Korean 31

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(主) is related to "king", "owner", "main", or "autonomous".

-(으)ㄴ 적 있어요

-(으)ㄴ 적 있어요 is used after verb stems to mean "I have done + something + before", to talk about one's experience. You can also use -아/어/여 본 적 있다 to mean the same thing, using the -아/어/여 보다 structure. Ex) 배우다 = to learn → 배우 + ㄴ 적 있어요 = 배운 적 있어요 = I have learned it before. I have the experience of learning it. → 중국어 배운 적 있어요? = Have you learned Chinese before? → 중국어 배워 본 적 있어요? = Have you tried learning Chinese before? 여기는 와 본 적 없어요. = I haven't been here before.

-아/어/여 봤어요

-아/어/여 보다 means "to try doing something" or "to give something a try". By using this in the past tense, you can say "I've tried doing + something + before" or "I have done + something + before" in Korean. Ex) 듣다 = to listen → 듣 + -어 보다 → 들어 보다 (irregular conjugation) → 이 노래 들어 봤어요? = Have you heard this song (before)? 이거 읽어 봤어요? = Have you read this? / Have you tried reading this?

I hope/I wish

1) -(으)면 = if 2) -겠- = that would be ..., I would ..., they would ... (assuming) 3) 좋다 + -겠- = 좋겠어요 = it would be nice, I would like it So together, -(으)면 좋겠어요 takes the meaning of "it would be nice if..." or "I would like it if ..." and can be also used when you want to say "I hope ..." or "I wish ...". You can use two different structures: one is Verb + -(으)면 좋겠어요 and the other is -(았/었/였)으면 좋겠어요. While one is in the present tense and the other is in the past tense, the meanings are very similar and identical in many cases. The past tense version (-(았/었/였)으면 좋겠어요) is similar to using the past tense after "I wish", as in "I wish it would snow tomorrow." Example 빨리 끝나다 = to finish quickly 빨리 끝나면 좋겠어요. = I hope this finishes quickly. = 빨리 끝났으면 좋겠어요. = I hope this finishes quickly. In English, there is a difference in meaning between "I hope" and "I wish", but that difference can't be expressed through the structure -((았/었/었)으)면 좋겠어요. In order to express the nuance "I wish... but I know it's not", you can use the structure, -(았/었/였)으면 좋았을 텐데(요) (it would have been nice if...) or -아/어/여서 아쉽네요 (too bad it's ...). What is 바라다? When you look up in the dictionary, the first word for the verb "to hope" will be 바라다 or 희망하다. While they are correct "translations", it's more natural to use -(으)면 좋겠어요. If you want to use 바라다 or 희망하다 you can use the structure -기를 바라다 or -기를 희망하다, but the sentence can often sound like written language. Sample Sentences 1. 내일 사람들이 많이 왔으면 좋겠어요. = I hope many people will come tomorrow. = 내일 사람들이 많이 오면 좋겠어요. 2. 비가 그쳤으면 좋겠어요. = I hope it stops raining. = 비가 그치면 좋겠어요. 3. 제 선물, 마음에 들면 좋겠어요. = I hope you like my present. = 제 선물, 마음에 들었으면 좋겠어요. 4. 효진 씨가 지각 안 했으면 좋겠어요. = I would like it if Hyojin wouldn't be late for work. = I hope Hyojin isn't late for work. = 효진 씨가 지각 안 하면 좋겠어요. 5. 제가 20살이었으면 좋겠어요. = I wish I were 20 years old.


1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up 나이가 먹으면 정원을 가꾸는 것은 좋은 운동입니다.=when you get older, gardening is good exercise. 여자들이 파티에 가기 전에 예쁘게 가꿨어요. =before the girls went to the party, they dolled themselves up all pretty.

