LCHI 303 - Exam 4

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American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

- The SDO in the United States and is a representative to the ISO. - Does not develop standards but provides a neutral environment for organizations and entities to work together to settle on a common agreement for standards, the format, content, requirements, and more.

The consolidated model

- Typical of the early years of HIEs - Many independent HCOs connected with the HIE and aggregate data was stored and shared within a central repository managed by the HIE.


A branch of linguistics dealing with the study of meaning, including the ways meaning is structured in language and how changes in meanings and form occur over time.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

A classification system of mental disorders used by mental health providers.


A clinical drug nomenclature developed by the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Veteran Affairs, and HL7 to provide standard names for clinical drugs and administered dose forms.

Query-Based Exchange

A find-and-seek request for information that is sent through the HIO to find any available health information on a specified individual.

eHealth Exchange

A group of federal agencies and non-federal organizations that came together under a common mission and purpose to improve patient care, streamline disability benefit claims, and improve public health reporting through secure, trusted, and interoperable health information exchange. Participating organizations mutually agree to support a common set of standards and specifications that enable the establishment of a secure, trusted, and interoperable connection among all participating Exchange organizations for the standardized flow of information.

Local Health Information Organization/Regional Health Information Organization

A group of organizations with a business stake in improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare delivery that comes together to exchange information for these purposes.

Vocabulary Standards

A list or collection of clinical words or phrases with their meanings, address the problems of multiple ways to define, classify, and represent language.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

A large widely-recognized international SDO that has established many standards for EHR architecture and content.

Reference Information Model (RIM)

A model of information or data objects that is shared and reused between domains of care, such as clinical encounters, laboratory testing, prescriptions, billing, public health reporting, and research.

eHealth Exchange

A nationwide project with federal and nonfederal agencies providing the data stewardship for 65% of hospitals in all 50 states initially starting as the NHIN.


A nomenclature and knowledge based system. It is the most comprehensive vocabulary for signs and symptoms.

Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)

A private or government organization that creates or approves standards at the national or international level.

The Sequoia Project

A private sector organization supplying and managing the data stewardship for the nationwide network.

Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)

A program designed to build an automated system that can understand biomedical concepts, words, and expressions and their interrelationships, and it includes concepts and terms from many different vocabularies.

Meaningful Use (MU)

A regulation that was issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on July 28 2010, outlining an incentive program for professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals (EHs), and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) participating in Medicare and Medicaid programs that adopt and successfully demonstrate meaningful use [i.e., certain qualifying levels of utilization specific to various stages in the incentive payment program] of certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology.


A scientifically based statement of expected behavior against which structures, processes, and outcomes can be measured.


A standardized computer language that allows the interchange of data as structured text.

Consumer-Mediated Exchange

A type of HIE that controlled by patients who want to control the use and access of their health information.


Allows any computer or device to exchange data with another computer or device without corrupting the data or creating errors.

Value-Based Healthcare

An evolving concept focused on three areas: better care for the individual, better health for the community, and lower cost of healthcare through improvement of services and delivery methods.

Continuity of Care Document (CCD)

An implementation guide for sharing Continuity of Care Record patient summary data.

Health Information Organization

An organization that oversees and governs the exchange of health related information among organizations according to nationally recognized standards.

Data Content Standards

Clear guidelines for the acceptable values for specified data fields. These standards make it possible to exchange health information using electronic networks.

Hybrid Model

Combines the advantages of centralized and decentralized models.

General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs)

Created by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; used to convert ICD-9-CM codes to ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-PCS codes or the reverse.

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act

Dedicated more than $19 billion to developing HIT, implementing workforce education and training, certifying EHR products, establishing standards and vocabularies, and driving electronic security and privacy regulations into the 21st century.


Degree of which the integrity of workflow can be maintained between systems and includes maintaining and conveying information such as user roles, data protection, and system service quality between systems.

National Drug Codes (NDC)

Developed by the FDA to act as a universal unique identifier for human drugs. Identifies the labeler or vendor, product, and trade package size.

National Council for Prescription Drug Programs

Developed for and used by retail pharmacies and payers for claims, eligibility, and remittance advice.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Enacted to stimulate the US economy during a recession.

Identity Management

Ensures that the individual who has been identified is who they say they are, that they have the authority to do what they want to do, and that their actions are tracked.

Public-private partnerships

HIOs are managed by ______________. a. ONC b. State agencies c. Private EHR vendors d. Public-private partnerships

Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)

HL7 electronic exchange model for clinical documents (such as discharge summaries and progress notes).

