Lab Week 4

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nonciliated type lines most of the digestive tract (stomach and rectum), gallbladder, and excretory ducts of some glands; ciliated variety lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and some regions of the uterus

where is simple columnar epithelium located

kidney tubules, ducts and secretory portions of small glands, ovary surface

where is simple cuboidal epithelium located

air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and lining of ventral body cavity

where is simple squamous epithelium found

attached to bone or occasionally to skin

where is skeletal muscles located

nonkeratinized type forms the moist lining of the esophagus, mouth, and vagina; keratinized variety forms the epidermis of the skin, a dry membrane

where is stratified squamous located

lines the uterus, bladder, and part of the urethra

where is transitional epithelium found

dense irregular connective tissue

withstands tension exerted in many directions; provides structural strength

cardiac muscle

as it contracts, it propels blood into circulation, involuntary control; located in the walls of the heart

dense regular connective tissue

attaches muscle to bones or to muscles; attaches bones to bones; withstands great tensile stress when pulling force is applied in one direction

elastic connective tissue

dense regular connective tissue containing a high proportion of elastic fibers; looks like rubber bands stacked

epithelial tissue

forms boundaries between different environments, protects, secretes, absorbs, filters; based on shape and number of cell layers; lining of digestive tract organs and other hollow organs, skin surface


matrix is similar to but less firm than that in hyaline cartilage; thick collagen fibers predominate

supports the external ear; epiglottis

where is elastic cartilage found

hyaline cartialge

amorphous but firm matrix; collagen fibers form an imperceptible network; chondroblasts produce the matrix and when mature (chondrocytes) lie in lacunae; looks like pair of lungs

apical surface

an upper free surface exposed to the body exterior or the cavity of an internal organ

cardiac muscle

branching, striated, generally uninucleate cells that interdigitate at specialized junctions (intercalated discs; looks like dark bands on slide)


cell that stores fat


clusters of neuron cell bodies in CNS


column shaped cells; taller than they are wide


composed almost entirely of tightly packed cells (epithelial tissue)

reticular connective tissue

fibers form a soft internal skeleton (stroma) that supports other cell types including white blood cells, mast cells, and macrophages

elastic fiber

fibrous protein within connective tissue that contains a high percentage of the protein elastin that allows the fibers to stretch and return to original size

reticular fiber

fine fibrous protein, made of collagen subunits, which cross-link to form supporting "nets" within connective tissue


flat cells

collagen fiber

flexible fibrous proteins that give connective tissue tensile strength

mast cells

found in the connective tissue of the dermis; respond to injury, infection, or allergy by producing and releasing substances, including heparin and histamine

Bone (osseous tissue)

hard, calcified matrix is containing many collagen fibers; osteocytes in lacunae; very well vascularized

nervous tissue

internal communication, includes brain, spinal cord, and nerves

serous membrane

line body cavities that are closed to exterior

mucous membrane

line body cavities that are open to the exterior

elastic cartilage

maintains the shape of a structure while allowing great flexibility

adipose (loose connective tissue)

matrix as in areolar, but very sparse; closely packed adipocytes, or fat cells, have nucleus pushed to the side by large fat droplet


mitotic; constantly replaces from the basal layer (basement membrane)

reticular (loose connective tissue)

network of reticular fibers in a typical loose ground substance; reticular cells lie on the network; looks like cherry blossom tree

nervous tissue

neurons are branching cells; cell processes that may be quite long extended from the nucleus-containing cell body; also contributing to nervous tissue are non-excitable supporting cells

nervous tissue

neurons transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors and to effectors (muscles and glands) which control their activity; supporting cells support and protect neurons

dense irregular connective tissue

primarily irregularly arranged collagen fibers; some elastic fibers; fibroblast is the major cell type; very little open space makes it dense, watercolor, swirl pattern makes it irregular

dense regular connective tissue

primarily parallel collagen fibers; a few elastic fibers; major cell type is the fibroblast; very little open space makes it dense, regular wave pattern makes it regular

smooth muscle

propels substances or objects along internal passageways; involuntary control; found mostly in the walls of hollow organs

stratified squamous epithelium

protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion

adipose connective tissue

provides reserve food fuel; insulates against heat loss; supports and protects organs


red and white blood cells in a fluid matrix (plasma); transports respiratory gases, nutrients, wastes, and other substances; contained within blood vessel

simple epithelium

refers to a single layer of cells

transitional epithelium

resembles both stratified squamous and stratified cuboidal; basal cells cuboidal or columnar; surface cells dome shaped or squamouslike, depending on the degree of organ stretch

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

secrete substances particularly mucus; propulsion of mucus by ciliary action

stratified epithelium

several layers of cells

elastic cartilage

similar to hyaline cartilage but more elastic fibers in matrix; looks like ears

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

single layer of cells of differing heights, some not reaching the free surface; nuclei seen at different levels; may contain mucus-secreting cells and bear cilia

simple cuboidal epithelium

single layer of cube-like cells with large spherical nucleus; functions in secretion and absorption

simple squamous epithelium

single layer of flattened cells with disc-shaped nuclei and sparse cytoplasm

simple columnar epithelium

single layer of tall cells with round oval nuclei; some cells bear cilia; layer may contain mucus-secreting unicellular glands (goblet cells)

smooth muscle

spindle-shaped cels with central nuclei; no striations; cells arranged closely to form sheets

skeletal muscle

voluntary movement; locomotion; manipulation of the environment; facial expression

