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Characterize Contingent reward (4 items)

1. clarification of mutual expectations 2. specification of individual goals based on organizational requirements and individual capabilities 3. provision of rewards contingent upon performance 4. this leadership dimension is an important basis for effective leadership, on its own does not facilitate extra effort and innovation

What do Authentic and Ethical have in common?

- Concern for others - Ethical decision making - Integrity - Role modeling

Give examples for Situational/Contingency Leadership Approaches

- Contingency Theory (Fiedler) - Normative Decision Model (Vroom & Yetton)

Explain the managerial grid (blake and mouton)

- describe managers in terms of concern for people and concern for production - Effective managers have a high concern for people and production

Desired employee behavior is motivated by... (5 items)

- loyalty - commitment - perceived fairness - job satisfaction - trust in management

Define the subtypes of position power (5 items).

-Legitimate power: Comes from position of -authority/power/competence/Identification -Reward power: Power to grant / deny a social, emotional, financial reward -Coercive power: Uses threat of force to gain compliance from others -Information power: Result of possessing knowledge others need or want -Ecological power: Power over the physical structure and work environment of people

What are bases of legitimation (3 items)?

-Source of power/authority -Perceived competence -Identification with a group/organization

What is the Mach Scale? How do high mach people behave?

-The Mach Scale measures between 0 (low mach) and 100 (high mach) how much a person refers to machiavellistic behaviour. -High Mach persons: Approach Situations logically and thoughtfully Achieve personal goals Are skilled at influencing others including deception and manipulation Are not swayed by past promises, loyalty, friendships, relationships, opinions

What are typical symptoms of political behaviour (6 items) ?

-Working over power contacts -Controlling vital information -Control communication -Keep informed about important tasks -Make a quick showing (quickly demonstrate results) -Bringing in outside experts

Dr.Fox: Drivers for change?

1. Efficiency based on Trust 2. Client relations based on passion 3. Innovation based on creativity

Outcomes of Authentic leadership (predictor)

1. Job Satisfaction 2. Organizational commitment 3. extra-effort 4. perceived team effectiveness (only group-level outcome)

Models of High-High leader

1. Managerial Grid 2. Additive model 3. Multiplicative model

Explain the multiplicative model.

- BOTH interact - Enhance each other

Give examples for Behavioral/Style Leadership Approaches

- Ohio & Michigan Studies

Name the 3 Metacategories

1. task-oriented 2. relations-oriented behaviour 3. change- oriented behaviour

Dimensions of Globe

1. uncertainty avoidance 2. power distance 3. institutional collectivism 4. in-group collectivism 5. gender egalitarianism 6. assertiveness 7. future orientation 8. performance orientation 9. humane orientation

What is an effective follower? And what 5 types followership styles exist?

An effective follower supports is leaders in the best possible way.

Define evidence-based management

Decision making in organizations based on the best empirical evidence available (facts instead of opinions)

Which traits and motives do predict leadership effectiveness? Name at least 3 indicators each.

TRAITS: 1. high energy level & stress tolerance 2. self-confidence 3. internal locus of control 4. emotional stability and maturity 5. personal integrity MOTIVES: 1. socialized power motivation 2. moderately high achievement orientation 3. low need for affiliation

Give examples for consequences of destructive leadership.

a) Physical and psychological health consequences (e.g. higher sickness absence, heart disease, higher level of blood pressure, problem drinking, depression) b) Organizational consequences (e.g. limits creativity, payback time) c) Organizational withdrawal (absenteesim, high turnover)

Name specific relations-oriented behaviors

a) Supporting b) developing c) recognizing (d) empowering)

How is power acquired according to the social exchange theory (4 items)?

• Basic idea: Exchange of benefits or favors • Status and power are exchanged for potential contributions to group • Not only materialistic, but also psychological benefits • Innovation is not only accepted but expected

What is Spiritual Leadership?

• Enhance intrinsic motivation • By creating conditions that increase their sense of spiritual meaning in work • Motivated by service to God or humanity • Values of altruistic love • Genuine care, concern • Integrity, altruism, consideration

What do ethical, authentic and servant leadership have in common?

• Normative theories of ideal leadership • Focus on *interpersonal relationship between leader and follower* • Ideal relationship: *high mutual respect, trust, cooperation, loyalty and openness* • Importance of *leaders' self-awareness and consistency between values and behavior* • *Positive values similar* (honesty, altruism, kindness ...)

What are the sources of power in an organization (7 items)?

