KU 104 Exam 2

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Which term refers to the "less visible barriers against woman's full participation in the labor force?" This term was also described in lecture as the barrier to the advancement of women into top positions. a. "the glass ceiling" b. "the patriarchal barrier" c. "the great wall of gender" d. "the masculine network"

"the glass ceiling"

Which of the following is an accurate description of men's gender ideologies in Hochschild's study? a. 20% were egalitarian, 80% were either transitional or traditional b. 33.3% were egalitarian, 33.3% were transitional, and 33.3% were traditional. c. 50% were egalitarian, 50% were either transitional or traditional d. 70% were egalitarian, 30% were either transitional or traditional

20% were egalitarian, 80% were either transitional or traditional

Arlie Hochschild uses the phrase "gender ideology" in her book. What does she mean by that? a. A secret (and illegal) agreement made by men in the corporate world to ensure women do not attain positions of power and authority b. A type of law or statute that provides some protection against sexual harassment or workplace discrimination c. A sliding pay scale that rewards different occupational roles based on the ratio of men and women in those positions d. A deeply rooted understanding of gender roles that often contributes to inequality between men and women

A deeply rooted understanding of gender roles that often contributes to inequality between men and women

Traditional Ideology

A gender ideology in which it is believed that it is the woman's responsibility to do all household chores. Husband identifies with work. Wife identifies with home.

Egalitarian Ideology

A gender ideology in which it is believed that men and women should share housework equally.

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates a "self-fulfilling prophecy?" a. A husband feels frustrated at work, so he acts aggressively toward his wife b. An individual feels like they're catching a cold, so they think positive thoughts about wellness in order to not get sick c. A girl does poorly on a math exam, is told that that's because girls are bad at math, so she decides not to study for the next exam d. As time marches forward, minority groups like gays, lesbians, and transgendered individuals acquire more and more rights and liberties

A girl does poorly on a math exam, is told that that's because girls are bad at math, so she decides not to study for the next exam

Second Shift

Arlie Hochschild's term for the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job

According to Hochschild, "supermoming" is a gender strategy that: a. Attempts to reconcile the conflicting demands of work and home. b. Entails mothers giving their children gifts and other forms of compensation to make up for spending long hours working outside the house c. Requires mothers to utilize the help of "super moms" (typically grandparents and friends) to meet the demands of home and paid work d. Has led to an increasing problem of drug abuse among middle-aged women

Attempts to reconcile the conflicting demands of work and home.


Biological make-up; Male or Female

According to Vaughan, what must the initiator and the partner do in order to reach the reconciliation? a. Both must redefine the other person and the relationship positively b. Both must move to a different home in order to make things neutral c. Both must find a new transitional person d. The partner must change according to the initiator's standards

Both must redefine the other person and the relationship positively

Accordong to lecture which of these is a sociological explanation for the backlash (such as vandalism and physical violence) to Bronies (adult fans of "My Little Pony")? a. Bronies frighten the primary audience of My Little Pony (girls) and people want to stop them b. Bronies challenge the dominant/hegemonic construction of masculinity c. Bronies represent the idea that sexual identity is driven biology and brain chemistry d. Bronies often host fundraisers for controversial organizations

Bronies challenge the dominant/hegemonic construction of masculinity

According to Vaughan, when initiators display their dissatisfaction to others, they attempt to: a. Find others who will help the partner realize the relationship is over b. Find others who will help repair the relationship c. Confirm positive definitions of their partner d. Confirm negative definitions of their partner.

Confirm negative definitions of their partner

Which of the following statements BEST describes the division of household labor in the Holt family? a. Fitting their transitional gender ideologies, Evan stayed home with the children while Nancy acted as the primary breadwinner b. Despite her egalitarian gender ideology, Nancy did almost all of the housework and childcare c. Fitting their egalitarian gender ideologies, Nancy and Evan shared the housework and childcare on a roughly 50/50 basis d.Despite his traditional gender ideology, Evan did more of the housework than Nancy

Despite her egalitarian gender ideology, Nancy did almost all of the housework and childcare

Which state of the uncoupling process is most likely to have the highest incidents of confrontation and relationship "drama?" a. Displays of discontent b. The breakdown of Cover-up c. Mid-transition d. Uncoupling

