L. 6: The Persians Rise: Achaemenid Empire

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King Cyrus (559-530 B.C) 's founded capital after expanding his Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BC) from the Mediterranean to Indus River.

King Darius I (521-486 B.C)

521-486 B.C - Third King Of Achaemenid Empire. "Greatest of the Persian Kings" I. STABLE AND PROSPER (Consolidate Empire) A. Strong Economy: - Universal Coinage. - Highway system connecting 1,600 miles. (trade) - Equipped with guards, Inns, food. - Mail System B. Construction of Canal connecting Red Sea to Mediterranean - Canal allowed ships to trade easier. C. Unified Law code for entire Empire. II. GOVERNMENT: A. No longer rules by decree B. Divides Persian empire into 20 provinces. - Governor call Satrap: 1. Collect Taxes, Enforce Laws, Have Local Armies. - Controlled them: 1. Appointed by the King (family members); 2. "Eyes and Ears of the King": 20 officials audited the governors each year. - Given their own Army, and only visit 1 province each. C. Darius I's governing was used for very long. III. ARMY A. Draft Army: - Satraps drafted men every year for 10-20 years of service. - Served in a different country than homeland. - Influence: Created Cosmopolitan Society B. The Immortals: - 10,000 of the greatest armies. -Best training, weapons, army. - "immortal" because as one dies, one replaces. IV. The beginning Fall of Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BC) - 499 B.C a revolt along the Greek coast (Cyrus's conquest) is punished by Darius in 494 B.C: -Darius I then sends army of 40,000 to Athens, Greece to punish their help in the 499 Revolt. -Darius I. Begins the "Persian War" and loses first battle to Athens at the batlle of Marathon in 490 B.C. V. DEATH. -In 486 B.C King Darius I Dies, succeeded by his son, Xerxes (486-456 B.C)

Battle at Salamis (480 B.C)

Athens send message to Oracle at Delphi to know how to defend after Thermopylae Spartans. a. Athens vacate the city to a coast, called Salamis. b. Station Navy behind the Island. I. Battle at Salamis (480 B.C) a. Persians destroy Athens, and blockade Salamis. b. Athens send slave to King Xerxes to attack first. c. Persians attack, and are defeated by the Athenians.


EMPIRES: The First Persian Empire: The Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BC) Second Persian Empires: 2. Macedonian Empire*(334-324) -334 B.C - Alexander the Great invades Persia/330 B.C- Became the Great King, Owned the Great Persian Empire.) 3. Seleucid Empire (323-83 B.C) - Main Division of Macedonia's past empire. 4. Parthians Empire (247-651 C.E) 5. Sasanids Empire (224 CE - 651 CE) PERSIAN INFLUENCE: Trade: = -Moved Goods West-East From China via Silk Road. -Introduced to the West through the Sasandids from China: Rice; Sugar Cane ; Citrus Fruit ; Peaches ; Cotton -Unified Coinage -Trade-Networks (China silk road, Highway, Mail, canals connecting red sea to Mediterranean) Religion: = - Zoroastrianism; A major influence of monotheism -(Good VS Evil *Devil). -"Freewill" -Religious toleration, Ethnic Toleration Government: = - Idea of satraps, local leaders under the King (Darius I) - Persian Wars, Draft Army, Persian Army *The Parthians, first people to grow Alfalfa to make stronger horses, changing the whole course of warfare.

King Cyrus (559-530 BC)

Founder of the Persian Empire. I. EXPANSIONS: - Mediterranean to the Indus River - (545-539) Conquered the West (Asia Minor) - When Lydia (great city) attacked first, after consulting Oracle at Delphi, Cyrus Conquered Lydia in 527 B.C. - Along with Lydia, Cyrus captured Greek cities on Coast (foreshadows Persian Wars) - In 539. B.C Cyrus Capture Babylon, Mesopotamia. - Freed and rebuilt Temple of the Hebrews "Cyrus the Messiah" II. GOVERNING: A. . Consolidating an Empire - Religious toleration. (hallmarks) - Ethnic Toleration. (hallmarks) - Pay taxes and pledge loyalty = free. B. Creates Capital at Persepolis. C. 530 B.C Cyrus rides out to put down an Uprising. - Dies in battle.

Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BCE)

