Lecture Exam: Muscular and Joints

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Identify the structure on this image (labeled C). a) articulating bone b) articular capsule c) fibrous membrane d) synovial membrane

S25 d) synovial membrane

During the contraction cycle ATP is hydrolyzed (cleaved) to form ADP + P. Which process is fueled by the energy released by this reaction? a) Stage 1 b) Stage 2 c) Stage 3 d) Stage 4 e) That stage is not shown

a) Stage 1

A fibrous joint could also be called a fibrous articulation, or a fibrous arthrosis. a) True b) False

a) True

Ball-and-socket joints are triaxial (multiaxial), because they allow motion around three axes (flexion -extension, abduction - adduction, and rotation). a) True b) False

a) True

During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin will increase the flexibility of the pubic symphysis and of ligaments of the pelvic bones that will allow expansion of the pelvic outlet during delivery of the baby. a) True b) False

a) True

Nearly all muscles of the body develop from an early embryonic layer of cells called the mesoderm. a) True b) False

a) True

Symphyses are a type of cartilaginous joint. All symphyses occur at the midline of the body, and not in the extremities. a) True b) False

a) True

The fibrous capsule of a synovial joint is a thickened continuation of the periosteum of the bones that articulate at the joint. a) True b) False

a) True

The joint between the atlas and axis vertebrae is an example of a pivot joint. a) True b) False

a) True

The temporomandibular joint is synovial, has a meniscus for additional shock absorption, and is the largest freely movable joint of the skull. a) True b) False

a) True

To delay the onset of muscle fatigue, not all the motor units in a muscle will contract at the same time. Some will remain relaxed while others are contracting. If the contraction continues, and greater force is needed, more motor units will be recruited. a) True b) False

a) True

While playing soccer, Maria sustained an injury in which she over-stretched some of the ligaments in her left knee. No bones or muscles were injured. It would be correct to describe her knee injury as a sprain, and not a strain. a) True b) False

a) True

Which of the following would be an example of a fibrous joint? a) interosseus membrane b) epiphyseal (growth) plate c) the joint between the manubrium and body of the sternum d) the joint between the first rib and the manubrium of the sternum e) the pubic symphysis

a) interosseus membrane

Which of the following would not be a common occurrence at joints due to aging? a) ligaments become stretched and lengthen b) the amount of synovial fluid produced decreases c) osteoarthritis due to wear and tear on joints can occur d) articular cartilages become thinner e) exercise can help an older person maintain their range of motion

a) ligaments become stretched and lengthen

Some synovial joints contain special crescent-shaped pads that provide additional shock absorption, and provide for a better fit between the articulating surfaces of the bones. These special pads are called __________. a) menisci b) labra c) fat pads d) bursae e) tendon sheaths

a) menisci

The site where a somatic motor neuron releases acetylcholine to stimulate a skeletal muscle fiber is called the a) neuromuscular junction b) synaptic end bulbs c) motor end plate d) myofibril e) sarcolemma

a) neuromuscular junction

Which of the following would not be a contributing factor to muscle fatigue? a) release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction b) a feeling that you want to quit, that the activity is too difficult (central fatigue) c) depletion of adequate supplies of oxygen and ATP d) a buildup of lactic acid e) all of these contribute to muscle fatigue

a) release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction

Which of the following is not a hinge joint? a) shoulder b) elbow c) interphalangeal joints d) ankle e) knee

a) shoulder

An injury to a joint that alters the articular surfaces of the bones of the joint may affect the range of motion (ROM) of that joint. Which factor that influences range of motion is the most likely one that has been negatively affected in this situation? a) structure of shape of the articulating bones b) strength and tension of the joint ligaments c) arrangement and tension of the muscles d) contact of soft parts e) hormones

a) structure of shape of the articulating bones

Muscular tissue has several important properties, such as electrical excitability. Another property of muscular tissue is that it is able to stretch, and return to its original size and shape. Which property of muscular tissue is this? a) Conductivity b) Elasticity c) Extensibility d) Plasticity e) None of these are correct

b) Elasticity

A fibrous joint is a special category of synovial joint that lacks a synovial cavity and permits very little movement. a) True b) False

b) False

By age 20, nearly everyone has some evidence of osteoarthritis in their joints. a) True b) False

b) False

Stretching is most effective at reducing injury and promoting greater flexibility if it is done over the course of many weeks, and always when the muscle is cold (before beginning to exercise). a) True b) False

b) False

The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments of the knee joint are examples of extracapsular ligaments of the synovial joint of the knee. a) True b) False

b) False

The articular capsule of synovial joints, like articular cartilages, is avascular. a) True b) False

b) False

Which of the following is *not* a function of the structure indicated in the image? a) It is similar to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum found in non-muscle cells. b) When a muscle cell is contracting, it stores calcium ions. c) It stores calcium ions in enlarged regions called terminal cisterns. d) This system of tubules surrounds each myofibril in a muscle cell. e) Along with T tubules, it forms triads within a muscle cell.

