KIN 407 Final

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In physical activity, the mechanical loading of bones stimulates bone activity and enhances bone strength, density, and shape.


The more complex a sport is, the more crucial early training is in developing expertise in that sport.


According to a study by the National Youth Sport Coaches Association (Engh, 2002) of 5- to 8-year-old athletes, approximately what percentage lacked the skills needed for minimum success in their sport (without modification)?


What letter of the acronym FEAST refers to the aspect of ensuring the athletes feel they have a voice and allowing them to make choices within the structure of the team?

A for autonomy support

Body size and proportion measures such as height, leg length, and wingspan are categorized as what type of talent development measure?

Anthropometric measures

When an athlete perceives an activity as highly challenging but perceives her own skill level as low, what attention state would the athlete be experiencing?


Before serving for a point that her team must win to stay in the match, Sarah becomes aware of her heightened stress level. However, she perceives this as an exciting opportunity to change the match in her team's favor and uses the pressure situation as motivation and to sharpen her focus. What step of the stress process allows Sarah to perceive her stress as facilitative?


What is the term referring to how close a person is to reaching full maturational state?

Biological age

What makes youth sport in china unique?

China is a communist state, in which the central government makes all decisions regarding policy of youth sport.

Which of the following performance-enhancing substances is available for over-the-counter purchase?


What type of stretching should athletes focus their preparation on before physical training sessions?

Dynamic stretching

Which of the following is NOT one of the four principles to describe the way children govern their own free play?


What term refers to consistent superior athletic performance over an extended time?


An important goal of youth sport in terms of stress and anxiety management is to eliminate or avoid any situation that may cause a youth athlete to feel stressed or anxious.


Anxiety, which is stress in too large amounts or without adequate recovery time, creates adverse health conditions.


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding youth sport participants and the fear of failure?

Fear of failure is inherent and typically surfaces in youth athletes between ages 5 and 9.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding strength training in youth athletes?

Generally, strength training emphasis should be on lifting weights

Which of the following is NOT one of the unhealthy effects of the female athlete triad?

High Blood pressure

Using a verbal cue to provide a mental image of the correct performance, such as the "nose, toes, shows, throws" one in chapter 5, is an example of what cognitive strategy?


What type of motor skill involves moving the body through space, demonstrated through running, skipping, and walking?

Locomotor skills

What element of assessing readiness is best demonstrated by the examples of lowering the height of a basketball hoop, using a smaller puck, or using a tee in baseball?


What white fatty tissue insulates the nerve fibers in the brain to ensure clear transmissions of neural signals?


Before the onset of the upcoming season, Coach Karen thinks critically about what she wants her girls' basketball team to achieve, such as placing in the top three of their section and improving the level of play for each individual player. This is an example of what part of the POPP sequence?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a gross motor skill

Releasing an arrow toward an archery target

What is the dominant type of sport participation in Europe, Latin America, and north Africa?

Sport clubs

Daniel focuses his practice session primarily on keeping his head down and turning his hips while practicing his golf swing. What essential area of expertise is Daniel attempting to develop through this practice session?


Arousal is an unpleasant emotional state characterized by nervousness or worry.


The pyramid model of sport contributes to the trends of sedentary and inactive lifestyle habits.


Coach Stevens is worried that one of his pitchers is losing confidence because of his inability to throw strikes and that he is attributing this failure to his own lack of ability. To stress the prevalence of this problem in pitchers, Coach Stevens shows his pitcher an article about some great major league pitchers who have struggled with bouts of wildness. What step of the attribution retraining process is Coach Stevens demonstrating?

commonality of the problem

Which of the following was NOT a type of competition provided by the Public School Athletic League (PSAL) upon its formation in 1903?

Interscholastic championships for girls

As Mark enters high school he decides to quit football to focus on achieving elite performance in his favorite and best sport, soccer. What stage of Cote's developmental model of sport participation has Mark entered?


American Athletic Union (AAU) Basketball, American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) and Little league Baseball and softball are all examples of what type of sport participation?

National youth sport organizations

Which of the following is NOT correct about helping youth athletes appropriately attribute their performances?