GENERAL INFORMATION: CAPITAL: BABYLON GOVERNING: MONARCHY -Ruled by King, with local Satraps (Governors) CONQUEST AND FALL: Persian Revolt: 550 BCE Conquest of Lydia: 527 BCE Conquest of Babylon: 539 BCE Conquest of Egypt: 525 BCE Greco-Persian Wars: 499-479 BCE Fall to Macedonia: 330 BCE Kings and Authority: 1. KING CYRUS the Great(559-530 BCE)- Founder of Persian Empire -INVASIONS AND EXPANSIONS - (Mediterranean to the Indus River) -POST EXPANSION- Cyrus consolidates his Power; Creates a capital Persepolis -DEATH - 530 B.C: A revolt in the East- domestic revolt Cyrus goes to put it down, dies in battle (559-530 B.C) 2. KING CAMBYSES I the Great (530-522 B.C) -EXPANSIONS: 526 B.C- Invades an conquers Egypt. 525 B.C he declares himself Pharaoh. - DEATH: Didn't have kids. No heir, a sacred horse declares the next King. 3. KING DARIUS I the Great (521-486 B.C) - Greatest Persian King. - Divides Persia into 20 provinces ; Governed by a Satraps - The Immortals : The Great Kings' Cyrus Personal Military, 10,000 Body guards. - King Darius the Great Dies in 486 B.C; Succeeded by his son. 4. XERXES THE GREAT I (486-456 B.C) - Fourth King of the Achaemenid Empire; Son on Darius. - Tasked by his Father Darius with the punishing the Athenians - 330 B.C- Local Satraps surrenders to Alexander and gives head to Alexander. - Ends the Persian Empire, now under Alexander the Great. CONQUEST AND COLLAPSE OF ACHAEMENID EMPIRE (558-330 BC: - THE PERSIAN WARS (499-479 BCE) : King Darius I of Persia VS. The Greek states and Athens: - Part I: 490 B.C Darius orders a Small invasion of Athen, Greece; to punish revolt= 490 B.C THE BATTLE AT MARATHON (Athen victory). The defeat at Marathon marked the end of the first Persian invasion of Greece, and the Persian force retreated to Asia. - Part II: Xerxes formed a 250,000 man army to Invade Greece, Athens. Went North, along Mediterranean through Europe (Thrace and Macedon) and down to Greece. Conquers and Destroys all the Europeans along the way down to Greece. - Battle of Thermopylae: Xerxes puts Spartans King Leonidas' Head on a spike. - BATTLES OF SALAMIS (480 B.C):Persians' attack after persuasion and lose to Athens 479 B.C SPARTANS AND ATHENS COMPLETELY DRIVE THE PERSIANS OUT OF GREECE - Leads to collapse of Persian Empire Reputation is greatly hurt. Persians, during ransacking to Greece, had invaded Macedonians. Macedonia swore vengeance 100 years later. * Alexander the Great in 330 B.C becomes King of Persia and Ends the First Persian Empire.

Battle at Thermopylae

Hosted the Battle of Thermopylae around 450 B.C. SUMMARY: I. Attacked by a 250,000 Persian Army, led by Xerxes, whom traveled along Mediterranean, down to Greece. II. Spartans defended the narrow passage with 300 men under Leonidas for three days. III. Upon defeat, Athenians retreated to island of Salamis, where they would defeat the Persians. OUTLINE: Athens, with 10,000 men, plans defense at the narrow pass of Thermopylae. a. Spartans are called upon- King Leonidas' takes 300 men to fight at Thermopylae. 1. 7,000 other Greeks stand along. 2. Athenians are on boats to fight. b. Greeks flee when Persians arrive. IV. Battle of Thermopylae: Day 1: Xerxes loses 10,000 Men, holds the straight. Day 2: Xerxes loses another 10,000, Spartans hold. Day 3: Greek Shepard reveals secret passage behind. a. Spartans surrounded. Day 4: Spartans weapons are destroyed- kill 5,000 Persians. Day 5: Xerxes orders archers- kill all the Spartans. Day 6: Xerxes puts Leonidas head on spike

King Xerxes I (486-456 B.C)

I. Darius I. dies in 486 B.C and followed by his son, Xerxes (486-456 B.C). - Fourth King and Last King of the Achaemenid Empire; Son on Darius. - Tasked by his Father Darius with the punishing the Athenians - 330 B.C- Local Satraps surrenders to Alexander and gives head of Xerxes to Alexander. - Ends the Persian Empire, now under Alexander the Great. II. Expansion: a. 480 B.C Xerxes starts his campaign for Greece at Sardis (burnt capital). b. Loses the Persian Wars in 479 B.C

The Immortals

Initiated by King Darius I: - The "Great Kings of Persia" personal military of 10,000 bodyguards. - The best trained and equipped. - "the immortals" because "when one died, one replaced." II. These were the heart of Darius' army and were the bodyguards for the emperor. When one of the 10,000 were injured or killed, there was another soldier trained to take his place.


Of Athens, Greece. 1. Ally with Greek-City-States in Persia to revolt against Persia. 2. Attacked by King Darius in 490 B.C at the Battle of Marathon. - Win. 3. Attacked again at Thermopylae, by Xerxes around 450 B.C, with help from Sparta they defend, but lose. 4. Finally defeat the Persians at Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C and drive Persia out of Greece completely in 479 B.C

The Persian Wars (499-479 BCE)

