Kinesiology Study Guide - Final

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The scapula serves as an attachment site for how many muscles?


How many muscles are there in the adductor group


Digestion is regulated by what branch of the nervous system


When palpating the sternocleidomastoid, the therapist must be aware of the

Carotid artery

The ribs will ___ when exhaling deeply


Which type of joint connects the cranial bones


Which activity will likely cause the most strain upon the scalene muscle group

Having head jostled violently while on a roller coaster

The three bones that make up the shoulder complex are the clavicle, scapula and ___ ?


A tennis player reports feeling a pain behind their shoulder after performing a backhand stroke during their game. Which muscle is most likely strained?


The adductors form of connective tissue drape along the base of the pelvis extending from the Superior Ramus of the pubis to what other bony landmarks

Ischial tuberosity

When straining my hamstring muscle group, the pain will be most strongly felt at the

Ischial tuberosity

Which of the following is an action of the posterior scalene

Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side

A client suffering a kink in their neck after sleeping awkwardly on their pillow will suffer an injury to the

Levator scapula

A massage stroke from the corners of the mouth traveling towards the angle of the jaw will contact the


Which pair of bony landmarks can usually be identified by two small dimples at the base of the lower back


Which movement with the lengthen the fibers of the biceps brachii?

Pronation of the forearm

Place your finger pads between ASIS and umbilicus, then slowly compress into your partners abdomen as he exhales to palpate which muscle?

Psoas Major

Locating the last rib, posterior iliac crest and the transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae will help you to isolate which muscle tissue?

Quadratus lumborum

Which muscle group win tightened me directly deviate the position of the patella bone


Which is the origin of the multifidi

Sacrum and transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae

The contractions of which muscle play in important role in returning blood from the legs to the heart?


If my eyes are plucked out of socket, which bone would be visible to see?


The anterior scalene lies partially deep to the lateral edge of which muscle


The origin of the deltoid is identical to the insertion of which muscle


When exploring between the scapulae, through which muscle tissue must you palpate to access the erector spinae fibers

Trapezius and rhomboids

A traumatic blow to the sternum can easily damage the inferior portion of the bone, which is the

Xiphoid process

Which of the following is an action of the extensor carpi radialis longus

abduct wrist

To reliably locate both gluteus medius and minibus in a sidling portions, you could ask your partner to perform which movement at the hip?


Which movement of the hip will lengthen the fibers of the gluteus minimus


A client informs you that pain was felt immediately upon slipping on ice and landing with legs apart. Which muscle group was directly impacted adversely with the slip and fall accident


The inferior ramus of the pubis and the ramus of the ischium serve as attachment sites for the majority of which muscle group?


Which factor might have an effect on the position of the scapula

all of the above

Which of the following muscles act as antagonist to the brachialis during elbow flexion


Hyperpronation will most likely injure which structure

annular ligament

The head of the radius is stabilized by which ligament?

annular ligament

Straining the patella ligament will create a tear upon which side of the tibia bone


What is the name for a broad, flat tendon?


A massage stroke deep to the biceps brachii upon the distal humeral region will compress upon the


Which muscle runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint


One head of the sternocleidomastoid attaches at the sternum, where does the second head attach?


The pulse of which vessel can be felt medially to the sternocleidomastoid at the level of the hyoid bone?

common carotid artery

Which is the origin of the extensor carpi ulnaris

common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of the humerus

What plane divides the body into front and back portions


Which is the origin of the brachialis

distal half of anterior surface of humerus

The tarsals are the most accessible along which surface of the foot


Which of the following is an action of the extensor digitorum longus?

dorsiflex the ankle

Which activity involves the radioulnar joint in the pronated position

dribbling a basket ball

Which movement shortens the fibers of the triceps brachii

elbow extension

Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the erector spinae muscles


What movement will lengthen the fibers of the brachialis

extension of elbow

Which extensor muscle can be palpated along side the shaft of the ulna

extensor carpi ulnaris

Which postural deviation will indicate that a clients piriformis is tightened in a short position

feet pointing externally

Which of the following is an action of the flexor digitorum longus?

flex the 2nd-5th toes

Which of the following is an action of the gastrocnemius

flex the knee

Making a fist will create which action at the metacarpal phalangeal joint's?


