lecture quiz 3

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As a result of stress, the anterior pituitary releases ________, which stimulates release of hormones from the adrenal cortex that retain sodium and water, increase blood sugar, and begin breaking down fats.


Hypersecretion of growth hormone that occurs during adulthood.


Main functions: Eye movement, learning, executive functions, decision making, motivation, memory, and behavior (_____).

Basal nuclei (Basal ganglia)

Main functions: Motor speech

Broca's area

Mainly produces small amounts of gonadcorticoids.


Produce hormones involved in electrolyte balance and the stress response...


Place the following events of "information transfer across chemical synapses" in the correct order. Use alphabet labels to mark the events (e.g. A, B, C, etc.) Ca2+ entry causes synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitters

C (Step 3)

Follicle stimulating hormone.

C (Testes and Ovaries)

Which of the following is correctly matched? A) zona glomerulosa — epinephrine and norepinephrine B) zona fasciculata — mineralocorticoids C) zona reticularis — gonadocorticoids D) adrenal medulla — glucocorticoids

C) zona reticularis — gonadocorticoids

Relays sensory messages about audition and balance.


Relays messages about taste and controls throat muscles.


Controls facial muscles and relays sensory messages about taste.


Sensory and motor nerve and relays message from and to several visceral organs.


Controls muscles like sternocleidomastoid and trapezius.


-Controls the muscle of the tongues.


Main functions: Controls voluntary movement like walking, posture, setting, balance, eye movement, and speech


Specialized in sending and releasing neurotransmitters

Chemical Synapse

Main functions: Produces the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (______).

Choroid plexus

Hyposecretion of the thyroid in infants.


Hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex.

Cushing's disease

Hormones mimic sympathetic nervous system neurotransmitters.


Produces epinephrine.


Produces the hormones that promote the development of the female secondary sexual characteristics at puberty.


Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors

D (Step 4)

Thyroid stimulating hormone...

D (Thyroid)


Deep groove

Hyposecretion of the pancreas...

Diabetes mellitus

Desceind directly until thier axons reach end of tracts in spinal cord.

Direct descending/pyramidal pathways

Composed of paired fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis in spinal cord and brain.

Dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway

Tranmit input to somato sensory cortex for touch and vibration.

Dorsal column medial lemniscal pathway

Produces the hormones that direct the production of the secondary male sex characteristics...


Adrenocorticotropic hormone.

E (Adrenal cortex)

Binding of neurotransmitter opens ion channels, creating graded potentials

E (Step 5)

Occurs when neurotransmitter binds to chemically gated channels allowing Na+ and K+ flow; creates graded potential depolarization; and can trigger AP if threshold is reached.


Transmits through synaptic clefts

Electrical Synapse

-Neurotranmitter effects are terminated

F (step 6)

-Rod photoreceptors are found in the fovea centralis of the retina.


All amino acid-based hormones are lipid soluble and can cross the plasma membrane.


Calcitonin is the main regulator of blood calcium levels.


Cerebellum contains an outer layer of white matter.


Color blindness is a disease that inherited on the "Y" chromosome.


Cone photoreceptors are found in the periphery of the retina in the eye.


Cones have high sensitivity to light and best suited for night time.


Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones that usually enhance the immune responses when an individual is suffering from severe stress.


Gray matter in CNS is composed of myelinated and nonmyelinated axons.


In darkness, the retinal or the visual pigment molecule is in the straight form called "all- trans-retinal.


Insufficient dietary iodine can cause Graves' disease.


Most type 2 diabetics do NOT produce insulin.


Oxytocin and ADH are produced in the posterior pituitary.


Rods are best suited for day time because they have low sensitivity to light.


The endocrine gland that is probably malfunctioning if a person has a high metabolic rate is the parathyroid.


The hormone that raises blood sugar levels is insulin.


The lateral ventricles of the brain connect with the third ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct structure.


The third and fourth ventricles of the brain are connected via the interventricular foramen structure.


Thyroid hormone production requires the presence of both iodine and calcium.


Vision sensory signals are interpreted in the temporal lobe of the brain.


When retinal or visual pigment absorbs light it converts to the "bent" form known by 11-cis-retinal.


White matter in CNS is composed of short, nonmyelinated neurons, and cell bodies.


Central sulcus

Fissure of Rolando

Found along the vermis of cerebellum.

Flax cerebeli

Found in the longitudinal fissure and separates the cerebral hemispheres.

Flax cerebri

Main functions: planning, attention, movement, decision making, and speech

Frontal lobe

Hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood.


During an afternoon class, Lisa starts to feel hungry and worries that her blood sugar level may be dropping. Which hormone is helping to prevent a drop in blood sugar level?


An autoimmune problem involving the thyroid gland..

Graves' disease

Located in the insula

Gustatory cortex

Aldosterone production...

Hormonal stimulus

Testosterone production...

Hormonal stimulus

Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________.


Parathyroid hormone production.