1. collagen fibers 2. elastic fibers 3. reticular fiber 4. capillary

what 4 things make up the ground substance

well vascularized except cartilage, tendon, and ligaments; many cell types; has living and nonliving components; has extracellular matrix with ground substance and fibers; all types originate from mesenchymal cells

what are some characteristics of connective tissue

1. regular 2. irregular 3. elastic

what are the 3 types of dense connective tissue proper

1. areolar 2. adipose 3. reticular

what are the 3 types of loose connective tissue proper

1. skeletal 2. cardiac 3. smooth

what are the 3 types of muscle tissue

1. macrophage 2. fibroblast 3. lymphocyte 4. adipocyte 5. mast cells 6. neutrophil 7. nuclei

what are the 7 cell types found in connective tissue

1. osteocytes 2. osteoblasts

what are the cells found in bone

1. chondrocyte in lacunae 2. matrix

what are two characteristics of cartilage

1. compact and spongy bone 2. osteocyte in lacuna, central canal

what are two types of bones and two characteristics of bone

1. RBC (erythrocyte; no nuclei or organelles in order to pack more oxygen) 2. WBC (leukocyte; has organelles) 3. Platelet (thrombocyte) 4. Plasma

what four things is blood composed of

plasma with no fibers

what is the matrix like in blood

gel-like ground substance calcified with inorganic salts; fibers: collagen

what is the matrix like in bone tissue

gel-like ground substance; fibers: collagen, elastic fibers in some

what is the matrix like in cartilage

gel-like ground substance; all three fiber types (collagen, reticular, elastic)

what is the matrix like in connective tissue proper

1. fibroblasts 2. fibrocytes 3. defense cells 4. adipocytes

what kind of cells are found in connective tissue proper

1. chondroblasts found in growing cartilage 2. chondrocytes

what kinds of cells are found in cartilage

under skin in subcutaneous tissue; around kidneys and eyeballs; within abdomen; in breasts

where is adipose tissue located

fibrous capsules of organs and of joints; dermis of the skin, submucosa of digestive tract

where is dense irregular connective tissue found

tendons, most ligaments, aponeuroses

where is dense regular connective tissue found

walls of large arteries; within certain ligaments associated with the vertebral column; within the walls of the bronchial tubes

where is elastic connective tissue found

intervertebral discs; pubic symphysis; disc of knee joint

where is fibrocartilage located

forms most of the embryonic skeleton; covers the ends of long bones in joint cavities; forms costal cartilages of the ribs; cartilages of the nose, trachea, and larynx

where is hyaline cartilage located

brain, spinal cord, and nerves

where is nervous tissue located

nonciliated type in male's sperm carrying ducts and ducts of large glands; ciliated variety lines the trachea, most of the upper respiratory tract

where is pseudostratified columnar epithelium located

lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen

where is reticular tissue found


A tiny blood vessel where substances are exchanged between the blood and the body cells.


A type of white blood cell that engulfs invading microbes and contributes to the nonspecific defenses of the body against disease.


A type of white blood cell that make antibodies to fight off infections


Large white blood cell that removes bacteria, foreign particles, and dead cells

basement membrane

Layer between epithelium and underlying connective tissue

simple squamous epithelium

allows materials to pass by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important; secretes lubricating surfaces in serosae

elastic connective tissue

allows tissue to recoil after stretching; maintains pulsatile floes of blood through arteries; aids passive recoil of lungs allowing respiration


Pertaining to blood vessels or richly supplied with blood vessels

simple columnar epithelium

absorption; secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances; ciliated type propels mucus (or reproductive cells) by ciliary action


a cell in connective tissue that produces collagen and other fibers.

muscle tissue

contracts to cause movement, includes muscles attached to bones (skeletal), muscles of heart (cardiac), and muscles of hollow organs (smooth)

cutaneous membrane

covers the body surface


cube shaped cells; as tall as they are wide

transitional epithelium

stretches readily, permits stored urine to distend urinary organ

skeletal muscle tissue

striations, muscle fiber (cell), nuclei (multinucleated), nucleus pushed to periphery of cell, elongated


supports and protects by enclosing; provides levers for the muscles to act on; stores calcium and other minerals and fat; marrow inside is the site for blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)

hyaline cartilage

supports and reinforces; serves as resilient cushion; resists compressive stress

connective tissue

supports, protects, binds other tissues, includes bones, tendons, fat and other soft padding tissue

basal surface

surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane


tensile strength allows it to absorb compressive shock

stratified squamous epithelium

thick membrane composed of several cell layers; basal cells are cuboidal or columnar and metabolically active; surface cells are flattened; in the keratinized type, the surface cells are full of keratin and dead; basal cells are active in mitosis and produce the cells of the more superficial layers

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