LAH1093 Chapter Quizzes

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Using religious language to condemn the oppressive Spaniards.

Father Miguel Hidalgo sought to mobilize the peasants of Mexico against the Peninsulars by which of the following?

Mexico City

Frances Calderón de la Barca, the wife of a Spanish diplomat, called which city "one of the noblest-looking cities in the world"?

Surprising the Inca, taking the Incan ruler hostage, and ambushing indigenous nobles, rendering the empire leaderless.

Francisco Pizarro initiated his conquest of the Inca Empire through which of the following?

A slave uprising.

Haiti achieved its independence in 1791 as a result of which of the following?

With the assistance of caudillo Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera

How did Colombian liberals make their comeback after 1860?

He defended the rights and land of indigenous communitites.

How did Rafael Carrera differ from many other Latin American leaders?

The wanted to maintain social and religious traditions inherited from colonial life.

How did conservatives differ from liberals?

They were led by well-educated Creole elites (a revolution "from above").

How did the independence movements in Venezuela and Argentina differ from the movement in Mexico?

Its government was more stable, having only three presidents in as many decades.

How was Chile different from most other Latin American countries in the 1800s?

Hunter-gatherer societies with simple social organization

Nonsedentary peoples in the Americas can be defined by which of these characteristics?

the religious mission

On the frontiers of the Spanish Empire in America, the main instrument(s) of colonization was

Decent People.

Once the caste system faded after independnece, most Americans fell into either the category of el pueblo or which of the following?

guano, or seabird excrement -- a wonderful fertilizer

Peru's post-independence economic boom was base don which of the following products?

Settlements of runaway slaves in Brazil.

Quilombos were which of the following?

The Americas were equal kingdoms of Spain, not colonies.

Spanish Americans declared loyalty to the king but argued for which of the following?

Indigenous groups were often eager to overthrow the empires that had ruled them.

Why did many indigenous groups ally with the Spaniards in fighting the Aztec and Inca empires?

The Church's unproductive wealth and clergy privileges were affronts to Progress.

Why did nineteenth-century Latin American liberals oppose the Catholic Church?

Conservatives defended the place of the Catholic Church in government and education.

Why did so many common people in ninteenth-century Latin America embrace conservatism?

To force Americans to import these products from Europe.

Why did the Bourbon reformers limit the production of cloth and wine in the Americas?

The prolonged Christian reconquest of Iberia shaped their attitudes.

Why did the Spanish conquerors already have a "crusading mentality" upon arriving to America?

She was based on the indigenous myth of Tonantzin.

Why did the Virgin of Guadalupe become accepted as the patron saint of Mexico?

It placed clergy outside the law.

Why did the fuero become unpopular?

Their sugar mills were the center of the economy.

Why do Brazilian "mill lords," or senhores de ingenho, loom large in Brazilian history?

The Conquest involved not only the use of force but also cultural and religious forms of domination that colonial subjects partially internalized.

Why is hegemony used by historians to describe colonial Latin America?

See fell in love with and married a young priest.

Why was Camila O'Corman accused of representing the moral decline of Argentina under Rosas?

The Tupac Amaru II rebellion reminded Creoles that it was risky to mobilize indigenous people who could potentially threaten their own power.

Why was the movement for independence slow to begin in Peru?

They captured runaway slaves.

Why were bandeirantes historically important?

Benito Juárez

Who was the first fully indigenous governor of a Mexican state?

A large landowner with the personal resources to maintain political clients.

A caudillo in Latin America would typically be which of the following?

Racial mixing and the presence of non-Europeans in national populations.

According to many liberals, Progress in Latin America was hindered by which of the following?

Using feats of physical prowess and Americano nativism to persuade the rural llaneros, who had been royalists, to join the patriot side

After an early defeat, Simón Bolívar was able to regain momentum toward Venezuelan independence in 1817 by doing which of the following?

Reward themselves and their followers through patronage.

After independence, many conservatives and liberals pursued political office to do which of the following?