Humoral Stimulus

Main functions: Hormone production, appetite, sexual behavior, emotions, temperature regulation, and addiction


Occurs when neurotransmitter binds to chemically gated channels allowing ion flow and cause hyperpolarization


They are multisynaptic and referred to by multineuronal pathways.

Indirect descending pathways

Main functions: Plays a role in taste, autonomic control, sensory experience, emotional valence, and visceral sensation


Involved in establishing memories

Limbic association area

Main functions: Facilitates memory, establishes emotional state, and link consciousness

Limbic system

Epinephrine production..

Neural stimulus

Main functions: vision

Occipital lobe

Produces hormones that regulate glucose levels in the body.


Primary regulators of blood calcium levels.

Parathyroid glands

Main functions: touch and taste

Parietal lobe

Hyposecretion of growth hormone...

Pituitary dwarfism

The size and shape of a pea; produces hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands.

Pituitary gland (hypophysis)

Main functions: Transfers information between cerebellum and motor cortex and involved in controlling sleeping cycles


Involved in understanding languages and face recognition

Posterior association area

Neuron conducts an impulse toward a synapse

Presynaptic neurons



Maintain flexor muscles.

Rubrospinal tracts

In the eye, light passes through all of the following EXCEPT.

Sclera and choroid


Shallow groove

Ascending pathway and they are ventral and dorsal tracts

Spinocerebellar tracts

Convey information about muscles or tendons.

Spinocerebellar tracts

Transmit impulses about pain, temperature, coarse touch, and pressure.

Spinothalamic pathways

Which of the following is NOT a brain ventricle?

Superior sagittal sinus

Later sulcus

Sylvian Fissure

Time needed for neurotransmitter to be released, diffuse across synapse, and bind to receptors

Synaptic Delay

-One or more presynaptic neurons transmit impulses in rapid fire order

Temporal Summation

Main functions: smell, hearing, memory, and emotions (_____).

Temporal lobe

Found in the transverse fissure and separates cerebellum from the brain.

Tentorium cerebelli

Main functions: Relaying signals and regulation of consciousness


They ate Pyramidal cells in primary motor cortex.

Upper motor neurons

The effect of a hormone on a target cell may be decreased by the presence of ________.

antagonistic hormones

Middle layer of meninges and have pouches known by arachnoid granulations.

arachnoid mater

Hormones that bind to plasma proteins ________.

are usually synthesized from cholesterol

Between axon terminals and other axons (________)


Between axon terminals and dendrites


Between axon terminals and neuron cell body (soma)


The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by.

binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP

How do glucocorticoids enable the body to deal appropriately with stress?

by increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure

What ion is sometimes used as a second messenger of amino acid-based hormones?


First order neurons.

conduct impulses from skin receptors and receptors found in skeletal muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Gluconeogenesis, the formation of glucose from fats and proteins, is due to the action of.


Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.


Between dendrites of one neuron and dendrites of another neuron


Referred to when the neuron cell is just less negative at value of - 55 mv


Referred to when the neuron cell is less negative (or positive) at value of 100 points higher than - 70 mv


Which of these processes is NOT correct regarding close vision?

dilation of the pupils

Which of the following is NOT a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus?

direct control of the nervous system

Most superior part of meninges and divides the cranial cavity into three septa.

dura mater

Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because.

during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes

Steroid hormones exert their action by.

entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene

Which of the following is NOT a steroid-based hormone?


Enterochromaffin-like cells of the gastric mucosa can be triggered to release histamine. Histamine, in this case, causes nearby parietal cells of the stomach lining to produce hydrochloric acid. The effect of histamine on parietal cells would best be described as a(n) ________.


Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus.

first enter into the hypophyseal portal system

All of the following regarding distant vision are correct EXCEPT.

for distant vision, the lens becomes bulgy because the ciliary muscles are contracted


functions to increase sodium reabsorption

Which anterior pituitary hormone does NOT target another endocrine gland?

growth hormone (GH)

The parathyroid glands respond to which type of stimulus.


One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism?

humoral stimulation

Referred to when the neuron cell is more negative at value less than -70 mv


Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary gland is through the ________.

hypophyseal portal system

Which of the following is NOT part of the brain stem?


A release of parathyroid hormone (PTH) will trigger ________.

increased activation of vitamin D by the kidney

Which of the following is NOT a parathyroid gland mechanism to maintain adequate levels of blood calcium?

inhibition of calcitonin synthesis


is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is NOT a true endocrine gland because ________.

it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release

Which of the following hormones suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure?


The major targets of growth hormone are ________.

liver, bones, and skeletal muscles

Main functions: Regulates breathing, heart rhythm, vasodilation, and reflexes

medulla oblangata

The single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood is ________.

parathyroid hormone

The inferior layer of meninges and clings tightly to the brain.

pia mater

Referred to when the neuron cell is just negative at value of - 70 mv

polarization (or polarized)

Which of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus?


