Kinesiology final exams 2-4 multiple choice ONLY

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There are ____ thoracic vertebrae a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 24


The army can rotate through a) 60 to 90 degrees b) 90 to 110 c) 120 to 180 d) 250 to 280

120 to 180

The ratio of glenohumeral movement to scapular movement through 180 of abducrion or flexion is _____. a) 2:1 b) 5:4 c) 1:3 d) 2:5


Your right lung is divided into _____ lobes, or sections


There are _____ carpal bones a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10


Which joint does coracoacromial ligament cross? a) glenohumeral b) sternoclavicular c) acromioclavicular d) none


Which of the following may lead to injury of the achilles tendon? a) repetitive vigorous contraction of gastrocnemius and soleus b) abrupt forward propulsion after backward movement c) excessive q angle d) all of above e) a and b

a and b

Rotator cuff problems can be exacerbated by shoulder _____ a)flexion b) extension c) abduction d) adduction


The greatest strength output in the shoulder is generated in the _______. a) extension b) flexion c) abduction d) adduction


The knee joint is considered to be a ___. a) modified hinge joint b) condyloid joint c) double condyloid joint d) all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following help stabilize the knee joint? a) medial and lateral collateral ligaments b) joint capsule c) semimembranosus d) all of the above e) a and b

all of the above

Where is nitric oxide found in the respiratory system? a) nasal cavity b) paranasal sinuses c) sinuses d) alveloli


Healing of vertebral discs is unpredictable and not very promising because the discs are avascular and _____. a) aneural b) bianeural c) trianueral d) polyanueral


Which structure resists hyperextension of the spine? a) anterior longitudinal ligament b) intervertebral disc c) erector spinal muscle d) posterior longitudinal ligament

anterior longitudinal ligament

Trunk flexion is associated with which pelvic motion? a) posterior tilt b) anterior tilt c) left lateral tilt d) right lateral tilt

anterior tilt

Which term describes the synovial joints between adjacent vertebrae? a) cerviothoracic junction b) annulus fibrosus c) laminae d) apophyseal joint

apophyseal joint

Which bone articulates with the occipital bone of the skull? a) lumbar vertebrae b) manubrium c) atlas d) axis


Which muscle causes forearm supination? a) biceps brachii b) triceps brachii c) pronation teres d) anconeus

biceps brachii

During the support phase of running _________. a) pronation accompanies external rotation of the knee b) pronation accompanies flexion of the knee c) supination accompanies external rotation of the knee d) supination accompanies extension of the knee e) both a and d f) both b and c

both b and c

the pelvis tilts______ a) anteriorly during hip extension when the feet are planted b) anteriorly during hip flexion when the feet are planted c) posteriorly during open chain hip flexion d) posteriorly during open chain hip extension e) both a and d f) both b and c

both b and c HIP FLEXION

Which muscle does not cause forearm pronation? a) brachioradialis b) brachialis c) pronator quadratus d) pronator teres


Which muscle is biarticular? a) biceps brachii b) brachilais c) brachioradialis d) coracobrachialis


Which of the following muscle does not cause wrist flexion? a) flexor carpi radialis b) palmaris longus c) brachioradialis d) flexor carpi ulnaris


Which of the following does not limit plantar flexion range of motion? a) ligaments and joint capsule b) talus and tibia c) gastrocnemius and soles muscles d)Calcaneus


To lift the arm against gravity you would use an _____ contraction a) eccentric b) isometric c) concentric


Which is not true of the gluteus maximus? a) it acts to extend both the hips and trunk b) contributes more to hip extension strength than do the hamstrings c) it is more active during stair climbing than level walking d) it is the most massive muscle e) it also externally rotates the thigh

contributes more to hip extension strength than do the hammier

The medial meniscus _____ a) more likely to heal if tears occur on the interior versus peripheral b) more mobile than the lateral meniscus c) is crescent shaped d) only attaches to the tibia on the anterior side

crescent shaped

Which term is defined as injury to the intervertebral disc in which the nucleus pulpous extrudes into the annulus fibrosus a) disc degeneration b) disc prolapse c) lordosis d) socliosis

disc prolapse

Which muscle group is responsible for extension of vertebral bones? a) external rotators of the hip b) abdominal muscles c) iliopsoas d) erector spinal muscles

erector spinal muscles

Which action occurs about the ulnohumeral joint? a) supination b) abduction c) extension d) ulnar deviation


Which muscle would not be strengthened by wrist flexion exercises? a) flexor carpi radialis b) flexor carpi ulnaris c) palmaris longus d) extensor indicis

extensor indicis

Most of the muscles acting at the wrist and fingers are considered a) concentric b) eccentric c) intrinsic d) extrinsic


