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what are ways that smoking harms he cardiovascular system?

-damages the lining of arteries. -reduces the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or "good" cholesterol and raises the levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. -Nicotine increases blood pressure and heart rate. -The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke displaces oxygen in the blood, reducing the oxygen available to the body. -causes platelets to stick together in the bloodstream, leading to clotting. -speeds the development of fatty deposits in the arteries.

what does the american heart association say about fiber?

-high-fiber diet is associated with a 40-50% reduction in the risk of heart attack and stroke. To get the recommended 25-38 grams of dietary fiber a day, eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Good sources of fiber include oatmeal, some breakfast cereals, barley, legumes, and most fruits and vegetables.

Lifestyle changes are recommended for everyone with prehypertension and hypertension. These changes include:

-weight reduction, regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and moderation of alcohol use. The DASH diet, is recommended specifically for people with high blood pressure; it emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

The risk of death from heart attack or stroke begins to rise when blood pressure is above ____________ , well below the traditional 140 over 90 cutoff for hypertension.

115 over 75

A normal blood pressure reading for a healthy adult is below 120 systolic and below 80 diastolic; CVD risk increases when blood pressure rises above this level. High blood pressure in adults is defined as equal to or greater than ____________.

140 over 90

If you have no CVD risk factors, have your blood pressure measured at least once every ________; yearly tests are recommended if you have other risk factors. If your blood pressure is high, follow your physician's advice on lowering it.

2 years

Hypertension is common. About ____% of adults have hypertension and _____% have prehypertension. -increases with age - can't be cured but it can be controlled - should get tested every two years

31% 30%

An estimated ________ million Americans are so sedentary that they are at high risk for developing CVD.


All people age 20 and over should have their cholesterol checked at least once every ________. The NCEP recommends a fasting lipoprotein profile that measures total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels.

5 years

About _____% of all heart attack victims are age 65 or older, and about ____% who suffer fatal heart attacks are over 65. For people over 55, the incidence of stroke more than doubles in each successive decade. However, even people in their thirties and forties, especially men, can have heart attacks.

70% 75%

what does American heart association say about fats?

Americans over age 2 adopt a dietary pattern in which fats make up 25-35% of total daily calories. -Saturated fats should be limited to 7% of total daily calories, or 5-6% for adults who have elevated LDL. -Trans fats should be avoided. -The majority of fats in your diet should be unsaturated, from sources such as vegetable oils, fish, and nuts.

A substance called ___________ is released into the bloodstream during the inflammatory response, and high levels of CRP indicate a substantially elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. CRP may also be harmful to the coronary arteries themselves. Gum disease involves another type of inflammation that may moderately influence the progress of coronary heart disease.

C- reactive protein

is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 2,500 American lives every day. An estimated 85.6 million American adults have one or more types of ______ , and of these, 43.7 million are estimated to be younger than 60 years of age. -due largely to our way of life

CVD (cardiovascular disease)

a common cause of flulike respiratory infections, has been found in sections of clogged, damaged Page 341arteries but not in sections of healthy arteries. This effect may be secondary to the inflammation that many infectious agents produce in the body.

Chlamydia pneumoniae

The risk for CVD increases with higher blood cholesterol levels, especially ______. - NCEP recommends lipoprotein testing every 5 years - this measures total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides


what does american heart association say about alcohol?

Moderate alcohol use may increase HDL cholesterol; it may also reduce stroke risk, possibly by dampening the inflammatory response or by affecting blood clotting. -For most people under age 45, however, the risks of alcohol use probably outweigh any health benefit. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of a variety of serious health problems, including hypertension, stroke, some cancers, liver disease, alcohol dependence, and injuries.

what does american heart association say about potassium and sodium?

Reducing sodium intake to recommended levels, while also increasing potassium intake, can help reduce blood pressure for many people --> recommends that sodium intake be reduced to no more than 2,400 mg per day for all Americans. Reducing sodium intake further, to 1,500 mg/day, is associated with even greater reductions in blood pressure.

