Learning Check #3

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According to Ethics 101, what is the difference between business ethics and ethics?

This book points out that there really is not difference between these two things. A person should have the same set of ethics across all aspects of their lives, be it in business or personal. They should not have one set for work and one set for home, as that would make it impossible to live up to either one.

Why is it important to have good communication skills as a manager?

As a manager, a lot of people rely on that position to be one's guidance. It is important that managers are able to help one succeed in the work environment, but to also them them fail and learn from their mistakes. Having a good communication means that the manager is helping one understand what is right and wrong when dealing with a problem. Talking to the employees thoroughly to make sure that they won't make the same mistakes again. Understanding that words matter anywhere you go.

Why is it important to ask questions?

Being able to ask questions is crucial, not only in class but day to day if you do not understand something. In a class setting it can help build a more open communication with your professor to help strengthen understanding in the course. Additionally, in a work environment it can show your interest and that you are taking your work seriously. Because there are no dumb questions, as long as you are not asking more than once, only knowledge can be gained from them and therefore should not be avoided.

What are some guidelines to follow to help you build connections?

Connections and relationships with people are crucial in order to succeed in the Hospitality industry. In one of the presentations, they went over 8 goals to keep in mind to help you create those connections. 1. Connect with yourself and have confidence. 2. Have honesty and keep communication open. 3. Know your audience. 4. Live your message and practice what you preach. 5. Adapt to your surroundings. 6. Focus on them and not yourself. 7. Believe in them. 8. Offer hope and direction.

How long does it take for a recruiter to go through a resume and what can you do to stand out?

On average, it takes a recruiter 30 seconds to scan a resume. If they see a spelling mistake, grammar mistakes, and other common mistakes, they will automatically discard the resume. Creating bold or noticeable sections in the paper as well as short and concise definitions and descriptions will help the recruiter quickly pick out pieces of your resume they want to focus on.

Why is it important for your inner circle members have a strategic position in the organization?

Sometimes people are beneficial to your inner circle because of the power and position they hold. This is because if the two of you were working against each other it would confusion and trouble within the organization. Sometimes it's easier to work with someone then against them for the sake of the team. Another reason is because some people hold a lot of influence in the company even though they are not the leader. That influence would be beneficial if it was working with you and nor against you.

Why is it important to set a deadline when making a goal?

Without a deadline, the possibility of a goal being completed is decreased dramatically. It becomes a dream rather than a goal, something that is thought about but never fulfilled. By adding in a deadline, the task is more likely to be completed and therefore becomes a goal rather than a dream. It is also important to set consequences for the failure to meet a goal in order to guarantee that it will be accomplished.

Why is it important to look for a "common threat" in evaluations?

"Common threats" in evaluations are complaints about an individual that are stated in multiple evaluations from different people. These common threats are essential to look for because they show something that is reliable and needs to be addressed with that individual. If you get one isolated complaint about someone during evaluations, it is most likely unreliable and it is a conflict that is only between two employees.

Why is gratitude so important in any work/group environment?

"Gratitude is the grease that makes working with others easier; it dampens the sparks that occur when co-workers rub each other the wrong way." When we are grateful for the things around us and the people we work with, it requires us to see how we've been supported and affirmed by other people. Being filled with gratitude overall brings positive emotions, good experiences, improved health, and so much more! Gratitude isn't an emotion but more of a choice that we make; it is both external and internal.

what are some differences between leaders who attract followers and leaders who develop leaders?

1. Leaders who attract followers treat everyone the same; leaders who develop leaders treat individuals differently based on their needs and abilities. 2. Leaders who attract followers only impact people they touch; leaders who develop leaders can impact people beyonds their reach, like followers of the leaders whom they develop. 3. Leaders who attract followers focus on their followers' weakness; leaders who develop leaders focus on the leaders strengths.

What are the 4 habits that top performers have that low performers do not?

1. They have a morning routine no matter how short: it teaches you to control your own schedule rather than having your schedule control you . 2. They do then think after to evaluate: most people over think themselves into procrastination. 3. They fit fitness into their busy schedules: find the time to fit fitness in their schedules. 4. They follow their scripted day even if they do not feel like it: the tool top performers use to achieve this is by scripting their day on a calendar.

According to Jason Davis, in terms of managing styles, what is a "C" player manager and why should you avoid being one?

A "C" player manager is one who is a low performer. They are the managers that typically do not buy into or believe in company values, arrive late to work, and sets low standards. You should avoid being a "C" player because you want to be looked at as someone who is reliable. Those who are reliable and help the company succeed will be promoted and recognized for their hard work.

What is a SMART goal and why is it important to make them?

A SMART goal stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented, and Time Base. It is important to make SMART goals because it makes it easier for you or your employees to meet the goal because there are guidelines to follow. Making your goal specific, measurable, and attainable makes it very clear as to what you are trying to accomplish. When the goal is result oriented and has a time base there will be a consequence if not completed properly. You should make smart goals because regular goals have no consequences and are less likely to be completed.

What is a "Silent Wounded" and how can a manger help them over come this mindest?

A Silent Wounded is someone who doesn't trust you due to things happening in their past. They have been previously hurt by past managers which has created terrible trust issues within them. Now this person works for you, and it is your job to help them overcome this feeling. A great way to to help this Silent Wounded is to begin to rebuild their trust. Although this will take some time, these team member are often loyal and worth the struggle. Start off with small talk, showing gratitude and appreciation, and asking deeper questions. Celebrate them!

Why might a recruiter be impressed to see "Studied Abroad" on a resume?

A candidate who has studied abroad stands out to a recruiter because it shows independence, adaptability, and resilience. Recruiters look at this independence and may find the candidate a good fit because they may be more open to transferring to different locations if need be. Employers need their candidates to be adaptable and flexible especially during these unpredictable times. Candidates who have studied abroad have had to overcome a lot and may be more equipped to handle change and hardship.

What are some things that you can do to stand out and why should you do them?

A couple different things that you can do to stand out are; get certifications, learn another language, study abroad, get into leadership positions, and do mock interviews. Doing any of things will help you stand out because they are not something that everyone does. Putting these things on top of your degree will show that you care about what you do and always strive to do better. Doing mock interviews will help prepare you for the real thing so that you are less nervous in an interview with an employer.

What is the difference between entering the hospitality field with a degree versus without?

A degree in hospitality is a future investment that will not give you any edge over your peers, without a degree, immediately after college. Further into your career, you will discover that your degree helps you to get certain job titles with certain companies. These job opportunities are at higher value and in higher demand due to their higher pay and quality.

What are tips to pass this class or not to drop out or fail?

A employer is looking for a potential client with a positive attitude and cheerful, so a teacher who care about the student wants the best and make sure you have a good attitude. You need to have integrity, someone who has a driven mindset to get the important things. Always show up to the class and be in tuned in the discussion and voice your thoughts. Be the person to be early and not the late one in the end it is your choice to be late. Last thing is take accountability of your action and complete assignment.

What are a few of the guidelines to The Law of Connection that are most important to you and why are they important?

A few of the most important guidelines to me from the Law of Connection were having confidence in yourself, focus on them(employee's) and believing in them. For me, these are some of the most important guidelines because these can really make or break an organization. Being a leader, you have to have confidence in yourself to be able to lead others, and your most important job is making sure your employee's are succeeding and attaining their goals.

What traits does a good professor have?

A good professor has many traits that are beneficial to their students to help them learn and grow in a educational environment. These traits include; being caring, not intimidating, respectful, accountable, humble, passionate, empathetic, responsive, and trusted. In addition to those traits a good professor also keeps students engaged and interested in the class. When a students comes to them with a question the professor will help the student with the question instead of ridiculing them for asking the question.

Why is it important to take quality notes?

A helpful tool for your brain to recall the important topic that was discuss and may be on a quiz or test. To keep students organized and have different subject lines for the title of each slide. Students/people extend their attention span and keep focus on the topic. To be a effective note taker it will change you from a passive learner to a active learner. A fellow student missed a class so wants to get the notes they have to be able to read it.

Why should we all be a one minute manager?

A one minute manager know how to redirect and employee when they don't do something right. They know how to give feedback in a way the employee feel like they are a part of the organization. They give one minute praises for doing a excellent job. A manager cares about the employee's goals and their future and want they out of the job.

What are some note-taking methods that may improve one's knowledge retention

A helpful way to ensure you are understanding class concepts is to take notes using the record, reduce, recite, review and reflect method. First, record the information you are learning by taking notes as you go, be it from a lecture, reading, or class discussion. Make sure that you are writing concise notes, highlighting important topics and writing down key terms. After you have completed taking notes, reduce and consolidate them in a way that is attuned to your thought flow and fill in any parts that you may have missed. Next, practice reciting the notes alone or to a friend; this can show what you have remembered and indicate which topics you need to strengthen. Review the notes in their entirety to ensure you have a complete picture of the topics you have studied. A few days after taking the notes, it is helpful to reflect on those topics, through real-world applications as well as brush up on any details you may have forgotten.

What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A leader is an individual who has an influence on others and gives others the feeling of worth. A manager is just someone who tells others what to do for his or her own personal benefit. No one should just hold the title of a manager but, instead a leader. Be the individual that makes a difference in other people's lives so then, they are able to pass on your knowledge and personal values.

Why is it important to be a leader that is a reader? And a reader of what?

A leader should be able to read their situation, trends, their resources, people, and themselves. This is important to be able to do as a leader because these are concepts a leader must be able to analyze and know based on their intuition to know how to handle them. A good leader should be able to see these concepts and know in their gut how they should proceed in a way that benefits their people, the organization, customers, and themselves.

Why shouldn't a leader only focus on attracting followers?

A leader who spends all their time on simply attracting followers will ultimately be unsuccessful. A leader reaches their full potential when they work toward developing future leaders. These developments will result in a multiplication effect without the need for increasing an organization's resources. When a leader leads with the intention of adding value to others and on developing leaders , a positive, lasting impact remains as a result.

Why is Sacrifice considered the heart of leadership?

A major misconception about leadership positions is that it's all about the advantages, the money, the power, and the perks. However, this is false. If you don't have the dedication and mindset to be prepared to make sacrifices you will not go far. To achieve success you have to know it will not come without sacrifice, you will have to give up more than anyone else you work in order to move up, and the higher you go the more you will have to give up.

What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A manager is someone who can simply keep their team on a track that has already been laid out. A leader is someone who can create that path for the team. Leaders are great forecasters, they can construct goals and set the stepping stones necessary to complete them. While managers are there to help make sure the team stays efficient, leaders will be there to make sure the team is getting everything they possibly can out of the experience.

Do you know how to get your mentor?

A mentor is a teacher who can help you grow as a leader in your field, through their knowledge and experiences. If you are searching for a mentor look towards your superiors or reach out to accomplished individuals in the field you desire. Start by becoming approachable and build a relationship with the individual. Then, show them that you desire to grow, do not tell them, show them by asking questions and taking action with he answers they give you. Most importantly make yourself noticed and show interest in what they are offering you.

How can change lead to a better life?

A person's life will see improvement when the take the time to actively enforce positive changes. Life doesn't get better chance and to see improvement, a person must BE better, not try to be better. A person can implement positive changes by understanding and acknowledging what isn't working and creating goals to work on those things. People should also prioritize what's important in their life instead of investing energy into people or tasks that won't positively impact them.

What traits should you have in order to be a potential candidate to be a leader?

A potential candidate to be a leader should be able to influence others, add value to the leader and organization, being able to bring talent to the table, have a strategic position in the organization, able to handle their emotions well, and if they have a positive attitude towards others in the inner circle. All these traits should qualify ones self to potentially be a great leader in the future.

What is a recruiter?

A recruiter is an individual that work to fill a job position in a business or organization. A recruiter's job consists of seeking out a person that has similar job experience and is best fitted to work at the work environment. The individual that is recruited is placed in an agreeable employment position in the business or in the organization.

What is a recruiters ultimate goal?

A recruiters ultimate goal is to determine if you are the best fit for the specific role of a specific company. Recruiters want to know if you as a candidate are able to make their life and job easier and how you are going to do that. To determine if you as the candidate are the best fit, a recruiter will be looking at everything you do. Everything will be judged and everything will be a test.

Why is it important to keep your resume's within 2 pages?

A resume should be something that explains who you are. It is essentially a profile that one creates to give to employers when applying for jobs. It is important that the resume is short but long enough that covers your past work experiences, skills that you think would apply to the job, and or any certifications that one may have. If it's too long, a recruiter won't want to be a novel about one. But if it's too short, you may come off as "didn't try hard enough". We want to make a good impression to recruiters.

What are some attributes of a servant leader?

A servant leader is someone who see leadership as an opportunity to serve others. They want to share their power and control to others in order to engage others and give them a feeling of purpose. Instead of measure success through results they measure success through the growth and development of their employees. A servant leader knows that their power isn't their just to benefit themselves rather, they use it to benefit others.

How can you differentiate between a successful person and an unsuccessful person?

A successful person has a sense of gratitude while an unsuccessful person has a sense of entitlement. Successful people are happy to help others and find joy in doing so. Unsuccessful people believe that they are better than others. Their success cannot be matched and they walk all over their peers. Overall, successful people are ones who live to grow while unsuccessful people live to fail.

How can resistance to change stunt growth?

A very crucial aspect of leadership is the ability to pivot or adapt to new situations. In your career you may not start out with a job that is exactly what you want but you need to be willing to make the most of your situation and learn as much as you can. the same goes for jobs that may ask you to travel or move to locations where you are needed. If you aren't willing to take risks and learn from different experiences you will never grow into a better leader.

What is the difference between a winning leader and a losing leader?

A winning leader is one who will always triumph, and if not, will never accept defeat. They come up with an action plan to succeed and are constantly a beacon of hope for their team. They are also strong and resilient in the face of crisis and will not back down from the challenge. Once a leader accepts defeat, he becomes a loosing leader. He is a loser who will also lose his following based off his own willingness to back down from a challenge.

How is Drury Inn different from other hotels? What makes them who they are?

According to Blake Soreng a guest speak the General manager of Drury inn . The hotel is vertical integrated meaning it the company is has more than one production. They have 150 hotels in 27 states including the flagstaff location. They have upper mid scale in the hotel industry. They are pretty proud to get the JD power Award winner 15 years in a row.

According to Ethics 101, what are the five p's of compromising ethics?

According to Ethics 101 the five p's are; pressure, pleasure, power, pride and priorities. Pressure leads people to make unethical decisions because they expected to deliver a certain amount of product. Pleasure leads to unethical behavior because people want some kind of pleasure in return for their actions. Power because people will want more power and they will want to keep that power by whatever means necessary. Pride leads to unethical behavior due to people being to proud to admit they are wrong. And priorities, when someone does not have goals in life they will not have any motivation.

Why is it important to "add values to others"?

According to Ethics 101, adding values to others is the most important way for a leader to earn someone's respect. When you value another person you create a respect that lasts long after a relationship has ended. By listening to others and understanding their feelings, you can show that you value that specific person. If you help them achieve their goals and never look down on them, you can show them how much you value them.

According to Jason Davis, why is it important to be prepared for anything in this industry?

