Lathe Unit 8 and 9

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State three reasons why knurling might be used on a part

Apperance provide gripping surface increase diameter of part for press fit

Which measuring instrument is used when using a test bar

Dial indicator

Why isnt drilling used to produce bores in pulleys, gears. and bearing fits

Drilled holes are not sufficiently accurate for bores

list five ways to eliminate chatter when using a boring bar

Shorten Bar overhang Reduce spindle speed Make sure the tool is on center use large diameter bar possible without binding in bore reduce nose radius of tool use cutting fluid used tuned or solid carbide boring bars

standard plug taps or bottoming taps can be used when hand tapping in the lathe. If power is used, what kind of tap works best?

Spiral-point tap works best for power tapping

What happens to the workpiece when the centers are out of line

The work becomes taperd

Name a measuring tool that can be used to measure a taper by taking a cut

With a micrometer, the tailstock is set over with a dial indicator

Name three methods of aligning the centers

Witness mark on the tailsock using a test bar taking a light cut n the workpiece and measuring

what is the chief advantage of boring over reaming in the lathe

bore runs true with the centerline of the lathe and the outside of the workpiece

Ordinary knurls do not cut. In what way do they make the diamond or straight pattern on the workpiece?

by displacing material with very high pressure

If a knurl is producing a double impression, what can you do to develop a diamond impression

can be readjusted up or down angling the toolholder 5 degrees helps

State whether cutting speeds for reaming are twice or half that used for drilling; whether feed speeds for reaming are twice or half that of drilling

cutting speeds for reaming are half that of drilling Feeds are for reaming are twice that of drilling

How can you avoid chatter when cutting off stock with at parting tool

maintaining rigid setup keeping enough feed to produce a continuous chip

How can grooves or thread reliefs be made in a bore

specifically shaped or ground tools

what happens to the workpiece when the tailstock is offset to the operator

the workpiece become tapered with the small end at the tailstock

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