Lecture 13 pptx notes
- how much CO2 (gigatons) can we capture through the practice identified? - propose ways to address CO2 issue by utilizing power of the ocean
halpern, using ocean health index, included ____ weighted goals, incorporated _______, and predicted likely future ______ on a 5-year trajectory
10 sustainability status
ocean health index is based on quantitative info on ______ ______ ______
10 public goals
ocean health index surveyed ______ countries
30 by 30 goal - to set aside _____% of the ocean to have MPAs by ______
30% 2030
________ of the ocean is protected according to WDPA/Protected Planet, and _______ of the ocean is fully or highly protected from fishing impacts
8.2% 2.9%
the good news is that complex adaptative systems are _______ and _______, and they can ________
adaptable resilient heal
we have serious environmental problems to be sure, but it's not at all clear that evidence supports the claim that the world is coming to an end, or that the threats that bombard us daily in the media pose the existential dangers they are often claimed to. even if odds of _________ have been overblown, the degradation of wild nature is clearly extensive and well documented (Duffy)
biodiversity is ____ important as climate
bright spots should be ______ from big cities, _____ depth, _____ from flats
away deeper away
ocean health index helps assess the ______ of a _______ ocean
benefits healthy
___________: the variety of living organisms, broadly defined to include variation within species, among species, and among ecosystem types. in practice, however, biodiversity is most frequently measured as the number of species in a sample or system
_________ spots (on the map) of coral reefs deserve the most protection
we surveyed local experts about social, institutional, and environmental conditions at these sites to reveal that ________ ___________ are characterized by strong sociocultural institutions such as customary taboos and marine tenure, high levels of local engagement in management, high dependence on marine resources, and beneficial environmental conditions such as deep-water refuges (Cinner)
bright spots
the earth is a _______ ________ system whose interaction are ________ and subject to ____________
complex adaptative non-linear feedback
the earth is a _________ ________ system whose interactions are and non-linear and subject to feedback. the good news is that complex adaptative systems are adaptable and resilient, and they can heal. we need to find ways to give nature the time and space it needs to heal and reorganize (Duffy)
complex adaptative
_________ __________ __________: a system, such as an ecosystem, composed of many interacting components that adjusts rapidly to changes in forcing as a result of shifts in both species composition and evolutionary genetic change
complex adaptive system
_______ spots (on map) may be too far gone to restore their reefs to a healthy state
important not to take ______ spots too literally - in terms of giving up on them - but provides realistic view of where we should put our effots
evaluation of the OHI was only as useful as the _______ used to calculate
in the 5-year trajectory, it was found that OHI __________ slightly
ocean health index can be weighted to better reflect _______ healthy ocean goals
there will be oceans in the future, but they will be a little ______ than what we see now
our massive industrial metabolism is ________ the battery stored in the planet's buried fossil carbon repository
______ _______ has become a powerful meme - it is an inspiring and welcome antidote to the paralysis of despair that all too commonly follows typical environmental reporting. however, tangible actions we can take, personally and as a society, and taking them (duffy)
earth optimism
________ ________: returning a system to a close approximation of its conditions prior to disturbance
ecological restoration
ocean health index has _____ weight for each of the 10 services but not everyone values these services ________
equal equally
in the united states, ________ is the lowest impact ________ is the highest impact
fisheries (lowest) artisanal fishing opportunity (highest) - allowing everyone to fish
the biological communities that come to dominate in the Anthropocene age will profoundly affect humanity by mediating our ________ supply and security, our vulnerability to severe ________, our risk of ______ _________, and even our moderation of ________
food storms epidemic diseases climate
evaluation of the OHI indicates good ____________ is essential for healthy oceans
understanding any ecosystem requires understanding the natural history of its foundation species and strong interactors. ____________ is now the keystone species and ecosystem engineer of planet Earth, as the name anthropocene implies.