Never attribute failure to characteristics of an opponent, such as their skill or experience.

has the physical strength to swing a bat and is excited and enthusiastic about playing. What important element of assessing skill readiness was not accounted for by his parents in this scenario?

Prerequisite skill

Which of the following aspects of the POPP sequence refers to the coach's predetermined guidelines for decision making?


The Amateur Sports Act of 1978 granted all rights and responsibilities associated with U.S. youth sport participation to the United States Olympic Committee (USOC); what group of athletes did this benefit the most?

elite athletes striving for the highest level of competition

Before stepping to the plate for an at-bat with the game on the line, Dom takes three deep breaths and imagines himself getting a hit, a routine that he has rehearsed to prepare for stressful situations he will encounter in a real game. What type of strategy is Dom using to manage his stress in this scenario?

Active coping

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the emergence of club sports in the United States?

Club sports allowed for an alternative type of non school sport participation for those who did not have the financial means to participate in school sports

Tom's friend just taught him how to do a cannonball, and now Tom wants to get his mom's attention so that he can show off his ability to perform this new skill. What element of motivational theory is Tom wishing to demonstrate?


Research has shown that to experience maximal developmental benefits from sport participation, youth athletes should begin with ______________ of their sport participation before deciding what they wish their specialized sport focus to be.


Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that clarifies talent as a hardwired interpersonal phenomenon?

Early indications of talent are not predictive of who is likely to excel.

Janice is the center on her basketball team mainly because of her advanced height and body size in relation to her teammates. As her coach, which of the following statements about physical maturation patterns in girls would be important to keep in mind?

Early maturation may increase Janice's likelihood for dropping out of sport because of the influence of social norms and perceptions about endomorphic girls.

How Maturation Influences Sport Participation Which of the following statements is NOT true for early-maturing boys regarding their sport participation?

Early-maturing boys tend to have a higher degree of fundamental skill development than late-maturing boys.

Late-maturing boys tend to be more linear in build than their early-maturing peers, with physiques characterized as


Rodney complains to Kevin, his son's Little League coach, because even though their team finished in last place, Kevin decides to give each player a recognition reward. Kevin wants to reward his players for their improvement in their individual skill performance across the course of the year, while Rodney thinks that the players don't deserve to be rewarded based on their poor win-loss record. According to achievement goal theory, which motivation orientation does Rodney favor?


Bloom's model of talent development prescribes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to attain skill expertise.


Boys participating in physical activity typically gain 13% to 30% in muscular strength through training, the most significant increase that they will experience in their lifetime.


Cote found that expert-level athletes tended to demonstrate high levels of deliberate practice extremely early in their sport training and participation.


Demonstrating a skill in slow motion or breaking the skill down into individual segments is a highly effective way of teaching young athletes.


Early childhood and middle childhood (approximately 2 to 8 years of age) are sensitive periods of development for children due to the high degree of emotionality of children during this age.


Human growth occurs in a cephalocaudal pattern, meaning that it occurs from the feet upward to the head.


It is commonly known that children automatically develop the physical skills and behaviors they need in order to safely and successfully participate in youth sports.


Latin Americans show the largest gap between boys (35%) and girls (9%) in sport participation.


Soccer is the most popular youth sport in Australia


Which is an example of an anaerobic fitness activity?


A primary goal of developing youth athletes' talent is to help them realize their athletic potential.


The gender gap in participation is smaller in rural communities that in urban settings.


Thomas often plays basketball in the driveway with his older brother, but he has been finding it less and less enjoyable because he is not quite strong enough to shoot the ball over the rim. Thomas would benefit from the rim being lowered. Which best demonstrates this reason for modifying youth sport?

maximizing successful experiences

Youth sport participation inherently builds character and positive social skills in youth, regardless of the program structure and goals.


Jason's Little League coach spends the first 15 minutes of practice demonstrating a proper batting stance and hitting approach before allowing the players to practice these skills for themselves. In which of the following vital concepts did Jason's coach make an error by minimizing?