According to Jason Davis anything can happen during your career in the hospitality industry. In Jason's career, 9/11 occurred when he was just entering the job market and it greatly impacted the hospitality and tourism industry's. And currently the COVID-19 pandemic is going around the globe and the companies that are not able to adapt to this great and sudden change will fail in these times. Jason also said that in the future of our careers another event similar to 9/11 or COVID-19 may happen again, and the next time it may be up to you to solve the problems.

why shouldn't we negotiate about rates during interviews?

According to Jason Davis, most of companies is reducing the rates of their entry level jobs because they are losing money during the pandemic. What is more, many mangers have lost their jobs and back to job hunting market too, so we are competing with people who have manager experience. Therefore, we are not in place where we can negotiate with HR managers.

What is something people are incapable of dealing with?

According to Julian, many people struggle and are incapable of dealing with adversity. They struggle with this because they don't like being told what to do. They don't like accepting the fact the there is always going to be telling you what to do and how to do your job. Take the feedback that they are giving to you and use it as an opportunity to grow and recover for the future.

According to Julien, what priorities should recent graduates focus on when entering the work force?

According to Julien, a recent graduate should first focus on obtaining more experience for whichever career in hospitality they are interested in. Graduates should have a goal that they are working towards. This goal should be realistic for you to accomplish. You must learn to be humble especially in the current market where there are a lot of more qualified workers looking for the same jobs. And finally, a graduate should elevate themselves above other graduates by having unique skills and abilities.

Referring to The Law of Lid, what is sacrificing and what is its importance in leadership?

According to Kaitlyn's presentation on The Law of Lid, sacrificing means as a leader you know when to give up things that only benefit you as the leader and not everyone as an entire unit. Making sacrifices in a leadership position and showing that you are able to be selfless in giving things up that only benefit you will allow you to earn the trust of those who follow you in your leadership.

What are some of the "Do's" when creating your resume?

According to Kelli, there are various "Do's" that are required when creating your resume. The most important thing is to spell check and proofread before submitting. To make it easier on your future employer, be clear, concise, and use reverse chronological order. It is important to use numbers/metrics when ever you can. Make sure you label any internships, seasonal, and contract positions. In today's world, it is crucial to have an updated LinkedIn profile that includes your perfect resume.

According to Lauren's presentation, what is growth and what are a few strategies to develop leaders?

According to Laurens's presentation, growth is the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually. In developing leaders remember these four things: 1) seek for those who have great potential, 2) invest time in developing and helping those who look up to you, 3) constantly help individuals build their strengths, and lastly 4) multiply leaders, rather than adding followers.

How do you develop your leadership legacy?

According to Olivia's presentation on the Law of Legacy, there are four steps that are essential to developing your leadership legacy. The first step is to know the legacy you want to leave. The second step is to live the legacy you want to leave. The third step is to choose who will carry on your legacy. The last step is to pass the baton. This is important because a leader's value is measured by succession, so you must take the right steps to produce a legacy for yourself.

According to Paige, why is it important to not gossip or talk about your employees to other people that work there?

According to Paige, it is important to not gossip about other employees because it makes you look like an unprofessional leader. People will lose respect for you and your position, and it will be hard to get them to follow your directions. As a leader you want to know that your employees value and respect you and if you are talking about them behind their backs, it does not send the right message to them.

Should you be transparent and honest with your employers when you have further goals in other cities or companies?

According to Paige, it is totally fine to let your recruiter and employers know if you have bigger goals other than working with them for your entire life. Good leaders know how to respect their employees' personal goals and desires without making judgments. The prior condition is that you need to make sure that you can do your best on your current job.

According to Paige, what are some characteristics that are essential to have as an employee?

According to Paige, some essential characteristics that she looks for in potential candidates are courage, humility, integrity, and initiative. She stated that those are essential to her because those are character traits that cannot be taught through things like employee training. They are characteristics that some people possess while others do not, and those traits are essential to being successful in any industry, but especially the hospitality industry.

According to Paige, What do most people struggle with?

According to Paige, some people struggle with conflict the most. It is hard for some to take accountability for their actions and they will actually hold others accountable. Conflict is actually the only thing that can help you grow as a person and as an organization. Conflict is portrayed as a problem. It actually is key to businesses because it gives the chance for them to fix the problem and find a solution.

According to Law of Naivigation, how can you prepare once you are a leader?

According to The Law of Navigation, there are a few ways to prepare for it once you are a leader. First you can draw on your past experience. This means you reflect on success and/or failure. Second, you can examine the conditions before making commitments, which includes counting the costs and measuring factors. Third, you can listen to what others have to say around you. And lastly, ensure your plan represents both faith and fact with a positive attitude.

Why is loyalty such an important quality to have in a work setting?

According to our guest speaker, Hunter, loyalty is a key aspect in the work force. He had noted that when an employee gains the loyalty of their manager or employer, they do not need to ask permission to do a certain task. I personally agree with him because it is important to know that your management has full trust in your decisions. I believe that this is a good starting point in setting a solid foundation for a successful business.

what do people do when they buy in the leader and also the vision?

According to the Law of Buy-in, when followers buy in the leaders and their vision, they will be the strongest supporters of the leaders. Followers will still stay with the leaders that they believe in, even when the conditions are getting bad. Because they not only believe in the leaders, they also share the same values and goals with them, which makes their bounds stronger.

According to the Law of Priorities, what are 3 reasons why a leader may not apply the law, and what are the 3 R's we should think about?

According to the Law of Priorities and Merida's presentation, the 3 reasons why a leader may not use the Law of Priorities are 1) when they are busy are believe that they are achieving, 2) prioritizing requires continually thinking ahead, and 3) prioritizing requires doing things that are uncomfortable and sometimes painful. The 3 R's we should think about when prioritizing are 1) what is REQUIRED?, 2) what gives the greatest RETURN?, and 3) what brings the greatest REWARD?

What is the cost of leadership?

According to the Law of Sacrifice, the cost of leadership is a rise in responsibilities, and a fall in rights. This basically means that the more responsibility you accept, the fewer options you have in terms of doing whatever you want to do. Everyone has different sacrifices they make in order to rise in leadership, ranging from free time to hobbies and other aspects of their personal lives.

According to the law of victory, what qualities must a leader have to be victorious?

According to the fifteenth chapter, the law of victory, a leader must have a few qualities in order to be successful. The first quality a leader should have is to be unwilling to accept defeat. A good leader will continue to try until they are victorious. A leader must also be dedicated to improving their team before themselves. They should be hardworking, maintain calm in high pressure situations, and be passionate about their cause.

According to the law of explosive growth, what are the three stages of the leadership development process and how do you progress through the stages?

According to the law of explosive growth the three stages of the leadership development process are; developing yourself, developing your team, and developing leaders. Are you constantly developing yourself and your own personal skills as a leader. Are you adding value to the lives of your team and helping them reach them potential. And finally, are your creating an environment that encourages leaders to develop?

What should a leader do before making commitments?

According to the law of navigation, a leader should look outward into current environment around them to count the cost, look at measurable factors like finances, resources and talents, and look at intangible factors like timing, morale, culture and momentumbefore making commitments. It is very important for leaders to choose the right timing to make commitments and be responsible for them

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a vertically integrated company?

Advantages of have a vertically integrated company are that as a company most of what your hotels will need can be provided by the internal company. For example Drury Inn is vertically integrated and as a company they build the hotel, manage the hotel, and supply the hotel with furniture or anything else they might need. A disadvantage of being vertically integrated comes when the hotel may unexpectedly need a few extra items and the company is unable to get the supplies there as quickly then the hotel may need to buy from outside of the company.

What do you do post interview and why?

After you have had a interview it is important to send a thank you email. By sending this email, it shows that you are appreciative of the interviewer's time and you want to be as professional as you can. The next thing to do is if they gave you a time frame of when you would hear back, follow up with them. This is important because you don't want them to forget you and to make sure they are sticking to their deadlines. Lastly, don't give up. By not giving up shows the interviewer that you are dedicated.

How can you make a recruiters job easier? And why?

Although this may not be obvious, you should always strive to make things easier for a recruiter when they are assessing you either in your resume or interview. Making clear concise points helps them to quickly understand what you bring to the table. Highlighting noteworthy skills or accomplishments so they are noticeable will make you stand out. By putting in the effort to be more organized it will give a strong first impression of what you could be like in the workplace.

Why is it important to keep in contact with many different recruiters?

Although you may not have plans to work for a specific company, it can still be very beneficial to keep in contact with their recruiters. By doing this you can learn more about the companies and what your best options are. Not only will it show your dedication to finding the right fit for you, but also helps build connections. you never know for sure where you will end up so you should not cut ties with other companies who could possibly hire you if one position falls through.

What is an Oxygen Sucker and how can you rewire their behavior?

An Oxygen Sucker is someone that takes up all of the conversation in a group of people. They often take up most of the time in meetings and gives little opportunity for others to contribute. A way to rewire their behavior is to set clear time limits on how much everyone is allowed to contribute to the conversation. This way they have clear guidelines and will know when it is their turn to speak and when it is someone else's.

What is the difference between an autocratic and democratic manager according to Ken Blanchard?

An autocratic leader is one that is tough and results driven. This kind of manager may work for an organization that produces great results and large profits, but their employees seem to suffer a little bit. A democratic leader is one that is seen more as a "nice guy" but produces opposite results to the autocratic leader- their organization may not boast about having the highest profits but their employees are thriving. Blanchard describes these two types as "being half a manager", and says that ideally, "both the people and the organization profit from their presence."

What is the difference between an Entrepreneur and leader

An entrepreneur is a person who find ways to build a new company and organizes things and not necessarily a leader. They are ones to make a product to be profitable. Some of them aren't the ones to love people and want to have influencer. A leader is someone who love people and want to lead them to success. They have the mindset and ability to show leadership.

Why are anonymous evaluations not able to be used?

An evaluation or complaint submitted without a name is not reliable because there is no accountability to be truthful in the submitted evaluation. Ultimately, this means nothing can be done to ensure the issue is fixed. Evaluations should be anonymous to the person being reviewed, but must be submitted with a name to the person who receives and reviews evaluations.

What are the differences between passive learners and active learners?

An example of a passive learner would be a student who is distracted during class either on their phone, computer or within their own thoughts which causes them to not truly be listening to the information being discussed. An active learner is a student who is participating during lectures and answering questions. Note taking is one major difference that makes an active learner even more effective by boosting comprehension and retention of the content which is especially important to practice during the new online way of classes.

Why is it important to create clear and concise instructions/goals?

As a leader or manager creating clear and concise goals allows everyone apart of the team to understand what you expect from them. With everyone on the same page there is little room for confusion and question of confusion to be asked. This allows for projects and the pursuance of goals to be as quick and easy as possible. Also, when their is failure it is easy to understand where we as a team went wrong and how we can get back on track to success.

Why must we give up more as a Leader, than others?

As a leader we have our team, followers, and supporters. Each of these groups that follow us depend on us and the success we bring, they depend on our direction. This means that we have less time for ourselves, our hobbies, and need to put more time into our successes. In order to be successful and be the leaders that they need we make more sacrifices for them because they need more from us than we need from them. it is up to us to bring out their potential for the world and fulfill the vision.

Why must you always take action towards the big picture?

As a leader, you have to take action towards the big picture because it helps the goal become a reality. It shows clarity of what it is you're trying to achieve and sets an example for your followers. If you show them step towards achieving the goal, chances are they will take action towards it as well. It helps fill the missing pieces of the big picture and what it looks like for the future.

Why is it important to know other positions as a manager?

As a manager you never know when a crisis will happen. From something as small as an employee call off to a world wide pandemic, you never know what will happen. Right now with the Covid-19 pandemic a lot of employee lay offs are happening. This means managers are needed to step up and cover shifts and positions that they normally would not work at. Knowing all job duties for every position in your work place is important so you can step up and work in understaffed areas.

What are some important qualities to have as a leader?

As a manager you should strive to be a leader in your organization. The qualities you need to have to be a leader vary from humility, trustworthiness, courageous, self-aware, decision making and critical thinking, clarity, courage, and most of all being passionate. These qualities will help you become a better manager but most importantly a better leader in your field.

What happens when you avoid dealing with performance situations?

As a manager, if you avoid dealing with performance situations, you are showing three problems to your employees. The first it that you do not care about your employees. The second problem is that you are saying the company you work for has no standards. The third problem is that you have no guts. The consequence of this is a lack of respect from your employees and a decrease in your credibility.

What is the difference between accessible and available and why is it important to make the distinction?

Being accessible is a function of personality which puts people at ease and encourages them to have open and honest conversations. Being available is a function of time management that lets employees know they are on a manger's list of priorities. A manager should leave a section of their schedule open for meetings and make it clear on how to reach them. Making this distinction is important because you want employees to know that you are there for them. However, you can't be bombarded all day with requests to talk, you wouldn't get any of your own work done.

What does it mean to be accountable for your actions?

Being accountable for your actions means taking full responsibility for what you do and say. To be accountable, be a "no-excuse" person. Adults don't whine or use dismissive language like "I'm sorry", they are accountable and face the consequences for their performances.

Why is being busy and being productive not the same thing?

Being busy and productivity do not equate because when a person is busy or spreads them self too thin, they can't prioritize what's important and they can't produce quality work. A person achieves more fulfillment from work they are proud of, therefore, they should spend their time on the work that will give them 80% of the results. Activity isn't the same thing as accomplishment and that's why successful people prioritize the things that will benefit themselves and others.

What is the importance of being flexible when job hunting?

Being flexible when job hunting, especially in times like this, can be absolutely vital to your future success. For students right out of college, showing that you are flexible can help you move quickly through the ranks. Allowing companies to choose your start date and pick where you will work shows them that you are flexible and willing to take a chance. Companies are more likely to work with people who are willing to move around. They value those kind of people and usually promote them faster.

Why is it important to be flexible with your job arrangements?

Being flexible with any employer is going to give you the ability to grow much faster within an organization. While it is not required to move to knew locations and positions in a company, doing so will give you the experience you need in many different areas to become the leader that you desire to be. Choosing not to be flexible will make it so that you do not grow as fast and it might keep you in the same position for a longer period of time.

What is CARRUTE and what does each letter represent?

CARRUTE is an acronym to teach and remember important aspects of leadership. C is communicate clear expectations, beginning at the interview and during training. A is accountability--after expectations are communicated, everyone must be held to that standard, including yourself. R is recruit friendly people--a good personality cannot be taught. R is reward and recognize--if there are repercussions for falling short, there should be rewards for doing well. U is utilization of process, such as using a process audit to ensure set processes are being used effectively. T is train--develop your people constantly. E is empower--it creates buy in.

what is self awareness and how do you improve it?

Capacity to interpret your own thoughts correctly. Keep mindful of your thoughts when they happen. Keep in mind how you appear to react to different circumstances and individuals. Ways to improve your self awareness is to know yourself, see yourself (what do you think and feel) for who you are, control the feelings (even physiological signs), in a challenging conversation or meeting, track & backtrack your emotions-learn your tendencies in emotionally arousing situations, using paired sharing (peer or manager), and take full responsibility for what you say and do. Own your actions

What is the purpose chapter takeaway presentations?

Chapter take away presentation is to extract leadership points and students to find reason and connect personally with each chapter. Professor is looking for student who pay attention to the chapters and give insight of future careers. Presentation is a way to get out of the comfort zone by speaking in front of the class and teach them new things and can use it in the near future. Professor and other students aren't looking for a boring story by telling them someone bought a new house in the book but a lesson to learn.

