KNHS 3220-Structural Kinesiology Chapter 8 exam 3 review

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(slide 36-Muscles) When the hip joint and pelvic girdle muscles are ___________, there is primarily hip flexion-Iliopsoas, Pectineus, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius. A.Lateral B.Medial C.Posterior D.Anterior


(slide 43-Muscles) The ____________ compartment is primarily knee extensors-The rectus femoris (biarticular), Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Lateralis, Sartorius. The ____________ compartment is the hamstring group-Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranous. A. 1.Posterior, 2.Anterior B. 1.Anterior, 2.Posterior

B. 1.Anterior, 2.Posterior

(slide 35-Muscles) Hip __________ muscles are used in moving thighs up toward trunk. Hip __________ muscles are used eccentrically when pelvis and trunk move downward slowly on the femur and concentrically when trunk is raised on femur (rising to standing position). In downward phase of knee-band exercise, movement at hips and knees is flexion. Muscles primarily involved:hip and knee extensors in eccentric contraction. A.extensor, flexor B.flexor, extensor

B. flexor, extensor

(slide 23-joints) When talking about hip joints, there is 0 to 35 degrees of _______________ and 0 to 30 degrees of ______________. A. 1. adduction, 2.abduction B. 1. abduction, 2.adduction

B.1. abduction, 2.adduction

(slide 33-Muscles) _____________ 2-joint muscles have one action at hip and another at knee. A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9


(slide 58-Gluteus Medius Muscle) True or False:Adduction of hip, Lateral pelvic rotation to ipsilateral side, internal rotation, flexion and anterior pelvic rotation (anterior fibers), External rotation, extension and posterior pelvic rotation (posterior fibers) are movements of the Gluteus Medius Muscle. A.True B.False


(slide 51-Adductor Longus Muscle) Adduction of hip, External Rotation as it adducts hip, assists in flexion of hip, and assists in anterior pelvic rotation are movements of the adductor Magnus muscle. A.True B.False

B.False-Adductor Longus Muscle

(slide 60-Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle ) Abduction of hip, Extension of hip, Lateral Pelvic rotation to ipsilateral side, Tendency to rotate hip internally as it flexes, External rotation of knee, Anterior pelvic rotation are movements of the Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle. A.True B.False

B.False-Flexion of hip

(slide 62 and 63) The Agonists for Hip extension are Psoas, Iliacus (Iliopsoas), Rectus Femoris, Pectineus-Sartorius, Tensor Fasciae Latae. A.True B.False

B.False-Hip Flexion

(slide 11-Bones) The proximal thigh is the insertion for all 4 quadriceps muscles. The proximal tibia and fibula:insertion for remainder of hip muscles-Sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: upper anteromedial tibial surface just below medial condyle after crossing knee posteromedially Semimembranosus: posteromedially on medial tibial condyle.


(slide 40-Muscles) When the shoulder muscles are acting on the shoulder joint, it has the iliac region which involves the iliopsoas muscles flexing the hip. Iliacus and the Psoas major are involved. A.True B.False


(slide 49-Rectus Femoris Muscle) Flexion of hip, Extension of knee, Anterior pelvic rotation are the movements involved in the Adductor Brevis muscle A.True B.False

B.False-Rectus Femoris Muscle

(slide 42-Muscles) The knee is divided into 3 compartments by intermuscular septa. A.True B.False


(slide 38-Muscles) When the hip joint and pelvic girdle muscles are posterior, there is primarily hip flexion-gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, External Rotators. A.True B.False

B.False-hip extension

(slide 65-Hip abduction) The agonists for this movement are Gluteus Medius-Tensor Fasciae Latae, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus. A.Hip Adduction B.Hip Abduction C.Hip extension D.Hip flexion

B.Hip Abduction

(slide 67-Hip internal rotation) The agonists for this movement are the Gluteus Minimus- Gluteus Medius, Tensor Fasciae Latae A.Hip External Rotation B.Hip Internal Rotation C.Hip Abduction D.Hip Adduction