Active learning time

Which of the following is an application of how talent identification could be used to place a youth athlete in a sport in which he or she would be likely to succeed?

All of these Eva is small in stature and shows good balance and limb control, which identifies her as a potential gymnast. Joey has a strong throwing arm and lower body, which identifies him as a potential catcher in baseball. Matt has long limbs and large hands, which identifies his potential to succeed as a swimmer.

Which of the following was true regarding girls' sport participation before the implementation of Title IX?

All of these Gender stereotypes and inaccurate perceptions of ability disallowed girls from having the same opportunities for sport participation as the boys had. Alternative forms of sports such as 6-player games of basketball were used to account for perceptions of lower abilities of female athletes. The Public School Athletic League formed a girls' division shortly after their formation, though opportunities were limited to activities such as folk dancing and cooperative games, with no interscholastic competition allowed.

Which of the following are concerns related to girls in youth sports?

All of these Girls tend to drop out of sport at a faster rate and in greater numbers than boys do Boys are afforded more opportunities for school sport participation than girls, regardless of the school's economic viability Girls tend to join sports later in life than boys

Which of the following can be used to assess the maturation of youth athletes?

All of these radiology to assess skeletal age markers of sexual maturity tracking growth and weight gains

What factors play a role in creating the unique subcultures of youth sports?

All of these the challenge of competitive social comparison during a time of dramatic physical and emotional maturation. adult supervisors who are required to coach, organize, and make decisions regarding youth sport participation and resource allocation. the widespread popularity and profitability of the industry of sport, with youth sport estimated to account for over US $5 billion annually.

Which of the following is NOT an example of Title IX requirements that extend beyond participation numbers?

All of these are examples of Title IX requirements extending beyond participation numbers Same quality of coaches for both boys and girls. comparable equipment, uniforms, and other supplies equal access to weight rooms and other training facilities

Which of the following is NOT a good recommendation for parents when making a decision on what sport program their child will participate in?

All of these are good recommendations. Seek information about the program objectives. Consider the amount of playing time your child will receive. Consider your child's level of physical, cognitive, and social maturation in relation to the program's goals or objectives.

Which of the following is NOT one of the modifications made by the United States Tennis Association's QuickStart program in order to make the activity more developmentally appropriate?

All of these are modifications of the UTSA's Quickstart Program For children under age 8, the net is lowered to 2 feet, 9 inches. The full court is divided into four smaller courts for children 8 and under. For children under age 8, the ball is made of a lightweight foam that decreases the ball's bounce height and travel speed.

Which of the following is NOT an outcome associated with learned helplessness in youth sport participants?

All of these are outcomes associated with kids who experience learned helplessness. Attribute successes to external, uncontrollable factors such as luck or a poor opponent. Attribute failures to perceived lack of own ability, which is stable and unchangeable. The athlete will be less likely to persist in the face of obstacles and challenges.

Which of the following is a recommendation for enhancing an athlete's perceptions of success?

All of these. Be aware of the discourse you use to discuss performance in order to avoid fixation on ego-based outcome goals. Create specific task goals for the athlete to judge herself based on performance aspects within her control. Reward effort, improvement, mental toughness, effective management of emotions, and other controllable successes.

Which of the following is a good recommendation for creating an autonomy-supportive environment for youth athletes?

All of these. Ask for athletes' input and give them a chance to make decisions within the team structure. Minimize controlling feedback and behaviors. Provide opportunities for athletes to take initiative and train independently.

Why does the relative age effect present a problem for contemporary youth sport?

All of these. Athletes with early birth months tend to have physical advantages over athletes with later birth months, creating a higher likelihood of success over their years of sport participation. It creates a structural inequality that benefits or hampers children based on the chance occurrence of their birth month. Biological age is difficult to assess, and limited participation in youth sport may make forming leagues based on this qualification impractical.

What is a recommended practice for demonstrating new skills to youth athletes?

All of these. Demonstrate skills at full speed to provide an accurate mental model for the learner. Provide demonstrations from several angles and viewpoints. Provide learners with one to three instructional cues that they can easily say and remember while practicing.