In which foot type is there greater internal rotation of the foot relative to the tibia? a) high arched foot b) normal foot c) flat foot d) equines foot

flat foot

The motion that takes place at the radioulnar joint is a) pronation b) flexion c) abduction d) adduction


Which motion is not resisted by the multiple ligaments crossing the hip? a) flexion b) internal rotation c) adduction d) abduction e) none of the above


the sacral movements are: a) flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and rotation b) flexion, extension, nutation, and counternutation c) flexion, extension and rotation

flexion, extension and rotation

Which muscle has its origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus and causes ulnar flexion? a) extensor carpi ulnaris b) flexor carpi ulnaris c) extensor pollicis longus d) flexor carpi radialis

flexor carpi ulnaris

What is the plane of motion when performing abduction about the glenohumeral joint? a) frontal b) sagittal c) transverse d) horizontal


A clicking sound in the shoulder may be due to an injury to the ____ a) glenoid labrum b) subacromial bursa c) supraspinatus muscle d lesser tubercle

glenoid labrum

Which structure deepens the concavity of the glenohumeral joint cavity? a) glenoid labrum b) subscapularis c) glenohumeral ligament d) corcahumeral ligament

glenoid labrum

The acriomioclavcular joint is considered to be which type of joint a) gliding b) hinge c) pivot d) condylar


Prominent hip adductors include ____. a. gracilis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus b. adductor magnus, adductor longus, and semitendinosus c. sartorius, iliopsoas, and semimembranosus d. gracilis, adductor brevis, and popliteus

gracilis, adductor longus, adductor magnus

When trying to obtain maximum plantarflexion strength, one should a) have flexed knees and slightly plantar flexed ankle b ) have extended knees and slightly plantar flexed ankle c) have flexed knees and slightly dorsiflexed ankle d) have extended knees and slightly dorsiflexed ankle

have extended knees and slightly dorsiflexed ankle

Which motion is not allowed about the atlantoaxial joint? a) head flexion b) head extension c) head left rotation d) head lateral flexion

head lateral flexion

Which direction does the knee typically have the least range of motion? a) flexion b) internal/externa; rotation c) abduction/adduction d) hyperextension


Which of the following muscles does not contribute to trunk flexion? a) rectus abdominis b) internal oblique c) external oblique d) iliocostalis


Which of the following is not an effect of nitric oxide? a) an anti-inflammatory action in the arteries b) prevents blood clotting and obstructions in the arteries c) immune defense:destruction of viruses and parasitic organisms d) plays a role in perspiration

immune defense : destruction of viruses and parasitic organisms

Patellofemoral compression force_____. a) is greater during walking than squatting b) increases as knee flexion increases c) is high in terminal extension exercises d) can be as high as 10 times BW in a squat exercise

increases as knee flexion increases

The structure that connects the radius to the ulna is the a) interosseous membrane b) annular ligament c) ulnar collateral ligament d) radial collateral ligament

interosseous membrane

The joints of the fingers are called _____ joints a) interphalangeal b) digital c) carpal d) tarsal


which structure separates two adjacent vertebral bodies? a) intervertebral disc b) pedicle c) transverse process d) spinosus process

intervertebral disc

Which is not an injury to the hand? a) bennett fracture b) boutonniere deformity c) mallet finger d) olecranon bursitis

olecranon bursitis

The gluteus medius a) is less efficient when female anteversion is greater b) on the left side contracts during swing phase of the right leg c) is a powerful hip abductor and external rotator d) may result in pelvic drop if it is weak

on the left side contracts during swing phase of the right leg

Which muscle does not directly move the scapula? a) pectoralis minor b) subclavius c)rhomboids d) trapezius

pectoralis minor

The scapulothoracic joint is a a) ball and socket joint b) physiologic joint c) saddle joint d) pivot joint

physiologic joint

Which is not true during cycling? a) the hams are very active during the middle of the cycle b) the major power producers are the quads c) the plantar flexors are active while the dorsiflexors remain silent d) co contraction of the quads femurs and the hamstrings throughout entire cycle

plantar flexors active while dorsiflexors remain silent

Which is not a scapular motion? a) downward rotation b) depression c) retraction d) pronation


Which of the following muscle does not cause trunk extension? a) iliocostalis b) longissimus c) spinalis d) quadrates lumborum

quadrates lumborum

Which structure is not on the scapula a) inferior angle b) coracoid process c) glenoid fossa d) acromion e) radial notch

radial notch

Ulnar flexion takes place at the ____ joint a) radioulnar b) ulnohumeral c) midcarpal d) radiocarpal


Forearm pronation occurs about the ___ joint a) glenohumeral b) ulnohumeral c) radiohumeral d) radioulnar


Which muscle does not cross the glenohumeral joint? a) latissimus dorsi b) pectoralis major c) teres minor d) rhomboid


