Latin Chapter 16 Exercises

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fortēs virī et fēminae ante aetātem nostram vīvēbant

Brave men and women were living before our time.

Caesar nōn poterat suās cōpiās cum celeribus cōpiīs rēgis iungere

Caesar could not join his own troops with the swift troops of the king.

quīnque ex nautīs sē ex aquā trāxērunt sēque Caesarī potentī commīsērunt

Five of the sailors dragged themselves out of the water and entrusted themselves to the might Caesar.

eōs centum senēs miserōs ab Italiā trāns maria difficilia heri mittēbat

He was sending those 100 miserable old men away from Italy across the difficult seas yesterday.

vīs bellī acerbī autem vītam eius paucīs hōrīs mūtāvit

The force of a fierce war, however, changed his life in a few hours.

Themistoclēs omnēs cīvēs ōlim appellābat et nōmina eōrum ācrī memoriā tenēbat

Themistocles then names all the citizens and kept their names by keen memory.

itaque inter eōs ibi stābam et signum cum animō fortī diū exspectābam

Therefore I was standing among them there and was awaiting for a long time with a brave spirit.

The souls of brave men and women will never fear difficult times.

animī virōrum et fēminārum fortium aetātēs difficilēs numquam timēbunt

The doctor could not help the brave girl, for death was swift.

medicus puellam fortem nōn adiuvāre poterat, nam mors erat celeris

The father and mother often used to come to the city with their two sweet daughters.

pater māterque ad urbem cum duābus fīliābus dulcibus suīs saepe veniēbant

Does he now understand all the rights of these four men?

intellegitne nunc omnia iūra hōrum quattuor virōrum?

in caelō sunt multae nūbēs et animālia agricolae tempestāte malā nōn valent

In the sky there are many clouds and the farmer's animals are not well in the bad storm.

potēns rēgīna, quoniam sē dīlēxit, istōs trēs vītāvit et sē cum eīs numquam iūnxit

The powerful queen, since she loved herself, shunned those three men and never joined with them.

celer rūmor per ōra aurēsque omnium sine morā currēbat

The quick rumor was running through the mouths and ears of all without delay.

illī duo virī omnēs cupiditātēs ex sē ēiēcērunt, nam nātūram corporis timuērunt

Those two men threw out all desires from themselves, for they feared the nature of the body.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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