A physical education teacher asks you for some pointers on developing the fundamental motor skills of his first- through fifth-grade students. Which of the following would be an effective suggestion?

All of these. Design obstacle courses for the students to complete. Create a large, open environment with diverse and physically challenging equipment. Plan a variety of activities for the children to sample.

Which is a positive result of diversifying sport experience at an earlier age?

All of these. It develops a broad range of fundamental motor skills that provide the athlete with more performance options and athleticism for later sport specialization. It helps multiple dimensions of identity development in youth athletes. It reduces rates of burnout across their sport participation.

Which is NOT an issue with accurately identifying talent in youth athletes?

All of these. Late-developing children tend to be overlooked at an early age. Performance and skill level at an early age are not always an accurate indicator of performance after maturation. Resources for talent development are often limited, so youth sport organizations need to invest in athletes they deem talented at an early stage.

Which is a true finding of research associated with modifying youth sport?

All of these. Lowering a basketball rim is related to better shooting mechanics. Modified coach-pitch baseball leagues decrease player inactivity. Kids perform better and are more active when the volleyball net is lowered and a balloon is used instead of a ball.

Which of the following is a difference between non-expert children and older adults in their cognitive capacity in relation to sport?

All of these. Non-expert children are less able to predict and anticipate objects and events. Non-expert children make lower-level and less accurate decisions. Non-expert children use more mental activity to think about how to performa skill, as opposed to expert athletes, who perform more automatically.

Using effective coping skills is critical to performance success at what stage of the stress process?

All of these. Outcome Assessment Response

Which of the following is a (are) climate factor(s) that may increase the risk of athlete burnout?

All of these. Parent pressure Negative coaching behaviors Feeling trapped in sport participation

Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of discipline in teaching youth athletes?

All of these. Plan for and conduct a well-organized, active practice. Meet with parents before the first practice to clearly define your expectations for behavior and corresponding consequences for failing to meet these expectations. Assess whether athlete behavior is to garner attention and should be ignored, or action needs to be taken.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for reducing or optimizing stress factors for youth athletes?

All of these. Remind them of preparation and goals to reduce uncertainty. For entry-level team sports, consider ways to decrease the evaluation potential of competition. Emphasize individual mastery goals in competition.

Benefits of Physical Activity and Training Which of the following is a benefit associated with physical activity and training in youth athletes?

All of these. They spur the development of new nerve cells in the brain. They condition muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones to prevent injury. They improve self-esteem and confidence.

Which of the following is a good suggestion for breeding success-oriented athletes?

All of these. Understand the consequences of failing, but focus on the challenge and possibility of pride and accomplishment. Seek out challenging situations, and persist when faced with challenges or obstacles. De-emphasize perfectionistic tendencies in order to give permission to make mistakes.

Which of the following is an example of the importance of innate "hardware" characteristics in developing expert-level athletes?

All of these. longer arms, bigger feet in swimmers enhanced visual acuity in expert baseball and softball players more fast-twitch muscle fibers observed in expert sprinters and short-distance runners

Which factors should be taken into account when determining whether a child is ready to learn a skill?

All of these. maturation prerequisite skill motivation

Which of the following are potential negative consequences of failing to appropriately modify youth sport?

All of these. overuse injuries improper technique and mechanics loss of motivation

Which of the following is a mediating factor in the developmental progression of talent to expertise?

All of these. practice coaching experience

Which of the following is a common example of a modification made for youth sport?

All of these. shorter or lighter striking object (e.g., bat, racket, or stick) bigger target goal reduced area of field or court

A varsity baseball team has been caught in traffic and is running late for their game; therefore, they decide to move their batting practice session to the batting cage rather than the field so that the balls will be localized and more batters can take a turn at hitting. This idea demonstrates an effective use of:

All of these. space time equipment

Which of the following is NOT an inherent source of stress for youth sport participants?

All of these. uncertainty social evaluation importance

Which of the following were reasons that physical education programs became popular in public school during the 1800s?

All of these. Enhance fitness and physical development. Aid in moral development. Help students avoid juvenile delinquency.