Refusing Idiomatic Expressions

1. 괜찮아요. = It's okay (even if you don't offer it to me). 괜찮습니다. (same as above but more formal) 저는 괜찮습니다. = I'm good. / I'm okay. / I'm fine without it. 2. 아니에요. = No (you don't have to). / No (I don't need it). 아닙니다. (same as above but more formal) 3. 됐어요. = Don't worry about it. / I don't need that. / I'm all set even without it. 됐습니다. (same as above but more formal) 4. 생각이 없어요. = (when offered food) I am not hungry. / I'm fine. / No, thanks. 생각이 없습니다. (same as above but more formal) 5. 안 그러셔도 괜찮아요. = You don't have to do that. / Please don't bother to do that. 안 그러셔도 괜찮습니다. (same as above but more formal) 6. 곤란해요. = It's difficult and embarrassing. / I can't do it. 곤란합니다. (same as above but more formal) 지금은 좀 곤란합니다. = I can't do it now. 이러시면 곤란합니다. = You shouldn't do this. / You are making things difficult for me by doing this. 7. 안 돼요. = No, I can't. / No, you can't. / It doesn't work. / It's not allowed. 안 됩니다. (same as above but more formal) 이러시면 안 됩니다. = You shouldn't do this. / You can't do this. 안 될 것 같습니다. = I think this will be a problem. / I think you shouldn't do it. 8. 이러지 마세요. = Don't do this. 9. 어려울 것 같습니다. = I don't think I can do it. / I think it will be difficult. / I think it will be impossible.

제가 어제 읽던 책인데, 어차피 다 못 읽을 것 같아요.

= It's a book that I was reading yesterday, but I don't think I'll be able to finish reading it anyway. 1. 제가 어제 읽던 책인데 = it's a book that I was reading yesterday, so/but... 예전에 자주 가던 곳인데 = it's a place I used to go to often before, so/but... 제가 입던 옷인데 = these are clothes I used to wear, so/but... 제가 일하던 곳인데 = it's a place I used to work at, so/but... 2. 어차피 다 못 읽을 것 같아요. = I don't think I'll be able to finish reading it anyway. 어차피 사람들 다 못 앉을 것 같아요. = I don't think everybody will be able to sit down anyway. 어차피 시간 안에 못 끝낼 것 같아요. = I don't think you'll be able to finish in time anyway. 어차피 좀 기다려야 될 것 같아요. = I think you will have to wait a little anyway.


Appearance of clothes or worn objecs, outfit 그는 잠옷 차림으로 밖에 나갔어요 저는 매일 교복 차리믕로 하교에 갔어요. 면젖을 보러 정장 차림으로 들어오는 사람이 많아요. = there are many people coming in wearing suits to do the interview.


Be straight; be honest, to apply, put on


Braille 점 (point) + 자 (letter) = 점자 點字 [jeom-ja] = braille


Never on any account, no matter what, all things considered, anyhow (늦게 해도 일이 아무래도 문제가 없을 것 같아요.=it doesnt matter if you do it late, the work/task won't have a problem.) often used where the speaker "thinks" something will occur, often used with 것 같다 아무래도 그녀가 우리를 만나러 안 올 것 같아요. she probably won't come to meet us. 아무래도 그가 벌써 떠났을 것 같아요=he probably already left. comes from 아무러하다/아무렇다 (to be no form) 우리가 일어났을 때 아무런 소리도 안 했어요=when we woke up we didn't make any (form of) sound 남자가 자기 엄마가 죽은 것을 봤을 때 아무런 느낌이 없었어요.= when the man saw his mother die, he didn't have any (form of) feeling. 아무렇게나/아무러하게나=hastily without much though. 4시까지 다 하려고 학생이 숙제를 아무렇게나 하고 선생님께 드렸어요. =in order to do it all by 4 o clock, the student did the homework hastily without much thought and gave it to the teacher. 집에 들어가서 들고 있었던 물건을 바닥에 아무렇게나 놓았어요. I went into the house, and hastily, without much though, just threw the items i was carrying on the floor.

귀가 간지럽다

Ones ears are burning to feel like someone is talking behind one's back (간지럽다 = to feel itchy) There is no way to spy on everyone and know when people are talking about you, but you can use the expression "귀가 간지럽다" when you want to refer to the fact that people talk about you when you are not around. It's usually used in the past tense after you've discovered that people talked about you in your absence. Ex) 어쩐지 오늘 귀가 간지러웠어요. (= No wonder my ears were itchy today. = I see that you've talked about me.)


Point at Issue, problem, drawback 문 (ask) + 제 (topic) + 점 (point) = 문제점 問題點 [mun-je-jeom] = problem, drawback


Subject of the sentence 주 (owner) + 어 (language) = 주어 主語 [ju-eo] = subject (grammar)

The word 점 (點) is related to "point" or "spot" "aspect.