b) When a muscle cell is contracting, it stores calcium ions. The Structure on #1

Native people of the Amazon basin in South America use curare, a poison, on arrows and blow darts, to paralyze and bring down small game. Which part of the sequence of events at the neuromuscular junction does curare specifically disrupt? a) release of acetylcholine (ACh) b) activation of ACh receptors c) production of a muscle action potential d) activation of acetylcholinesterase e) release of calcium from the terminal cisterns

b) activation of ACh receptors

A gomphosis is which type of joint? a) fibrous and a suture b) fibrous and a syndesmsosis c) cartilaginous and a synchondrosis d) cartilaginous and a symphysis e) synovial

b) fibrous and a syndesmsosis

The image shown is demonstrating a type of movement at the wrist. This movement could be seen in the waving gesture made by a beauty queen on a parade float, or by a real queen, such as Her Majesty Elizabeth II waving from the balcony at Buckingham Palace. What type of movement is this? a) angular movement b) gliding movement c) rotation d) supination e) protraction

b) gliding movement

The radioulnar joint allows a person to turn their hands so that the palms face anteriorly (as in anatomical position) or to face posteriorly. The radioulnar joint is an example of what type of synovial joint? a) plane joint b) pivot joint c) condyloid joint d) saddle joint e) hinge joint

b) pivot joint

The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are connected by pads of fibrocartilage (the intervertebral discs). The articulations between adjacent vertebrae are called __________. a) synchondroses b) symphyses c) gomphoses d) synovial joints e) syndesmoses

b) symphyses

Because it is an immovable joint, the sagittal suture, which joins the two parietal bones of the skull, is classified as a _______. a) diarthrosis b) synarthrosis c) synovial joint d) amphiarthrosis e) cartilaginous joint

b) synarthrosis

Most of the freely movable joints of the body could be classified both structurally and functionally as __________. a) cartilaginous and synarthroses b) synovial and diarthroses c) cartilaginous and amphiarthroses d) synovial and amphiarthroses e) fibrous and diarthroses

b) synovial and diarthroses

The wider pelvis of females and the greater angle this creates between the femur and the tibia puts females at a greater risk than males for damage to which structure of the knee. a) the patellar ligament b) the anterior cruciate ligament c) the posterior cruciate ligament d) articular capsule e) medial and lateral patellar retinacula

b) the anterior cruciate ligament

Which of the following is an example of a uniaxial joint? a) the saddle joint between the thumb and trapezium of the wrist b) the hinge joint of the elbow c) the joint between a metacarpal and the proximal phalanx d) the ball-and-socket joint between the scapula and humerus e) the plane joints between the carpal bones (wrist)

b) the hinge joint of the elbow

Study the image. The synovial fluid of a synovial joint is secreted by fibroblasts located in which structure? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) G

c) C, synovial membrane

Which structure occurs at the border between two adjacent sarcomeres? Consult the image for assistance. a) thin filament b) thick filament c) Z disc d) M line e) A band

c) Z disc

A child has learned how to draw circles in the air by moving the distal end of the index (pointing) finger while holding the rest of his hand still. What type of movement is this? a) abduction b) adduction c) circumduction d) rotation e) protraction

c) circumduction

A body builder is doing curls, a type of arm exercise, with hand weights. In a curl, the body builder bends his arm and brings the weight closer to his or her shoulder. What type of movement is this? a) rotation b) extension c) flexion d) abduction e) hyperextension

c) flexion

This structure is unique to cardiac muscle cells, and allows individual cells to be firmly attached to each other (to provide mechanical strength during contraction), and also allow the action potential to spread rapidly through the cardiac muscle tissue, so that contractions are smooth and coordinated. a) desmosomes b) gap junctions c) intercalated discs d) Z discs e) sarcomeres

c) intercalated discs

A small amount of muscle tension and muscle definition (the appearance of muscle beneath the skin) is present even in a relaxed muscle. A person who is physically fit due to regular exercise, will have more of this characteristic of muscle tissue than someone who is not fit. What is this characteristic? a) muscle contraction b) muscle refraction c) muscle tone d) muscle refraction e) muscle recruitment

c) muscle tone

Which of the following molecules found in skeletal muscle cells binds oxygen that can later be used during aerobic metabolism to help generate ATP? a) creatine b) creatine phosphate c) myoglobin d) titin e) glycogen

c) myoglobin

During the contraction cycle, ATP attaches to a) actin b) troponin c) myosin d) tropomyosin e) none of these choices