What are essential nutrients?

a nutrient required for normal physiological function that cannot be synthesized by the body, and thus, must be obtained from dietary source; Substances the body must get from foods because it cannot manufacture them at all or fast enough to meet its needs

Fat that collects in the _______ is more dangerous than fat that collects around the hips. Obesity in general, and ________ obesity in particular, is significantly associated with narrowing of the coronary arteries, even in young adults in their twenties.


Rates of heart disease vary among ethnic groups in the United States. ____________ have much higher rates of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke than other groups do

african americans

Drinking too much _________ raises blood pressure and can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure. Stimulant drugs, particularly _______ and__________—and associated stimulants, such as designer drugs including ecstasy —can also cause serious cardiac problems, including heart attack, stroke, and sudden cardiac death. Injection drug use can cause heart infections and stroke.

alcohol cocaine and methamphetamines

Hemorrhages can be caused by head injuries or the bursting of a malformed blood vessel, or ______________, which is a bloodfilled pocket that bulges out from a weak spot in the artery wall. _______________in the brain may remain stable and never break. But when they do, the result is a hemorrhagic stroke. _________________may be caused or worsened by hypertension.


Chest pain, called ____________ , is a signal that the heart isn't getting enough oxygen to supply its needs. Although not actually a heart attack, angina—felt as an extreme tightness in the chest and heavy pressure behind the breastbone or in the shoulder, neck, arm, hand, or back—is a warning that the heart is overloaded.

angina pectoris

If the electrical impulses that control heartbeat are disrupted, the heart may beat too quickly, too slowly, or in an irregular fashion, a condition known as


Many experts also suggest that the heart attack victim chew and swallow one adult _________ tablet (325 mg); aspirin has an immediate anticlotting effect.


a disease process that causes arteries to become clogged and narrowed. - increased resistance to blood flow


a form of arteriosclerosis, or thickening and hardening of the arteries. In this, arteries become narrowed by deposits of fat, cholesterol, and other substances. The process begins when endothelial cells (the cells lining the arteries) become damaged, most likely through a combination of factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high insulin or glucose levels, and deposits of oxidized LDL particle


involves threading a catheter with an inflatable balloon tip through a coronary artery until it reaches the area of blockage; the balloon is then inflated, flattening the plaque and widening the arterial opening.

balloon angioplasty

the force exerted by the blood on the vessel walls, is created by the pumping action of the heart. --> High blood pressure occurs when too much force is exerted against the walls of the arteries. Short periods of high blood pressure—such as in response to excitement or exertion—are normal, but chronic high blood pressure is a health risk.

blood pressure

_______ is a fatty, waxlike substance that circulates through the bloodstream and is an important component of cell membranes, sex hormones, vitamin D, the fluid that coats the lungs, and the protective sheaths around nerves. -Adequate __________ is essential for the proper functioning of the body. -Excess ___________, however, can clog arteries and increase the risk of CVD.


Many of the psychological and social factors that influence other areas of wellness are also important risk factors for CVD. They include:

chronic stress, chronic hostility and anger, lack of social support

The main risk factors for atherosclerosis are:

cigarette smoking, physical inactivity, high levels of blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Treatment includes reducing the workload on the heart, modifying salt intake, and using drugs that help the body eliminate excess fluid.

congestive heart failure

If the heart, brain, and/or other organs are deprived of blood and the oxygen it carries, the effects of atherosclerosis can be deadly. Coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood, are particularly susceptible to plaque buildup, a condition called

coronary heart disease

flexible stainless steel tubes—to prop the artery open and prevent reclogging after angioplasty. In coronary bypass surgery, healthy blood vessels are grafted to coronary arteries to bypass blockages.

coronary stents

-a disorder in which the metabolism of glucose is disrupted, causing a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. -People withthisare at increased risk for CVD, partly because elevated blood glucose levels can damage the lining of arteries, making them more vulnerable to atherosclerosis. -can also often have other risk factors, including hypertension, obesity, unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and platelet and blood coagulation abnormalities. Even people whose diabetes is under control face an increased risk of CVD.