What is the difference between chasing gold and creating gold?

Chasing gold does not make you a real leader when you do the bare minimum to get to the top quickest to reap the benefits of the position. Creating gold is building your success as a leader to benefit others rather than just yourself. You are thinking of the organization and the people in it first when you lead and try to build up the organization that generate that success. With creating gold, you are creating success that benefits the whole team.

Why should you cross check your information?

Cross checking is a valuable way to further understand a topic and determine how accurate what your reading is. New information is always coming out and if you don't stay updated you wont know all parts of the truth. There may be a respectable leader that we learn about from readings that isn't actually who they wanted to appear as. By cross checking all the data you consume you will have a more objective view on a topic.

How will the in-class presentations work and what will they be based upon?

Each chapter and section from the 3 books we will read in the course will be presented by each select student. Students have a choice on how they would like to teach their assigned chapter which can include PowerPoints, diagrams, homemade videos, lectures, or other relevant ways to convey the full meaning from the chapter. At the end, there is one student who will review all three books and retell their takeaway from the total content.

What is the Law of Connection?

Ellie Johnson states that the Law of Connection has multiple factors. It is about getting to know your followers on an emotional level, captivating their hearts, connecting and reconnecting everyday with your followers, and to display your level of interest you have towards your followers. There are also guidelines to building a connection which include, connecting with yourself, being honest, knowing your audience, focus on the person and not yourself, and offer direction and hope.

Why is it important to be humble in a workplace?

Even when we graduate from college with our degrees, there are a lot that we don't know in our world. Just because we have gotten our degrees does not mean that we will not make mistakes or understand everything in a workplace. It's important to be open minded and to learn from people above us. To be humble and respectful to our elder coworkers as they have been through a lot more than we have. Being humble also opens up doors and opportunities to become the better leader and space for exponential growth.

Why is no individual done growing ever?

Every person you meet in your life is there for a reason. That reason is to help you grow as an individual, regardless of your age. No one is perfect and has the answers to ever and all situations so, it is very important to listen to what others have to say. Growing your abilities in any aspect is exciting and many people need to start viewing it as that.

Why is success attractive?

Everyone wants to be associated with individuals who are successful and have a lot of achievements under their belt. Success does not come easy and many people do not work hard enough for their own benefit but instead, are friends with those who do work hard. Many individuals like the idea of being known for their intelligence and performance skills so that is why success is so 'attractive'.

Why is FEAR something that we can use to our advantage and overcome, which will help us when we are seeking our dream job, or just to grow stronger as an individual?

FEAR, which can stand for Face Everything And Run, can also stand for Face Everything And Rise. We, as future hospitality employees, can use fear to our advantage to grow and become more comfortable in this field. In addition, we can look our fear in the eyes and overcome it, therefore making us stronger as workers. This is an advantage because not everyone can recognize what they fear and face it head on . When it comes to getting our dream job, employers want to hire someone who has the power to face their fear, and it makes them stronger.

What is feedback and why do we give it?

Feedback is based on others observations which allows them to brainstorm ways to help show others how to gain improvement. This can be extremely helpful to those who need help and guidance on where they should go. We tend to give feedback after a a rough version of the task they have done to help other improve on the little things they may have missed. This is helpful because it allows for an open conversation as well as growth in each others lives.

What are some of the key elements that help a leader chose the right time to act?

First, confidence: A leader must be secure in his actions and decisions. Second, decisiveness: a leader must be definite with his actions. Third, experience: a leader must have a repertoire of success or they should learn how to be successful. Forth, intuition, a leader must have an unconscious ability to work through any situations; this ability relies on leader's morale and direction.

What are 3 important actions of Law of Solid Ground?

First, lead a way that your followers can openly share their opinions with you, even negative ones. Second, put trust into your organization and followers first. Remember that it is not on people to trust you, it is on you to earn it. Third, be consistently and be responsible for your commitments, be honest and sincere when you are not able to accomplish them.

According to Jason Davis, what are some benefits of getting your degree?

Getting a degree is beneficial because it shows recruiters that you were able to set, commit, and achieve a long-term goal. Another benefit is a lot of job openings now require that applicants have a college degree to even apply. Also, the information you learn in college combined with the experience you gain is what creates an effective worker. Even if you don't remember the specific details, the broad concepts will benefit you in each position you have.

What's the difference between going for the gold and going for the "golden rule"?

Going for the gold and focusing all your energy on gaining power or material positions will end up leaving you with nothing. Going for the "golden rule" means putting other people first and asking what you can do for them in order to add value into their life. A person who prioritizes going for the gold typically cuts corners and displays low self discipline. Going for the "golden rule" means acting with strong character and integrity.

What is grade grubbing and why should you avoid doing it?

Grade grubbing like the name implies, is a unappealing method of students attempting to ask for a grade they didn't earn. They usually imply fault not on themselves but on others, such as that it wasn't graded fairly or they really need this grade and it is the professors responsibility to give it to them. As a dedicated student you should avoid doing this to not give off the appearance that you don't care about learning only a grade.

Why is grade inflation detrimental to others?

Grade inflation is a form of lying and being mean to the person being reviewed. It sets them up for failure, as they will not be able to learn from what they are doing wrong. Grade inflation does more harm than help and should be avoided at any cost. Grade inflation should be avoided in both the professional and the personal life; Fom college to real life, it should never be present.

What does Gratitude mean to you and your life?

Gratitude to me means that we are able to express blessed feelings and able to give back to the community. Gratitude shows signs of thanks and appreciation in our lives whether it be a person, an event, or an object. For me, I am expressing my gratitude this season for being able to stay healthy as the world Corona Virus pandemic continues. Being able to lean on family and close friends to build stronger relationships and friendships to ensure that we are constantly thankful for the life that are given to us. Thankful that the friends I have are the ones who make me stronger and dive deeper into my faith to strengthen my relationship with the Lord.

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills and how can you use them in your career?

Hard skills are qualities already possessed by someone. Examples of hard skills are knowing how to efficiently use Microsoft Excel or how to do complex math problems. Soft skills are similar to traits that people possess, and are less teachable. Examples of soft skills include people skills, communication skills, and positivity. These skills are transferable to many jobs, however soft skills are more desirable to companies. They are more desirable to employers because they are not easy to teach, they have more to do with the personality of the employee.

Why is having a mentor in your professional career important?

Having a mentor to look up to in the hospitality industry helps to have an example of a successful professional that the mentee can strive to be like. Navigating the hospitality industry alone can be very difficult so having a mentor who has previous experience serves to be useful more often than not. A mentor should be someone who is trusted and make the mentee feels safe to ask questions and seek advice free for judgment.

How can a negative mindset affect someone's learning process and self confidence?

Having a negative mind set is reflected in the school work students do, which the professor will take notice of and will then cause lower grades. This leads to a lack of self confidence and self-control on the students part, which can then cause more of a downward spiral.

Why is open communication important?

Having open communication is important because it builds the inner circle we want and need to succeed in the business world. It's expected that people communicate with others when it is necessary, but when one isn't have respect or trust in the other person it's hard to build that connection with someone or something to strengthen our inner circle. Open communication allows us and others to express out emotions and feelings openly without the range of fear, so it allows others to see our true selves. Open communication is just a step closer to achieving success.

What does Jason Davis mean by Pivot? What things are we going to struggle with.

He said, we need to be flexible with our schedule. We have to be okay with maybe taking a pay cut and. no bonus or raise for about a year. Be comfortable with the challenges that a new environment will bring forth. It will change everyday won't be the same as the other days. He mention we will struggle being organization and having a routine. We will be likely younger than the employees we are going to manage.

According to Julien, what is hospitality at its core and how does this relate to 'GM' being more than just a title?

Hospitality at its core is simply hosting and welcoming people into your home and taking care of the,. When we invite people to our hotels to stay, or a restaurant to eat, we are really inviting them to trust us to take care of them and give them the experiences they are looking for. According to Julien, becoming a General Manager is more than just a title, it becomes a huge responsibility. Not just a responsibility to keep employees productive and owners making profits, but a commitment to everyone and everything including each individual guests health and safety.

What is it about hospitality students that are making them desirable hiring candidates across the board?

Hospitality students are in a higher demand across numerous work fields because of their transferable skills. Soft skills refer to those skills that represent more of a persons personality and character, hard skills refer to skills that are able to be taught and learned that are specific to each job, while transferable skills are those skills that are valued across almost all job positions. Transferable skills are those such as communicating, the ability to work with people, and being able to connect to others.

What does Hunter Carmichael suggest as the best way to balance being respected and being liked in the workplace?

Hunter believes that it is important not to avoid confrontation or hard conversations. By being firm, fair, and consistent, a manager is more likely to have the respect of their team while getting the job done. He acknowledges that hard conversations, such as pointing out areas an employee can grow, can be scary or intimidating the first few times. In order to counter this intimidation, Hunter says that a new manager should practice these types of discussions before the actual one or request to watch someone else have them

Why do you think being aware of how your negative or positive thought process is important when learning new information

I believe that it is important to be aware of how you are thinking when learning, because it can change and alter the perception one has on the given information. By thinking negatively about a subject when learning about it, I believe that it can possibly stunt the potential knowledge growth as the person can block it out and not retain the information. If you don't let yourself have an opportunity to think positively about a subject you barely know, how can you except to gain that knowledge from that point of view.

Why do you think that it important to note the difference between an accessible leader and an available leader?

I believe that it is important to note the difference between the accessible and available leaders because as students wanting to go into the hospitality industry and potently become leaders, this kind of information is useful to know about. By being aware of how you treat and act to the people around you as a leader, will affect how they act and see you as their leader. I would personally want to be a leader that people can look up to and be open for people to come to me for anything.

What are three things that can make your emails more professional?

I determined that one way to create a professional email is, one taking 60 seconds to reread your email. In this time, search for grammatical errors and acknowledge how your email flows. Leading to the second point, take out any filler words from your message. Since filler words can lead to misunderstandings. Last, acknowledge your contact when they respond to your message, this can be done by properly ending the conversation or expressing gratitude for their actions.

Why is the law of empowerment important?

I feel it is an important to leadership like all the other laws, in order to be a leader you need to empower others. The other team member need to be able to give ides and see a potential in themselves. A leader needs to be like a mentor who sees the good in the people. A leader can't just have the power and be in control of everything.

According to Jazamine presentation about Ethics 101 page 41-70, which of the 5 tarnishing factors are they hardest to fight?

I feel like pride would be the hardest one to fight. We all have pride in our heart and want a certain way to be down and not want to hear other people's opinions. As to be a leader we need to fight the pride because we are there to help the followers. Pride is the biggest part of us.

How would you utilize the Law of Priority in your life?

I would need to push myself out of the comfortable stage and branch out. Make sure that to do things that i haven't done yet and feel great about it. To be a leader you need to have the law of priority instead of you. My planner needs to be prioritize of the important things, like school what needs to be due.

What happens when people do not follow the chain of command?

If employees, in an organization, do not follow the chain of command, chaos will ensue. There is a chain of command for a reason. That is to organize the flow of information and communication in a company. If people refused to report to their manager or direct superior in the chain, then there would be large amounts of undermining and retaliation within the departments. If you have an issue, always take it to your manager to discuss an action plan on how to resolve the issue.

What should you do when having to hold people accountable for not meeting the standard?

If you need to address an issue in the workplace and hold someone accountable for not meeting the expectations make sure to document it. If you do not document the problems people will challenge you and it will eventually become their word against yours. In addition to documenting the conversation and that the employee was made aware, make sure you have another witness. If you have a witness when documenting a redirect, there will be no issues if the employee being spoken to refuses to sign in acknowledgment.

How do leaders add value to themselves and to others?

In Danielle's presentation, she discussed some ways that leaders add value to themselves and to others. You must first genuinely value people. Then you must invest in yourself, you must know what values and knowledge are important to others, and you must live according to your morals. If you take these steps as a leader, you will increase your value to others. By doing this, you will obtain loyal followers that respect you and feel that you are valuable to them.

How did the Law of Explosive Growth help EQUIP reach their goal of developing one million leaders, and how can these tactics help you professionally?

In chapter 20, we read the story of EQUIP and their Million Leader Mandate. They used the Law of Explosive Growth to make 40,000 leaders into 1,000,000 leaders by asking them to each develop 25 people. This meant that the amount of leaders in the world would grow exponentially as more and more people signed on to the initiative. This idea can help me professionally because I can use the same tactics to develop my own team's skills, and turn them into the best leaders they can be.

Why should you turn in a self evaluation along with your peer evaluation for the group project?

In class on Monday, Professor Cauvin stated that along with the peer evaluations for the group project, you must also submit a self evaluation. You must submit this self evaluation to avoid choosing to earn zero points, and you should also do this for your own personal growth. Doing a self evaluation can help you reflect on your performance in a group setting, and learn your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to collaborating with your peers.

How should we treat our peers and other people if we are in management roles? (Parent, Adult, Child)

In class, Professor Cauvin drew a diagram for us demonstrating what happens when we treat people a certain way. When a Parent treats someone like a Child, the Child tends to rebel and feel as if they aren't being treated with respect. If an Adult treats another person like and Adult, then there will be respect and no rule breaking. Just like in any work environment, if a manager treats you like an Adult, you will feel respected and properly guided.

What is one important mindset in leadership?

In class, professor Cauvin mentioned that " Show the way, can't make others to do it." I think it applies to many situations in management. A good manager should be able to inspire and motivate employees and educate them to solve problems in work, instead of telling or forcing employees to do this or to do that. There is an old Chinese saying that "teaching one to fish is better than giving him fish", and this has the similar meanings. A real leader should inspire his employees to be productive and independent, not just let them to follow orders or supervise them all the time.

According to "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", why is there no success without sacrifice?

In order to achieve any sort of success, you must make sacrifices. If you talk to any leader, you will find that they have made repeated sacrifices. Effective leaders sacrifice much that is good in order to dedicate themselves to what is best. When you become a leader, you lose the right to think about yourself. The circumstances are different from person to person, but the principle doesn't change. In order to be successful, you must trade something in return.

Why do actions speak louder than words?

In the hospitality industry, actions do speak louder than words when you are trying to prove yourself to your manager. Showing rather than telling does have value. You can tell your manager all the time how responsible you are and how efficient you are, but the only way that he/she can see that is if you show it through hard work and consistency. Actions allow your managers to see the dedication you put in to the company and they are more willing to promote and praise these kinds of people.

According to Paige, why is conflict good and not bad?

In the hospitality industry, conflict is going to happen no matter where you go. It may be with coworkers, managers , or even guests. From what Paige had to say about conflict, I now view conflict as growing as an individual. No one likes or wants to deal with difficult situations however, it teaches you many lessons on how to deal and cope with it. If an individual never comes across conflict, then they will never grow and become a better person from what they had to go through.

During your interview process, what part is considered a test?

In the interview process, every step is going to be a test. When you are being interviewed for a company, they are wanting to make sure that they are recruiting the best people. This is why it is very important to be professional and honest during every step of the interview process. Every aspect includes phone interviews, voicemails, emails, and even thank you letters. Your recruiter will be evaluating you even when you don't think they are.

What is the importance of "pivoting"?

In this industry, things are changing all of the time. It is important for you to be flexible and to pivot with the constant adjusting business. We will all go through another serious event eventually that may change how things are done, such as another pandemic or another market crash. They might have to take a pay cut or take away a bonus for that year. It is important to be prepared and to pivot to any changes occurring with in this industry. Adapt to those new challenges.