Neuron relays an impulse away from a synapse

postsynaptic neuron

Controls patterned motor skills, coordinates sequential actions, and controls voluntary actions.

premotor cortex

Can lead to smaller EPSPs

presynaptic inhibition

Release of excitatory neurotransmitter by one neuron is inhibited by another neuron

presynaptic inhibition

Located in the top of temporal lobe

primary auditory cortex

Located in middle of temporal lobe (_______).

primary olfactory cortex

Located in the precentral gyrus of frontal lobe and contains Pyramidal cells which play a role in conscious control of skeletal muscle movement.

primary somatomotor cortex.

Located in the postcentral gyri of partietal lobe and receives sensory information from skin, muscles, joints, and tendons.

primary somatosensory cortex

79) Which hormone has only one known effect: to stimulate milk production by the breasts?



release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism

Maintain balance.

reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts

The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________.

runs through the infundibulum

Virtually all amino acid-based hormones exert their signaling effects through intracellular.

second messengers

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

secretion is inhibited by alcohol

-Between dendrites of one neuron and cell body (soma) of other neurons


Located behind the primary somatosensory cortex and integrates input from the same cortex for understanding of objects.

somatosensory association cortex

Postsynaptic neuron is stimulated by large number of terminals simultaneously

spatial summation

Which of the following is NOT a brain region?

spinal cord

Which of the following is NOT a component of the cyclic AMP signaling mechanism?


Thyroid hormone (a small, iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to.

steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells

Which of the following is NOT a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus?

stimulates production of an action potential

Conducive for learning and memory

synaptic potentiation

Repeated use of synapse increases the ability of presynaptic cell to excite post synaptic neuron

synaptic potentiation

Mediate head movement in response to visual stimuli.

tectospinal tracts

Which of the following can act on receptors inside the target cell that directly activate specific genes?


Which organ is responsible for synthesizing the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)?

the heart

Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the ________.

thymus gland

Located in the back of insula

vestibular cortex

Located behind the gustatory cortex

visceral sensory area

In the eye, light gets refracted in these areas EXCEPT.

when entering the retina

AP (Action Potential) arrives at axon terminal of postsynaptic neuron

A (step 1)

Produces hormones and is considered a neuroendocrine organ...


Growth Hormone (GH)

A (Bones and Muscles)

Produces aldosterone.


Hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex...

Addison's disease

Is part of the sympathetic nervous system.

Adrenal medulla

Involved in intellect, cognition, recall, and personality

Anterior association area

Second order neurons.

Are interneurons; their cell bodies found in dorsal horn of spinal cord; and their axons extend to thalamus or cerebellum.

Synaptic vesicles are found in this neuron cell part

Axon terminal of presynaptic neuron

Excess hormone levels from this region result in Cushing's syndrome.


Mainly produces glucocorticoids


Storehouse for the hormones produced by the hypothalamus of the brain...


Voltage gated Ca channels open and Ca2+ enters axon terminal

B (Step 2)


B (mammary glands)

Motor neurons found in the ventral horn of spinal cord.

Lower motor neurons

Main functions: Plays a role in visual and auditory signal processing and also regulates eye movement, muscle movement, and motor control (______).


Makes us who we are and helps us to take actions

Multimodal association area

Hyposecretion of the thyroid in adults.


The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on.

The presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ

Which of the following statements is true of amino acid-based hormones?

They require a receptor in the plasma membrane.

Third order neurons.

Thier cell bodies found in thalamus and axons extend to somatosensory cortex.

Produces the body's major metabolic hormones

Thyroid Gland


Triggers gluconeogenesis

ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones.


Atrial natriuretic peptide is a hormone that controls blood pressure in part by increasing the urinary excretion of sodium.


Cones have more visual pigments than rods.


Cyclic AMP (cAMP), diacylglycerol (DAG), inositol triphosphate (IP3), and calcium ions can serve as second messengers.


Enteroendocrine cells of the GI tract produce some hormones that are chemically identical to neurotransmitters.


For rods to work efficiently, many rods are converged into one ganglion.


Gray matter areas can be found in the white matter of the brain stem, cerebrum, and cerebellum.


Hypersecretion of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) can result in hypertension.


In spinal cord, the white matter is external to the gray area.


In the brain, the gray matter area is external to the white matter area.


Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine.


LH is also referred to as a gonadotropin.


Oxytocin is a strong stimulant of uterine contractions.


Rodopsin is an opsin protein and found only in rods.


Septum pellucidum separates the two lateral ventricles in the brain.


The beta cells in the pancreatic islets produce insulin.


The blind spot or optic disc is also the same area of the optic cranial nerve.


The number of receptors for a particular hormone can change due to consistently high or low levels of that hormone, which is referred to as up- and down-regulation.


The prime metabolic effect of cortisol is gluconeogenesis.


The sensory neurons that are found in the retina are bipolar neurons.


The term, hyperopia, means farsightedness.


The term, myopia means nearsightedness.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus may reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production.


Visual pigments (photopigments) are housed within the outer segment of photoreceptors.


When we walk into dark movie theater rooms, rods get activated.


Main functions: Speech comprehension

Wernicke's area

Leptin is secreted by ________.

adipose cells

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