Which movement shortens the fibers of the brachioradialis

flexion of the elbow

Which excessive joint movement can strain the pes anserinus tendon

flexion of the knee

Which structures pass through the carpal tunnel

flexor tendons and median nerve

Which muscle will aid our ability to jump higher off the ground when it becomes stronger?


A fractured coccyx will take years to fully heal because ___ constantly pulls up on this phone when walking

gluteus maximus

Which muscle's shape and convergent fibers, which pull the femur in multiple directions, could be called the "deltoid muscle of the coxal joint"?

gluteus medius

Which structure can be located by sliding your fingers inferiorly 4"-6" from the middle of the iliac crest, along the lateral thigh

greater trochanter

The interphalangeals are what type of joints?


Which muscles are located directly between the ribs?


Which landmark serves as a common attachment site for the hamstrings and adductor magnus

ischial tuberosity

The thyroid gland is situated between which two structures

jugular notch and cricoid cartilage

Which muscle helps to create downward rotation of the scapula

levator scapula

Which action is common to all muscles in the adductor group?

medial rotation of the hip

In what part of the anterior leg are the gastrocnemius and soleus accessible?

medial to tibia

Which suboccipital muscle does not attach at the occipit

oblique capitis inferior

What is the muscle that encircles the mouth

orbicularis oris

Which connective tissue structure connects the patella to the tibial tuberosity

patellar ligament

Which muscle can be palpated at the anterior border of the axillary space

pectoralis major

Oops! A massage therapist accidentally applies deep pressure within the popliteal fossa trying to address the


The "contract-relax-antagonist-contract" technique is a combination of what two methods in the following order?

post-isometric relaxation, then reciprocal inhibition

Which scalene is the least accessible for palpation


The pulse of which vessel can be felt just inferiorly and posteriorly to the medial malleolus?

posterior tibial artery

The nervous system's ability to feel your body's position in space is known as


A client link prone on the table receives a stretch involving the therapist bending their leg, making the clients foot contact the gluteal's. Which muscle group has been stretched?


Which artery is often used for taking the pulse at the wrist

radial artery

Pronation and supination occur at which joints


Which abdominal muscle runs vertically from the rib cage to the pubic crest?

rectus abdominis

Which muscle is located in the space between the vertebral column and scapula


Which occurrence will most likely create injury to the ankle everters

rolling ones ankle when stepping on a curb

Which of the following is an action of the internal oblique

rotate vertebral column to the same side

What movement of the head and neck would lengthen the fibers of the levator scapula on the right side of the body

rotation to the left

Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the internal oblique on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

Which activity can cause the Iliopsoas to fatigue quickly, thereby inducing secondary hip flexors to engage to assist

running in a race

Which muscle stretches from the anterior ASIS to the medial knee


A gliding massage stroke along the medial edge of the tibial shift will address the gastrocnemius and the


The thorax is comprised of which two structures

sternum and rib cage

Extending the proximal and distal inter-phalangeal joint's (PIP & DIP) will

straighten fingers

Which of the following is an action of the supinator

supinate the forearm

The lateral border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscles

teres major and teres minor

When comparing to pelvises, you notice that the first one has a wider iliac crest and a greater distance between ischial tuberosity's than the second. What might you conclude about the first pelvis?

the person was female

Which section of the vertebral column is comprised of 12 vertebrae


Which is the insertion of the quadriceps femurs group?

tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)

Bringing the client's foot into plantar flexion will stretch the

tibialis anterior

Jamming my thumb will cause the metacarpal thumb bone compress into the


With client prone, A massage therapist applies a deep forearm stroke upon the biceps femoris muscle from distal to proximal, then transitions the stroke towards the iliotibial band. Which muscle is the next impacted by this massage stroke upon its transition.

vastus lateralis

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