What action is caused by the elevator scapula muscle? a) shoulder flexion b) shoulder extension c) scapula elevation d) scapula depression

scapula elevation

Which joint is considered a physiologic joint and is not a true diarthrodial joint? a) sternoclavicular b) acromioclavicular c) scapulothoracic d) glenohumeral


Slowly lowering the arm in the sagittal plane would use the _____ muscle group a) shoulder flexor b) shoulder extensor c) shoulder abductor d) shoulder adductor

shoulder adductor

Impingement at the shoulder can be minimized by ____ motion a) shoulder abduction b) shoulder flexion c) shoulder internal rotation d) shoulder external rotation

shoulder external rotation

Which term represents a fatigue fracture of the posterior neural arch of the vertebrae at the pars interarticularis site? a) spondylolysis b) impingement c) thoracic kyphosis d) Scheuermann disease


Lateral flexion in the cervical region is caused by which muscle? a) sternocleomastoid b) erector spinae c) internal obliques d) iliopsoas


Which muscle causes internal rotation of the humerus? a) pectoralis minor b) subscapularis c) trapezius d) rhomboid


Which structure does not play a role in the impingement area of the shoulder? a) coracoacromial ligament b)supraspinatus muscle c) subacromial bursa d) suprascapular notch

supra scapular notch

The muscles that attach into the iliotibial band include the a) gluteus medius b) tensor fascia latae c) sartorius d) all of the above e) a and b

tensor fascia latate

Which muscle is not a rotator cuff muscle? a) teres minor b) teres major c) supraspinatus d) subscapularis

teres major

Which muscle is not part of the group known as the rotator cuff? a) teres major b) subscapularis c) supraspinatus d) teres minor

teres major

Which state is true when comparing walking and running? a) ankle compression forces are present in running but not walking b) vertical ground reaction forces are five times higher during running c) there is a braking phase in both d) lower extremity joint motions are typically greater in walking because of increased stance time

there is a braking phase in both

The knee can flex through greater range of motion when the ______________. a) foot is pronating b) thigh is hyperflexed c) foot is supinating d) thigh is flexed e) all of the above f) a and b

thigh is flexed

Which region of the spine is most restricted in movement? a) cervical b) thoracic c) lumbar d) all regions have similar movement capabilities


Which vertebrae forms a curve that is convex to the posterior side of the body? a) cervical b) thoracic c) lumbar d) sacral


Which vertebral Region has the greatest ratio of disc diameter to disc height? a) cervical b) thoracic c) lumbar d) all regions have similar diameter to height ratios


Which muscle causes extension about the glenohumeral and ulnohumeral joints? a) biceps brachii b) triceps brachii c) brachioradialis d) brachialis

triceps brachii

The anatomical landmark on the humerus that articulates with the ulnar is known as the : a) trochlea b) lateral supracondylar ridge c) capitulum d) radial notch


Abduction about the glenohumeral joint would be accompanied by what type of scapula action? a) upward rotation b) downward rotation c) depresion d) adduction

upward rotation

the biceps brachia can develop the most force a) when the forearm is pronated b) when the forearm is supinated c) when the forearm is in the neutral position d) when the shoulder is flexed

when the forearm is supinated

Can you grow your lungs? a) yes b) no c) yes and no

yes and no

Which statement is false concerning the acetabulum? a) it faces anteriorly, laterally, and inferiorly b) it has thick cartilage on all surfaces c) the three pelvis bones articulate in the acetabulum cavity d) it contacts 20% to 25% of the head of the femur

it has thick cartilage on all surface

In regard to the plantar fascia, which is not true? a) Sesamoid bones embedded within the fascia increase the mechanical advantage during the windlass mechanism b) It originates at the calcaneous and inserts on the talus, cuneiform, and navicular c) Inflammation and pain associated with fasciitis usually occur at the origin not the insertion d) It is most prevalent in high arches feet and individuals with Achilles' tendons or leg length discrepancies

it originates

Stability in the glenohumeral joint is derived primarily from the a) joint contact area b) ligaments and muscles c) vacuum in the joint d) none of the above

ligaments and muscles

Which is not associated with a short achilles tendon? a) early heel rise during gait b) toe walking c) limited pronation d) limited dorsiflexion motion during gait

limited pronation

Which of the following observations is not associated with changes to the spine due to the aging process? a) decreased flexibility b) loss of strength c) loss of height of spine d) decreased lateral bending

loss of height of spine

Which is true of the patella? a) moves medially into the groove as the knee begins to flex b) movement primarily depends on the strength of the quads and menisci morphology c) it moves more proximal as the knee flexes d) all of the above e) both a and b

medially into the groove as the knee begins to flex

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