Displays of Discontent ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Breakdown of Cover-Up

Which of the following is TRUE according to Michael Kimmel's research on gender and sexuality (discussed in lecture): a. Men who demonstrated sensitivity and tenderness were persecuted as homosexuals throughout the 19th century b. There have been no significant changes in gender practices in over200 years c. During the 19th century, middle and upper-class men who formed intimate attachments with other men were viewed as more manly than men who didn't d. Cross-cultural research shows that patriarchy is both inevitable and beneficial

During the 19th century, middle and upper-class men who formed intimate attachments with other men were viewed as more manly than men who didn't

Which of the following was a major research finding reported in Henslin and Bigg's article "Dramaturgical Desexualization?" a. Female nurses assist in the doctor shifted their team loyalty from the patient to doctor and then, finally back to the patient b. Female doctors were more effective gynecologists because they could more readily empathize with the women who were being examined. c. Upper-class women were more comfortable with their bodies than middle- class women, and therefore their interactions with the doctor were less awkward. d. Doctors, during examination, asked the women a series of personal questions in order to make the process less embarrassing.

Female nurses assist in the doctor shifted their team loyalty from the patient to doctor and then, finally back to the patient

Evidence for social constructionism

Gender varies throughout time and across cultures.

Which of the following was NOT an indirect strategy used to initiate conflict with the partner: a. Seizing on a "fatal mistake" the partner makes as the reason for the ills of the relationship b. Further decreasing his/her level of interaction with the partner c. Having a third party (friend or child) confront the partner with the news that the initiator wants out d. Violating a rule of the relationship so important that the partner can do nothing but leave

Having a third party (friend or child) confront the partner with the news that the initiator wants out

Which of the following statements describe Seth Stein? a.He has an egalitarian gender ideology and shares the second shift with Jessica. b.He is addicted to work and had little time for his wife or child c. He is a caring husband who frequently compliments his wife d.He is, ingeneral, lazy and unmotivated, and relies on Jessica's income

He is addicted to work and had little time for his wife or child

George Chauncey in his book Gay New York makes which of the following critiques of how people write and interpret the history of American gays and lesbians: a. Historians too often divide gay history into segments of "Before Stonewall" and "After Stonewall," but the history is actually much more complex b. Historians have ignored how gays have steadily and progressively gained rights and liberties over the last 200 years c. Historians too often romanticize the Stonewall Riots, but they were really a terrible moment in gay history because of their extreme violence. d. Historians too often focus on the history of lesbians, but ignore the progress made by gay men

Historians too often divide gay history into segments of "Before Stonewall" and "After Stonewall," but the history is actually much more complex

In the article "The Gay Bar," what did the author call early gay rights groups?

Homophile Organizations

As discussed in the lecture about "hookup culture," which of the following statements is TRUE based on sociological research on sexual activity among young adults. a. A hookups and casual sex is a new phenomenon b. Hookups and hookup culture is more widespread than it was 20 years ago c. Hookups are unequal; women find them less satisfying d. Hookups are harmful for both men and women

Hookups are harmful for both men and women ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hookups are unequal; women find them less satisfying

Erving Goffman would likely say that romantic partners who collaborate in public to keep private matters and disagreements secret are engaged in: a. Positivism b. Impression management c. Civil attention d. Dramaturgical constructivism

Impression management

Women's Gender Strategies

Include being a "Super-Mom," cutting back at work or at home, trying to marry someone egalitarian or change someone who isn't, indirect methods to change the male such as withholding sex, getting outside help

Men's Gender Strategies

Include disaffiliation from household chores, reducing needs, resisting either outwardly or by doing household tasks poorly to avoid being asked again, complying and sharing chores, substitute offerings, waiting to be asked to do something

According to Vaughan, why does the going public stage often shock and alarm initiators? a. Initiators often are shocked by the amount of paperwork they need to fill out during the Going Public stage b. Initiators are often shocked by the difficult task of informing distant friends c. Initiators are often shocked by the emotional impact of voicing their discontent. d. Initiators are often shocked by friend's decisions to align themselves with the partner