• Position power • Personal power • Power from ownership (e.g., CEOs holding shares) • Power from control of key resources • Power from capitalizing upon opportunity • Power from managing critical problems • Power from being close to power

Name 8 proactive influence tactics.

• Rational persuasion • Inspirational / Personal appeals • Consultation • Collaboration • Coalition tactics • Ingratiation (praise & flattery) • Legitimation tactics • Pressure

What do Authentic and Servant have in common?

• Stress interpersonal relationship • Emphasize importance of leader self-awareness • Consistency between values and behavior

Define Empowerment.

• To share power in order to gain power • Passing on decision-making, authority and responsibility from managers to group members e.g. delegation, shared decision making, participative management

Name 8 undue influence tactics.

• Undue pressure: threats, persistent reminders • Upward appeal (from leader or follower) • Silent treatment • Back stabbing • Playing games (with hidden agendas) • Setting a person up for failure • Divide and rule • Embrace or demolish

Costs of empowerment

1. higher cost for selecting and training 2. higher cost for skilled employees 3. inconstistent service quality 4. opposition by middle managers who feel threatened 5. conflict from raising employees expectations

What are driving forces of creativity?

Expertise x creative skill x intrinsic motivation

Name the 4 behaviour modification strategies.

Left column means if you present the desired behaviour which the situation is about or not. Top row shows how the organization reacts to the presented behaviour you just showed. The 4 squares in the middle show depending on the two dimensions above the result of the situation.

What is often criticized in Maslow's model?

Maslow says that one level of need is fulfilled strictly after other. Meaning for example as long as your physiological needs are not fulfilled you won't care about safety needs. This is not true, since it is possible to long for needs on different levels at the same time.

Leadership styles in different countries

Value oriented = US and Singapore Task oriented = China, India Realtional-oriented = most common, in India, Singapore

What is the three-dimensional model used for?

model used to classify specific leadership behaviors

Define the term "leadership" according to Dubrin et al.

° Leadership is the process of influencing others ° to understand and agree *about what needs to be done* and ° *how it can be done effectively*, ° and the *process of facilitating individual and collective efforts* ° to accomplish the shared objectives."

Define the term "leadership" according to von Rosenstiel.

"Leadership is goal directed influence on others."

Give examples for employee statements concerning abusive leadership.

"Makes negative comments about me to others" " expresses anger when he is mad for another reason" "tells me my toughts or feelings are stupid" "open critism" "untrustworthy" "Breaks promises"

Which leadership styles have a positive/negative effect on sales performance according to Dubinsky et al.? (1995) How are the positive effects obtained?

+ Transformational & transactional leadership Laissez-faire leadership (not associated) Transactional&transformational leadership -> goal setting & performance feedback -> enhances role clarity, boundaries, expectations -> sales performance

What is a difference between Authentic and Ethic and Spiritual?

- *Authentic leaders* emphasize authenticity and self-awareness - *Ethical leaders* emphasize moral management (more transactional) and "other" awareness - *Spiritual leader* emphasize visioning, hope/faith, work as calling

Differences between Ethical and TL!

- *Ethical focus*: improvement of subordinate welfare and happiness + Emphasize ethical standards and moral management (more transactional) - *TL focus*: improvement of performance + Emphasize vision, values and intellectual stimulation

What is difference between ethical and unethical leadership?

- *Ethical* = Use leader power and influence To serve followers and organization + Develops vision based on follower input - *Unethical* = Use leader power and influence To satisfy personal needs and career objectives + Attempts to sell a personal vision

Which are the 3 basic motives of McClelland's Motive Theory?

- Achievement - Power (Socialized Power Orientation, Personalized Power Orientation) - Affiliation

Define Authentic leaders and name four components of Authentic ladership.

- Authentic leaders are *guided by sound moral convictions* and *act in concordance with their deeply held values, even under pressure* 1. *Balanced processing* (leader objectively analyzes all relevant data before making decisions) 2. *Internalized Moral Perspective*(Leader is guided by internal moral standards and values and acts according to these) 3. *Relational Transparency* (Leader presents his/her authentic self to others 4. *Self-awareness* ( demonstrated understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses)

Similarities between Ethical and TL!