What is the difference between integrity and credibility?

Integrity is being honest with oneself and having strong personal morals and values. Credibility on the other hand is also being honest with oneself but also taking accountability for ones actions. Credibility is more based on reputation while integrity is more based on adhering to a personal ethical code.

What is integrity and how important is integrity in the hospitality industry?

Integrity is doing what you believe in and standing by those principles. Integrity is not only talking about what you do, but taking action to show what you are about. And in the hospitality industry integrity is also about being ethical to yourself and to the company you work for. And sticking to your ethics even when you may be in a situation when they are put to the test.

How are integrity and credibility related?

Integrity is something that I believe most people have- the decisions you make are led by your moral compass. While some people may refuse to follow this compass, I believe humans have a deep desire to do good. Credibility is something you earn- consistent following of your moral compass or other standards shape your credibility in different situations. Leaders should practice integrity in order for their leaders as well as their employees to see them as credible and trustworthy.

Why is it important for any type of manager to teach and train his/her employees with integrity?

Integrity is the practice of what one says and what one does are one in the same. With that in mind, leadership is based on the foundation of trust so management should practice what they teach their staff. By doing this, the overall atmosphere within a workplace will be positive. Management should also show their staff members how much they value their contributions to boost overall performances.

Why is it important to grow and better your intuition?

Intuition is a knowledge that one has, also known as the gut feeling of yours. It's important to better your intuition because sometimes we aren't able to go with our intuition and gut. This could be for making both small and big decisions in all aspects of life. In a business perspective, it's important to be able to trust your instincts and to be able to understand why a certain decision has to be made that is followed by your gut. It leaders to bigger success as well if you're able to understand why your gut is right.

According to McKenna and the book, what are some ways to build and grow intuition?

Intuition is something that people are born with or without. However, with enough effort, it can be shaped to become stronger and easier to follow. To do this, an individual needs to become more aware of what is occurring around them, learn how to read situations, people, trends, etc. This skill can be honed and developed through intentional practice and by reading leadership books.

Why is it so important to research the company you are interviewing for before hand?

It is crucial to have some knowledge of the company you are looking to get hired at before sitting down for an interview. It shows the recruiter how serious you are about applying and whether or not you will be a good candidate. It also gives you first hand knowledge on the organization which in return gives the ability on how they operate. If hired, you will already be a step above everyone else.

Why shouldn't you fidget during an interview and what are some things you can do to hide it?

It is distracting for the interviewer to see you fidgeting and it shows you are nervous. Even though the interviewer knows you are probably nervous you want to appear calm and professional. A way to hide your fidgeting is to have a paper clip in your pocket to play with during the interview. Make sure it is not in the view of the interviewer, on Zoom you can simply have it below the camera, in person have it below the desk.

Why is it important to be firm, fair and consistent as a manager?

It is important for managers to be firm, fair and consistent not only to keep order and structure in their workplace but also to gain respect from their employees. Employees are more likely to respect and follow orders if managers stay consistent with following protocols and show that they can be understanding. Tardiness, for example, is a common problem among employees. A manager should be firm when confronting their employees about being tardy, but should also be understanding if the tardiness is caused by personal problems. The manager should also be consistent with all of their employees, treating each one equally.

Why is it important for managers to have consequences for their employees?

It is important for managers to establish consequences for their employees to keep them accountable. If a manager asks their employee to complete a task but follows up with "If you do not complete this task nothing will happen to you or your job" they most likely will not complete the task. Consequences make goals happen. We as humans need consequences to motivate us.

According to the book, what are five qualities a leader should look for in others when forming their inner circle?

It is important that a leader attract people who add to the organization, people who have talent, people with a strategic position in the organization, people who can handle both their and others emotions well, and people with positive attitudes. By looking for these qualities, a leader will have a strong inner circle filled with those who are willing and able to help in leadership situations.

According to Julien, why is it important to ask for help?

It is important to ask for help because we want to make sure that we are completing tasks as an hotel employee to the highest of standards. The hospitality industry is all about putting the guests first and making sure that they are well satisfied with our services. If we are unsure of how to complete a task, it's important to be humble and ask for the help to make sure that we are doing our jobs right. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's wanting to grow as an employee to be better and learn.

What are some key things to do while prepping for an interview?

It is important to do your research about the company that you are interviewing for. This will help you appear knowledgeable and show that you are highly interested in the position. You should also always prepare questions to ask the recruiter/interviewer. It was suggested that a minimum of three questions should be ready. It is also important to prepare answers to general and basic questions, determine the best place to take the interview, and charge your phone or laptop prior to the interview.

Why is it important to empower your employees?

It is important to empower your employees because it gives them the confidence to make decisions on their own. When your employees feel that they are trusted with the knowledge they have, they are more likely to serve the customer better. Customers will respect your company because the employee did not have to ask their manager for approval for everything they did and if there was a mishap it was fixed appropriately by the employee.

Why is it important to follow the do's and don'ts list for zoom class meetings?

It is important to follow all guidelines, including the do's and don'ts list, because zoom and virtual meetings are the new reality for students and business professionals. Even when the pandemic is over many businesses will still use programs like zoom to have interviews and remote meetings. It is important to follow the zoom guidelines to learn how to be professional for the future.

Why is it important to go outside your comfort zone and have good communication skills as a leader?

It is important to go out of your comfort zone because it helps you grow as a person and learn how to become a better leader. It is important for leaders to have good communication skills and know how to talk to there employees. In class, we talked about communicating between adult to adult not parent to child. Employees tend to lack interest within there job when the leader has poor communications skills treats employees like a "child".

According to Julien Surget, why is it important to have ambitions?

It is important to have ambitions because they are what keep you motivated to be the best worker that you can be. If you are not working towards a goal or ambition, it will be difficult to find the energy to keep going. When you are able to visualize where you want to go in life, you will have a purpose. By setting ambitions for your life, you are effectively setting yourself up for success, no matter what field or career you chose.

Why is it important to have respect for your employees?

It is important to have respect for your employees because they have sacrificed an unknown amount to support you in your goals. They could have came from a very well respected leadership position but saw your potential and decided to leave all that behind and follow you, guided by their respect for you. You should respect them because they respect and support you.

Why is it important to have values and morals as a leader?

It is important to have strong values and morals at your company and as a leader yourself because it helps grow your employees and your company. It helps guide your team in the right direction and helps them build leadership characteristics. Without values and morals in your company there will be no balance, consistency, or respect. Your employees will feel like they can do anything when in fact there needs to be structure and consistency.

Why is wording what you say so important?

It is important to have the correct words and wording for you message to come across clear. If you don't use the right words then your message can be conveyed incorrectly or you could put blame on the person you are talking to unknowingly. It is also important because you want to make sure you sound intellectual. When you are working with a manager or someone who holds a higher title than you making sure you speak correctly is especially important.

Why is it important to keep your previous work experience descriptions between 3 to 5 bullet points?

It is important to keep your previous work experience descriptions between 3 to 5 bullet points because a recruiter is not going to want to spend the time reading thirty resumes, all with long paragraphs of job responsibilities. They want to be able to skim it quickly and see what qualities you have learned from previous jobs that will make you an ideal candidate to be hired by them.

Why is it important to "interview" the owner of the company of the job you wish to work with?

It is important to know what kind of person you would be working for. As Paige said during class, people quit bosses not jobs. You want to make sure that you truly know them before you go and work for them. You need to make sure that your styles work well together so that you can know that before excepting any offer. You do not want to have to force it if both your styles do not work well together.

Why do you think it is important to check yourself for filler words when speaking during an interview?

It is important to make sure you are not using filler words during interviews, because everything you do prior and after to the interview leaves an impression of you for the company. By speaking with filler words, you seem like you did not give yourself enough time to think before speaking. Overall this affects how the interviewer perceives you, giving them the impression that you are unprepared and cannot think on the spot.

Why is it important to not write your references on your resume?

It is important to not write your references on your resume. For example, if you applied for about 20 jobs and you put your references on your resume then, your references could recieve calls all day regarding your work ethic. References will be asked from the potential employer later on. Also, you should always inform your references that they are a reference on your resume. Nobody wants a surprise call and be caught off guard.

Why is it important to respect others?

It is important to respect others because gaining respect is a voluntary action. Regardless of what position a person holds or how much power they have, all people want is to feel respected. As a leader, if you are willing to show that you respect your employees first, you are more likely to receive that respect back. Similar to the golden rule, respect others like how you would want to be respected.

Why is it important to respond to a recruiter?

It is important to respond to an email or phone call because it shows the recruiter that you are in the game. You are constantly giving them impressions of you. When they reach out to you, you need to reply within 48 hours of that contact. You do not want to burn bridges with one recruiter because they all talk so you should respond to them even if it is to tell them you are no longer interested. By doing these two little things, it shows that you are professional and serious about what you're doing which gives good impressions.

Why is it important to respond to emails (48 hrs), phone calls, and text messages in a timely manner?

It is important to respond to people to their means of communication in a timely manner, professional or not, because otherwise you seem like you do not care and are uninterested. It is rude to leave someone waiting for a response and if it is in a professional setting, you are showing them where you have prioritized them. A business or company will not see you are viable candidate for them if their first impressions of you are you ignoring them when they are trying to reach out to you.

Why is it important to step out of your comfort zone in the real world?

It is important to step out of your comfort zone for different reasons. Being able to challenge ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically will allow us to expand our visions beyond what we see and are educated on. It will also help us strengthen our leadership skills when we are put in that position. For example, maybe as a leader, you would have to confront someone about their behavior. Being able to adapt to a different environment by stepping out of our comfort zone is what makes you stand out in the real world.

Why is it important to step out of your comfort zone?

It is important to step out of your comfort zone, so that you can challenge yourself and grow to become a better person/leader in the world. Specifically in Hospitality, it is important to step out of your comfort zone so you can grow as an employee and get a better understanding of all aspects of the industry. You can get a new perspectives of the industry to better yourself as an employee or manager.

With regards to the learning check, why is it important to study from the actual progress knowledge questions and answers?

It is important to study from the actual questions and answers to the progress knowledge questions because during the knowledge check, the questions being asked come right from what other students have written. The answers to the questions may have multiple answers, however to get full points during the knowledge check, your answer needs to be the same as the answer the student gave.

Why is it important to recruit friendly employees as a manager?

It is very important to recruit friendly employees so your work environment is healthy, welcoming, and boosts moral. Not only does it help with the behind the scenes of a business, but it also helps with revenues for your company. If you go into a restaurant with happy welcoming employees, this would make you want to come back. So therefore, with hiring friendly employee's it helps with returning revenues for your business.

Why is it important to not job hop?

It's crucial to not job hop because it makes companies believe that you aren't capable of working in the hospitality industry. At the least, you should stay with a company for three years. It's understandable that in college, you will job hop because, during breaks that we have time to go home, we will find a job there for us. After college, you shouldn't move between different companies because it takes time to move up in any company you work for.

Why is communication alone not enough to clearly demonstrate a leader's vision?

It's important for a leader to clearly communicate their vision to their followers, but it's not simply enough when trying to achieve the vision. It's vital that the leader live their vision through their actions and model appropriate behavior. This is why it's so important that a leader lead by example and practice what they preach because their actions are so influential on their followers.

Why is it important to do research on companies you may work for and what are a few specific things to look for?

It's important to do your research on a company you may work for so that during your interview you have knowledge going into it to reflect good things upon you, but mostly to determine which company has the same sort of values as you and which company functions, manages, and runs in a way that you can work with. A few things to research specifically are their company values, work hours, pay & benefits, whether it's privately held or a public company, manager turnover rate, and even their training programs.

Why should you not talk poorly about former employers and how can you explain why you left a previous company without bashing it?

It's important to never talk poorly about former employers because it creates a bad impression of being negative, deceitful, and not taking accountability. It is better to keep things positive andprofessional whenever possible. In a situation such as being asked why you left your previous company, it is always better to keep it simple and professional than to go into the details, and to reframe what you're looking for as a positive. Good responses include "it wasn't the right fit for me" or "I was looking for a company with/that ___".

Why is it the leaders job to create momentum?

It's the leader's job to create momentum because you need to be passionate about the vision you are trying to achieve and push it on others. You are in the leadership position for a reason; implement the idea you want and encourage others to be passionate about it as well. When everyone is on the same page and feels confident they can achieve the vision, you will create a momentum with everyone. Don't wait for anyone else to create the momentum for you.

Why can being over optimistic when navigating a team be harmful?

It's vital for a leader to understand their own strengthens and weaknesses. A leader mustn't take on challenges where they are over optimistic about their abilities because they may minimize obstacles in the process. If a leader isn't honest with them self in what they can and can't achieve, they will ultimately be blindsided along the way. A leader is in-effective at navigating their team if they don't balance fact and faith when evaluating a situation.

Why is it important for hotels to be adaptable?

It's vital for hotels to be adaptable because the needs and wants of customers are constantly changing as the world's situation evolves. If a hotel refuses to grow and adapt to changing situations, the hotel will be unsuccessful. Drury Hotels was able to adapt to change during the Covid-19 Pandemic through implementing new grab and go style breakfasts, limiting seating available in the lobby and dining areas, and implementing lower room rates for health care workers.

According to Jason Davis of the Old Spaghetti Factory, what are some ways that you can market yourself?

Jason Davis spoke about various ways a student candidate can market themselves while they are searching for a job. The first way is reaching out to recruiters and executives. Even if you are not necessarily interested in working for a specific company, it is always beneficial to speak to recruiters and executives. The next way is joining social organizations. This can either be sororities or clubs or anything that would fall in the category of a social organization. Seeking out professors as mentors is also a great way students can market themselves because professors can really see a students potential and help students to network. The last way a student can market them self is by volunteering within their major.

What are examples of things you should NOT do during an interview?

Kelli Westerdahl spoke in our class this week and gave some helpful tips regarding what you should or should not do during an interview. Some of the things she considers "red flags" would be bashing your former employers, arguing about the position, or trying to multi-task. This is not an exhaustive list, but these are major "do-not's". These behaviors indicate to the recruiter that you may have a tendency to be arrogant, unprepared, or do not care whether or not you get the position you are interviewing for.

In the book "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" , how is it explained to why the Law of Empowerment is a source of motivation?

Law of empowerment is shown as a source of motivation and support because it shows that when a leader is able to empower themselves and those around him. It is said in the book that empowering does show great motivation when one of a group is i the dumps and is struggling with the outcome, but also empowering the followers when one does a task correctly shows the praise. Praise goes such a long way as an empowerment because when we are recognized for our right duty, we want to be able to continue to succeed.

According to the law of magnetism, why do leaders attract those with similar energy levels?

Leaders attract those with similar energy levels because people, in general, like to surround themselves with others who can feed them the same amount of energy. They bounce off each other's energy levels because energy is contagious. Positive and high energy level people stick with those who will put the same amount of work in. Those with low energy don't work well with those that have high energy. They have two different work ethics.

Why is connection so important?

Leaders in the work environment have to be patient, earn respect, and earn trust. Leaders can not expect their employees to respect them and trust them right away. The leaders have to work for respect and trust and to prove themselves to their followers. Being an effective leader involves listening to their employees, connecting with people, and building trust. This is important because you have to connect with people and make them feel safe in the workplace. You have to earn their trust and respect before asking for a hand. Followers will not do their jobs if the leader does not connect with them. But when followers respect their leader, they will be willing to do their jobs, help out, and do more than expected.