귀가 얇다

To be gullible; easily persuaded by others to be easily influenced by what others say (얇다 = to be thin) → If your ears are thin, it will be easy for words to penetrate and go into your brain. 귀가 얇다 is a figurative way of saying that someone is easily influenced by what he or she hears. Ex) 그 사람은 귀가 얇아서 설득하기 쉬워요. (= He is easily influenced by what people say so he's easy to persuade.)


To emphasize that one "had" done something in the past or before another action/state, some people add the suffix one more time, making it -았/었/였었어요 instead -았/었/였어요. Ex) 보다 = to see, to watch → 보 + -았어요 = 봤어요 = I saw. → 보 + -았 + 었어요 = 봤었어요 = I saw it a long time ago. I had seen it before.

-고는 했어요

To talk about something that you used to do regularly or habitually, you can use the ending "-고는 했어요." When you use -고는 했어요 after a verb, it implies that you don't do it any longer. 고는>>곤 Ex) 보다 = to watch → 보 + -고는 했어요 = 보고는 했어요 = I used to watch. 밤 늦게까지 TV를 보고는 했어요. = I used to watch TV until late at night. 가끔 친구들을 만나고는 했어요. = I used to meet my friends from time to time.


advantage/disadvantage 장 (long, head) + 점 (point) = 장점 長點 [jang-jeom] = advantage, merit, virtue 단 (short) + 점 (point) = 단점 短點 [dan-jeom] = drawback, shortcoming


application, practical use, 응용하다=to apply (to a situation)


as much as one likes


assertion,insistance 주 (owner) + 장 (give) = 주장 主張 [ju-jang] = opinion, insistence


big summary


closing for a certain period


consumption/restriction of alcohol 경찰관은 남자에게 음주운전이 왜 위험한지를 이해시켰어요 = The police officer made the man understand why drunk driving is dangerous


dotted line 점 (point) + 선 (line) = 점선 點線 [jeom-seon] = dotted line


education, training 저는 신입사원들을 주말에 교육했어요 = I educated the new workers on the weekend 저는 신입사원들을 주말에 교육시켰어요 = I educated the new workers on the weekend



전부 다

everything=전부 Everything was delicious, 전부 다 맛있어요


excitement,excitation 흥분하다 = to arouse 새로운 스타워즈 영화가 곧 나올 거라는 것을 듣고 아주 흥분했어요 = I heard that the near Star Wars movie is coming out soon and got very excited 흥분시키다 = to arouse 그 뉴스는 시민들을 흥분시켰어요 = That news excited the public/citizens




fashion, trend


focus, focal point 초 (burn) + 점 (point) = 초점 焦點 [cho-jeom] = focus, focal point


half price 아무리 그 제품을 반값으로 줘도 전 안 살게요= regardless of whether you give me that product at half price, I'm not going to buy it.


housewife, homemaker 주 (owner) + 부 (wife) = 주부 主婦 [ju-bu] = housewife, homemaker


human rights, civil rights 의료는 인권입니다!-Bernie

in other words, that is to say, namely (not very common in spoken Korean, in books and newspapers mostly) 날씨가 매우 추웠을 때, 즉 지난 겨울에 나무가 다 죽어버렸어요. when the weather was very cold, by that I mean last winter, all the trees died. 엄마가 전화를 갑자기 끊었어요. 즉 저랑 통화하기 싫어하는 것 같아요. mom suddenly hung up the phone. in other words, it seems she doesnt want to talk to me on the phone.

-(adjective form of verb)+ 순간에

in the moment when...


industry close to 사업,business


information, intelligence 그 정보가 불확실해서 직원에게 확인을 시켰어요 그 정보가 불확실해서 직원에게 확인하라고 시켰어요 그 정보가 불확실해서 직원이 확인하게 시켰어요 = That information isn't certain, so I made the worker check

