into action.

Private/Commercial Sports Programs emphasize all of the following except

inclusion and fun

Organized, adult-controlled youth sports have become prevalent in neoliberal societies. A neoliberal society is one in which

individualism is valued and public programs are cut back or eliminated.

Socialization refers to a process that

involves social development and learning about social worlds.

All of the following is true about the performance ethic Except ? Common in private programs Tied to parental notions of "investing in their kid's future" it is a set ideas and beliefs emphasizing that the quality of the sport experience can be measured in terms of inclusion and health outcomes Fun = becoming better

it is a set ideas and beliefs emphasizing that the quality of the sport experience can be measured in terms of inclusion and health outcomes

The orientations of athletes and other people in sports are affected by the fact that a mass audience

lacks technical knowledge about the sports they watch.

When athletes collectively overconform to the norms of the sport ethic, they may develop hubris, which leads them to see themselves as separate from and superior to the rest of the community. The author explains that this hubris

leads to a sense of entitlement and lack of concern for people outside their sport.

The trend toward privatization in organized youth sports has

made youth programs more selective and exclusive.

A woman coach is hired in an all-male athletic department. The search committee concluded that she was qualified because she coached like a man. This shows that the athletic department is


Commercial sports are most likely to grow and prosper in societies with

market economies, large urban centers, and the availability of capital.

When Title IX became law in 1972

men received about 99% of public school the resources devoted to sports.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about sports and the media?

All media coverage involves selective re-presentations of sports.

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