- Concern for others - Ethical decision making - Integrity - Role modeling

Which characteristics does the 'Big Five Model of Personality' include? Combine it to McClelland Motive theory

- Conscientiousness (0,28) = achievement - Extraversion (0,31) = power - Openness to experience (0,24) - Agreeableness (0,08) = affiliation - Neuroticism (-0,24) = emotional stability

What are characteristics of Ethical leadership? (6 items)

- Consideration of various stakeholder's legitimate interests - Proactive influence on followers' ethical behavior by o Communicating ethical values o Role modeling ethical behavior o Using the reward system to hold followers accountable for ethical conduct *Peus = 1. Leader's concern for others 2. His attempt to act in concordance with ethical principles 3. His communication of these principles to followers 4. Role model to followers*

Define the subtypes of personal power (3 items).

- Expert power: Based on personal knowledge, experience, skills, talents - Referent power: Based on affiliations to the groups/organizations we belong to -Prestige power: Based on desire to be associated with prestigious persons

Give examples for Power/Influence Leadership Approaches

- Leader-Member-Exchange LMX (Graen) - Charismatic Leadership (House) - Transformational Leadership (Bass) - GLOBE-Study - Authentic Leadership (Walumbwa et a.)

What does a Machiavellian believe about others and thus of the necessary leadership style?

- People are self-centered and self-serving -Leaders must be cynical, ruthless and strong

Give examples for Personalistic Leadership Approaches/Trait Theories

- Personality Traits of Leaders/Managers, - McClelland's Motive Theory

Which leadership styles have a positive/negative effect on sales performance according to Grant (2012)?

- Transformational leadership + internal beneficiary of work increases employees' motivation - direct feedback of social importance of employees efforts enhances effect of TL on sales performance

What defines Servant leadership? (3 items)

- a practice of leadership that places the *good of followers over self-interest* - shows behaviors that *focus on follower development* - taking a comprehensive multiple stakeholder perspective

Name 3 factors that are influenced by leadership.

- employee attitudes - employee behavior - organizational performance

What is the outcome of study by waterson on empowerment and performance

- inconclusive and mixed research results - potential benefits are unlikely to occur unless conditions are favorable - substantial gain : 46%

How is scientific knowledge generated?

- intersubjectivity - systematic selection of participants/cases - testable hypotheses - transparent use of methods

Name 4 things leaders do and managers do not do (Goffee&Jones).

- selectively show their weaknesses - rely heavily on intuition - practice tough empathy - reveal their differences

What are limitations of participative research

- survey field studies (measurement problems, difficulty of determining causality) - field experiement & quasi-experimental studies - measure of participation consequences (insensitive criterion

What advantages and disadvantages do you see in Hersey & Blanchard's Contingency Approach?

-Disadvantages: Merging two different variables Motivation and Abilities into the Development Level is not a good idea. They can vary independently and furthermore both are relatively complex constructs which are not easy to operationalize. -Adantages... ...easy to understand and to apply ...broadly used in management training ...build on Blake & Mouton's 2-dimensional approach

Name the three process theories discussed in class. What is the approach of process theories.

-Equity theory -Expectancy theory (VIE Theory) -Goal setting theory Process Theories deal with the "process" of motivation and is concerned with "how" motivation occurs.

Define Manipulation (4 items).

-Influencing somebody to one's own advantage -Without recognizing the other person's advantage / needs -By using non-transparent means of influence -And conveying the impression that the other has made a free decision

Describe Graen's LMX model of leadership.

-Natural tendency of groups to divide into the IN-group (very close, trustful relationship to leader and good teamwork) and the OUT-group (distant and less beneficial relationship to leader, poor or neutral teamwork) -This process is dynamic, subconscious and driven by the leader's perception and follower's behaviour. -To change from the OUT-group to the IN-group can be difficult and membership in the OUT-group can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. -If the situation as such is recognized by the leader he can try to maximize the size of the IN-group and minimize the size of the OUT-group.

Name the two basic types of power.

-Position Power -Personal Power

Define the differences between power and authority.

-Power involves the capacity of one party to influence another party and control ressources. -Authority involve the rights, duties, obligations and prerogatives which are associated with a certain position in an organization or a social system.

What are contributing factors to political behaviour (5 items)?

-Pyramid organization -Subjective perfromance standards -Environmental uncertainty -Emotional insecurity -Machiavellistic tendencies

What are features of toxic/bad leadership (7 items)?

-incompetent -rigid (unflexibel) -intemperate -callous (kaltherzig) -corrupt -insular (Inseldenken) -evil

What is meant by paternalistic leadership?

-leader as a father figure -taking complete care of their subordinates and all their concerns as a parent would -In return he receives the complete trust and loyalty

What is the twofold task of volitional action regulation? Name 3 volitional strategies.