Which of the following is (are) seen as benefits of free play?

All of these. It enhances creativity and healthy brain development. It helps form neural pathways for emotion and impulse control. It allows children to engage in their own interests and make their own decisions.

Which of the following is NOT a negative effect associated with childhood obesity?

All of these. low self-esteem cardiovascular disease pre-diabetes

What is the term for the reasons that athletes use to explain why they succeed or fail?


Which of the following countries successfully implemented an Olympic talent identification and development program to win 17 gold medals at the 2004 Olympic Games after failing to win any approximately 30 years prior?


Which of the following statements about the nature of effective feedback for youth athletes is NOT correct?

Avoid informational feedback and focus more on motivational feedback

Which of the following is NOT a recommendation of appropriately modifying youth sport?

Avoid modifying the equipment used by the athletes.

Which of the following is NOT a recommendation for effective use of reinforcement?

Be the same with your reinforcement for all athletes.

The type of feedback that the athlete receives from the sensory receptors in muscles, tendons, and joints is known as:

Internal feedback

Sport New Zealand is an example of a youth sport organization that has separated their developmental plan into participation and high-performance tracks. What recommendation of effective talent development does this practice follow?

Creating multiple pathways

What term did Shields and Bredemeier (2009) coin for failing to engage the cooperation and mutual respect needed to strive together in competition?


Mrs. Thompson creates a game for her physical education class that is a combination of football, basketball, and soccer in order to generate an informal activity that is enjoyed by her students while simultaneously contributing to their primary skill development. How would this game be classified?

Deliberate play

What is the term for spreading practice sessions across several days or weeks for short periods?

Distributed practice

Mr. Johnson is a father of twin boys, Braden and Bobby, and he coaches them both on the same basketball team. Braden is a highly talented player for his age and often talks about his wish to play in the NBA someday. On the other hand, Bobby does not display a high degree of passion for basketball; instead, he talks about having fun and making friends with his teammates. Mr. Johnson has trouble deciding whether to coach his boys so that they have a chance for elite levels of competition or to take a broader approach to building the boys' physical, social, and psychological development to increase the likelihood that they both continue their sport participation. What tension point in youth sport philosophies does this scenario best illustrate?

Dueling objectives

A young baseball player is able to make basic catches but at times will struggle to properly judge bounces of the ball or will turn his glove in an incorrect way when attempting a catch. What stage of fundamental motor skill development would this player best demonstrate?


Youth athletes primarily gain strength through muscular hypertrophy, meaning an increase in the size of their muscles.


While implementing a new offensive scheme in drills at practice, a hockey coach has the defensive players first defend with their sticks upside down to allow the offensive players an easier opportunity to make passes and demonstrate their understanding of the scheme. After they have done so, they run the drill again, only with the defenders holding their sticks normally. What instructional practice is the coach in this scenario employing?


Daniel's grandfather gives him a dollar for each goal that he scores in soccer. This type of reward is meant to increase what aspect of motivation?

Extrinsic Motivation

As of 2010, approximately half of U.S. children and adolescents are either overweight or obese


Diversification of sport participation should include a narrowing of focus on one sport as a signature activity while eliminating other complementary sports.


During the early development of physical education programs (i.e., the 1800s), these programs were more popular in rural communities than in big cities.


Imagery is an ineffective skill to teach young athletes because they are unable to grasp the complexity of imagining skill performance.


Motivational statements that are short are ineffective because they do not energize the athletes and make it difficult to hold the athletes' attention.


Perfectionism is a young athlete's tendency to focus on and strive for flawless performance, which is a maladaptive practice in youth athletes.


Research findings have generally supported the notion that the rapid growth occurring in adolescence will lead to body awkwardness and temporary declines in coordination.


Research has consistently shown that human "hardware" developed from extensive training and practice differentiates athletic experts from non-experts.


Research has shown that modifying youth sport tends to lead to slower skill development and getting left behind athletically.


Research shows that athletes who specialize in one sport earlier in life consistently have negative physical, social, and psychological consequences.


Student groups opposed early efforts to organize and standardize their sport and extracurricular activities by their schools.


