Lauren Sousa History midterm Hanna Review

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Which amendment did Southern States violate when they imposed restrictive laws on African Americans?

14th Amendment

Which amendment is correctly paired with the right that it guaranteed?

14th Amendment

The excerpt below is taken from an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In which amendment is this excerpt found?

15th Amendment

Which amendment is correctly paired with the right that it guaranteed?

15th Amendment

Which amendment specifically guaranteed the right shown in this illustration? Vote.JPG

15th Amendment

Which statement describes the role of Jefferson Davis during the Civil War?

A former U.S. Cabinet member, Davis was elected as President of the Confederacy.

What was the main economic challenge faced by American farmers in the late 19th century?

Agricultural overproduction led to falling prices for their crops.

The statement below was made by an American businessman in 1897. Which historical argument is supported by this statement?

American imperialism was mainly economically motivated.

The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904. Based on the timeline, which conclusion can be made about American policy in these years?

American imperialists triumphed over those opposing the annexation of overseas territories.

How did the U.S victory in the Mexican-American War contribute to the later outbreak of the Civil War?

Americans became divided over whether to extend slavery to new territories.

The excerpt below was written by Mark Twain in 1900. Based on this excerpt, why did Twain oppose U.S. acquisition of the Philippines?

Americans intended to rule the Philippines as conquerors instead of bringing democracy.

Why was European immigration to the United States restricted in the 1920s?

Americans were prejudiced against the "New Immigrants" from Eastern and Southern Europe.

Which argument would a critic of big business most likely have raised during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Big businesses mistreat workers and consumers because they hold too much power.

How were the First and Second Industrial Revolutions similar?

Both led to innovations in the ways in which goods were produced.

How were the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 similar?

Both resolved disputes over whether to admit territories as new states.

What did the Black Codes and later Jim Crow laws have in common?

Both severely restricted the rights of African Americans in the South.

Which constitutional issue was raised after the end of Reconstruction?

Can a state offer "separate but equal" facilities to members of different races?

How did the growth of the steel industry affect the U.S. economy?

Cheaper steel made it possible to build more railroads, bridges, ships and buildings.

Which change occurred as the United States shifted from an agrarian to an industrial society?

Cities became overcrowded and faced new challenges in providing public services.

Which act of Congress overturned Southern Black Codes, affirmed the rights of the freedmen, and formed the basis for the 14th Amendment?

Civil Rights Act

How did the corporate form of enterprise affect the U.S. economy in the late 19th century?

Companies could raise huge amounts of capital to invest in machinery and new technologies.

The excerpt below is from a speech given by Henry Clay to the U.S. Senate. Henry Clay.JPG Which legislation did Henry Clay introduce in this speech?

Compromise of 1850

How did the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 shape public policy?

Consumers were protected from adulterated or misbranded foods.

Which federal law gave Native Americans the right to sell their share of reservation lands in order to assimilate into "mainstream" American society?

Dawes Act

Which constitutional issue was raised during Reconstruction?

Do state governments have the power to deny former slaves the rights of citizenship?

The timeline below depicts events leading to the Civil War. Which event best completes the timeline?

Election of Abraham Lincoln

The diagram below identifies a major obstacle in the construction of the Panama Canal. Which sentence completes the diagram?

Engineers designed a series of water-filled locks to raise and lower ships.

Which problem did American factory workers face in the late 19th century?

Factory workers in many industries faced periodic unemployment.

The drawing of New Orleans below was published in 1867. Which consequence of Reconstruction is depicted in this drawing?

Freedmen exercised new voting rights guaranteed by federal law.

The chart below lists economic problems faced by Southerners at the end of the Civil War. Which system developed in the Reconstruction era to resolve these problems?

Freedmen often became sharecroppers or tenant farmers on the properties of their former masters.

Which American developed a safety hood for firefighters and a traffic signal for automobiles?

Garrett Morgan

How did the economy of Florida adapt to Reconstruction?

Growing cotton became secondary to growing citrus fruits, raising cattle, and cutting timber.

In which event did anarchists and other demonstrators clash with Chicago police?

