Lecture Chapter 29
Question 9 According to our textbook, roughly what percent of the mass and energy contents of the universe is made up of dark matter plus dark energy?
Question 5 The standard bulbs (standard candles) that made it possible for astronomers to discover the acceleration in the expansion of the universe were
Type Ia supernovae
Question 8 Factoring in everything we currently know about the history of the universe, our best estimate for the age of the universe is
about 13.8 billion years
Question 12 In the very distant future, given our best model of the accelerating universe, what will the universe look like?
all the stars will die and the galaxies will be dark
Question 11 In our modern view of the expansion of the universe, we understand that it is space that is stretching; individual galaxies don't speed away from each other as if they were rockets. In that case, why do galaxies show a red-shift?
as space stretches, the waves of radiation in space also stretch and their wavelength increases
Question 2 Where in space did the expansion of the universe begin?
everywhere at once
Question 3 Which of the following did NOT happen during the first few minutes after the Big Bang?
some very massive early stars formed
Question 4 The reciprocal of the Hubble constant (1/H) is a rough measure of the:
the age of the universe
Question 10 Which of the following is pretty good evidence that the universe began with a Big Bang?
the fact that galaxies collide
Question 1 The model of the universe that involves an enormous increase of scale during a very short time in the early universe is called:
the inflationary universe model
Question 7 According to our modern theories, the geometry of the entire universe (all of space-time) may be curved or warped. This is a pretty bizarre notion; what other discovery in astronomy has helped us believe that space may be able to curve or warp?
the properties of black holes
Question 6 What is the strongest known force in the universe?
the strong nuclear force