B.Hip Internal Rotation

(slide 14-Joints) large and heavy bones covered by thick, heavy muscles. Very minimal oscillating-type movements occur in ______________ , as in walking. Body movements usually involve entire pelvic girdle and hip joints. In walking, hip flexion and extension occur with pelvic girdle rotation, forward in hip flexion and backward in hip extension. Jogging and running result in faster movements and greater range of movement. Pelvic rotation increases the length of stride in running; in kicking it results in a greater distance or more speed to the kick. A.Muscles B.Joints C.Bones D.None of the above


(slide 26-Movements) ________________ rotation is sagittal or anteroposterior plane. ________________ rotation is accomplished by hip flexion and/or lumbar extension. _________________ is accomplished by hip extension and/or lumbar flexion. A. 1.Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Rotation, 2.Anterior pelvic rotation, 3.Posterior pelvic rotation. B. 1.Anterior pelvic rotation, 2.Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Rotation, 3.Posterior pelvic rotation C. 1.Posterior pelvic rotation, 2.Anterior pelvic rotation, 3.Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Rotation D. None of the above

A. 1.Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Rotation, 2.Anterior pelvic rotation, 3.Posterior pelvic rotation

(slide 27-Movements) ______________ is the anterior movement of upper pelvis; iliac crest tilts forward in a sagittal plane; anterior tilt; downward rotation. ______________ is the posterior movement of upper pelvis; iliac crest tilts backward in a sagittal plane; posterior tilt; upward rotation. A. 1.Anterior pelvic rotation, 2.Posterior pelvic rotation B. 1.Posterior pelvic rotation, 2.Anterior pelvic rotation C. 1.Internal rotation, 2.External rotation D. 1.External rotation, 2.Internal Rotation

A. 1.Anterior pelvic rotation, 2.Posterior pelvic rotation

(slide 17-Movements) 1. Movement of femur straight anteriorly toward pelvis. 2.Movement of the femur straight posteriorly away from the pelvis; sometimes referred to as hyperextension A. 1.Hip flexion, 2.Hip extension B. 1.Hip extension, 2.Hip flexion

A. 1.Hip flexion, 2.Hip extension

(slide 46- Sartorius Muscle) Flexion of hip, flexion of knee, external rotation of thigh as it flexes hip and knee, abduction of hip, anterior pelvic rotation, and weak internal rotation of knee. A.Sartorius Muscle B.Pectineus Muscle C.Rectus Femoris Muscle D. Adductor Brevis Muscle

A. Sartorius Muscle

(slide 54-Semitendinosus Muscle) Flexion of knee, extension of hip, Internal rotation of hip, Internal rotation of flexed knee, and Posterior pelvic rotation are movements of which muscle? A. Semitendinosus Muscle B. Biceps Femoris Muscle C. Gluteus Maximus Muscle D. Gluteus Minimus Muscle

A. Semitendinosus Muscle

(slides 7,8-bones) Bony landmarks:The lateral pelvis is the origin for hip abductors-gluteus medium and minimum:just below iliac crest. Medially(toward the middle or center. It is the opposite of lateral. The term is used to describe general positions of body parts)-origin for hip adductors-adductor Magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus and gracilis pubis and its inferior ramus. A.True B.False

A. True

(slide 6-bones) Bony landmarks: Origin for hip flexors-tensor fasciae latae: anterior iliac crest, Sartorius:anterior superior iliac spine, rectus femoris:anterior inferior iliac spine. A.Anterior Pelvis B.Superior Pelvis

A.Anterior (in front or in the front part) pelvis

(slide 13-Joints) ____________ (the front of a structure, or a structure found toward the front of the body) are 2 pelvic bones join to form symphysis pubis, amphiarthrodial. ________________ (located behind or toward the back)-sacrum is between the 2 pelvic bones and forms the sacroiliac joints, strong ligaments unite these bones to form rigid, slightly movable joints. A.Anteriorly, Posteriorly B.Posteriorly, Anteriorly