Haymarket riot

How did Andrew Carnegie contribute to the industrial development of the United States?

He adopted new techniques to mass-produce steel at lower cost.

Why did industrialist Henry Flagler decide to build a deep-water port at Key West?

He anticipated shipping from a future Panama Canal.

What was the impact of Henry Flagler on Florida?

He built railroads and hotels in Florida, bringing tourist and migrants.

What role did Ulysses S. Grant play in the Civil War?

He defeated Confederate forces at Vicksburg and became Commander-in-Chief of Union forces.

How did Lincoln demonstrate his superior leadership during the Civil War?

He took all necessary steps to win the war, including a naval blockade of the South, military conscription and the emancipation of Southern slaves.

What influence did Hiram Rhodes Revels have on Reconstruction?

He was the first African American to be seated in the U.S. Senate.

How did the writings of Alfred Thayer Mahan encourage United States imperialism?

His books demonstrated the importance of obtaining colonies for naval bases, increasing overseas trade, and building a canal in Central America.

In which event did company managers hire Pinkerton detectives to reopen a steel mill surrounded by picketing workers?

Homestead strike

Which muckraker is correctly paired with his or her attempt to correct injustices in American life?

Ida Tarbell

The Venn diagram below compares two industrial revolutions. IR Venn.JPG Which best completes the diagram?

Innovations Stimulate Economic Growth

How did the Second Industrial Resolution differ from the first? Correct Answer

It focused on the growth of heavy industries such as steel, oil and electricity, which required larger capital investments.

How did the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act contribute to the later outbreak of the Civil War?

It reopened the question of whether slavery would be permitted in some Northern territories.

What impact did the 14th Amendment have on state governments?

It required state governments to provide all individuals with "equal protection" of the law.

How did the Spanish American War encourage the construction of the Panama Canal?

It showed that America's Atlantic and Pacific fleets were too far apart without it.

Which statement describes the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

It upheld state laws requiring racial segregation.

Why did Radical Republicans disagree with President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?

Lincoln would readmit Southern states to Congress on lenient terms.

What was a benefit of the laissez-faire policies practiced during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Many American industries, such as railroads, steel and oil, achieved rapid growth.

The cartoon below shows Hiram Rhodes Revels occupying the Senate seat once held by Jefferson Davis, who stands looking over his shoulder. Jefferson Davis hall.JPG.png What was the cartoonist's view of the election of Revels?

Many former Confederates resented Revels' election to the Senate.

The argument below summarizes the reasoning of Alfred Thayer Mahan and other American imperialists at the end of the nineteenth century. Which statement best completes the argument?

Merchant sailors and ships can serve in the U.S. Navy in times of war.

he diagram below describes conditions on the Isthmus of Panama in the early 20th century. Which phrase completes the diagram?

Obstacles to building the Panama Canal

How did migration from farms to cities encourage the growth of reform movements?

Overcrowded, congested cities were in greater need of reform.

In "The Influence of Sea Power upon History," Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan recommended that Americans obtain colonies and build a large merchant marine to supply sailors for their navy. Mahan also recommended that they build a canal through Central America. Which water route was built, following his advice?

Panama Canal

Which of these is an example of a Jim Crow law?

People of different races cannot be permitted to use the same public facilities.

Which steps were taken by the Florida Legislature at the end of Reconstruction to discourage African-Americans from voting?

Poll taxes and literacy tests were imposed.

The excerpt below is from a party platform in 1892, which expressed the demands of many American farmers. Which party adopted a platform containing all these demands?

Populist Party

The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court decision of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Plessy vs. Ferg.JPG What was the long-term effect of the reasoning above?

Racial segregation remained dominant in the South for another half-century.

The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Plessy vs ferg2-1.JPG What was the impact of the reasoning in this excerpt?

Racial segregation remained in the South for another half-century.

How did the Radical Republican program for Reconstruction differ from President Lincoln's "Ten-Percent Plan"?

Radical Republicans imposed a civil rights act and military occupation.

Why did Congress propose the 14th Amendment?

