Kines82 Midterm #1

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who developed a mediative technique that was successfully employed to help reduce his patient's levels of high blood pressure

Herbert Benson

a noted physiologist who was employed at Harvard Medical School and first decided the body's reaction to stress is

Walter Cannon

the part of the adrenal gland that secretes corticoids is called

adrenal cortex

the inner portion of the adrenal gland the secretes catecholamine is called

adrenal medulla

what activates the adrenal cortex to secrete corticoid hormones

adrenocorticotropic hormone

the stress response initiates increased levels of the hormone testosterone causing


what are the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome

alarm reaction, stage of resistanceand stage of exhaustion

the primary mineral corticoid is called


cortisol is secreted from the adrenal cortex and is responsible for

an increase in blood sugar

aldosterone is the primary mineral cortcoid and is responsible for

an increase in blood volume, water retention and an increase in blood pressure

a sign of people who may be hot reactors is that they

anger easily, feel anxious or depressed, experience nausea or vomiting

a relaxation technique that involves a sensation of heaviness, warmth and tingling in the limbs is called

autogenic traning

the system that controls such body processes as hormone balance, temperature and width of blood vessels is called

autonomic nervous system

the contraction of muscles for no obvious reason


part of the subcortex responsible for coordination is called


the upper part of the brain responsible for thinking functions is called

cerebral cortex

what are the 2 major components of the brain

cerebral cortex and subcortex

what is released by the hypothalamus and results in the release of adrenocorticotropic hormones

corticotrophin releasing factor

the primary glucocorticoid is called


the pressure of the blood against arterial walls when the heart is relaxed is known as

diastolic blood pressure

the part of the subcortex responsible for the regulation of emoions is called


bad things to which we have to adapt is defined as


the system that is comprised of hormones that regulate physiological functions is called

endocrine system

toxins, heat and cold would be examples of what kind of stressor


a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla often called adrenalin is


the pine food passes through to get into the stomach is called


good things to which we have to adapt is defined as


True or False:although stress can be very bothersome it is seldom dangerous to your health


true or false: Hans Selye was unable to specify which changes in the body's physiology resulted from stress


true or false: brain cells destroyed by prolonged stress can regenerate themselves


true or false: cortisol and aldosterone are types of muscle tissue


true or false: the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for expending energy


true or false: when measuring blood pressure, the higher number is the diastolic and lower number is the systolic


true or false: when we experience little or no stress, the limbic system is in charge, and then we have significant levels of stress, the cerebral cortex is in charge


true or false:man and women in general tend to respond to stress in very similar ways


The body's stress reaction that includes an increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and serum cholesterol is called

fight-or flight

the electrodermal response or the electrical conductance of the skin is called

galvanic skin response

the body system responsible for digestion is called the

gastrointestinal system

this regulates metabolism of glucose


the theory developed by Kobasa and her colleagues that if you perceive potentially stressful events as a challenge instead of a threat, less stress will result is known as

hardiness theory

the part of the brain that "sounds the alarm when stress is present is called


people who react to stress with an all-out physiological reaction are

hot reactors

a substance found in the digestive system that helps break down food for digestion is

hydrochloric acid

the part of the diencephalon that activates the autonomic nervous system is called the


when you encounter a stressor the sympathetic nervous system regulates the body to

increase heart rate, dilate pupils, dilate coronary arteries

the hormonal increase of oxytocin and estrogen during the stress response

initiates the tend and befriend response

Robert Karasek was pioneer for the

job demand control model

the part of the digestive system that receives unusable food substance from the small intestine is called

large intestine

the system that produces emotion also known as the seat of emotions is called

limbic system

the goal of stress management is to

limit the harmful effects of stress

the part of the subcortex responsible for regulation of heartbeat and breathing is called

medulla oblongata

cells left in bloodstream and lymphatic system to recognize and respond to future attacks to the body by same invade are called

memory t and b cells

this regulates the balance between sodium and potassium


what is not a involuntary function?

muscle contraction

a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla, often called noradrenalin is


a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland is called

oxytocin and vasopressin

the effects of cortisol and epinephrine are mediated by the hormones

oxytosin and estrogen

the part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for conserving energy is called

parasympathetic nervous system

the part of the subcortex responsible for regulating sleep is called


a relaxation technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscles groups throughout the body is called

progressive relaxation

conditions that have a mind a and body component are called


threats to self-esteem or depression would be examples of what kind of stressor


healing effects of the mind on the body is known as


a series of bodily changes that bare the opposite of the stress reaction is called

relaxation response

the network of nerves that connects the mind and the body is called

reticular activating system

the substance in the mouth that starts to break down food is called


muscles attached to the bone are called

skeletal muscle

the part of the digestive system into which the esophagus goes is called

small intestine

muscles that control the contraction of internal organs are called

smooth muscle

the theory developed by Overholser and his colleagues pertaining to stress occurring when there is no social support available to respond to the even effectively is known as the

social support theory

use of time or purpose in life would be an example of what kind of stressor


who is known for studying headaches

stewart wolf, thomas budzynsk and howard wolff

stimuli with the potential to cause stress are collectively called


the operational definition of stress for this text includes

stressors, stress reactivity and strain

the lower part of the brain responsible for various physiological processes necessary to stay alive is called


the part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for expending energy is called

sympathetic nervous system

the pressure of the blood as it leave the heart is known

systolic blood pressure

a type lymphocyte whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body by puncturing invaded body cells and killing the cells and foreign substances is called

t cells

the part of the diencephalon that relays impulses to the cerebral cortex is called


the exit point for unusable food substance is called

the anal opening

a psychosomatic disease that results from the mind increasing the body's susceptibility to disease-causing microbe or natural degenerative process

the study of the illness-causing and

what stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxin

thyrotropic hormone

what is released by the hypothalamus and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete thyrotropic hormone

thyrotropic hormone releasing factor

True or False: Lazarus and DeLongis have found that everyday hassles are even more detrimental to one's health than major life changes


True or false: Progressive relaxation is also known as neuromuscular relaxation


True or false: Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe showed that the more significant the change in someone's life, the greater the chance on the onset of illness


true or false: Christina Maslach was a stress management pioneer who focused upon the issue of burnout.


true or false: a relatively frail person who pulls a car off a child pinned beneath it would be an example of fight-or flight response


true or false: blood vessels constriction is a function of smooth tissue


true or false: men and women respond to stress differently because of gender-based hormonal differences


true or false: muscles bracing can lead to a numerous states of poor health, such as headaches and backaches


true or false: norepinephrine and epinephrine are more commonly known as adrenaline and noradrenaline


true or false: oxytocin, thyroxin and vasopressin help the body prepare for the physical response to a stessor


true or false: stress causes a decrease in saliva production and an increase in hydrochloric acid


true or false: the adrenal cortex secretes hormones that will cause an increase in blood glucose and blood pressure


true or false: the cerebral cortex is also called the grey matter


true or false: the longer our physiology varies from its baseline measures and the greater the variance from that baseline the more likely we are to experience ill effects from this stress reactivity


true or false: we often control our physiology and often allow ourselves to become ill


the degree to which the five dimensions of health are in balance is called


the average blood pressure for a young adult is


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