c) myosin

A ballerina who points her toes to stand literally on the tip of her toes for a dance movement is doing what type of special movement at the ankle joint? a) inversion b) eversion c) plantar flexion d) dorsiflexion e) pronation

c) plantar flexion

Smooth muscle fibers do not have striations like skeletal and cardiac muscle cells do. This is because: a) the sarcomeres are smaller than in cardiac muscle cells and skeletal fibers, and aren't visible even when smooth muscle fibers are examined microscopically b) smooth muscle fibers contain only intermediate filaments, which aren't arranged in sarcomeres c) smooth muscle fibers contain thin and thick filaments, as well as intermediate filaments, but none of them are arranged in sarcomeres d) visceral smooth muscle fibers don't have striations, but multi unit smooth muscle cells do, but these cells are more rare, and so we rarely have a chance to view them with a microscope e) both b and d are correct

c) smooth muscle fibers contain thin and thick filaments, as well as intermediate filaments, but none of them are arranged in sarcomeres

Which of the following statements is correct about why a person's muscles get larger after weeks of regular exercise and strength training? a) the person has been able to change the proportion of skeletal muscle fiber types in the exercised muscles (i.e., they've added more slow oxidative fibers to their muscles) b) the person has stimulated some of their muscle fibers to reproduce—they have added additional cells to their exercised muscles c) the person has added more thin and thick filaments to their muscles d) all of these choices can happen with exercise e) none of these choices explain muscle enlargement

c) the person has added more thin and thick filaments to their muscles

When walking down stairs or a steep hill, the knee is flexed. Which structure prevents the tibia from sliding too far posteriorly, and the femur from sliding too far anteriorly? a) the patellar ligament b) the anterior cruciate ligament c) the posterior cruciate ligament d) medial meniscus e) lateral meniscus

c) the posterior cruciate ligament

Why does skeletal muscle require more ATP than many other tissues in the body? 1. both contraction and relaxation require ATP to occur 2. the sarcoplasmic reticulum uses ATP to "pump" calcium ions back into the terminal cisterns after contraction 3. ATP is needed to convert creatine into creatine phosphate needed to provide energy at the beginning of muscle contraction a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1,2 &3 e) Only 1 and 3

d) 1,2 &3

At which stage of the contraction cycle (see diagram) do the myosin heads bind ATP, causing the crossbridges to detach from the actin filament? a) Stage 1 b) Stage 2 c) Stage 3 d) Stage 4 e) That stage is not shown

d) Stage 4

A skeletal muscle fiber can produce ATP in a variety of ways (metabolic pathways), however one method produces enough ATP to support physical activity for many hours. Which statement below is correct about this pathway? a) This is the pathway that produces lactic acid. b) This is the pathway that uses creatine phosphate to convert ADP to ATP. c) This pathway is anaerobic. d) This pathway is aerobic. e) This is the pathway that produces lactic acid and is anaerobic.

d) This pathway is aerobic.

Chuck is at a pizza parlor with friends and is ordering sodas for his group. The place is noisy and the waiter didn't hear the number of sodas Chuck ordered. He holds up a hand and spreads his fingers wide apart to indicate he wants five large sodas. What type of movement of his fingers was this? a) flexion b) extension c) hyperextension d) abduction e) adduction

d) abduction

Which of the following could contribute to a decreased range of motion if a person wore a cast for several weeks which prohibited movement at a particular joint, such as the elbow? a) a decrease in synovial fluid thus reducing the lubrication of the joint. b) muscle atrophy thus resulting in weakness in the muscles that would move and stabilize the joint. c) reduced flexibility of the tendons and ligaments at the joint. d) all of these could be contributing factors. e) none of these are factors that would limit range of motion .

d) all of these could be contributing factors.

Which type of joint confers the greatest range of motion? a) hinge joint b) planar joint c) saddle joint d) ball-and-socket joint e) condyloid joint

d) ball-and-socket joint

Examine the sequence of images below. These show a total hip replacement. Why is this arthroplastic procedure considered a total replacement, and not partial? 1.the head of the femur is completely replaced by a prosthesis 2. the acetabulum is replaced by an artificial acetabulum 3. part of the shaft of the femur is replaced . a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) both 1 and 2 make this a total hip replacement e) both 1 and 3 make this a total hip replacement

d) both 1 and 2 make this a total hip replacement S36

__________ aren't part of a synovial joint capsule, but do resemble the structure of the capsule, with a dense outer membrane, and a lining like a synovial membrane. The can be found in any area where friction and a need for additional cushioning is an issue—between skin and bones, between muscles and bones, and ligaments and bones. a) menisci b) labra c) fat pads d) bursae e) tendon sheaths