Radical Republicans wanted to ensure that their Civil Rights Act was not overruled by the Supreme Court.

How did the spread of railroads after the Civil War contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution?

Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market.

Which Progressive reform is correctly matched with its definition?


The excerpt below was written by historian Eric Foner in 2005. racial segregation-1.JPG Why did the "system" described in this excerpt develop?

Reconstruction failed to secure lasting rights for freedmen.

The map below shows battles fought during the Civil War. Civil War battles.png Which general fought in all five battles indicated by stars on the map?

Robert E. Lee

How did Harriet Beecher Stowe's book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, contribute to the outbreak of the Civil War?

She depicted the evils of slavery, stirring the public conscience of the North.

The excerpt below is from the Standard Oil Trust Agreement, concluded in 1882. Standard Oil Trust.JPG Which law did Congress pass to prevent abuses arising from business arrangements such as the one above?

Sherman Antitrust Act

The cartoon below was published in 1898. The caption below the cartoon reads: Based on the cartoon, which conclusion can be made about American imperialists in the late nineteenth century?

Some imperialists wanted to educate and help the local peoples of annexed territories.

Which sentence describes an economic consequence of Reconstruction?

Southern landowners let their former slaves use their land for a share of the crop.

Which of the following was a social cause of the Civil War?

Southerners and Northerners disagreed over the continuation of slavery.

The poster below was published in 1900. The left side of the poster depicts conditions in the United States in 1896. The right side of the poster shows conditions under President McKinley in 1900. Which statement is supported by the quotation at the bottom center of the poster?

Spanish rule in Cuba was overthrown on humanitarian grounds.

The map below shows the United States on the eve of the Civil War. Which states on this map permitted slavery at the time of the outbreak of the Civil War?

States 4, 5, 7

The Emancipation Proclamation created uncertainty over whether President Lincoln could lawfully free enslaved persons. How was this issue resolved?

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibited slavery.

Which event led to changes in the size of the United States in 1898?

The United States acquired new overseas territories in the Caribbean and Pacific.

What was a direct consequence of the Spanish-American War?

The United States acquired new overseas territories, promoting trade with East Asia and the Caribbean.

How did the Spanish-American War help turn the United States into a world power?

The United States defeated a European power and annexed overseas territories.

What was the impact of the Dawes Act on the Native American experience?

The act enabled Native Americans to sell most of their land.

What was the significance of the Battle of Vicksburg during the Civil War?

The battle gave the Union control of the Mississippi River, dividing the Confederacy in two.

What impact did the increasing demand for raw cotton from textile mills in the early 1800s have on the South?

The number of enslaved people working on Southern cotton plantations increased.

Why did President Theodore Roosevelt send a warship to protect rebels in Panama and recognize their independence?

The rebels offered to give the United States a strip of land on generous terms.

Why did the United States annex the Philippines and Puerto Rico?

These regions were acquired from Spain after the Spanish-American war.

What was one reason why government leaders generally opposed strikes by labor unions in the 19th century?

They believed that business owners had the right to set conditions for their own employees.

Which practices of big business did late 19th century critics especially condemn?

They engaged in unfair conduct to put their competitors out of business.

How did most labor union members feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900?

They feared that immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages.

What impact did the 14th and 15th Amendments have on the Reconstruction era?

They guaranteed new freedoms to African Americans.

What did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments have in common?

They guaranteed rights to those previously enslaved.

How did the Jim Crow laws influence life for many African Americans?

They kept African Americans in a position of social and economic inferiority across the South.

What was the role of settlement houses in late 19th-century America?

They offered English classes and other services to poor immigrants.

The excerpt below is from the "Farmers' Declaration of Independence," printed in the Prairie Farmer in July 1873. Farmer Dec Ind.JPG How did American farmers respond to the problems identified in this excerpt?

They passed "Granger laws" in their state legislatures to regulate the railroads.

What was a positive impact of political machines in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

They provided essential services to immigrants, such as finding housing.

Why did many Americans support the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

They wanted more jobs for non-Chinese Americans.