Initiators are often shocked by the difficult task of informing distant friends

In The Second Shift, Hochschild identifies what she refers to as a "stalled revolution." Which statement best describes her concept of the "stalled revolution?" a. Married women's increased participation in the labor force has reduced their ability to take revolutionary action against patriarchy since they are too occupied with their work b. Married women's participation in the labor force has decreased men's ability to dominate women. c. As married women have increasingly entered into the labor force, there has not been a proportionate decrease in their share of household labor responsibilities. d. The increase in married women's participation in the labor force has prevented them from increasing their leisure time because they still have to do most of the household labor

Married women's increased participation in the labor force has reduced their ability to take revolutionary action against patriarchy since they are too occupied with their work

Arlie Hochschild would agree with which of the following statements? a.Social class, ethnicity, and personality are the primary determinants of who works the second shift. b.Men with an egalitarian gender ideology almost always shared the second shift with their wives. c.Men and women embrace a gender ideology because it makes sense to them given their ideology and structural situation d.Transitional men shared far more of the second shift than traditional men

Men and women embrace a gender ideology because it makes sense to them given their ideology and structural situation

In Uncoupling, Diane Vaughan said "most couples collaborate to maintain a harmonic public image by remaining quiet about private information and disagreements. Revealing these things to others outside the relationship, however, illustrates a distancing from the partner, Vaughan called this stage of uncoupling: a. Trying b. Displays of discontent c. Mid-transition d. Partnered alienation


Vaughan stresses that uncoupling is complete when the two people in the relationship a. Move away from one another b. Separate their physical belongings c. No longer identify themselves as part of a couple d. Quit keeping secrets from one another

No longer identify themselves as part of a couple

Which of the following phrases best describes Evan Holt's gender strategy? a. Egalitarian cooperation b. Passive resistance c. Hegemonic feminism d. Symbolic violence

Passive resistance

The Stein's clashing gender strategies cause them to: a. Reconcile and share the housework according to available leisure time b. Rearrange their work schedules so Jessica could work more c. Feel they deserve appreciation for their work and begin avoiding the other out of resentment d. Privately believe they are too different from the other and consider asking for a divorce

Privately believe they are too different from the other and consider asking for a divorce

Which of the following is NOT an advantage or strength of qualitative research methods (the methods used by microsociologists)? a. Qualitative methods allow for a deep understanding of human experiences b. Qualitative methods generate results that can be used to talk about the large populations of humans c. Qualitative methods can show and/or give voice to otherwise obscure groups or experiences d. Qualitative methods allow the researcher to understand how humans interpret and assign meaning to different things

Qualitative methods generate results that can be used to talk about the large populations of humans

Which of the following methods did Vaughan NOT use to find participants in her study of uncoupling? a. Randomly selecting names from a national telephone list b. Placing ads in the newspaper c. Contacting counselors and priests d. Snowball sampling: having current participants give her contact information for people they know

Randomly selecting names from a national telephone list

In uncoupling, Vaughan's chapter on "going public" discusses how couples start to divide up "common property/" What does Vaughan claim as being the most difficult and contentious property to divide up? a. Restaurants and bars they used to frequent as a couple b. The house/apartment c. Old photo albums d. Relationships with family and friends

Relationships with family and friends

Gender Ideology

Set of normative ideas about what is appropriate for men and women

In The Second Shift, what was one way in which Jessica Stein dealt with her demanding career, children and housework? a. She employed multiple helpers, including a nanny and a housekeeper. b.She had to quit her job and live unhappily taking care of her children and doing housework. c. She divorced her husband for lack of help and emotional support. d.She had a large family and multiple family members helped her with various duties including childrearing, housework, driving, and fatherly activities.

She employed multiple helpers, including a nanny and a housekeeper

If Erving Goffman were watching Seinfield he would say that George Constanza pretending to be a marine biologist is understandable because: a.Similar to George, we continually engage in impression management to encourage other people to have certain images of us b. George's training is similar to that of a marine biologist c. Hegemonic masculinity suggests that men have to be capable in any situation, such as rescuing a beached whale d. George is being a postmodernist by not correcting others' misinterpretation of his occupation

Similar to George, we continually engage in impression management to encourage other people

According to George Chauncey's research, what best describes the category "trade" a. Eliminate men who consider themselves gay and act in a stereotypical feminine way. b. Straight-acting men who, although they don't think of themselves as gay, have sex with other men c. Gay men who have a tremendous amount of self-loathing because of their sexual practices. d. Gay men who dress and act like women are members of a strong"Trade subculture"