-motivation control -emotion control -attention control

Briefly describe the levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

-self-actualisation needs: self-fulfillment -esteem needs: Respect, prestige, recognition, competence -social needs: Love, affection and belonging -safety needs: Need for security, stability in daily life -physiological needs: Most basic needs like food, water

Name the four stations of the "evidence-based management process" and indicate one measure each

1) Collect evidence: scientific studies 2) Aggregate evidence: meta-analysis 3) Make evidence applicable: translate knowledge into behavioral guidelines 4) Demonstrate effectiveness: evaluation

Which data types do exist in research? Describe.

1) Cross-sectional: data collection at one point in time; majority of research 2) Longitudinal data: (panel data) two or more times of data colletion; same questions, same participants; investigates change over time + better understanding of leadership - dropout rate, financial costs, impatience of researchers

Name 5 cognitive factors that influence leadership

1) Knowledge of the business or group task 2) *Creativity* 3) Insight into people and situations 4) Openness to experience 5) Farsightedness and conceptual thinking

Name 5 task-related personality traits

1) Passion 2) Emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skill 3) Flexibility and adaptability 4) Locus of control 5) Courage

Name 6 characteristics of destructive leadership.

1) Unethical behavior 2) Abusive supervision - misues of power, sustained, trickle down effect 3) Interactional unjustices and unfairness - demeaning/belittling 4) Moral disengagement - Bandura (moral justification, euphemistic labeling, advantageous comparison) 5) Passive-avoidant leadership 6) Pseudo-transformational leadership

Describe the transformation of employees' self-concept (effect of transformational leadership)

1. *Tasks* turn into *joint challenges* 2. *Future visions* are *internalized* 3. development of *team cohesion and team spirit* 4. increase in *self-efficacy and effectiveness*

Guidelines for TL and charismatic leadership (8) ?

1. Articulate clear and appealing vision 2. Explain how vision can be attained 3. Act confidently + optimistically 4. express confidence in follower 5. symbolic actions to emphasize key values 6. lead by example 7. be prepared to take personal risks 8. empower people to achieve the vision

Name the four Is leadership behaviors (effect of transformational leadership - 5 items)

1. Articulation of vision 2. clear and convincing communication 3. High performance and quality expectations 4. Coaching and development of employees 5. Behavior in concordance with values, acceptance of risks and self-sacrifice

What are varieties of delegation?

1. Assignment of new and different tasks and responsibilities to subordinate 2. amount of additional authority 3. authority to take action without priour approval 4. frequency and nature of reporting requirements 5. flow of performance information

What are decision procedures in participative leadership model? (4)

1. Autocratic decision 2. Consultation 3. Joint decision 4. delegation

Dr. Fox: What are determinators of intrinsic motivation according to self-determination theory?

1. Autonomy 2. Relatedness 3. Competence

What destructive leaders do you know? (8)

1. Brutal bosses 2. Crazy bosses 3. Psychopaths 4. petty tyrants 5. abusive supervision 6. intolerable bosses 7. bullies 8. toxic leaders

How can you actually use the 3C model to diagnose and improve the situation of an employee?

1. Check if for the relevant tasks all three components head/heart/hand are involved. 2. If one or several components are missing, develop a strategy how to move the task in the center of the model where all three componentes are fulfilled.

Name 7 management skills

1. Conceptual skill (anayltical thinking, logical) CS 2. Interpersonal skills IS 3. Technical skill TS 4. Emotional intelligence 5. Social intelligence 6. system thinking 7. Ability to learn

What are managerial reasons for delegation?

1. Develop subordinate skills and confidence 2. enable subordinate to deal with problems quickly 3. improve decisions by moving them close to action 4. Increase task commitment 5. make job more interesting 6. reduce manager workload 7. get rid of tedious work

How can you motivate your problem people?

1. Find out how the person ticks through informal conversattions. 2. Put together a list of possible outcomes and allow a reframing of goals. 3. Formal meeting: -Affirmative Assertion: Value but also state problem -Leverage questioning: Question to check hypotheses about problem -Moment of truth: Agreement about the nature of a problem

What are potential benefits in participative leadership model? (7)

1. High decision quality 2. High decision acceptance 3. High satisfaction 4. More skill development

What needs to be considered when to measure leadership? explain two effects

1. Honeymoon effect = characterizes relationship of newly married couple (motivation high at beginning, decreases over time) 2. Hangover effect = time period, then leadership declines and becomes stable

What are 4 tranformational leadership dimensions?

1. Inspirational motivation 2. Intellectual stimulation 3. Individualized consideration 4. Idealized influence (charisma)

What are similarities between Pseudo TL and TL? What else is typical of pseudo TL?