Successful training programs for sport typically involve either aerobic or anaerobic training, but not both.


The birthplace effect refers to the high frequency of elite athletes who come from large cities, especially in comparison to the representation level of elite athletes from small or rural communities.


The examples of Tiger Woods, Sidney Crosby, and Ken Griffey Jr. provide excellent blueprints for how all parents should structure their children's competitive sport participation.


The period from the 1920s to the 1950s was a time of large growth for school-based competitive sport programs because of the advocacy of physical educators and professionals of the time.


Title IX dictates that the number of females participating in a sport program must equal that of the male participants, regardless of the gender proportions of the student body.


Many athletes describe their mental state in moments of performance greatness as total absorption in their task where action and awareness are merged. What does this mental state refer to?


Which of the following is NOT a recommendation for helping youth athletes manage their attention?

Focus attention inwardly to closely monitor performance.

When Samantha plays with her four-year-old daughter, she spends the majority of that time developing her daughter's basic motor movements such as running and jumping so that these skills can be applied to a variety of sports as her daughter ages. What level of the mountain of motor skills is Samantha correctly attempting to develop in her daughter?

Fundamental motor skills

After the emergence of National Hockey League (NHL) superstar Mario Lemieux and his Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup victories in the early 1990s, youth hockey programs showed greatly increased participation levels in the Pittsburgh area, leading to a large crop of NHL and elite-level hockey players hailing from this region in the subsequent decades. What is this effect known as?

Gold mine effect

In European youth sport, it is common for a sport club or team to be open to all members of the community, where sport is conducted and organized locally to instill a sense of community pride and belonging. This approach is known as:

Grassroots approach

Which of the following was NOT an objective of Stotz when creating Little League Baseball in 1939?

Increase baseball's global popularity by organizing publicized national and world championships.

What is the term that refers to growth in body size, either as a whole or in relation to individual body parts?


Which is the motivational orientation that creates pressure for kids due to its focus on outcome and its lack of motivational insurance policy?

High ego, Low task

Colin tends to feel heightened anxiety levels in comparison to his peers when competing, regardless of the type of sport or game importance. What type of anxiety does Colin's situation best describe?

High trait anxiety

In Bloom's model of talent development, falling in love with the sport is a critical aspect in what stage of talent development?

Initiation stage

Which of the following statements is NOT true based on research regarding motivation orientation?

It is ultimately detrimental for athlete motivation to be both highly task involved and highly ego involved.

A basketball coach tells her players that they will be finished with practice once they have made 7 free throws out of 10 attempts, then proceeds to count the number of their makes without any descriptive information about their form or technique. How would you classify the knowledge of results (KR) and knowledge of performance (KP) of the coach's feedback in this scenario?

KR high, KP low

Sammy's hockey coach skates over to him after he completes a drill and provides him with the following feedback: "You did a great job hustling out there, but next time try to keep your eyes up rather than focused on the puck, and try to lengthen your stride to move more efficiently." What type of feedback is Sammy's coach providing?

Knowledge of performance

What important leader of the Muscular Christianity movement was a professional physical educator for the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), whose knowledge of physical education allowed him to personally structure developmentally appropriate practices that could be used across the United States?

Luther Gulick

Adapting the sport experience to make it developmentally appropriate for children, such as lowering the height of the rim in basketball, is referred to as


which of the following is not correct about sport participants with disabilities?

Most of their sport participation occurs within the same leagues and teams as athletes without disabilities.

Before the start of practice, Coach Stevens tells his team, "Today we will focus on improving our communication. Teams who communicate well tend to play better and have more fun than those who don't." Coach Stevens' statement is an example of which aspect of the five-step teaching cycle?


Tina's volleyball coach provides her with positive feedback, uses rewards for good effort, and works with her to set appropriate goals. All of these social aspects are part of constructing what influential aspect of sport participation?

Motivational climate

Some athletes have a small initial biological advantage for a specific sport activity that allows them to experience greater gain from training. What is the term for this interaction of innate characteristics and training?

Multiplier effect

Which of these is NOT seen as a potential benefit of club sport programs?