. People who fall into the category of prehypertension or the high normal blood pressure range may not benefit from ________________.

drug therapy

When the heart cannot maintain its regular pumping rate and force, fluids begin to back up. When extra fluid seeps through capillary walls, ___________ (swelling) results, usually in the legs and ankles, but sometimes in other parts of the body as well.


is caused by an embolus, a wandering blood clot that is carried in the bloodstream and may become wedged in a cerebral artery.

embolic stroke

Lifestyle choices to help improve cholesterol levels include:

exercising regularly, limiting saturated and trans fat intake, and choosing a healthy dietary pattern

__________ has long been suspected to be linked to CVD. Gingivitis, the beginning stages of gum disease, occurs when bacteria accumulate on the teeth, causing gums to become inflamed and to bleed easily; thus both gum disease and CVD are inflammatory processes. The exact linkages are still unknown, but studies suggest a potential relationship between oral disease and CVD, so it makes sense to practice good oral hygiene.

gum disease

The blockage of a coronary artery causes a __________. If a cerebral artery (leading to the brain) is blocked, the result is a ______.

heart attack stroke

Among the life-threatening manifestations of CVD, ________ and _______ rank first and fourth on the list of the leading causes of death among Americans.

heart attack strokes

may come without warning, it is usually the end result of a long-term disease process. The heart requires a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood to function properly. If one of the coronary arteries that supplies blood to the heart becomes blocked, _________ results. A _________ caused by a blood clot is called a coronary thrombosis. During a ____________ , part of the heart muscle (myocardium) may die from lack of blood fl

heart attack (myocardial infarction)

Exercise is thought to be the closest thing we have to a magic bullet against ____________. --> It lowers CVD risk by helping to decrease blood pressure and resting heart rate, increase HDL levels, maintain desirable weight, improve the condition of the blood vessels, and prevent or control diabetes

heart disease

is the leading cause of death for both men and women and for European Americans, African Americans, and Latinos.

heart disease

occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the surrounding tissue. Cells normally nourished by the vessel are deprived of blood and cannot function. In addition, accumulated blood from the burst vessel may put pressure on surrounding brain tissue, causing damage and even death.

hemorrhagic stroke

A number of major risk factors for CVD cannot be changed. They include

heredity, aging, being male, and ethnicity.

both a form of CVD and a risk factor for other types of disease, affects nearly 1 in every 3 adults, or about 80 million Americans. Another 1 in 3 American adults have blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal but not yet in the high blood pressure range.

high blood pressure

The American Heart Association (AHA) has identified five major risk factors for CVD that can be changed: -Most Americans, including young adults, have at least one major risk factor for CVD.

high blood pressure tobacco use poor diet physical inactivity and diabetes.

The heart's pumping mechanism can be damaged by a number of conditions, including:

high blood pressure, heart attack, atherosclerosis, viral infections, rheumatic fever, and birth defects.

__________, or "good" cholesterol, are the smallest of the lipoproteins. They shuttle unused cholesterol back to the liver for recycling. By removing cholesterol from blood vessels, ______ helps protect against atherosclerosis.

high-density lipoproteins

Elevated blood levels of ___________, an amino acid that may damage the lining of blood vessels, are associated with an increased risk of CVD. ____ generally have higher homocysteine levels than women, as do individuals with diets low in folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6. Most people can lower homocysteine levels easily by adopting a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Severe vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with heart dysfunction, independent of homocysteine levels.

homocysteine men

In addition to being a form of CVD in itself, high blood pressure, or ________ is a risk factor for other forms of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes.


Although the previous guidelines set specific targets for LDL and HDL, the new guidelines do not; instead, they focus on:

identifying the groups of people for whom medical treatment has the greatest chance of preventing heart attacks and strokes.

High blood pressure results from an increased output of blood by the heart or from:

increased resistance to blood flow in the arteries.

__________ plays a key role in the development of CVD. When an artery is injured by hypertension, smoking, cholesterol, or other factors, the body's response is to produce ____________.