A.Anteriorly, Posteriorly

(slide 64-Hip Extension) The agonists for this movement are Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris (Long Head), Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus. A.Hip Extension B.Hip flexion C.Hip Abduction D.Hip Adduction

A.Hip Extension

(slide 2) The acetabular femoral (aka____________) is relatively stable due to bony architecture, strong ligaments, large supportive muscles. Functions in weight bearing and locomotion-enhanced significantly by its wide range of motion, ability to run, cross-over cut, side-step cut, jump, and many other directional changes. A.Hip Joint B.Elbow Joint C.Shoulder Joint D.Ball and socket joint

A.Hip Joint

(slide 37-Muscles) When the hip joint and pelvic girdle muscles are there is primarily hip adduction-Adductor brevis, Adductor longus, Adductor magnus, and Gracilis. A.Medial B.Lateral C.Anterior D.Posterior


(slide 10 and 12-Bones) The Proximal Thigh is the insertion for all short muscles of hip-Gluteal muscles and most of the 6 deep external rotators:greater trochanter, Iliopsoas: lesser trochanter. The proximal thigh is the origin of 3 knee extensors-3 vasti muscles of quadriceps anteriorly, hip adductors: linea aspera. Biceps femoris: laterally, primarily on fibula head with some fibers attaching on lateral tibial condyle Iliotibial tract of tensor fasciae latae: anterolaterally on gerdy's tubercle of tibia. A.True B.False


(slide 39-Muscles) When the hip joint and pelvic girdle muscles are lateral, there is primarily hip adduction-Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, External Rotators, Tensor fasciae latae. A.True B.False


(slide 41-Muscles) When the pelvic muscles are acting on the hip joint, the gluteal region is involved. It extends and rotates hip-Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimi, Tensor fascia latae. A.True B.False


(slide 48-Quadriceps-Vastus Muscle) The picture represents the Quadriceps-Vastus Muscles. A.True B.False


(slide 50-Adductor Brevis Muscle) Adduction of hip, External rotation as it adducts hip, assists in flexion of hip, and assists in anterior pelvic rotation are movements of the Adductor Brevis Muscle. A.True B.False


(slide 52-Adductor Magnus Muscle) Adduction of hip, External rotation as it adducts hip, extension of hip is called the adductor Magnus Muscle. A.True B.False


(slide 59-Gluteus Minimus Muscle) True or False: Abduction of hip, Lateral pelvic rotation to ipsilateral side, Internal rotation as femur abducts, Flexion of hip, and Anterior pelvic rotation are movements of the Gluteus Minimus Muscle. A.True B.False


(slide 61-6 deep lateral rotator muscles ) True or False: Piriformis, Gemellus superior, Gemellus inferior, Obturator externus, Obturator internus, Quadratus femoris are 6 deep Lateral Rotator Muscles. A.True B.False


(slide 3-bones)Head of femur connecting with acetabulum of pelvic girdle. Pelvic girdle-right and left pelvic bone joined together posteriorly(located behind or toward the back) by sacrum. Pelvic bones are ilium, ischium, and pubis. Femur-longest bone in body. A.Hip Joint B.Ball and socket joint C.Shoulder joint D.Hinge Joint

B. Ball and Socket Joint

(slide 9-bones)Bony landmarks-Anteriorly:Origin for hip extensors-Gluteus Maximus:Posterior iliac crest and posterior sacrum and coccyx. Posteroinferiorly-origin for hip extensors, hamstrings-ischial tuberosity. A.True B.False

B. False-Posteriorly

(slide 47- Pectineus Muscle) Flexion of hip, Adduction of hip, External Rotation of hip, Anterior Pelvic rotation. A.Sartorius Muscle B. Pectineus Muscle C. Rectus Femoris Muscle D. Adductor Brevis Muscle

B. Pectineus Muscle

(slide 55-Semimembranous Muscle) Flexion of knee, Extension of hip, Internal rotation of hip, internal rotation of flexed knee, and posterior pelvic rotation are movements of which muscle? A.Biceps Femoris Muscle B. Semimembranosus Muscle C. Gluteus Maximus Muscle D. Gluteus Minimus Muscle