1. Inspirational motivation 2. Management by exception

Name 3 basic leadership styles

1. Laissez-faire 2. Transactional 3. Transformational Remember: the higher complexity of the task, the level of innovation demanded and speed of change = more important Transformational

Characterize Laissez-faire leadership (5items)

1. Leader is passive, does not set goals or clarify expectations 2. Leader party denies leadership responsibility 3. Decisions are likely to get postponed 4. Leader grants a lot of freedom 5. Mostly ineffective but can work with highly skilled and motivated employees

Characterize Management by Exception Passive (2 items)

1. Leader makes decisions only when absolutely necessary 2. Leader waits for mistakes to occur before taking action

Characterize Management by Exception Active (2 items)

1. Leader monitors processes to make sure everything runs smoothly and without deviances/mistakes 2. Leader intervenes if he notives deviances from the optimal workflow/process

Name 3 empowerment programs

1. Leader selection and assessment 2. Democratic decision procedures 3. Shared leadership responsibilities

Leaders should NOT be according to House and GLOBE?

1. Loner 2. Irritable 3. Ruthless 4. Asocial 5. non-explicit 6. dictatorial 7. non-cooperative 8. egocentric

Name 4 approaches (+ examples) in leadership theory!

1. Personalistic Approach: McClelland's Motive theory 2. Behavioral Approaches: Ohio & Michigan Studies 3. Situational Approaches: Contingency Theory & Normative Decision Model 4. Power/Influence A: Leader-memeber-exchange, Charismatic L, Transformational L, GLOBE Study, Authentic L

Dimensions of Hofstede

1. Power distance 2. Individualism vs. collectivism 3. Masculinity vs. femininity 4. Uncertainty avoidance index 5. *Pragmatic vs. normative*new = degree ppl. Have a strong desire to explain as much as possible + normative/ short-term 6. *Indulgence vs. restraint*new = degree to which society allows free gratification of basic and human drives (enjoying life/fun)

what are antecedents of of authentic leadership?

1. Self-knowledge 2. Self- consistency

Benefits of empowerment

1. Stronger task commitment 2. Greater initiative in carrying out role respos. 3. Greater persistence in face of obstacles 4. More innovation and learning 5. Stronger optimism about success 6. higher job satisfaction 7. less vacancy

What are explanatory processes in participative leadership model? (4)

1. Understanding of problem 2. Integrative problem solving 3. identification with solution 4. Procedural justice

Name 3 critical success factors for woman's advancement to leadership positions.

1. achievement orientation 2. learning orientation 3. role models 4. risk taking only in US

Define exploitative leadership (peus).

1. acting egoistically 2. exerting pressure 3. overburdening follower 4. placing inappropriate low job demands

What factors (5) are revealed by factor analysis?

1. acting egoistically 2. exerting pressure 3. undermining development 4. Taking credit 4. Manupulating

What are reasons for NOT delegating?

1. confidential information 2. important decision 3. decision central to manager role 4. mistakes are visible 5. manger can do task better 6. difficult to explain 7. difficult to monitor 8. interesting and enjoyable

Explain the causal model of participative leadership.

1. decision procedures (4), 2. explanatory processes (4), 3. Situational variables (5), 4. Potential benefits (4)

Which traits are relevant in prediciting if manager will become derailed manager?

1. defensiveness + 2. technical and cognitive skills + 3. emotional stability - 4. integrity - 5. interpersonal skills -

Name barriers for advancement.

1. gender stereotypes 2. Caregiver and responsibilites

What are situational variables in participative leadership model? (5)

1. importance of decision 2. distribution of knowledge 3. goal congruence 4. time pressure 5. member traits and values

Name ineffective leadership behaviours

1. laissez-faire 2. MBException 3. Contingent reward 1. (Constructive leadership) Pro subordinate, Pro organisation 2. Tyrannical leadership; Anti - Pro 3. derailed leadership, Anti - Anti 4. supportvie -disloyal leadership; Pro, Anti

Leaders should be according to House and GLOBE?

1. visionary 2. decisive 3. dynamic 4. dependable 5. encouraging and positive 6. Excellence- oriented 7. honest/trustworthy 8. Skilled administrator 9. team integrator

Name and give examples for the four main approaches in leadership theory.