Consent Management

Has to do with the consent for treatment but rather the patient consents or approves the HIO to transmit health information between two or more approved entities. Allows patients to affirm their participation in electronic health initiatives such as patient portals, personal health records, and the health information exchange.


Healthcare providers using their personal smart phones and other devices and the increase in mobile technology can be summed up in which of the following abbreviations? a. eHealth Exchange b. HIPAA c. BYOD d. NHIN

Population Health Reporting

MU is not just to improve the health of one patient but to have an impact on a large portion of patients in a particular geographic area or diagnosis classification. The way this is monitored is called ___________. a. Population Health Reporting b. Vetting c. Record Locator Service d. Query-Based Exchange

Continuity of Care Record (CCR)

Identifies a core data set of patient information that must be passed on to the next healthcare provider in order to efficiently and effectively continue the patient's healthcare.


Identifies how the data should be formatted or structured to allow the exchange.

Opt-out consent

If a patient does not want her ePHI exchanged with other HCOs, that is acceptable and allowable under HIPAA. What is this process called? a. Opt-in consent b. Opt-out consent c. Privacy d. Confidentiality

Record Locator Service

Indicates where the patient's information is detected within the participating HCOs based on patient identity information and record data type.


Involves the use of standardized technologies to provide clarity, consistency, and appropriate meaning in HIE.


Which nomenclature has the most comprehensive vocabulary for signs and symptoms? a. NLM b. DSM c. RxNorm d. MEDCIN

Consent Management

The protocols for approving that the HIO can exchange health information between two or more authorized healthcare providers is called ____________. a. Identity matching b. CDA c. Consent management d. ePHI

Interoperability standards

Messaging standards are the same as ____________. a. EDI b. Vocabulary standards c. Interoperability standards d. UMLS

Federated Model

Occurs where there is no centralized database of patient information. More common than the consolidated model.

Use Case

Part of the information system design process; it describes how the user will interact with the system and what the system will do.

Public Health

Population health is also known as ___________. a. Epidemiology b. Biostatistics c. Public Health d. ePHI

Directed Exchange

Pushes authorized and secure information from one HCO to another.

Medical Mistakes

Recent research from Johns Hopkins University supports the original institute of Medicine/National Academy of Medicine report identifying what leading cause of death could be decreased or prevented with the implementation of health information technology? a. Medical mistakes b. Physician shortage c. Nursing shortage d. Opioid overdoses

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Refers to healthcare practitioners using their personal smartphones or other devices rather than devices provided by the HCO.

ANSI Accredited Standards Committee X12N

Responsible for developing the EDI standards used to share information needed for health insurance administrative transactions.

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)

Retrieves images and other information from imaging equipment of a variety of different vendors.


SNOMED is an example of _____________. a. Nomenclature b. Classification system c. Map d. Language

Opt-in or Opt-out Consent

Sets the default for health information of patients to be included in the HIO automatically, but the patient can choose not to be included completely.

Messaging Standards

Support communication between information systems.

Population Health Reporting

The aggregate data on immunizations, communicable diseases, and other health events and CQMs that healthcare entities, providers, and public health agencies are required to report and is a standard function in EHRs.


The capability of different information systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

The exchange of routine business transactions from one computer to another using publicly available communications protocols.


The hospitals within a seven-county area in Montana have agreed to set up an information exchange for their area according to national standards to share electronic health data to meet the needs of their constituents. This describes which of the following? a. RHIO b. HCO c. HIO d NHIN

Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT)

The most comprehensive, multilingual clinical healthcare terminology in the world. Contributes to the improvement of patient care by underpinning the development of EHRs that record clinical information in ways that enable meaning-based retrieval.

Identity matching

The process whereby the HIO has identified the correct person within a healthcare provider's database in order to send it to the requesting provider is termed ___________. a. Identity matching b. Consolidated HIE c. Consent Management d. Federated HIE

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)

The preferred standardized terminology for laboratory data in information systems and provides a standard set of codes and names for the electronic reporting of laboratory results. Created to assist in the electronic transmission of laboratory data between laboratories, care providers, and third-party payers and is controlled by the Regenstrief Institute for Health Care, an international research organization.

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)

The principal federal entity charged with the coordination of nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced HIT and the electronic exchange of health information and, in doing so, establishing interoperability among all health information systems.

Identity Matching

The process in which the HIO identifies the right person within the database to exchange information between HCOs


The process of critically appraising the abilities of an organization or person to determine if they meet the stated criteria.