What are the three parts to a leader visualizing the larger picture?

Leaders visualizing the larger picture comes with three parts: 1) the mission, 2) the vision, and 3) the strategy. The mission part of visualizing a larger picture provides purpose and is the "why" component. The vision provides a picture and is the "what" component. The strategy when visualizing a larger picture is the actual plan itself, and is the "how" component.

How can you create stronger relations with your followers?

Leaders who have strong relationships with their followers are able to do much more than a broken team or those will loose relationships. Ways to strengthen your relationships are as follow. Get to know all your followers, know their goals and futures and make sure to reach a emotional understanding with each other. Do not just do this once, reconnect everyday or often let them know you are open to communication and be sincere about what you tell them. The biggest thing you could do is to act the way you preach, do not stray from your teachings and punish those who stray with you.

Why can you not lead from your desk?

Leadership is not about telling people what to do, it's about showing them. You must be able to get in the trenches with your team and lead the charge from the front lines. Be visible- your team needs to see that you are willing and able to take any responsibility that is thrown your way and take accountability in any situation. You cannot do these things from behind a desk, because then you become less visible and therefore less credible.

What are qualities of a good leader?

Leadership qualities are attributes that great leaders strive to exhibit and work to grow continuously. Whilst many of these characteristics are innate, with time and practice, others can be taught. When recruiting for management positions, understanding good leadership skills is critical. While the applicant does not demonstrate every possible quality of leadership, they should demonstrate the capacity to improve. A good leader is someone who is open-minded, empathetic, visionary, confident, ethical, truthful, positive, humble, communicative, determined, brave, delegate, accountable, resilient, intimate, disciplined, powerful, loyal, consistent

What are some of the do nots for resumes?

Lying is the first thing that Kelli said that you should not do on your resume. This is important because you do not want to give the company a false idea of who you are. Never use hard to read fonts because the recruiter might not even give your resume a chance. Never copy and paste your job descriptions from the one your company gave you. Lastly, never put, "references available upon request" because that is a given so it does not need to be stated.

What is the difference between the Drury Inn and MHG hotels?

MHG hotels is a franchise. A franchise hotel means the business is allowing others to use their name for their hotel, but they have to pay a fee to the franchise. For example Springhill Suits pays a fee to Marriott. Each hotel is owned by a different person. As for the Drury Inn, they're all owned by one person. The Drury Inn is known as a chain hotel. The Drury Inn is family owned and operated.

What is magnetism in the topic of leadership and how do giftedness and leadership abilities affect the magnetism of a leader?

Magnetism is the ability of a leader to attract followers that will support and help pursue the leader's vision. A leader's magnetism not only determines how many people want to follow him, but also what kinds of people want to follow him. People want to follow someone who is stronger than themselves in both instinctual abilities as well as developed leadership skills. Because of this, when a leader improves in giftedness and leadership, he not only increases the amount of people who want to follow him but also the quality and abilities of the people who want to follow him.

What are some ways to make smart financial decisions?

Making smart financial decisions straight out of college can help you become stable in the long run. Opening a 401K for starters can help you save money right away. Putting in even 10% of your income each year will help boost your savings for retirement. Learning to spend money responsibly is very important. Buying a cheaper apartment in a safe area is better than an expensive one in the big city. Learn to work off of a budget. These small decisions are bound to help you financially over a long period of time.

What is the importance of having a positive attitude and showing enthusiasm during a job interview?

Most companies in the hospitality industry hire for attitude and train for skills. Therefore, showing that you are capable of maintaining a positive and professional attitude during a job interview can help you to secure a position. Enthusiasm for the work will be seen as a desirable attribute and can leave a great impression on the employer.

Why is intuitive thinking the hardest for most individuals to understand?

Most people have a hard time comprehending intuitive thinking because not everyone was born with this ability. Intuitive thinking is trusting one's first instinct or decision very quickly in any situation that presents itself. Individuals who possess this skill are able to read people very easily and make the right call without knowing any of the data information. Intuitive leaders have a talent for being able to correct or improve any work issues.

Why is the idea of treating everyone the same for the sake of "fairness" not true?

Not all people should be treated the same for the sake of fairness because not all people have the same work ethic and desire to grow, and treating people the same is inherently unfair. Some individuals have a greater desire for growth and perform to a higher standard, which is more worthy of the leader investing in them, acknowledging them, and rewarding them.

Why is it important to take advantage of opportunities that are presented to you?

On Monday, guest speaker Hunter Carmichael discussed the importance of taking advantage of opportunities presented to you. He mentioned that amidst COVID-19, he offered jobs to seniors graduating from the HRM program. He was only able to hire one student because he didn't get many responses. That is a missed opportunity for those seniors, because they had the chance to work for MHG hotels and get more valuable experience in the industry. They also missed the opportunity to learn how to deal with the pandemic in the hospitality industry, which is very useful knowledge, but they chose not to.

What are some ways to find out what you do not know?

One key aspect of management is finding out where you can grow and responding to this accordingly. In order to find out these areas and identify those with which you struggle the most, the book suggests that you read management books and attend seminars and online lectures. These will help to provide examples to learn from and will help to shape who you are as a leader and manager.

What is one major takeaway a person can acquire from the concept of One Minute Praisings?

One major takeaway when it comes to One Minute Praisings is that people will find it easier to do better work when a manager can provide them with clear and specific feedback. Without clear feedback, employees may become frustrated and confused on what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. This can greatly affect their work ethic and work satisfaction. The best thing a manager can do is give feedback when needed as soon as possible, that way there is no confusion on an employees part.

What is PPP Funding and what is its relevance to what has been going on in the world?

PPP Funding is a Payroll Protection Plan. This funding is a government loan that provided businesses the opportunity to be able to remain paying their employees through the pandemic of COVID-19. The Payroll Protection Plan was a forgiveness loan so long as the organization met the requirements, such as rehiring the employees who were laid off as a result of the crisis. If the loan was not entirely forgivable, interests rates were low, payments were deferred, and additional fees were not charged.

According to Paige, how are future leaders fostered?

Paige said that although most companies have some kind of leadership training and mentor program, a true leader is in charge of fostering themselves. They should never expect others to make them a leader and they need to remember than nothing substitutes life experience. A leader needs to go out and seek opportunities in order to train and learn how to become better leaders.

Why you should reflect on failure and how?

Past experiences are a very valuable tool in becoming a better leader, even failure can be very useful to growth. you should consider what these failures were and why they occurred. Understanding why a mistake was made will aid you in avoiding it next time. This doesn't mean you should dwell, the key here is to aknowledge and move forward by practice reflective thinking.

What is one characteristic that many individuals struggle with and why is it important to learn this as an individual?

People struggle with accountability in general, either being accountable or holding others accountable, because everyone wants everyone else to be held accountable but does not enjoy being held accountable themselves. Many people also think accountability and conflict are bad and are scared of it, but it's really the best way to encourage growth and positive change. If you can hold yourself accountable in everything you do, even when nobody is looking, you become incredibly valuable. It is important to learn to hold yourself accountable so that you can be a more valuable employee and hold others accountable.

Why is the Law of Legacy important?

The Law of Legacy is important because it adds value to others lives. Legacy is the impact that you leave on others lives and important messages that you taught them that they will carry through life with them. Those who have been impacted by your legacy will continue to pass it on to others that come across in their life.

What is the power of positive thinking?

Positive thinking has more control and power over your life than you may think. Changing the way you think from negative thoughts into positive thoughts helps create you to feel more secure in life. When you change the way you think, you will change the outcome in your life. You will takeaway all the negative and create them into positive. Once this transition happens, you will have a change in attitude and you will attract more positive people into your life. Once you radiate positivity people will be attracted to you which will allow for more opportunities.

What are praise coupons and why are they important?

Praise coupons are extra points handed out by Professor Cauvin to students for answering a question correctly or adding something valuable to a discussion. They are important because professors can point out the mistakes their students make or what they did wrong and forget to point out the good. Praise coupons catch people doing things right. It lets students know that their input is appreciated and that they are on the right track in their learning. It boosts moral and keeps students engaged in the conversation.

What is it important to be professional?

Professionalism is important because it can take you far in your career. A professional work place attitude and appearance allows employees to take pride in their work and it also improves their work performance. A leader that behave professionally set standards and sets appropriate examples. They are encouraging the people they are leading to care about themselves in a manner that can support the company.

Why it's important to practice professionalism?

Professionalism is important to practice because any employer looking to hire you is going look at the way you present yourself. Being professional isn't just the way you dress; it's the way you act as well. Practicing a professional mindset every day will set a good habit for yourself in the future. Professionalism includes having time management, respecting your peers, and being on top of your schoolwork.

How did Professor Cauvin relate goals to dreams and why is the difference important?

Professor Cauvin explained that a goal without a deadline is a dream. This comparison is important because there must be consequences otherwise nothing will be done. If there is not a deadline and there are no consequences to not meeting the set expectations, there will be no motivation to complete the goal; you must set milestones to hit in order to actively be moving forward in working toward completing the goal.

According to Professor Cauvin, what does RESPECT stand for and why is it important to not center our behaviors around the acronyms RESPECT?

R stands for rude, reprimand, rash, and reckless. E stands for entitled. S stands for superficial, stubborn, self-centered. P stands for passive aggressive behavior. E stands for egotistical. C stands for condescending - controlling. T stands for temperamental ( mood swings-unpredictable). It's important not to center our behavior around the acronyms RESPECT because it will lead us to become a poor leader, team worker, and an employee in the industry. RESPECT is essentially all behaviors that will hurt the customer satisfaction in all restaurants, hotels, and other businesses. Being a RESPECT leader will risk the company reputation in the long run.

Why is it important to look at quizzes like a learning checks?

Rather than looking at these check ins as a quiz or test, we should be thinking of them as a learning check. This is important to think of these like this because it makes you understand that quizzes are not meant to trick you or trip you up. They are meant to see where you are with the material and what you have retained.

Why might recruiters be more willing to hire recent graduates during difficult times?

Recruiters are more willing to take on graduates during difficult times because they bring a new, fresh, perspective to the work place environment. Graduates are enthusiastic about their future and can provide a positive outlook to the organization. It's important that graduates keep in mind the importance of adaptability and the humility to be willing to learn. There's much to be learned for when facing adversity.

Why is respect so important

Respect is so important when you're in a leadership position. It means that people understand why you're the leader and what you've done to get there. Respect is something that is earned and can not be bought. Respect also goes both ways in a relationship. If you earn someone's respect then they should earn your respect as well. Since respect goes both ways, it shows everyone that you in a leadership position do not look down at people and you can be on the same levels as others.

Can you buy respect?

Respect is something that is earned and not just given out. As a leader, you should respect those around you if you want to receive it in return. Many individuals will leave a workplace if their boss or manager does not treat them with respect. In my opinion, I believe that respect is the number one aspect that keeps a business up and running successfully.

Why is it important to have a LinkedIn profile?

Resumes are the main source of information for an employer to get to know you. However, with technology's growth, many employers are beginning to check LinkedIn and other employment oriented websites over resumes. LinkedIn is a great platform for you to add things that you can't necessarily fit into your resume, such as a profile picture or other important skill sets. It is important to keep up with your profile and add new things continuously so that you and other employers are up to date with your jobs, schooling and skills. It is also a good way for people to network.

What is are SMART goals and why is it important to utilize them?

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for a type of goal-setting that aims to create clear and helpful goals. S stands for Specific, M for Measurable, A for Attainable, R for Relevant and T for Time-bound. These criteria allow goal-setters to have a clear and definitive vision. It is important for managers to use these criteria because without them, employees may lack direction and are far less likely to meet the goal. Managers that utilize SMART goals are able to clearly express expectations, and allow for employees to work more autonomously.

Sarah works for Wolf Cola. One night, instead of her writing her closing report, Sarah decides to go home and watch IASIP. When questioned by the bosses the next day, Sarah lies and blames her mistake on another employee. The bosses catch her in a lie and fire her. For what reason was Sarah fired?

Sarah was fired due to her loss of integrity. The bosses caught her lying and trying to blame her mistake on another employee, resulting in their loss of trust for Sarah. Without Sarah's integrity, there was no way the bosses could trust that she would not try to lie again. She agreed that she would submit the form nightly when she was given the job, and since she did not honor her word, her integrity and trust was lost to the bosses. This is why Sarah was fired.

Why should a manager set clear expectations from the beginning?

Setting up obtainable and realistic expectations is a very crucial aspect to get your team all on the same page. Without having these goals that they should maintain, they wont know how well they are doing. Being clear from the beginning sets a precedence rather than being unreasonable later on. Along those lines, if you try to be lenient and then later have high expectations they may fail because they were not set up for success.

Why is it important to have both soft and hard skills to succeed in hospitality?

Skills that are cultivated through school or hobbies are often referred to as hard skills and although they are crucial, they should not be the only focus when trying to develop your experience and resume. It is important not overlook skills that aid in building trust with others, also known as soft skills. These skills are developed though communication and in the hospitality industry they can often be key to ensuring success. When you work with people you must be able to create trust and to listen to not only customers but also employees to ensure a smooth running workplace.

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills and which ones are more important to know?

Soft skills are skills that you have potentially already acquired in life, for example, having a good personality. Hard skills are acquired by learning how to use technical applications like excel. Soft skills are very important for success in the workplace, but leaders are more impressed by an employee when they can preform better than other employees by applying their hard skills. Learning hard skills is more important and a great investment in yourself.

What are some good opportunities to take advantage of in college and how will they make you stand out?

Some good things to do now to make opportunities for yourself are checking NAU HRM's social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook. Another thing you can do is check Suzanne Taylor's emails for new opportunities. This is important to do because it will allow you to find out about new jobs, volunteer opportunities, and potential employers you did not know about originally. This will also give you an advantage over other students because many students will not take advantage of these opportunities, and it will give you a leg up over the other students you are competing with for jobs.

According to Hunter Carmicheal, what were some of the cost-saving principle that he put into effect in his hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic

Some of the cost saving principles that he put into his hotels included closing down certain floors, closing all restaurants, reducing trash pick-up, turning AC off unless the temperature went under 50 degrees. They also would mow the lawn themselves, the top managers would be working the front desk and no longer served breakfast in the mornings. This way the hotel's were able to stay open and generate some kind of revenue through selling rooms.

What is the difference between a traditional and servant leader?

Some of the traits of a traditional leader are that they only care about themselves, they like to over control and have power over the organization, and they believe that leadership is about rank. Traditional leaders are usually only worried about their success and not the success of others. A servant leader listens to their employees, serves others before themselves, and measures the success and growth of the whole organization. We should always strive to be servant leaders because when you put your employees first, your business will be more successful.

What are the four scenarios of buy-in and their end results?

The Four scenarios of buy-in are what followers buy-into and what results after. First two scenarios are buying into only vision or not buying into either vision or leader. Those who follow this situation find new leaders. Next, we have the ones who buy-into the leader but not the vision. Here the vision will change, either the leader changes his vision's or the followers change their visions. Last and the strongest is when followers buy-into both leader and vision. In this situation the leader is supported to the highest degree with the most loyal followers.