Straight-acting men who, although they don't think of themselves as gay, have sex with other men

In the Second Shift, Hochschild recommends all of the following strategies to help families deal the second shift EXCEPT: a.Grandparents should take greater responsibility for their grandchildren b.Companies should encourage flexible work schedules c. The government should require paid family leave to be provided for all workers d.The availability and convenience of day care should increase

The availability and convenience of day care should increase

The term "hegemonic masculinity" refers to: a. Intense masculine attachments and relationships to other men b. Innate genetic differences between men and women c. A political or social system that confers power to men at the expense of women d. The dominant and accepted masculine ideal

The dominant and accepted masculine ideal ????????????????????????????????????????????????? A political or social system that confers power to men at the expense of women

How does "trying" sometimes serve as a termination strategy? a. Trying usually salvages the relationship, terminating the uncoupling b. The partner uses the opportunity to "turn the tables," becoming highly critical of the initiator until the initiator leave the relationship c. The initiator convinces shared social connections to help end the relationship by exacerbating undesirable qualities of the initiator to the partner. d. The initiator agrees to try, but only in order to convince the partner that the relationship is already over

The initiator agrees to try, but only in order to convince the partner that the relationship is already over

You're talking to a classmate with pretty eyes, good taste in music, and a generally attractive personality. They laugh at your jokes and engage in conversation but their eyes keep glancing up at your hair. This causes you to believe that your hair looks odd and so you attempt to run your fingers through your hair in an attempt to smooth it out. What concept best describes this situation? a. Role of professor b. The looking-glass self c. Backstage d. Hegemonicmasculinity

The looking-glass self

According to Hochschild, what is (byfar) the most common combination of gender ideologies in her study? a.The man has a transitional gender ideology and the woman has an egalitarian gender ideology b. The man has a traditional gender ideology and the woman has an egalitarian gender ideology c. The man has a hegemonic gender ideology and the woman has a feminist gender ideology d.The man has a transitional gender ideology and the woman has a traditional gender ideology

The man has a traditional gender ideology and the woman has an egalitarian gender ideology

According to Vaughan, what often makes the partner attractive after separation? a. The partner continues to be in love with the initiator b. The partner does the changes that the initiator suggested at the beginning c. The partner recuperates his/her sense of self and moved on. d. The partner recuperates his/her traditional gender roles

The partner recuperates his/her sense of self and moved on.

Which of the following hypothetical sociological studies BEST captures the methodological approach of conversation analysis? a. The researcher studies a bar over the course of several months. She takes detailed notes on conversations the bartender has with his customers. She analyzes the way his conversations are shaped by external social forces, like social class b. The researcher listens to a short tape recording of a tourist asking for directions at a hotel information desk. He then transcribes this dialogue and analyzes the patterns in the conversation, like the turn-taking and interruptions c. The researcher studies a company's job interviewing process and then uses ethnographic data to help the company improve its hiring procedure. d. The researcher uses the transcripts of 911 emergency calls and creates a database that catalogs the frequency of specific words and phrases

The researcher listens to a short tape recording of a tourist asking for directions at a hotel information desk. He then transcribes this dialogue and analyzes the patterns in the conversation, like the turn-taking and interruptions

In chapter 10 of Uncoupling, Vaughan finds that respondents realized they no longer had someone to blame (a scapegoat) after uncoupling. How did the respondents come to realize this? a. They were finally free from all bad habits that drove them crazy. b. Transitional friends counseled them in learning new skills c. The legal proceedings publicly displayed all of each person's assets d. The things that annoyed them most about their partner kept happening in their partner's absence

The things that annoyed them most about their partner kept happening in their partner's absence

According to Vaughan, an initiator's use of indirect methods to incite confrontation is a problem because: a. Such methods almost always get third parties involved b. These methods shift the burden of responsibility for confrontation, and therefore the blame for the break-up, to the partner c. The partner is further along in the uncoupling processes compared to the initiator d. The initiator is masochistically forcing him/herself to remain in an unhealthy relationship

These methods shift the burden of responsibility for confrontation, and therefore the blame for the break-up, to the partner

Which of the following terms best describes a category whereby one's sexual identity as either a man or a woman does not match the sex that they were assigned to at birth. a. Transgender b. Intersexed c. Bisexual d. Cis


Which of the following is NOT one of the implications of Uncoupling discussed in class? a. Uncoupling shows that although breakups may seem chaotic and random, couples tend to go through a predictable set of stages when uncoupling b. Uncoupling shows how couples are types of organizations that connect with many other people. c. Uncoupling shows how social structural forces, like the economy and gender inequality, strongly shape the uncoupling process d. Uncoupling can be therapeutic because the book can help us make sense of our own intimate relationships.