d) bursae

A common facial expression which indicates shock or surprise is when one's mouth drops open. The chin drops and the mouth opens wide. What type of movement is this (hint: it occurs at the temporomandibular joint)? a) flexion b) abduction c) hyperextension d) depression e) eversion

d) depression

While the bones of this joint may fracture, they rarely become dislocated. The articular capsule and accessory ligaments of this joint make it one of the strongest structures in the body. a) temporomandibular joint b) elbow joint c) shoulder joint d) hip joint e) knee joint

d) hip joint

Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscle tissue? a) moving your eyes from left to right as you read this question b) holding your head up c) shivering to generate body heat when you've become chilled d) moving food through the small intestine e) stabilizing joints and helping to maintain body positions

d) moving food through the small intestine

In the drawing, the circle is indicating a: a) somatic motor neuron. b) filament. c) myofibril. d) muscle fiber. e) myofibril fascicle.

d) muscle fiber.

Skeletal muscle is covered, surrounded and protected by various layers of connective tissue. Which layer of connective tissue would surround a bundle of muscle fibers (muscle cells)? a) epimysium b) hypodermis c) fascia d) perimysium e) endomysium

d) perimysium

This joint is a complex and weight-bearing joint, and is the most frequently injured joint in the body. The articular surfaces of the bones do not have complementary surfaces, so the stability of the joint depends mostly on its ligaments and the muscles that move the joint. a) the sacroiliac joint b) the shoulder joint c) the hip joint d) the knee joint e) the pubic symphysis

d) the knee joint

The contractile organelle of skeletal muscle fibers is a) the endoplasmic reticulum b) the myofilament c) the T tubule d) the myofibril e) the sarcomere (basic functional unit of a myofibril)

d) the myofibril

Which of the following is not a function of synovial fluid? a) to provide lubrication in the joint and reduce friction between articular surfaces. b) to act as a medium for the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients. c) to act as a medium for the diffusion of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide. d) to maintain a sterile environment within the joint cavity. e) shock absorption .

d) to maintain a sterile environment within the joint cavity.

The shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint of the body. Which of the following factors contribute to this range of motion? 1.the articular capsule is loose. 2.(unclear in the text) the glenoid cavity is shallow. 3.the deep cup of the glenoid cavity. a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) all of these e) 1 and 2

e) 1 and 2

Most people don't notice they've lost muscle strength until around age 60 - 65. By this time, what percentage of muscle mass has the average person lost? a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40% e) 50%

e) 50%

Which of the following is directly responsible for transmitting an action potential from a motor neuron to a skeletal muscle fiber? a) gap junctions b) intercalated discs c) myofibrils d) creatine phosphate e) acetylcholine

e) acetylcholine * acetylcholine is the circle with green dots inside*

Which of the following is a type of angular movement? a) flexion b) extension c) abduction d) adduction e) all of these are examples of angular movement

e) all of these are examples of angular movement

Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary (can't be consciously controlled)? a) skeletal muscle b) smooth muscle c) cardiac muscle d) a and b only e) b and c only

e) b and c only

Which list of organs contains smooth muscle tissue? a) blood vessels, stomach, esophagus b) bladder, uterus, small intestine c) biceps brachii, triceps brachii (muscles of the arm) d) heart e) both blood vessels, stomach, esophagus and bladder, uterus, small intestine

e) both blood vessels, stomach, esophagus and bladder, uterus, small intestine

This joint is the largest and most complex of the body, and consists of three joints contained within its synovial cavity. a) temporomandibular joint b) elbow joint c) shoulder joint d) hip joint e) knee joint

e) knee joint

Which of the following muscle groups would be more likely to have many small motor units (one motor neuron, and just a few muscle fibers under its control)? a) the muscles that control eye movement b) the postural muscles that control standing c) the muscles that control the many movements of the hands d) all of these choices would have many small motor units e) only a and c would have many small motor units

e) only a and c would have many small motor units

Which of the following statements about creatine are correct? a) some studies have shown it boosts athletic performance when taken as a supplement b) some studies have shown no benefit to athletic performance when it is taken as a supplement c) it is harmful, and will cause kidney damage d) all of these choices are correct e) some studies have shown it boosts athletic performance when taken as a supplement and some studies have shown no benefit to athletic performance when it is taken as a supplement

e) some studies have shown it boosts athletic performance when taken as a supplement and some studies have shown no benefit to athletic performance when it is taken as a supplement

Which of the following contributes the most to holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity in the shoulder joint? a) the articular capsule b) the coracohumoral ligament c) the glenohumoral ligaments d) the glenoid labrum e) the muscles of the rotator cuff

e) the muscles of the rotator cuff

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