Why are standards non-negotiable?

Standards should be set in stone to be upheld by both leaders and followers. If you allow too many exceptions for the standards, employees will believe that you do Not truly care about them enough to uphold them. They may also think that you would rather avoid dealing with crucial performance issues. If these standards aren't enforced then what would lead them to believe the company has standards in the first place. Too much lenience leads to the loss of respect from employees who will be under the impression you don't have guts to confront them.

What is synchronous learning, including its advantages, and why is it important to understand?

Synchronous learning is learning that happens in real time, which is the opposite of asynchronous learning that allows students to learn by reviewing materials on their own time and at their own pace. In the case of this class, synchronous learning happens through zoom at a set time every week. This is important to understand because attendance is mandatory and necessary for success in our course. Advantages to synchronous learning include increased classroom engagement, a dynamic learning experience, and greater instructional depth.

What do testimonials do for you as a consumer or as a business?

Testimonials are useful remarks on the services of a business or quality of a good. As a consumer when we look into testimonials they tell us what we are dealing with and make sure we are getting quality out of what we pay. This leads me to being the business, as a business testimonials are your life line. If you have bad comments are your services or goods your target market may act negatively. This could lead to sales falling, which then lead to job cuts or lower maintenance being held.

What are the 6 aspects of The Law of Respect, which Malia covered?

The 6 aspects that Malia covered were 1) Natural Leadership Ability, 2) Respect for Others, 3) Courage, 4) Success, 5) Loyalty, and 6) Adding Values to Others. When it comes to natural leadership ability, leaders aren't created equal, but having natural leadership is an advantage. Respect is voluntary but everyone wants to be respected- follow the Golden Rule. Courage refers to doing what is right at the risk of failing. Success is attractive and people respect others accomplishments. Loyalty is less common today, which caused it to turn into a great asset. Adding values to others is the most important.

How has the pandemic changed the expectations of travelers when they go to a hotel?

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the world of tourism. With so much uncertainty about how the virus travels hotels have a large responsibility to their guests to ensure they are safe while on property of a hotel. During the pandemic hotels offer fewer amenities which guests have come to expect in the past. MHG Hotels stopped serving breakfast, closed on property restaurants and stopped ordering newspapers. The COVID-19 pandemic has switched the hospitality industry from service to survival.

What does FEAR stand for and how can we apply it to our daily lives?

The FEAR acronym stands for Face Everything And Run. This means that in any time in our lives we are going to be faced with many different options that might intimidate us. Using FEAR enables us to choose the option that scares us and puts us out of our comfort zone. This is important to do because if we always stay where we are comfortable, we will never have the opportunity to grow and achieve our life's goals.

How does the Law of Magnetism factor in to what kind of people you attract?

The Law of Magnetism applies the saying "birds of a feather flock together" to business and leadership. It means that people with similar attitudes, experiences, values, and other characteristics will naturally gravitate towards similar leaders. This means that if you are only attracting team members who are underperforming or do not meet your expectations, then it is a good indicator that your leadership style would benefit from some introspection. Like attracts like, and if you strive to be the best quality person and team member, then strong employees will want to follow you.

What are the three components of the Law of Victory and why are they so important?

The Law of Victory states that for a team to successful, they need to have a unity of vision, a diversity of skills, and a leader that is dedicated to the success of the team. A unity of vision will allow the team to work toward the same goal, a diversity of skills will allow them to use their strengths, and a focused leader will help to guide the team to success in their goal.

What is the "Touch of Midas" and how can we utilize it as a life strategy?

The Midas touch is one in mythology that focus on creating wealth, and focusing our goals on the materialistic. When used in ethics we change our goals of materials to that of value. With the Touch of Midas we strive to create value for others and ourselves. The focus is on people and how we can add value to their lives. Just like Midas gained wealth through material, he lost his relationships and ended up worst off. We will add value to ourselves, build relationships, and gain wealth for the value you we offer.

According to Jason Davis, what are some Manager benefits The Old Spaghetti Factory provides?

The Old Spaghetti Factory provides many benefits for their current managers. This includes, 401K, bonus program, a Verizon discount, one Saturday off per quarter, a meal program, vacation time, and two vacation days are granted upon completion of training. It is important for companies to offer benefits to managers because it shows them that the company is not only invested in their overall health but their future.

What is the Pareto Principle and why should we incorporate that when you become a leader?

The Pareto Principle states that if you focus your attention on the top 20% in terms of importance, you will have an 80% return on that effort. This is an importance principle to incorporate when you become a leader because you have to focus on your priorities and what tasks are the most important to get done. You will also achieve more if you are focusing on the top 20% instead of trying to focus on things that may not be that important.

What does the Loss of Respect mean?

The R stands for rude, reprimand, rash, and reckless. The E is for entitled. The S is for superficial, stubborn, self-centered. The P is for passive aggressive behavior. The other E is for egotistical. The C is for condescending and controlling. The T is for temperamental. People want to know their manager or boss will be responsible and make the best decisions when it is needed. If managers make reckless decisions or act in a passive aggressive manner because they feel entitled, it can negatively affect their people and in the end change their view of their leader.

What is the best process to use when forming your inner circle?

The best process to use when forming your inner circle is to identify, cultivate, and recruit. This means recognizing the individuals who have potential around you, investing in them and their development, and then extending the invitation to join your inner circle. However, a leader must be careful to recruit only after evaluating inner circle candidates with the seven evaluation questions mentioned in the book.

Hunter Carmicheal has worked many U.S. crisis, What is the Crisis he deemed 10 times harder and why?

The crisis Hunter deemed 10 times harder is the Current Covid pandemic. This has been a struggling pandemic because it affects the hospitality industry financially, affects their service, and policies for employees and guests. When it comes to service the hospitality industry had to cut number of employees and cut the amount of guest they can allow in the hotel. Many management companies, such as Hunter's had to close hotels, transferring guest to another hotel. When it comes to policy he spoke on the struggle with employees and guest keeping their masks on, also Covid positive guest staying insid

What is the cycle of power and what does it include?

The cycle of power is the cycle that people who have gained power tend to follow and get stuck in. The cycle of power is made to show the negative consequences of power and why it is dangerous to seek more than one already has or is ready for. The cycle of power includes, (1). The actual reception of the power. (2). The abuse of the power, and (3). The loss of the power.

What are the eight ways a person can strengthen character in order to be able to pursue golden opportunities?

The eight ways that a person can strengthen their character so they are more prepared and can more easily pursue golden opportunities are as follows. (1). Taking responsibility for your actions. (2). Developing personal discipline. (3). Knowing your weaknesses. (4). Aligning your priorities with your values. (5). Admitting wrongdoings and asking for forgiveness quickly. (6). Taking extra care with your finances. (7). Putting your family ahead of your work; and (8). Placing high value on other people. By following these, a person will strengthen their character and as a result be more prepared for golden opportunities. MINE: A person can build character by holding themselves responsible for what they do, building personal discipline, being aware of their own shortcomings so they can improve or find people with complimenting strengths, ensuring that their values match up with their values, being willing to recognize and confess when they make a mistake as well as ask forgiveness from who they wronged, handling their personal finances wisely, prioritizing family above their work or career, and genuinely valuing those around them. This not only builds integrity, but ultimately enables them to be more successful.

According to The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, what are four habits that top performers have?

The first habit that performers possess is that they have a morning routine everyday, no matter how short it is. The second habit is they do then think after to evaluate. Sometimes people over think themselves so much it turns into procrastination. The third habit is they fit fitness into their busy schedules, and the last habit top performers have is that they follow their scripted day even if they do not feel like doing it.

What are the 6 things that people want from their manager?

The first is they want to be valued, so that they know their manager actually cares about them. The second is they want to be appreciated, this gives the employee motivation to keep working hard. The third is they want to be trusted, this helps the employee make decisions on their own. The forth is they want to be respected, this is important because everyone needs to respect each other. The fifth is they want to be understood, this makes them feel included and not alone. And the sixth is they do not want to be taken advantage of.

What are the 4 possible results when a leader makes a decision at a given time?

The first possibility when a leader chooses to act is when they make the wrong decision at the wrong time. This ends up in disaster and will cause your employees to lose faith in your leadership ability. The second possibility is the right decision at the wrong time, this will cause your employees to resist the change and think that you are not considering them. The third possibility is the wrong decision at the right time, which is a mistake. The fourth possibility is the right decision at the right time, and this will almost always result in success.

What are the reasons behind why we make unethical decisions?

The first reason is that we do what is the most convenient for us. When it is easier for someone to make an unethical decision than it is to make an ethical one, people will choose to be unethical for the sake of convenience. The second is that we do what we must to win. Leaders always do whatever they need to do to win and unfortunately sometimes those behaviors are unethical. And the third is we rationalize our choices with relativism.

According to Juilen, what are the four ways to set ourselves up for success?

The first step is to make sure you have real life experience. Many students in todays work force do not have the right real life experience to have strong professional standards. The second is to have a plan and goals. This is also making sure you have humility because without it then you won't be able to achieve things. The third is to accept that you have to learn. Many people think that they know everything which is not the case and they need growth. Lastly is to be smart about what you are doing with jobs.

What are some ways that you can have a "Positive Influence" on your team?

The first step is to work your way up to a position that suits your skill set and leadership level. Once you have reached this title, you must push yourself to improve just like you do with your team. It is important to lead from the front and take risks. As a leader, setting a good example through actions is crucial when managing a team. Your team will always be watching and looking at you for advice/help. Even if you're not the best leader, always strive to be by analyzing situations, maximizing resources, thinking under pressure, and leading by example.

What is pareto principle?

This rule comes from the fact that 80% of results come from 20% effort. This rule is important because if you don't put in the effort then you will not be able to get the results you are looking for. These rules will also apply to how you prioritize your life. It is important to make sure you are putting the most important things first.

How can you apply the law of buy in into your life?

The first way that you can apply the law of buy in is buy making a vison statement. This can be done in both your personal and professional life, as a way to set a goal of what you would like to achieve. The next thing you can do it try to rate each employee on how much they will buy into you and your vison. This helps you understand what else you can do to improve. Lastly, you should try to think of ways that you can gain trust and credibility from your employees.

How can you apply the law of navigation to everyday life?

The first way that you can apply the law of navigation to your life is to regularly reflect on both positive and negative experiences that you have had. Reflecting on your past is a great way to see how you can improve in the future. Another thing that you can do is to make sure that you do your homework when you are assigned a task or project. This is important because it will help you be prepared in advance for the project. Lastly you should figure out which way you lean, faith or fact.

According to the law of the lid, what are three ways to see your leadership?

The first way to see or measure your leadership abilities in action is to look at your ability to set goals. The second way is to do an honest self evaluation of how you think your leadership skills are personally, and the third way to see your leadership abilities is by asking others to honestly evaluate and give feedback on your leadership. The people around you might mention things you hadn't noticed yourself.

Under the Law of Process, what are ways to take initiative in becoming a better leader?

The first way to take initiative is by investing in your brain. If you aspire to be a great leader, reading new books on leadership, attending seminars, and constantly educating yourself will allow you to be a better leader. Secondly, it takes time, take each day to learn something new about your leadership style. This is done by looking back at your mistakes and learning from them. Lastly, never rush into leadership, take time to develop and grow.

What are the five factors that tarnish the golden rule?

The five factors the tarnish the golden rule are pressure, power, pleasure, pride, and priorities. -Pressure is what people put on you and can make it harder for you to feel ethical. -Power is a common issue of being ethical. There needs to be check and balances so you don't abuse your power -Pleasure is what we want to that makes us feel good. -Pride makes us competitive. It can create conflict between people. -Priorities is what pushes us towards our goal. Without priorities, you don't know what it is you're working on.

What are the four habits of top performers?

The four habits that top performers have help them in achieving success every day. The first habit is to have a morning routine that you follow every day. The second is when you do something, you should think about it afterward and then evaluate it. Most people overthink things and then procrastinate, so that is what you want to avoid. Third is adding fitness to your schedule. And fourth is to follow a scripted day even if you don't feel up to it.

How can "first impressions" make or break a guest's experience?

The hospitality industry is all about guest experience. To ensure your guest receives the best possible experience, you as a property must prioritize and provide a positive first impression. First impressions are everything to a guest. A good first impression can make the guest feel comfortable and happy to be staying at said property. An individualized first impression starts right when the guest enters the property. Even small details involving landscaping can ruin a guest's opinion of the property. If a guest has a bad experience with checking in, for example, their impression of the property is already skewed, and they will be on the lookout for more negative aspects rather than positive. Negative first impressions leave guests feeling unwelcome, unwanted and unimportant. This will result, more likely than not, in negative reviews for that property which can affect future profit. Good first impressions can result in positive reviews, growth of profit, loyalty members and high ratings on travel sites. Therefore, it is best to train your employees to be kind, smile and provide a positive first impression.

Why is being flexible so important in the hospitality industry?

The hospitality industry is constantly changing so it is crucial to get your foot in the door as soon as possible. As a young college graduate, you have zero negotiating power when discussing your position and location you will be traveling to. Personally, I will sacrifice my personal life in order to land a job when one presents itself. Being flexible and going with the flow is what recruiters look for so I will gladly do so in order to be where i see myself in the future.

What is the message and the importance behind "what you say and what you do is the same"?

The importance behind this message is to highlight the significance of having integrity in all that you do. In any leadership role being ethically honest and truthful is one of the most important qualities to have. A great leader has the ability to set standards and goals for their team and they themselves follow them as well. Through this a leader is able to earn the trust of their team and foster better relationships built on integrity and trust.

What is the importance of good communication within the hospitality industry and what advantages does it offer?

The importance of communication within the hospitality industry is that you have a deeper understanding and a deeper connection with whom you are speaking to. It creates a better relationship with someone, whether it is a fellow employee or a guest, therefore both sides feel more comfortable and secure in asking questions or seeking advice. The advantages that good communications offer is that you will feel more comfortable around your co-workers and you will gain experience handling new professional experiences and learn how to show off what you know about the hospitality industry.

What is the Law of legacy and why is it so important?

The law of legacy states that a leader's lasting value is measured by succession. Your legacy is what you leave behind for generations after you. It is important because you can start living your legacy any day such as today. As a leader you will add values to others. Living your legacy is like serving a life sentence. You make a statement summarizing your goals and purpose of your life. It sets the direction of the life you want to live and you will live your life behind the bars of your gaols and purposes.

According to the law of solid ground, why is trust so important for a leader to have and how can they build trust?

The law of solid ground says that trust is important for followers and leaders to have. A leader will be ineffective if they do not have the trust of their followers. One way to build trust is to do what you mean and mean what you do. If a leader only tells their followers what to do and does not give them an example or prove that the leader knows what they are doing then they will not retain any followers. For your followers to trust you, you as a leader must have integrity and character.

What is the key element that help a leader chose the right time to act?

The leader must be understanding, mature, confident, decisive, experienced, and prepared. Being a understanding leader is someone who fully comprehends the situation, a mature leader is someone who have pure motives, a confident leader is someone who is secure in their actions, a decisive leader is someone who is definite on there actions, an experienced leader is someone who has a repertoire of success, a leader with intuition is someone who has an unconscious ability to work through any situations, a prepared leader is someone who creates ideal conditions for the decision they choose.

According to Page, what can you do to decide which is the best path to go down in your career?

