Ku Klux Klan
kkk was founded in ?
in Atlanta alone how many houses were bombed?
The kkk had been at its prime before ww1, how many people were lynched in 1910 alone?
many murders were not reported as...
Black Americans could not vote and juries tended to be all white so your chances of winning were low. People didn't expect justice.
What was the battle of hayes pond ?
In 1958 in north carolina klansmen attacked Native American Indian homes and threatend to return with more men, however when they later held a night time rally they were surrounded by Native Americans and shots were fired the kkk men fled.
Who was it founded by ?
Soldiers from the Confederate Army in 6 southern states
klansmen had close links to local government and police so
They used this to continue intimidating people
What stopped in 1952?
Leaders of the civil rights movement were murdered however
some of the murderers were put on trial and found guilty.
what was its purpose ?
to gain revenge for the civil war and maintain slavery