He lacked the mystique of a hereditary royal and had no greater claim to rule than any other Creole.

Agustín I did not last as the monarch of Mexico for which of the following reasons?


Approximately what percentage of enslaved people died on the passage from Africa to the Americas?

Mitre defeated the Confederation and became president of a united Argentina.

Argentina was divided between Buenos Aires and the Argentine Confederation until 1860, when which of the following occurred?

The abolition of slavery in other Caribbean countries.

Cuba emerged as a major sugar exporter in the 19th century because of which of the following?

João's decision to legally restrict the slave trade.

Discontent emerged in Brazil over what controversial decision?

Lack of transportation infrastructure in Latin America.

Economic development in Latin America was hindered by which of the following factors?

A landowner who presided over peons.

In Latin America, a patrón is the term used to describe which of the following?

It threatened the communal land held by indigenous villages.

In addition to attacking church landholdings, the Mexican Lerdo Law (1856) enforced which of the following?

The Creole's winning strategy, which glorified an American identity defined by birthplace

In analyzing Latin American independence movements, scholars use the term "nativism" to describe which of the following?

Present-day, poor Peruvians.

In her novel Birds without a Nest, Matto de Turner depicted indigenous people as which of the following?

Opportunistic Creoles who had originally sworn loyalty to the king but gradually embraced the liberal revolution

In the fringe colonies, who were those said to be "taking off the mask of Fernando"?

Political Party systems

In the nineteenth century, which topic did Latin America look to Great Britain most for guidance?

Folk dances that became symbols of national identity.

Jarabes and bambucos were which of the following?

Argentina and Chile

José de San Martín led an anticolonial army from which of the following?

Martyred patriot women who demonstrate that the movement for independence cut across gender lines

Juana Azurduy, Policarpa Salavarrieta, and María Gertrudis Bocanegra de Lazo de la Vega are examples of which of the following?

Creole elites hoping to unify the population under their leadership, without disrupting the social hierarchy.

Latin American independence leaders who used the rallying cry of "Americanos!" were which of the following?


Sugar was eventually replaced as Brazil's major export by what product?

From a wide variety of cultures and languages, making communication difficult

The Africans enslaved and brought to the Americas were mostly which of the following?

An indigenous tribe that fiercely resisted conquest in Chile.

The Araucanos were which of the following?

Bolívar's capture of the last Spanish viceroy in America.

The Battle of Ayacucho marked which of the following?

The Muslim religion of its leaders alienated some Christian slaves, who revealed the plan.

The Brazilian Bahian slave conspiracy of 1835 failed in part because of which of the follwoing reasons?

Fully sedentary

The Inca/Inka Empire would best be considered which of the following?

Unseating the viceroy who had called a representative assembly to rule in the king's stead (absence).

The Peninsulars of New Spain stoked Creole anger in 1808 by doing which of the following?

Sugar harvesting requires a large, stable workforce, and neither Europeans nor the Tupi were willing laborers.

The Portuguese ultimately sought to cultivate sugar on the lands of the Tupi in Brazil. Which of these factors made sugar planting a challenge for the Portuguese?

It prescribed different social roles for men and women, for example women, but not men, were supposed to avoid extramarital sex.

The concept of honor meant which of the following?

The Chaco War.

The discovery of oil in a territory claimed by both Bolivia and Paraguay prompted which of the following?

Adventurers hoping to find fortune for themselves.

The first Spaniards to colonize the Americas were which of the following?

Exposure to European diseases to which they had no immunity created a demographic collapse.

The indigenous peoples of Brazil fought vigorously against Portuguese colonization. What factor most influenced the collapse of this resistance?

Isolated in the southern part of the country.

The indigenous population of Chile, known as the Mapuches, were which of the following?


The integration of sacred plant and animal motifs into colonial Catholic murals is an example of which of the following?

An Inca labor draft continued under the Spanish, but with more brutal, taxing kinds of work.

The mita system in the Andes was which of the following?