B. Semimembranosus Muscle

(slide 24-joints) When talking about hip joints, there is 0 to 45 degrees of __________ and 0 to 50 degrees of _______________. A. 1.abduction, 2.adduction B. 1.adduction, 2.abduction C. 1. internal rotation, 2.external rotation D. 1. external rotation, 2.internal rotation

C. 1. internal rotation, 2. external rotation

(slide 56-Biceps Femoris Muscle) Flexion of knee, Extension of hip, external rotation of hip, External rotation of flexed knee, Posterior pelvic rotation are movements of which muscle? A.Gluteus Maximus Muscle B. Gluteus Minimus Muscle C. Biceps Femoris Muscle D. Gluteus Medius Muscle

C. Biceps Femoris Muscle

(slide 68-Hip External Rotation) The agonists are the gluteus maximus and the 6 deep external rotatiors. A.Hip Internal Rotation B.Hip Abduction C.Hip external rotation D.Hip Adduction

C. Hip external rotation

(slide 34-Muscles) Muscles involved in _______ and ________ girdle motions depend largely on direction of movement and position of body in relation to earth and gravitational forces. Body part that moves most will be the part least stabilized-standing on both feet and contracting hip flexors-the trunk and pelvis rotate anteriorly (bow)-lying supine and contracting hip flexors, the thighs move forward into flexion on the stable pelvis (lift legs). A.hip and shoulder B.hip and arm C.hip and pelvic D.None of the above

C. hip and pelvic

(slide 15-HIP ROM) This picture represents ___________ ROM A.Shoulder B.Knee C.Hip D.None of the above


(slide 66-Hip Adduction) The Agonists for this movement are Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, and Gracilis. A.Hip Abduction B.Hip Extension C.Hip Adduction D.Hip internal rotation

C.Hip Adduction

(slide 44-Muscles) The ____________ compartment is primarily adductors-Adductor Brevis, Adductor longus, Adductor magnus, Pectineus, Gracilis. A.Anterior B.Posterior C.Medial D.Lateral


(slide 4-bones) Extension of spinal column with 5 fused vertebrae. Extending inferiorly (in a lower position) is the coccyx. A.Ilium B.Ischium C.Sacrum D.None of the above


(slide 16-Joints) This joint has the multiaxial arrangement-bony architecture provides stability-relatively few hip joint subluxations and dislocations. Enarthrodial-type joint-"Ball and Socket." Femoral head inserting into acetabulum, reinforced by extremely strong and dense ligamentous capsule, especially anteriorly. A.Hip Joint B.Hinge Joint C.Elbow joint D.Acetabulofemoral joint

D. Acetabulofemoral Joint

(slide 57-Gluteus Maximus Muscle) Extension of hip, external rotation of hip, Upper fibers assist in abduction, lower fibers assist in adduction, and posterior pelvic rotation are movements of which muscle? A.Gluteus Medius Muscle B.Gluteus Minimus Muscle C.Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle D.Gluteus Maximus Muscle

D. Gluteus Maximus Muscle

(slide 53-Gracilis Muscle) Adduction of hip, weak flexion of knee, internal rotation of hip, assists with flexion of hip, and weak internal rotation of knee are movements of which muscle? A. Semitendinosus Muscle B. Semimembranosus Muscle C. Biceps Femoris Muscle D. Gracilis Muscle

D. Gracilis Muscle

(slide 45-Nerves) All __________ and __________ muscles are innervated from lumbar and sacral plexus (lumbosacral plexus). A.Hip and Shoulder B.Hip and Knee C.Hip and Elbow D.Hip and Pelvic

D. Hip and Pelvic

(slide 5-bones) This is divided into 3 areas. Upper 2/5=ilium, posterior and lower 2/5=ischium, anterior and lower one fifth=pubis, collectively known as coal or innominate bone. A.Shoulder joint B.Ball and socket joint C.Pelvic girdle D.Pelvic bone