Organizational rules help ensure that all athletes will participate in each competition.

Thomas and his family made a decision at an early age to participate exclusively in soccer year-round. As he reaches the high school level, he feels psychologically burned out and suffers a stress fracture in his leg, greatly hurting his chances of receiving a college scholarship. What problem of talent development does this scenario demonstrate?


When athletes train excessively without adequate time to recover, they typically have a decrease in performance and elevated psychological distress known as


What model is suggested as an alternative to typical youth sport participation opportunities, in which youth athletes are able to move up and down from many types of sport participation opportunities and which pushes for an "in and remain in" philosophy over "up and out"?

Palm Community model

How did the trend of hothouse parenting that emerged in the 1980s and continues today affect youth sport participation?

Parents sought highly organized activities for their children that could be used as positive social outlets.

Which element of reaching the TOP in sport refers to a deep love of an activity that spurs athletes to invest their time and energy in training and sustained participation?


Which of the following is NOT a concept that is incorporated in the POPP sequence?


At the beginning of his team's off-season training program, Coach Marshall has his basketball players end practice with 5 sprint drills but adds two more each week until they reach their goal of 15 by the end of camp. What training principle does this technique demonstrate?


Working to improve an athlete's confidence, decision making, and leadership is the development of what category of skills?

Psychological skills

While celebrating the team's district championship, Tyler is much less jubilant than his teammates and seems more relieved than anything. What aspect of burnout does Tyler appear to be experiencing?

Reduced sport accomplishment

When a player stresses the desire to participate in sport to form friendships and interact socially, what basic need of motivational theory is he demonstrating?


A youth hockey organization uses year of birth as a way to divide up their teams. After tryouts, the coaches notice that the majority of players who make up each team have birthdays in the January to March range, while very few who made the cut have birthdays falling between October and December. What is this scenario an example of?

Relative age effect

In 2014, 13-year-old Mo'ne Davis became the first girl to be the winning pitcher in a Little League World Series game; how might have Davis' participation in Little League Baseball differed if she had played 50 years earlier (i.e., in the 1960s)?

She may have been denied the opportunity to play based on Little League administrators' belief that girls had weaker bone structures and slower reaction times.

Which of the following is NOT seen as a common negative consequence of starting competitive sport participation too early?

Slower development of sport-specific skills

What youth sport has the most participation in Canada?


Which one of these is not in the top 5 of the most common sport programs for boys/girls in U.S. High schools?


Tim has loved hockey for his whole life and enjoyed playing in recreational leagues with his friends for the majority of his youth. However, his community recreation league has a cutoff at 13 years old, and he did not make the cut for his middle school team. This offers him no opportunities to participate in sport, only to watch his friends who did make the team. This scenario is an example of what type of ethos?

Spectator ethos

Which of the stages of the mountain of motor skill development is crucial for a child's development in order to avoid the athletic proficiency barrier?

Stage 2: Fundamental motor skills

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding early brain development?

Synapses related to motor skills develop in a standard pattern in children's brains.

Which of the following is NOT a finding of research done on the development of teenage brains?

Synaptic pruning occurs last in the posterior part of the teenage brain, the area associated with decision making and long-term rewards.

Modifying strategies to be more developmentally appropriate to an age group, such as playing small-sided games in practice, refers to what type of youth sport modification?


is an innate (inborn) ability or quality identified at an earlier time that can lead to expertise at a future time.


Determining if individuals have the physical, behavioral, and psychological requisites for success in a particular sport is the purpose of

Talent identification

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the pyramid model of sport?

The pyramid model pushes for a participation ethos in youth sport.

Some of the positive youth development (PYD) outcomes from sport participation and physical activity are increased cognitive functioning, boosted confidence and self-worth, and even enhanced academic achievement.


A parent is more likely to be highly involved in their child's sport participation based on how highly they participated in sports during their youth


A weakness of the culture of youth sport in the united states in comparison to that in many other countries is a lack of national coordination or a central governing body


According to Bigelow, Moroney, and Hall in their book Just Let the Kids Play, the most important question when organizing a youth sport program is this: Will this program, practice, or competition serve the needs of the children in this age group-all the children-or is it primarily serving the needs of the adults?