Encouraging immigration of Europeans to Argentina.

The slogan "to govern is to populate" refers to what liberal policy?

a vast empire in modern-day Mexico ruled by the Mexica people

The term "Aztecs" refers to which of the following?

The peninsula in Europe comprising Spain and Portugal.

The term "Iberia" refers to which of the following?

A group of north African Muslims who ruled the Iberian Peninsula for eight centuries.

The term "Moors" refers to which of the following?


The term "neocolonial" applies to which period in Latin American history?

A system of land distribution in which conquering Spaniards were rewarded with indigenous laborers.

The term encomienda refers to which of the following?

Contests of loyalty and local control rather than political debates.

Under caudillo rule, elections were commonly which of the following?

Threw out the liberal constitution of Cádiz

Upon regaining the Spanish throne in 1814, Fernando VII immediately did which of the following?

Embracing materialism and "modernity" even if it meant eroding traditional values

What did Progress for nineteenth-century Latin American liberals mean?

The people have a right to choose their government through a written constitution.

What does the idea of "popular sovereignty" mean?

Indigenous villagers joined with conservatives under the banner of "Religion and Fueros" to over throw the liberal government.

What occurred as Mexico's liberal Reform period began to wane?

Attendees discussed literature and progress, rather than dancing.

What occurred in the tertulias hosted by Juana Manuela Gorriti?

Most of the indigenous population in Brazil was not fully sedentary.

What reality of indigenous societies in Brazil made the Portuguese empire different from the Spanish empire in Latin America?

French doctrine that recommends authoritarian medicine/action to achieve order and progress.

What statement best describes "positivism"?

Chile gained valuable northern territories containing nitrates.

What was one important outcome of the War of the Pacific?

To increase the profitability of the colonies to the Crown.

What were the intensions of the Bourbon Reforms?

Official administrative regions of the Spanish Americas.

What were viceroyalties?


When Sarmiento wrote "their blood is the only part of them that is human" he was referring to whom?

In a variety of nonsedentary or semisedentary communities

When the Spanish and Portuguese arrived in the Americas, where were the peoples inhabiting the region living?

It described the lives and customs of ordinary people.

Which best describes costumbrista writing?

Very numerous, but ridiculed as second-class citizens and marginalized in Spanish society.

Which best describes mestizos, the children of Spanish and indigenous parents?

An effort by the Iberian crowns to sort people by fixed racial categories.

Which best describes the caste system in the Americas?

There were some challenges to the upper classes that ruled the new Latin American nations.

Which best illustrates the Caste War of the Yucatán?

Mexican and Peruvian silver mines.

Which economic sector was hardest hit by the wars of independence?

Resentment toward Portuguese influence and fears of recolonization.

Which factor helped mobilize Portuguese liberals against Emperor Pedro I?

American-born whites

Which group had the most to lose from the Bourbon and Pombaline reforms?

A series of costly wars, including a conflict with England.

Which of the following actions by King Carlos IV bankrupted the Crown in the 1700s?

Folk magic.

Which of the following became a powerful tool for women to resist the constraints of honor?

It attacked military and ecclesiastical fueros.

Which of the following best describes the Juárez Law?

It was initially situated along the northeastern coast because of its suitability for the cultivation of sugar cane.

Which of the following best describes the core area of the Brazilian colony?

Selling the legal category of whiteness.

Which of the following best describes the practice of selling "gracias al sacar"?

They brought different castes and classes together temporarily.

Which of the following best describes the rebellions against the Bourbon reforms?


Which resource was the most important in the economies and societies of colonial America?

Having his leg buried with military honors.

While repelling a French invasion, Santa Anna gained fame for which of the following?

A Spanish "conquistadora" who became legendary for her role in fighting off an indigenous attack in Chile

Who was Inés Suárez?

A famous Brazilian novelist

Who was Joaquim Machado de Assis?

A mestizo leader who joined forces with Iturbide to achieve Mexican independence

Who was Vicente Guerrero?

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