Prerequisites: I. 499 B.C - The revolt of the Greek city-states conquered by Cyrus. a. Ask Athens and Sparta, Greece to help. Athens Help. b "Begins the Persian Wars (499-479 B.C) c. 498 B.C The satrap capital Sardis is overthrown and burned down. - Mistake: Athens leave the cities. Darius is pissed off. Reconquers the Greeks. ROUND ONE: I. Battle at Marathon (490 B.C): 490 B.C - 40,000 Persian men under Darius I, arrive at sea in Greece in vengeance for burning the capital in 499. a. Persians pull onto coast, bay their ships. b. Athens line up along outside the city in 3 rank formation. - Put old men and young boys in the middle (weak) - Strongest on the side. c. Charge the Persians. II. Persians advance, and Athens flank around to burn the Persian Ships. - Persians brake ranks, and are defeated with 3,000 lost. III. Persians retreat. a. Plan to surprise attack by sailing around the coast. b. Athens send a runner "Named Marathon" to warn Persians of attack. c. Old men, women, young, gather all the armor and walk around the walls of the city. - Persians see the city is guarded and leave. - Army was humiliated. ROUND TWO: I. Darius forms the largest Army ever-seen, yet dies in 486 B.C and followed by his son, Xerxes (486-456 B.C). a. 480 B.C Quarter-million man army is built (250k) II. 480 B.C Xerxes starts his campaign for Greece at Sardis (burnt capital) a. Marches North, (cant sail a 250,000-man-army), eventually through Europe (Thrace and Macedon), along the Mediterranean coast, down to Greece. b. Persian Navy creates land-bridge with ships for crossing out of Persia, follows the Armies along the Coast for supplies. c. Xerxes leads the armies, pillaging all cities. III. Athens, with 10,000 men, plans defense at the narrow pass of Thermopylae. a. Spartans are called upon- King Leonidas' takes 300 men to fight at Thermopylae. 1. 7,000 other Greeks stand along. 2. Athenians are on boats to fight. b. Greeks flee when Persians arrive. IV. Battle of Thermopylae: Day 1: Xerxes loses 10,000 Men, holds the straight. Day 2: Xerxes loses another 10,000, Spartans hold. Day 3: Greek Shepard reveals secret passage behind. a. Spartans surrounded. Day 4: Spartans weapons are destroyed- kill 5,000 Persians. Day 5: Xerxes orders archers- kill all the Spartans. Day 6: Xerxes puts Leonidas head on spike. V. Athens send message to Oracle at Delphi to know how to defend. a. Athens vacate the city to a coast, called Salamis. b. Station Navy behind the Island. VI. Battle at Salamis (480 B.C) a. Persians destroy Athens, and blockade Salamis. b. Athens send slave to King Xerxes to attack first. c. Persians attack, and are defeated by the Athenians. END OF PERSIAN WARS. a. Spartans, angered by Leonidas head on a spike, along with the Athenians fight against the Persian Army. b. 479 B.C, Spartans and Athenians complete drive the Persians from Greece. c. Leads to the collapse of the Persian Empire. Effects: Hurts reputation, Angered the Macedonians- whom swore vengeance 100 years later (Alexander the Great)

King Leonidas

SUMMARY: Spartan Leader, who takes 300 Spartans to hold off Persians at Thermopylae, giving the Greek cities an additional several days to organize their navy to oppose the Persians. He and all of his Spartan army died in the battle.

King Cambyses (530-522 B.C)

Son of Cyrus. (530-522 B.C) EXPANSION: - 526 B.C - Invades Egypt and conquers. (GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT) - Benefit: Food, agriculture. -525 B.C Declares himself Pharaoh. PROBLEM: - Never had kids, no Persian successor. SOLVE: -Sacred Horse picks the next king (Old horse nomads, horse is holy) - Picks Darius I.


Spartan from Greece. I. Originally deny the Athenians help twice, at battle of Marathon and at Thermopylae, but King Leonidas of Sparta takes 300 men to defend Thermopylae. II. In 479 B.C Spartans and Athens drive Persians completely from Greece.

The Battle at Marathon (490 B.C)

The defeat at Marathon marked the end of the first Persian invasion of Greece, and the Persian force retreated to Asia. King Darius the Great Dies in 486 B.C; Succeeded by his son. I. 490 B.C - 40,000 Persian men under Darius I, arrive at sea in Greece in vengeance for burning the capital in 499. a. Persians pull onto coast, bay their ships. b. Athens line up along outside the city in 3 rank formation. - Put old men and young boys in the middle (weak) - Strongest on the side. c. Charge the Persians. II. Persians advance, and Athens flank around to burn the Persian Ships. - Persians brake ranks, and are defeated with 3,000 lost. III. Persians retreat. a. Plan to surprise attack by sailing around the coast. b. Athens send a runner "Named Marathon" to warn Persians of attack. c. Old men, women, young, gather all the armor and walk around the walls of the city. - Persians see the city is guarded and leave. - Army was humiliated.


The governor of a province in the Achaemenid Persian Empire, often a relative of the king. - Darius I Divides Persian empire into 20 provinces. - Governor are called Satrap: I. Responsibilities: 1. Collect Taxes, Enforce Laws, Have Local Armies. 2. Darius Controlled them: a. Appointed by the King (family members); b. "Eyes and Ears of the King": 20 officials audited the governors (satraps) each year. - Given their own Army, and only visit 1 province each. 3. Satraps drafted young men each year to serve in draft army for 10-20 years. - Formed a cosmopolitan civilization. C. Darius I's governing was used for very long.

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