The main thing Page touches on is trusting your gut. There is something to consider when things fall into place and the process feels easy. Another important factor she touches on is chemistry. It is important that your values line up with company and you feel that you will be able to work well with those involved. The last thing Page mentioned was to research research research. Ask as many questions as you can think of, find someone who already works there and ask to hear their opinions. It is important to make sure you know what you are getting yourself into and who you are working for.

What is the meaning behind the quote "failure is not the opposite of success, but a stepping stone to success"?

The meaning behind this quote is that in order to succeed in your endeavors, you must fail sometimes. Failure teaches you how to bounce back from bad situations and learn from them. Your failure only helps you grow. Everyone must fail at something to understand what it feels like to lose. This will make winning feel all the better in the end.

What is the most Important part of your resume?

The most important part of your resume is the first 1/2 of the resume. This is a section where you most valuable selling points are located. These points may consist of past work experiences, Education, and accomplishments that all pertain to your desired position. A typical recruiter will only spend about 30 seconds per resume during reviews. With only 30 seconds of a recruiters time, means you first should be eye catching and illustrate your strongest values to the position and company.

As a leader, what is one of the most important qualities you can have under the Law of Intuition?

The most important quality you can have as a leader under this law is to be a reader. This not only means educating yourself through reading books to work on your personal growth. It also means learning to read trends in the industry, learning to read people, and learning to read into situations. This quality is very important because it allows you to stay one step ahead of others to continue to a great leader for your followers.

As a leader, what is one of the most important qualities you can have under the Law of Tuition?

The most important quality you can have as a leader under this law is to be a reader. This not only means educating yourself through reading books to work on your personal growth. It also means learning to read trends in the industry, learning to read people, and learning to read into situations. This quality is very important because it allows you to stay one step ahead of others to continue to be a great leader for your followers.

What is the #1 thing an interviewer is looking for in an interview?

The most important thing an interviewer is looking for in an interview is the potential of the individual. Because of this, you should remember that you are essentially selling yourself in an interview, from showing off your personality and attitude to showing off what you've achieved as a professional. Your main goal in the interview should be selling yourself and showing off your potential to help the interviewer see how valuable you would be to them if given the opportunity.

According to Jason Davis, why did the original owner of Old Spaghetti Factory decide to pasta was the best product to sell?

The original owner of OSF decided when creating his company to sell pasta because of the extremely low food cost to make. The food cost was between 19-22% which helped him keep a profit because he was not spending all his money on ingredients for his dishes. Instead he had more freedom to expand the restaurant, and it was an amazing idea because now there are Old Spaghetti Factories all across the United States.

Why is it important that your actions are speaking louder than words in the professional career?

The phrase action speak louder than words are especially important in the professional world. This is because you would want to make sure that you aren't making false promises or speaking bigger than the accomplishments that are able to be made. When one says a task will be completed, it must be completed. When gaining trust from people, they would more likely need to see how you behave and act before they are able to trust you as a leader, navigator, or a fellow coworker.

How can you apologize professionally when you make a mistake at work?

The professional way to apologize when you make a mistake is to take accountability, make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable, and to provide a solution to the issue. You can take accountability by using specific language. Simply saying, "I'm sorry" comes off as dismissive. An acceptable apology that acknowledges that you take accountability would be, "I apologize." It is important to acknowledge that there is no excuse for your mistake; it can help assure your supervisor that you are taking the matter seriously. Lastly, provide a solution to your issue to make sure it won't happen again.

How is the quote "If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late" applicable in future careers?

The quote discussed in Wednesday's class, "If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late" by Vince Lombardi is a great quote to keep in mind at any point in your career. When you are early, it shows you are prepared and ready to tackle whatever problems may arise throughout the day. As a manager, it is even more important because your timeliness and preparedness will make an impact on your employees, and they will start arriving earlier as well, creating a more productive work environment overall.

Can you buy respect from other people?

The reality is, no one can buy respect for other people. Money does not give us respect, trust, or any of that. We have to give ourselves that constant reminder that respect is something that is earned. We receive respect from others and we give respect to them. It's a two way street and without it being both ways, it's not respect. Just because we hand someone money does not guarantee you to receive the respect you deserve or want.

What are the three main components that help make a leader and their team successful?

The three main components that help make a leader and their team successful are, having a unity of vision, having a diverse group of skills, and helping people to reach their highest potential. Having a diverse group of skills in the team is important because everyone in the team needs to be able to contribute something that differs from the others. A person that exhibits the same skills of another person in the group is basically useless. Everyone on the team needs to embody the separate skills required for success, not the same skills. Lastly, helping people reach their highest potential is important because it will instill the same passion and motivation in success as the leader

Across All Three Books What is One Trait Discussed?

The trait that I have in mind is Trust. In all three books trust is and being trust able is a key factor to being a manager, a leader, and an ethical person. All the decisions we make in each affect our team and the people we meant to inspire and motivate. Our actions to be unethical, disrespectful, or ignore their hard work affect how they trust us. When are teams do not trust us it is hard for us to motivate or inspire them to work. They start to become lazy, energy falls, and their negative enthusiasm spreads soon we are at a halt.

According to The New One Minute Manager, what are the 2 main types of managers and how do they affect their organizations and people?

The two main types of managers are autocratic managers and democratic managers. The difference between the two types of managers is that while autocratic managers are in leadership positions their organizations win and their people lose, and for democratic managers who are in a leadership position their organizations lose while their people win. There is a third type of manager that is not the most common, and it is one who organizations win and their people.

What are 3 components for a team to be successful?

There are 3 essential elements that lead to a teams success and should be followed in order to achieve the best results. Unity of vision, which allows everyone to be on the same page, without this no one will know how to handle the situation and all do different things. Diverse skills encourages unique perspectives to be developed and balance out the team. Lifting others up leads to a more positive work environment where employees feel confident in themselves and their abilities.

How to adopt the Golden Rule as an integrity guideline for your life?

There are a couple ways you can adopt the Golden rule as a integrity guideline for your life. First, you need to live life with a meaning, which requires a principle to live by. Second, the Golden rule can work in any aspect in your life. Third, think of yourself and others on how you would like to be treated. And lastly, never feel bad for doing what is right.

What interations with an employer is considered a test?

There are a few interactions that employers look for that not too many people realize. Theses include, the emails you send to each other, phones calls, text messages, voice mail greeting's and voice mail messages, and the format of your email address. These are all so important because you always want to be professional in any setting. Employers are not supposed to be friend's especially with the first interactions. It is best to always treat your employers with respect and in a professional matter.

Why is it important to have good communication skills and know what words to use?

There are different management styles such as being poor or a good leader. As a leader it is important to communicate with your staff because it allows employees to understand their tasks and it reduces confusion. Demonstrating and being clear about each task is critical to employees success. It is important to understand what words you use because giving excuses and "losing" is unacceptable because you are choosing to not be a good leader.

What are the five phases of leadership growth according to The Law of Process?

There are five phases of leadership growth mentioned in The Law of Process chapter that was presented by Thomas. Phase one is I don't know what I don't know. Phase two is I know that I need to know. Phase three is I know what I don't know. Phase four is I know and grow, and it starts to show. Phase five is I simply go because of what I know. These show the steps to becoming a leader, and they remind you that becoming a leader is a process, and that you don't become a leader overnight.

What are some ways that a leader can empower their followers?

There are many ways a leader can empower their followers. Some of these ways include a leader just simply believing in their followers. If their followers feel this belief in them, they will start believing in themselves. Another way is giving away their power and authority. When a leader gives away their power and authority they are providing opportunities for their followers to rise to the occasion and challenge. This gives their followers more responsibility and accountability.

What are some ways to create positive influence as a leader?

There are many ways to create positive influence as a leader. You can push yourself and your team to succeed, you can lead effectively and take smart risks, and you have to always aspire to be a better leader. You can aspire to be a better leader by analyzing situations thoroughly, maximizing your resources, thinking under pressure, and leading by example.

What are the three codes that are going to be used in class and when will they be used?

There are three codes that we will need to be using in our emails from now on. Code 1 emails or information is both urgent and important, such as an error on an assignment that is due the next day. Code 2 is important, but not urgent, so a question about an assignment that isn't due for another week. Code 3 is neither urgent or important, for example, a general inquiry about the class or other opportunities that the class has but do not require.

What are the three reasons people make unethical choices?

There are three reasons why people make unethical choices and they are due to what is most convenient to them, which is going to be the easiest, and what can make someone win. When people make these three choices, they are not a team player. They are only looking to better themselves instead of making a team better. The convenience aspect is because they are lazy and not wanting to work for it, what comes easy is what most people want because they don't want to work hard for something, lastly, everyone wants to do better than everyone else.

According to the Law of Navigation, how can you ensure you have enough time to reflect on your past experiences?

There are two options, the first is to block out a half an hour once a week in your schedule. The second is to block out meetings or other big events 10 minutes longer then expected. Both options give you uninterrupted time to fully digest and reflect on big events or decisions you might have been involved in. Make sure to write down the conclusions you come to in order to help you learn from those experiences.

Why is it important to continuously grow and check your development as a leader?

This concept of checking your growth as a leader is important to be doing frequently, because you need to be making sure that you are being the best person your followers need as much as you possibly can. You as a leader need to make sure that you are still leading your team in the right direction and are continuously supporting them.

What is the importance of the law of timing?

This is about taking the right action at the right time. By being able to do this means that you have maturated as a leader and that you know the ins and outs. There are however consequences, if you take the wrong action at the wrong time it will be a disaster while if you have the right action and the right time it will be a success. There are two in between with the right action and the wrong time to be resistance and the other is the wrong action at the right time is a mistake.

What does the phrase "You cannot turn a mule into a race horse" mean?

This phrase means that there are people who are just not cut out to do certain things; such as leadership. There are people who will find it very difficult to be motivated to be a superstar, and will never rise to the occasion. On the other hand, people who naturally lead will never stoop down to a level of adequacy, they will always be leaders.

What does Paige's quote "Grow where you are planted," mean what does it have to do with your career?

This quote means that you should always try your best no matter where you are in life. This relates to your career because, eventually, you will end up in a place, location, or position which is less than optimal for you. Yet if you work your hardest, you can still take away valuable information from your current position and could even gain new connections that will help you get to where you want to be in your career. Showing your determination shows others the value of you through the Law of the Process.

How is the quote "A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." significant?

This quote represents a meaningful and important message to anyone seeking to be a good leader. You will know you have done your job when the people under you do not need you consistently to help them anymore. Your goal is to give your people all the necessary knowledge they need to do their job themselves. They should have the confidence to make decisions on their own without asking you and they should feel empowered to take on rigorous tasks. This should be the goal of all leaders.

What are three important factors of presenting, and how can they make your presentation better?

Three key factor when presenting are voice projection, eye contact, and not reading your information straight off your power points. if you have strong eye contact with your audience, they will feel more engaged and connected to you. If you project your voice everyone will be able to hear you. Always remember to talk to the back of the room when presenting. Finally, when presenting it can be difficult to keep your eyes off your own presentation. Working on eye contact and practicing your presentation before hand will help you grow in this area as well.

What are three scenarios that leaders could find themselves in by not following The Law Of Timing?

Three scenarios that leaders could find themselves in if they do not properly follow The Law Of Timing are as follows. (1). A leader could make the right action at the wrong time. This can lead to resistance from a leader's followers. (2). A leader could make the wrong action at the right time. This is also known as making a mistake that doesn't have detrimental consequences. Lastly, (3). A leader could make the wrong action at the wrong time. This is the worst thing a leader can do when it comes to timing and usually results in a disaster.

Why is it okay that your personal and professional lives don't always perfectly align.

Throughout our career, there are going to be choices that we all must make that will not necessarily be best for us personally and professionally. According to Paige, every position she has been in through her many years in the industry has taught her a valuable lesson, in either the personal aspects of her life or the professional, to help her reach the high profile position she has now. While not all positions have advanced her in both aspects there is always something you learned to appreciate as you look back on the past.

Why is it important to start practicing time management skills?

Time is the most precious resource we have as human beings so it is crucial we are on time in the work force. Showing up to work on time is how fellow employees view how serious you take your job. Timing is one of the first impressions management views in an individual so it is important to leave a good and lasting judgment of character by coming into work on time.

What is one of the most important things many managers forget to do daily?

To help boost morale and positivity, it is overwhelmingly important for managers to greet their employee team. Saying "hi," "good morning," or "how are you this morning?" is overlooked far too often from those in higher positions. By greeting the employees that make it possible for a company to be successful, management is making them feel valued and seen. No manager is 'too busy' or has 'too much to do' for such a simple task to take place which is a dominant lesson for us all to learn now rather than later.

What are the things Paige mention to have a good relationship with your leaders?

To maintain a solid relationship is leave a positive legacy that people want to follow. Be someone who is responsible and confident about yourself because it matters what you portray of yourself. Be the person to know what people are struggling with and guide them in the hard times. The most important one that makes a good bond is take accountability.

What characteristics do we, as students, need to pass the class?

To pass this class, it's important for us students to keep a positive mindset, be present, take accountability for your actions, etc. We need these characteristics because by being present and engaged in the class, the more information we are going to retain. Having a positive mindset will help you succeed because you already are going to feel capable of succeeding and you set yourself up to achieve your goal.

What are three of the seven questions that should be used to evaluate if an individual would fit into your inner circle well?

To tell if a candidate would fit into your inner circle, a leader should ask the following questions: Do they have high influence with others? Do they add value to the leader and to the organization? Do they bring talent to the table? Do they have credibility? Do they have a strategic position within the organization? Can they handle emotions well despite stressful situations? Do they impact others in the inner circle positively?

What does it mean to "walk the talk" according to Professor Cauvin

To walk the talk, a manager must do exactly what they claim they're going to do and practice what they preach. It is important to demonstrate the behaviors that you are expecting as a manager. If you want respect, you must hold yourself to the same, if not higher standards than your employees are held to. What you do as manager and what you say as a manager must be one in the same.

Why is trust the foundation for leaders and leadership?

Trust is the foundation for most relationships because without trust you won't feel secure, loved, or appreciated. Trust is the foundation for leaders because employees want to feel secure, appreciated, and loved (but in a different way of course). A leader can't lead a good company if there is no trust because their employees won't work efficiently, feel safe, or feel like they could confide in their leadership/company. Trust is the most important foundation block for any type of relationship. Without trust, I believe, there would be no relationships, in any capacity.

Why is trust so important in leadership?

Trust is the most important thing and it is the foundation of leadership. It is the glue that holds an organization and the people together. Leaders cannot repeatedly break trust with people and continue to influence them. It will not happen. Trust is something that goes both ways. The employer needs to trust the employee that they will show up to work on time, fulfill the responsibilities, and be a reliable employee. The employees also need to trust the employer that they will pay them on time and the correct amount, have an open communication, and tust they there is no discrimination.

Under the six important characteristics of the Golden Rule, why is being understood important?

Under the six important characteristics of the Golden Rule, why is being understood important? Understanding your followers and those that are helping run your business is very important. When you are the leader, extend the burden of connection on you rather than your employees and meet them at their level. They are going to feel like you genuinely care about them when you connect with them personally. The leader should want to take an interest in the people that are working hard daily to achieve the leader's goals. The more time a leader takes to understand their employees, the more successful their organization will be.

Why is it important to use a code number when addressing personel?