The requirement that vendors prove that their EHR products meet specific and optimal standards is termed ___________. a. CEHRT b. MU c. HIPAA d. CQM


The study of patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words and the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language.

Current Dental Terminology (CDT)

The system used to code dental procedures such as tooth extractions, tooth implants, and such.

Technical Syntactic Semantic Process

What are the four different types of interoperability that can facilitate a successful exchange of health information?


What concept describes the ability for healthcare providers and their associates, regardless of location, to swap healthcare data seamlessly and meeting all interoperability and national standards to provide patient-centered care?


What federal agency is responsible for the coordination and implementation of EHR technology for the exchange of ePHI? a. ONC b. NHIN c. Congress d. Department of Defense

Query-Based Exchange

What is the "find and seek" method of HIE performed through an HIO? a. Population Health Reporting b. Vetting c. Record locator service d. Query-based exchange


What is the fourth stage in the following sequence of events: data, information, knowledge, and ___________. a. Behavior change b. Wisdom c. Attitude d. Intelligence


What is the name of the criteria that healthcare providers must meet to show that they are efficiently using the EHR to show a positive impact on patient care? a. CEHRT b. MU c. HIPAA d. CQM


What is the name of the method of patient identification that uses a physical characteristic of the patient, such as a fingerprint? a. CQM b. Biometric c. PHR d. RLS

Identity Management

What is the process that ensures that the person is who they say they are, have the authority to do what they need to, and that their actions are tracked? a. Identity matching b. Identity management c. Consent management d. CDA


What is the term used for a branch of linguistics dealing with the study of meaning, including the ways meaning is structured in language and how changes in meanings and form occur over time? a. Semantics b. Syntax c. Mapping d. Metathesaurus

eHealth Exchange

What is the term used to describe the interconnected organizations that have the capability of sending and receiving confidential patient information anywhere in the country? a. eHealth Exchange b. LHIO c. ePHI d. EHR


What nomenclature, developed by the FDA provides standard names for clinical drugs and administered dose forms? a. RxNorm b. NDC c. NCPDP d. DICOM


What principle describes the unified and smooth exchange of information among various healthcare providers and information systems and software applications? a. Privacy b. Confidentiality c. Infrastructure d. Interoperability

MU (Meaningful Use)

What regulations require healthcare providers who participate in the incentive program to utilize computer-based patient health records effectively to improve patient outcomes? a. CEHRT b. MU c. HIPAA d. CQM


What term is used to describe the process of physician electronically ordering an antibiotic for a patient and for that patient to pick it up at a specified drugstore? a. E-meds b. E-drugs c. Compu-drugs d. E-prescribe


What type of interoperability addresses the functions of actual computers and other hardware used during HIE?


Which HIE model does not have a centralized database of patient information, is more common, and works much like the Internet? a. Consolidated b. Federated c. Hybrid d. Direct exchange


Which classification systems, linked with ICD-10, is used by mental and behavioral health providers? a. DSM b. NDC c. DICOM d. SNOMED


Which of the following has standards for the exchanging of digital images electronically? a. DICOM b. HL7 c. SNOMED d. NDC

Equality of treatments and decreasing health disparities

Which of the following is a societal benefit of HIE? a. Ability to schedule appointments with healthcare provider. b. Equality of treatments and decreasing health disparities c. Cost of implementation of HIT d. Reducing unnecessary tests and treatments


Which of the following is used to identify drugs? a. CDT b UMLS c. LOINC d. NDC


Which of the following organizations accredits SDOs? a. ANSI b. HITSP c. CCHIT d. National Library of Medicine


Which of the following types of interoperability refers to how the data should be formatted and structured so that seamless exchange can take place? a. Technical b. Syntatic c. Semantic d Process


Which of the following was a precursor to today's HIO? a. HIM b. RHIO c. HIE d. ePHI


Which organization develops messaging standards for EDI? a. SDO b. ASTM c. ANSI ASC X12 d. ISO

George W. Bush

Which president is responsible for the establishment of the ONC and laying the foundation for HIE?

NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs)

Which standards are used for retail pharmacies and payers for claims? a. NDC b. NCPDP c. RIM d. LOINC

LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes)

Which standards are used for the exchange of laboratory data? a. NDC b. NCPDP c. RIM d. LOINC


Which terminology is used for dental procedures? a. CDT b. NDC c. DICOM d. MEDCIN

Opt-in consent

___________ refers to a patient giving consent for her personal information to accessible in the HIE.


the process of associating concepts from one coding system with concepts from another coding system and defining their equivalence in accordance with a documented rationale and a given purpose.

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