homo sapiens (humans)
ocean health index is an index of ______ ______
human values
sustainable management aimed at maintained the flow of a broad range of benefits from the ocean requires a comprehensive and quantitative method to measure and monitor the health of coupled _________ systems (Halpern)
_______ are now the force of nature
________ are global ecosystem engineers, having radically changes the __________ of the Earth's surface, even its ________, the _________ cycle and the planetary _________
humans habitats geology nitrogen climate
virtually every aspect of human well-being, in virtually every region of the world, has ________ rapidly over the last century
our _______ and unique ________ constitute a two-edged sword in approaching the future (allows us to do great good or great harm on planet and justify this action)
intellect sociality
there is much concern that the world's ecosystems are undergoing a fundamental and potentially _______ shift into alternative states from which we may not be able to return. the question of how and whether ecosystems can recover from the wounds we inflict on them is a critical one because humanity is rapidly running out of wild nature to exploit.
but it is impossible, for me at least, to come away from such a chronicle of the modern ocean without an overwhelming feeling of the responsibility to take action to safeguard the natural infrastructure that literally provides _______ _________ to human civilization
life support
__________core concepts (verbatim from readings__________
listed in ch 13 notes ....
ocean health index can be used to evaluate past _________ or plan for future _______
management goals
the fate of nature and humanity, the many dilemmas we face, ultimately comes down to the collective actions of individual people, and interpreting those actions requires rigorous understanding of human _____ and _____ (Duffy)
motives and values
the OHI declined most due to ______ ______ and failure to protect _____ ______
natural products clean water
_______ is more ingenious and resilient than we give her credit for
because of __________ in the likelihood of achieving combined fisheries, ecological function, and biodiversity goals along a gradient of human pressure, relatively _______ changes in the context in which management is implemented could have substantial impacts on whether these goals are likely to be met (Cinner)
nonlinearities small
the ______ _______ index, like all indicators, face the substantial challenge of informing policy for progress toward broad goals and objectives with insufficient monitoring and assessment data (Halpern)
ocean health
_________ _______ ________: an index of ten coastal/marine ecosystem services based on publicly available information from every country in the world (see Halpern et al. 2012)
ocean health index (OHI)
evaluation of the OHI requires frequent __________
OHI status 2012 was _____ to OHI status 2016
evaluation of the OHI indicates _________ alone cannot improve ocean health
for the circular bar graphs - low bars = _______ impact, large bars = _____ impact
small large
the bad news is that many processes at ______ fine grain scales are essentially ___________
smaller unpredictable
___________ ________: a coherent system of biophysical and social factors that regularly interact in a resilient, sustained manner; defined at several spatial, temporal, and organizational scales, which may be hierarchically linked; including a set of critical resources (natural, socioeconomic, and cultural) whose flow and use is regulated by a combination of ecological and social systems
socio-ecological system
the urgent need to achieve positive social and ecological outcomes across local and global scales necessitates rapid and targeted multidisciplinary research to identify ______ that have the greatest chance of promoting benefits for both people and nature (Friedman)
while much of recent attention is focused on the problems that the ocean faces, the ocean is also a source of potential _________ and innovation. we need to explore how the ocean, its coastal regions, and economic activities can provide opportunities in the fight against climate change (Hoegh-Guldberg)
the OHI improved most due to ____ ______, ________ of ________, and _________
special places sense of place mariculture
____________ notes from ch 13 notes sheet ___________
theres gonna be some repetition ...
we need to find ways to give nature the _______ and ______ it needs to heal and reorganize
time space
the earth and ocean are in _________, and the view ahead is clearing to reveal a volatile and ______ changing world (Duffy)
transition rapidly
human population has ______ since the great acceleration, but the population bomb predicted in the 1970's has fizzled (human growth rate has _______)
tripled slowed
OHI likely future status __________ improvement and __________ declines
underestimated underestimated
we are _______ more resources than the planet can restore
the _______ and _______ of organisms are often just as important as the underlying __________ environment in driving ecosystem processes such as biomass accumulation, trophic transfer, and nutrient cycling
variety kinds abiotic
we have seen multiple lines of evidence that ______ and _______ of organisms are often just as important as the underlying abiotic environment (climate, resources, geomorphology) in driving ecosystem processes such as biomass accumulation, trophic transfer, nutrient cycling, and so on (Duffy)
variety kinds