-(ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요

it means... 뜻이에요. = It is (...) meaning. Using "뜻이에요" alone is not enough. You need to include more information about what kind of meaning it is. Verb stem + -(ㄴ/는)다는 + 뜻이에요. = It means ... Ex) 사람이 많다는 뜻이에요. = It means that there are a lot of people. 다 나았다는 뜻이에요. = It means that you have completely healed. Conjugation Noun + -(이)라는 Descriptive verb / Present tense + -다는 Action verb / Present tense + -ㄴ/는다는 Action/Descriptive verb / Past tense + -았/었/였다는 Action/Descriptive verb / Future tense + -(으)ㄹ 거라는 뜻이에요 and 말이에요 Just like with the expressions for "What do you mean?", 뜻 (= meaning) and 말 (= speech/language) are interchangeable with each other. 말이에요, however, has a stronger focus on the intended meaning of the speaker rather than the definition of the expression itself. 좋다는 뜻이에요. = It means that it's good. 좋다는 말이에요. = I'm saying that it's good. Sample Sentences 1. '완료'가 무슨 뜻이에요? / 끝났다는 뜻이에요. = What does 완료 mean? It means that (something) has been finished. 2. '휴업'이 무슨 뜻이에요? / 일을 안 한다는 뜻이에요. = What does 휴업 mean? It means that you don't work. 3. 꽃을 줬으면, 관심이 있다는 뜻이에요. = If he gave you flowers, it means that he's interested in you. 4. 안 가고 싶다는 말이에요? = Are you saying that you don't want to go? 5. 그러면, 못 한다는 뜻이에요? = Then, does it mean that they can't do it?


judge, justice


leadership, initiative 주 (owner) + 도 (lead) + 권 (power, authority) = 주도권 主導權 [ju-do-gwon] = leadership, initiative


main force; concentrate 주 (main) + 력 (force, power) = 주력 主力 [ju-ryeok] = main force


main material 주 (main) + 원 (source) + 료 (count) = 주원료 主原料 [ju-won-ryo] = main material


main thing; principal; major 주 (main) + 요 (important) = 주요 主要 [ju-yo] = major


mainstream, liquor 주 (main) + 류 (flow) = 주류 主流 [ju-ryu] = mainstream


manufacturing industry


medical treatment; medical service 의료는 인권입니다!-Bernie


neighbor 저의 이웃사람이 제 강아지를 잘 훈련시켰어요 = My neighbor trained my dog very well


no wonder (1) somehow, in a strange way ; (2) in combination with an ending giving a reason to place stress on the action of the verb

on someone's side, neighborhood/vicinity


outward appearance 일주일 후에 데이트를 할 거라서 지금부터 외모를 가꿔야 돼요.= because i have a date in a week, i have to make myself look nice.


point of difference 차 (differ) + 이 (differ) + 점 (point) = 차이점 差異點 [cha-i-jeom] = difference


point of sameness, common feature 공 (one) + 통 (go through, lead) + 점 (point) = 공통점 共通點 [gong-tong-jeom] = something in common, common factors


primary goal 주 (main) + 목 (eye) + 적 (target) = 주목적 主目的 [ju-mok-jeok] = primary goal


satisfaction, contentment 저는 열심히 일해서 부장님을 만족시켰어요 = I worked very hard, so I satisfied my boss


sincerely, truthfully (진정으로), relaxtion, soothing, truth, sincerity with 하다/시키다=to relax 말을 그만하고 진정하세요 = Stop talking and calm down 저는 시험 전에 긴장하는 학생을 진정시켰어요 = Before the exam, I relaxed a nervous student (I made him relaxed)


sovereignty, sovereign power 주 (owner) + 권 (power) = 주권 主權 [ju-gwon] = sovereignity


squirrel/chipmunk 저는 다람쥐를 잡고 목욕시켰어요 = I got the squirrel and gave it a bath (made it have a bath)


starting point, square one 원 (origin) + 점 (point) = 원점 原點 [won-jeom] = starting point, square one


stimulate, provoke 저의 남자 친구가 저를 자꾸 자극했어요 = My boyfriend kept irritating me 저의 남자 친구가 저를 자꾸 자극시켰어요 = My boyfriend kept irritating me


subjectivity 주 (owner) + 관 (view) = 주관 主觀 [ju-gwan] = one's own opinion


thoroughly, completely 다시 한번 작년 사고를 상기하고 철저히 준비해 주세요 = Recall/remember the accident from last year again, and prepare thoroughly

귀가 먹다

to be deaf, to be not able to hear (먹다 = to eat) → When someone can't hear something well, you can use the expression 귀 먹다 or 귀가 먹다. Originally, the word 먹다 translates to "to eat", but not in this case. 귀(가) 먹다 can be used toward someone who can't hear due to old age, but you can also hear people say "귀 먹었어(요)?" to someone who can't seem to understand or doesn't care about what they hear, even though they can hear. 저 귀 안 먹었요. 조용히 말해요.