Attributions for performance can affect perceived competence and self-worth more than the actual performances do.


Children have a better chance of learning biomechanically correct skills if sports are adapted to their developmental levels, whereas skill learning can be inhibited without modification.


Developmentally appropriate practice, particularly before adolescence, stresses that skill learning should always be valued over competition.


Having fun is the main reason given for sport participation by children ages 5 to 18, while not having fun is the main reason for sport dropout for this age group.


Human growth occurs in a proximodistal pattern, meaning it occurs from the center of the body outward.


Individual youth sport athletes tend to respond with higher anxiety levels than team youth sport athletes do.


It's crucial for kids to be highly task involved (even if they're also highly ego involved), which leads to greater effort, persistence, and feelings of competence.


Knowledge of results feedback is more useful for experienced athletes than for novices.


Maintaining multiple areas of interest and achievement is a helpful way to guard against athlete burnout.


Modification in youth sport can benefit children with skill development and positive psychological, social, and emotional outcomes.


Optimal arousal levels may vary for athletes, even in those who play the same sport.


Overload training (i.e., exceeding an athlete's current fitness capacity) is a fundamental aspect of physically training youth athletes.


Parents of youth athletes who participate in appearance-oriented sports, such as gymnastics, figure skating, and diving, should be aware of the heightened prevalence of eating disorders in these types of sports.


Perfectionism can be a harmful trait in youth athletes if they excessively or unrealistically strive for flawless performance and are overly concerned with mistakes.


Positive youth development programs have the potential to be especially effective in promoting psychosocial and life skills development in at-risk and low-income youth, because these youth have limited resources, limited access to physical activity and skill learning, and higher incidence of health problems.


Properly identifying the reasons to explain why performance success or failure occurred can be a productive way of breeding feelings of controllability.


Race and ethnicity can create barriers to opportunities for youth sport participation, even in the United states?


Research findings demonstrate that people learn better in cooperative situations than in competitive situations.


The athletic proficiency barrier occurs when mature patterns of fundamental motor skills are not developed due to lack of opportunity or practice during optimal learning periods.


The implementation of Title IX has resulted in an overall increase in sport participation opportunities for boys and men.


The relative age effect (RAE) is a worldwide phenomenon and has been found in a variety of sports.


Though late-maturing boys are typically not as successful as early-maturing boys in their early participation in youth sports and may be more likely to drop out, they actually tend to demonstrate motor performance improvements from ages 18 to 30, while early-maturing boys plateau or decline during that period.


When arranging players into groups for teaching a new skill, a useful guideline is to select the fewest number of players per group that are needed to run the drill effectively.


Youth athletes can complete the full process of the baseball diamond model of competence motivation and experience a negative impact on their motivation.


According to the baseball diamond model of competence motivation, what should be a key focus of the first-base step for youth athletes?

Try out different skills and activities, called mastery attempts.

Eleven-year-old John is passionate about playing baseball and, though still early in his development, shows truly advanced skill, work ethic, competitive drive, and all the prerequisites of a future star. He is seeking a more advanced level of competition and instruction, but his family cannot afford to pay tuition for an elite boarding school. Which of the following options would be your best recommendation for John's sport participation?

Try out for the Sluggers, a regional club baseball team

What European country is seen as most similar to the U.S. in terms of system of youth sport, often including physical education, intramural, and interscholastic sport?

United Kingdom

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of motivational theory, which outlines the three basic psychological needs that ultimately drive behavior?


Which of the following is NOT a benefit associated with physically active youths?

decreased lean body mass and decreased body fat

In the championship game of a Little League season, a coach tells one of his least successful hitters to crouch down at the plate to minimize his strike zone and not to swing in order to try to draw a walk. This is an example of stressing winning in competition over what important objective of youth sport?

skill development and mastery

Which of the following is "False" regarding youth sport participation in the U.S.?

sport participation has continuously decreased in U.S. high schools over the past few decades.

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