As people gain weight and become less active, their muscles, fat, and liver become less sensitive to the effect of insulin—a condition known as -> As the body becomes increasingly insulin resistant, the pancreas must secrete more and more insulin to keep glucose levels within a normal rang

insulin resistance ( pre diabetes)

a blood vessel ruptures within the brain.

intracerebral hemorrhage

what are the two types of hemorrhagic strokes?

intracerebral hemorrhage subarachnoid hemorrhage

There are two major types of strokes:

ischemic and hemorrhagic

caused by a blockage in a blood vessel. - most common type, accounts for 87% of all strokes

ischemic stroke

Cholesterol is carried in the blood by protein-lipid packages called


Your ____________ manufactures cholesterol; you also get cholesterol from foods.


For people with high triglyceride levels, lifestyle changes can bring levels down into the healthy range:

losing weight, reducing intake of added sugars while increasing intake of unsaturated fats, and increasing physical activity. Limiting alcohol use is also helpful. For some people with very high _____________ levels, drug therapy may be prescribed.

shuttle cholesterol from the liver to the organs and tissues that require it. _____ is known as "bad" cholesterol because if there is more than the body can use, the excess is deposited in the blood vessels. _____ that accumulates and becomes trapped in artery walls may be oxidized by free radicals, speeding inflammation and damage to artery walls and increasing the likelihood that an artery will become blocked, causing a heart attack or stroke.

low- density lipoproteins

Asian Americans historically have had far ________ rates of CVD than white Americans.


Researchers have identified a variety of factors associated with an increased risk of developing CVD. They are grouped into two categories: _________ and ___________

major risk factors contributing risk factors

Although CVD is the leading killer of both men and women in the United States, _______ face a greater risk of heart attack than women, especially earlier in life. Until age 55, men also have a greater risk of hypertension than women. The incidence of stroke is higher for males than females until age 65. _______ production, which is highest during the child-bearing years, may protect premenopausal women against CVD

men estrogen

The cardiovascular system is affected by both sudden, acute episodes of ___________ and the more chronic, underlying emotions of anger, anxiety, and depression.

mental stress

Those who have insulin resistance tend to have several other related risk factors. This cluster of abnormalities is called ________ or insulin resistance syndrome. this significantly increases the risk of CVD—more so in women than in men. It is estimated that about 34% of the adult U.S. population has this

metabolic syndrome

The risk of death from CVD is two to three times higher in ________ people (BMI ≥ 30) than it is in lean people (BMI 18.5-24.9), and for every five-unit increment of BMI, a person's risk of death from coronary heart disease increases by ____%. _> excess weight increases strain on the heart by increasing blood pressure and cholesterol

obese 30%

Heart attack symptoms may include:

pain or pressure in the chest; pain in the arm, neck, or jaw; difficulty breathing; excessive sweating; nausea and vomiting; and loss of consciousness

accumulate on artery walls; the arteries lose their elasticity and their ability to expand and contract, restricting blood flow. Once narrowed by a _______, an artery is vulnerable to blockage by blood clots. The risk of life-threatening clots and heart attacks increases if the fibrous cap covering a _____ ruptures.


what foods recommend by the DASH program reduce blood pressure?

potassium fiber

People with blood pressures in the ________________ range (defined as systolic pressure of ________ and diastolic pressure of _______), are at increased risk of heart attack and stroke as well as at significant risk of developing full-blown hypertension.

prehypertension 120-139 80-89

Fluid can collect in the lungs and interfere with breathing, particularly when a person is lying down. This condition is called _______________.

pulmonary edema

For lowering LDL, the ACC and AHA recommend a dietary pattern that is rich in :

ruits, vegetables, and whole grains; includes low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, legumes, nontropical vegetable oils, and nuts; and limits sweets, sugar-sweetened beverages, and red meats.