D. Pelvic Bone

(slide 25-joints) __________ moves back and forth within 3 planes for a total of 6 different movements. All ___________ rotation results from motion at one or more locations-right hip, left hip, lumbar spine. A.Shoulder girdle B.Hip girdle C.Elbow girdle D. Pelvic girdle

D. Pelvic Girdle

(slide 31-Movements) True or False: 1. When talking about the right transverse pelvic rotation, the horizontal plane pelvis rotates to body's left; right iliac crest moves anteriorly in relation to left iliac crest, which moves posteriorly. 2.When talking about the left transverse pelvic rotation, the horizontal plane pelvis rotates to body's right; left iliac crest moves anteriorly in relation to right iliac crest, which moves posteriorly.

False- 1.left transverse pelvic rotation, 2.right transverse pelvic rotation

(slide 29-Movements) True or False: 1.In frontal plane, left pelvis moves inferiorly in relation to right pelvis; either left pelvis rotates downward or right pelvis rotates upward; left lateral tilt. This is called Right lateral pelvic rotation. 2.In frontal plane, right pelvis moves inferiorly in relation to left pelvis; either right pelvis rotates downward or left pelvis rotates upward; right lateral tilt. This is called left lateral pelvic rotation

False-1.left lateral pelvic rotation, 2.right lateral pelvic rotation

(slide 18-Movements) True or False:Hip adduction is movement of femur laterally to the side away from the midline whereas hip abduction is movement of femur medially toward midline.

False: Hip abduction is movement of femur laterally to the side away from the midline whereas hip adduction is movement of femur medially toward midline.

(slide 20-Movements) True or False: Hip horizontal adduction is the movement of femur in a horizontal or transverse plane away from pelvis whereas hip horizontal abduction is the movement of femur in a horizontal or transverse plane toward pelvis.

False: Hip horizontal abduction is the movement of femur in a horizontal or transverse plane away from pelvis whereas hip horizontal abduction is the movement of femur in a horizontal or transverse plane toward pelvis.

(slide 22-Joints) True or False:There is some disagreement about exact possible range of each movement in hip joint. There is 130 degrees of extension and 30 degrees of flexion.

False:There is some disagreement about exact possible range of each movement in hip joint. There is 130 degrees of flexion and 30 degrees of extension

(slide 19-Movements) True or False: Hip external rotation is the rotary movement of femur laterally around its longitudinal axis away from midline; lateral rotation whereas Hip internal rotation is the rotary movement of femur medially around its longitudinal axis toward midline; medial rotation.


(slide 21-ROMs) True or False:The picture describes Ranges of Motion


(slide 28-Movements) True or False:The right and left lateral pelvic rotation involves the lateral or frontal plane. The left lateral pelvic rotation is accomplished by left hip abduction, right hip adduction, and/or right lumbar lateral flexion.


(slide 30-Movements) True or False: Right transverse (clockwise) pelvic rotation and left transverse (counterclockwise) pelvic rotation involves horizontal or transverse plane of motion. The left transverse pelvic rotation is accomplished by right hip external rotation, left hip internal rotation and/or right lumbar rotation.


(slide 32-Joints-motions accompanying pelvic rotation) True or False: When the pelvic rotation is Anterior rotation , the lumbar spine motion is extension, the right hip motion is flexion and left hip motion is flexion. When the pelvic rotation is posterior rotation, the lumbar spine motion is flexion, the right hip motion is extension, and the left hip motion is extension. When the pelvic rotation is right lateral rotation, the lumbar spine motion is left lateral flexion, the right hip motion is abduction, and the left hip motion is adduction. When the pelvic rotation is left lateral rotation, the lumbar spine motion is right lateral flexion, the right hip motion is adduction, and left hip motion is abduction. When the pelvic rotation is right transverse rotation, the lumbar spine motion is left lumbar rotation, the right hip motion is internal rotation, the left hip motion is external rotation. When the pelvic rotation is left transverse rotation, the lumbar spine motion is right lumbar rotation, the right hip motion is external rotation, and the left hip motion is internal rotation.


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