Using a code number when addressing someone is very important. When using a code, it will represent how important and how urgent something is before you address the matter. Code #1: Important and Urgent Code#2: Important and Not Urgent Code #3: Not Important and Not Urgent For example, if you interrupted your boss in a meeting or phone call, you would first say, "Code #1". Then your boss will immediately know that they need to postpone their current meeting or event because it is important and urgent.

What does WIIFM Stand for and why is it important to recruiters?

WIFFM stands for whats in it for me. As a recruiter they are constantly looking for an employee that wants to make their job easier by coming prepared. Coming prepared means knowing about the company your interviewing with, knowing your interviewer, and being able to have prepped answers for questions that may arise during the interview. WIFFM in other words means how can you as a potential employee make the recruiters job easier.

How often are we making sacrifices in our lives?

We are constantly making sacrifices whether we know it or not. Whether it is intentionally or not, we are making sacrifices every single day. It could be something as simple as spending more time on homework to get a good grade to be the successful leader we want to become, or it could be working out every single day for an hour to be more successful in your health aspects. No successful leader hasn't become successful without making sacrifices for themselves and for the business they are apart of. More sacrifices means better success.

Why is the gold rule so important

We are taught this rule when we are little but then it stops after we get to a certain age. This rule is about doing what we want others to do to you. This rule is so important because it is ethics and doing the right thing which can be hard at times. It is important to stick with this rule in a leadership position so your followers will know how to act as well after you have modeled the golden rule for them. This rule helps bring the good into the world.

Why is it important to learn and understand your professor's communication preferences?

What I have learned about communication the past two years is that each professor prefers a different way of communicating with his/her students. It is very important to understand what that method is, not only for your own benefit, but for your professor's as well. Understanding how your professor wants you to communicate with him/her will encourage a fast and clear response. It will save time for both parties and prevent sending multiple emails back and forth. Learning your professor's preferred communication method will also show them that as a student, you took the time to listen and/or read the syllabus, which manifests respect and responsibility for the class and the professor. In the end, knowing your professor's communication preference will result in a better outcome and better response. Learning this important skill now will benefit you in the long run with future employers.

What are some good questions to ask during an interview?

What is your ideal candidate?", "What is your favorite part about working for this company?", or "What makes you proud to work for this company?" are some good questions to ask your interviewer. These are all great questions to ask because these are questions that are less frequently used, so it will make you stand out in the interview process. It will also give you a good indicator of the company culture, and it will allow you to learn more about the company you may get hired at.

What were Julien's emotions like when he first became a General manager?

When Julien first became a General manger he had a feeling a fulfillment and worked to gain the support of his team. This first day was like a grace period there was no stress only joy. It was the next day that responsibilities of being a general manager hit him. He realized that he was the head of the property the image that employees looked up to and guest trusted. He had to make sure that he was doing his best for all and inspire others to perform and inspire himself. Everything starts with him so he must live up to being a general manager.

Why should you consider your level of experience before taking a managerial job offer/promotion?

When Julien spoke to the class this past Monday, he mentioned something important. He told us to consider our level of knowledge and experience when presented with a higher job offer. We think that being offered a higher position in a company is something we should automatically take, yet we do not consider if we are ready to take on the greater responsibility. This is something every college student should think about when offered a promotion or manager position out of college, because if we really think about it, we are not always ready for a job like this.

Why do followers look to follow a leader with vision?

When a follower finds a leader they look for that leader to have a vision and a plan of action to get there. People will follow a leader before they follow their cause. No matter what a leaders cause is they will not gain followers or keep them if they do not have a vision. Even when a bad leader has a good cause people will look for another leader that has more skills.

Is there a downfall to over empowering your employees?

When asked if he has ever been taken advantage of by over empowering his employees, Hunter Carmichael responded by saying that he does not believe employees can ever be empowered too much. If he has a conflict in opinion in what is considered the best customer service, he discusses the situation with the employee afterward to settle on a better choice for next time. Ultimatelymaking a customer happy isn't going to be taking advantage of the power. If the employee adjusts accordingly it shows growth which is just another benefit to the industry.

What is a good way to help make sure you are making a good decision?

When faced with a complicated situation, it may be difficult to stick to your morals and make the right decision. To ensure you are doing your best and making the right decision, try to refer back to the person you respect the most. Think about why you respect them and what they would think about the decision you just made. Would they be proud or happy? Or would they be disappointed or upset? Try to pretend like they are always watching you.

Why should you prepare for your presentation?

When giving a presentation or lesson to the class it is important to be prepared. The audience will be much more engaged if you speak highly of your topic you are teaching about. Your body language is another important factor that goes along with this aspect. Hold yourself high and the audience will pay attention and believe everything you are saying.

What are four understandings you need to know about the Law of Sacrifice?

When looking at the Law of Sacrifice , you need to have the understandings that: there is no success without sacrifice, leaders are often asked to give up more, a leader must give up to go up, and the higher the level of leadership the greater the sacrifice. By being able to give up something (make that sacrifice) as a leader you are showing your people what it means to you to be a leader for them. You should be willing to make those sacrifices so they do not have to and they will in turn gain respect you for.

How to know if you are you operating above the line or below the line?

When operating above the line you are accountable for your actions. You should be able to own it, see it, solve it, and do it. When you are operating below the line you are playing the victim. You will often point fingers, ignore or deny the issue, and make excuses. In any industry it is important for you to operate above the line, so that your manager know you can be accountable for your actions and it creates trust with you and your company.

What can a manager gain during pandemics and crises?

When pandemics and crises occur, managers will gain the knowledge of how to make crucial decisions as quickly as possible. In the hospitality industry, managers must be observant and their main focus may turn from service to survival. They will learn how to implement cost saving measures, for example, turning off guest's access to air conditioners, closing restaurants, or closing multiple floors of a hotel.

What is one thing recent graduates struggle with when they become managers and what are some solutions?

When recent college graduates become a manger one thing they struggle the most with is having confrontational conversations. Somethings they can do to become more comfortable is to ask to do role plays with their boss or a peer. Also,they can ask their boss to run the first one so that they can watch and take notes. They should also ask a mentor for tips and tricks.

What reading Ethics 101, what happens when you abuse your power?

When you abuse your power as a leader it creates an environment where you cannot be trusted as a leader. When you come into a leadership position you need to create an environment where you share respect for all of your employees and our employees know they can come for you for guidances and leadership.

As a leader, why should you be leading by example?

When you are the leader, your followers will be watching you at all times. You must demonstrate to them how you want the organization to be run. If your followers believe in you, they will follow your lead no matter what. This means that if you as the leader decide to cut corners so will your followers. You are the leader of the organization; you hold the influence. If you want your company to succeed, you need to ensure that you are following your own directions just as much as your followers are.

Why is it beneficial to both you and your leader when you ask questions?

When you ask questions, you get clarification on key issues that need clearing up. Asking questions allows you stay on the right path to success and answers any miscommunication that could deter you from that path. Also, asking questions can clear up any uncertainties that your leader may have regarding a subject. You can ask for clarification and help others out with the same issue. Always ask questions, the more you ask, the more you know.

Why is Empowering Employees a top priority for managers?

When you empower your employees, their confidence can highly improve. By making and learning from your mistakes, you can grow as a person and achieve much more. Your employees become much more motivated and enjoy their work. This confidence will lead to better work and that work is produced much more often. If employees are proud of their work, its important to give that praise so they continue to do it.

Why should you prepare your environment for your presentation as well?

When you prepare your surroundings for your presentation, you eliminate or at least reduce the possibility of an external interruption. You can have an excellent presentation but if your environment is to noisy (directly or indirectly) no one can focus on your presentation. Prepare your environment by making sure your Internet is properly working, pets are put away, and those in your household are aware that you need quiet in the area you are working in.

Why should you use the word "clarification" versus "confused"?

When you say the word "confused" when asking a question or writing an email, you are saying that you are not prepared for what is happening. You are putting blame on the person giving the explanation and saying that they were not clear. Using "confusion" in your speech shows others that you feel inferior. Saying that you need "clarification" allows for others to explain what they were saying in a little more depth. This way, you are not putting blame on someone else for not being clear.

What happens when you ignore chain of command?

When you undermine chain of command it is not a very good look on you even if you were the one with the problem in the first place. By not talking out the issue with the correct authorities it can not only make you look childish but can lead to unethical retaliation by the offending party if the situation is not handled properly.

At what point in your career do you stop making sacrifices?

You will never come to a point in your career where you stop making sacrifices. Making sacrifices is an ongoing process when you are becoming a leader, it is not a one-time transaction. You should never at any point in your career think that you have earned the right to not make sacrifices. The more you succeed as a leader, the greater your responsibilities will be. Your sacrifices will be the heart of your leadership because the needs of your followers are more important than your own.

Is it acceptable for an employee to make mistakes?

Yes, it is acceptable for an employee to make mistakes in their life and workplace. Making mistakes is how people learn and grow. "The more mistakes a person makes, the more valuable they become". The issue arises when a person makes the mistake more than once; it shows they haven't learned and made the conscious choice to do that action.

What are some ways to market yourself as a young professional?

You are your own brand and need to be aware of marketing yourself 24/7, through every professional and academic interaction you have. You can do this by always dressing and actingprofessionally, keeping your resume updated, getting leadership experience from clubs and organizations, utilizing pathways, and building your network. Building your network can includegetting to know professors, finding a mentor, volunteering for HRM, or reaching out to executives of companies you're interested in.

What is the meaning behind the quote "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink"?

You can teach and show individuals something useful and beneficial to them, however, you cannot force them to accept it or use it in the way that you intended them too. It is completely up to an individual to decide to adopt a behavior or concept and bring it into their daily life. By using certain leadership methods and teaching techniques, individuals may become thirsty for more knowledge but hat is all based on the effectiveness of the methods and techniques that are used. With this quote, the focus is on the individual's drive and motivation. As a leader you can spend years trying to get another to change the way they look at things or make a change in their life. Again, however it is solely up to the individual to determine the meaningfulness of the information provided. Some people just may not want to learn or change and as a leader, it is important to let people like this go and not waste time on these people who very clearly have chosen to have a closed mind and to not expand their knowledge even if it is for their own benefit. These people are quite frustrating but also are not worth it if they are deemed unteachable.

How do people react when they buy in to the leader, but not the vision?

You cannot separate leaders from the causes they promote, the two are an inseparable pair. If a person does not buy in to a leader's vision, they may do many things. A few of these reactions may include working to convince their leader to change the vision, abandoning their point of view and adopting the leader's, or finding a compromise. As long as they buy in to the leader, they will stay alongside them and won't look for a new one.

What kind of work experience should you put on your resume and why?

You do not have to put all of your past work experience on your resume, especially those every old experience. It is not the more work experience you have the better you will look. However, if it is related to the position you are applying for, still put it on, in time order. Put most recent experience first, make it clear and short, and give clear job description.

How do you make sure your presentation fits into the allocated time frame?

You have to make sure your presentation is around 10 minutes long. Professor Cauvin will stop you at around 10 minutes, so if your presentation is longer than that, you will not be able to complete it. You have to practice before you actually present so you are aware of how long your presentation will be. You also have to keep in mind you need allocated time to ask and answer questions.

Why is it important to end your redirect with encouragement?

You must always end your redirect with encouragement because you want your employee too feel confident in what they are doing. You want to let them know that you believe in them. Tell them what it is that you like so they can continue to do that as well as the pointers you provided to them. A redirect is meant to guide them down the path to success instead of tearing them down.

Why is it so important to separate your own personal biases?

You must separate your personal biases from your professional decisions otherwise you may end up making a decision that hurts everyone else but will benefit yourself. Your team will see your selfishness and decide not to follow you anymore. You must remain in a neutral bias zone because only then will you be able to look at every factor clearly and come up with the best decision for yourself and your team.

Why should you hire your employees for attitude and train them for skills?

You should hire employees for attitude because if they come in with a poor attitude and are unmotivated, they will drive guests away and make them not want to come back. A poor attitude can make or break a guests experience. If you hire someone that has a great attitude and is happy to be there, they are going to make guests happier. Then you can train them on the skills they need to do the job.

Why should we never use the word confused?

You should never use the word confused because it's an excuse that makes you sound insecure. This class is teaching us to be no excuse adults and own up to our actions. When you tell a manager or a professor that you are confused, you are blaming them for not explaining to you the information. As an alternative, professor Cauvin has taught us to use the phrase "I am seeking for clarification to be on the same page".

Why do young leaders often receive less credit when it comes to their leadership?

Young leaders receive less credit for a couple of different reasons. One reason is that they are simply less experienced since they are most likely just starting their career. Another reason is that they have not been able to develop their momentum yet. The amount of momentum a leader has says a lot about the leader. Leaders that have not been able to generate momentum yet do not have the same credibility than those leaders that have momentum already.

Why is it important to invest in your brain?

Your mind is one of the most powerful things. If you do not think properly then it will create issues in society. You need to invest in your brain to make yourself strong and confidence. By investing in it, you are choosing to make yourself the best you can be. By putting in the work to make yourself better, you start to believe in yourself then you will have the outcome of being a strong leader.

According to Jason Davis, what are some struggles that every new grad will have upon entering the workforce?

ason Davis believes that every new grad will have to face and overcome a few basic obstacles. It will be difficult for us to change our daily routine. We will struggle to find the best way to handle managing those with significant age differences from us. Finding our management style will also take time and effort. Finally, he thinks that every grad will struggle to become a boss and not a friend. These will each need to be taken in their turn and learned through experience.

According to One Minute Manager, what are the three main types of management?

he One Minute Manager talks about the main three types of leadership. The first type is Autocratic. In the autocratic leadership style the manager puts the needs of the company ahead of the needs of their employees, in this form of leadership the results of the company are more important than the people. The second form is Democratic in this form of leadership the people are put ahead of the company and the results of the company suffer because of it. The third type of management is where the needs of the people and the company are met.

Why should you be careful about what you say about other companies in an interview?

his week Jason Davis spoke about his role with The Old Spaghetti Factory and detailed some ways college students can prepare themselves for the professional world. One of those tips included not "bashing" any of your old employers in an interview. This is important especially because recruiters may call those employers if you have listed them as a reference. This also is not smart because you may end up having to return to those old jobs, and burning bridges will only set you up for failure.

why should we change the mindset of losing points?

n class, professor Cauvin mentioned several times that we should not think that we will lose the points if we do not meet the standards. Instead, we should think that we choose not to earn the points by not meeting the standards. Because we should be responsible for our own behaviors and taking no excuse. Also, we can avoid being negative about missing points by using the mindset of not earning, so we can stay positive on our learning path.

What you should Inspire and not influence your followers?

ou should inspire your followers and be a role model for them. Influencing is like manipulation. You are controlling them to follow in your footsteps. You want to allow your followers to make decisions for themselves and decide if they want to be a good leader like you. Inspiration is leading by example and giving your followers the feeling inside that urges them to be like you.

Why do you think people "below the line" of the blame game, need to have their brains rewired?

think that people who find themselves as part of the blame game need to rewire their brains, because thinking negatively can impact their future. Those who constantly think negatively can damage other peoples' perceptions of them. People around negative thinkers do not want to work with them as a result of seeing how they can be blamed for something a negative thinker feels or believes. If a negative thinker rewires their brain to think more positively, they will see everything in a new light that can make their work feel more appreciated.

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