1.) Personalistic Approaches/Trait Theories: - Personality Traits of Leaders/Managers, - McClelland's Motive Theory 2) Behavioral/Style Approaches: - Ohio & Michigan Studies 3) Situational/Contingency Approaches: - Contingency Theory (Fiedler) - Normative Decision Model (Vroom & Yetton) 4) Power/Influence Approaches: - Leader-Member-Exchange LMX (Graen) - Charismatic Leadership (House) - Transformational Leadership (Bass) - GLOBE-Study - Authentic Leadership (Walumbwa et a.)

What is the difference between a manager and a leader? What is meant by ambidextrous leadership?

A Manager directs and organizes others. A leader empowers and inspires others. Ambidextrous leadership means trying to be efficient by being a good manager and trying to be innovative by being a good leader at the same time. Usually good managers are good leaders and vice versa, the concepts do not contradict each other but instead belong together!

On what theory is participative leadership based on?

Based on normative decision model by Vroom and Yetton (NDM) 1. Decision procedure (5 exist), 2 moderator: situational variable, 3. Decision quality and acceptance, 4. Team performance

Briefly describe McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory.

Basic assumption: Each person has an individual combination out of these 3 needs: -High need for achievement: Individual responsibility, challenging but achieveable goals, feedback on performance -High need for affiliation: Interpersonal relationships, opportunities to communicate -High need for power: Influence other persons, attention recognition

Name 3 key leadership variables

Characteristics of leader/follower/situation

Compare charismatic and transformational leadership.

Charismatic = emphasize attributed charisma and personal identification + essence: follower's perception of extraordinary leader TL = charisma is necessary but not sufficient + essence: inspiring, developing and empowering follower (focus on follower)

Describe the full 3C model.

Congruence of all components leads to flow experience. Actions requiring problem solving and volitional regulation are likely to fail. Areas where you only have perceived abilities have no motivational relevance and therefore will not trigger any action.

What do content theories explain and name 4 of them.

Content Theories deal with "what" motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. In class we discussed: -Maslow's hierarchy of needs -Alderfer's ERG theory -McClelland's acquired needs theory -Herzberg's two-factor theory

What are effective leaders accoring to high-high leader models?

Effective leaders = task-oriented + relationship- oriented

What does Ethical leadership predict?

Ethical leadership predicts (Brown) 1. Satisfaction with the leader 2. Perceived leader effectiveness 3. Willingness to exert extra effort on the job 4. Willingness to report problems to management beyond the effects of idealized influence

What is globe?

Global leadership and organizational behaviour effectiveness - cross-cultural study of leadership in 60 countries

What is the GCH model?

Gross Corporoate Happiness model

Name 4 items each for heroic and post-heroic leadership.

Heroic leadership: -One single accountable leader -Subordinates interchangeable inferiors -All wisdom concentrated in leader -Dominant logic of effectiveness Post-heroic leadership: -Coworkers take over responsibility and gain knowledge -Leader encourages innovation and participation -Concensus in decision making -Focus on actions and interactions

What does the Leadership Motive Pattern describe?

High socialized power orientation + Low affiliation orientation

Briefly describe Herzberg's Two Factor Theory.

Hygenic factors: If missing create dissatisfaction and unhappiness. If present you are not dissatisfied anymore but not motivated either e.g. appropriate salary Motivational factors: If missing your are not motivated, if present they create motivation e.g. interesting work, responsibility, achievement

What are organizational micro politics?

Informal approaches of gaining power through other means than merit or luck.

What is the difference between lacking abilities and lacking motivation?

Lacking motivation is an internal difficulty and can be compensated by volition to a certain degree. Lacking abilities is an external difficulty and can be compensated by problem solving/training to a certain degree.

What are parts of servant leadership? (Van dierendonck)

Leader part: 1. Empowerment 2. Accountability 3. Courage 4. Stewardship *Servant part*: 5. Humility 6. Standing Back 7. Authenticity 8. Forgiviness

Describe the Path-Goal Theory and the Leadership styles as causal variables.

Leaderhip styles as causal variables: -Directive -Supporitve -Participative -achievement-oriented

What are the two cognitive heuristic process to judge leaders from far according to the Ascription-Actuality Trait Theory?

Leadership can work from far and near; when far, observers ascribe skills to leaders via two cognitive heuristic processes: Attributional: due to performance cue effects, incumbency, or other factors that may or may not be causally traceable to the leader Inferential: due to markers regarding what the leader is like (e.g. rhetorical skills, facial appearance, height, sex, etc.) that may or may not matter for performance

What skills are needed at different managerial levels?

Low = low CS, middle IS, high TS Middle = all same High level = high CS, middle IS, low TS

Contrast attributes and characteristics of leaders and managers (Zaleznik). Give at least 5 examples each.