The risk of developing heart disease increases up to 30% among people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)—also known as "_______________."

secondhand smoke

About 155,000 people suffer a symptomless, or "________," heart attack each year


High blood pressure is often called a __________, because it usually has no symptoms. A person may have high blood pressure for years without realizing it. But during that time, it damages vital organs and increases the risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.

silent killer

These ____________ do not cause any noticeable symptoms while they are occurring. Although they may be mild, silent strokes leave their victims at a higher risk for subsequent and more serious strokes later in life. They also contribute to loss of mental and cognitive skills.

silent strokes

Nearly 1 in 5 deaths is attributable to _______. More than 20% of adult men and about 15% of adult women do this. Among young adults aged 18-24, 18.7% are current smokers. - remains one of the most preventable causes of CVD in the United States.


The number-one risk factor for CVD that you can control is


According to the American Heart Association, daily _______ intake should not exceed 2,400 mg, and 1,500 mg is even better.


Lifestyle changes and certain drugs can reduce CRP levels. ______drugs, widely prescribed to lower cholesterol, also decrease inflammation; this may be one reason that statin drugs seem to lower CVD risk even in people with normal blood lipid levels.


ACC) and the AHA updated their guidelines for the treatment of elevated blood cholesterol levels. The new guidelines focus on lifestyle change as well as therapy with __________, a group of medications that lower LDL.


Physicians have a variety of diagnostic tools and treatments for heart disease. A patient may undergo a _______________, in which he or she runs on a treadmill or pedals a stationary cycle while being monitored with an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). Certain characteristic changes in the heart's electrical activity while it is under stress can reveal particular heart problems, such as restricted blood flow to the heart muscle. Tools that allow the physician to visualize a patient's heart and arteries include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT), echocardiograms, and others.

stress test

___________ also called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. If brain cells are deprived of blood for more than a few minutes, they die. Once brain cells begin dying, about two million cells are lost every minute that blood flow is not restored. Nerve cells control sensation and most body movements; depending on the area of the brain affected, a stroke may cause paralysis, walking disability, speech impairment, memory loss, and changes in behavior.


a blood vessel on the brain's surface ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the skull.

subarachnoid hemorrhage

also called cardiac arrest, is most often caused by an arrhythmia called ventricular fibrillation, a kind of "quivering" of the ventricle that makes it ineffective in pumping blood. If ventricular fibrillation continues for more than a few minutes, it is generally fatal. Cardiac defibrillation, in which an electrical shock is delivered to the heart, can jolt the heart into a more efficient rhythm. This shock can be administered with an automated external defibrillator (AED), a first-aid device that is available in many public places in case someone experiences a heart attack.

sudden cardiac death

Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers—for example, 120 over 80—and measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). The first number is ______ blood pressure; the second is ________ blood pressure

systolic diastolic

Multiple genes contribute to the development of CVD and its risk factors. Having an unfavorable set of genes increases your risk, but risk is modifiable by lifestyle factors such as whether you smoke, exercise, or eat a healthy diet. People who inherit a _________ for CVD are not destined to develop it, but they may have to work harder than other people to prevent it


What is nutrition?

the process of providing or obtaining the good necessary for health and growth; branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans; the science of food and how the body uses it in health and disease

is caused by a blood clot that forms in a cerebral or carotid artery that has been narrowed or damaged by atherosclerosis.

thrombotic stroke

Raising HDL is important because a high HDL level seems to offer protection from CVD even in cases where _______________ is high. This appears to be especially true for women.

total cholesterol

Other CVD risk factors can be changed, including

triglyceride levels, psychological and social factors, and drug use.

-are blood fats that are absorbed from food and manufactured by the body. High levels are a reliable predictor of heart disease, especially if associated with other risk factors, such as low HDL levels, obesity, and diabetes. Factors contributing to elevated levels include excess body fat, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, type 2 diabetes, excessive alcohol intake, very-high-carbohydrate diets, and certain diseases and medications. A full lipid profile should include testing and evaluation of ____________ levels.


People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have ________ the risk of heart attack that nonsmokers do; smoking two or more packs a day ______ the risk. When smokers have heart attacks, they are two to three times more likely than nonsmokers to die from them. -Cigarette smoking also doubles the risk of stroke.

twice triple

When a person has high blood pressure, the heart must work harder than normal to force blood through the narrowed and stiffened arteries, straining both the heart and the arteries. Eventually, the strained heart...

weakens and enlarges

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