Kine 1301 Chapter 1 & 2

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Education through the physical... the most dominant force in contemporary physical education.

12 Sub-Disciplines of PE, Exercise Science & Sport

1- Exercise Physiology (study of the effexts of various physical demands, on the structure and function of the body. pg 14) 2- Sports Medicine (concerned with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports related injuries pg 15) 3- Sport biomechanics (applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human motion and the motion of sports objects i.e. javelin, baseball pg 15) 4- Sports philosophy (examines sport from any different perspectives pg 15) 5- Sport history (critical examination of the past, focusing on events, people and trends that influenced the development and direction of the field. pg 15) 6- Sport & Exercise psychology (uses principles and scientific methods from pschology to study human behavior in sport.) 7- Motor development (studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential to movement. pg 15) 8- Motor learning (study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of practice and experience. pg 16) 9- Sport sociology (the study of the role of sport in society, its impact on participants in sport, and the relationship between sport and other societal institutions. pg 16) 10-Sport pedagogy (can be defined broadly to include the study of teaching and learning in school and nonschool settings. pg 16) 11- Adapted physical activity (concerned with the preparation of teachers and sport leaders to provde programs and services for individuals with disabilities. pg 16) 12-Sport Management (includes: personnel mgmt, budgeting, facility mgmt, and programming pg 17)

Developing profession philosophy (pg 39 chart)

6 steps 1-Review past experiences in PE, ES and sport. 2- Read about the different philosophies 3-Review the philosophies of leaders in PE, ES, and sport 4-Take advantage of opportunities you have during your professional prep 5- Review the codes of conduct and ethical standards of various professional orgs 6- Express your philosophy

Charactoristics distinguishing a profession from an occupation that is not a profession.

Bottom of page 11, right corner

Objectives for learning classificed into 3 Domains of behavior

Cognitive Affective Psychomotor pg 43

Health education

Concerns itself with the total well being of the individual - physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health. pg 19

Examples of physical education, Exercise Science and Sport objectives (chart pg 41)

Developments: Physical Fitness, Motor Skill, Cognitive, Affective


Greek philosophia: "the love of wisdom". set of beliefs relating to a particula field, a system of values by which one lives and works.

6 Major Philosophies (pg 31 bottom right - pg 34 chart)

Idealism realism Pragmatism Naturalism Existentialism Humanism

Branches of Philosophy (pg 31 chart)

Metaphysics Epistemology Logic Axiology Ethics Aesthetics

Exercise Science

Scientific analysis of exercise - more exclusively, physical activity.


a term used in place of "physical educators, exercise scientists, and sport leaders


an occupation requiring specialized training in an intellectual field of study that is dedicated to the betterment of society.

Scientific Research

based on a systematic approach to gathering information that poetentially answers an investigated question. pg 22

Quantitive research

based on numbers, statistical analysis of numeric data that were gathered. pg 22


combination of a well-established discipline and one or more professions that deliver a social service and are focused on common goals.


derived from goals, describe learning-know, do or feel as a result of instruction pg 40

Practitioner-Based research

focuses on how to apply the information learned within your instruction or area of practice pg 22

Health instruction

focuses on teaching the basics of healthy living in many areas - disease prevention, mental health, nutrition, physical fitness, stress mgmt, dealing w/abuse drugs and alcohol. pg 19

Academic Discipline

has a focus, conceptual framework that provides structure for the field

12 steps to understanding research reports

pg 23 1-Citation (name, author etc.) 2- Purpose and Rational 3- Fit and specific rational 4- Participants 5- Context 6- Steps in sequence 7- Data 8- Analysis 9-Results 10- Conclusions 11- Cautions 12- Discussion and Application

Summary page for Chapter 1

pg 25-26 Physical Education is defined as an educational process that uses physical activity as a means to help individuals acquire skills, fitness, knowledge and attitudes that contribute to their optimal well being. Education is the ongoing process of learning that occurs throughout our lifespan. Exercise Science is the scientific analysis of exercise and physical activity. Sport is a highly organized, competitive physical activity governed by rules where the outcome is largely determined by skill and strategy. Rules standardize the competition and conditions so that individuals can compete fairly. PE, Exercise Science and sport includes both disciplinary and professional dimensions. Discipline is the body of knowledge of a field. Scholars and researchers engage in activities designed to provide greater scientific understanding and insight. The Professional dimension of a field focuses on providing services to people of all ages in many different settings. Professionals use the body of knowledge and specialized skills to meet the unique needs of people and help them improve their health and quality of life. The growth of knowledge in PE led to specialized areas of study: Sport and exercise psychology sport sociology sport pedagogy sport philosophy sport biomechanics exercise physiology motor development motor learning adapted physical activity sport history sport management

Contemporary Goals etc.

pg 43 NASPE (National Assoc. Sport and PE) Moving into the future publication set standards) AAHPERD (American Alliance for Health, PE, Recreation and Dance

National Standard for PE (2004)

pg 44 chart

Summary Chapter 2

pg 64-65 The major branches of philosophy include: metaphysics, epistemology, logic axiology ethics aesthetics Philosophies influencing the nature and practice of PE: idealism realism pragmatism naturalism existentialism humanism Sport philosophers use logic and critical reasoning to study the meaning of physical activity and the mind-body relationship. Goals are broad statements of aims that reflect desired accomplishments. Objectives are more specific statements of outcomes that build progressively to achieve the goals. The objectives of PE, ES and Sport encompass four areas: Fitness development Skill development Knowledge affective development Human behavior is often described with reference to three domains: cognitive affective psychomotor Assessment of learning is critical in physical education, es, and sport. It is the continual process that serves: diagnosis prescription classification determination of achievement documentation of progress enhancement of motivation program improvement professional development

Cognitive Domain

pgs 45-47 charts 1-Knowledge (ability to recall) 2- Comprehension (Grasping the meaning) 3-Application (ability to use learned info) 4- Analysis (Breaking down material into components) 5-Synthesis (Ability to put parts together to form a whole) 6-Evaluation (ability to judge values of ideas)

Affective Domain

pgs 48-52 charts 1-Receiving (sensitivity to the existence of certain events/stimuli) 2-Responding (active attention to stimuli) 3-valuing (assigning worth to stimuli or phenomena) 4-Organizing (Internalizing values and organizing them into a system) 5-Characterizing by value or complex (acting according to values)

Psychomotor Domain

pgs 52-56 charts 1-Imitation (Observing and patterning behavior after someone else) 2-Manipulation (ability to perform certain actions by following instructions/practicing) 3-Precision (refining, becoming more exact) 4-Articulation (coordinating a series of actions with consistency) 5-Naturalization (performing at a high level automatically)


serve as a fuide for professionals in planning for learning outcomes, organized educational objectives in a progressive 45


statements of purposes, intents, and aims that reflect desired accomplishments pg 40


the process of gathering information to learn what participants know and are able to do to determine their progress toward achievement of goals and objectives. pg 57-60

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