MANAGERS: 1) Value stability and order 2) Risk avoiders 3) Efficiency 4) "Do the things right" 5) Develop goal hierarchies 6) Low emotional involvement 7) Bureaucracy 8) Managers need trainers 9) Prosperous and stable times 10) Stereotype: rather negative LEADERS: 1) Value flexibility and innovation 2) Risk seekers 3) Effectiveness 4) "Do the right things" 5) Inspire with vision 6) High emotional involevement 7) Flexible, innovative organizations 8) Leaders need mentors 9) Turbulent and ifficult times 10) Stereotype: clearly positive

What does motivation to work mean with respect to an individual?

Motivation to work refers to the forces within an individual that account for the level, direction and persistence of effort expended at work.

Result of exploitative leadership study - name final correlations (validity)

Negative correlation: 1. Satisfaction, 2. Work commitment Positive correlation: 1. Disengagement 2. Burnout 3. Workplace deviance

What is OCB ?

Organizational citizenship behaviour = most definitions of being a "good soldier" include prosocial behaviours, helping others, innovating, volunteering and the lack of undesirable behaviour

How does leader power influence the leader?

Power influences the leader's behaviour which in turn influences the outcome of a social situation (commitment, compliance, resistance).

What are advantages and disadvantages of Describe Fiedler's Contingency Theory?

Pro: -Situational factors are taken into account -Stimulated through research Cons: -Leader behaviour is a trait, not changeable -Other situational factors omitted -LPC measure questionable -Empirical results inconsistent

What does Servant leadership predict?

Relation with SL (+ or -) *Attitude* Job satisfaction + Commitment + Disengagement - *Expected*: *(Behavioral orientation)* OCB + *(Self-construct) *Occupational self-efficacy + *(Self-construct)* Organizational-based self-esteem +

What are the rules you should follow to successfully change organizational behaviour?

Rule 1: Target the desired behaviour Rule 2: Choose an appropriate reward or punishment Rule 3: Supply ample feedback Rule 4: Find some constructive behaviour to reinforce Rule 5: Do not give everyone the same size reward Rule 6: Schedule rewards periodically Rule 7: Rewards and punishments should follow the behavior closely in time Rule 8: Change the reward periodically Rule 9: Make the rewards visible and the punishments known

For propper goal setting sometime the acronym of SMARTCH goals is used. The single letter stand for?

S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Realistic T-Timely CH-Challenging (peus - attractive, realizable, terminable) Note: Goals are not the only motivating agents! Also intrinsic motivation, joyful activities and visions!

What is effective Goal setting?

Setting SMART goals Specific Measurable Attractive Realizable Terminable

What is meant by shared leadership?

Shared leadership is leadership that is broadly distributed, such that people within a team and organization lead each other.

What does Authentic leadership predict?

Significant positive predictor of (Walumbwa) 1. Followers satisfaction with their supervisor 2. Organizational commitment 3. Organizational citizenship behaviors 4. Controlling for transformational leadership

What are Substitutes and Neutralizers according to the Leadership Substitutes Theory, give examples.

Substitutes: Make leadership unnecessary e.g. the subordinate is highly skilled, the task is a routine task, the organization has self-managed work teams Neutralizers: Block or weaken leaders influence on subordinates outcome, e.g. the subordinate is indifferent to rewards, leaders have not influence on granting rewards Subsitutes or neutralizer were defined in three dimensions: -subordinate characteristic -task characteristic -organization characteristic

What is delegation?

Term to describe the variety and different forms of power sharing with individual subordinates.

How can you define if you are a Task- or Relationship-motivated leader?

The LPC-Score is your characterization of your Least Prefered Coworker. If you still like your LPC, meaning that you characterize him/her positively, you have a high LPC meaning your are a relationship oriented leader.

Describe Vroom's VIE Theory and especially the three core components.

The VIE-Theory is a linear model consiting of three components: 1. People start to work on something if there is Expectancy - meaning that there is a reasonable chance that the work will lead to a success. 2. The performance will be the higher the higher the Instrumentality is - meaning that the likelihood that the performance has a good impact on specific aspects of life is high. 3. The performance will be the higher the higher the Valence is - meaning that the improvements in life are considered as important and meaningful. High performance and motivation is expected if all three components are maximized = multiplicative model. To achieve this the skills, targets and needs of employee and company have to be linked in a skilled way.

Describe the equity theory.