to be difficult, troublesome


to be nailed, driven into, stuck in


to catch some sort of infectious disease


to collapse, to give way 노동자들이 무너질 것 같은 벽을 안정시켰어요 = The workers stabilized the wall that was probably going to collapse


to drop 너무 무거워서 떨어뜨릴 뻔 했어요. = It was so heavy that I almost dropped it.


to fold, to collapse, relinquish 종이를 하나로 접으세요

귀가 밝다

to have good hearing to have good ears (밝다 = to be bright) → Just as with the expression 눈이 밝다, the literal translation of 밝다 is "to be bright", but the actual meaning of 귀가 밝다 is that you have good ears. "To hear well" or "can hear well" translates to 잘 들을 수 있다 or 잘 들리다 in Korean, but in many cases, it is more natural to say that your 귀 is 밝다. This refers to your hearing capabilities, not whether you can actually hear a particular sound a certain situation. In the case of the latter, if you want to say "I can't hear it clearly (due to other noise or small sound)" in Korean, you can say "잘 안 들려요". Ex) 젊었을 때는 저도 귀가 밝았는데, 지금은 작은 소리는 잘 안 들려요. (= I also used to have good ears when I was young, but I can't hear small sounds now.)

귀에 못이 박히도록 (듣다)

to have heard something too much already (못 = callus, 박히다 = to be embedded, to be stuck, -도록 = to the extent of...) → 못 usually means "cannot" or "nail", but in this case, it refers to "callus", or the harden skin on your hand due to heavy usage. When you hear something over and over again, your ear will (figuratively) develop hardened skin because of that. Therefore, when you say "귀에 못이 박히도록 (듣다)", it means that you've (heard) something over and over again, so much so that it makes you sick or upset. Ex) 그 얘기는 귀에 못이 박히도록 들었어요. (= I've heard that story so much. I don't need to hear it again.)


to lean, tilt, slant; to pay (attention)/concentrate one's attention 피사 기울여요


to move or touch someone's emotions, to impress 저는 하루 종일 열심히 일해서 엄마를 감동시켰어요 = I impressed mom because I worked hard all day

귀를 기울이다

to pay attention to a sound or to what someone says (기울이다 = to make something lean/tilt) → When you want to pay attention to a certain sound, you naturally want to get your ears closer to the source of the sound. Even though you are "leaning" your whole body closer to the sound, in Korean you say that you lean ear toward something. "귀를 기울이다" can mean both "trying to hear something well" and "paying attention to what someone says". Ex) 아이들이 선생님이 해 주는 이야기를 귀를 기울여서 듣고 있었어요. (= The children were listening to the story their teacher was telling them with full attention.)


to put. something close to something else, to apply, to touch


to refuse, reject


to remind 저는 매일 저의 여자친구에게 제가 그녀를 사랑하는 것을 상기시켜요 = I remind my girlfriend that I love her every day 선생님은 학생들에게 숙제를 해야 하는 것을 상기시켰어요 = The teacher reminded the students that they have to do their homework

귀에 대고 속삭이다

to whisper into someone's ears (대다 = to put something close to something else, 속삭이다 = to whisper) → You could just say 귀에 속삭이다 to mean "to whisper into someone's ears", but by adding 대고, you're describing the action of getting closer to someone before whispering. The dictionary form of 대고 is 대다, which literally means to put something close to something else, and in this expression, it means that the mouth is put close to the ear before whispering. Ex) 귀에 대고 속삭이지 말고 크게 말해요. (= Don't whisper to each other secretly. Speak loudly (to everyone).)


to whisper, murmer

강점 / 약점

강 (strong) + 점 (point) = 강점 强點 [gang-jeom] = strong point, strength 약 (weak) + 점 (point) = 약점 弱點 [yak-jeom] = weakness, weak point


관 (view) + 점 (point) = 관점 觀點 [gwan-jeom] = point of view, viewpoint


요 (important) + 점 (point) = 요점 要點 [yo-jeom] = essential point, main point


점 (point) + 수 (number) = 점수 點數 [jeom-su] = score, mark, grade


주 (main) + 동 (movement) + 자 (person) = 주동자 主動者 [ju-dong-ja] = prime mover, leader


주 (main) + 인 (person) + 공 (fair) = 주인공 主人公 [ju-in-gong] = main character


주 (main) + 특 (special) + 기 (skill) = 주특기 主特技 [ju-teuk-gi] = specialty, special ability


학 (school, learn) + 점 (score) = 학점 學點 [hak-jeom] = school grade (usually college)

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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