Uncoupling shows how social structural forces, like the economy and gender inequality, strongly shape the uncoupling process

How would sociologists describe a child who was raised away from human civilization? a. Ideological b. Organic c. Unsocialized d. Hegemoni


In the section titled "Indirect Ways to Change Roles," Hochschild discusses ALL of the following indirect ways that women tried to change their household division of labor EXCEPT: a. Playing helpless b. Confronting their husbands about their need to share housework c. Using physical illness as a half-conscious signal to their husbands d. Withholding sex

Using physical illness as a half-conscious signal to their husbands

In the postscript of Uncoupling, Vaughan discusses all of the following methodological issues with her research EXCEPT: a. She interviewed only those who were willing to talk to her and her study may have been biased toward people who were open to talking about their relationships b. Her sample was limited only to those in the middle classes c. Participants gave retrospective (after-the-fact) accounts of their relationship troubles d. Vaughn was happily married and had trouble understanding the experiences of those who went through uncoupling

Vaughn was happily married and had trouble understanding the experiences of those who went through uncoupling

Transitional Ideology

Wife identifies with home and work, but primarily home. Husband identifies with home and work, but primarily work. Expects wife to do most of the household labor

According to the 5 part YouTube series Elements of Gender Inequality, Lawrence Summers (former Harvard University President) said that women were underrepresented in college & university math and science departments because: a. Men and women socialized differently during childhood. b. Of innate biological differences between men and women c. Women are generally more interested in the humanities (History/literature) d. Women are discriminated against in hiring and promotion decisions

Women are discriminated against in hiring and promotion decisions

Stalled Revolution

Women have progressed in the labor force but not in the home.

According to The Second Shift, how long was the leisure gap during the time of Hochschild's research? a.Women work an extra week a year compared to men b.Women work an extra two weeks a year compared to men c. Women work an extra month a year compared to men d.Women work an extra two months a year compared to men

Women work an extra month a year compared to men

Hochschild found that all of the following were common gender strategies for men, EXCEPT: a. "Needsreduction" b. Working fewer hours at their paid jobs c. Playing dumb d. Waiting to be asked to do housework

Working fewer hours at their paid jobs

Gender Identity

Your sense of identification with a particular gender

Gender Strategy

a plan of action based on gender ideals takes emotional preparation, emotional work involved

Which of the following statements MOST ACCURATELY describes the film clips included in the YouTube video: "Elements of Sexuality: 20th Century Depictions of Gay Men" a. Depictions of openly gay men in public spaces such as night clubs or restaurants were not seen on film until the 1970s b. a tolerant "boys will be boys" view of homosexuality is evident in film clips throughout the 20th century c. The relative tolerance toward gays in the early film clips changes to depictions of gay men as sexual predators by the middle of the 20th century d. Film clips from the early 1930s depict homosexuality as a sickness of the mind, but by the early 1960s gay men are shown marching in gay pride parades and calling for the liberation of homosexuals from a closeted existence

a tolerant "boys will be boys" view of homosexuality is evident in film clips throughout the 20th century

How do sociologists define gender? a.Biological differences between men and women b.Comprised of heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual desires c. Cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity d.Biological and psychological sources of sex identification

cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity

What is the Second Shift about? a. it's about the ways men and women divide household labor b.Its about the illicit way some corporations require female employees c. It's about the homeless man who sells magazines and books in Greenwich Village d.It's the innate biological differences between men and women

it's about the ways men and women divide household labor

In the article "The Gay Bar," what did the author refer to "zaps" as?

splashy, media-friendly protests—whenever they identified homophobic behavior on the part of politicians, police, or the press.


the belief that gender is rooted in natural or biological differences; men and women evolved different strategies to pass on their genes.


the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male

social constructionism

the theory that gender is socially constructed

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