The equity theory is based on the idea of a social comparison. For each contribution you make you will get an appropriate reward which you will compare to the effort you had to make for this contribution. Based on if you consider the reward as fair or unfair your job satisfaction and performance are affected in a positive or negative way. Note: Very similar to social exchange theory.

What does Intellectual Stimulation mean? (6items)

The leader - *questions assumptions* and mainstream opinions - *reframe problems* - approaches *reocurring situations* in *new ways* - *encourage new ideas* and *creative problem solving*(employee= problem solver) - does *not criticize* individual mistakes in *public* - uses *mistakes* as *learning opportunities*

What does Individualized Consideration mean? (6items)

The leader - demonstrates *acceptance of individual differences* - *listens* to and is aware of *individual concerns* - pays special attention to individual needs for achievement and growth - applies praise and reproach individually - acts as a *mentor and coach* - creates *new learning opportunites* (e.g. through delegation) along with a supportive climate

What does idealized Influence/Charisma mean? (6items)

The leader - is a *role model* - is *consistent* - is willing to *take responsibilites/risks* - is *persistent and determined* - demonstrates high standards of *ethical and moral conduct* - *does not ask more from employees than* what he contributes *himself*

What does Inspirational Motivation mean? (7items)

The leader - provides *meaning and challenge* to employees' *work* - gives employees a *feeling of importance* - *communicates expectations clearly* and demonstrates *commitment* to goals & shared vision (confidence in goal achievement) - *fosters team spirit* - displays *enthusiasm* and *optimism* - creates *attractive visions* of the future - openly recognizes and *appreciates achievements*

Describe Fiedler's Contingency Theory.

Three variables define the situation: -leader-member relation -task strucuture -position power Based on the combinations of these variables the situation and the required leader type is determined. Note: Since leadership is regarded as a trait the leader can't change, so either the leader has to be exchanged to fit the situation or the leader modifies the siuation to match his leadership style

Which leadership style has a positive effect on the well-being of employees? Explain.

Transformational leadership: o Direct: Enduring influence on employees' mood o Indirect: influence on employees' psychological well-being through - Believing work is meaningful - Positive work characteristics (role clarity, opportunity for development) - Higher lvl of self-efficacy o Effects on healty & safety (healthier lifestyle, participation in safety activities)

Briefly describe Alderfer's ERG Theory.

Very similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs but instead with only three categories of needs: -growth needs -relatedness needs -existence needs With three different states: -frustration -importance -satisfaction The same critique as for the hierarchy of needs applies.

How does leadership style differ?

Womens leadership style differences among asian countries were more salient than between Asia and US

What are measures of leadership effectiveness? Give examples.

a) Objective measures: profit, sales, election outcomes b) Subjective measures: ratings from subordinates c) Attitudes d) Quality of group processes

Name specific task-oriented behaviors that are relevant for effective leadership.

a) short term planning (operational, action, contingency planning, time managemen) b) clarifying roles and objectives c) Monitoring operations and performance

What are limitations of the 'Leaders' Characteristics Approach'? Which conclusion can be drawn?

a) trait concept: intuitively compelling, but overly simplistic & fuels self-fulfilling prophecies b) concept of "effective leadership" is not clear -> no traits can be consistently related to it c) empirical evidence: weak, inconclusive d) variance of correlation between IQ and leadership very high e) interactive effects of different traits unknown f) overreliance on trait concept -> elitist concepts, recruitment of wrong people (selection & self-selection) => Need to consider behavior and situation

Which research methods are used in leadership research? Describe.

archival, qualitative, experimental, survey, meta-analysis - Survey: 60% - Experimental: laboratory (15%), field experiments (20%) - Qualitative: understanding of causes/consequences/topic (Quantitative: 66% of research data, numerical data) - Meta-Analysis: statistically combine all articles on one topic; influencing factors on result can be controlled statistically

In regards to employees, leadership affects and has an effect on:

commitment and well-being

Why high diversity among leadership behavior taxonomies (4 reasons).

o Because categories are abstract rather than tangible o Behavior constructs are formulated at different levels of abstraction o Taxonomies differ in purpose o Use different development methods e.g. factor analysis, judgmental classification

Explain the additive model.

o Relationship-oriented and Task-oriented independent o Additive effect on subordinate

Compare the categorial model with the multidimensional model.

o Three factor model = Categorical model = specific behaviors have single objective or obvious primary objective vs. o Three dimensional model = multidimensional = leaders behaviors strongly affect more than one objective

Name a mediator between Authentic leadership and follower's work related attitudes(perceived team effectiveness)


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