How were African Americans in the South treated after the ratifications of the 14th and 15th Amendments?

They were able to vote and to participate in public life for the first time.

What was an important characteristic of big businesses in the late 19th century?

They were more efficient than smaller enterprises.

Which Progressive Governor of Florida reclaimed land from railroad companies and increased the power of the Florida Railroad Commission to regulate the state's railroads?

William Sherman Jennings

Which sentence describes labor unions in the late 19th century?

Workers formed their own unions despite opposition from their employers and the public.

The excerpt below expresses a point of view on the main causes of the Civil War. Whose point of view is expressed in this excerpt?

a Southern slave owner

The resolution below was passed at a convention in New York in 1851. Fugitive Slave law.JPG Which group would have been most likely to support this resolution?


Which group advocated the abolition of central government in order to achieve greater social justice?


What did American farmers in the late 1880s see as their two main problems?

bad weather and new farming monopolies

What name was given to those Northerners who came South during the Reconstruction era, often to help the freedmen or to find new economic opportunities?


Which ideology was based on the belief that workers could only improve their conditions through a violent revolution?


What contribution did Wilbur and Orville Wright make to the American economy?

conducted the first manned flight

Which problem was faced by Southerners during Reconstruction?

how to educate and prepare millions of freedmen for freedom

Which contribution did Sarah Goode make to the American economy?

invention of a fold-away bed to be tucked into a desk

What contribution did Garrett Morgan (1877-1963) make to the American economy?

invention of a safety hood for firefighters and traffic signal for automobiles

Which contribution did Madam J. Walker (1867-1919) make to the American economy?

invention of new cosmetic products and special shampoos

Which contribution did Elijah McCoy (1844-1929) make to the American economy?

invention of oil-drip cups to lubricate locomotive engines

What contributions did Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) make to the American economy?

invention of the phonograph, electric light bulb, and motion pictures

What contribution did Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) make to the American economy?

invention of the telephone

Which contribution did Granville Woods make to the American economy?

invention of the traffic signal

What contribution did Cyrus Field (1819-1892) make to the American economy?

laid the first transatlantic cable

What was an important legacy of the Social Gospel Movement?

more attention was paid to the needs of the poor in industrial society

The excerpt below is adapted from the Preamble to the Constitution of the Knights of Labor (1874). Knights of Labor.JPG Which groups did the authors of this document hope to unite?

skilled and unskilled workers, including women and African Americans

Which ideology was based on the belief that workers could improve their conditions by electing government officials favorable to their cause?


The excerpt below is from the autobiography of Frederick Douglass. fred doug.JPG Which problem did Frederick Douglass expose in this excerpt?

the existence of a nation that was half slave and half free

What was the primary motivation for constructing the Panama Canal?

the needs of the U.S. Navy after the Spanish-American War

Which rights were guaranteed by 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

the right to personal freedom, equality before the law, and to vote in federal elections

Why did Congress pass the 14th Amendment?

to guarantee that the rights of African Americans could not be challenged by the Supreme Court

What was the main purpose for the Freedmen's Bureau?

to help freed slaves by providing them with food, clothing and education

What was the primary goal of the Dawes Act (1887)?

to integrate Native Americans into mainstream society

The excerpt below is from the 14th Amendment. 14th.JPG What was the primary purpose behind the provisions in this excerpt?

to limit the ability of state governments to restrict individual rights

The certificate below was issued in 1919. Federation of Labor.JPG What was the primary goal of the organization that issued this certificate?

to obtain better pay and conditions for skilled workers

The map below shows shipping routes in the early 1900s both before and after the construction of the Panama Canal. The "Old Route" (dotted line) was before its construction and the "New Route" was afterwards. Based on the map, why did President Theodore Roosevelt and others want to build the Panama Canal?

to shorten the shipping route from New York to San Francisco

What was the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1860s and 1870s?

to terrorize freedmen so that they would not exercise their new rights

Which demand of American farmers was included in the 1892 platform of the Populist Party?

unlimited coinage of silver

Which issue divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era?

what conditions to impose on the Southern States for readmission into the Union

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